-ANUANT K Child’s Father Saw a Large Rodent Leap From the Cradle. A despatch from Ottawa pve Death as the result of the bite of rat was the sa gene sei oaty the 9- days-old son having been se- yerely bitten on the ithe infant’ de eveloped | The baby carriage in the onine slept in a room as. its. nights, this was also the case. fate of little Eu sound . Eugene Jambeau, | out of be €, on Thurs-|leap from the carriago hand by a large| Mrs. Jam-|im, and husband being already asleep. At 2 o'clock she was awakened by oe e 5 aroused her husband. On jumping d he saw a Sarge grey rat the floor, and escape in spite of ia atte) mpts to kill it. y was found with its left had covered with blo: ‘from seven bites on the inside of e|the Im. Medical assistance was an antiseptic ap- , but blood poisoning soon grew rapidly d. beau retired about 1 o’clock, her| worse, until death ensue HEALTH TUBERCULOSIS OF THE JOINTS It is customary to regard tuber- culosis it may attack any o! tissues of the bo When the bones or are iftectad, the disease is called surgi- cal tuberéulosis, because it is then amenable to mechanical treatment, even. ie extirpated by the Ee s int Pay frequently attack- ed a spine, the hij the organs or a Faeavn no joint is exempt. ‘uberculosis seldom originates in the joint, but is usually igreceded by trouble in a neighboring bone, in the lungs, glands of the neck, or other aie or less remote part. ie symptoms of tuberculous ar- thritis, or tuberculosis of the joints, at according to the joint involved, but as a may ti walks a nee oe or with a aes limp, When aeeenes hy he does ae Some pain ‘appears, usually inde- finite in location, and often referred a une. part other than the diseas- is the disease de- hours give another scream. Tub sume one o: seen most Freqeuty J in adults dropsy, the joint being distended with fluid, The most common form is the so-called ‘‘white evel In this the joint is distended with a sot, spongy, fungus- Ieverowthy skin if, being — stretche ii The third form is su e contents, if pus forms ; and rarely, = cutting out the diseases of the nee sey Companion. OPERATION Nor NECESSARY. pee inflamed glands in the eck ii ery common ail to! melicaie auien in this cor untry sis attacks young people. t way of eradicating the disease, but, unfortunately, it does not always get rid of all the'mischief, and even wi wo : Dr. Henry Judet, has introduced Fi new treatment, which consists-of the injection of conor naphthol into the swollen eee! HEALTH ‘HINTS. “Hot milk at night is invalu- d the} 4, does not, for there is no pain at this time, and at smost, if he is pressed, ‘he will say his leg is “tired Being one of the ways in which tub- Bub 0: le for those who sleep badly. Draw really hot, the last thing, low. rained ankle should be put Ai once into hot water for ten minutes. Afterwards if the pain he ia esc For sore eyelids which are the frequent eause of loss of eyelashes apply a little castor oil on He. each nignt. ‘The soreness will ds appear, and the eyelashes will grow strong. Fes FELL SIX THOUSAND FEET. Three Men Ritted in in the Red Jacket Mine in Michigan. A Gane ok Calumet. : Death Mich., which was nant cand the which they were at wo: gave way, precipitating all into a yawning abyss. For a dist- ance of six thousand feet the shaft runs down into owels of ©) the earth, and through this opening wae unfortunate men were shot as mighty ne faaek of blood and splintered bone. The men were all foreigners. shaft of the Red Jacket mine is famous all over the world as the deepest working mine in exinence. ABDULS eis ROOMS. posed Sultan. A special despatch from Salonika says that Talaat Bey, Vice-Presi- lent of the Chamber of Deputies, who was sent to arrange with Abdal Hamid for the transference of ie demand, “elas into ae orderes im to surrender the keys without Farther parley. Pe SS ee ae ee CROPS IN APRIL, Census Office. lespatch from Ottawa says: The census and statistics office is- sued 01 esday a statement of crops Saud live stock for the month ct April. Vegetation is later fee |jtsual this year, een delayed by the weather fond tions throughout the No: Provinces. Winter wheat at ae il was: uniform in all erage 83 ‘odder for stock has been ample, as is dengted by the cougttint of farm animals, Hetees are cent. of standard, f aplela soe 885 nee ppmned aie 84 e 91, and sheep Cee aE Ce remee FELL ON A UROWBAR. Aiding a Neighhoi A despatch from Ottawa says: Goller C. Morgan, a farmer, living near Hazelden, was fatally bapaved on Wednesday evening, while as- sisting in the erection of a driving shed for a the sharp end of a crowbar eae upright in the groun a few hours afterwards. Opening of A despatch from Montreal ‘says: A mareonigram was on Thursday - received by the Allan Line from Captain Fairfull of the Tunisian, suffered joo, struc ‘an spell heavy le s and oe jate under | Por repask The’ akon plate caused nuit a heavy leak, and Cap-| | iy Fairfull considered f it his duty | head at once — for . John’. 55 thich was only” sixty. waite dis-' TUNISIAN DAMAGED BY ICH: Third Accident to Allan Liners Sines the” Navigation. tant. ane vessel will be overhauled there, an if it is found that she bas aed ae serious injuries the oe will be forwarded from St. John’s across Newfou. land to, Port Basque by rail, thence by the Reid Ragicrniictd Company’s boats to Sydney, es? ey salt be taken by speci » John, N.B., and Montreal, ata the Tunisian has g from Montreal on the 2ist in- erred to _an- of the Allan boats. This is the third accident the Allan boats have suffered since the opening of navigation, the Corinthian and Si- berian having both met with mis- and a good night will generally fol-| 4 vere apply a bran bag dipped in aa Keys Taken By Foree From the eC) 1 Statement. Issued by the Govern-| °° oe edt Butter 21% to _|19%e per dozen Farmer Near Ottawa Killed While | %; yoked for ise ie price: TLL BY A RAT THE LS MARKETS e | REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, May 18.—Flour—Ontario wheat eu per cent. patents $5.15 to to-day in buyers’ side for export; on track, ‘Loronto, $5.40 to 4.50. i Toronto; second patents, $5.70 to $5.80, and strong Hebert $5.60, on track, ‘loron livery, $1.27, Bee Donte No. $1,24% and No. 3, $1. ntario See 0 $1.28 for No. 2, yeecordng to heaton and de- a Barley—No. 3 extra 60 to 61c out- ne and No. 3 58¢ ousee 5 to “960. outside. "7a to 750 outside: Buckoheat-No. 2, 62 to d4c out- No. 2 American track, Toronto, ani yellow oO. sf dian yellow, 76¢ ran—Manitoba $23.50 in sane Toronto freights; shorts, $24.50 $25, ies freigats COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples $4 to $5 for choice quali- ties, and $3 to $3.00 for seconds. eans—Prime, $1.90 to $2, hand-picked, bushel. Honey—Combs, $2 to $2.75 per dozen, and strained, 10 to lle per pound. ae syrup—95e to $1 a gallon. No. 1 timothy $13 to $13.50 a Se! on track here, and lower grades, $11 to $11.50 on. traw—$7.50 to $8 on tra Potatoes—Car lots, 90c per bag} t . Delawares, $1. ae 0 $1.15. Peale “Chivkene dressed, 16 to 18¢ per Ib; fo), 12 to 14¢; “turkeys, 20 to 22¢ per THE DAIRY RY MARKETS. Butter—Pound prints, 20 to 22c; tubs and large rolls, 16 to 18¢; infer- ior, 14 to 15¢ See rolls, 23 to 2c, and solids, 19 to 2 Eggs—Case lots 19¢ Bee dozen. Cheese--Large cheese, old, 14 a 14%c per lb. and twins, 14% te Ze; new cheese, dull at 12% to Ae. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon long clear, 13 = 134e per k $21 ee isl the ee will be see |i. fortunes to the Government, sue-| t ca fe Swollen, and yain is now cats-| ceeded in obtaining the signature Isas.805 Neawy, 13 to, erate toley VO Bioseg is sled mabaeet aner of the former, Su * the'with-| 11% fo V%e;” shoulders, 102%, te on oh “ue a mae Sohstes anc’) drawal of funds from forelant Baek He; backs 17 17%; breakfas gee crating RE rate hee but that Ahdal Hamid ee re- hacad, 15% to aye 19% sleep, hoe may hot wakes; or he |iu2e4 10 deliver up the keys to two) | Lard. 7 ret, 16; tbs es y wake atid whimper for a time|T0n, Tooms in. the: Nildiz “Kiosk, 2 and then fall off to sleep again, and |forcible entry. After Talat Bey’s| BUSINESS “AT MONTREAL. again in minutes or a few | Gonarture, spatch says, May 18,—Peas—No. 9: Monten, $1. 'g1. Oats—Canadian oes No. 2, 2, 984 to 58c; extra, 51 feed, to 70c. toba Spring wheat patents, firsts, Manitoba Spring wheat, itoba pags, 2.90 to 3; extra, in “50 to $2.60. _Feed—Manitoba bran, $22 to $23; Manitoba shorts, $24 to $25; ana pat ye to $24; eniene shorts, $24.50 to $25; On- noone $28 to $30. Che: 12%e, and easterns at 12 ee ne) ‘22¢. Eggs 1 & UNITED STATES MARKETS Chicago, May 18.—Wheat — No. $5.50 to| exceed WHLLGNO, 1Nocthos, ay de- ae Ps and jury $2.10 to $2.15 per not ed. anged. eae ‘ong demand; selects are quoteu it 87. oe and watered, and 87. 35 f.0.b. steady ai Sheep oe lambs ae ——— NO MIDDLEMEN. ~ Florida Orange Crop Will be Mar- 1 Direct. despatch from Denver says: Henceforth the Florida orange crop ees marketed direct, according to C. Swingling, president of the Florida Fruit and Cit ‘itrus Growers’ Association, who was in Denver on ‘hursday night. ‘‘The orange e1 cf Florida this year,” he said, ‘‘will ted Practically regulated P| tawa postofiice, GONDENSED NEWS ITENS iaeemenes FROM ALL OVER THE GLORE. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Becent Events, CANADA. Grand Trunk Pacific officials deny that the men are ill-treated in the construction camps. Wilfred Bishop, clerk in the Ot- een arrested a charge of stealing letters. 1omas ~ Mulvey, on become Under Secretary of State. Dr. B. Leathes pe London Eng., has been Casa cine dem ere m: making big profits and keeping up | logy. the prices of oranges. From now on we will market the Florida out- a | but direct, and this will reduce the price of oranges cent. fore this fight is over oranges will be selling at the rate of three for five cents, instead apiece. of five cents ee ROSS BECKSTEAD SHOT. 2) Boys Were Annoying Tsaae Gar- lough, Who Fired. A despatch from Ottawa says: ee Beckst ead, aged eighteen, was and instantly killed at Me- Millaw's Mill, about four miles from Chesterville, at 9 o’clock on i saac Garlough, awaiting the setion o} : aes bod. c ly of . Beckstead was i ate arrays the corner of a field by the roadside, ugh acknowledged having fire s to fri was buckshot wounds were in the he oi BURNED TO DEATH. WOMAN Mrs. eee Plumbo Leses Her ‘ife at. Montreal. A aeseaien from Montreal says: -xplo- Plambo apparently went into the ‘Gtohen to light a lamp, nt asleep. The lamp exploded, smoth- ring her with oil, and a neighbor, hearing her cries for help, found fo ber Iving on the floor with her hair and clothing a mass of flames. The nearest fire alarm a not work, and th died shortly atearatning taken ip the hospi eo DREADNOUGHTS — CRUISERS Italian PADaSh ey Expen- diture oi ae fram ae says: The Minister of Marine, Admiral Mira- within three years, at ense of $52,800,000, of four Dread- noughts and a rat es of fast scout cruisers. A loc: Paper say the decision to bui ld. these reached after Ttaly had learned cl eiagunted 46 {was a liability on ve | tion -has reported Eager, Governor of the jail at Cornwall, “has decided to resume as re- e 15. . Fielding aa go to London after fs {session ends + to ‘ Alban: K.C., is ‘All leavine the Paital service ito |! on, the | Fj A despatch from Atay oN Ye says: There were 29 men killed shortly before 3 o’clock on Wed- nesday afternoon, following a pre- mature explosion of dynamite in the Callanan quarries Bethlehem, twelve miles so any. There ula three injured. within the ex, own b; ie Americans are resi- locality. The te for Wednesday’s blast were drilled 20 feet back from the face of the bluff, which was 80 feet high. The holes were 76 feet five inches in diameter. It was to 99 MEN BLOWN 10 ATOMS Four Tons ot Dynamite Exploded Prema, turely Near Albany, N. Y. be the biggest bias of all, sain over four tons of d, ite. blast was scheduled for five 0’ velock in sion is supposed to hav by a defective cap. “The 29 bodies wn to atoms and scatter- from other explosions. sult of the explosion, seized the 165 Italian laborers em- and ene oe the quarry, and many have fi arrange for loan. The Government will appoint in- spectors of ge tackle at sev- eral shippitg porte of the: Domine 1 $ The Government is about to send ® commission to Great Britain and Sens to study the bacon in- justi Hen Adam Beck’s company is prepared to supply the city of Lon- don with tw Oa alf million gallons of water ailway Commission has cea that stations and passe ger cars be re; n- meen’s, went suddenly in- sane at Brockville, ursday, and attempted to kill his mother. ie Was re to the syle, The C. is said, go into the business Ne Peale be ferent parts of the country, with the object ot supplying the Fequire- ments of their dining ears te Sir Richard Cartwright pees that. don, probably by Sir Frederick Bor- and Hon. L. leur. othe worthless Bey wiped out in e balance sheet of the Dominion $837,646, Be ee $363,887, and it was also Niea ae leaving the net jnerease in the pub. lie debt $437,7. GREAT BRITAIN. A number of prominent London bankers have written Mr. Asquith protesting against the imoreased death duties and income tax in the budget. A “pill for the removal of Roman Catholic disabilities and to amend the coronation oath passed its sec- ae in the British Com- Poi nea a ceeds ae in a message of sympathy to the Women Nurses’ Congress. at Liverpool, on Thursday, intimated that she was not in sym- pathy with es suffrageti A British Sete committee appointed to inquire into the ques- that there is a meat combine in Britain, though it is notat present powerful enough to endanger the country’s meat trade. UNITED STATES. A Chicago girl danced herself to that. Austria-Hungary was going to | death SS; | spend $40,000,000 on increased nay- al power, WOMAN LIKELY MURDERED. Her Body pe ee Suspicious A sae ee Tecme x x says: Face downwards the boi se ‘of a well-dressed woman s_ dis: covered Wednesday meee a clump of brush in Burnal ing near affords any clue except the ” United States Senate on a duty of 25 ph Peter 0. Baits, iho. shot and billed Williaty Annis on ng Island last ria has been found guilty of manslaughte: GENERAL. Eley five Turkish mutineers ave been arrested at Erzeroum. mperors of Germany and Austria had a lengthy. ae friendly. ENGINE SMASHED BY A ROCK. Accident to Express on Kippewa Branch of the C. P. R. A despatch from North Bay says: A dangerous accident occurred on Crease aes St the Kippewa branch . P. R. between Mattawa way through the Laurentians, along narrow jodzen far above awa River, and through ie tae rock cuttin, As the passenger train north, MeSey Jaden, was pass- ane through a particularly Shek us section, oadbed atings to the mountainside, with the river many feet below, a _five- antes eta ves ack striking and smashing the locomo- tive, but fortunately not Rvcce the train over the precipice into the rocky canyon. Passengers were severel, ip by the sudden stop, but not seriously i age ed. ightly was the engine a, | wedged ae the immense rock that | dynamite had to be utilized to clear _| the wreckage, ae DIFFICULTIES SETTLED. P. R. Mechanics and eee Reach an Agreemen A despatch from Wisnibee Says: It is stated on reliable authority _ at the difficn their been satisfactorily the strikers are to be reinstated and the old wage schedule restored precheh bone old conditions re- verti . Warl represent- ed HH, c the Pee sts, an Vaughan the Seats While no mention is made, it is understood the men are not returning to their previous standing on the pension rol LADY TEACHERS’ SALARIDS. School Board of Winnipeg Made a Flat Increase of Fifty Dollars. A despatch from Winnipeg says: The School Board wa: annum, creases to which they were entitled, bee rd also issued authority to raise $200,000 on 35-year bonds. RRA RISKED LIFE FOR CHILDREN, Mother Ran Through Flames of Burning House. A despatch from Sterling, Mani- je outside milking : Ford Courtney ‘|champagne and Fashion Hints. rerrbrrirrs 9 = FADS AND Fan CIES. “The flower rosette is popular. _ Broche fabrics will be much worn in the near future. okes the sun ray plaitings are the thing just now. Serpe _ Seemingly cannot Por a fod men is more popular than serge. One of the newest things im smart footwear is the empire Be This season brings a e and fascinating variety of Japanese ilks. Roumania embroidery is used on hats, on frocks, blouses, and coat suite. Many gowns presen of hand embroidery on For the ed parasol nothing could be more novel than the Eng- lish chintz. Cabochons of straw with jewel centres will be seen on some of the pee hate ngs are nearly all striped, whieh, ae to the long lined effects silk in exquisite Dres- den patterns makes the daintiest of underskirts, nusuial are some of the French cheviots, which show the Roman stripe effect. Except for an occasional scat flounce, all trimming is put on ix lengthwise form. Balin’ atti figure, stamped in blue a to be bad an¢é are quite charm’ The bottoms at ree are mucl trimmed, while the upper parts ar left absolutely plain, Chevelure’’-is the name given t a shade of brown, which, g in terpreted, means half bro: The newest colors for loves ar he lightest shade ot brown, even to a bright yellow One of the novelties of the minut is a sleeveless coat which is bein made for afternoon toilets rish crochet motives, “made o metallic cord instead of the usua thread, are among the new trim mings. Colored net or Ee sleeves eae a lining. of gol just a charming: shite Sirtel the outer mesh, panish lace scarfs, scarcely seer since the days of their popularit; twenty years ago, have again an appearance. —_——* WOMAN CRUSHED BY TRAIN, Was Crawling Between Cars it Yards at North Bay. A despatch se North pay peve : meeting at Vienna lay. 2 rs 2 red, $1.45; No. 3 red, to|remains of all fire, wherein inner room. Mrs. euSiaey s hair|Mrs. Benjamin Patterson, $1.8; No. 2 hard, $1.98 to 81.85;| paper had been burned and pos-| , 2% Turkish troops at Brseroum caught fir she was. badly of forty, was = pine beeen te o. 3 hard, $1.24 t 30; No. 1|sibly the woman’s hat. person | tiny “3 burned about the head and ears. | wheels of a train in the east yardt Northem, $1.95 to $1.30; No. 2/has been missed in New West- The Gicmin Huherofend the Kis : the 0. B. Wednesdas Northern, $1.26 to $1.29; No. 3/ minster or vicinity for months. e e night. e Pattersons live beside Spring, $1.24 to $1.28. Corn — No. |Gause of death is nob yet ascertain. |°f Ttaly met on Wednesday at the} DOG DAYS—CAT NIGHTS, ie fader cad eee ee 75 to 76c; No. 2 yellow, 75% toled, but as the clothes are badly Pothe renck Chanberot Deputies Phases. yards, Mrs, Patterson was crawl- 76; No. 3, ‘1a%e 5 N: ‘ite, | torn in places, there is a probability | |” Tdcaday endorsed the Covert? ‘With those who say ing under a train on a siding when 76% to 76c; No. 3 yellow, 75% to} that she met with a violent cdleati shopiie aciiinde- wit Seueel vo te That every dog it started. Bot her legs wer Hee orp 5; | during a struggle. The corpse has ostal strike Must haye hie day. amputated, and she died on T! - No, 2 white, 90% to $0%cc; No, 9|gpparentiy, been. exposed to. the| : day morning. Four little children white, 68% to 5934¢; No. 4 white,| elements about four months. m — Howe’et, 1 dé aes qrothenlees,- 58 : 54 to 58%c; standard, oe to 59%c. FIVE YEARS FOR STABBING. Net ‘iit a ney husband ont of ee His cighteen- Mistespotin, May 5 sene That every yearold, daughter died’ suddenly ia 136 ‘pt)| LIGHTED BY WIRELESS. | stit Sentence Passed on a Prisoner DULIChate eh two weeks “g199%,; No. 13 "4 ea Heville. to $1.29%; No. 1 Northern, $1.27% |, _ Rel to 81.2874: No. 2 Northern, $1 2564 | Four Thousand Ley ee Renee OU x Se from Belleville says: $1.26%; No. 3 ae $1.23% eae anual Hannah, ie resident of the to $1,25%. Flowr—Firs atch from Omaha says:| northern part of. 10 to $6.30; second Tate $6 eee $4.75 ete a $3.35 to $3.55. ieee bulk ott to $24.50. = eG —— M May 18.—A large pro- core of the ashore cattle were nilkmen’s ee which sold at ean 3% to 4%¢ per pound, prime 86. He es 2 ae retty go mals, 4 Be; common stock, 3 st 4%o per Spat: Hililch cows, $5 30 ta over $60 cac Calves, $8 each, Bretts | good lots, $4 to $5 per head, sold at 5 to ae 6c Der Pee lambs at $3.50 to $6 e: Good lots of fat hogs at cist se per pound. Toronto, Ma; —There was an abundant supply oe choice cattle in both export and butchers’ classes, vhich so readily at top-notel One very fine bunch of nine export steers and several: loads Choice, taidhers! cattle sold <a at $5.25 to $5.50, an cows at $5. Stockers and feeders were in strong demand. Milkers and springers strong, except for common ‘stock, which are not want- beeves sold at ey toa nie ee 6e:; | mas heavy | wit from the Government wireless sta- tion, five miles distant from where the show is being held. There were 00 incandescent. tem by which the experiment was ide was a discovery by Dr. Fred- erick Millener, te expert of the Union Pacific Rai ilroad. pe BUYING ALBERTA LAND, A Scotch ier els oh Ge ith the Wes' A arin from Winnipes says: Western la reaped the oe eee benefits. of ‘he visit of. 4] ttish Agricultural Com- orto last year, one of the com- missioners, Mr. M. is likely to be followed by a large influx of Scottish capital for invest- ment in land. on Wednesd stabbing Louis Saucier and inflict- ing grievous bodily le was sentence ve me se the peni- tentiary. He was of Sannae om man named ry, and w: years in the panies Here sentene- es to run concurrently. a A SMALL ASYLU Ten Insane Persons ait voningl in Orangeville ‘A despatch from pao says: county here numbering nine, was increased on Wednesday evenin; of John Carr of the township -ol Allaranth. Carr arrived on the evening train in charge of Constable Laverty of Shelsuene, having mumnitted as a dangerous fudatie ty George Rutherford, Police ‘agis- trate of that village. ‘arr is farmer, aged about thirty- -five, and will be medically examined as.soon Hs been ae ae: a the arrival |“ os Entire District Laid A despatch from Beirut, Turkey, sixty miles to the southwest a total of sixteen villages, with a popula- tion of 8,000 souls, have been prac- tically wi - ly sur- vivors are boys under ten ard old en, irls ri al Ene reports received on Wed- nesday declare that the hungry and naked number 14,000. Immediate relief is required. The interior dis- tricts are still far from settled, and from all directions the most heart- rending eae eo appeals are being received MUTIN TERS: EXECUTED, A despatch ‘from open I | Says esos witnessed a) aid Waste About Marash in the Recent Rioting. other batch of executions on Wed- nestay morning when 24. mutineers of the tion of Apri on Wednesday “were hai near the Sultan’s palace, eight at the, marine barracks, eight in the Djin- Meidan quarters of ‘Stamboul: Tt was) the people with! the fact that she. eee had ben unish and had zs aoe been public ie poole would have Sepneht that the men had sayed Naceioes by brib-! ing officials or that the statement; ot their execution was nothing more, than a political lie. here are rumors of a rising oe - ee at Uskub, about a hans dred miles from Salonika. —