hils, heavy 9 ounce WSLODLY s siee ce eneees COC rt Waists, 34 quar- n days to clear,..... 75¢ ind Jabots, the latest , bargain days........ -19¢ the heavyweight. . hea’ ces for 1 atterns, Clearing at....8¢ Men's @hort Overcoats for bargain Cleaieuap pMCes. 55 cca estves' .See this lot. Dress Goods iress lengths, silk mixture stripes, the h. regular 1.25, bargain days to clear,..89c only fancy stripe dress goods, silk mix- st $1 value in town, bargain day......... -79¢ ney stripe dress geods, our best 75¢ in days only Wa Sec tadseveeedv ese OC lues in White Shirt Waists NINGTON ¢ COUNCIL. he council met at Ne a June “rth, at 10» oe $50; Mo off; Mrs. C. it °B,, con. 7, MeDonal instead of Charles oeiier tes “repairing ae con aw G. Lyttle, 2.50 plank and rep: im of $2.00 per engaged. Coun- | July at 10 a.m. D. WEIR, Clerk. | HLkB eee as nog No hed of as pep Uta From heumatis — It is a mistake to allow rheuma: it affords.“ “Do no! til thas have given t as eal suffere Zovest, panty pt sane Sata Roger was appointed ineer to examine the lands com- ed of. to meet again on the ‘nat Monday in WM. {WADDELL, Clerk. ageount of the. @ relief awhich 's hav Rented, with fo aralleving qual- | Sco! 25 and 50 Sey sizes for Sale: by be ‘s DORKING. foo late Tet wee whee Miss MacDonald, of the MacDonald Ipstitute, uttad’ er niarer: Miss Margaret. MaeDonad over day. . an= Mr. Alex. Shoop and Mas Starr shot Sieh day ft Mr. Ja mee , Mrs. Starr, for a few days very serious accident fe reset on #ive farm of Mr. Henry schuh on Sat was enga: i ity hecame u manageable and ran away precipat rolle! head. ie u te es critical pos and all hopes are he:d out for his re- mes Mueh Siseries is felt for Ralph as he has been inalenosed for Lies last few weeks and had only re- med his work on Thursday and this betel. him on Saturday. une happened to . k which resulted in the fracturing roken member w: confined to Harry Badley wmira, is at present in charge of sie duties at the station. very pretty wedding took pl y e Ist, w! ay = at 9.30 a reh,,, Macton. looked charming in a was attended by “Miss ‘Vohl. Jos Cassel, brother of the bride, euppor ted the groom, e ceremony ter ; [wedding porty retur ed a eee wedding ine where @ oma couple are WELLESLEY. ‘A very ‘pleasant an nd. social gather- ae S. Dieta was ci Che fod Ge ainetug, uanelare ther cies Woiwade’s orehes- the en- and ot: tra Pete the music for tine progwrai Don’t target the sauna a ae of rm tute ae $75 whieh will ‘be stributed. ise ‘the different sectio' tke missionary The choirs of Ejmira and Tavistock assist- d the lot choir a gre: es’ stead on Sunday after- phe Pulpit in the Lutheran shure in Re 00) Schaf and Knapp, of Petersburg, #12 spending afew days ends. rsio2 by : ford Herald to Detroit (ia Sarmia wil. be held next, bee ay. to. Monday, June 19th to CARTHAGE, (Buzz-sawing wood is abe order of y ng our farm ae ae ioe is S etter ndod tbe | rom saaeh in cieeta on Friday. grind garden party. Will be he.d n the lawn at the North Mornington ‘ed evening, June ros. ant in Ania & well pena tor Mr. Coon Ben. Jobmston, of Milyerton, gat ‘a flying visit to our burg last ia, oo piece of road grading between the railway a. Ken's ridge. This portion of ‘be county road is to be gravelled be- ficient reeve, doing bis work prompt- ly. eae ey ‘ond without fear or “ik new telephoné line is coming in- to our ‘burg. from Newton by way of Burns and Dr. Moore is building one from Listowel to connect at Carthag CROSSHI LL. Mr. end Mrs. Campbell, of “Mart: borough, visited friends in this vie’n- ity. Mr. and ‘Mrs. J. B. Campbell: spent santas ie TEL » Mr. tes Rennie spent Sunday in New | Diie friends befe of Mr, and Mrs. Ea. Peteh, i ee sympathize with them in of their infant ‘Mr. Barbour sold a fine young team and delivered them ia Waterloo last Saburday. Miss Millie Foster who was success- = meena the gold watch given the eesti and ne Telegraph ‘thank her friends to: ees <during, the contest and alsp the Eerie for the prize. Crosbhill berg football et at ee shill on Saturday evening | and played the return game. [Ait the :c} lose the score was 2-16 fay- or of Crossbill. lhe township Sunday School con- held in .~ |be given “Ontario in, SPORTS OLOrOE FOTOTO The Milverton Baseball League was opened at ‘Exbibition park on Friday svoning the contesting eae be thé Leafs and Felt Shde Co. Smith ta Vie tarttepy rors too speedy for the Jack Bryant pitched a steady game and the Leafs were unab:e until the eizth.innings wien two Brossed the ‘pia he only. feature was Grosch’s eae stab of a ‘hot posienen and Royals’ batte: otball team defeated New- ae on ponies evening by a score oi 2. was thrown out by the execu- tive committee at a meeting on Sai- d Newton by a score of z = in the latter place on Friday even Bvaacle aetentee ‘Atwood on = th oe grow BoD evenine re of ae 5 me Tae “end oe and no acore was by a mis-l cored ‘tor Brussels. The ads from eon thers Mitverton gav ortheners a drubbing in on “Pussiay “evening. "The ae 2-0. WOODSIDE. sthool Sth, for A ee was held in the he: the a name for ice of that mame so feowas y decided to cali the office Kimgwood ‘bringing in the syallate ' 100" ot e along roa set to the Yifth lime, westward along the fifth Jine and along side line No. to the office BRUNNER. Mrs. Long and Mr. uaionvitle, spent Thursday with ths mer’s parents, Mr. an Ts. Pei ster i Roichlef: ups Melinda Houdon, of ‘Duffle, fee acquaintances in this vici tly. Miss Mayelti Hiceebauer entertain- ed a few of her friends Friday nie The evening was deat in singing and dancing. i and Mrs. ‘Will Peters eee at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. Unionville. ‘A numbe m There attended the flodtball rein ahtva Bose aad Newton at eS focinae Shas ort Mal, day evenin: CANADIAN PACIFIC R’Y. Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $75 Return from Seek ta May fit te Sept, 50th Return limit Oct, at overs. Wide ron 0 by the direct fear na eS eS he West, the Ri foun- Visit the Seattle osition pi and other special attractions. TALK IT OVER WITH> W. H. SANDERSON, Agent, MILVERTON, ONT. STRAYED From lot 17, tan. uM Enice about ay my “infor- thank- fully received by Gestee Rae? RS ner, Ont. t-p Notice to Contractors Sealed tenders will be received by the Clerk of Milverton for the laying about 25, merete walks in the Village of Milverton up to ‘the 30th day of June, . marked seal ed tender, addressed to the undersign- ork fo commence immediately otek signing con 2D. ‘Ware unicipal Clerk. Box 28, ‘Milverton, oe Fi or ‘Sale My South ‘African \ Veteran Bounly, ised Cartitionvan laaued by partment of goo atchewan 0} 5791 Phone, wri L. Telford, 181 Shuter Street, Toronto, Phone Main 3 - THE STORE OF QUALITY the first Le the light of wisdom guide you to the store of Quality. QUALITY these days is the icn to MUS fancy stripes. Our stock of Laces D.&A. GROC PINEA Our last shipment. We havea very nice range of Muslins, in Prices were 25 and 35¢, all going at one price 18 cents per yard. ~ . LACES have the assortment both in Valencienne and Torchon with insertion to match. CORSETS The best fitting Corset to-day is the D.& A. A trial of No. 363 will please you. Fresh Pink Salmon 15, 20 and 30 cents per Ib. Palace Car Grapes in heavy preserves, 4 tins for 25c. Get our special prices for Saturday selling. We have Butter Boxes—rq and 56 Ib. sizes, 1 buyer. LINS is very complete. We ERIES toc. Roasted Coffee PPLES | | Advertisement for Creditors The creditors ‘of Allexander R, Dav- ids of the Township of Morn- ington | in the County of on or about the 80th of Behe te 1895, are, 19 on or befor , required to send by post ae ‘0 Messrs. MoPherson n, Solicitors for the Bxecn- ee any) held by them, or in default they will be peremptorizy pepe from n then nee ae Tiividecn; at Siratford, Solicitors to COMMERCIAL I wheat, ne’ ges Blow, ve ort anne aon per cwt pee per ton. ard Provincial Loan of $3,500,000 —VHE_ SovERNMENT OF THE Ee. VINCI thority ot Chap Ey ter e Statutes of Ontario, 1909, inv’ Ae STRATFORD MARKETS. ites a loan of $3,500 rovinee of On- from the public for 000 on bonds of the tario, or “On ae ate will be pay: 1980. in Peeoniatiee ot $1,001 with nae: ee for see at and Ist Dy office ok Toronto, e Montre al im Montreal, Canada, and enero Gov- ¢mment Stock” ae “ang “Ontario Goverment Stock™ will st from the 1st’ da 109, “principal payable ‘y le on the ee cat accrued from the ist Ta une, AL’ AND INBckiERD STOCK’ ISSUE! DE AUTHORITY OF THE SAID ne ARE FREE FROM ALL Nae PROVINCIAL TAX CHIARG. ‘OCESSION Done: AND TMPOSI- TIONS (WHAMSOE (Purchasers of ‘Stoel or Bands will be req’ a eetien “cheque with the application. payable to .the se of the “Provincial auevoiree of his tout is raised upon the Pant a as bonds are only in ‘the d #&. P, R. Time Table West Mankion, going west, Boe Going, e: m. y 29 a.m.; east, G. T. R. Time Table GOING SOUTH. a. Brunner Peffers GOING N ee am. a.m. p.m. Brunner 7.82 10.50 6.42 Milverton 7.89 10.58 6.49 Newton 7.45 11.06 5.56 effers 750 11.12 7.01 Remember when you buy a KODAK from us, we teach you everything about it, from the pressing of the button to the fin- ishing of the picture. KODAKS FROM _—? to $25 E.A. ROBERTSON “DRUGGIST and“OPTICIAN © ~ Wellington St., Next Royal Hotel” S STRATFORD, - - ONT. $|*< _ Newapepers ‘frisefting this advertise ment without authority from the De- Sacto yt will ae be paid for it., peti 3 e W. K. LOTH H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY Limberger Cheese Ib. bricks...25¢ $1.00 SC 6 for 25c 7 Ibs. Roasted Coffee for.........: $1 Highest Prices Paid for Produce Japan Tea reg. 30c, 4 Ibs... Wonderful Soap Chips.. Monkey Brand Soap...... Red Rose e. Redpath’s Gran. Sugar......5.50 per cwt. Ingersoll Cream Cheese Ib. bricks...25¢ No. 1 Prime September Cheese Ib ...20c | cy piped: ees YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO SEE OUR DISPLAY OF SUITS $ 1 Swell Spring Clothes 7 ep showing is most complete and embrac- es all the latest and most up-to-date shades. We guarantee the style, fit and workmanship of every suit turned out by us, - If you are thinking of buying a suit for the 24th of May, now is the time to place your order. Call in and see what we have, we are always pleased to show goods, , KE. Knechte 6.00 » 4 Ghe Reliable Merchant Tailor Two in One ae you can’t make biscuit out of corn- meal nor Johnny cake from flour. For ead good cabing it requires BEST MILLED FLOUR We haye it. It’s the cook’s delight— and is always reliable. Don’t use any other. There’s none better, It’s the best. Picticr Brow For Sale o or a ee a ee ‘solid brick ile 1 ES. rooms: ~Bag ey irs and |; oh oe ' i punch Reine di Free to EREUr, downstairs, There} NORTH PERTH FARMERS’ INSTITUTE EXCURSION and Holiday to EXPERIMENTAL FARM, GUELPH FRIDAY, JUNE JUNE 18,09 G. T.R. TIME TABLE AND TABLE AND FARES follo’ Shakespeare and seat Children between 5 and 12 years half fare. Returning special trats will leave Guelph at ¢. P. R. TIME TABLE AND FARES A adult Child Thm D Linwood Jet. Returning Regie ‘Train will jeave Gaeiph | at 7.40 p. Tickets ‘good t to return June was only. nists at the Fai ay paeeen err elt svMake Your Arrangements Earl; ake in This Excursion wie a eat = ‘of goods I be rented. “For further particu: