Milverton Sun, 17 Jun 1909, p. 1

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pata H.M.SCHAEFER MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO “at Shines For AIL” Vol: XVHI—No. 20 Milverton, Ontario,, Perth Co., Thursday, June 17, 1 909 fA, Per’ el gttes ae KR. iat the Conaiab Order o Sg oa e ¢ ° yé\ Diamond Rings, the best ¢ 7 at Bastendorft’s FAR R 2 . Stra s, 2 boxes f quarter ME Ss : LOCAL: NEWS : “a Sas mi _ OX. a @ quarter The N BANK - 2. Mr. T . of the B: oe ype == Founders agence was qnctlis on Frida Before purchasing your Capital Paid u $1,000,000.00 = Seay, 6 bottles for 25c. Batkendor an ey gree zauge in MEAD = s at Mo ut’ Glass, @ ‘thing for wed- Mangold Seed and Seed Corn Reserve Fund tnd Undivided Profits baehnteue A choice assortment of Silverware |ding presents. Dee Se ee eh Fs euitable for wedding presents at Bas: ‘or Sale—Two good building lots| 3- © eo a coma ‘in and inspect “my Drafts, Money oie and Sterling Exchange bought and sold fendorit's. 3 on Mlubel “elapers Milvatioa Ser tce| ALEE ANDES. LAIRD, Geners Gee. tak RRC ay che on all parts of the worl Miss Rose "Trim left today for Mit- | ther hoc. apply to Wellington + "y A JOINT ACCOUNT may be opened by two members of Chel and Grand Bett xe here she wit! | Smith, i spend a couple of wee! ms ik, has * choices uk ot ea afamily. Subject to withdrawal on the signature of either one or ew aoe on, te one PA ns pane mee, Sige ea Branches throughout Can: i Es in case of death by the survivors. ik e. ing frends in Mil- | (the Waterloo | Cavalry and leav and field seed. .00 opens a savings account, Interest compounded at verton 30N Morueiaan toe COUNTRY BUSIN ; Mrs. Loney, of Stratford, and Mr.| Found—A’ sum of money. The own- Cement always kept on highest current rate. and Mrs. 8. Scott, oi#Newton, spent |er may have same by proving pr hand. Branches at : LINWOOD, ELMIRA, GUELPH Wecnceiny wih i Bite ta Johnston. | erty and noying for this advertic,, | Danking business. Sale os Mi: tt, of eet spent | ment. 4 to Simon Ruppert, Mil- D. ATKIN Milverton Branch : A. J, CUNDICK, Manager a day or-two this week visiting exe - ! BANKING BY M , e ve Joseph Bassett at Giirels|. SMe denen aa M.P.P., lett é a RELVERTOND cocucrailie ‘or a trip through | Way with equal facility. p bonbarst ie es Tesidence of Dr. | the West and, will probab‘y visit the Parker bas “been. grgatly. cae in ing. He does not™ Yy Ni t e m to Milverton before WM. MAYNARD, ° Ms s 3 of ‘August $|_ Gct married « ? e citize f Kingwtj¢n intend PW have [erecting a monument to the memory : styles, lajeas, rie ate Sir Oliver Mowat who ‘he- : ra is office. |fore entering in SDs ed ju career Q pbgrcto s third year at 0 | citizen ee that city. University wi ‘s,|_ The copious rains that fell at the standing fourth in'a hae of sixty. | beginning of the week Were most w a 5 Mr. J. ‘A. Stewart, of ‘was re- | Cor as ‘the fan ving to the ywet iti i vbi it w vi iT D : y hard and Ste Satsfactory Cash and Produce Store Foresters Londen last week. The Croan Onlosipt Foresters bare kable fe DEparese during the bupeded m ‘the engine of ¢ f a very a y uired softening. ¢ t itt on yea ae pa oi fro! a weil 7 Dr Jon Papggig, ab Sydney. drilling inseniie on Thursday N.S. and teeabet of the Yukon |ignited one of Dr. Parker's tele made an attack on}Hon. F. Borden, | posts in front of Mr. Geo. Herr’s and Minister of Militia, o 0) upper b: x Dots to a shel? w ) the General ‘Agsembly. Mr. 1 itieed McLennan. i caustically repited and is taking ac- | post im a te cut down and a t) warded to depositors by mail on reques FARMERS’ BUSINESS A SPECTA tion in the courts. the tre extin; Re h ae q : goo oo ev. Acthur E. Charles who, nas" “Tue CO. Aone eee ‘eu discanted. Sale aeeersotleniaa ‘and adv\ E rede be inted rector o! rist ee ‘ES-—O: E ARE redti cing the stoc ese days at a Pitas “War soa ache ] CHEESE CHEQU: n any bank cashed or tak Sop church, Ebma, iby His Lordship Bis- about in the whole party. wny nyt: Ax oup! e of weeks ago we said we were going hop Williams will preach in Milverton | Fifty cight tickets were sol at Mil- R. G. GRIEVE, Mgr., Millbank — Ww feel both morning and evening on Sunday | verton, a inby to at Millbank § i ioe oc 7 ri sure next and at Elma in the afternoon. The to reduce thi stock $6.0 00 in sixty” days. es DOW Sere, SUES ain may ee ae ae 20 a abe een saved and it is possib:e ee eh ee tes sure with one of Dr. Shoop’s Pink | that Senet will be paid ret the * a: t > is} ndica tion. _ Get Pain Tablets. ‘The formula is on the { sere ti we can dd tt, - if our pa y it sin Tabtots, he formula is on the eee i , or Druggist about this formula! Stops after thes e, specials for this \ eek’s s sell tung. womanly pain beadasbe, pains any-| loo Hospiatl that inativution is richer eo Bone SPRING MILI.INE r sbewing v renizatio: dat their of ie comma anidcher associ be raised in Berlin low 1% Story hig nt end as peg pine #2100 a BRAND i ie» “and et offic While playing truan need, books and enjoying an etternoas MRS. SPROU 1 ERE are many women ‘ on their spring hat. MEN’S FANCY SHIRTS 10 dozer} Men’s Fancy Soft Front Shirts, all new this season. | They are W. G. & R. make. Regular aioe | Kiley, aged rs, feit Suto ixhe wh ; i aed milbhe tur Be tratford in puitding company's new i $1.00 to $1.90. All'sizes. Now on sale at TAILORED GARMENTS raiford mil, pubing coavany « ae pe ert ool Boar ard: bes declar-| of tast week, “Dhe body was in the first spx opening a Ser Wisin ed a holiday for Friday, June 18th, |pond all night. and was recovered ful and s. eligible, b 7 of We would like Dortunity of visiting ‘the agricultur- | cumstances for somo tim Noi t al museum and Guelph consolidated Seine MEN'S STIFF HATS. 25 only Men's Stiff Hats, the very newest shapes SS Baling would have a safe yet cer- theroughout the riding have also de- | tain Cont vemedy, in th ehome try i j Our stock is too heavy is the onl h spy Dizon é following were elested for the ensu- j reason for the price. Regular price $2, mcg term oe v- Se wer bas In order to accommodate the ladies w jan Ps , : * 185 eo We x. eth igteerees C. Spen- during the day, our s‘ore will be Sale prices: --.+-+. Fras Chugessienass At. .Arwcire ws Meelis aad A ‘ Fd “Mee ae ‘ere elected representativ- OES Grand Lodge meeting in 0 en Wednesd fs Sihene Miia eanitice ones. eneer | properties. It is truly a most cerfain P y and Satu day Ev § JRTSIN SPFCIAL = EE alae ee - ay Sek Kay? LAY 3 © Thé district meeting, ane ‘Public Drug S . i ‘Tell geome deserving Prenat ie suf-] Parents do ‘ eee fe ‘keeping their e A 3 as ; ferer, that ther: et one simple |children hanging around ho el | : 28 pair only, Kine Ncutingham Lace Curtains, . way to certain relief. Get Dr.Shoop’s| tered and enervated by parental in- 1, Redpath’s Gramulated Sugar s Martha Hofi man. « . pock on Rheumatism and a free trial |duigence. The eagle docs better. Ii 854 10 per ‘hundred on Satur a J with “friends good length and width, new designs, regular test. This book will make it entirely | stirs up its nest when the young eag- | Mobr’s. and clear how Rheumatic pains are quick- | les are able to fly. “They are compel-|+ Mr. Jas. Coutts shipped a load of trea Took 69c $1, now on sale at.. ly killed by Dro Shoop’s Rheumatic | leq to shift for themselves, for the | Prime butcher's Sa mestodke on ern. in_ Be! Remedy Hanis or tablets. Send no/eagle literally turns them out, and | Monday. ¢ Mr. Jas. W. on money test is free. Surprise | at the same. time tears all the down|, Mr. George (pel an Se f; | Rouple Of Gayeadeat wel a aisnonetoned i gutteres by flea and feathers: ne the nest, "Tia this bia pont moka. ads | light ? getting for him the book ude and re experience that mak- | ae 2 LADIES COTTON VESTS Suan, Bacio, Wis. Sold by The cae ‘e the icine. oe Bee Pe tasieas in his | ,, Mr. Daten wee an A lio Drug Stor flight amd so expert in the pursuit “Valve of vale le” on d ly Ladies’ Fine White C Vv ea ee ee Ale are | oeae ee eae NC ey 0 | aera Masel We Malad pea 4 F nly Ladies’ Fine ite Cotton Vests. while engaged in rn with a silver spoon in your 8 3 dozen only ie Ways Lombariy poplars | mouth for you, have it to carry "and epee aale boa, | P i : 5 the Motho< hureh he | prague you all your days. Riches of- ; Buri : These would be considered good value at 15¢ x6 throw it piratel with th | fen hang. like a deadweight. "wes, rs iW. Baards Seema = ndixiering i IC le the cemetery Zot but like @ millstone about the neck of (@® Wednesday after pace se” | 1 each. Sale price,......sccssecsseseseeeseesesseeees Wa qrenesaesten ts aabitious young olen, time visiting friends in Chica i ae tit fel! ov lieved that the immigration are at treks wii fthe telephone es oa pesuaahing 5 or ottiviars have either seeret orde tek SUPER atvenyerene tie: bar and three etita beside: atohe a tacit understanding to hamper ime anes ‘Conference Branch meeting of 136 ng the remaining stram The Bell | removal of immigrants| to Canada by Co., however, 11 ei a man promptiy embarrassing them shou2d they desi the spot and repairs were soon eff to return south to ¢ fair: i ed without muelé interruption fo: the Many sol ees bomesteaders sven | WE ea service. they go back home act as the © : : DON T FORGET In sickness, if a certain hidden ner-| qn, Sp immigration agen st |, Don't forget to leave your ge deacons ‘by ve goes'wrong, then the organ that | tought that herein ties the re Tlebiniag Rods with Jas. scationed at Mee this merve controls will also surely | gon of the policy a ae a ankee, offi- ° es the kr [uooced Revo go to have a look fail. It may'be a Stomach nerve, or |eon. The the ce yee Off | ings pro "from. tbein cage at our it may have given strength and sup- ponieateadein uaiied BEB Tae from fo ae ie port to the Heart or Kidngys. It was] gear Hamonton, where he has been Pde reer ey nA Dr. Shoop ‘that first pointed to this ae for nine months, was en route | OS a: fur the BRMGzi BbraSy , vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restorative | fen to tow hic oareute swith (hg | #fownd for the Carnegie brary, T rdedeaateetent doe ie Stomach harvest and to prepare for remova: | @2veets Sat completed this week mporari , } Peart of Rinne Dat gtictasbions | epee ae TE Gots iG roike Mace | Fourd—At the Milverton G. a Wii station, ee of money. The ov ed method is Sah eran alten te toba, ‘and sent back to Winnipes F ; Restorative goes dir ese fail- | an undesirable alien The Suits we are clear- ing inside nerves. The remarkable setually cliistiran the Gather tie ane paying for phe aioe rt; J sucoess of this prescription demon-| pris ig the foureh ise of simiar oe Apply to Box 170, Milverto: A BIG HOSIE ing out at strates the wisdom of treating the xing ina few day ¥5 We aie or 2 sWe actual cause of these failing organs |"! number of eae were invited to Ineetine : the it ik Ve. ll be And it ig indeed easy hee’ the. prone: en’s Indtitute will ; on « ' i i Maya teak otic home of Mrs. Geo. Ee 325 pair Ladies’ and Children’s Cotton Hose $1, $8.50, $10 es ene oe Sot ey |e aaa mu ase, of Wri Sek : 2 . = The’ Public Drug ‘Store, ree) tush; -Butiniaticlde 6 Che plain and ribbed, fast dye. The biggest and best ee a ere nee adams 6 Herman eat pees COC areas hin.ediate aMte. * . . : Bonn, of Millbank, on Thursday last | whitaWhite; Queen of the Sreaee, banat eas raned eee 2 value we ever gave in Hosiery., Allsizes. Black They are values that from heart failure, Mr. Bonn shad | pear j ane Columbiieg Doris ipa Se een es ween Re 2 evel Staindan! * not been in very good health for some | Song and accompaniment, Vi Zimmer- exe ses Toro! only. Regular 15 to 20 cents, now on don’t come your way time but his condition was not alatm-| man; Contraband, (Winner, Lizzie ee gen F Panis wil ‘calee ay ° 10c ames, Me Panne eepativs of dese | Roeses them, id ; | President Stein duattent erate oe sale at Per Pait..3...scseeeeeee eeflensseseeeseees Very OCH 2 many and came to Canada in 1852| Duct, ipright aa % Button, Pear! and aien’s Foreign ‘Missionary i: il 1 settling in Bloomingdale. Later he | rolita Coulter; A Lovely el at . Misslonans wt mate pyterian churel diay evening, een president for six ago when he moved to oie where | hells, Bohm, Miss Myrt z he’ has dwelt since. In 1866 he marr- "Ghos. Hert, Lorely Seelix We want your Butter and Eggs —— We Always Pay Top Market’ Price ied Juliana Koffmen, who survives |qrrSirreae Peulig Dash Me eine | eval eel ort ‘ him, and ‘the union was blessed with Herr and Miss Ae a liebe dict iss ime 4 at the vari ili ui i a family of two Ores ae laugh- | yoo, Wales Arabesqu ane Miss the Presbytery and by this mean: ters as follows; lip, o! mira ; Ethel (McKee. ‘Two nue were | (Miss! Mogi: ‘uses fission Band also ed in th ; 4 | Solomon, of Poole ; ‘Mrs. Chas. Raby, | sang py ten gitls, Eva Torrance, Pearl ee ee ee ae : of Millbank ; Emma, of Poole; Adaline |and Lolita Coulter, Minnie Vi and gret that more ladies were mot out of Toronto; Annie, of Listowel. Mr. | Gertie Zimmerman, ‘Pearl Miller Liz-| {> hear Mi nine Gis craphasl Bonn wasa Baptist in religi pe tie Roese, Willa Barr, Clara Rothaer- : ‘ asiz fnmeral took placa to Mibanks P rep: in el hak He itain erie abo ompany- byterian cemetery on Saturday last | pqnying the first. Master Moody fer Tesealts were obtained for the and was largely attended. . <; | Meyer weted-aa usher. mission fields. =

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