Milverton Sun, 17 Jun 1909, p. 5

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low in stock complete line lewest Engagement and Wedding Rings, Etc. Also a nice line of Wedding Presents Bastendorff The Jeweler and Optician Eyes Tested FREE of Charge UP fo vo tress. A safe and pleasing syrup—S0e, stopped in 20 minutes gure with Dr, Shoop's Cro ~ One no dis- rugeists. ADDITIONAL LOCALS ee D, Pugh | lett on Tuestay for gles in Okotoks, Alberta. ae Mi: Me ME, Wate iss Code* were aes ests of Mrs. yten over Sunday. ‘Watch for the 2 partial eclipse of ‘the Sant Seah (Thursday) at sun down. t Russell, of Stratford was lage on Friday sESUEDED mnection with exta> © libs yo at Holle- tround’s phatenetadin aie you h photos taken or not, we are al- sazed to have you call. 2 ss s been Visiting her deter Mee Goasbh Martun-olNew ton, for the ‘past few months returned to on Tues ber bome at Minnedosa, Man. da} best months in photo ye June is ‘one of the taken now, ne some- hing in this line which will make you stare. Mr. Fred Weiderhold is at preseat busily engaged in remodeling his house on the corner of Main and King atreets. milding when com- dat Mag CIt ise that Rev..W. A. Dun- can, late of Sault Ste, Marie, will occupy the pulpits of Zion, Welles: ee ang Hampstead, ahaisahes n Sun- ‘A meeting Sas be ee ‘at Wel- fae village on 23rd for the purpose of spd to.a minister. coe in a cali GLENALLAN. The pupils of Miss Berths. Robert~ son held a piana recital a on Saturday 2 TO LADIES! EOL OLOLOLOL Ww. ZIMMERMANN All report baving had an enjoyable time olls is at present ‘Visiting daughter, Mrs. Frame, of W. Down, ee erences pastor of ir. Mr: ewart, of I eall- ed on ‘friend ae lad one are last week. ite a number epebe here ‘ook in agara Falls. piianene Ve gent Goodwin who died th. ‘The funer- mday Aiorioan mains “being iistrtea allan cemeter: “Mettis paid a ‘flying rs. Bu Tyaak, ite ion ing a few Bites with ler Alex. Wag: Badly Spraincd Ankle Cured Three years ego our % - ter sprained her ankle and had beea sat ee terribly for two days and not slept a minute. Mr. } Bllings, of Butler, pee ee ye 4 STYLE and Snap OFeoeee It’s no secret, town and vicinity is comment- Every one in ing on the style and snap in our spring suits and in afew months from now they will be saying how well they retain their shapé and style. Suits tailored to taste. th eeeee We cloan ag press ladies’ and gents’. “loth® at moderate prices te eooere J. M. Fleischhauer §); Over Atkin's Feed Store Take for granted we have what you want in the line of : Poultry Netting and at pric- des that are easy to pay. The success of our trade has encouraged us to get the better qualities with every- thing. We are never. satis- ~$fied unless you ‘are satisfiec J too. We never even attem i to sell inferior goods for tl sake of a little extra orotic If you want to save your | rack to Ae fs hat aight and et a bottle ef bathed h ie was much bet- ime could walk sround and had no more trouble with rumitt, Hampton, ton 2S and BQ cent sizes for sale by all druggists. Western F: This magwificien’ Exhibition Brown: year to ob gee ali prev ions which are wu are of the very high- rst order and the best money could ‘pro There wil be severa} nae “0's e Heras ant ” the wonder Act ful crane “The Holmans,” ‘Ped Bros,” end the “Three De Monies in their ¢omedy acts and many others as been made to appreciate good music : band of : will give bw erformances val it High- Yanders, of Hamilton, Ontario, 41 strom, ‘ave Beet engaged at great ‘ime: ever presented a to the perretery A.M. vite ‘London, Ont: is Your Tr anront Husky ? This is ‘tho tae top towards Ca- tarrb. vers hing depends on your KINGWOOD f The sacrament of the Lord’s sup- iper was ‘dispensed in Zion church on Sunday ‘by the Rev. John Kay, ba ead et ind and daughter, Miss Cars a aaacsborsy epane& week with their ee Lichty purchased eek aaa o on Monday from Mr. iter, df Stratford, spent aay ‘with vreitives here last week. Mr. n Schmidt, of Ba- -_) garden’ get poultry netting} : right away. It will pay itself many times over. en their duty to ‘the Ki eet on @riday and Weturday of SS week by statuti Seas oie ee LINWOOD. The rain on Sunday was a Sener for Coe very, hai ee and-needed just such a soaker ie soften it. Mr. (W. money- P, Williams, of the Bank of Toronto, present here on . McKay, of the F Bank, “Wit Hiei rns is spending the bolideys at his home Mr W. J. Lytle, Rortactiy tsachee of the pi ool here spent a few days ito veal ith frien He sceompanied b; h Mea ea ealte Se to Ede and Mrs. Fred. Hilker, of Con- ay with the for- spent — in .d “Mrs. seebammeie? of sou eed ‘by Mrs. Louis Poom and Misses Edith and Ella Aunt came up from Berlin on Synday in their beast wie and spent the day in the vill Dr. X Moleotaen: “has a gang busily engaged in putting uphis new tele- o Macton and Wallenstein Several parties are under sus- as being inp lioa ae and arrests . Clem- d Mrs, Anthony Koebel. Me arte MeCormick, of Arthur, spent a few week visiting ae “Bison. el niet with an acci- gue dent oe ot! seh which will for a fine’ Keep Bit ving around with sie, nde While assisting at Brenner's stone bee at rolling stone about 1900 Ibs. in weight it Foiled back on bis leg and pinned ‘him dows and was onty taken off with the hb result the To oeethe mdoubtedly Sppresate Mr. Y's enterprise. Geo. Bink is the contractor in chases ithout saying that th of Spo- was in the “village on 3c deaualneences: Mr. dine) Mis: Bal has been in the emp.oy of Mr. F it on Mond ay es Clara and. MM. Yost, of Milver a very pleasant AEvernbons inwood. The crossing between s Sch- purr Bros. and Brenner’s poner ae been itcproved ‘by a heavy coat of gravel. The season ‘for bass fishing opened on the 15t! Just wait and listen to stories of the size of the ‘ne tha dropped oe the hook. Rev. . Haig, of Mijlbank, pan a caller in The Viaage on Monday ternoon. MILLBANK. aes Ladies of the Methodist ae a ho. s a garden party on i Mr. e Bsis Other any a Agee? and literary progr Milverton band in aitendance. ures will hea musical freshments at booth. ae wi m1 be served trom 7 to 8.80. Admission 15¢. The 1:0.0.F. of Milbank wi: a uC ae en a eur e Methodist sire on Sabato June ae when ae pastor, Rev. Gaten will’ preach. | Misa McCormick, of Linwood, spent the ast week with friends in the village. camp Mrs. Wm. Strachan, of Ethel, visiting 2 her mother, Mrs. S. Weir. Mrs. jockman and litte daugh- a fey dave et ter, ls + meron, ae ‘Stracford, Sanday with driends “bere. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baden spent ae day wish their daughter, Mrs. See spent gatt who bas been visit~ ini irienide ssere fer'acfew “dayne turned kome ee ascompuniéd by bis si oe Mrs. 'f. Rei Grieve, fii Pa ane, Wash., a his brother, Mr. D. Grieve, a pepe eeioney nae Monday ai ren are. cordially. weleothe at the services 2 Sabbath and at the p.cnic on Monae Mr. 8. m4 “of Milverton was in the village 0 on Friday. a Mr. D. Mulcahy returned home o: Moatiay: after spending a few racks ds in, Detroit. ee is ae ‘this eee - The Grand canes Hotel, Mitverton best kept ‘sommercial en ready te tel ieeappited with the best rhe ply, and travelers as- be im the Grand Central anything out of ing being in:perfest or- anly.—The Rai: lews mercial Travelier. | HAMPSTEAD. - , Me nr here Tne Dewar, of We" ‘esley, spent a day with Mr. sash Meaiieres: aaah ‘from liere attended the eeting of the Farmers’ Insti- tute ae éMtvexta ‘ednesday. fr. Hugh ae (of Ree sy oy : ua your obiating Me be a curiosity to find | DOCTOR ADVISED = OPERANT Cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham’sVegetableCompound Canifton, Ont.—‘I had been a great sufferer for five ye He me doctor told me the uterus, and another told me i ne a fibroid umor. No pews what I suf- e we an coer aou and that I might die 232 the o = i my sister about it and she e to , Ontario. Talk E. Pinko 5 aes le Com- pound, made fro: 8, has proved t re on, fibroi eriodic pains, backache eee ing-down feeling, sntileney, indiges- tion, and nervous prostration. It cost but a trifle to try it, and the result has been worth millionsto suffering women. Sunday and dispensed the communion. Rev. Mr. Haig, of Millbank Moder- ator of the congregation has called a meeting of the three congregations to be held “in Wellesley village on tain whether they are ready minister. BEN ON. me game played here on ! Messrs. L. Rennie and E. Frame, of Crosshill spent Sunday at the resi- dence of 'M. bat urday i able time Mr. wad Mrs. Reinwald ana sanity mare Sunday with friends at Ga ir. R.'Barrett left on Tuesday for Regina. eta Re . Catarrhozone Rev. D. K. Smith, of Whitehead, N S. was cured of Catarrh by Catarrhozone Catarrh commences generally with a slight cold, and because s:ight, it is ‘the seed that haps ofconsumption, whieh i is deat Better wet nd “a fo moments each Cat caer bes ie 8 an arom: the harvest of tie, crtldeptic remedy that aie st builds up the system so that Catarrh cannot Sats © $0 receive lasting bene- or Bronohits ‘rouble, vd for Coughs ond Co! ss the head t Catarrhozone is igus Wel oa sSonaiENU na treat ee and is warranted under all cir- umstances to aire ea arantion, Bone a sieat ay nthe? ut, sonaiatiag ot a heautifal palited eee: Inbales end large bottie of Sante tee recharging together with a box o Ferrozone ae asta but 81: celal sige 508 fey al} druggists and N. ‘innaeon cont Cc. Po feos "e Co., Buy it to-day. ‘dee (Mrs. (Witt spent Sxturday visiting ashi to " cei 4 most is JUNE 19 to 21 Annual 3-Da: mises to te the event of t! 2 SPECIAL TRAINS 2 both goin, might bo caused through overerow sing pilose Take ee oO a.m CANADY: BT istowel sti He +5 Baten “8.33 “ Peffers Be Ty, a lewton Fe 2B 4Gss es Ue a6 -B.52.*6 ‘unner ee Bh Base Ga dshill ped a ot Stratford: < sr fare. By arrangement the magnificent steamer sont will be at Steatfordts best Officials of the Hers wer train selling sont tickets for Steamer Fare Round Trip 7c. ‘Oliver S . “Lai SSE Lene through a that he passed Honors Sp eto avery his highe: being in epomnatae Surlspradence hy- een psychiatry. many ‘i ratiilite ience. the Paul Bass wedding in Rostock last triends in Ga Special servic ec eing held this Rack sob Meiaaad te tacoh i Mrs. Bunns and son, Bobbie Hamfiton, are the guests of Mx. Mrs. Moutou and eiaaing ae Oh weeks ME londay ton football team came here and p; ed a very eae rame “Once more our e victorious defear- ing the vinitiog team score of -0. cating is at present spend- e home of Dr. ane of Sabbaths breaking north of the ‘Tweed there is the story of the Book and Tis\wheelboarroy, which has Shibatd Geikie. Donald was hammering away at the “ye're makin much, eer Whet will the neebors Dom se Baral eK mann got ma “bat Donal, i sori on Bay whath,” good wile, “ye ought said the busy ‘J ae ges bs expostulated be 0 use screws. Have you Nervous Dyspepsia ? How it shakes one up, invades sleep nek aiee strength, adds real misery to life. Not the stomach but merves are Starved merves cause the You need Fe. herve tagac Xt etippiies the saeatic that are needed t o make disappears. You'll try Meiceane) per box at all deaters. oon That Cold y colds or Grippe with “Preventics" jefeat for Pn icomonlay To stop a gard Hes 1s safer ae to let it run and be y Cold Cures, sickening. Nico iden and vihoronghty safe yu feel neeze, {fol ache all over, think of Promptitess may also save half your sat con't Lorget your child. it ce 1 Sy bodes iar ane te Provetlte:” Ineiek gn por Svanstiesy etal se ==| Droventicg THEPUBLIC DRUG STOR eae H we e «Detroit O** e rol The Stratford I Daily He Herald's Popular xcursion ao pteee Ppro- Two special trains have been chartered which will te any inconvenience whic ee and pasado bie Trip to 20 rriving at Sarnia Town at 11.80 a, Children between 5 and 12 years, ‘pal’ Greyhound able of aco bimpsating 3,000 per- the dock in Sarnia and the auspices of ally. BOAT TICKETS ON TRAIN -ald will pass th aa I ~ Machinery of all k; HEFEPHS HES heed eed, PoSOHOSHSOSOS OOOO OS. for, Should the gas ga iron could poaibly. “give, | for the Holts, rivets and roc a t iron com ckelled steel it is coat 000004 000000000000 Eieventh GODERK J - Steame WHI 2 ma ci ij BP LEAVE! rid Speciaifrrain leaves Goderich fo Pp. m., on arrival LEAVE ¢ Saturday, June 19th, 9.30 Arriy (Sunday in Detroi A SpecialfExcursionjTrainifrom Mitchell, Dublin, nd a fi From_Wingham, Belgrave, ¢ SSS) Be Clinton 8.40 0.1 —o! fa Also a Special Excurs FROM j Leave Detroit afontny Arriv Aaa Sie u ete., 01 ROM GODER! Leays goseemee ie trip the Ti j will be ge in the kui ~ Goderich | Band Moor cng Leave Deck 8.4 80 cursion Train as wHr f<* Gumming an I also grind o as, good as new, a Binder and sharpened. Ripping and Also mant} Self Feeder... fferel G.T.R. Stat\ *\ y 50c oorrecretrecenreeees Other Mowers are Weak pis na a ‘ipeeition ities tid very, best materials when it might seem ae toc cheapen th Frost & Wood tesitmentee ie cel fe ee ee ‘instance, the connection Cut ter, ar and Main use: A Strong, Stay-Tight Conn ction Where

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