os Head Office - H.M.SCHAEFER MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, 4 NTAR 10 “3 Shines For All.” x ; WILLIAM K. LOTH MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Vol. XVILI—No. 4 Milverton, Ontario, Perth{Co., Thursday, July 15, 1909 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher ae ae for butter this week as % METROPOLITAN BANK cent Paid up $1,000,000.00 feserve Fund and Undivided Profits ~ — $1,277,404.49 Drafts, Money Orders and Sterling Exchange bought and sold @ || onvall parts of the world. i A JOINT ACCOUNT may be opened by two members of 4 afamily. Subject to withdrawal on the signature of either one or 2 | incase of death by the survivors. 1. pens a savings account. “ highest current rate. Branches at :: LINWOOD, ELMIRA, GUELPH Milverton Branch : A. J. CUNDICK, Manager Interest compounded at LOCAL NEWS OFOTOH: LOrere See Sqhacter & Whaley’s add. on page 5. Engeland ‘& Son are paying 20 ets dozen for eggs. AT sents for farmer’s lard a cuee's groce1 $ awwy dows st _Sohseter & cays, wi r. and 7 fcc with friends in Bi Ladi ‘on Vests, apecial value 2 pair for 25 cents at Eng & Son's. The ‘greatest sale eer tld m Mil- verton now on at Schaefer & Whaley’s \ Mrs. P. Duck low is spending a week sister, Mrs. Byers, im Mit- - Spencer spent epb Walker pes pets to OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 'B, E. WALKER, President R LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in th and in the United States and England THE CANADIAN BANK Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 COUNTRY BUSIN ESS Even § Every facility afforded to farmers and others for the transaction of their ‘banking business. Sales notes will i cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened by mail and monies deposited or withdrawn in this way with equal facility. WM. MAYNARD, Manager, STRATFORD BRANCH Milverton. Tatier an of some eeks. Misses Eliza and Ciara “Riddell left this, week on a two months’ trip to the ‘Master Charlie Hofferd, of Bertin, spent two or three days in the village this wee .F. J. Oaten left on Monday to and family at Hutton ake a true like- Soap 25c; Tapioca, ch 15 cents My. J.T. Curtis, formerly of Mi:- verfon bos boen appointed principal of hg Sete public scl 1 When you Ieok at Ho‘letreund’s sate ‘you can almost imagine they ie) spieduae, Wig are Mr W. WW. Bal'agh, of Bangroft, spent a EM days in Milverton this spelt visiting friends end renewing acquaintances. Mr. "P. H. Basteridorff left on Sat- nia, where he intends a caveat five or (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) Member of thes Seeaiet Bankers’ vapecauaa Se The Toronto. eaee Clearing Hou: TORONTO W. RATRAVERS, GeneraliManager Eee Dare kita bah attention given to this\idepart- allowed from date of deposit at current rates. Mines. re ba a itd ace by cheque either notice. Racer for- warded to depositors by mail.on request, ake lanes uous A SPECIALTY —Notes ofiresponsibl ines ted. Sale notes collectedfand advances made ed ‘ohhaduiad 05 any bank cashed or taken on deposit with- out charge. R. G. GRIEVE, Megr., Millbank Branch Giz weeks visiting his ‘Two Galt bakers the easee dsy their bread cont d were each fined 81 and costs bread under stendard welg Mr, HL spending heir Toitdaye: at Cataract, ‘ey and other points. Mr. Sanderson is being relieved by Mr. Brower: Mr. R. B. Hamilton, of aes will occupy the pulpit of t @ist church next Sung: The Sunday taiewing the palpi wil V.. non. age and, Mrs merchant, as sal L.0.L. 1033, iaitverton, pee July 12th this year @ ses, the nes ue not Nets D Seitions e lodge celebrated at so suc- im former yea he ery that the West A Summer Necessity! This is the Season When Thin Clothes are a Necessity. . . . When we make a garment for you there is no doubt as to its fit and quality. Our summer fabrics for excellent suitings and our summer ideas for cutting and fitting them will ensure satisfaction. . . . E. KNECHTEL TMILVERTON’S » UP-f0-DATE » TAILOR ‘than they could get here in = tin; ‘AC joint. meeting is nara Hampstead, Aid ae Srateley Rae held in church, Wellesley, om usaday: Bth at 2. eat Sanne ice a et was the ao of the | es ing and a eal to him was duly pre- d “at met gs of. foe be ones mela at Stratford, J Bt whe pic-nio held under San a e 8 re ae ao a 5 a 2 5 5 af a 1 speakers. ‘by loca! pend was person ‘and furnished plen- ty ot fing fa the way of @ Coug in : le ws foinoying asa okling, ee twhieezing, [bronchial Cough. The juuickest trelief comes ys from ep prea¢ription uggists ev- ee yout th Remi five effect, Tt ig tiruly, 6, most cer- Bold © Public Drie S| HALF HALF re BABY A B’ PRICE SA SALE CARRIAGES We have lined up all our Rattan Baby Carriages for quick selling. About half a dozen second hand carriages re-enamelled, with new tires—all fixed up like new at $6.00 and $7.00 to $10.00 with parasol complete. Two dozen Reed’ Go Carts with parasols at less than half price for this week. All Furniture Delivered Free or Freight Prepaid _ R. WHITE & CO. Furniture Dealers and Undertakers ~~ STRATFORD 80 Ontario Street id ‘obably he would have continued ane eee treatment had mot the screai children on the reset atneaseea™ ‘their 1 (Wl failing no ‘ion ‘the Snack, siikon Se pihroace= takes Ft its imptilse, its power, Stomach also ha: Kidneys. His prescription ¥ (Restorative—is aires: a straight Tor the caus ments— real os seieriod ne side 1 iene: ‘ ‘clear! explains why. fhe "Rest f late has grown sd popularity. Dragbis's ‘say thet ‘ibose a test the Restorative even “for a few days soon pecome ffally convinced of its wonder- LORS Anyway ting ce ‘s sho “only sanibis and wiesessl qay. Sold by Pubtic Drug m: aby as well ay one of | score o} al Gatch tatenuiediats champion- A. sel and = oe Gapesed of to the Kincardine Re- aving their |" wil Sanderson are t | ows amd clov of the congress ii Bngclna ® Son are paying 20 cts a dozen for Paris ioe 2 es a pound at the Pubjic Drug jon’t ne ae Dissolution Se at Sates x Whale} 6 phate eee ig open every ae cal ae at am: Black Sateen Undersksis Ses $1 cut to 59c. at Eng Seventh Day Ad ntlata ae at pre: oe ‘holding tent ieusiata in’ Strat- Children's Ribbed Cotton Hose, alé- es 6 to 10, special 2 pair for 25 cents, Engeland & Son. 4 Corn is t reatest crop in United States, that of 1908 being Hs ned at, S16 16,000,000, The eee softies. Mr. Wm. Robertson s been » appointed a Couenae Bu er yaa m may haven me ue erty seer and ‘paying t for this advt. Geo. an ‘My, David Smith's pacing mare, Sup- ae won, ss 2.25 trot or pace at Ed- July. ist Ja three straight rays ftaalack times The electors of Brationd the other aay ratified the b; he expenditure of $15,000 ing an addition to the Stratford hos- pital. Brussels Foofball team on Monday evening defeated Walkerton ays f 2-0 giving them a lead of-one VBA. tickling on Gry cough can be Ed. ieee of the tem McConnell ‘& Ferg ‘rom /Mr. A. Robb who has been appoimted postmaster at Walkerton. The Tiverton W: ic] view. Coincident with the 70th Rockfelier birthday andard Oil Company the Elma tactory to Mantrea!, this b be- ing the last which brought the sum #4 ‘827. The Poaliged $9,290. er Walter and: some residence at @ splnaid, tigtee to Mr. Peffer, of Milverton, il baal co towm ver’ yn. ae 23 1s a plan refdy for new hous the next lot to w! where: ees bas een tiv: tows 'e snywhe: reine “on the 250, dmaggist or doctor abou Sold by The Pubic Bis foranula Drug haying season “is now in full not ‘be up to the average. Old mead- er eae are quite light. The (falta is Good and in most cases will yield Eeeale the efope inns the whole is quite sat- those sbesesefial in lala G the recent Normal School e: tions et Stratford: te note the fotiow- ing; Edna Coulter, Millbank; Grace oy * + Ella Mec) ey and vernal Viola Mag- an Westman, 3 > & a bit pognaslived but what matt that so long as one citizen of Classic City reposedl in genuine — com ort. ‘The electors of Strafford the oth day defeated a by-law which) had for tes object the guaranteeing of the nds of a proposed factory to the ex- t of $25,000. Binetions eexpengie? with factories has mot en ver happy one and possibly the electors ‘are mot greatly to b’am¢ even if the proposition did look g ood, ‘Wherever a robin breeds within the ivilization, ma: playing a confi ‘or oree that is begotten: by. lack, of fea Th ts reported that the climbing cutworm is doing damage in the gar- ens in this section. This pest was e three years ago, and bit tract, the caterpllare, blots 4x6. oe- turnal and feed a t. and greatly les ‘Wingha' Te ‘their ee hain Tim ‘So emin Gas an suthortty a8 the London, neet, simple remeds for the <xtormination the common house fly the follow- im water, say two teaspoon pint. The Lan cocateiea Teradata ap- Bear that flies are attracte a by a weak rolution ‘of formaldehyde which thoy k. Some die i the water others imity of the plate of walter, ‘but all ultimate’y succumb, a1 ap loor. It is that by this meth- rad = ich is fatal. to aise organ- ich inoffensive Sanee practical ame pererae ous. The “method at once provides a of T. tan Bank, 16. ole amount ie the month of June f of 'd. | Mam. ree ops bas of | Strath: ide = fas diminishing the axis and |* ot securing to some extent what is |Ag ye sepieable: the disinfection of ‘the jw! of ‘Hol'gfreund makes fir ures. Miss et Mie is vi ‘iends in Engela1 oe e Pans paying 20 ¢ts. eran for ee eggs. Paris ‘Green 25 bts a pound at the Public Drug Store. oe ee Fog @ busin2ss trip -class pic ng with eat ae ee Sthacter & What- oy will 2 lose Tuly, Miss Capling wet = her home in Tvistock on Tue: 2 rater returned from aie friends in Brantfor The contractor has commenced the ecg Work on the new Glaneet ie lib- ur ir. D. Torrance, of Listowel, spent ae faays with Mr. ‘Ab. Wilson this f Hanover! is to bays a weak rry.Geach left on Tussday tor Bein where he has accepted a mise Kerr, of Bliice, is visit- ing at present with friends in Milver- ton end Brunner. manson left on Weditesday for Borin ‘where be has secured a job in a factory. Mrs. ‘J. D.,Watsor and son, Alvin, a Brantford, are at present visiting h Mr, N. Taggar' war. BP. ciegoan of the Bank of Teturned, after spending in Erie, Pa. Misa Eva "Whaley accompani Miss Doherty is spending her holidays a’t her home in Milverton. league on Friday evening. Mrs. Maleoim MacBeth and daugh- favors at pr tacnt penis’ Weak a6 “Elmwood” the home of Mrs. D. Scew- art, Hampstea My. iW. J. Sith, of the ero is at presen a ee ing his holidays in Toronto Muichead, of Te ee is ioving you know that "Hollefreund's es Ss pinstas eid Hei, well they can. they Se you re ver you look a) ind of an artist Ee, ree Cy ae: as. Ella McCloy left on Wednesday r Stratford, where she inten 3 tale ag in the Central Methodist” Bunda ®chool excursion to Port Dover on Thunsday. Milverton ate the Poote boys ings prevailing between the ayer Miss Rose Trim has returvied bome fe Grand Bend where abe has been ending a Spule ks. She is gecamponied ‘by her tetaaa} Miss Wil's Mitchell Exhibition Park is the centre attraction for Milverton bese fans tonight. Listowel. and Milverton are billed for a mine innings game to com: mence at 5. ‘Mr. amd ‘Mrs. Joe Gibson, of Virden, ., are visiting with friends and E resste a $2.50 ie ges prize to the Mit or} construction ot the cemenit ita for hai the village. Two pupils of Miss Lotta ates music class were examined a) rat- Vogt for Toronto Con- Junior piano with ie tals Ethel McKee, ford ‘by fer evatory lowing results; Miss assed w! Pauli, of Mil working at @ disnipea nes meee just missing rs by 8 marks. The Strawberry Festival ihe un- der the auspices of Christ church on Friday evening was wal: setended and @ very pleasan' tl sumerous P sean irmebt: 0 mouse Yumiabed by the, bai did a thriving usnes he proceeds of the evening was ar eXcess of $90. In the baseball game on Ssisy ey- ening the Leafs trimmed the Royals it A very fine ‘are now tied for nee pines with yoyals with Grosch umpir BROKE. geland S son are paying 20 os. Mes. Olan, of “Unionviie, spent last Tharsiay with Mrs. : Wm. Henry, of Danes), oe Rey at the heme of Mr. tbe: Spee. ames Maddess, of Donedtal, spent Sundey with his friend, Mf. Doerr. Migs Buia Smith, of Milverton, vis- ited last wee h ber friend, Mis Relic Struthers Oliver Peters and her areat present ‘the rieda Helm, of Millbank, vis- ited with her sister, Miss Emily He:m, during, the past Mr. B. Salvage, ‘of te atford, spent jnday with his George So ‘0 Sehmnebl returned home on aenday: alter spending a with (friends in Noe famburt Mr. and Mrs, Wan. Long 3 eget ad with Bin tora Beulsh ich., arrived dat) month peas sngrtacd “of Pantiac, Friday to spend a Tees Walker, of 4uondon, vis- ited at her bome here for afew days. ee week, before leaving for s.cth~ erton Base-|\ as given in addition to ae ship having t! NWOOD. Rerientiyeth aa e friends, In Hesson. our citiz sas a Milverton on uynda’ a visitor in the village on Fri ‘Mr. Norman Ame with ane onthe 7th of Wellesle ley. TS. sent visiting her mother. Mrs. fratas between a couple o ongeged in training f pay Mrs. Ba. Little and ‘tami ot Bor- returned to Linw several weeks with friends in Harris- tor fternoon. . Pollock on her return from Lansing, Mich-, drove home to Dray- Mopday afternoon accompan- fied iby her, fathe: Cc. Pi lodge - aise well of the Siyea ral rave for bo livered a. very appropriate sermon in e. Presbyterian well represen (essrs. Bo ent gn afternoon fishing near Ha Keaville last wi in bait and Louis said that a time would be betten spent at Gien- allan. vim Reidel, of the town- ith whom she re- tery very largely pag at ite Ost the town been represente iP ey Grookshanks, Vera Heinbuch, Baker, Robert Lutz and Milton and all were cient ithe we of, the A load from these columns Since our last 2 : Gainsborough, Sask., The farm of left on se fee ‘trial’ treatmen him. Help: mt rit fern ‘elp your end took in the ay. of St. Piasients; was rt spent ee Mys. votes and Mrs. D. Wray vis- ited at Mr, A. Smith’s, Hollen, .on Saturday. tanson, of Berlin, is ab pre- W. lin, were the | Lise of Mrs. Me- ae have a Miss Paes Berlett who has Papa the pels 23, Milbank, was e amd R, White wk suckers were ") MM ae ee Dier!amm, of “London, © resi- The many =} and nt effi- Mr: eine attended the ur or two, They did d the discomfort hen they considered the benefit that would ace- mats ae pareb: a thirsty srowy. ww Sana We oe cst aie ithe death of Mrs. jock, of, Lansing ._ Mich a mention ‘ol Atnese serious iL de et ne aa oe underwent ee operation but never recovered tom the 2heste aes aied a) Thigsday a Mt Tock, of Drayton, Miss Verna arsill who were wait oe on her pein to Linwood on ionday issue more detai‘s of Mr. nies is recovering and Gordon we a eg | his auto car to Man! Id the ym oe acquaintances in and around Lin- | ot od. ee Rheumatism Dr. Sho Racine, Wis, ete som rath, and in : ptain and prac- | Biel. way. Get and a of Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy for, some disheart- ini some ae ‘of the ws of idee to ase ° Sold hy Public Drug Store. MONKTON. hess Merrick spent Sunday Engeland (& Bon’ with relies ot oie a dozen for eggs. 6 eaying: 20: oc Milner is pending hor vacg-| Mr. bite ‘sold ‘bis driver to Wi Mr. Toy Golightly. Mr. Thos. Mi : eCarthy spent af days in Foronto. last week. = ia ergusson attended Pres- bytes ae "Seraord ‘on Tuesday. t} Supt. Oborne passed over the esda Monda: Tryentls Nicholson made a Pa ness a to Berl in on Thursda, last w Aaa Wm. Neal, of Evan are ‘at present visiting Mr. and Mrs. be rat F. Langford and Mrs. Lan aa ae e this week eling Sens an neighbors was settled amicably last week out Me and 3 Iman and Miss Mr. oad Hasenpflug, jr., Denholm ‘fpent aeaee wish Dried verton, has charge of the shies at | in Drayton, ; the ‘Linwood, hotel. fr. and Mrs. I, Ds Jabnwedy of Onl. Mrs. Hilker and sons, Clayton ae cago, are at pee visiting Mrs. Man- ‘Milton, spent t Mr. Henry | ton on the 17th. Lack oe Elmira. Mr. P, Chipmees has nae a gart Misses Kate and Christina non et the > pala ting, on Mr. ibn Pore alar itt r spent Sun-|®! ey with friends lin. Miss P ripeaar Getauoun, of Strat- Miss ‘Johanna Friedman es ford, spent the week-end with her last week to New ee ore cis | friend, Mrs. T. Fullerto iends of Mrs. R. J. Shi i ee at Miwyertente deat Foley event engaged as milliner at Kincardin turned Tone for the holidays Styet Mr. Q@m. Fletford, x week. bio, called gn His peta a iAm effort is being made to be the Nicholson on” Wednes of business places of Linwood ciose early | week. yy on ils a aie except Weilucaday and i Lae a few days last weelk with his ss Elizabeth Kiein very nellghte chum abe ‘Thgs. McCarthy, of th ful ay entertained a number of her | of gocne friends to a birthday aay on x iene car of cheesa was from Monkton on Monday to . Swift & Co. of Chicage ute and Mrs. Geo. Bennie, and Lizzie, ae Durham, spent a with, Mr. and G. Weber and family b tamed home after jing the vae tion with friends is Re Hangar vs atthe [and other poin Berlin picnic on Saturday and cgrried off the second prize. These Kings are cate ‘buyer shipped on Tuesda hard to beat. tly trom. itenikton Rev. Mr. Thom on Sunday last de- other trom Ethe ‘Phe parsonage tennis court hag put pity shape and the devotees Kore Este hol campani Pease tir Pred Rt Toronto a at tae a spending, a cou] went | vith at in Elma and artis Isaac Bord and daughter Mitchell, and on: man it is said is wol rivante to fit auto ing friends. The: ier my ‘ton ashe oi ieved pf his di 210.1. 100, "enlebrated ibe this year at Brussels and wi the & cows are to be congratulated on hav-| oogsful in capturing. f first elke! wl their entrance ¢ CeREAOKAION a@maunted oe th 0 fs e "lodge: eent up from|jating the largest “ram er of mi ince last. wwe evtth ‘ ventr and Mrs. Edward Clark, of R ir. was also pre! the privilege of listening to abl igcourse ‘The members of No. 456, baat divine service in ist chureh on Sunday, July 25th. “an al ° Wednesday eventnes itation ane saying these delegates wa have reason as carat okie ae the serv e am Mr. White Bek Derewith a iow ad "hones to extend it. sveeks ago Ww! er; he oer into to CARD 2D OF = THANKS. e +1, George Hoffman wishes & coe jadies of the’ Lu thera na galled. lense for thi his forty au thelr es poenvainat weil Fike—Oppenshau: iser—Ak Ne usted, on Friday, Jul; ay 9th, Mr. Adam Fike to ‘Miss Lizzie Oppenshayser.