Milverton Sun, 29 Jul 1909, p. 2

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eas anetileey. ebuinnascrbmo pte itv oming lo Cay in @ A. P. Gardin- Bb oid fever, diphiheria, erysipelas men- Pith i Mtl ‘ ’ 5, z gion of ‘Blosasburye wht hei €X- | engitis, Sete gta w al tobe ay ob aims tor In a varity, of fabrics, styles and edition, . £088 ined with | Cus grin disowes Our cummer outing. A fish and fis sleel let wemeny men ee a poet igh oe See ssel | gtion “on the subject, Spersed with 1,200 lakes. and rivere is atices in -vailway <1 staliéns,’st reel rou, Ee — Piel ae the attractions |: shildren, end guaranteed by your own SeaFiet acct 28 ay jeons a Beer @ ie few noti i stati u euestiiee 758 ys eri ‘a she attract $ z| §ts. is) an alluring jist af Zt A / S28S ‘and: other. public es, but they canoe trips.» Altis ‘cont atore. ton +f aE pate Sa ich dt it is a pone Will | say it sould be useless to’ post them’ on MARINE level: (Pure ad eriiatation gatmonpbern verandahs, in =‘¢osy etl t the plac F = Immensely rich treas captured | 5), ady nooks, orm | Greater Changes , in its, Construction Rif pubinge Dolidayes “An iateredth d io) R i oonlit law 1 loig- an vaiipiien ; from pirates and sunk in the Withelm ; sole legates cori ioe aie Foany <n kaoesonii anes Sates seen Ne publica TOU (AiO ‘rumhlorellad fas liga 4) eg Sehunda) china tn, ds tion fot methods of disinfection: -6f. he | “Wie "the toedmotive engine «Was | aupleation to-¥."D. MeDoninla, "Union Sta Py euaaet ete S or | Uidiotemneable departure A pure, hard, ativan the Dutch, galleon ae mouth and. purifying the breath, ¢speci- | changed’ but! little since “its “invention, 3 = Rev.) De Withrow cient usage. of the Hyuse of Commo IS «Manitob: Hiebhte seh 16atj@ ally: with “a. view “to” the “protection ef marine engine has. altered oa t i Hi iS of cour: to 1b Ot anitoba © Bees which’ Ma scuutie satjy Kes, a ‘ lever Ht is} an’ olf trick to make" so my | 2 | know n ‘ofathe-enormots WAI or Gels bald oicts eee EL cleo ace akg a, Ga Lie 2 mivented:| mone Wuth: your head tbat, Toles incluses Ing Wali Pale. |= cata? ‘They: Couldenet A Valuable eargo lost. in the:D) v = not lodk at your be, 5 OX 2 : ing TRO} color and uniformity. | |ernment’s armed merchanimen he “ice : ibe a Insure Your. forse for $1 ot af exislentaotp. stein in /1698, medical soienes tor | paddles to: this. day: The introduction Sichccasia ee RIE e which is not embodied in a standing NG aWHITE opPer, ‘and dts baie rahe, bpd ane ene) a ee ange enges 10 Se | andl rastiésoness daring” sleeps “Mother egos ba saved i Thee nate ino calm aoe 8 eater lod,’ stomachand “lungs laced upright, brought: vertical! engines | G75 vost Sonn Bs ser mination leasant, | andl horses el 5 CRUE RO ING GROCERS The a3 titer pee ta te med [Inte use. times foro this. Ire x Sant | felthououe..) fa melghtan gold: | ey” nth Bt bo ciate opy ca in the | C2 hat is attracting almost’ tini- | Adititral(ys “alarmed: a the=4arge™coal | SUte_ and It your drug nett Prise st ‘00 Post Paid. Agonts Wanted, | Jecorum, or. Ate; unwarranted act DEALERS EVERYWHERE. SUEPLIED, WITH caplaie: "Gardiper lias. se in_ th Attar Wea hatgenfone 4m cease gat himeto propur impvd BCU Te) wRUELLS | [prin av Chinese! Wa ules, idna [id in vera sr me isa A esa a s aoe ete bg —. oa Se HS ; ul results: attending-its use: AG [iad some experiments With a 2view "0 34 0. . YE ALso manxe-cucen cITy2 akzNpED rhoung | officer of the Royal Reserve. His} Scent triumphs 1s. told reat eee Se usone cuomiod be : = : 1 Gonitodoration Life, To eek a I Dias OS SRLS Ah ceneracff fettention -was-drawn past rience: in the tohowiag oie a t th ee hiobethe | giviien_a man is intoxicated with lov distinction “pestricted to a ‘and honored URPOSES? FLOUN: thecmany-amreckes wh : q ne Sate een ote. ean fist oontm-trstg tne alcionl YOUR Hatha i sere ob low a italong the rr 5 : Biot te pledge. pr uae speakel Ti LF 'suffered for aver! tivo Years’ thoih er, Bbsses another and en ro cot aa i pre speaker a BPR MILLING CO.caoteees pueavo ings iit catarrhof ‘the ead “and “thtaat aria Kbent engines the nee eat stg eat misappresih which wil | spnyee therls i 2 Bey, bere skin of serofulons frat hobgh “ier thas remem! TUROGNTO JUNCTION Sr EReS HIShOVEREN: stomach, ‘and obstinate heching | pangs {Hee tines betore:-befn ge Be prod 8 tdeons “disease callod slabs. thal “by en ‘ede oulsidestHaaen UGE WBS BIGCOVE aA ee de tg jaiiced Se peter ane oe fie. cea car etenyy te all attested pare fiat seat "BAUER, sta it a ee 2 vered isan’ x He was rewarded by the discoveryof | weather’ would’ cause the ane | above {He size! of, stfal? Bus ‘ee ann Clganse the blood with Woayer's Syrup, ‘as ss ra Reiconbtye ry of S sere e-“latést advance i of ET kia, Aistee; Mtg propel | Le the of his discoveries oe ng rele eo Peyenine a 86: | naval gn etiseh ig 18 ig ne Lventions 5 . SUPPOSIMON ADAM SV ALAIR.O, FAMOUS. RUGS Lage Tales Pe te ust ny Bit on application, UD. Farris & & otioa 6 for mation ‘of the South Afrignn |milsion ad in the neWspapers, Mr, PerSons of the'steartt turbine, whic ng cin | 2am tint ences mold mt Scllgaas 4 Tae Boned ae Moston is Toca ‘Albgitae at se apy, Limited, with a capi- land decided to use hein, “They had’ & /bas received complete recognition in’ 18 Apa ure l Deait Raa Cede Bt Ran nicest of ey a clin he ‘ ie Hlousd of Splenid ‘effect in: iny, case, } ‘ob adoption for tie British battle. eb oe mans d men make the| eae eri stig ete rs vt Lords, Dut in the a ee comaan it “re iach a ed Nobel, once fhe os cure 1 iis ship, “Dretidnought.” avantages | St soldiers ‘onder: why | tae ry st hi 8. a P a} Te piasure:vachl. od e d. ‘ot this system; by es ihe oes ae I suppose it's because they’ restsed oF tBrice, ies : ae if e,yach fig) Ayande: Saliba the warfare at home,” drawled Bach. Peale a ree 10 acres. in ssolenas Feu insures 3 1 4 Ae fenton te the high eked — gn.xincomes of in 5 as spared in aeelinenes re , Stoeuni fees fa | thar apie "Wt them,2and| ‘A Sure Cure for HHeadaene.—Bilions grey SENS pane one. cure ot c2itWle donee years, ite— v ve: always keep Psychine a ost. impor of “all “for ware |) vd Ar : + si So the local authori met an mnincion he, helata: AS, ; Pe ae twenly we f. = Bony oct, |ships—the small sae damaged: s all is ne, following hace ie Ne ag te ng two j ar Sab Kis | : > = t i loading variotion 27 ie Mo a eee ne rely in reserve Theys -will-sign’ on for Beall de Ponttienty Ques vata BRS ce ot Bae Xo esolged: OS BI Rea aes ig ae eA Sper. cen: (MBER OF EYELASH HAIRS. n 0 place-of the sO a F 7 be given 5 per ceny a NUMBE! EYEL, 2 ogno and price list 80. that we build | thie ipo ehnireh, Tenens tho * men}: eichaen Me | ikke OF alt tres: e the ‘stomach aie “bile ‘ie has Zhen ters srilt please | oid churol now sia ind Poh + 50 positions pen atthe present Hines, high wages; prone tion} a enugingcts 4675 10-1) #200 per month; insteetons a mail “at ion without <interruption--with:|.<, your present occupation; we-assist-cacl dent in securing a position; wrile to-day for free edtalogue, tions and opel ation blan| Railway | Trainin foo}, Ini Block, Adinnea ila’ Ming, STAMMERERS ° National Boston | ‘The ARNOTT METHOD ts the onty 1 cal mthod for the cure 0} foceings We ireats the CAUSE, not meroly the HABIT) lend insures natural speech, Pamphlet, par- ficularsiand references seni THE ARNOT! INSTIT UIE LIN, ONT, CA! ‘Valley—all 1d, 26¢. in statn1 pause See Feue leateetont of Somervilie, Mass. WATER OL Gives Perfect Light. The Most Economical High Grade Oil Ever Sold in, Canada. QUEEN CITY FOR'SALE: BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE, Diggles ‘was’ etitlitisittstic “about” a young, “abate snow he hdped to“liave for peaking tors ‘wife, “it how polite hie i Uitte ever sing plensed tim ily crrupled his wife,’ “eseept-our ‘dduygilet Jenova aliything more ennossnig than ig: your corm stopped . upon? there ‘nytling move delightful than ra i tg df Kt orn. w do: Th tethaly a Interna! pions applet este ri tisk rub- Thonia pi , Dre nes. Abe sth touching he. 8 hnmedialely “esing Atoiinistered, inter it’ will nthe, Hibggt sion ingevand, will cure’ affec- nahial tubes, a ee t- and, be convinced: ion “fs) there viny, pol at the fowl you bh prefer, major?” ate ‘the Tales dnd ly. sete hath agings ce you please.” “The Tell win, nied “ihe fralony paving, dubiously at the platters "U1 lieve: it is-always. good. ‘tailltary taéties {9 bring the teil Wing. of i Velétan’ corps acl a ISSUE »NO. 14-07. i Tr Fe which left the ‘wenty-nine Wrecks Haye Been Lo- cated Which Can-be Reached for Gold. fascinating aic-ot romance Sriventae soa expedition Ther nd 5 O's zn ‘off the coast of aid e a ber rhianeiye" reninevalu- are: i i tere every The Cape Government’ ‘claims 15 per rf cent, of the, value of,all silver raised. bad per Sent. . of the value of fold: | and ana {0 per vent. of thi rlictes, but,Capt. ‘Geant | Ur is quile satisfied. (at. There” will mi enulaty tTE 10, planes every eAy, co ied. HEALTI IN’ SPIING. [Nada | Neva ities id Making ew Health-Giving Bloo Spring son: sehen yourcsys ler meeas ong on th mst haves new ‘blood must have sap. it Will haat, new. bloa weak-and llenguid; you:ma: rhéamalism -or! nevralizia, ‘oc onal headaches; .¥ ples ox eruptions of the es ol pasty. c sion sare Signs ‘tiat the oa is» outcof-order, Atonic ig ne lo: giveé«new. energy.» Dry, Wil- liams’ fare the best: tonic. in ich Pink Pills 8 en of: ge was weak.and cwatery" and? [i.was: badly run down. But through the use, ofothe pills: my vhealth: was ful llyirestoned. eeecaarean theni tomy Hriends ink ills, and to pro dened sait-see, that, the’ full. namne,,"Dr. Williams’-Pink, Pills for Pale People”. is peinled ‘on, the), wrapper, . around, each boxy» Do, nob fake any. olher, so-called “ty pills... Jf, your dealer bas not got he genuine, The, Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co.,..Brockvile, Ont, and get ‘a Dox «i ihe: pills. by, mail-at 150 ¢ six boxes for ete ROYAL, TEETOTALLERS, Queen 'Viétoria of Spaitr’dées nob Know thé laste of aldoliol. “Her special “tipple” 1s made from oranges— the fesniohAit squidezed: Into a° glass, whith- is? filled with aerated brangel: are her favor tel For years Princess: Hen of Battenberg’ was a Ietaaler, ‘ti ot late ae hag sutle a so mu theu- otdeved actus regardsvis.-at pen- So Christian’s: daugh- All. the: beet > nlatismn that'she fils white th he Both 'T oar. bre: teptalalers. Gf the Prince ¥and are Heed semmah pe ach | yeknow nothing of alas! ela of Connaught dren Wale S08 ma’ also abjure wine, Ariolher: oe teetotaller is, the Duche: of Argyll and the two daughters of the Prinodss) *Roxdl, hele highnessos Alex: dnded’ dnd: rmauidy-hgve never, in their lives touched: wine. rage 4 Yourselt ay ‘t pulmonary troubles, ding Nerontnes with Allen's -Lung, Mal Pagel Woowen te covgh and phlognt, Cure MRS. BRISQUE'S REJOINDER. aanorlinee alittle off ye highways leg god man rilny. mt in eine but es price was moderate; sand as fst jalan tion he, decided he ought {o, consider himself fortua ate. After the first nigh’s occupancy, how- ever, fe crippled man. hunted up the lnndlady and presented a complaint. ‘Mrs.’ Brisque,” be, b “T Tike (0 r ms. ar ing, and ‘found it “has: le; three pas ig bi the pers turbed landlady, in’°an injutéa’ tone. with salvage. company in |r, }of ‘The Osculatory Process Denounced by Scientisis-as-Extremely Dangerous —How the Danger Can be Remove keen discussion ~is unprejudiced, manner ev a et all jor ot shor th Shi itis sing ¥. stine i evo)! tient iborin and, fupnist “What t ping his £ are in love ¥ ‘apital idea ! Pib try att y-fout {riends'snetionee mor ‘Well Jobson;" aries plan. wor! Work! thins along ii Hines i jewellen's,-1 3 gronnet asked hel & g 3 an Pswould like cost me KING'S: LAS: King ‘Edward once the thst exelliy 4 ‘Of his Me Indian, or ene t by a maddéned biso smioke, 2 only. i were casi the! light five ‘till thar pith mn t BABYS D ‘With’ a box, of B ares yep is. absolitely, safe eeanariat possibly do re the -untaaltog analyst that the, Table ale or. banal 50 by, medicine dealer: cents a box. from Medicine Co., Broek ‘hen a sweel. unapproachab| a roa 16.Ne cried: oe bee: Job- nig.w hours stens smiled and blashed: and oe hs The Dr. kvilley One GOT Hist INTO TROUBLE. d. peing. carried’ on he ict ifici- | ierent mae of Ti ot: Stin te in-his 1é ils-resulls, a Jo told the. audie henings about. their ¢ for instance, Solas OF. head, Ht is de- mel Terikin sa n the back, “you yyy Sina orien aot fa. Natural tears, Oe amie one on eerie avo Re ace cad aT RIL dus: a cfg fone ght ith | Baa nk? fluid oy the nil inter whidl eyelid. la japanies ae see of th two | Tepping di Jenkins, “did the *L should took. Maud nd slapped at Gold- nd L-pointed to, the Ww jindose and th 1c. “hav Jobson: ie : it you look for it. oe time neigh bai W An old hs than, aya one ergs get. marr MATCH, months’ afterwards, Said’ that! he’ spent)! nérvous moment in Canada ‘when Fu T doo if he svas married. bute marriage. 2223 RE oa vegard as tis anaiely and one match tbelween of any country. “dt av beds to every: 1,000 of 1 0 civiliz De bate Menthol Plast os Greater thant all other es OR. ine tor backache, headache ‘Own Tablets on hand feel jualin ae Penis ae de fy v eaten a docto house." ‘This ig the’ex-lours, does nol ie perience . John Your, seer ts haihie ts (He Ba Mis.” Younig adds-—"T Nave used the Tabley or tee etn and ‘otter to tee of el dhol and have never known !'d:tment atuhateds 61 ether nie négteat’ it td in. their | velopment ess Ai idtues ation, “atarsigens bronchial’ Mubes ‘anid. Tune jon and aiher Bute ills th life miserable “tat iv Wes Odd | hand: a hart, 7ane 0d kyeurreaniis hes Ke’ 38h govemaifent Hive: Syrupyine. tar ts conlain’ no opi-| colds: and coughs othing stuff. "Sold ‘or By mail at Williains’ Customer.-(to» fur '§ Look Slanting- aclure on eyes many The ey pm 100 to. eng ie ANY 0. hairs on the upper and ight ee : the lower. lid; these, b ts, | placedoahout every ,100 Jays ie i | Mhiger’ outward along your fis Advised, “and, you, Wil) xp meek i alien ADE the pés you will havé ai ont af, ‘tie pac site Sensitiveriéss Titi: food w wh fd crate mi have a oe over- the! rei th HAD ENOUGH, arrister, was Ic it te a ied ; entering or, bachelo} "Tears—Why: Japanese eon unduly , falthough. ‘blinking’ strode i Fi tip boa of. three kinds, Hé-contifued: ich to wash’ away nen (2 en Wel minds are for te mot shopyvand pointed {204 tings tie: window | "3 * A jgshole tents and saidy ‘Wouldn't you mike !one::-of i « ovefiows panne theso ?ahd sho:siil, ‘Yes,’ Mind' WaS | Hhere is just Pe eiteaeetouon sade ne mo d.” the sees ‘of our eye. vas chieh sone the hn mbers, Willies found. his.dead body clerk, Ay asked No, lerk thinking. ‘wantamns” youn guarantee a steadiness, he added, “but, r am going to. nietvausices sven sitply:duesto Bali eee a fo Mt§'to light<a ‘mateh; ‘The Eniice aes Very Well, sealed Williams; oaply, ever: cmiles /anay’ érom. en underiand his owt Wee hang, an ile. seen ‘they nted. self, don’t slo it hei erages. 6 ho! population. vy which un a “grows in mddieine Vine: 50 oertain in: c Anti-Consump- famed: remedy ituce dealer): Send it homey” of Rut your- Switzerland “is: ets ‘oll a any Hike Tn, its uN Ree - ae is a lo eal p for Thé-highest rank ol Chinese-mandarins eee acne of red. silk; with. three “My Sie as BePA Be estering te life out of me der 3 Deacon: “Py, the. way, that ~ inert | Mite hay Dee fogane seo prown, you: married ago, tias ee paid. you: your. fee Se a eed eg DOU sofmelhinge andi, ib reyman the last time T re. 1! 4 pes ibllbe some ind tS eke } moluded tn fue ani Pt be fatto be sure i to seo 9 ia ate, didn't sue ie Ge doitias Beet apie paid _ Mince: was ios he inal iow! ag: and Bia stable. that shel fall asleep s Shr” pie, and Was a’ Siyory rather ihe sninule she, louches bmi 3 & “Well, great goodness, that's Mernieran you've i" : That hacking cough continues Because your system is exhausted and your powers of resistance weakened. / Take Scott's: Emulsion It builds up and strengthens your entire system It contains Cod Liver Oiland Hypophosphites so prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest. |GGISTS: 80c.-AND $1.00 PSESPESSOS SHO SSOSO SH OS: Par ee ee ee eT ee Foo eSOSGOGTODOOOOOOOOOOOS wre | ma’ fe si Awontany with Ae pers eye, Lin, She'se walkin; That's my wile, NEWER BUSINESS, NOT. HER O OBJECT. Fortune ;Teller—“Beware of a short, | She give you_a cheque.” ace stan ory YOUR poumen OUTING. ~—=cover look right - —wear right “7 ARE right ete eats experience’ ta AAAs Ala fentee cof theranality of Ranssayie Vegetable Pills area speedy five. land ind iduiveriinigclnooetiets vet tbe intruding bile, xelieves “ihe Peessiite g ene ves which’ caused the headache: y thei Black (to Brown): Laren ast hap? I'm awtull, 3 os tow Wtallty. “tay te te wit rks you fol eo <3 $s mt ho broke my poo itolner S near’ ned: How aid sie p that 2” Wel, te vas eno gel to He years. ven filler » the eng y acliene Aver fc wil find in Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills sv ive without “question the most caciohsron ti ‘ithe; hey Jor Gaiy@ppdengable; cacy tape, ox. ppallionl Mind ‘tieyane~ ak gheap, considering thelr lence. © BeneBuller was a aderror and! forhent fo tng judges, On one cecnsion Judge Having, been: bullied and bade ut-of all. patience, pelulantly What does, ‘iy counsel sip am_on this boneh.f Spratohing tls Read a mninite, Buller Feplled” “well, Gonfess\your honoWs:#ot me ther Your Doctor inconvenience of looking him en of havinghispreseription en you can’step drug'store in Carada and « obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. au pay t eet to five dollars en -five cent Tutte of SHILO! will cure you as re ly. Fat iy mot’ cA as Festicae of 0! V8 done for the thirty-f oe let SHICOH be ffm doc- x whenever a Cough or Cold appears. f ILO) ire you, | druggists back up this statement wit 2 posit ran time you have a Cough oF Cold cure it with Upy ane Of sho hat t SHILOH: ew church out a he material,in the “old chuyel solved! thabwe ‘ise ile’ ‘old hutoni-a the, neyy, .churcli is completed.” Free Hair Remedy druff, Stops nots whose again, iN, DOWNHAM, Strathroy; Bat The karts of the ith i ine SR practiGa’ of “mnenibers “of thes Tans of emmmons .awearing. thelt, the cligimber ber future historian ners to the session of 1906, azelte. Pali aeatin cen- tho ‘Housé..of- Gommans aa occupants of jhe two front ee the aMinisters ee x i uncover House, breech of otiquette for any. member inister, or a whip to ere ip ing ehambe wilbopy ys Ht. F ers of tie centiry’ also rehiee led to wear the morning attire ordained by fashion. On t fell of repr imanding bi oY eatin a 4 nave Chain, as well ith the resentment Ws-bad forinjon. the park of bis fellgw inentberss oi dE PPIMater eel past: front illie: Speaker | was; auffcten bio sin duce the member to return to conven- tionality in attire. Once, A fs member a: ered the me: ot evre with ‘the defiant at i SoU ‘wear Ql Speaker, to yo 7: Shae never He after time ‘the ment dr Speaker's, eye but never sue i z aS his: phase ne a usele driven was ridic- y%, Nothing Que § £0 os ae a Renn al Pte the sensible conclusion that it Remember, Foso acti aa grows hair, lone being condemned to obscurity for SOA pant ps hair falling out, removes dandpuft; nh aw as redap began in Inshtes 3 new. st ny ry eyebrows hn nd ie "s0st0 pamors tbacek in Phesbiea dh r faded thay in the observarice. “Members ugh Ht askyou appear in any anes at liked, in brow for Vout freetou- ; and a’ that,” as | PON below and mail Ho-dag. : f Lal on. bowler, id. Mr. Keir’ Hardie PREE PACKAGE COUPON, first prssented himself /to. Ane House rot fin gout name/amndadltersondatteit Commons—s0, far as heudgenr is con- Pow Bal ene cinolanatic Y BEBE Mg, Hu the rule | anit you wile sia te itt ting age dutty { te Tage veil delight you, i fe the _presemls Parliag Jon) vast das |} brought their them. cae gen util tho ¢ of Tet. Diuipig dst S88 jority of members never ms. Into the, House, ing. . Sie full a Livoss—weito plinl = aie SARRNRRRR SeR ¥.our,;,Grandsons ‘: Will B Old,,Men.,Before Thi wa” R oof , Wears Ou Hf ha lo “gait? GHINGL propel po ae will SHAWA a cna, su pa Weathas-pevoty rast f, “a Bhat ot ont) fo the mn ‘who 5‘ cite en dae na

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