i PALE, LANGUID GIRLS} OPENING UP NEW GANADA ge ‘Develop- asily Cause e of Suffering. A Tonic Such as Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills is Neoded to Build Up ‘the Blood and Give New Strength. At no time in her life does a girl stand in greater need of pure red Weak Blood ‘uri ment May-E alone can give her, than when she is developing into womanhood. It is then that any inherited tenden- to anaemia ‘consumption needs only the slightest nee ment to rapidly develop. danger is especially threatening es irls who are confined | quickly impoverish the b are among the most are caus- es of sickness among promsng girls pais young eames If at any time irl finds that her strength is failing and che is: becoming pale neryous, has no ambition and is languid, it is a certain sign that ber blood is failing to meet the de- mands upon it, because it is im-| c pure and thin. It is at a time like this that Dr. Williams’ Pink S$ are invalu- able yous, women and growing girls hey id up the blood, . They have eases of this kind that they may m I tried doctors’ good heal jams’ Pink 2, and gratefully recommend them to other ailing girls.” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are es by all medicine dealers or wil sent by mail at ste Roar oF nix boxes for $2.5 0 by The Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. AMTSCHRENBELEIDIGUNG. Josef Baeur, a workman living ores which is a most henious one personal honor 0! In Austria school father) his ¢ e found that she had been kept after school hours for some trifling of- fense, he fell into the oureehes of the law by pushing aside the tea- cher who tried child’s departure, and carried off the youngster in triuroph. 4 "You're right, sir—I ath cught to have a eae salary.” Lifsiay’s Vienna Sausage Is distinctly different from any you ever tasted. be served at frequent intervals. Libby’s Vienma Sau- just suits for breakfast, is fin Phe soca and satisfies at supper. Like all of Libby’ 's Food Products it is care- fully cooked and prepared, teady to-serve, in 's Great White Kitohe en the cleanest, most scientific kitchen in the world. Other popular, nantes Libby Pure Food: Cooked iad Beet Peerless pate Beet Veal Loai Evaporated aon Beans ~ Mixed Pickles ‘Write for free booklet, — to make Good Things to Insist on LEBBy’s at pats grocers, Libtey, MoNolll & Libby Obicago strength which it | Albe to prevent the| selecte RUSH WORK ON NORTH FROM ALBERTA. Edmonton Board of Trade Has Mapped Out the Pack and River Trails. What some men believe to be a new ia Dorado of commerce is now beckoning through the half opened gateways of the real north-land of Canada. The recent action of the years marks the latest and most significant step, writes the Edmon- ton, Alberta, correspondent of the s New York Sun. One of these railroads will pene- trate the bro: fertile valley of - | the Peace River, while another taps the immense waterways of the Mac- Kenzie, upon which there will be- fore long be established a tourist steamship service to Arctic. Work is begun upon the railway to ray. The reason for the delay in open- ing this territory, so at least west- fur trade dies in a country whose gates are flung open to settlement. s 80 obvious it scarcely ne retelling that the whole policy of Hudson’s Bay Company was planned to retain the west as an immense game preserve for their own benefit, for the Company of ra = ny | Gentlemen Adventurers trading in- ern successor. mal transfer of its holding had been anada strong traces © of ved | the company’s policy lingered - HIGH PLACES AND LOW. me than twenty years ago— while Pkoal children in eastern inaccurate Esquimaux sturdy Scotch factors of ins com: were navigating over 1,000 miles of that river in their own steamers. Still the maps made by men then consisted mainly of and another there, with a long trail or a river tween. Already a new order has vened as regards the geography o! the country, and with multplying numbers of free traders and tlers, railroad and land peel he map has undergone radical changes. The important step just taken by the Government uaranteeing hundreds of miles of railways into the north was foreshadowed last year by a publication of the Edmon- ton Board of Trade concerning the Numerous inquiries received Edmonton about the Se oeeiited of -|the Edmonton route to the Fi tay Trade to a sense of their responsibi- i a city that will e the meeting place of an : THE MODE OF TRAVEL, by steamer or scow, wagon, pack train or dog train; the meals, freight, time penetale and sleeping accommodatio ihe apart -cohubines “thes” primis tive, the frontier—the stops at Johnnie Stony’s, at Shaganappi and is’s half way house. The ter- the Arctic shores—1,954 miles from Edmonton—and from Edmonton pore Es a ihe hae Ease F inlay district—7 ae cee It w as suggested in this’ report heh the teats trails by river, mol plains would afford ‘delightful | holday, outings for Shin three weeks. for pleasure, but each year a grow- ing number of is aa surveyors and writers make the trip. With the exception of a antes sixteen re along the banks of the river,.as they have done for the LAST TWO CENTURIES, in the pursuit of the fur trade, Sy mode of travel is cro to re else in the a ie oft fa northern ‘Eh @ Mackenzie dis- Art is nob very generally RAILROADS | Edm ad Edmonton with Fort Me-| | se, is that. this | feed om the pany and cultured French mission- | reason ° | aries known that Edmonton, Manchester mud Berlin are situated almost in mon' nd se the ine Circle than Fort. Chip- ae ‘an, OF that Dunvegan in but with the me they are swept always eae drifting ane the Rockies’ efor’ Churchill, which a Hudson Bay railway will some oe connect with the Peace River posts, lies about seventy miles anath of St. Petersburg. York Factory, on the shore of the Hudson Bay, and like Fort Churchill, at the mouth of a fine river, lies even more than miles south of St. Petersburg. Sibera, which was once popularly believed to be a barren succession f sub-Arctic steppes, has proved to be a land of great agricultural the ownership of his Western ranch. Already at Fort Vermilion, which lies 500 miles north of Edmonton and railways, Sheridan Lawrence thresies each year with his own team thresher from 20 to 10,000 biintiels of fine wheat. ee CULTIVATION ¢ OF RUBBER. The Mabe “Article Does Not Compare With the Natural. The eae age is dawning. It at the present time, and still more difficult ae cs a list for which it might b were not its pre- sent price eae. There is no expect an immediate fall in the price, because ieee rub- ber does not in any w: mpare with the original and eye culti- vation is still an infant Bie The new Disneaone says the cago Tribune, cannot influence the output for some 20 to come. Rubber is the product of the co- agulation of a milky juice which can be obtained ia certain trees growing mostly in tropical climates. he| ing to capture a Many varieties of trees yield. this ternal bark is damaged Some are forest trees growing in wild luxuriance iu tropical forests. Some favor moist, damp climates, v5 the plants ‘of low-lying valleys f the Amazon district, = ae ore S & 2 & Bs Zs ae ee “while Sastilloa clastica of Mexico and Central America, al- though favoring a hot, moist cli- mate, is able to withstand a ary season if not too prolo pollene the laren a the Ame Gn caerkicte ielstous are made by yielding without permanently damaging it. outland trails are open books, t en rubber trees are culti- pd a report, and this when com. ed in accessible districts the ¢ pleted was pronounced the most|agulation and extraction of tho oes) rubber He the latex can be “The. sles ‘having penetrated sufficiently far into the forest and selected his field of nace se in the bar! s the latex fe col- issuing from a conical- ves- sel opened at both eaten and placed over a small fire. The heat and smoke coagulate “the pee drive off the moisture, and leave a thin layer of crude Boe on ‘the sur- fore of the pallet. repeated until sh caunee thick- ens in a rounded b! packet Ca esene CAUCASUS BRIGANDS. Demand a Big Ransem for Kid- napped Boy. The police at Tiflis are endeayor- band of brigands who for some time past have been carrying on operations in the Cau- . | cusus, says tl jondon Globe. e off was captured by the brigands, who askedsa ransom of 50,000 rubles for his release. The lad’s father efforts of the police no definite clue could be aie 1 incriminate &ny ;| one in particu! Young Teleloft ill remains with Ss rennde who wet of the band had the audacity to call ee, on the wife of the an had informer her that tl which they fae at first asked and had doubled their eae in conse- auance of M. “treason. e the eee eee at pres- Anelined ers’ demands. ‘ooo | their h ‘he operation | i PARADISE FOR SUFFERERS. Corner of the Sahara Where Fem- iD inism Is in Full Swing. ‘rench explorer just returned from Africa has ressed an open . letter so Mile. Laloe and to the wo- man doctor Mme. Pelletier, the {| great advocates of women’s rights, advising them to leave te once for the Sahara, or rather to that dis- oiet pts by the tribe called The eTuateas: nee the explorer, are craity, cruel and treacherous. but they are aie apostles of feminism. The indeed beiioge ES 3 have camels of their own, which iaaesias are not allowed t2 mount, and their household duties are, so to say, nil. They are allowed to have an i mirer who saddles ther camels an ree country the Tuareg woman not follow her husband unless she wants to do so, nor is she compelled to serve her spouse. She is edu- position in so far thal judge or arbitrator in all difficult cases. oe PRIEST’S HORRIBLE CRIME. Murdered Boy Who Killed Bird in Ba under peculiai apply Zam- Buk < ‘Surprising he ranting it anes. the smarting end sores o ie to fing. Zam-Buk is made from pure herbal essences. No animal fo mineral pcisons. Finest healer! Druggiste and Stores everywhere «SHE OBEYED ORDERS. Carelessness in the use of langu- age is quiteas reprehensible as care- it- negro maid of some apples baking in the oven. + “Watch when the apples burn, ae Salted as she ‘was leaving the hou When she return ed there was a pan of burne: charred apples on the kitehen tabi, but Chloe was placid and hap; qe ee “burned at just ven o’clod morning, ma’am,"’ said Chloe, complacently, “for I noticed the time particular.’? I A a HOLIDAYS. Full Gn roqusst “Address he Veterinary Oo" LIMITED, Dok A, 78 Advialde St. ast, TORONTO, CAN CARPET DYEING “| pRITISh AMERICAN ‘DYEING oo, ‘by post and wo are sure toaw. 188, Mantreal. ME COTTRIRDAAE AGENTS Sonex Mako $3 aDay.and estab Aish permanent businassom our capital. Our Shee rosa coll oa. inevery home, are quickly up and repeat ocdors Yast, Exclusive ter ven. ‘Tux Hone SUPPLY Ong Dept, 80, Toromto, Oot WRITE fer CATALOGUE, e ardeni has been w tne in England ee America concerning the best wa; to dispose of school boys in the leng summer-vacation has prompt- ed the Grand Trunk Railway Sys- < A BARRACK-ROOM STORY. Some oe pee a certain regi+ ment had an er with a craze for eyomaeees, ohn taught his brother subalterns to walk round the bil- ane for a few seconds, he theo his head Beale: and, to the surprise of all present, epart ted without reat a wo! 0 following morning the Cycle joer appr ached the colonel, ex- eens a, verbal castigation. “With regard to last night——’ he began. ‘Hush, ay deer feos i would not tho & Burmese lad, raed thirteen, who for the priesthood. Sees who ees the lad him, an is said to have called cine attention other novices to the boy’s con- dition, telling them ene as he had taken life, so he must die, and be- e the astonished pupils sould ad fortunate lad’s in, boys fled in horror, and Becged the villagers, who surrounded the monastery and tried to arrest the priest. He, however, had procur- ed a dahshe and made a desperate fight before being subdued and ar- rested, injuring a number of the villagers. The far- eens , advocates ‘of Ca- robably hardly rea- practical, any criterion the faults that now exist will disappear in the future. our banking Canadians, show oughly appreciated by the Canadian people. One of the strongest units in our @ Dominion nual statement to the days ago. Despite the fact that this statement covered a period, t of which was characterized by ex- colonel ih aabod? wee for the world! e fact is, I was dining out with an aa brother officer, and, pon my when I glanced in to see how things were going on it seemed to me that fe I saw you all upside down!” There is ther Graves’ for kind Mad icle ef its kind Yhas ae non eae faction. nothing equal to M Wo! sce “Brterminator A SLaM. ‘Would you | believe it, my ite ie jealous of mi “No, I'd hardly be believe it.” FOR RNEUMATISM—It. Hot Springs. Just u as not negessary to £0 D.& L” sonthoy 5 satisfactory. 250 a ay, man facturers. Uae SELB SH. The woman that maketh a good pudding in silence is better than she who maketh a tart reply. Holloway’s Corn Cure is the i remove all kinds of small sum of twenty-five cents. NO LONGER POSSIBLE. “Young m: ful old guy, on $3 a week Bee business.” now,” answered the Young é| Chap, “hut they have cash regis- ters in all the stores now. an,” said the success- “] started as a cler ke and to-day I own my .The microscope in the hands of experts employed by the United States Government las revealed the faat that a house fly sometimes car- rios thousands of disease germs attaghed to its hairy body. The continuous use of Wilson’s Fly Pads will prevent all danger of in- treme financial stress and the bal- ance by very low money r: e profits of this great Institution for e half year, although so r- previous half year, are sti rate of 15% p. fe Snergaced al now reached the t one millions ; a assets ESB an one and a half and o halt millions. This is a most satisfactory state- ment, and one on which the share- holders may. congratulate them: selves heartily, reflecting, as it does, most careful and progressive management. SoD HOUSES. Feature of fateh Life Which Does fe Not Mean Po If you read that a family lives in a sod house you may conclude that Rovere compels it; but this is not ¢ Canadian prairies, ure sod poe are the advance agent of prosp al Peeanahe ‘who obtains a slice of that rich wheat t land doesn’t have increased | and hheit demand to 100,000 rubles. ‘The | 4i1 the is no snes most overn, stretches of Saskatchewan or Al- berta rhe will strike first well or- appear. t is not unusual to see signs of luxury about these sod houses. The; are comfortable abiding places, coo! a jn summer an ran in winter, Kindly. Mention this. Rane of this paper in writing to advertisers. fection from that source by killing both the germs and the flies. “Your daughter! Is it possible? Why, you look more like twin sis- ters!” remarked a lady who pos- sessed a barbed tongue. “No; your sist Beco: Impurities of the mond SEN acted.—Impurities in lood come from Pefects in the ee of the liver. ey, are reveal iy Bunnie and_ unsightly Bloene: on “They must be treated THE TEST OF SOBRIETY. Guzzle (after he had succeeded in waking his wife)—‘‘Open the lorsh |’ Mrs. Guzzle—(head out of fie second story window)—‘‘Are sober?’ Guzzle—‘‘Yes Hos Guaale Then say ‘recipro- tem to issue a special publication giving suggestions and _ practical hints to parents, as to what to do with the public and preparatory | ® 4. 4.) Ontario Veterinary College TEMPERANCE ST., TORONTO, CAN. biished 130: over by the MER oF Ontario, 1908, aN, with the Univ contre the bent. 2 a Outer eau Sivoush 3 collegs yonrse, EES PRICSESS ON glare ag nan odes ¥.8. 8. Principal. Dept. He July and Aug The vacation camp is on solutions and | the publication entitled, “Wha shall a Boy do with his Vacation’? | thoroughly covers the g } solves the problem of the best way ae a schoolboy to enjoy his holi- days. A copy may be obtained for the ae iby applying to Mr. J. EAS RE Collector (warmly): “I’ve been here a dozen times, sir, and I posi- tively * call Mr. Poorpay (cheerfully): now, my man, don’t be so superstiti- ous about makin i call; nothing will happen, I assure ous Faultless in Preparation.—Un- like any other stomach regulator, Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are the result of long study of vegetable compounds calculated to stimulate: the stomach functions and main- tain them normal ey ae Years of te faultless character and established And ways stand at the head of the list of standard preparations. Mike had only recently beea made foreman, but he knew the re- aes t due to his rank. “Finnegan, ’ he said to an argumentative assist- Hees aL 1 have nawthing out of ye ness silence—and mighty little 0’ that !’” _ Don’t experiment with unsatis- factory substitutes. Wilson’s Fly Pads kill many times more house flies than any other known article. ioe Heiress: I marry you Her Suitor: “Oh, ‘that’s all taht: T shan’t be at home very much, you know.’’ Bay, why shel A Domestio Eye Remedy. ‘urine Affords Reliable Relief to Bites aah Best ees ed — ae) Remedy in @ Soothes Eye r. | assertions “What is it, madam?” asked the man behind ane desk in a servants’ registry o x ne other kind.’ Used according to directions, Dr. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial IN SELECTING INVESTMENTS INCLUDE SOME BONDS Standard Canadian Bon have long been important its of our Financial Institutions, of large Estates and of indi- viduals of wealth, ‘ist Mortgages on farm pro- perty formerly made the favored form of investment to persons of limited means, . To many, an sit of bonds was not well wn- r Today auch investors know: » Canadian fractional mortgages—represent- leurs mortgage’ secured sur] rp Suns, we might suggest, rage-—a muUni- we | Diba railroad or publia utility bond—an. approv- ond of a manufacturing concern. afford a number of See advantages over mort gages. amony ahh might be mentioned. aS See aglhetlng ed only after Pata hivleroation by experts, —Cood in age return, —Prompt regular paymen of arity ; Kage spot will ne cashed a your ban —Lon westm ent Theale run from one to thirty y: —No expense for investigation: —Readily marketable. —Can be used as bank collateral. Ve offer the services of ow pennies Sor assistance in selecting your investmeuts. Somo Raliraad bende is, Seas mmo Utity be ay ome approved Kends joturing Companies yicld & to Ox, DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED 26 KING STREET EAST, TORO | will afford relief in the most acute vine anyone of the truth of these When the police get man’s ian be chat conceal himeatt aiong tho branches of his family tree. BICYCLISTS, young or old ways carry a bottle of Painter tn thelr ands, droid “eabatie tutes, there, is but “Painkiller "— with ‘wonderful quickness, Pours Davis'—tio and 800. The girl who knows how to make good biscuit and cream gravy sel- dom knows how to carry on a flirta~ tion, Wilson’s Fly Pads, the best of all fly killers, kill both the flies and the disease germs. Long after forgiving an injury a woman keeps trying to forget that sho has forgiven it. ans Not even the ara itself looks more qocwiddtigs It is us “country not inhabited,’ the wilderness into which the seapenoat Bs Rs driven. We are all glad w dstet to go again. Lasuant: to the Bran Aiea i trial will convince the most skep- nt, but none of us could be lg a ue Tis a Marvellous Thing.—When oma” and permanent relief it has it has been used bbe re- pe % Ee ° which enter its ae sk tion. ical of its healing virtues.” Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to advertisers. ~RECORD ‘English o 6,045,738 wae. ee ean * gee eater increase in Canadian AP ceed than any otho x Poreign FOR 1908 $6,045,738 rongesb pee evi i bp iieePulteshoiders arepyallceatiated with their Pol emium rates, with or without Race charge, while p: rofits to Policyholders are m' profits, are lower than oth, : wach high ‘om management eepaneae. are the lowest and interest abeahige the highést, Ask our acon for Annual Report and Record for 1908, and be on the anonymous letter distributor and with whom wo do nob advertise. fi uard against jackmailing journalists, riends, the The Creat-West Life Assurance Company § HEAD OFFICE . - os © WINNIPEQ. : sitstewn, Varcouvery, a. torino gptieale Halifax, Sty iss N. Bey Calgura/ai Fargo, ND,