Main Street, - THE MILVERTON SUN SCRANTON COAL ST. MARYS LIME A Little Light on a Dark Sabject May tst..Coal always J. G. HAMILTON . G. Hamilton, sole agent for the D.L. & W. Scranton (Standard Anthracite) Coal has moved his Coal business to his new sheds.on the C.P.R. and has openedan office on Main street near C.P.R. station. Cheap coal starts on hand. 30 cars now on order,...... Also have Coarse Salt in sacks. C.P.R. Station" The Milverton Sun} 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING see The Sun Printing Office suescnirien RATES Milverton, Ont! rae 30, | taning i Short Stories Retold e English papers print quite ae ae little stories im which the high and mever bur a few brui ae rer: ree English- himself, beyond man. “True!” asserted the Yankee. | $—_EDITORIAL 4 FOTOTO “Up the vas busy cleanin’ the win dow, and he fell Tight 0 josh!” obje tod his listener. t be? vould tha ye ‘aal sir,” drawled the other, “you see, he just happened luckily to fall inside!” The United States Inland Tayenue jreceipts for the fiscal year Aves from last year’s figures. | One xear, $41; six months, 50 cexte; three ths, nce, pobersitiers | ia trveare willbe lable to pay $1.00 per year, GONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES - Bight gonts per line toy four cents per sine a daa tnhasasent: Taser first inserti Hon will be charged for all transient adver- tisement: ‘Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted until forbid and charged ac- cordingly. Changes for contract advertitemats must be in tne office by ‘ond: attention. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor. | Business Cards H, J. Hamill, a Aarne woollen man- paaestee of Philadelphia, has weit- to President Taft specifically nee that the Woo} Trust Wis chased the retention of its tariff teotion, and demanding that the raat dent veto the bill. *English,” says a prominent Mich- jigan man, who has just returned from aa ja tobr around the globe, “is the busi- |ness language of the world. One can get along in any port in the world jwith English.” That ience of most world travellers, The |“universal language” is glready with us. is the exper- It is said arrdnmgements effected bex| within the past few days ahsolutely Medical. ¥, PARKER, M.D. P.L. TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG ‘STORE, MILVERTON Hase-10 to 17.0-<lash yand 2 to 4 o'clock p. m., and 7 to § o'clock p. Veterinary- w. Veterinary Sur, Mi Iverton, Geadate of Ontario vomit ary College, Treatsall diseases of domesti by tele- phone or otherwise promptly attended to. «asta Resecead dant ett Bodhi a Societies. ALF, & A. meets every Monday evening on or in_their "Visiting breth- ‘Da, K. LEDERMAN, ren always wel ZORORR, 86ey: eC Ae ee rer Milverton, Visiting brethren always welcome, R. Tucker, C. R., S, H. Pugh, Ree-Secy. meets | Was general publie opin‘on prevails that t | the assure the success of the big cement i-| merger which will be capitalized at e | $30,000,000 instead of 0,000,- 000 as was at first intimated. All the factories now doing bus‘ness in Cam- ada will be bought up. The ultimate result of this will be an increase in the price of cement. Cement of lite y come an essential, espec- ially on the farm, As soon as the combine is capried out the farmers of this country should unite in demand- ing thet the duty on foreign-made cements be removed. Gs Stratford mam guilty of the double eime of incest and violation of the Charlton Ast, the victims being bis ten and twelve year-old daughters bereft three weeka previously of their mother, was sentenced to one month im gaol. The details of the er:me were too horrible for publication, in fact the authorities deemed it prudent to hold the court in camera so loathsome the evidence. In the minds of the be bercrrected: and laid before the At- 0. F., “Silver Star me. Visiting prethren always _wel- come, V. W aM K, Loth, F, Becy., Tob, BS Bers Notary Public. w. D. tioneer for Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, W Mortgages drawn and. Village Clerk. . Office in the W Fei Bank uf tiaselltga Jerge--sompie ro t beads beasas of Hquor anc Chas Proprie hain ta Ue pti hare Re ted HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. fe best accommodation for commercial earns aoe others, ‘Twa large sam . rooms, Ont y a vee at the bar. Good e#, Paull, Proprioter, ROYAL HOTEL, Wellesley, lighted, and re-fitt e Prompt attention given to e. public. | tise Hiquors and cigars, P. BURDUX, E ICAN HOU! s weil “attention to dhe mereial end sample rooms, Best liquors Baie $i 50 per day. Wm. Witt, Prop Legal MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Bolicitors, Ete. Se ork Hoy lati ein for, Bry eh of ‘the firm will ilverton every Thursday, J, M, CARTHEW, ha a Stratford - J.C,Makins - W.J, Hanley pos ae Ont. ears of solid iipeactcat training atario, with ni re assis Grad uates to positions as well angive & most E thorough ¢ cet Get our free catal vt | Biliott & Melachian, Principals. Cane ther made. ir block) te y | bemofits fit. sent put of P ‘ain thie te hace eats = a f-conti this Province. Bee a ie) go into effect on October Ist is a mat- ways and shippers. It is gratifying to note that ggreement of the manu- | facturing shipping and railroad inter- ests which considered the measure was brought about without. emysdiffi D eae Bk re of an ailway Ines, or ted States roads with which there is a joint tar:ff arrangement. 57-62, the Critical Age Height of vigor is past—nature’s Weakened nerve centres, impart vi te the fines bod. ris $I twenty years, the reliance of youth is restored, vigor, vim and new life siienlaies.. rool try Ferrozone 502 t all deal How Canada May Help ‘The Montreal Standard contains « remarkable gartoon which is printed sige i acer for the Bank }I am coming Dei (surroundings represent, the great in- ustries amd enterprises of, the Dom- a, u factor: “rating 4 is, Lagan labelled “From 6 Ganade™ “fille ith battleshi Do You Paka Bilious ? trouble arises arises from torp‘aity of pata eanieal - as They belp sau at ance, aS at nigh are well by m Dont be atraia of Dr. Haglan Pile, they a —don’t or nauseate. They just ‘that’s all f vive re" “‘A\ dolar spent at home reacts in its with tyre} ene BE er | betes Lav-ets 5 Sarena tet. etait fit. Biskees men sbould aw. the Pataca beriety ‘tance of keeping tits dollar at home amd make a bid for it >y judicions advertising, 4 909, were $246,212,719, a | minded off of nearly five and « halt}, The new bill of lading which is to| am to| ed signs: of rabies. c Mwain at a dinner at the antners ‘Club the other day said ; g at all about what was in store for 1 tumed in at tthe gen- era] store. * ‘Good. ‘aftemoon, friend, e. said sneral storekee, ny sorting macker wiped bi brny bands on bis apron aid 1 expect, theré’s goin’ to be & Jeature. I been sellin’ ees all day? ” The dew was. sellin fast the stars Noa to I hear a voit it said; “Drink, pret- ty creature, drtn Es “Children,” said the teacher, “those are two of the m a yetioal eee ever penned in the Eng- they were written by the moblest of our bi liam Shakespeare and Miltor IT want to see if you can caainorite ane naa Butterworth, what are For < ‘oma ‘Butterworth, — the Mameh arvel pondered. ‘Then he bright Nae Sudeetaly as recol- leation dawned and he began} et ee n't’ mooin bi h "ecard ite at ‘ais ‘Sup, tha dufhead sup ‘Am.old lady ee was fond of her disy senting minister bn ~~ wearied sae ies Tamb ay the length of her praises. “1 speak because I oe him well, eid she, “Well, I don’ damn don‘t—bu* Lamb. amd tricks plagued not a end at eupper when toasts were fly- ing to and fro he rose to ‘propose the eolth of the much ¢a-ca-oalumuiate! -gool King H:rod!” Libby ical i miasnbes. Mr. Edward E. ianey with the ae taites Express _ Chi Guick, Bie Cham er! eae Remedy oe ti ack of the I have used it since oe See ter of considerable importance to rail-| ine Prison pions a which this Ma id saleby ad an ae ene “When irritated to the point of “flying off the handle”, turn the corners of the mouth up. That makes it impossible to remain angry,’ Another Big Purchase of Biscuit Jars. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO SECURE ONE We have made another big purchase of Biscuit Jars, and, in order to give those, who have taken tickets lately, a chance to get a Handsome Biscuit Jar Free, we will evtend the time until Saturday, Aug. 28th. So take advantage of this extra time and get a Biscuit Jar Free. For Women who want Exclusiveness ’. in Dress Goods .*. ee our early August showing will prove more than interesting. These new dress good fabrics have been arriving every day for a week or more. The finished pieces seem even more beautiful than when we chose them from samples long ago, and they are the distinctly new weaves and colorings in which wa place most confidence for fall. Dressy Clothing for Men Every man owes it to himself and to his friends to be well dressed. Yes,.a man’s friends have a claim on him, they man think highly of a man’s character and There may be differ- ences of opinion as to what is meant by well dressed, but there is no excuse for any abilities and yet wish that he would look ‘more presentable.” Milverton man not to be spic and span when there’s ‘“Engeland’s’ to come to. Now, we have done all the style study for you—yours to pick and choose. Materials making, fit, all have been given the expert attention you couldn't possibly give to such. details. Act are of int trustees ;—If a Nfeiches figentiy or A viltully eee Pinejachnri2esh book to Took Wy, the: ponila ot. report, of ites in he: report Mimister his aie or 60 ates: Have You Bronchial Oatarrh? It is easily recognized by the dry gh and Not difficult as Mr. Xa- No one could suffer from a and gave immediate relief. ‘had a siny it is a sure RU et ee it. Soid everywhere 25¢, and $1.00. Panreentions:* of Mad Dog Mr, J, Walte, end matte west wf Bailoz expested his dog was bitten by a mad dog lately. ‘One morning when hig him and grabbed but he was not bitten ‘ook’ a stick ‘ a Knoab' the doe, iow ‘was unal cured a rifle ea nes it. Hitten by.a mad dog and which show. alt Reporter “About "| eal his hired man Walter Wiidfang waa) di of eee Mr. Bis abe -JENCELAND & SON, MILVERTON new, of the original drawings used for iis lustrating ‘the Coed ‘to be placed on exhibition ‘at the department. The | callection ta a a unigue and Dighiy ins eave each, ‘sis re teresting 0) in eee Luck standard to a ‘higher Jevel. It will frenuurated | by designing the also two Seats ago me praee supply of oar a4 areet Bie me here from Mason City, I z ct the to adopt, the tn which Deligves she can do the most effective A dae bi titalth Friend Tiateos with the ‘Primer and other it ” tli ‘4 tmve used Chamberlain's “CoLie, It is for solo by all druggis s.| remuneration shou ‘preater, Marg | 02% Public school ronders, the de) cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy #i,nee Beem hare ater the Uabees partme to issue manuals of | it Was first introduce, ‘the pubis duties and TERDAINDER ck OF A finicr| eee st atiglons tothe. beet i 3872, and bave never found ons in- Scarcity of Teachers ances peaaee, matter of the et ‘as Tot seedy ‘igtowe} pwel Banner {At the end of aie present month for cightsen verte oe ontario comes the urbane Lave Peak hd | nieivfdchool text books try | yea: cavar qeeetaont oust ery of a scarcity of: school, teachers, | pean able to secure teachers at a von-| ancient history, physeal goede! mph ja without this, my falt)Cul friend," age ne oS boards, particu!asly in rur- - | siderably smaller salary. | ‘ pe tarda te ital wil Ps epartinnt |W ay lichols wipe nd. 3 sections, are experienc’ng some TROTTER, 2 tho a a used a remedy for Chronic Disrrhoea Ourea_|>¥. “eres Debiaas im Toron thistytive Years he knows its value J. J. Goggin, the editor a the is competent to speak of it. For new, readers, is preparing an exhibit inte by all. druggist — ‘My father has for _yoars been ‘ppi, berlain’s Colic, Choler ni and trustees uot_wiling to arrhoea Remedy advertised in the Phil pay: thet much find i nd Di- It’s Worth Looking Into The New “Chancellor” {Steel Range is designed to sive good service. It has 1 divided flue strip along top and down side of oven itop. This feature guaran- tees perfect baking results: The grate also pulls right ‘out and is easily changed ‘from coal to wood use. Note the large warming closet © that will accomodate a full * > dinner service. ‘When you ‘buy a “CHANCELLOR” you g ar, a good investment. in and Set prices, Z\er. He is now sound and well, although sixty years oi, —_ do as much work as a y fh |by all druggists. More New Text Books ‘Ait Fa! ee ‘rate of 10,200 Im the rural ‘schoo}s ‘. he salaries rt (rom $400 and ee nla in an, odd exception is the | terday commen balla. low thi ie inexperienced grad- produpt, “It is perhaps the most jm: Dr. Pyne, Minister of Education, in making the annou: -[ooThe new lothebov at 1 orig ted a 64 pages, ard sald for ten edits. An innovation mot hy k “