Milverton Sun, 19 Aug 1909, p. 6

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to walk her headache off, ‘made. her OR, LADY BLANCHE’S BITTER PUNISHMENT way to the plantation She reached the- bridge as the Soe ‘truck eleven, waited there for minutes, then slowly strolled inte the dense shade of the pines: had brought a book as an ex- cue Sor loitering, and with it open a her hand a = down on a fal- den tree and w: os was a0 ‘sige of Oscar ote mond, ands had seen no on! since she carted excepting an old CHAPTER XII.—(Cont’d) ful girl on his arm, ths the thin leash, of Josine standing close up against the glass wa Tet “us “give her her note, at he could picking up sticks at the the plantation, end Witt a abo relief, a8 the clock. chimed the half i " afford to gh at his fancy 35% Floris sands him speak, and look-|Tiady Blanche as a nidewmm er m: ur, she rose and dlose her ing around s: er amazement, | ness past al intending to go ie, when och he |old man in the ffiehe te hobbled She was very pale, and he tobe Little group; gather some sticks eyes shone with a half-frightened, sles. a UP fo inGced her eyes |cones, and then hobbled back again half-defiant glare for , |aud smiled up at them, alha.t sleepy |and stood beside her ooking up 3 then drooped, as she made @ re-|smile such as Cleopatra might have | her, with his hat in his hand and Pe spectful courtesy. Jawelt in as she lay on board her |his ees gray locks streaming es “What are you doing h rev? by h slaves: lown his neck : pene ats, om doing here yacht siroune thing for you,|~ Lady Blanche bad taken out her m » milord,’”” said pita Blanche,” said Lord Norman. | Purse, when thes se man put his hat glibly; “I have lost my wide |on again and la and holding out grave, at Bt you. going, then?’’ moment, then man -The Batis was so sudden that aay and the three Ads lett fora ay aes Josine was nonplu She rd Norman would Me ine to an open door in si- Betvhat is it?” dropping my ee and thin me, we miladi’s room, milord,” Hels ‘ repli The little row: "poked on for a cleared I am continually maebleby Blanobec, Pins aod htie kunt ine ie soft, mocking laugh — Lady Blanche started and turned crim- to- | 50n “Ts it you?” she said “Yes,” said Raymond, “and if BS. me, I ne any others up at her from his half-closed eyes, with a. ee smile. t mouth seers IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. in the Land That reial World. Reigns Supreme in the Cont Occurrences me! There were recently seven sui- cides in twelve days at Leicester. It is proposed to raise a memoria late Sir Ww. Wyllie. Lieut. cee nat Leslie Rundle has been appointed Governor and Commander-in- Ohist at Malta. ed in a fire which en incubator establishment at Ply- Hat “donation of $125,- bill iato the Hous make fuither provision lor the: pulsion of aliens convicted of cer- ain offences. The late Franklin of Hyde Park, London, and of the banking firm of Samuel Montagu & €o., left ‘$120,000 to charit; The official returns for Satelit in tre oe in ne Mr. Ellis Abraham is weeded, ara a yeraned’ the Porchester Terrace, di ENTER THE THRESHER. Bringing - the? ‘Weckiitea: on an Italian Estate. It is probably true that the suo never sets on the threshing-1 Epa or that device has pen most every laad where wheat. “ atord made uN eaten. n ‘Days Spent ‘on a Doge’s Farm,” Mnrgaret Sym: describes the reaping aad poe ona typical Italian estate, which there, as else- where, is followed soon by the threshing, The bringing on or the machines were a ceremon: cLovit OF CLOAK TISSUE]* NEW ee FABRIC MADE IN FRANCE. New Manufactured on a Commer- cial Seale—Better Than Rubber Cloth, ‘A new tsaie has been brought out in France, “known as tissue- liege, or cork tissue, and it is now An impe! ph entry of the Case into Rome—could searcely have excited more propor- _| tionate attention than that of the fl “Dy arrival! china’ at the farm. The farm had been duly ar- ranged and prepared. Its inhabit ants had a sense that the ad re such that they must put on the’ best clothes eo oles their finest copper. eshing-floor sacks laid out in order; lions rem- pant and ducal coronets put to the front. ere are two machines on the and tae great black monster is un- deniably an impressive sight. He neods ab least twelve oxen to. dram eeack machine has its keeper and mer way a fabric is quite waterproof, Wwas |ef0US disadavantages of the latter. CLOTH -AND CORK, The cloth fabric is faced with the ‘k upon one thinly cut-corl ide only, leaving the outer side of the usual It desired in certain layer is pla ween two layer of avg process of manufacture the cor given a preliminary Cantaied? by which it is freed matter. and is cut into very thin sheets. A 1 on a cial | scale, according to the Scientific h _ to almost: any is ob- r- be is designated place of rub- f its resinous It becomes quite flexible Poe , rs . é : 2 CRLEEFED ESE EEEHEEEEEE SPRAYING POTATOES. As is well known, both early ; late blight on potatces are mue reached from observation, not only | that of their own experiments, but _ also those of farm i parts of the states who Fase with them in conducting experiments af- ter the fashion of the experimental Guelph, On: a n the sotdey ofa rt from the Geneva Station: “Te is unwise to Even whe or six through spraying at a proper will lessen the damage cas by flea. beetles, If flea Her ifferent Lord Norman looked at her ach Teast payee steed ce oe ae Bese yk *to the upper corridor! What are you doing here then?’ he de- pets is placed upon the fabric and 's tightly pressed upon it. Any of the usual fabrics can be used with e e you here? Ate it nee- set: 8 As asked, sold) »”” he said, ** groom. It were impossible to over- aunts importance of these gentlemen who appear upon the “Who is fe it? How did you come by it n expanse ‘of 250 acres at C paates F; | tle Bromwich has been acquired a ’ hand Bruce ates Floris and prevent her speaking, stood silently lo Lady Blanche held the letter dai man Josine had gathered her wits by this time, and eee her eyes with ie had a a for her Indyship, and hoped to an opportunity of delivering if Mi lord, at pene pardons! I have dropped Lord Norman looked at her stern- ly in silen “Yes na its exclaimed, under her breath, her eyes roving over the “Tt jis certain that I have an I tell? “How ¢i “Yes, all curiosity,” said, smilin She eatsed Bu er eyebrows. e are me if it shou shore 5 ad better go and nd it,” to the open door i Ge siitotgh. that door dl yourself Floris was Bruce looked g) co it bad Cate “Blanche?” She looked up mi ee Spel news! y sho ee think that?’ ite oe laug’ g softly. ‘It is a bill, and so aslient a one that it made me fi lea ter this part of the ele “unless you are request Yes, milord, eattatnlye® eae, and wit! head and gait, eloquent Beever Spipet and humility, pass e they ed: a quis while longer, then Boris got “Let o in ov she said, fal- erisely: gh e drew away from him to the een ro 4 she saw caiativag ie the ground at her feet, and pointed to if with her fan. “What is that, Bruce?’ she ask-| lis she into careless” blank side fell upw th aati with a fi ’3 per mur a fot the great mestro’ ance came to a end; a mur He stooped down and picked it|and some one spoke joking down, while ily between her finger and thumb. Open it and see. “May I?” with a glance at Floris. rform. to she nt- edy than this. stand that when I unfold my plot !”” “Your plot? he you are a , ad y— he “To strike !’’ he said, quietly, and into the middle a ly,’ and he hapbladal in front o Lady iplanche followed hi they had got well out o! the road, ae he courteously motioning bank, drew himse!f up to his full im until he wid h- ex- eel rd He was suspicious — and no mene French women are bad tools; curious on their own account. "That is ae is ee = ault. then, who cents ae ihe note? she said, <0 “Ji was Josine who should Be Brought a but she dropped it, nal of plans are complete.’ edomple ste p? she Teta: turn- y aon, Tilbury, and Southend Rail- w station ee at the Pioppa, which was a playing ground by the Birnie ham and ‘District Housing Reform $650 dows along the Strand, Lond She had a piece of gas piping Geen x wrist when arrest poration workmen, fot rescuing an unconscious comrade from a sewer manhole. Work has been begun by the Lon- Jompany whol wil coable passengers to join or leaye the main line trains at U Suritetee Several women and children Bese bruised in rushing out of the podrome, Blyth, Be miberdate, where a cinematograph ‘fire, though it was easily extinguished, caused a pani Owing te an accident at Bison sychan ‘colliery, near Newport (Mon.), recently, a cage containing en was for a time suspended in the shaft ; 700 ofhes anaes declined to work in consequ ‘An offer by an "unknown gentle- man. to give twe of 10s, each - the tidiert children in Bee UP, an, an sl an ae attention away | ing very pal Nits a letter,”” he said, carrying| from Lady B “Yes,” he said, with a amile, and | the schools _ accepted da it to the hi ght ; ‘and addressed | “When he waked around, a minute | with a ae of confidence that shone pae§ “Committee of tl n- ree r two later, she had gone, and she through the mailed wrinkl his|don County. Council. ‘“Tady Betty,’’ she broke in. Sia not appear again that evening. | face. ‘“Yes, my little comed: no’ Lord Kinnaird recently pe Bette, nome nAL ton Hare da the privacy of her room, lin |ready for the ae cny little plot | the first sod on the site of the neyo ie asin an inju ing locked the door, she took out prepared, and ven a fair oppor headquarters f the Yo! ouDg en’s e held the note up with the di-|the paper and read it again, and tanity—whieh’ ¥e cast make Christian Association at the corner jenn toward him as she did so her lips grew pale|average luck, I shall have my re- of Tottenham aan roa “Admit that in your mind you}and hard, and her brows knitted) venge, yen youre you will have Great’ Russell stree ee have done me ak qasuHiiee if you| with the look of care and anxiety| bad your an ‘At the baptism of ‘the age please! orted, ‘smiling. | which Lady Betty had noticed. “Tell me!” oie a impaitnetly. {dren of Mr, and Mrs. 4 a ‘This letter is Sie ssed to the Will you meet mo in the plan-| ‘With plenstre hé answered, | ham, a Kirkham, near poston, Lady Blanche Seymour ation by the ridge to-morrow | ‘Lady ‘ore the week is| the father’s fwin sisters acted as “To Lady Bl. Seymour !’’ | morning at eleven 0 velock Y? tan the} ont, Norma: ‘4 the young | godmothers, and the moter s twin echoed Floris. strange | note- lady who coesle aes as sore brothers were godfathe: a coincidence that _Jusine should lose| There. was- ws signature, but don! the young lady Britain and France have conclud|a though Lord rman had forgotten will be parted, and I shall ante to is Betty, and that A ecm you should find one on the-spot ad-| the handwriting, Lady Blanche had|you to claim my rewar rd’? ment essed to Lady Blanche !’’ not. It was Guake eels yas (fo be continued.) “Isn't it?” he assented ; th With an inarfioulate ¢ oer full height, crushin herself to her r hand, almost “Strange!” he sais the paper in he keen tee seems familiar to me, |the writer were and yet I cannot remember whose could crush ft is.’ Floris went and looked over contempt, and defiance. as if before her, and she him with her scorn, and iri Sostie, GLORIOUS PIG STICKING. An East a Sport Full of Thrills id Danger. his arm at the envelo; writes—he, orders me—as if T ‘Why, it oo not come through’ were hte slay ! she muttered, Of all the sports the most - .? she 8 nshe fiere ely, po tng the most wildly exhilarating, #0 Sleeelt at Oe ‘| at ear them under, I thie. disgrace ! Her maddens me! aS! issu! sane the letter in his aaketsl a ri ihoughtta tial hi 0, 1 gan’t ‘yemember ; and yet the amriling is as familiar to me as loris,’”” suddenly, ‘do| jy @ month, while I—I kn Bia os ‘think it was this note that girl) wou! hit h, lave! love she sr aque. that it was for Lady Bi He shook. his ae ad. Te serbia that girl: Let us take! § it to Blanc! ations an bad chose She wane sitting in a deep, b From that ‘point of the pies w igh: Easing chair, leaning inublently n and fro Wie and her eyes fixed on vac- an She might have been listening to the music, or man who wa: cious of its Siar and Flotig a ped Lord Norman by pressing his arm. “How beautiful. she is, Bruce!" going nine noan, a Which presented the appearance London Meee Deople who dropped in at "rahi her tet Vetwoen those, hours, and 4 haye ever) eon no, no! you must not indulge’ servants. va sh aly phe for He lind |"°Xe ten. 0 relock, the 0 of a hoan-/ started, and Li him ‘than ade ‘hui ae we the cine Norm {Bliss "Carlisle had a mained in riding par that He was so happy: = so. free-from | pare, so aati mane up in kis! omen o} pass mate de Pp e bew a {ti cling jee maid that (oped come upon them unawares— restaurant from the nun tinued moving to and fro of the Blanche, having with it; but spat he says a write Magazix is surely pig eeyeers While wait- driving for d the pulses gallop, time flies and ex- citement quivers in every nerve and muscle, but it is nothing to the ‘on the wait at s Gorman maestro was) and large enough to form a little | Saptain of the hunt i playing on-the penne iano, a buzz! Wood, that served as a cover for) {> go, now to the anim mal itself, in- ‘of conversation filled the room, and’ ¢he game xd ade pretty Spout Wardiy praying that he may’ not at the farther end, gurrounded by lin view from the urn back into cover. And then several a they y Blanche Few hd spot well| when the word “Ride!” is given—| 1 Blan pete 2881 why Oscar Raymond |{he mad rush, the utter inability ion of | 6 are lived in pc veetee nd you ar animal, with but one eaaiblled wish in the work ‘ait wish you oh noi doing your very n © m- eh rty rd bastonishe feelings in the How the horses it is impossible to is that they did. Hens. their footing ANT ki If action: speak lo Ae words, >w! be Boise nites “Haute ©} sporting purposes ed announces, a British workman in France 1 get com- pensation for accidents there and Sad a French worker in tain. ison office: prisoner throwing yitrol seer her. In the presence ‘of showmen, the fu mand to appe Queen Victoria. SS og WHAT RABBITS AUSTRALIA. The rabbit is an aes little animal, A return has just been Pavtament o! Q uch the destruction of rns ee uses abst that tate. The £1,252,591- there were no rabbits in Australia. Then some malignant Jae prompt- ed a squatter to import a few for ecamé the progenitors of countless mil- lions, an he “rabbit plague” ‘| brought about the ruin of thousands of farmers. an effective rons has never been won. ie shosy Wee had a cost rg Shot for it Seas: Mt. Past MIGHT BE WORSE. Gunner—“You look worried to death, aid man 1” ee —"Can’t help a s up ao her neck in debi a banter Oh, cheer oe it might be worse.”” ‘Guyer—“How could it be?” Gunner—‘‘Why, if ihe is only up to her neck in debt that. means she has settled for her summer hat and that means a great deal these lays.” My wife _ Lady ogee as lyowne Nae 10) “Well, miss, if you say over than Tom. deat id words oon and Tu to si id| men of education ad teilect: and - carat to perform no work 0} yjme toa is Sich thegsdcaryed id -|a better i py peisiney the: smi The prize of £5,000 for | ).4 scenes of one week out of the eae two, and during that period boss the entire show, e keepers are one of them—a Venetian these other charms great conceit. It is their see that their machines are in good working order, and well greased by eir grooms. Beyond this they are sort. I formed their acquaintance and found their SOUTER LOn delightful. The beautiful Venetian first lifted exposed to me all the details of the mesa stroking the machine’s iron flan’ beast of breeding ens beauty. We drove out late one evening to witness the arrival of the threshing- the rm where it was to wor! For a weeks there had been a stir end a clash of iron and shuffl- ing of tarpaulin under the _bar- chesse. On June 30th the machines were to see the light. cene was impressive. We a our stand at the gates a the After some waiting, a bine ig noise as of distant tiunden announced the — leviathan. beautifull white friends, the oxen, shits pompous the unwieldly 0 swallow up the fruits of all the. Tan of labor. The oxen knew exactly what they were about, and how dignified and super- ior they looked, and how it was oe peautifal big eyes that fascin: us, and not ae smoky funnel The procession moved i ito the property, and the next morning at daybreak the work of threshing be- gan. Pak Re SENTENCE SERMONS. The aim of all living is living for) 4), ‘Take care of your works and your wings will take care of themselves. ike an undertaker on Sunday will not lead the world to life. He has no friends who knows only 8| face Sympathy. oben the windows to life’s sunshin The faker: your nee sche the deeper its roots will s branded: “Free man who buries his talent kare seal busy sowing his vices. never has much interest in Sie earch until he has some all life often takes all its fice waiting fora chance at a big job. Tt is better to be regarded as prude than to rot as a mental pate bage can. Where a man’s life does not piel his preaching cannot live. People who think they were born to populate the world are always afraid they will die from being ynicism d at- tempting to eat al ‘ite s fruits too ony in the sea‘ of the CHEN of lifting peor ae is a matter of checring them The p ner that rises in the heart always works uy way out to the feet) g: and the seal igs The e ead is easily wrink- into aha that look like deep ae who misses the spirit of the law Sivage makes most of the letier- Some of the folks who have done most of the fannig will be surpris-| ed to'find life tested by thowhits! pk they have made. { Tt’s an awful thing to be green, bat its, a goo deal worse to be horn dri ss at RARE ees UL rat her. pride m; on thing,” said the saat fathor: Ale se ough I have the brightest, smart est, cutest, best youngster, I ever saw, I never brag about him.” A SAFE RULE, When a. fellow. pogr or rich, seat on his fatarse and then | t Our | sig' Lust always puts a sian on you] / Minds his biz, you bet There’s lots of trouble to wa He isn’t apt to get. nag DOES NOT DETERIORATE. The fabrics thus cork-lined does the St pa a not deteriorat time, which is the case with ri the cork, a garment made of tissue- liege is scarcely over half a pound heavier than the same when un- treated, Those who feel the weight of rubber cloth garments will see this advantage at once. It might be phouely that the cork po not be pple when thus appli quite freed from the resinous bod- 8 meh state it brittle, and is Ot! cork is now as ing to the extraction of the resin- ous parts Se ee SEEDS A CENT“APIECE. They're From seng Though and Are Mighty Scarce. Ginseng seeds are worth ono cent | fy}, apiece or from eighty to one hun- ed dollars a pound, Dried root is worth $6 pound. er When first growing from the seed | var hs ginseng plants have two forks stalks and one leaf on each stals, The second year adds another each part and the third year the plant grows in three parts with three leaves on each part re is rms. grows direct from the main says a qe in Outing, produces from sixty seeds. Wild plants wield Lav ter than cultivated. is a fifth year the plant is full grown, hav- ing irae Tonks ud dre denen On h stalk, Tt grows from one to four inches long an wide wee full grown with egeal: | an a loped t ator ys years to grow the root from seed for market and cigh- teen months to germinate the seed s more culti- ld: high, dry land in the woods and never in swampy places. SCANDALOUS CORPULENCE. The late American commander, General Shafter, although a man af corpulence, hada deep dislike) he rane aa oF. fat soldiers. “The; yy re no use |”? Ag80. f good earth, fat oq Would not hase one em. pon help it!” ae would Bets call oneal slight, would ** a major once asked you, Colonel?” Shatley after one of these out- Night? Nol? Shifter punelons cd in re iy. “ve been a fat old nuisance ever since the day i tip- ed the beam at over two hundred Dora--“And so you quarrelled 1” returned all face powder, with ai heh taken a8 auch dba me Tome als Tho fourth and fifth years one leaf |< The g that he thought well known: that ar were ea is WAN ERFECTIVE, “wEED DE- With the cetinin ae imp: ec spraying machinery and Deteae m methods of manufacture, sulphur of OH is coming more and more in use as an effective weed destroyer. pose wou Te Iaceeellee rope Roe aan form large ones and drop off. Now, with the improyed sprayer which are available, a spray is made that — the stems and five hundied tons om the soil Bet Aischarged inte the air, ans o is- needed we is that the weeds be dest Where com seu is oe weeds are not of a me- nace, babe crop ouatlons asa ven destruction, is not al ossible on account of climatic et sed over gre! ne labor and market conditions, Se it appears that. spraying must. re- main the only. eee means of Faeine? making tieable. Sulphate of iron is a by- in the manufacture of wire any COLES the hai nobs where the hor Carefully applying x dehorning pre- ventative to a small surface not Ee the size of a quarter of a grow! O qe ‘an’ peas solution affected parts.—Dr. Davi cl ey BETTER STILL. “Madam,”’ said the agent, ad- me 3 the lady who had opened the door in-answer to his ring, * am fntroduelad the eae house- bold invention the twentieth century. Tt is a combination too! in compact form, comprising & corkscrew, & can opener, a paper. cutter, a bodkin, a nut pick and a shoo Duttoner—an nd the | TRaberts, ‘ es onl; nts.”" “T haven't any use if Po ro plied the woman, “I bought a five= cent, pace Mp ‘hairpins A jealous jay appears toaln 2s good adi man. A two weeks’ vacati seems gone ot a Bae me Frame ti 0

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