H.M.SCHAEFER issuer oF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO “Ht Shines For All.” WILLIAM K. LOTH MARRIAGE LICENSES 3 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL > MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Vol. XVIII—No. 9 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, August 26, 1909 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher CANADIAN PACIFIC R’Y. MORE MEN ROGRESSIVE, yet conservative management has produced a safe depository for the Savings of the Farmer, Merchant and Laborer in THE METROPOLITAN FARM LABORERS’ EXCURSIONS GOIN DDITIO! $10 Sir $18 tor neronn AUG, 27 Tenia SEPT. 7 Ferm, aut cittions SEPT. 10 fistor"toronte it foe pard Canadian ass agent ticulars, times of special W. H. SANDERSON, Agent, MILVERTON, ONT. Capital Paid up: $1,000,000.00. 22 vill start a Savings Bank Account. from date te deposit. No delay in withdrawal. Milverton Branch : BANK Branches at: LINWOOD, ELMIRA, GUELPH A. J. CUNDICK, Manager Reserve and Undivided $1, 271, “404. 49, A Personal Cash Reserve NOW is the foundation of a life of independence LATER. . Interest allowed OLOFO+: 4 LOCAL NEWS $ + Ghe Satisfactory Cash and Produce Store Let the Light of Wisdom Guide You to the Store of “Quality” best Qualities in all lines. Quality these days is the first consideration to the economical buyer. This is what we are trying to do all the time, giving you the Heatherbloom Taffeta Underskirts Just. arrived’a fine assort- ment in black only. with deep flounces, trimmed with shirring and clusters of Our Price $2.50 Made Regular $3.00. is Ww 4 a —- for Butter this week at “iss “Laura ose poet Sunday at home in Linwood. irre im oe Methodist church on Bundey at 10.30 a.m. ” Mrs. McLennan of Stratford, is vis- iting her mother, Mrs, Miller. Mr. \Adam ‘Berk, of Gevelana, is at present visiting Ce ae ‘osch's- From present he pota- to crop this wear. i tee to thea Lovee! s Langford visit “with “trends Stratford. Miss Milda Connolly, of El Paso, Texas, was the guest of ber aunt, Mrs left Saturday on a fa Granton and and Weel nada er from! se ont Jan, 1914. for $1.5 ; Mrs. (Wendle Ho! ford, of Berlin, spent a day of two lest, week visiting r gon, Mr. Fred. Hoffe: r. Mrs. Wm. Beaue e, Sat Berlin, ta faw days last week visiting at the residence of Mr. Henry Miller. r. (Wim,.“Haiste, sgction foreman Atwood, with his wife and family vjs- ited at Mr. John Longmire’s "last Im the small ad. column ‘will remainden of { im If you have inot yet became a mem- returned to Milverton last week af- ter spending a couple of months in Alberta. We regret 2 report that Mr. Rob- at present suffering from typhoid: “It ig hoped. thelt po ¢omplications set in so as to prevent @. speedy; recovery. i turned to Tor- large congregation greeted Mr. Oaten. Five humdred bushels of fall wheat ‘rom 18 acres is what Mr. Albert s+ borne, 2nd, Saugeen bad tly. grain is of a igh grade manne averaging 62 Ibs. to the bushel. c ose “who took in the Har- vesters’ excursion on rsday lest ve noted the following ; R. Struthers, piel Caeeons cobs cara nm, S. Me- Court, J. Motours, Lloyd it Taio ae Buchamnan ‘Thos. Mr. an pees Verne Hee even wie ta few, sere Bee week at{ the residence of. Mr. . Guenther. Mr, Hewer on Sun cao sang a solo in the Presby- Ching ghureb in the morn’ng and al- in Christ church in the evening. Toe Strathcona, pepedin, High navy and green, all wool, regular price 50 cents, our price..........+4. New Fall Dress Goods This week we are showing a fine line of Panamas in black, brown, These are the best values ever shown in Milverton 39c 20 Ladies’ Top Skirts All sizes to clear | Y our Choice $3 Reg. $3.50 to $5 Come and get first choice as they will not last long. Cottonade Remnants We have a lot of Remnants, bought at a great reduction. Ends from 1 yard to 3% yards at prices never heard of before. COME AND SEE THEM Lipton’s Table Jellies.. Dy-O-La Laundry Blue, regular 10c for ......5 cents 22 Ibs. Good Baking Sugar for.............. Specials for Friday and Saturday sectsee coe’ for 25 cents BRING US YOUR PRODUCE - - ~ We Pay Highest Market Prices Marriage Licenses{Issued. H. M. SCHAEFER - Strictly Confidential don, England, ar xived from Liverpool inet "Weck: und ig 2 s & qrbere be will ppend gome time. Hs is 89 years of age but still active and apparently in good health. a storm mo last 9 week, two val- to * mr} Agnulree, were killed. The ide rt che horses which were the outside when they were struck ty Bee ay! the quarter ending March 81 te eas of ‘Australia increased by over (20,000. The ‘nerease. was greatest in Victoria, whose uae 6,946, and Queensland rare is Gdoona te (6215. In Quee: = meres e comprises nearly twice as males a8 fetnales. uaa: October Smith ont Here that only a smal t could be er time owing tothe uncertainity of the weath mn, ona even- fe orn enivensty services of the Mill- pamk Methodist church where Mr. Bia Ua will preach at 10.80 a.m, and Be Welsh, Son of Mr. ‘John Welsh of Tralee, was drowned while ‘bathing cemetery. Mr. of sterling qualifies and the bereav- ed family baXe i gas wd of a or wide cirel friends tnd ac Martin, a wealthy "English sings Mast, ht athdawn ceshii Che ite superstition ‘and hardy” actually up Reve, tasted the fruit. From this small be- ear and @ fumdred ae forty mit flion cans. Mr. Daub was umburt, although bad: | 25 towms, 18 3) decided. a favor of th ae judge allowed the abpe : enislon is that ©- | cither by itgelf or im connect’ Lord’s Day Shs US serra pay for the boxes, but aie o b; ME. {Wellington Smizh, of Maton, spent Sunday at his home here. ‘It is ‘believed that tbe Glace Bay coal miners’ strike is drawing to close. oe Milverton Sun and Weekly Mail and Empire from now until Jan. 1911 for Pi $50. Robertson, of Toronto, is Misleng with ‘her friend, Misg Mary Me! Mrs. Matthews, of Boyne city, peat spent a few days with Mrs. K ‘Torante, formerly of the. ‘Metropolitan bank staff spent lariat in town. F. Bloxom, of Stratford, has ted roofing Mr. E. Siegner’s late. Zimmerman, the ‘Sboeman, is offer- ing. 15 per cent. discqunt on all tan amd Ox Blood Shoes. rand Mrs. John H. Schmidt and family spent Sunday at Mr. Julius Cook’s, Net b Kast Miss Ida ‘Way, of ‘DVoodstock, is a week's sae with her cousin, Mise Dot Spen THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO: ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager| Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in th and in the United States and England COUNTRY BUSI NESS Even ey Bey afforded to farmers eee the transaction of Sales notes will o oe or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened by mai way with equal facility. WM. MAYNARD, Manageny banking business. Mrs. re “Miller and son ima, arent Sun- fongst Strattard’s| big Labor Da mstration. -A’ good program of sports, ete., has beem’ arranged. of Toronto, and The Misses Tucker, | present ‘busily (engaged in in Mr. ‘Wm. Zimmerman’s now. dwell: ing. Biss tines Hoffman, of Stratford, and Miss Younge, of Vancouver, B. C,, wane Vieltors with trlemis in town this crt 5 "you ‘wait nha shoes see zim merman, the Sboeman, who ip offer: ‘cent. discount on ‘all summer in’ atte empt was recently “mad blow. up three of the British battle: ships by placing a amite among the coal taken on = Misses Maud omnge ‘md Dessma Zimmerman, of Waterloo, are spend- a week's vacation with relatives sbip in large mil}: H. Bastendorff who has just serge from the Seattl n-Am- expan wl ae wag aay ae hay some years The ines day Jules Gauthier, Frenchman won a $500 wager in Rigs land by swimming: the Thames frog Putney to tlake manacled and fete tered towing a boat licensed to carry eight persons. The town of Fergus secured $6000 rom Amdrew Carnegie for a Publie Library and is now after $3000 more There are apparently few places that can get along with as little extra ag Port ae aa 00. 0 the latest reports it beg ‘The (er raduetion of the products of ithe fac- tories and ‘an iperease Cement walks this year have been laid the cost will likely be at least 10 cents per foot. tho shings Lord Charles Ber~ estord will, find out about Toronto s there is thet Toronto in the only i ‘orl whos peo 9 he wammeel_by agag printed i n bg ty] beats i iokemiga tos toni oe part of the amatomy than the feet.— Mon- treal. Star. for public scboois has bad in this pro- imee the usual effeot of increasing balaries. cooper anion youmg m The me ta of Kincardine pure pose adopting a protective system that Jas proved very satisfactory in, other whereby ail Ceviei 2 cols te lected aus one man appointed for the debtors FS dead beats, slow pays, _ good and will piace Vista. 90. closs.fie the pe is for oe gu! 4 in giving credit. collector will thereby be es to know the tanding of all debtor: . ee: ige Mgnek at Hamikon in fie appeal of Hugh Hayes, whe was fined 20 my toe police magistrate in that city for selling ‘ce uae ‘on Sunday see was taken 9, ay ee that yes conducted @ restaurant. The al, quasbing 8 mongiatra to's womvietion. ice other eatables without violst'ng ihe ‘Ack. to the present time about 100 divisional snepestons ‘of the courier is paid( by the department. they had hydrophobia—there having | q, : 3 ny pent Sunday with] Mr. amd Mrs, W. 2. Reanio, Mr, 4 the om epiente of that disease iq relatives in, the vicinity of ‘Kennfoott. | Mrs. C. G. Eases and Mr. 3 ation for the new Cap.| R.A: Oljeaie ay - Toe Morrison. who Bon be Bast nogie lib bean Fan cheen bompieted nd os. left on Mopday for Markdale ae ORE Se Pure Ouaet ort a Each ane Suhre be has. angepted the: foreman tivo cxblissioat: peosenerdscoalilcui is ip. —Ligtowel reity of available teachers |" purpose and who wi Bs claaalty the | Head Office TORONTO picid of $1.00 and uv ‘d re- or ipward re: Savings Department Qi? and interest paid or added at Nihats current rates. it acdonnta Sa pened, the money payable to either or the survivor of either & ‘iscounted and advances made to Farmers’ Sale Notes farmers aid cattlemen at lowest dani current rate, , igsued | Money Orders (aust office in Can- Girl wanted to go general housa of Mr < Bliss Pearl Coutts, of Aftivprion, Estos Bachan ieee sy Friday | svork Arrly to Mrs. Win. Livingston, | apent, Saturday. @ pare as eda position with a Shee Cons Bias eston friend, Mise Saud “arte, ot Mill- Mr. 'A&-t, Semderson, who bes a sist Anu from town attended ithe| bank. t his ‘hrother, (W. H. “at the C.P.R, on! Oo late Mrs. (Witte at Bax is You: ere, bith ot f pour, wit ana station for the past year br has j FS 3 ioe, Mamie Ropertean, of !Motiat | to, Halletredket ts Meee hota cape Pemgparal te Grand Maley as Forest, is visiting at the tome af Mrs./and he will give you, Are neo im Fallarton village as it was thought|=;,9: Finkbel will make you prouder still, tome this ar. Mrs, F. and W. Zimmerman | week Monte Vigteo harbor, Uruguay, ‘wit! th the Peau that from 150 ito 300 lives mostly women and e Khights ae he lost. Door Pullmam are on the m LOST—In Milverton, on Saturday, day now. Bee 2 every train has some a Aug, 7th, a pocketbook n-|of them concealed somewhere and it money. Finder vii _ with the B geeatest difficulty that be rewarded by returning same ae are off. The Sun office. tAboonding to a recent report 11,- Mr. C. G. . Bowker, it is expected will! 250,000 “heathen” have bi be eppointed assistant superintendent | ted to christiam/ity. AUR in London meceed ‘Mr. (A. J. ‘Nixow ee years. a whe bas ee appointed to the staff| 5,000,000 adherents “ot 10,000 organ- of the aie ‘commissiap. - pee rehes; 8,000 Bible schools with { \Apcording to the mew school law. 800,000 of pupils and 50,000 native the date for the re-opening of High|srdained preachers cette Fi Pact is pee which | jiars. dn writing of ere t this year will be on Sept. 7 West one of pone nw § it tunned a Say! What about thage otis You! Well imside ont, a ese, . mere going to have taken, don’t put tine, phew the staves 23 ptt @ barrel, iar b this week ing nothing but the bung hele, chi as Hollefreund’s gallery will only be| "athe day By the eae iow stone gage off a farm, blew. al out of a femee, and whod one of a politician. ee knocked , the 15,000 me Tt you want 71 acres of with a mew dwelling house, bank bara | 08%, im close to school, 3 miles from Milver- | Pertain ak aitagy: in rg ton and at a Hight price éall on *Y | ator Were na the. wee. witha Oe ext SO ee oak mien SAD. tet conasaapl x Bargain. Mr. A. R Boletos ssi parsbansd ea ake photography busi more after carfare and lost time ai duct G8 erat ts considered by those cust enoachant as eae tle less shan 8 ofira filverton studio will be open | Cee on Tuesday of ca 5 ‘Messrs. Patter Bros. have ‘furned their old pee at ta a packing room amd have added two spartes for bins, The addition ‘at give them Consider, Tie foy extending. the rol- neta: ar takes Noi merson to Spokane, a a, oe se a fore bhe earn of the wituation of the Sabbath straighit in. that Btate. was alfod UD. rakimnon who |s Neaving z Zag ri ‘Foster Ay pees of cpanel ‘will phy a0) ft class a bigh class en- bent ol Loe hes ‘The o fol rass the Engl channel. To the ordinary lay inind Beratford justi seems: = be of epee ‘sd two Ot hie owen thildren ten an vi nes aa particule: rs in Kingston perf'tentiary for | Rtealing $68. 0” Consistency thou | of Ball st Riera: latt a jews Blt ‘Tho hail etorm whieh passed over ger Seniors pet Poe recently is reported | talent was enlisted. ‘Dho Presbytery’ df Saugeen met in ‘Palmerston, on Thurs- inst, and sustained the Fheay amd. "Dot etch petered owt this year ‘n view Te eavcandh: tna deiee basal ne re a = i 8 8 2 Ee Es 5 q 3 Ey 2 3 SE 5 3 ? & ‘the people for the high prices askod relatives from ‘the vacanlt charge, ot progristors of the Royal hotel, testifying to the unan‘mity and hear- on tines ‘of Ye congregations. ‘Tha s mised is. $900 with free ui Tiquot License ‘Ac? wi Mr. M ue have avoided trouble. The 1i-| ma: preside, Mr. 1sed victualters associat'on — was rie to address orving oud for. a ais Yeense Saw—| tho Mr. Seinen ‘the ‘well let ‘us ‘have n left on the ws rvesters" pr aati to the et ie thet (wea cut lef "week: has. been r* cant rvs ‘eft atverton ‘and “sie ne t $1." os Some mewspaper mep are cece » the oraoka, i f