Sweet Pota OT potatocs. Abt the lie ie owe vesrereen vera HOT BREADS. Delaware Biscuit—One cupful lard, ten one-quarter ut PEGHE Ss ee 18 pute ‘small pleces o! id knead in the hand a quick o' ate ininutes, They should The a light sate ontop. Rice Wafles—To two cupfuls of boiled rico add the yolks of three eggs and aquart of milk and enough flour to make Stir in the baki ae w is putiermilk they are “dreams lelight, Rusk for Tea—One cup of lard and § Iitfle_more of suga fry. acoundstie outside the largest, each- succeeding -row smal ler, ending with one big rusk in the centre, Grn Pore—One cup of cornmeal, ah of flour, one cup sour milk, with , wo tablespoonfuls of Sage spoonfuls of butter, one table- bakin, @ the fue meal, nol the granulated. Put su- jour, meal, and butter together, n the rest, and beat ha! ra. ho} fon “founds der. rene Gnauat a colan dd two ounces of He bake Besons hone ed Federal Br and pounds of flour, , lard Put the tard into the tour Aa yeast enoug! in with little water, ke ctecaaee eae end comrion dough. When _ fermented, grea-e débp pie, plates or jelly tins, and Mir it in without sirring. Let rise Stes er d-the serving. “pread—Take halt ‘one teaspoonful of ; then add this to ges like rs Mullin y yeast, beaten into Re the-dise Olan cua has been incl edy’ Stir atl ig into one quart of pies dhga into {va well “eaten rc ecine ste Note ctr Munters: Hake for for fifteen “or” twenty slhates ‘na INEXPED SIVE MEAT DISE aS, Force Meat Balls e-any kind of nt or snes or feat Aiba used for if soup will answer); chop it fine, a bit ‘chopped par- pa ant juice. ver. s hem iba little filters hi or mee is cooked ina liltle bolling water, or they may bo-egue preadesinibed and tried Ip boiling lard. ~When “hie gi O12 us| te mn @ pinch of salt, a shake of pi ‘one beaten egg. Make tute Roll galdcceive: Ginshe hun, ahd { brown; garnish with’ par- eak—Trim ‘of @ g00 sein. sleale--Sprendtt-with-0- dees id crumbs sonked in co or and cage dry, ope beaten. egy sane ° swith pepper and salt, belng earful . disara stle and) smal}: bils of -b {-ca- hice onotions it fixed. ep bolts again: e consistency of mush... Pour Ny. Ate ae {hose w ho don't know. ht ‘eakfast.’ about fve pounds was haa drain well, ‘ay r board, sprinkle with paivitene: au taaty: oo wel astve chs You ea fy lambs dtonts ‘for Sof 6 cents a. poun HOUSENOLD. HINTS, ‘o make cakes brown better and ob- the netessity of lining the tins swith paper, tne floug over thety after, the all well) greased. NaMinge ualeth sbemanye Caton muaterial with w.aalln Gast use alte Doris ‘in thie last rinst e material then mt Ais nt huss eee vor ‘A disint any ve Be ot is epround: cotlee"on. Strcamptor: guth AW fo tise in sick room roomwherera musty, Wobidc to pit above, WIth i ‘ad Ol ie and allow the cottes sr gnreratt burn with il. few |Seasoned before nigoly endl} do $4 44494 ee. Make A. fit Pea se roll out, cut a seg? shapes, A. trained he meat Cont and remove the pulp wnt only the fibre ‘of the meat. remains. pulp is ‘pressed ae oi! On eaclr side Over achat fits seasoned lighlly, le butter, if prefer this pulp Setar ately tec case the “pulp L Ht is ad. shoul formed “into -® xterminate is to-find the*uest and destroy granulated caclied. is the nest. saturate it thoroughly with kero- mapa t boiling athe Se ee the fol placed. whon the work 1s. accomplished. Ba “THE GOOD OLD TIMES. ” Had. you. lived. in-the- fourteenth cen tury you - coul hordes “ai 2 cents eaigh $1.25. In the days of 5 would-have-equippedsa. farm Wilh three draught horses, hall lozen oxen, wenty” cows” and ‘hundred. sheep, $2 loward the pay- caving a balance of could acquire a hristmas dinner or two d make a fine roast. A ea dozen stri and wheat sometimes a Treat co as Jo bush been ‘he pai compelled Taw, cella wlio gallons oauivatet of forty-eight gi od por. the colds that 3 cents a day was con: wages an ordinary laborei farmers will probobly- hea sympathy when they learn that even at time 4 aa expeoled. le confront then Housekeeping might s i n by — mo: ost {imor “good. dd Hous rent was low that fae ae Mayor ot tne ant only $4.80 a year to his tend. e Chanctllonsof the British, exehe- Th quer. When a father sent his son to 3 s e sity: 4 centsna-day was looked upon. a a sumtouepie allowance, i snee of her ight servants, ‘The bed {hat king then n pull cane sbunned ea the humblest fa the renter in the. West be considered rich by ae the fourteenth HSS 2 to E now living remember when work all day al the hardest kind of work tor one’ bushel of wheat. Fifly c in. trade was conacaag wor fo at daylight and- grubbing or Spilling rails until the -sinkin, si eminded him-to quit his ardous task. Farm pr duce, when salable at all, was. absurdly pw. There wel a-marels, only. the tla ne being liltle y a ter. Eggs abe ig cent ba oretwo a dozen, pou a wae but little atter, stock of all the very jowest ebb, and no Gate cau hope produce. ment still ¥ about those tines recall with ineret many of the and treele incidents, but we hardly our tare readers would ae any to be -iranaported except in fancy, to the period which did not fully end half over... “The well cenotigh {or the. poets, g aiid elneca usin dames Ww he “oehGn Ina DaEReGaSE Tie days of dinsy eboleey dres: cor pil roads an deprivation are able confor front a grovelin ‘essions, ee SLUMP OF 1HE oa eee They -tind “been months 80 nd. nineteen cain by aval meto-morréWe” sho announced, “will be By gee What are you going to get ty shaven y dear,” re- led her haba ta eo inl Jast night's But. vm roy 8 nat bé 40 lucky.”. lains 20 per cent. of water; é ° witha mar- uch Juxuries ase wine at'8 to le cents a gallon. A selary of $% a 6 ee 6 Ae ake uiiatloant. cio ward. gave his daughter an allow-| 4; ance 0 a week, with an addi- tional e247.00 year for the mainten- y to go ack tof Oo fo c the “noblest and, most preapeebek af the | Exiled the would have it, which Bi uring quering a}of Bruns’ Duk the nator Inpe eee her onl; A sin who ex-Queer he mi and Je F ring x uniter sl tha brated tind vhat was meant by ay old ti " Come along dow! he ninele tury and to our own Tt -y-and see haw people lived much les tind 5 hundred years ago. Man’ said, ts D for a th that th phons to. go royolutis Lise cee South American count ry is rather uni- ‘sula @ con! ures ‘ofl only 2 per cent, ie as pared Eee has. witnessed he has peen fiat! Spates ‘one 2 DOY or-Royal_ pretend der Dart Cartoe et t' spain, tary as 8 pretender is for. itwas Kings A PRINCESS WHO COULD CLAI THE BRITISH THRONE. and Queens Numerous Than Most People Would Imagine. Prus: MEN WHO WANT TO RUL ld line i eAbironercae ae some mei Napoleon family, such seems to be more foriner government chances 0 son, Africa almost thirty yea AL aes of th King At tho present moment one of the most imporlant of Pan problems is status e Studenls of RIRtOry: Victoria succeeded Willie ki Ses possessions of fo. her uncle, chose ~ losing side in the wars with ismarck last tank pie tae ians. With the fect ‘9d of the Regent estion of the Han- France, republic though it ney bey has monarchical problems tod. tibsongatianyease the Roy mtend that only the pha the ay oe the EBEE unkn h as lor, or Pi Louis, who are descend- ed jerome, i yee: brother ct the Man of Destin: Fortunately for the peace of mind of our neighbors, the present Tepublis, though the changes in the ministry ha cen’ exceptionally numerous and th 2S day proba uate interest and seth thansanly she who not so xery ess of the Fr ‘hes ne mpre chan, her lest gréabnorrow, was the dex the Prince Imperial, AN! ONELY QU lonely ed figure ime Th sli, a Tisai colonels daughter, was of the gay King proved —unhap} r “shat ted. an ed the His successor was rdinand of Sa curious Be note, of last Tatian only Britain, ign, @ outlook seemed prosper- he.able..ad- mn of her only gents, whe entbronement of the present The nei bos For a lime us: fopsthe nalloneunder | ministration of a a Batenburge Bu and Alexander, ike gacious monavch, was: compelled: to -ab- dicate, acetal th to the wishes of TitOBe. The internecine wars waged in Italy century, i kingdom el as sovere nelly prineelings dethroned or dej erritory which they had misgoy ein wilh a7 son , the notor! foils “Bomba, ” ‘was’ banish- as the atrocities in at led GiStoes to pen his céle- hich but Europe w OF EXILED N had been Ferdinand VII., and me. ms here ieuotoge Wailea country. jer feminine rule, and exceptionally long esent King Al was a minor, Don: Carlos has no. pro- is claims, from<which it gress with hi ol Maxmillian, brother of eror of Aust up {he reins-of government. well pe ion bur e Sprne but the nd sealted Desa pet proved , 100, has known. and dispensed hound jesty return Rel Prince behind. as wiceray, 80 to ho we -' 40,000 milés of cotton ¢ The sed king's ‘nly ehild! was. ‘matden, Don Carlos mai bid However dea “bo! ately Tn spite of “the fact that the heen able to make~practically. 1aay be gathered that his cause is now iat opel than ever. the Spaniards err us 3 ie xico. and to the tion which marked- the ani forty: years: ago. ria a a be: Stsinilate, wap. aphueed. apse WORRIED 1 eae Bis poor Ww nie le eo roe mental fa Ler fone more sa ef the ‘mbecile ex-Empress Chir rotte Bs When the. French over-rin the Peni Brazilians, dy were driven from their Conap ‘Kingdom by, the con- 5 bri the TERN to On the other hand are the sist 1a oe of a reviva of st Bi firmly established than e irmediate assegal S throne, is Natalie, severe shock brutal a rl, jie. present, King urg, who, it is c mn saw be e es ee now a in. 1872 fought for the Spanish ‘throne. previous monarch the cpm of the alella proved too a drove him be- the pres was induced to taki anes 0 MADNE: [RULERS LIVE. IN. EXILE |} are More unberland. the Royal the Duke mid-Europe Eng- Prince y eith Ee Roy- long ago 5 Eugen’ ges in life. the ill-fated iin South Oy in Europe, was when Milan. apPY. nd only the But She ssaysinalien by. insur- ay for the King Pet e throne :n the Powers eae in King of Ferdinand this king- roused not ith: indigna- {ONARCE d-hardlyobe | 4° His his- The his. grand- as the de- for many rons le Bad ushed istance from | }'r, vorrie culties. Her i. left the lighted with the y breal OF il. His. rel happy one, for in the pple to aap and Pedro I for some ia have been een midable on However, Bf conclude, it may be news but the Princess Louis offec'tally which the present Pearson's Weekly, LONGEST BEARD An Ei icrorty-eleht years a respe walls, decided to grow ime he was 1 {as an engineer, with centred upon bis wor ‘wilh Pr, Supprie Everybody tne aan tine nis ) feet long, and*is be eat Jeng gth. At} fir rc : length increased hem sbeneath Ty these in a bag, en n to be wound it nt his beard forms @& with at any price. One of ‘our own table of thera Lo be»polite a e ment? dainties may unappetizing. crumbled on the not be place pleasant Take be ntrodlsed: ley choud.c SUIU achieve” something time we re gestures ‘and express: yationce and ill temper the ‘std and alive in all Le arbidee i eease [0 live there vite one hooks. prepay thing else - id ha i young’ people, will “help the world. oF a few ew is ake the he used’ t his. waistcoi curls “attained that es his own comfort he had home is pallies at the oy fable as you would dine at the regan be ki sireding alone.” The spoo! ‘ed from the cup. before drinking |" a if-controk and serentigs will ‘be Young. a likely that you will yor depressed praia cary UD gm , pe ersuaded colt eiregande with bis father, and he fence became known tc the world as Dom Pedro I., cnperde could scarcely soe catted 2 was com- Though “Brazil has now been republi- is certain that DO- ject to are n josed, it would ke a f the onlebratet necot Salflement, popul family re confirmed on the hear IN ‘sole ich d nt i . he raed to et ‘OW sucet cult chin hich w: Mr, ist, lable. ing ye eaten An overloaded plate is bad form Bread should not be used only for the lips, and the ha: chief should never be used unnecessarily in or pretenders to thrones who ar re to \d were the Siuart through 4 daughter of James 1, avaria stands reigning GLAND. gineer’s Record: Growth = More ‘Than Sixteen Feot ve 1 Lal d resin ot Tut idge At that rating ‘his oceupation theese ttt Bs 3 t The Man ; + a Who Escaped : t i peescecececcccccvcuce™s “It was three o'clock in the aftern The sun, high in plue s) glowered. down upon humanily weary fuliethe-hent endcmutden af tiedasy nd the haymakers of the little Sussex vil- lage longed ihirstily for-the cool and rest = ee nig, big, mown field facing Mrs. whellew's collage, and the garden in which the results of her industry flap azily on tae line, a man had flung him- self sprawling among the stubble. His icheor freshly-cut hey, with his hair. ing dreamily up a irresistible eet senna on his eye-| « lids, and they closed, From a momen- tary die ‘dehwainess:ba passed inks. ocheayy slum Her brain sought wearily for a com- last she broke the silence. il) ance. p, and if you m Bul it will be into the air, and if you can s—"” ae 8 Seca ts ed. accept my freedom sade such conditions.” “Then,” said Bray despera! ess you move,” sho retorted with autor lips. unconditionally, and 1 ten” Sau something that, will isle: you glad for the nest of your For a moment she did aL eC ae felt faint, exhausted, unequal to further combat. "What could: it “mal would “probably | be ecaptuted in any Se GSE then,” she cried ri last. jh, 50, “and quickly. But first’tell_ me! r your tender he revolver ould “Seon ndly, you are so that if it could go nt the bullet wi hit nothing more vulnerable than the ding aystack on my left. Thirdly, it isn't Gn ihe tarhr saat tse field, Miss| cocked, nor"—as {he girl flushed and Lucy Bray came stepping daintily over tuechanically lifled the ~hammer— tne-grass that bordered the roa She | “loaded.” was -2 pretty girl, with a tall, supple} “IL. don't. believe you !.she stam- figure, cud the small: basket fo hung} m ix cu het shapely- ecm. completed. peta jon't you? Then let me tell you that thal would have rejoiced (ats. soul LT have besa watching the ring on your When for the fifth time * birlwin: her nearly a she dt roule through the fields home, great blots of shado flung by poled very cool and. inviting sprang lighlly over the stile, p for some distance, and then, Fert I g too strong, sank with nal the foot of a rugged runk ee Che cei Tearrange hi et at the. vil- he side sane jar boy ambition his beard atter wi ed and | a bea i eeded. rae is more than so cunningly con- ‘of his fi possesses a beard of riends such vated {wo E hee mone and as it became sane in a bag he thus the | s Sebcal eames its owner declares he would not pat THE FARMER'S TABLE MANNERS. the neglected arts in the farm at “Bal { table-does mot meats. sarily mean a iateaaiiietitin ora ver thecpronee se of many articles ore important is the p Table man- e em- = saucer'y poon ; with the and keep our We and farm should be thoroughly inter- is going on, an val neenent nist = made, and our: mlerest-shauld no ee er people will not Sitter teins. the blues: if they: rend: goad, itt study wilh, eames: ate eit vo keep np Thele-music or ts interested {beyond the by: little, using the fragments of time. outside of ourselves, make eople in a cause thal IE you. do Sites it often loth, very British mills turn out dajly more than ~ {tic mood to be 1 r said at last. leeping man wenty fect away, hidden by-a-dip in caused hastily and 2 moment fe. fizu surpris then eye the parcel, srough é-ret th anton he soiree sion eninge rd t the With. another: gla and began . to flushed face, she’ knelt, fumble“at the’ string. The knot was tied loosely, fashion, and RE | in clumsy er slim. fingers another minute of clothing ae her masculine spread: she could ty of the a and then “at the flushed fe ’ Apparently “doubting. if eho was-exfeniling an, nves 28 when, she. stopped @ don’t touch those, Ml fire if nd am goir O tlie polices” ie man Gray ed is wwuo to hard you nd and stared 3 of her ne ere ee ane oe as scom and jaethings lo you identify with “Phe description tahies— “But—" “and 1 saw the broad arrow. on-your coat, where tae pareel was torn, I un- tied the string to make sure, and found nis you. think i twas quile honor- 0 able? ave AOnilosNondrable- when’ you have juel been sentenced: for defrauding working women of their savings ! vi ¢ matter,” he retorted, voiding dropping his not the sort to ve the police and “ot aman nabbed a The, small chin look a more deflant angle, “1 am certainly. going to do so.” Hoe sighed. “His ago was about twenty- he was not at all hatlooking, caught the shado and, in her anger and agitation, impressed by youth or nly eonielines “| not think you will find it e aaghing matter,’ she.sald, sharply, am going to call my aunl, and obtain assistance.’ “Then, before you cul off my last hope, ‘0 consider what your “Infinitely mcte cu Mai. Prison life —penal ue rags a man. below the level o It sears the v soi ousting ‘The girl made a apie restless move: ment as if the wor y her, “AM thal may be uk true, but {cat not argue the questi 1 only know to: glvehvou tnt: cus lady again, and thal Tam not going to shri ie from it said te ee swith intense bit ter ay. you soft-hearted syoinert ttle of you, in it would heorfuliy *{nrust-d Tellovwe into that as Tupon’ earth of herbert ses auch te melodramie as it w stirred SrilNng? ieee heart ci in et me go?he pleaded. “I dare not.” “Don't you think—can’t you believe. at, given @ fresh, startin aihother coun- lost? i ante break had not eno n so he nights bu rhaps, it I 'Thske: wna asebert oleh “Dp you-mind ICT coyer-nly head? he “My. hat has fallen off, and this sun is dangeroi ‘The change in. his. voice, the sudden she said, a a sais cold); ead, ah aching vith the heat, her ee with holding the revolve ee wondered Alp why Fate had given the chief part in this. sordid, lite opened ir drama. eg ined. His face was = TL would penal yea sensilive, deh Se slow fmurder, = finger flash’ “thfough the emply cham- rs." She flung down ae revolver: anid burst e nto hysterlonisten fo halspportt halt-curvied hier into the shade’ of the ee pritlenn” black ginndcs way you've tated me; but, upon my soul, T couldn't help it!" “What are murmured afte Tm going 0 on a ie anbienieang loa sporaut of- oui get caught um “t dont think In spilé of her “resentinent, Miss Bra: stole an anxious glance at her oriminal with a yague fear that ine heat of the up had allected his bral a that-T wasn't gully.” rove convincing to—10 bihde ve behaved like aller the. square do? she don’t be startled; ur handkerchief taken iden- never “gut it-y ; she Dea doubt fumbled in his Heke! auc an addressed_c1 elope. nao re West. a He se reas at r “SHtave you rea as Late to Mend’? Yes? my company is our vith re pity 0 we're opening fie night at Be me of the properties «ol eft behind, ans Thy own, a after to. BenEAEn q there was an at the junction, and thought if woutd fill up, the time explor- ing. field: Wokba: igeltingy-and= domi. think: any turer. explandlion ak necessa > "ay looked at the actor. a al then, Pavey tne d with the eno, ily of-her mistake, Eroke ito fresh weep: ing. He regarded her in: silence for. some moments, and then laid an. apologetic band op her: arm, don’t! You've not the least enor Rape Duave ey Mae through, and you showed real pluck ss me zee 4a abs ae to, soe little compensa~ at ae mike te “happy eagle to wom the She tee uripleddhly. 10 hap atest and mutely, acpepled. au pencilled card hai thor they. trudged a ne the gale of the tel “You'll come ? ne begged, as the hand that had, lately gi sped £m, pistol rested for moment in rie 0 “Wl try," she promised, with fushed cheeks. Phe little gaeee was packed, for the nome of the London star hed pene: ted tar beyond the metropolis. that adored him. Miss Bray sists ot tremolous expectation, went: of night, and, remarkably fate oe second als He repaid the compliment on chs re turn journey by calling at the cottage, and forthwith a friendship delightful, unconventional—be; n lasted for the space of two. months, And before he left she had the only course which would =fo merge all rights and the agreed to atisty a leges a yet closer tie, and to nee her eel autumn, nal in the u How It Is y N: indies. In this country the banana ts regarded | mostly as, Tood pr ‘oduct, bul is the 2 a ttnd abe fo the well it serves its many hen the young coffee’ and cocoa plants need protection from the ne sun banana leaves ‘give: tho Fes BES ind nurses use. the tender, loss ves are made. into be n Malay the. stalks and jeaves are made inlo.8 Soup for laundry -pur- foses, anid. a Golan tomiis' a’ aaldable salt. From banana juice and fon a ‘of the fruit @ preparation is made for blacken- ing purposes and the juice si makes a good indelible ink. nana leaf wax forms whieh Is valuable and“is one oft the banana fi hemp, from which rope and-eordage manufactured, “In. Swilzerland a very line hat braid is made from this manila hemp. From these examples it is readily seen what an imporlant place the bana- na holds in the world of commerce. CURIOUS SURVIVAL. ‘The recent letting of land, by auction Bol one dispatched to a certain point in the Heyes the hat, eo ie ale lenged when the last boy retin ne declared. to have. the relting: ned be- After id not look the man to Sinvive five reas fat a neighboring Hotel were expended in breadyWhich was dis® i! (ributed among the pouty first | fierce | ser 13 | gees ph = i kindly [te deeds “occupy” in its hiss - NEGROES AS- SURVEYORS BEING MUSTERED INTO THE SERVICE \ BRITISH AFRICA. Planning to Bstablish a Training Schoo} in Which Natives Shall be Trained. The British Empire includes a larger elian is held by any. other alural, therefore, that the than any otter, European nation. sary that maps base soo urns De provided a8, s00n i och ot ame without surveys and maps. are required. also in the allotment of mining and forest concessions and for building cart roads and whi one great ately in these surveying gress 1s mado until native surveyors are developed. All over British Africa they are taking some o THE BRIGHTEST NATIVES and (urning them into oS, “This work 18 by nom <p yet. The teachers a ‘eld surveyors, ny bf yee have wilude for aching. Th Spatien their pupils, dedaring that the. thing. hopeless, and there is no uniformity ethods of surveying which they The British Government is now-=plane to establish a training schoo} tm ghestullg selected. nutive-cande- hall be trained en a uniforny seis ‘proj ‘oposed, at present, to have all @ work of Tcaulian centred in. one It successful students will ba available for service anywhere i ee ‘Africa, Meanwhile the stains of natives ant their enmplayent in surveying is goin, tically all the ‘roloalgralear native surveyors. (udent develope exteptonal fatent in a 7 “past oy aied, phot und qualifte alors, ingle Minted nnd under aeFSe conditions, ‘he ri extensive expr a high order of "yak. cf me Cott Coasl, and ies as ne s work provinces of fhe Suden ae ect ial of surveying Js now done 0 udanese boys. AT GORDON COL if are KHARTUM. hey are working wider European ervision, and the riverfront along the Nile and the adjoining land banks are. peing accurately an ciel and mapped. Mr. Wall Commissioner in eee a region of Lake saa tells another kind of slory. He s the natives. ther arkan Ate chainmen and are trace plans, ut thus far they have utterly failed to grasp the principles of surveying. n this very region thal the natives built, under the training o} Scolt of Blan- tyre, the finest ya bs ‘ilding that fe been in tropical Africa gets hold of ies able to make good pg eyors of fics ca It is strange if they eannot are es set Bes missioner of region that. the ts training native surveyors “are quite a: good as might have been expected these youn n had been ae edu cated Ew ana ne} apes all tle operations of sur Bits nudes: ‘and obtain true bearings. “ born i have: been checked and the was less than’ fifteen 28 ag 5) avel seconds are, ” ne fetes of Uganda are poleria io under clvil- peoples and yet, acc reports, they are male 3 surveyors. Perhaps the fight men aro ot teaching them. Fee SENTENCE SERMONS, Success is a fine disregard for dim- ulties.. N° man ever was convicted by scold- “Thre is nothing resislless in the rest less Dally ‘pread is not sweet without daily ~ ty. Heeonly always is wise who ever is gaining wisdom. An honest salle 1s worth ten million ss Sermoi “tho good Wo do is the best antidote to the ill we ru ast cannot Uitt the, world: by pulling ey sare sac ral bt proportion as they it esses. your heart r fe dend When the smile of a child Gein Stir ils depths. d-and: fast Weal offen, leaves, meh and they: will believe the lov: oil. of haves ugh talth. in your You do Father “untess you haye some vin. his. family. Is it strange that the heart is:slarved when * as give it neither food nor meal+ times. Tn his time Miss Haley will Introduce: the two platoon system: into the public [Schools No man can have a place in the king? dom of heaven who-is- complacent (o the ius of eatth. ings donot pro by segregating: themsel concerns, Heaven tate lists no great'cargs to the ‘vossel tha adends its sails lo overy. wind. that bo When a men is getting fat aut at ine fall-of others bo. is. sure. to b adyocate an their right to be ee ce “fall, anya rain’ will bo: =a ised when-he is (0 Heaven to Gnd how large a. hemselyes sacred from, secular tt ig SBENIND, “THE come i Pus « an ean" se why: aye al- s stay lat OUP office: Henn a Hat ae That poeBoin a an, ath (absent ly