by the most skilled expert that_ we have beea able to secure. Mr. Simpson, the teacher of. modern optics, is at my drug store for two weeks, and dur- ing his stay here will examine Free of charge, the eyes of everyone who-calls, by the pMost modern and accurate method known to science. I pay for the examinations in ; i : delay. E.A. ROBERTSON «ago Sy es pl STRATFORD, ONT. Come to-day. NORTH PERTH LIBERAL ASSOCIATION will be held in pie ore ON Friday, Sept. 24th at 11 a.m. for i einem of general businesss. A full ape is requested. The Hon. '.. Sutherland, Ex. Bpsakie ihe ihe lanes at Com- mons, and Mr. ley. .P,, Wentworth. will Sy sorely ent pnd address the delegates. R. RS HARDING, Pres. GRIEVE, Seo, Millbank, see 6th, 1909. ul Nwoop. ir. Mt 2 Boifert spent Sunday a! Heldslber Mr. 8. Gennerette spent Sosy at his bome in Elm: Mrs. anes of last My. Robt. White was af Toronto on business on ‘Tuesday Mr. D. Garon. of ails bank ,spent Sunday in ‘the willag eel of Watesier, spent . Lan rs. fi of New Dundee were guests of Mr Schmitt. “Mr. Louis Neumeister, of Mi Ma bas been re-engaged at Mr. Hu Schummer's. Miss Greenwood, of Welles! ey, was tho guest of ber aunt, Mrs. G anes Tast id Mrs. “Fred Wetzel, of Moore tied, wre a flying visit to fr. ends bere on Satur Miss Mellie Schnurr was a guest at McKenzie wenaine Stthooy last (Wednesda’ Z spent a doy or two last shale visiting her daughter, Mrs Martinson at | ‘Wallenstein. Wid of tho Methodist o1 very poor health for years is now ser- jously ill and her recovery is ei ed of. The evening aherrice will be with- vn ethodist church op eve nin the M Mrs. Thos. Dilion and dau; a were the guests of the me ‘Heimler 2 Huber who bas ee vis- iting at, ie sresidenee of Mr. A. Spahr returned r home in Rochester N ¥., last weel The Methodist (church will hold anniversary services on Sun- day next and a hot fow) supper; on Monday evening. Mr. Ed. Berlett who bas been spend- ing the past summer bush-ranging at Matheson is expected to arrive home to spe! after which he will titwa ‘oronto. Miss Ross/is again in ae ‘ot Mr i. y depart: The openirigs take plat spate Hose oe Saturday. \All ladies are “cordially. in- vited to come in and see the new styles. Mr. P. Kretitaweiser ismaking very substadtia! improve ements in front of invwood hotel by putting down & nd a trunk piatfo The ees fell besneest= CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL’Y $10 to Winnipeg! _ Another Farm Laborers’ Excursion From all Stations in Ontario FRIDAY, SEPT. 24 ‘Same conditions as former excursions Special Trains will leave Toronto 2 Pp. m. on above date running through to Winnipeg. Return for $18 Additional “Apply to any Canadian Pacific Rail- + ‘way agent for full particulars W. H, Sanderson, Local Agent ies” aia ‘of tho Lutheran a supper at the Manse (bana ‘s ceadatereriss ‘to Pembroke aa he Ai the residence of Schnurr wi be “at boen on and after October 2 vests to extent ies ae wishes .to and Mrs. a Lansin; or so with bie at thi pl bes! pace lace is new!) y agora from Pvteat, ant sold at a ek commends itself. For eed flour, buy it here piefror Bros. Voters! List Court aria panty a (be that Le \ The nti 's Honor County Court of Gounty of Perth at Newton on, the - belghinghon’ at ‘the | distance were Jabn of To Detroit ; books tha ly careful in regarding the law as his sate fons were imperative im the “Ibe ‘Macton-Linwood picnic held last the most successful to t reat sucess sealed: bird aay mal uch days he is all cor- ality and courtesy to every one. The roceeds of the picnic was in the $750. wi has been the pop- a “pastor Re he Lutheran chureb here for the Sear meas rave has been mn Sunday or NEWTON. — ex ry pleasant Apr tool: =e on Eniaty last at the home Yoeger, when ‘all o} the exteption of ou eclebrate ber 80th Diether A twelve x ner was served by Mrs. H fongratulating M be spared to spend thany ng those ‘present from a Toronto; Peter and Mrs. Ritter, of Lon- abo might mora. (AX ‘A clever, popular Candy Cold’ ea re Tablet called Preventies—is being d's~ pensed by di es ists ‘everywhere. reventics 3 : go safe and stoothsome, No Quin-| fo! rsh ¢ in Mr. Ralph Koebel spent coney in sas) fase took in 1 Bi at a espair-| PY ‘of special services in other J. Dillion of daa ‘and |" Glenallan, | 5! : norpieal staff spe fever her connection witb] , ‘A very pretty but quiet wedding | © M iaater a. ‘Bullock left last week bg after mo e ee Puc nnd Mrs. C. W. Par- qt ort and wishing ‘that | ‘ Kk ieton "Agriuiear Sonsts on | ian. ‘the ball is in-charge i atlge oi WELLESLEY COUNCIL, Council met an aasday Sept. 7th ip nd<A. Hol D. finns was at Toronto on| meier init Sitios i oar aie and teaming 4. .K. For ell repairing app. 0 brid ichty sewer pipe accounts 179.00; Subvueter, \graveiling per con- fs Dammeier, seconded 4 t ‘Lintick™ that the sum 91 0.1 be granted ‘to the ‘Wellesley Agricul- tuna! society and t eeve issue bis orden aecardingy- “Ca patie he tenders for the jirming- ham drains were opened with the fol- lowing result; the Birmingham drain; Jas Quesin, abies sar) 1 C3 muméier, seconded by R. ETotick that the tonders of Eiger & Pigeon for ‘the Gmnstruction of the a 5 ve pacies = Pepmer ite | Drug Store’ ? | parision of te tenders it was moved and mains be area —Car: gv: Reided, ‘evanied by W vast Adioues . Cross- t ten o’cloc! 3 a pity when sick ones drug ‘The ees Gr_atimnlate the, Heart and is all wrong! we thi Tint Ki dneys. are insteed erying out “for help. This x. Shoop’s Restorative nd Kidney ailments for the actual cause Sale “| Drug Store. WELLESLEY. . John Zoeger, of Toronto, spent Witt. of Winnipeg, ret! pied home last Wednesday from Toronto where spent a Pe with Tine and rela- Chas. Koehler and en pent, last the cel he of tives, et and Mrs. bday ‘part ‘iven Mr, Alan Heimpel fast Saturday evenieg by a few of his mgny friends at the bome ef Mrs. B. Wagner the evening was spent in singing and all kinds of an gathes. Atma Frochii¢h of the’ Berlin ant a few days here Jast erborn family held a fam: nig! WWoiwade’s nno Helmuth and Met family, Mr. and ‘Mrs. John Queh! and AL of Tavistods, e of Mr. and Mrs. W. Kalterborn. Drive Rheumatism out of the bioog with Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy and gee bow quickly pain, will depart. Rub-ons never did reach the real a Bbeninesien, ae in the sl and tell ‘on Mr. Murr’s foo +) to ate is laid up with severe at- HAWKESVILLE. Mr and Mrs, Frey and son, Walter ee 100, re visitors at the home er.on Saturday > Pica Giecints 6 te undersig- : ead Gale UE lat abe na heat Mr and ‘irs. oer Dentinger ‘ere the 5th of eel on * Thom ir househoid See ion of t! ‘thas recently maece brute aia paintes Ed. Winn of Berlin, spent Sun- Mr. Geo. Hucner Pane a few days in Toronto eek. eg. Israel. of “Peel gud a tirins visit to M. Hoelscher/on ate a glad to hear that Miss Net- Bulmer who has been very ill wit inflammatory rheumatism is recover- ing nicely. Mr. Hardy the esti Collegiate spent at Bulmer who is attending Sunday nd Mfrs. Conrad Huqnergaré of Waterloo spent a few days at Dr WWeidenhammer’s last week dry Coughs will au’ek- iy te Toosen "en using Dr. Re is so thoroughly harmless icp th Dr. See Cough Remedy It hand heals the sensitive Sold by The Public une. Sree tse sot “the 4th of Bima. of the sixth of Sine, “agent Bae with H.W Hamilto: The Monkton cheese fastory sbip- ped out the last half of Ai 1-2 ton faatory is phish on top of the ladder for high Mtigs Av Menzie and brother, of Cran brook called on Mr. Charles Murr on Monday last. What might have proved a very ser fous accident occurred in Mr. dow Jobnson’s brick yard while Mr. C Murr and some other men, were load ing some large cement tile. 01 fare glad to say it was not broken only bruised badly and be is getting along - ‘ts. H.. Miller, cars Mrs. Fred Miller and Mr. and Ae cae of See age Sun: day at C. Munro's. KIN! GWOoD Mrs. Wm. B. Freebor! ed to ‘her. homo here. atter visiting | Pe with relatives in Detro:t. ae oh Dewar, accompanied b; rman spent Sunday with friends ‘Drayton r. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton and oe with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Oman; “Mr and Mrs. Wm. R. Yos Sunday with ‘friends. in North East: 0 Of, Campbell, Miss Annie conpial Nand ‘Miss Lillian Ham- mond, of Urossbill, were ae guests of friends here on Jacob Schneider and his mother Be Bobnelder, syent Sunday at they Mrs. Geo. Hoff- than, neor (Cross Shins cmseg Quite a number ‘fi ‘om bere intend taking in the Milverton Fa! My. and Mrs. E. eConkey, sr. turned home Wednesday after spend- ing a couple of months visiting their son sealed int Mr. Joseph McLaughlin we are sorr. tack of rheumatiom. {We hope for a speedy recove: Quite a umber, sp temied the picnic at Linwood la. day. { Beveral eat Moe arene visitors at the coo Exhibit orget ae supper in Glenallan next Monday hi he pain, ig attor "all Phat 1r. Shoop’s in lies the popularity of this Remedy. {s winning defenders everywhere. Tablets. OF Diagsls. Sold by The Pub- lic Drug S| BRUNNER. nd Mrs, John Haines and little at the Iker last week. Mrs. don war jast Monty Si of Milver‘on. sa Uses friends in this vieinity on Su: dees Maud ‘Bart left last week for Wictoria hospital. ‘London, where she will train for a nurse. | Mr Henry ‘Pleisthbaner. of Milver yet’ with shis parents here. Or eigesith, of Monkton, epent a few days last week with her daughter Mrs. Walker. Miss Beatrice Clarke left. Monday for Stratford where she will attend formal schoo! Pink Pain Tablets— ae Shoo, ur druggist or doctor about this formula —it’s fine. Sold by the Publie Drug Store. BIRTHS. 4 Breanerman ia n Mornington, on Tues. dor, 5 . Blst, rae Se and Mrs. B. Bizet ae Sos 4 Priguter— —AE malivertons won Friday Bey on Pee gae Lalo Mor . Joyn Ath, fo Mr. and Mi danghter. wvaiieeth Morn day, Sept. 15th, ‘ Mrvand Mrs: Jno Wises ‘a daugh DEATHS. ec, OD eens Sept. Debas—In- E bus, §: 478 years T 21st, John ars Ki tians-and “Miss SMa ilsor Boros. will fonah ihe program the Morn- Fair ‘pt. 17th, to cig ‘and Mrs. F. Pren- aa does wi ington, bn Wednes- vi ages Come- The many {triends of Mr. Henry b. formec resident will re- ret to Hearn shat he is at present seriously ill at his home im Wellesley (y Dewar, of Wellesley, M: wee spent a few days te Wellesley. it ‘Hepburn, of Stratford, last week with his college CARD OF THANKS. ae Peter Helm and family of Mill- eae to convey to the ma: friends ympathizers ip — thei: late ete their sincere than! ong ‘Shooting Pains in Side, Arms, Back. Prove the Presence of Rheumatic Virus, Which is Cured Quickest by Nerviline—R ub it in. @ains in muse) sole: the back, he a neck or the shea ty them great pir ed, jan ebrtel so Nerviling, whi ranteed for NERVILINE eS dee eat neu- ‘CURES: ia, sciati- ~ell muscular ach-| ‘and | Pe: n has return- Tal ughter Cepieseenta tqeaees this a) Bas dbelading t thet mestead pi @ pre-emption Ko’ BS. ae onths in ti ae fifty acr and ercot a he on, Iumbago, end svorth $800.00. Kg Sree all iy reste ERTON. FOR SALE The coal sheds” matt the G.TR., stat- ion with the good-will for handlin, the Scranton reasonable |’ offer -will mot be refused. ‘or par- tioulars app.y ss JR. a ‘OST, Bor 06, West Toren’ / STRAYED (On the premi ees undersigned about to weeks ae een lamb by proving Pp LOUIS MANK, Milverton. FOR SALE House and two bulla ‘dng lots on Main hor hotel, Stratford. Auction Sale of Farm in Tp. of Mornington W. D. Weir will farm ‘being Fomposed of {erine south half of lot\No. 6 in the the township of farm is a house, is all clear- yon day ot ale 0 days. et further ‘particulars appiy to D. Weir, Milverton, or J. Stewart, ee eatead: COMMERCIAL Fall wheat, Menitols floor, pe “Milverton Fall Fair Ww INVITE the people of Mornington and thesur- rounding townships to make our store their head quarters while attenting our fair on Friday, Sept. 24th. We invite you to see our nice range of Dress Goods, LADIES’ COATS We wish to inform the ladies’ that our New Coats will not arrive before Oct, 1st, On account of the large amount of orders this firm received they were un- able to turn out the coats. We ask you to wait for- these coats, they are © certainly nifty. ae GENTLEMEN We have our New Hats and Shirts opened out. We invite you to see them. NEW SUITS We have a nice range ¢ of Suits for Young Men (long pants) which are Beauties, Call in and see_ them, : Butter in Prints 21c. Eggs 230 W. K. LOTH| Marriage Licenses Issued, - Milverton per t Cc. P. R. Time Table West Monkton, gins west, 8.54 p. a.m. oiling east, i, west, 8.82 pm, 6 p.m Pp. Linwood, weet, 8.22 p. a 11,18 a.m. ; 8.57 p. “Listowel, north, 85 ve m.; south, 8.00a.m, north, 8.42 p.m. 4145 bm. .m., 8.25 p.m. Dorki 838 Dm, 11.81 em.; south, 8.20 a +» 8.88 D. » 12.05 Buy Something New and Up-to-date ne When you buy. a suit of clothes ‘trom us, you are sure o! i only the newest designs in cloth and‘ 2. Every suit we turn: out is made right here in the shop, and the workmanship is fully guaranteed... If you are thinking of buying a new suit give us a call and see what we have got whether you buy or not. E. Knechtel, - 1.28" on. cs Milverton, - Ont. G. qT. R Time Table GOING ROUTE, 9: 38 Milverton aaaee hae SeR258 GOING ages: Bee 23888 e Peffers Synopsie of Canadian North-West LAND REGULATIONS sti a fe Domiaion Jand in ioe, Sus yr Alberta. applicant cAes Gas in person at the Domini ds Agency ade at any agency, on csr- bats conditions, by father, , taothise: son, daughter, brother or sister of in- tending homesteader. iee—Six months’ and cultivation of the wate 190 “iy ot pelea au Belton trieta a hamestenasr OPENED UP BUSINESS © AVING PURCHASED the Furniture and Un- dertaking business of C. R, Honderich & Son, we are now prepared to make a general reduction in the prices of all stock on hand, in order to make room — for late fall deliveries of geods that we have purchas-— ed, All goods in the shop : are of the best make, The Undertaking Department will be under the special charge of our Mr. McMane, — who has taken a course in the arterial method of Em: — : baling, which is the most modern process. rders in this line will receive our prompt attention at all times, The Public are kindly requested to come in and Inspect our stock. Torrance & McMane Milverton Successors to 3 G. R. HONDERIGCH & SON ‘ime atent) ont Sites fitty r who has exhausted may take a purchaso mestead in certain districts. Price per acre. Duties—! reside ‘of three years, cul- WW. CORY, < uty of the pe lnsier of Interior itles or five for $1.00, -hozone ‘enis or The Catas eee thorized publica‘ion of tidement will not be paid] low. ‘stal We do the bett class of printi a little cheaper than the other fel WwW Bee letter heads, bill heads, sale a Sete all ances ive’ the ‘sa “t JOB PRINTING ! and we do that class