Milverton Sun, 23 Sep 1909, p. 1

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H.M.SCHAEFER - 1SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO” "51 Bhiiee Bor ALL” File by7 WILLIAM. K. LOTH issuer oF , MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Vol. XVIII—No. 13 Milverton, Ontarioy, Perth Co., Thursday‘ S eptember 23, 1909 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher CHOPPING | — AT THE — Newton Soolien Mills AVING installed a suse two days a week, of which oe will be given later. arr & Tabbert ROGRESSIVE, yet conservative management has produced a safe depository for the Savings of the Farmer, Merchant and Laborer in THE METROPOLITAN BANK Reserve and Undivided Profits $1 277,404.49. A Personal Cash Reserve NOW is the foundation of a life of independence LATER. $17.22 win start a Savings Bank Account. from date of deposit. No delay in withdrawal. Capital Paid up: $1,000,000.00. Interest allowed Branches at: LINWOOD, ELMIRA, GUELPH Milverton Branch : A. J. CUNDICK, Manager = — + : LOCAL NEWS - Mr. 8. Crawford.|of Monkton, spent Sunday in ‘town. s Hurrah! for fHajlefreund’s Photo Studio on Fair You will find style. quality and fit i Eye 28 es your family group taken Fair “Day at Hollefreund’s Photo Stud- io. peers n. igs Mary MacKinnon left om Wed- fay fi foe oesate to attend the Con- servatory of M 1 eae ri favorable the fair Tow Will likely beat all pyenien® records. a spending ‘a mish an so ng 4 Ghe Satisfactory Cash and Produce Store wt EXTEND A CORDIAL INVITATION to all visitors at the Fall Fair this Thursday and Friday, Sept. 23rd and 24th, to visit our store and see the new display of Fall and Winter Goods, Come in whether you want to buy or not, we will make you welcome. DS ae he a, a te, le i ee Ladies’ Dress Goods Never before have we sold so many Dress Goods so early in the season as we have this fall. What is the reason? Simply that we have the latest shades in all lines and at prices as low as the lowest, and lots of them lower than any other store. SPECIAL ! A beautiful Panama in all the lending shades, good width ‘and weight, regular 60 at per yard.,.... Beautiful checks for children’s school dresses in all colors at:only 25¢ per yd. Ladies’ Fur and Fur Lined | Coats in great variety and at lowest prices. Ladies’ Collars and Muffs—A larger assort- ment than ever. e have not room to describe them, but come and see them before you buy Ladies’ and Children’s Cloth Coats in ali the latest styles and shades, and at lowest prices, Ladies’ Coats from $4 up to $20 14 yards for.......... Mery Special for This Week’s Selling 1,000 yards of light and dark Flannelette, good width, regular 10 cents at 74c a Come or 1 ° WE ARE READY WITH Our Fall Clothing COME AND SEE IT Children’s Coats from $7.50 up. oe There is character in every Suit and Overcoat we show for men’s fall and winter wear. Char- acter, that at once displays itself in the correct styles, the coats to select from here, Every stylish shape, every new shade and combin- ation of colors is shown. Our prices are always the very lowest. $6.00.. vesssee Will buy a fair suit $10.00......will buy a medium grade suit $15.00 “i, , suit good enough for anybody Specials for this Friday and Saturday 40 cent Tea in packages for.............+++++.30 cents 3 packages Quaker Oatmeal for..........4....25 3 packages Seeded Raisins for..........0066625 4%%@ US YOUR PRODUCE - - - We Pay Highest Market Prices Marriage Licenses Issued. ~- d. M. SCHAEFER Strictly Confidential “A ergt. J. and Mrs. Roe, of: Toronto, inthis Sse . Wesley Scott has im-law, the late Harvey Scott. parents Mr. Ne peal at Ger Be your ¢lothes. J. Fleisobhauer guar. antees every suit Or overcoat made big ‘See Mrs. Sproule!s ee ent fr another columin. Millinery opening: y and Friday, Sept 2380 r. N. H. Honderich left on Tuesday for ‘Manitoba land the West w severa] furniture firms ve Be ng friends left on, Thursday for in Hastings, Nebrask: ‘Tyo young girls Miss Ruby Lennox illie Kuntzie were ser’ injured at New Hamburg fair througt e horse running amuck of peeding events at the Fair on consist of a 2.31 trot or pace, purse 875; pet ies re purse $50; Open run, purse $50; pony Faas, Urse, $16. “srs. Geo, Gropp, of Milverton, and Mrs, W. J. ‘Armstrong, of Rostoak, arrived bome Monday night Governor John ‘A. sprite of Min- regarded as the operation Dr. W. OM. Egbert, of Gilgen, this ecompanted fately cetontel. work without \removing ‘the wheel rom the bugey and in a short time aires last n of embalming. Mr. ane is pre pared to do work of | this kind by the most modern metho Next Sunday Harvest t Home service am. and ‘A es Stil be beld for mission pur- aes ‘bas on agricultural soc- on| Wm. Sanderson, sr. been sent up /a.m. has been cha: for rivet for the murder of ther father |, (We. ae Paying 10 cents for hides. C. Siegne: tt, of Chicago, is : cal ip aid see the bargains you can suit or overcoat at J, Fleisch Beare Mr. and Mrs. ‘Thos. Atkia spent a fow ‘days last week in Londow and ratford. A accounts ‘due the firm of 'C. R. rich & Son must be settled on or before (ct. 1st. Mr, end Mrs. A. Sanderson. of S.rat- ford, spent Bunday with Mr. and Mrs. Your as welcome as tho flowers of May at Hollefreund’s Photo Studio on Milverton Fair Day. rs. Sproule’s millinery ‘openings will take place on Thursday and -Fri- day, Sept. ‘Osrd and 24th. soe Lotta White has ae engaged the Managing Boatd of tho Pres- beans ebureh. as organi he time of = morni! ine c. R. train arriving from ‘Toronto at Ete 36 you want fo sell or buy a farm place your advt, in columns of bo Sun. (his is the time of tthe year au rae sales. Mr. . Robb, wha was recently Milverton Head (fice ‘has been sent to-the Mit- ehell branch. "he jury empannelled to investigate the death of the late Harvey Gcort found a ‘came to his Heche pee helng shot by Mrs. W. in self def . Messrs. re ong & McKeehnie are hold tol:owing ays sntll eld, “hey have high grade Holstein helt. | THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1807 B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager | Reserve Fund, s 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS canes Laie storied to farmers and ti Sales notes will a sak or sptalpa ferecticGeat BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened by mail and y mail monies deposited or withdrawn ee this way with equal facility. WM. MAYNARD, Manager, STRATFORD BRANCH banking business. { The Farmers Bank of Canada | Head Office: - = TORONTO aA Deposits of $1.00 and upward re- Savings Department % ved and interest paid or added at highest current rates. Joint about may be opened, the money payable to either or the survivor of either part iscounted and advances made to Farmers’ Sale Notes farmers and cattlemen at lowest rrent rate. ineibd payable at Dee al pay Dice in: Ooue Money Orders % da ofa chartered bank. (Yukon excepted) at the principal paikiie points in the ited States. They form an Seca method of remitting small nat Toe money with safety and at small cost. Millbank Branch: R. G, GRIEVE, Manager iee(lay evening depicts a ts frequently observed ;) Hs late H. H. Rogers of Standard Oil went back to tr tnuget-failliona’ re, y¢ outer shell he, remained ‘the identical village urchin 0 longed to Rees ren thao what kind of af fellow be was. ant men do 3 young man goes Tad with the first $60 he saves will CF z BE in : ci B eds he ants, ‘the MONKTON. The members of “Court Rosewood, W0.F. are requested to meet on ‘Sept. Eon Tev. R. Marshall. of Komoka, is at present visiting his son, Mr J.-H Marshal! Come to Mrs. Sproule’s Fall Millinery Openings, Thursday and Friday September 23rd and 24th (Milverton Fair Days) ADIES WISHING piracy before that date, we will be pleased to show them our stock. For the com-—~ —— ing season we are showing the Haast ek of iaoenee Pattern Hats we have ever show! F% THE COMING ‘SEASON, I have secured the ser- vices of Miss A. Dodson, of Toronto, who comes highly recommended, having all me el ai oe Te- tail and wholesale) as trimmer. AKE IT A POINT to come here first, we can make Hats to suit the price you wish to ee No trouble to show goods, « RTS eo MRS. K. SPROUL MILVERTON, 9 ONTARIO Fete K. Young ‘of De ‘as mean enough ‘to‘fura down Trae either ae oats and send its Jorin' y should also Took fe Picgerieh ore their par ee people ing thi Sun. eknyone Nes lent four cents extra for ‘air drop in rine see » Tailoring a a this. b nm won great Gere abo in Fal Suits. ee Ke. terborn, ‘att ve oes Work. le ‘have received fran Milverton bostottice, within of the ‘big eaeye ace pnaiyzed | 008 it wit) be for f goods: who has made vor) If it were not {So ase purchase saith produce in exchange. ith en mye anna) Mornington and Milver~ - shoo} Convention will be]; md| North side leading the | ing o! peri progress during the past t it_ha mou’ si #9 085,572 with total assets of ‘sts 541- Mr. and troit, et pee last ab Mr. Geo. Struther's. Miss Florence Kritzner. of Hespel- ting her friend. Miss Schu! ad a solo in ‘the Methodist church Sunday evenim The of New Hamburg, sans o1 mail train arriving from Tor- onto tn the mornmg now arrives 33 minutes earlier snce Monday last. for furtherance to t. Messrs. J. J. Nicholson and cotin| Kerr aach shipped a load of cattle and a load of mixed stock to -Toronta on Tueade d ‘ew Ontario by 1 Mi James ‘Jones and F. W. Mann, manager of the Merchants bank hall, were ie the village on Thurs: Messrs. Batt Bros. last 6f Toronto, 25,bead of ptockers that: averaged a li le over hi R. Erskine, of Atwood, is the hall. There is a complaint that a Dae ber of chairs a missing from Methodis at ‘eburch. The party tang t) y may avoid cael re turning them tpromp The bat ling Bank i giving to its custome: a tha 2 i lendar Jalna “This bank. hes bees making In 1906 $000 deposits a DORKING. Too late : for for last week. . Starr and daughter, Galette ae “Sunday: ae st emens as tho gue: ate of M anid ‘Mas. SOREL ¢ visiting in this week and ateading the ees is. Tr. anid tee Lavery left on Mon on to visit with 'the who ‘we ae at Sent naa low a week sold RORTOOR MILLBANK. cs *) Messorsehmidt, of Miss «A. Mr, ‘MeaGitivray speat Sun- Mitebell, ae "ig pote natal day at the Mai Fullarton and Mrs, A'bert Sherbert | Mr. and ‘Mrs. Poundick, of ativeston, and daughter were visitors with H. | were in the Fillage on Satur’ Messerschmidt on Sunday. Mr. W. ‘Winkler, Of | ‘gion, Pemsae r. and Mrs. Geo. Yundt, and | Sunday at hi -s. Geo. Pauli, and Mr. and Mrs Hy.| No service was held in fice church Zalaut, ‘of Milverton, visited at John | Sunday night owing to the Baumbach’s on Sun rvices in the Anglican church, Messrs. Michael Stock and John | Master AVillie Boarringer, of Det- Tabre, of New Hamburg, were visit- | roit ret: Saturday after a org im ‘Restock on Sunday. month's visit with his aunt, Mrs. Mul- ‘Mrs. John Bart and son and daugh- cob. r, of Towa, are visiting obd acquain- Miss Lizzie Paterson left last hides noes here. for Stratford where sbe inten The ‘obildren yvof the Lutheran con- | remain for i sregation were ‘confirmed on Sunday]. Rev. J. Livin ingstone ‘of Mitchell, t Moser’ ile, will ocoupy the rate it of Pl the Metho- nd Mrs. Witterson and Mrs. | dist church Hillebresht, of Brodhagen, and Mrs, rs: Clarke Be ceosien ‘home Satur- Bomneweis, of MeKilop, were visit- | day after a week's visit with friends t Hy auer’s on Sunday. in Maryboro. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Knechtel left for] he rei hiy meeting of their home in Michigan on Tuesday |tho Woman's Institute will bo held on re visiting friends for several wie, rear ‘to chronicle the death of interesting programme will be give departed All ee are vari od invited to Rt- Crookshan! Mr. Debus was favorably ring as special preadher the wn throughout ‘and his demise will be generally regretted. MA. of very powerful and impressive sermons announced during the day now HESSON. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Heimbecker and Mr. and ae berg ae a Lispawel:. wee ‘the guests of Mr. fhat the evening paced from on will commence @ ——=+ ————— Tor onto, eer vaitoral Lopdon as ast week. Win. Helm nnd Messrs. Seburr and}: ‘Mrs. elise Bargott of Erbsville, visited at Mr | Thursday in atta rahe Jos. Helm’s bver Sunday. ool waa (islegats wwe the districg. meeting held 7A lange number ‘attended the Har- Gn the Central Metho- at Home ht the utheran church ov| jist church. Bandas: ¢ after Miss Emily Large is expected ei Miss M. Book loss of Guelph, is spend th ie few. ae with her sister, Mr Louis, Kief! Mrs. McGillis of Severs is vis' at Mr. pe Kenn Mis: bY ot Berlin spent a iting ten presented us Wi a tomato weigh ing over one and a balf pounds. Who can beat that? Mr. and Mrs, Targa soon eae y mday in Siitore as the Sheriff and . May We Leta ‘hat Mr, Mark Pek ers thas bought the house and longing to Mr. (Wm. Burgmanar Es ‘m and | Musselburg. intends moving !m the near future.” Watch the ade Fa fy when Peary Try, The Sun for ‘good job ‘work. and Cook both on Amorl 2, Roll Ee a

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