& es THE MILVERTON SUN CHANCELLOR ‘Steel Range Ts the best range to buy. Fitted with or without reservoir, patent lift up broiling top, new rever- sable grate, that pulls out, easily changed for coal or wood use. Perfect bak- ing oven evenly heated, large warming closet with drop door, when down can be used for dishes torest on. Made in dif- erent sizes. Call in and get our prices. W. F. FINKBEINER, Agent, Milverton ‘lwm. Y diss Acquitted ford Beacon to convict him Dou MeLellan, the vi his soe could not be relied ~ September. Weddings ieee s t one gf the pretties cae of the eldest daughier of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry rs and Mr. , abigh- ly ted an rous young former of ‘Elma. wore united, in the as the ‘bull leas ie still lodged in 5 ne can ‘the time of f tie ‘qdcident, ee ope Sabb eae | PH. ST apinte The Jeweler and Optician yee Tested FREE Milverton, Ont. I Have Three 1.—All my new a. 2,—I will challenge t ie C Call and see for yourself. J. M. Fleischhauer Over Atkin’s Feed Store Milverton AT ONCE po ____ A Reliable Local Salesman ‘Wanted to represent Canada’s (wanes STONE @ WELLINGTON SHOES Just Received ¢}. +9 Geo. A. Slater Shoes W. ZIMMERMANN Fell a Silo “An gecident RES. near Aberfoyle fast Wednesday morning by which one of Puslineh’s best know: e- ceived nijures of so serijous a nature s nh uneeascious ever since a very is despaired of Beth. He owns a 200 cent to ‘the village of Aberfoyle, and was making arrangements to haus in his corn bn Friday. The silo is,in't barn, ond MacBeth ascended to he top for the purpose of removing tho cover fan getting everything into pe for receiving the corn ‘What bappe ened Jee was not defin- 1 ome a © 3 ge il when the eeeineah Phat bu he Ba became fo the barn floor rate a distance over 80 fee! When es eeetasont MaeBeth was unconscious and terribly injured. He presented a terrible ap- poarance as ‘he lay pas with se- bis skull ‘was crushed, In a. there were various other injuries. His wateh which was broken in ‘the fall registerbaithe tuihe tt 748 am. King was at onsa summoned the skull which is most dangerous. r. b ‘belongs to on neal and iment femilies most imelu Bis father ‘the lat ‘im jacBeth was one of the pioneers ton. Mr. Mac. died on Monday morn- ing sof ‘his week without regaining conseiousnes: Cause of Boils Explained Bvenin health \there is a large .ac- cumulation of matter in the system which if pot Genteoved hreaka through in Ses oad mples” and ‘Ne ref i so 9 irs. 2 ‘out boils as (De. Hamil- ton's ¢ Pills: "They brace up the system blotches and ‘boils. Because anyone ‘am 4 Dr. Han i s. by ler: Sold Lawn Bowling We wish to cor: ice an error in last week's Sun fin regard to the bowling grorein ‘the game against Well whieh read as follows; McDonald Candiek Skip’ Kteutzweiser ne Skip.....16 28 Tho nenean result should bave been as follow: * cundiek 2 The following is from the pen of a Millbank poet; Look here! This is Tuesday, Next Friday is our Fair. Let ae ‘youlig) man who has a rt. jBo and take her there, MINISTERS PRAISE Catarrhozone ! ! Rev. D. K. Sinlik = Whitehead. N. S., Was cured of catarrh by pi Leroi ‘The following statement coming Nova Stotin’s prominent rebmen carries conviction of the fact ‘that Catarrhozone is all right.’ “For years f tril the advertis- ed remedies for Catarrh, but was un pies to et, ae tief until I pik Catarch e I had pets e In! be me bait a bane aa it ‘clear,\so that be cou! Id ieeattic treo easily. through them. In one day Ca- ood. zone lungs @ ‘and bro ranch chia tubes. © is.’ inky ‘no. Sait that isso well of fed wlergy a: Chtarrhozone a nd this can be account ted for by the-fact thatit 4 gives perfec ly that reaches dive: rts and gives quick. re- tet witieay ted after gftecte: Cytarr Gozo ine, Nor mor- pin: eh t is mature’s ly. soothing and bealla, ‘amd pleases ev- q erybody that uses Catarrbozons is i fies and consti- eluxiedt in every complete C outfit. never Tit bo a s from the blood. This puitde ng and ie sO pallial Randle tiie isi SS tarrbal Charen prot “epeediest cure 12 Seaghe, Cotd Catarrh, Bromohitis and ASthma is re one? “Two ihe? » 5Qoy~ triad } * $2.00; micdium «sizer, t eor25e: nt* druggists or N.- CG. Pol+ son & Co. Kingston, (Ont. h ig Wis up sa) epee Band, fahout one-third sthe time usually .xe- ore pire dis! ily. in 'the woods with 0006, Douglas McLean and his pat $i 2isn They had in their Tiny ait a turns in shooting out of both the guns. Remained in woo behind the other two. eae sat b fPhey sent Young 4&0 a neighboring farmer's, to secure Help, but later they Be the ea fery- een MeLellan point re- ‘Had ny volver ae Yo d Doering ‘testified that he was pains the party which had gone shaoting: Did nat, see revolver in Mc- Lell zs a hands | fas he cama sah the woods. but saw one lying o} zou vests Phan after ha ‘had tee t. feLellan was then called anyone with rifle how the r tat oy in the habit of addressing him as slian was right ha The ages would fit either < rifle or the ae When McLellan’s revoi- ver was (picked up it ey six fs ne and one emp’ as McLellan, Brother of ata las, nee sworn, said t! 0 his know ledge bis brother’s emery y had al- le able about the accident, but could not if t it looked like crim‘na ee he had ordered MeLellon 's hands 3 is Honor said there ‘was enaugh evidence to eonviet Young. The ‘weapon in the ands of MeLellen might have been the ove that injured snengements were ‘then made with ring to take Young home ities of the Barnardo revolver and rifle ~ have been confiscated py the Crown. A Travelling Man Fecesved the Tnanks oe ett Seen ee: “1 must tell 08 my my experiante on an East bound ‘0.2. & N.R,R4R, train from Tecdleten te be. Grands, Dre rites Samp. ‘A. Garber, a well known writes Say traveling man. ii oft cor eae out said, death jn ‘the ear.’ I at once got up and went es found her very ill AS creaD colic, so bad in fact that hands and arms were drawn up so yon could not straighten them, and ‘@ deathlike ‘ook on her ladies were working Dias Avithout it), ran to the water tank ut a double dose of t leave oe the cabal to bi Ba in case another dose should be Becieds fae by. the time-the train ran into Le Gramde sl oat.) was all ae and I received the thanks of evi ssenger in’ the car.” For sale by oti druggists. The ei hese sowreer The Montreal Stabdara’s Special most creditable produetion. It has a hmagpificient cover “a colors; ‘inted by one ies St know a artiste Number contains nearly 150 baif- ne plates devoted jects of Ben: eral interest, and wor P sup. ynoramic of Montreal suic te dor. framing. inting “is — My Blass, and twe understand that ux thousands of the issue have been aut to friends abroad. F Fora spreinegiAnkle i | « praimed ankle may be ‘cured in Rees Pa, y app Salm: foualy. ams’ giving it absotute rest. For sale by on PS ite egain ; ember distinctly | oan went off, but witness did not|\,, t| see it go “ott although he heard ae tbs gamekeeper he said | be never. had| j received the name befor: David Doorn, Secale eae that ey have our best wisbes wit nd sce that he was wel oaked after “until the Crown Attorn could communicate tie a author-| py rrboea Es: ( never ~ travel] 4% bottle i tey Nulgber hiag come to hand ond Wd a] quge strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march very acceptably ae by Miss Florence rae mn, of Millbank, cous- in of a be eircamsyitne gooth 15 the Oe ae of about vaghiess ce 2 Jr. to the bome of the bride’s grai = Mrs. {Petfers, ites a Bais ptuous Slacsawaiies. tha din: s beautifully decorated with groom’s gif ram. cheat Uishee, for Detroit and othr points. ‘The bride's. ‘Gomg-away. 5 rown Frouch Venetian with blouse ‘of ecru bexagon x 2 6th concession, Aime, where they will ec GO v ‘That Gate Wwedded life may be o log and ‘bappy one is the wish of their many frien pUENCE— ‘ANDERS eisai: septem er Sth, was the pre’ tty house wedding a obert San- the ho eo of itr. ma Mrs. epic Well ley, : fary Ann, was arta i ch. he brid yh. sister ot ie ¢room, who wore a dress. The two ee ec s, euney Duench and F _ inked very P ty ie ansisted ther the bride. ‘At 8.80 ‘the bridal party and apo .t a hundred guests sat down to a sp'er did rerast. Among the friends fro ee were Or. and Mi nd ithe Kerber, 0 amburg, Mr. vant Mrs: Geo. Due Linwood, and Mrs. Piepor, of B» Ha oi tin "The newly mafried couple will take up their resitence near ol in the neer future whe tio will be given to their many friends. 5 eB Scot’ MARTIN niet wedding ; took plage on Wed- Aa neodey. September 5th, at ““Grdce posdey? Ssctory, Millbank’ when Miss 8 of matrimony to Mr. Wm shi bee J. Bectt ree the ag ss of Morning- 2 t ton, by Rev. x ybura. , ‘After the ceremony rise “happy couplo| faxmers f ie vil e s se ‘The bride who was unattended ore a zit of pirpte proadejoth with hat to ‘The saa ey of costly and useful pro eents testily ‘the esteem § in, whieh the br ia and groom are hel’ a elena and Mes, Bett and ‘prosperous ¥ ‘vedded i FLRSEBACEE DIETS frien nds of ‘the For a bad Cold @ cures £0 quickly as the zona is @ penmanent cure for chitis amd throat trouble. Not an ex mporary relief — et Serciel Offer made arrangements with di. ° d cctbo tis Register and Canadian Ex- lead- tdnsion of ‘Toronto, oire of, ad: ing, ablest edited, an, most influential -| Catholic papers nada by 'W 4 can offer 4 Mil on Su ni .0| Catholic Register and Canadia’ snsion for ‘one year for the bargain 2 wae p Reiter and Ca Canadian To: f the “esi bole “church Be tension Sooisty ie is brilliantly wlited, well printed, ee dengi Many Down With Pleurisy Dactors say ti the eo country is ae ‘of then at. Pree comes h chill ie yen can’t draw a long breath—lungs and sides get ey and pleurisy ‘sets a ge ery. four & rigorously. awake ‘the sides and chest with Nerviline, gad when senne ond siaiial aki are established, put | Nerviline Porans. Haater, aver the = ect rt « Nex Sih He, Kixea tment a ting - | ways successfu) in,ceids, ne urn ‘gia an pleurisy. Try it eyopimlt: wand. some gold ‘tateh and chain with (mon: pe e "HapPy, eee ‘couipie left on the | 5 ew 4 1, wmid showers of rice atta 24 the thing ra ie ory 4 TheWellestey Fall Fair The Wellesley. Fall, Fair bad the ‘eather been favorable on the second. - brood. Alex. Crerar, 3rd; Agr. f er, .o. Kerr, Fowler Young; Agr. 3 Ea Agr. ond, Taxed: 8. ‘Mettouter Gem purpose J. Wettlaufer Gear pirresertestr aWettiautens Win hater; Gen. purpose 3 yr.—J. Wet- _ Bingeman 5, Gen. purpose A Wils specie k Snterenn, T. Wagner, D Hyde; Span Carriage—Jno. Busheldt Eno Moser,; Span Wm. Moser; Bingle Carria ri Breas Sadan Bradley; High Jump- ae “bradley, Wray Bros, P. Pet rie; Single Pony—Hammond & F =P. Wetrle, Wray Bros. Jas. Brad 2 five mile race eatures of the day and although ‘the ora yeavy ve! ti as wie the winner teeing the scratch in 29 minutes, ae eepues H. Groce i vor race the oan . © Burgener. F. Wick What ‘Oauses “Nerves 2?” Mot wrople say wolry—they ace ‘winty-sihe tauke. inet tsa Blodd eb is ‘thm. and Tacks “nuaninent: To cure “Nerves” more blood sinew ired. You get shes het ith bringer iis so certa‘n, no. wane strengitihener me tonie so well adapied to the wants of nervous or jeepless d you up, i it fill you with vim. energy and sunplus vigor. It bas done this for thousands Village of Linwood and Aims of Bertin Berlin News-Rees rd The village of riveree always was seas which follow increased,trade it ‘has developed into an were Ianotion town. C. P. R. connectiow resulted fit Sa brought more business to them. wesee it has benefitted all classes. wis! on Guetph, L towel or Stratford, Guelph getting 2 pulk of its surplus tra The meribabts ¢ 1 Guelph bill Tiron ve gularly. ‘When Linwood citizens must come to Berlin they will take fiat gerlt . R. det to is T. R.to’ Berl qwhich does not give them cnoug aut vas transact necessary business in erlil Perhoy suggest that Berlin and Wat erloo take up the question and ‘try o secure u trolicy line from Water- 4 tc mercantile and Stratford vill sat Siverted to Ber li well Lane in fuel save! Don’t allow a few extra dollars to pre- yent you from taking the perfect-cook- ing, sure-baking, easily-regulated Pan- dora in place of a cheaper stove. Ina season or two Pandora will pey the difference in the fuel it will save—and it will keep on saving until it has for itself. Pandora special flue construction makes fuel do double duty. Wide fire box other fuel-economizer. “The | pak aii heats ‘quicker than a cast oven, thus fav crorefoek Further Logdnittee Pe Wil be explained by the McClary Agent. ROTHAERMEL @ SON, - Milverton THE BEST IN UPHOLSTERED PARLOR SUITES It is the day of three-piece suites and odd pieces, our showing com- prises all the best prevailing styles. When you are ready for that new par- liver it to your house, =: A Dand: lor suite, don’t forget that at White’s order you can get the widest choice and the $35.00 best values to be’ found, and we de- Others From $15 up y 3-Piece Suite covered in Silk to your Furniture Dealers and ‘Undertakers R. WHITE & CO. STRATFORD Creat Clearing Sale SUITS MADE TO ORDER These are just a fe cules sia made by us sb Setar V. R. BERLET, ™ Just afew Quotations as to what we are doing Good black Cheviot Suits, regular $20 for $16.00 A number of light-shaded Suitings at First-class Scotch Suitings, $24., special First class Scotch Suitings, reg. $22. for All wool heavy fall Pants, made to order for $2.75 erchant LINWOOD, ONT.’ 7 perlain's Diarrhoea omedy fs well named. Fer in sale by all drug Ishmael’s New Home The Calgary “Eye Opener” is now publisbod in Port (Aithur, Ontario. It its Western name, smel) and be Edwards. Bob is the whole glue ratory: “Shen ‘he lieg wp the paper ooases publication. No salutatory of Bob Edwards ever promise more than print an Bre ‘Openee” trom te periodic 8 eof Ybe daity grind, thrall of fhe gareful word, vassal of routine what weWwspaperman a es not envy Bob see sehisting Operer” get dull. ‘he for to because it was t ‘ud Mon- 1. was. too. It was jm Conmee's celebrated “smile, vast as scaaeer: sunrise, .t) Port Avihur., Here ma » flow: like the wickedest bay tree in the pai ithe stomach, cramp cole Waaines Bnd diarrhoea it has no équal. For| rest it = Sa ‘Avonbat nile cemncter: She Wears Large Boots it hey con be cured in twenty-four: ison sass Patnom’s eA. ay at s»..» Tailor AND BAKERY Redpath's Best = Cough Caution ive iaet unch.—Collier’s Weekly. reat i wih 3 Sugar tako * Ay 20 ‘Put iton the jal = th Mixture." Good! eo H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY Granulated H. MOHR Highest Prices Paid for Produce Weta Cough Cure! The are Sun end ae THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. |*2 Spriss,from ne ©