rade if variety of Nes and prices, Payee tan eae: Bite Rte) ildren, ond by. your own dealer, A pure, hard - Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONG aWHITE YOUR GROCERS ILD-"ALL. PURPOSES" FLOUR. PEDITION LEAVES LONDON FOR AFRICAN COAST. ine Wrecks Wave Been cated Which Can be Reached: for Gold. There is a fascinating air of romance adventure about the expedition ich left_the Bast India docks, Lon- don, the other day in the steamer Al- fred Nobel, to search for sunken trea- Sure worth $6,000,000 olf’ the coast of rica. Aceording to Captain C. A. P. Gardin- f Bloor msbiury," woo faethe ‘gan eoust 1s lined wilh ion-sunk in. every kind of vessel fram old Duleh gallons, to modern Tin- glist of a few Brine ieee neh, it is hoped, will be brought to the surface: mmensély rich vom pirates and sunk in the W fel dev Secunda, Priceless china. silver, -stin , bullion, tin, lead, and tinment's’ armea’ mérchanthaneC stein in 1698. tin and silver of great value, which went down “in the » Aberdeen V scien oring to locate "ec CAMPRELL MILLING Co, at eee LBE. ey A et TANDS—IN THE FAMOUS in district ; lists oat | UL D. Farris & Go.) Boq ue on. grein KOOTENAY FRUIT LAND | 4o acres in Kootenay ay Sngures an income of $3,000 rin 5 Seer? Wrilh= Wolverton & Co., Nelson, B.C, ou NG MEN SER TED EON FIRE- men ond beakemen; experience un- i oper atthe ; high wages; rapid promo: conductors; $75 to tions by mail at intel seruption with jeers and 3 instru your home wilhout Present occupation; we assist each Got in secuting a ‘position; don't delay; wrile to-day for free catalogue, instruc- ions and. pleat blank c Railway Tra rain: 3 Block, pails, Minn., U. ANS al ater lami feats, inna OEE me eet Nee THE ARNOTT BERLIN, ONT, INSTITUTE 35. In ta saba we wilt raz 1g Gives Perfect Light. The Most Economical High Grade Oil Ever Sold In Canada. FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE, Digits” vas “ehtnuslistic about | young suai sehora, be hoped to have for vl In speaking to his wile; "Arid: how -péllte: he 1s. To. Tees Isth lite “Yours core -alapped upant Paliinlbg niore annoying than he Is there fling more acta than. get- allo ' Hollow will do: § it and tore fy or Internally, It Winn applied externtity bing, Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric i ene the. tissue chin. fab ploy akg’ and be convinesd: “Is there any Postion ‘of thie fowl you proter, major 0s therhostess, blanc ly, tho lett win af you pleas reft \ returned the ae ee "dabioisly at the: plotter,’ Ab lieve it-is always good military tactics to bring th eft wing of a veléran corps jnto action. ~ ISSUE NO. %—07. several. years “in hem. KS DISCOV! E He was rewarded by the discovery of twenty-nine odss, and the re: s the formation of the South African Savase Company, Limited, with a capi- of 4 00. ors steamer Alfred oe once the Oromea, a pleasure yacht, , and th equipping: her a8 Be “twenty ands, ja ing two drivers, avy or ray reserve men, © Tb oF ‘eal sign pn te ears, and will be” elven 5 percent share of all treasure foun We are not, going on to look for but wel shall wo) said the ieotans There salvage company tn nd. eight or recked at i nin uae "boats there. ne 4 cent, year: The cape Government: genes 15. per ‘the 25- percent. Hy en precious stones, and to ae cent. of the vi are of other artic! ss but Capt. Gardin is quite satisfied eric left to pleas 5 everybody) con- cerned. Nature eats Making Healit ae is thé season ur tem needs toning up. ring Dla e ks font ile v in tone in © new, rich in spring: oul dis niet teed eepreee mien. and Ww men bright, active and strong: “Mrs; John. McAul Dougiastown, Qu proves the greal value of Dr; Williams’ Pink Pills in building wp peaple who have b and run down. She says: Ik Pills haye been of -g Sey weak aie ‘a loo and 1 wag, badly e use of the pti ny Hen tiets sathly restored. 1 always recommend them to my friends of Dr. id a protect 2 e, “1 Williams’ age Pills for Pale People” prey wrapper around ear "fot take anyother so-calle nine vis. If your dealer has not got the feruins send-to The Dr. Williams Medien Brockville, Ont., and get ne pills = mail at50 cents a ee she. bakes trv. aS ROYAL TEETOTALLERS *Oueen Victoria of Spain does ow the Inste of aleghol. “Her, spectal “tipple” from. oran uit a plas, Which ig. ded ater ranges are her years Princess ‘Henry a teetotaller, but ot rogards: as.a Jal e being brought folatiers and they know nothing #|'hols. Patricia ot enka and her marcied abjure wine. ‘Another Fost tGstotalier is “the Duches Bheecshess of the: atures ale lives touched wing STs RB ey VSureals sata palates eedubtor’ cling cumstmption, witht Allens ‘Lung ‘Bal: rh fault loosom the cough and phlegm. Cure ‘soon SQUE'S REJOIN! Jn, apartments a tile off the high a ‘of wealth uxUry a one-legged. man feund bimsel housed the o iii balepom seas. clean fee MRS. B abl L the toilet requisiles were we sent in pl but essential quali! pderdtey ate at ral tispee nt he. decide cen obght “to consider ht’s decupaney, how- dapiat man. hunted up the e + Tnndiady, a and presented a complain isque,” “Mrs. che be egen + “T like to Boot, ‘und everything is right except my b mattress is soft, springs al Clg, aa ‘al thats but Tdidn't s ase ‘well, the bed is unsteady— iL rocks fearfully: Sena’ losketenmten it this morning and’ found it. has ~ only three: legs.” “only three’ legs !” repeated" the per- it goodness, that’s two more’ you've go: wrecks, Which could Le) tu sult of his discoveries | me ardin-| <tined to revaluli nat there will pe| jheories, and. fu WILL KISSING BE PROHIBITED ? The Osculatory Process Denounced by Scientists as Extremely Dangerous —How the Danger €an be Removed. A kee by Some of the best sc danger and “rime Son i ft a oat mei ae 3, mumps, phoid fever, diphthe engitis, lubereulosis and many ous skin’ diseases. “They sugges Istion ‘onthe subject, and the posting ‘ railway stations, sireet ef notices: in cars other public place legis: aiso: proj ‘Opose. some: oe tion for pe & dis’ Sa and pu gate: piesa sO ction of ‘the especi- i anpawithbeviéw fo Ato. protection: <1 Sionsite bana sath aars + pactioutiely. greatest and a ubject ae infection, The gre st a wonder. hae us scent Uiiinbhe Seach As. Aapellot: of experience: tn. the following brietistate- ment J Needn't be boiled, .yet cann J stick. een Tike, M. sb ENGINES. = Greater Changes in. Ile - Conéiniction i Than in Locomotives. While the motive engine has changed but little i dot mianinesen gina!hae altered greatly. The first type used was {he ide levers hen the oscillating’ one w invented and has remained the Dest engine for v uction S oR rates to be t vertical engines before this the Admiral, large ratty consump! raade-s feducing it. This led to the Bion ‘cf the compound ‘engine, in which the “| suffered & over two years from eee ofthe’ “head An an -obstinate~ hackin or. een { se ‘ weather! woul se. than hefor saw Psychine and Ox spap: ‘They had a obtained ied {ad Sosiong “and ed... Payeline:appenrs ye al mulsion advertised in the new and decided to use them. splendid effect «in my vase the permanen GER .L. ARI de Py. d si-ke ac and se ents jave erste thems gion ced in W who the ts resi ts. as. the ae germ: the rundown. system ana farms of stomach troubles of the chest, throat and tung is simply unapy ble It many of the aa a. Teliable home all: druggists, if For 1.00, Slecum, King- se eet fe ies Toronto. “TRIED 1 ae ed ie genial Jenkins, s10p; psn on. th at ae tilt Mand t bashful to propose to he eNvouldn't he md she said, “Yes,” and so it was cried the bashful Job- ‘I this very night.” jater- the ity-fa two fr fn met 01 vyobsen more. cried Jenkins, “1 should ” groaned Jobson. think it did! stein the jeweller’s, and I pointed to the engagement-rings in the window and eo r George, ‘And: ‘that one’ 1 Se like that one.’ eost 0 $150." P MATCH, King Baward ‘once sald that he spent ing and n ervous moment Uifficully he managed to get Hae sibel was to supply thern with fire tal thelr return to civilization. oR SS PS BABYS DOCTOR. box of Baby's Giva ables “With a ‘on hand I feel just as safe T had a doctor in the house.” "This ae the ex: John Auburn, perience of! Ont. Mrs. Young:adds— hay ne ‘Fabtets for teel hers are praise. worms, cqnstip are speedily eur is absolutely’ *s rol . and: you ne thes ° y nye plets contain no opt ate ae Me mous’ soothing stuit. medicine dealers’ or by 'ma rom The Dr, Brockville, Ont. cents a box Medicine oa HIM INTO TROUBLE. Deaton: “By th BloWeL yoll tharried'n ee wayy that man ear’ ago, has he ma. y the jast time nidinde a aa of it he ‘said Pd be foohnate if he didn't sue me for datnage: or! iui save Minee:pie wi 5 nd? pide than-a sweet, fiown ey. tal ae and and throat and - ous.» Among ae {han ke he mo} “did the oye steam, having estaped from one cylin: der, passes fo another and expands Jn event engines the steam ex- engi cae oft ba ved: ¢ comple dao aie for jship. ead jot this system, by a direct to th sblained d important of all for war- sp gi NUMBER OF EYELASI HAIRS. Different Kinds of Tears—Why. Japanese es Look Slanting. g. in his sie on ey action in the a ing. “it requies a veritable eat pat wink,” he ‘xed, “although “blinking” is very simp Je told ne i “cudiencs many strange things abous | thelr ‘The eyelashes, for instar 1 fron 100 to. 150 airs on t ‘on the ese hairs Taced about a 1000 days. outward song your will experience a nt ess tub in the: ob and you will. hav finger kin the lille flood, whiet eto wash away ere i NAGA en ‘ar: nature secretes in the eye all the dust pectic ‘ears, “which flow when pices are = the moment. unbalanced, nd ¢ ap ones fears. ot always overflow, because there's a lillie oily secretion along the: edges of fluid bac ck, “The Japane lapping fold ede of. .tbe eyelid se have a peculiar over- which obscures the real ‘That is why their fog nting.” And babies"—all neeae the pin bent forward— mnie just the si old on their eyes, if- you ‘look or Ik” with intense prefudiee against marriage, one day asked him for a nareieat att entering his ChaMets Willams “found his dead body suspended from. engaged anothae Dlenkyoand asked thin if he was marr) No,” the clerk replied ; but, th inne Willams would regard’ marriage asa guarantee of steadiness, he added, “but I am going to Very well,” replied Williams; “bub understand Dati you hang youre self, don't lovit he Siesta zerland 1 off for hosplials of any epunts averages 6 hospital beds to every 1,000-0f population, ‘or, Years Canadians hare been) using “The Dr a'L” Montiel Plasvord and the bale for thom is Sreator tharall other plasters combined ; a spe cific for backache, headache, sciatic pains. New Zealand h vy which ‘unlike einetines wey aati, TC drowe tt irom form. Its name is the panax. In its initial stages a cold is a local ailment ry dealt with. But. many ieglect i Ay the result is often the de- Selon tat distressing seizures of the bronel bes and lings that render e nae rable for the unhappy victim’ aid there is nothing in the Hanity Polenta line so certain in cura- ceenl ts as Biekle’s Anti-Consump- Syrup, the ‘fimfamed rentedy for Soest ‘coughs. ‘The highést rank of Chinese mand, ae _tunbrelias ‘of red silk with tire flow Custonier (6° furniture dealer): “M. wWifé has-been pestering the life out-of me tool hen an ensy-choir., She's always nag something, and if it is 1 the nouaht chair iit he something ta drop in to see wi ihe ee she, touches it,’ no more. Send it home!’ bg & & eS Lo POPP SS SDSS HOSS OOOOS That hacking cough ‘continues Because your system is dara asd your powers of resistance Take Scort's eden It builds up and strengthens your entire system. It contains Cod Liver Oiland Hypophosphites so. prepared that it is easy to takeand Gate digest. Sooveoerosooeooooroooooss : ease our eyeuds- which keeps the off NEWER BUSINESS. Lady, erin servant whom she had recommended for a silualion—I am : - loyer is a nice Jady, and you cannot do too much for her ervant, innocently. ma’am. T don't mean to, NOT HER OBJRCT. Fortune Teller—“Beware of a shorl, dark. woman with a fierce eye. She wailing to give you a cheque. Visitor, nelle Nos she ain't She's wailing to one from Thal’s my wife.” YOUR SUMMER Curie. it Famer te mping oF the study of feild Sanaa tae ap the ‘igongnin National Bark OF Onsen to Jor, your summer nd Sr mageimonet cance Coe * ‘altitude 2,000 foet a lov nd eahaay: “sinovghaen ust the place for @ ut in, eR holidays. Am invoresting aod om profusely iMustrated descriptive tion itelting about it sout treo on tO J. D. McDonald, Union ster oe Recebig Oar It is an old trick to make so much noise with your head that folks will not look at your heels. ay orm Gr ae Won a sure and ‘tfectial If your druggist. has mone in stock, get him to pap ice When. a-man Js intoxicated. with tov its easy for him ign the matri ani pledg ‘Tiny tubercies on the skin of scrofulons peo- We Beoduce she. hideous. disea: 7 Hole ‘: a Wourer Carat ust in timo, of from destruction. Tall aftcted pares loause tho blood with Weavers Broge bax A’ SUPPOSITIO; said Dubbs this morning, “a “HL see,” faipitine Wonte # becau: cannes tte home,” best drawled Bach. sure Cure for Headache——Bilious sing ot a Bers tone hile which pecan unduly secreted there. P% ee's Vegetable Pills ar a 5 an a neu a Reale alters g the of the Black rr e, be careful with that Sie goodnes: “You jus a time.” “Bro ‘Did I, Pat anil gory? {to Brown): Fo! After Wasting Peévers hasten recove health by the use of “Forrovline’. Tt Ie: the best tou it builds, strengthens and gives new Vitulity. ‘Try it, it’ will make you feel stron3. “that's. the, git) who broke my_ poor brother's 1 low did he do thal?” “Well, sie wi eng to hei for three years, and the very day ‘aller Bp Drove es ‘engugeaent olf she had $30,000 eft t To Those of Sedentary peeundan: — Men who follow sedentary occupations, which deprive them of fr oi aie ond exercise, are more prone to, disorders ri ane liver and Ikdneys:fhian. those’ active, ouldoor aati will find in Dien Vegetabte Pills @ avithoul aquestion, ithe most ‘on’ the ma ey are easily Httebich ea Palen: cle peditiously, and/they are. surprisingly cheap considering their excellence. Ben Buller was a terror and a tort ei bullied: and: bade patience, petulantly pursed e ch for Buti i am on this bene head a minute, confess your hon : reed, got me there. ( Your sepiotntsd hi drug store {n Canada and obtain foes of SHILOH’S ‘CURB on Bay tr ve dollars wont write anne man of SHILO will c wick! as do as hundreds of eye oe Cesanieh 8 have ne east cca tour haga ree Sir abuts x whenever a Cough or Cold will cure you, ba Seiya ere he a | Wlous. Paint AL RASISAY & Our 65 years experience in mixing paints ta We best guarantee of the quality ag pat i ‘Write for onr Post Card Serica ing how some honses are —ARE ‘right % Serica “4C,"" shows painte SOW CO., Paint Makers, = EQNTREAL Established 142, cid TOURS From $195 to #545, aot gramme, Write Soe Withrow 79 NTO. Reve irish Work Incluses Insure Your forse for $1}° s weight in gold, Price $1.00 Past ales agente Wanted. terinary Modioz! Chart Co, 184 Contos sae Life, Toronto, TOLD YOUR FORTUNE 2) aseioeer vine,” PROP. LEOAMIL, Dept 19," Suet a Ws RECIP! the celebrate a faianodt em (espa te Cures. rheumatism, mabios ‘a stire bust develaper es gray hair dark, i and sweaty. foo! " on ang ist eats with 13 les, for iat ae Hleotric Fo Liquor and Srortl many times the price, AY 'd UO. Gaston bldg, Suite 1, Chleago, is, Plants please ss this ‘advt, will STRAWBERRY JOHN DONNA, Strathroy, Ont HATS IN Changes in thi the British orian ors to t M ze ni tury prints f the gusecbt Goninon only. the Agari of the two «fron! mches, the Ministers: a i Sl siheaes then=Hid, or each of tiauety ‘or ‘any member save an ex-Minister ee whip to appear in the ch nthe lobbies ga his. ie Teast’ three- pert a momber was. nee py pecte ms morning attire ordained hy fashion n the Speaker the: duly fell of repr ianaing breaches of the conventions as regards dress. course if a member of Parliament hase {o defy these uiwrillen Tiss there 0 power the House to say him nstead of wearing the regulation {att hav andl tradlereoul te might appear na. lounge: suit @nid-® widemvake, sand the gooeseepete dare not refuse him ‘ad- mission Touse, Bul have to reckon with the authority Of s wwith. {he resentment, n on the part of his members. sa rule, a it rors th Speaker, was -suflicien the riethibed. to eskura no onvett tionally in. attire, .Onee; howe member answered the message of Si h webs ne Speaker, Ly craglise Mate aA ahay pickle address the House 1 shall”) never you,” ‘Time aften time the nlemper tried rs eye but never cons! titkents. oe was al useless, silent mémber. ‘Then he was driven to the-sensible conclusion that it was being sondemned to abeeh thoisnke of a tweed s Phis law ther’80s tobe m than Mm the observar appear in-any-dress-t ra te Bein b fi “in hodden gray and a’ that,” as SHG in silk hat or bowler, ov Catoline, Indeody Mr. Kein Hardie first Presetled nist to the Hous i et Commo s headgear» is cerned-s cap. But the rate inewaneniterd mast be covered sitting in the House or walking about its Bg avercoats and room, ‘his remarkable departure: from a yer; Reno ieche on the art ie ease o wl ee is not embe er. In fact, most of he ne ie i thet aia in. the ehoak-r they consi decorum, ae al least af eappenct off tis o bang end uae p au thdeed. they Thought i wa distinctiot ted. to old ‘nud nonared FREDO to we “anlow the awful presence of Mr Ker, & sion il ppear 1, it is rementbered ar ane outside Parlia- t to: sit iN ee Ate ered is an ex~ inet deference, At od tas aoe quite the exeeption SSS AES YRS ku, The one church of a litile country se lage was in a very’ bad slate of disrepai So the local authorities met and drew 7% ihe following revolulicns =Nos tee: solved that we ait ney chureh in No. 2.-Regolved dhe nee chic ‘whee tha stands. ‘Resolved 1e news ane cout of the iat 1a the se churéh. —Re- weil that-wwe-use {ie old churelt until The new enureh is complet Free Hair Quickly. Remoyes Dar ing Hair and ach ruff, Stops Fale Sca'p, Changes 40 lis Natural agro Nes Color. TRY A FREE PACKAGE AT ON Nothing Quite So atl iad a Brag ae Head ol Foso ae grows hai stops hair falling oul, removes dogarutls insures a news growth of: eycbrow and fa eyelashes, ded hit to Tis natural color: I don’t aah you to take my word for it. Filront frBe cou: pon below and mail to FREE PACKAGE COUPON, Foan Building, Cin i iy Ratare mail you will Tansee prepara eres BD cont tat package duty froo that will dolight yo: eines, was pat epited ly edepnr fed: on Hot saaie ior huis into: the haoes Teaving them, with until the ase of the present Parl sion : | F . Givo fall alicoss—weito plainly, ‘Old Men we “Oshawa” Roof Wears Out en and that will cet sre ey will fire-proof for ‘a cen’ 25 years without a iene oP @ cont of cost Your Grandsons Will Béd Before This — ene 2007. (Wemll fe Buch a roo: no painting for at least Wa’ ogee “SHINGLES make 1A\ water-tight, wind-proof, i Foie eae nates se foe Made in ONE QUALITY ONLY,— ot 28-up semi-hardened eats, iol ee wo BER cry ia o bette, ae umbrellas in the cloak Parliamentary Remedy