M 4 THE MILVERTON SUN SCRANTON COAL ST. MARYS LIME A Little Light on a Dark Subject May 1st. Coal always on order. J. G. HAMILTON J. G. Hamilton, sole agent for the D.L. & W. Scranton (Standard Anthracite) Coal has moved his Coal business to his new sheds on the C.P.R. and has openedan office on Main street near C.P.R. station. Cheap coal starts on hand. 30 cars now . Also have Coarse Salt in sacks. C.P.R. Station The Milverton Sun LAS: EVERY esp MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Iverton, t SUBSCRIPTION RATES cents; three Hight cents per © Gest tasertion and four cents per line for cach subsequent inser- Hon will be charged for all transient adver- ‘Advertisements without specific directions xi be inserted until forbid and charged ac- cordingly. Ghanges for contract advertiseminta, must dein the office attention MALCOLM MacBET Bublishes-end Proprietor. Business Cards on at ‘com EDITORIAL FOTO A’ splendid feature of the London daily Advertiser is the reproduction of Speeches by British statesmen on estions pene the Paes in its Sat- urday ¢diti. pga women are said to be the t include in their wardrobe a divorce suit. ‘ very foréigner in this ountry Gan with unlawful weapons be given tie full ce the law. Bhere laxity on the ‘part of often i tas Vis xexpont sgt <Bditorial Opinions ord, "Renadian manu- - Dentistry. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- entiate of Dental Ontario, Honor gra Crown and ae work aSpec- laity.” Hours 9 a, ce Shove the Sovereign Bank, Milverton, Medical. F. PARKER, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 2 to 4] 11 o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p. m. con P, L, TYE, M.D. facturers Scuatiee uy godds in the ried market and when tariff ad- sti ey aiways on hand witha demand for free raw materials. At their meetin this week, however, they cry out for tariff retaliation. They want freedor for themselves but would bar the consumer from «ll advantage there ight be in foreign purchase and The manufactur- Khan: When I go to the “fall Veterinary. J. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin- Toronto. i ne or otherwise promptly attended to. Legai (ORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, delistore, Ete. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton, Money to loan, Milver- , Ont, Permanent oftice Me aiysa fie, Atasmber of the fra will bein ilverton every Thursday. A. B, Mi J, M, CARTHEW, pho: well known’as Dr. and has that was responsible for the © Earl: Rose potato. if ‘he is alive yet should be crowned w crown of gold and his name ihsoribed among the immortals. Why Catarrh is Dangerous ly. it ome 3 Me wish a cold, is slight ie is heglec ut the seed ii 3.8, ry W, J, HANLEY| sown for a canerous anya eee ps consumption. To cure at once AKINS & HANLEY use~Caterrhezone. It destroys the ; Barristers & Solicitors f Catarrh, clears away mucous, clean- +> [ses the ‘passage of nose Stratford, - - - Ontario) troat. The hacking cough and sneez euclation ing cold soon disappean and health is ours again. Nothing known — fo reas atthe pope No. 478, s, catarrh and throat trouble that ilverton, | js so curs ee as Catarrhozone. is overy Monday ovening on or| ast by ‘thod that never manera Lorn, evade: Monta. tay thei | vee fated Ut all dealers 200. an all ix Ranney’s Block, Visiting bre ‘ speivayet Wasi: Dz. Le a Set $1.00, . Get Caturrhozone now, to-day. WM; Weds , Seoy. Cs RET ee na net ~G. ©, F., No, 99, Milverton, meets Seatbelt be Pardon ever; d/andilast Tuesday of every} 7 — worth, at 8 ojclock,, in their hall ov Rothaer & Son’s hardware store. (We agree heartily with phone who Vining Drethren always welcome, | say. that the Pees Annie er, C. R., 8, H. Pugh, Rec-Secy. | Robinson of certain » “Silver Star “i ing brethren avs 8 wel- murd fant cuiiiren twould of itself be ju- needless to dis + yy Welteel N.G., We, both, F. y. untable for ther actions. It is Boy.» T: Hobby. tat mecessary {iy this case to discuss Notary Public. esspun ti ies of insamit: ee, msibility. A pardon to ight Binead ae anerCsunte oF Perth: tng fnwon would mot eneaurage the rais Weverlon Duaevenner eds, Wills and ing of pleas of insénity on insufficient s drawn aed Af grounds, nor ‘lessen publi regard for artesee Gro gos in the Weir block | the sacredness of bumen life. Sh over the is of Hamilton, is to ‘be treatedyas one who sank fin der the weight of horror too great Hotels. to be onl Senate HOTEL, Lore Ont. John Gropp, P: are rietor. Best liquors oe ars at the bar. First-class ac- itor end lage stabting: GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil First-class accommodation for Sonimercial travellers and others, ‘Three large somple rooms. Go bling. Best brands brands of liquorezand cigars. s. Ritter, Proprietor. 7 whe HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. modation for cominerciai traveler ‘and others, ‘Two lar mple s._ Oniy the choicest of Wines, Li and Cig bar. Good warm George F. Pauli, Proprietor. OYAL HOTEL, Wellesley, and re-fitted -quor: Tables, the patie P. BERDU: Choicest liquors and cigars, Fis Sri Rs OTs rn a IE THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, Eats, poset satan dion to Comme le, lendid liquors Rates sit 50 per day. W™. Division Court MILVERTON DIVISION COURT Meets at 11 o’clock a. m. Sept. gth and Nov..1 Ah. 1909 Tuos, Trow, F, W, GuaNTHER, x Clerk. Bailiff, TT, Prop SThe Best nyse ! Business ‘College MOW. We ure fusning the target ood bwe. Dells, the best Dasiness raining in West Three di cata Gown ‘Telegraph: Bia, tetee Sar graduates oe and are meeting with sue- ‘our free catalogue now. HeLaohian, Prine cial He Doctors Condemn Oily | Liniments The Public are Warned to a Careful of These Strong-Smellin Lin- iments Canatalog Naot Acids, Ammonia, Ete Many ipeople have e clupatto the old fashioned idea that a thick, greasy tiniment i is ithe. best viet Dadfors théy know. Regent tg O aerbar efocbele Witte oily liniments were analyzed, and they were found to contain an us|; Bigh percentage of harmful acids, and such irritating chemicals as ammonia, ar nt m: “ ut their ‘contifiued Ane matism, and only deteriorates rae skin, sets up inflammation and ca) es endless troubl ‘a doctor to quit using @ white, penetrate, can’t sink through the por- es and reach the seat of the pain. hen lasked his opinion a, few d sidered rong, penetrating, pa subduing Sit sbch'as "Nesviline”™ to be superior to any.of the white am« In his vwenty-five moni years of practice he witnessed cases of rheumatism. sciatica and Ium- thr simply we mot respond apy a endorsement success the profession ere pot that 3 Nervi is nt “a are or eda lees as ‘Any good d. can supply the nce: SE bottles of Nervi- Tine, has been in the | »wi A TRIP TO SEATTLE Mr. John McNaught Graphic- ally Describes His Journey Hither and Thither. Is Greatly Impressed With the Growing | West. eke te, in ae teok the as far as Sudbury, but in- forthcoming shortly (to eetcrees the plant. much i d in the wonderful appliances Lobe tess tortie handling of the mineral and if- Cities, Yboing exceptionally clean and well regulated. 0, bor ‘The first half of this part of the jour- ney lay throug! dther sparsley settled country. soil being very light, drifts badly in some places. The ists chiefly of emai bale try Northwest ‘more, Ahough a: heen settled much longer is much bet= ter impro' On seathing Saskatchow an Wa pro- Place ever, is buidding from Weyburn to Lethbridge: whieh will ‘pass within about two miles o! drive here was through ere “jargely sold thei ree in Minnesota and Da- kota at "Pigh Drives and are coming soe wherg they can get and. (hnotber™ indutement {to marly of them lies in the fact that they art ‘Comin they on hey understand jwestern methods of farming and being provi- ded with ‘he proper implements a) 2 ae Niall but as yet, mo one poems to give much thought to any mop (but wibeat. ‘The fact is still pon the more strongly impressed w Eastemmer by the, as yet, failure of we spent a cup! ‘off the le ete and ORL are also excellen Poe steer aiears spent a‘day at ow 1 faatiel mainly ei roads, ee a arly all the inhabitants in Szembting money he visitors hiss mad2 them so’deft in this oper- tuion tbat they can tell to a cent the size bf ms nd best to make ae part wi ats points of ape rene ie a where we a hur Springs. The watec,, as it comes trom phe ground being almost too hot to adinit its coming in contact wit: the body. We also drove to Sun- down w the Buffalo Park. oe leaving | Banff we started mountains. ‘As. the road. sallow the cee. oe river for abo les throug! the mountains, the is Sha ee beautiful ‘beyond description. passsingers on our train, more than three-quarters of ‘whom were Amer- camaf (going to Seattle, and many o whom had, “travelled widely, united in Saying that xhey had never seen its equal. : aa ter, crossing the mountainy “the lows the valleys of the Col- 0 $100 ‘per acre, although re- ile ian amount equal to this again to sere ‘it. ing Vancouver we spent the ight he: fe arid them want on to Vie~ toria and Beatle. Here we spent over week Visiting ‘the Exposition and al S ity. The fats situated 68 tha Straits of Geor- he // jovbere most. of the fire built ig quite hil- streets are now being planked as it will be some time before’ it will be —— Fifty orien a Blacksmith Samuel R, Wiorieg Por Hixbusa a: has been shoeing Les for more ‘than fifty years. He “Chamberlain’s ain Balm has ae me.great relief rom. jame back an@ rheumatism, It druggists. is rebe Sex liniment I eyer used. ” For sale { Engeland’s Price Bulletin We are shipping 2 cars of Potatoes next week. 50 cts. per bag. Call in and see us in regard to Potatoes and date of shipment. Chickens Alive 8c, Dressed 16c Hens Ducks Geese They must be fat and in good condition. Dress- ed ones must be fat. None accepted with crops. Butter 1 lb. Prints es 66 66 66 6c, 8c, 8c, ch print must weigh ounces to the pound 66 66 66 Eggs 24 Cents Per Dozen 8c 10c 10c 22 Cents Clothing Men’s Underwear Men's Neckwear Men’s Hosiery Men's Fitwell Men's Sweaters Men’s Caps Boy's Suits Boy's Caps Boys’ Sweaters Hats Our stock of Fall Merchandise is complete Corsets ; Wrapperetts Shirtings Flannelette Ladies’ Coats Ladies’ Underwear The largest range of popular priced Dress Goods ever exhibit . Childrens Coats Ladies Skirts ENGELAND @ SON i MILVERTON, ONT. Ghe People’s Store - = again one can step from the sidewalk into the third rae mney of others The xposi' the most interest toall, and while the nor een and “Agricultural palaces Krenah design. Fram the Setnapoint of the lover of the beauti- ful, the Pecitie ie Exposition will exceed any world’s fair in history. The first Te 6 ena Canada was by far{tbe best qn the | ground sca sithough the building in consi as while. anaking jthe trip) and should serve as a good advertisement fe ) this poe ‘Db rstand, ‘will not be a direct financial success, as the eel = me the necessary population tendance on the reagent. aay nes ‘only @ little over40,- 000 while nt our Toronto Exhibition this! otis nearly 150,- 0 paid admittance. (On our return wa ent some three and Vancouver. cdnsideration was ‘the landscaping, , approach floral display, i iilominstion and sculp:| ce victoria the scenic panorama is one ure. ned with tho mild| never to be forgotten. eye of olima ek pages untry | the tourist, enchanted as he may be, he (beautiful Mountains, lake and | with th Re lous mucdely Sibodeh and scenery and thd central lo- Tong the clined ot ated ‘of the grounds, resulted in the railway, whe rests with delight up- Exposition being one of the most | oy ld like Fawakaue beautifal and attractive ever heid. gates a gn mountain: not permit me to «to jus- pe ! :: rod} quality of their agricultru a disp! itherto we have looked upon ment country as ae likely to ever produce anything cereal lime, but theft exhibit ae stored this view to be amnite verron Japane: exhibit which ‘was comprised © a bie aint of art, needlework, ras exceedingly heautifal and wand most defy Mdeseription. The aie building contain she est ce Geogral ae varying from tropical to temper- . Hawever, the thawing made by try iately outside of t issingularly beautiful, much of it be- fing covered with woods of pine an tir and a lovely wild) jungle of arbu- sins it wap inwported ber here, bas spread all over the mor untry that it is ablaze zo-with got poet 2 Diostoms eae at being the) site of the Provin- Sil chief educational buildings of the province, Victoria be- the chief resiential centre - w ed the Western bart of the otber hand Wateonvan i: oe metropolis bf tho Canadian West extensive dre planned, are Rompleted wil give “the city two ‘harbors and 1 nvater frontage ‘to be matched only by et y A system bf parks city's genta pairs nasil ever, a a world. all the natural requisites) for a great the Crows Nest Pass route from Reve: and one »f the chief cities on the|stoke to MRegina stopping at Nelson, Pacific coast. Twenty five years sgo| ernie and @fedicine Hat. ‘Part of it was a little known fishing hamlet. | {his journey takes us through the uver is situated on Burrard | beautiful Kootena: es, It ig « Inlet pees bextiest? beautiful ee pleasant sail through these lakes and in vorld. ‘n side | riy, cenery havi: joy of the business portion) of Vancouver od ‘chat oiabsotetintta s its har xeok; | of mountain waters. hed Sage pea were urprised at the great pro gin: ions, a year a commercial ying out of a mag- fas pee York.The rare, mncouver is al ty. Hoy Park alone Nature Cire deal in this direction cord proves that she not the energy necessary we gee Tess since the ba ofa vi nearly the slie of Listowel. ANDREW SCHENCK © | President of tne bie nia Fire Insurance Co. R. Shemberelt . Cough meay T have fod 4 Ghamaerain’ for ov ie "ls remedy it. 1 druggists. year a © built up a town € jommends p's Cahieh iat ies ITS PURITY 'S FRAGR ITS RELIABILITY aM Are responsible for ITS ANCE ENORMOUS SALE. of 18,000,000 packets a Sealed lead packets only. 30c, 40c, 50c and 60c per pound. At all grocers, —