THE MILVERTON SUN li : Thursday, ee ie 1, 1909 ORGAN BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK! Every instrument we guarantee to be in first-class condi- tion, and will allow the full price paid any time within three years on any paino in our warerooms. Thomas Organ, walnut case, five octave Karn Organ, pipe top, 11 stops. ~Karn Organ, piano case, six octave, good tone. Dominion Organ, five octave, beautiful high top, walnut case... Bell Organ, five octave eee Sherlock-Manning Organ, cannot be told fom new, six octave oak case, beautifully figured, regular price $135.00 for. Karn Organ, 6 octave, used only a few months, excellent tone 75.00 This is a beautiful organ. TERMS : $5 to $10 Cash and $4 or $5 a month satance. These are bargains and will soon be picked up at these prices. We also carry the largest and most select stock of Pianos, Edison, Victor and Columbia Phonographs and Records west of Toronto. Write for catalogues and prices—IT WILL PAY YOU. CARTER’S PIANO & MUSIC HOUSE. 110 Ontario St., STRATFORD, ONT. . 90.00 Write to-day. Consult Your Dentist at once if your teeth need at- tention. Don’t wait until the tooth is hopelessly decayed. Neither should you postpone day after day having a thor- tinually neglected there comes atime when you have to pay the price of neglect with .com- pound interest. Now is the time to act, Remember I ex- amine eyes FREE. E. A. ROBERTSON EXPERT OPTICIAN ington St., Next Royal Hotel We STRATFORD, ~ - ONT. A A Pointer is what we give you on the flour i juestion. resh, sweet fl will build Woe ee your health. Flour —» at this pore acted on, you'll have and bread that and preserve lace i i newl ponds Hae AD wh and fe sold at a ds ir Food, guaranteed flour, ny it here Pfeffer Bros. on a Patients gladly sp: 50 1 sick one. Mr. 6 contract of hauling grav. vel on 60 ital a few days with Mr. (0| speaks very bighly 3| Wafre as ef. oe cee a new merchain' WELLESLEY COUNCIL, ‘Tp. Council met at Cross- Ost loved. ib: - ammeler, seconded by( J. Reidel that the following counts be paid and that the ‘reeve | n payment af the {Weeligsley ¥ Soblucter repairing railing aon ae G. MeCiennen greet Ww, 75;J, (\. Campbell ppareieial ie and cloaning ditoh. pairirig road Dewar Beate bridge 7. Waterloo Fire Ins. Co. assessment 1,08; (Wm. Tyack eravel 47. 0; dams ne roa McCarthy 1 bridge 80; * Paclpine retail eg fbridge, teamin, 2.00; i SEE Jes leaning out diteh 8,00; H. E. Ratz elut plank account 73.85 ; te in washout 6. in gin w: teaming, aes: outing in) seers; , Stratford, advertising er F. Schummer annual salary 150.00; P. Moved by J. Reldoh, pede Lk Lintick that this council im adjourn to geet ingnin, of Nov, | 1909, at Townshid Han, Cross- hill, sat 10 o'clock in the for renopin. Go to the blood if youn fare to drive out Rheumatism. A’ Wisconsin ph sician, Dr. s ye to wnother, everywhere. “eet of b ae of @ way 2 health. the Public Store. , TRALEE. john ‘Querin | has finished his the eee find Mire. BenJemntn( Bappre. vise Martin Lin: sen have ending! country. t will aes in_Listows Gane in 'Glenal Tha bipeln of : the past week pee made | it very bad for plawing and a t ce social to be held church on same as|§ 20 ;| ba held ut Brummer or Mondoy, Noz- 9. | | metder, Ger Ki '- |Ley, Henry MW. Isley, few |. Mr. Pau Rakes ¢ the pr Prairie Seat “Mr, anid Nein To O'Grady es Sun- Ho r. E, Bisa gin ‘Spent Sunday |’ MORNINGTON COUNCIL, ons council met at Newton on Sat- Oc! th, at 2 p.m. with the sioner atl prdient tthe ember oa unéil then adjourned’ to meet on tha ticat it Moniday in Novem- MORNINGTON JURORS ©. Yost, Reeve, Win. gre Clerk, and Donald Jack, Assessor met pursu- ant to btatute at Newton on eNom: pesones 11th, to sel ect the jurors for Township of Mornington for 1900. 2 list is as follows ;— Gifmd . slurors—Jobn ,, Alexander, Reid Alllingham, ames J. Le ‘Thomas fate ‘ey, William on, John Watt, William Walker, con, ‘Albert Wilson, ‘Mex, Wood, James Askin, . ‘Atkin, William Broughton, William Burke, (Wa Chalmers, , U, Dunbar, Tana Gern cae (Holtzschuh, Henry forkman, John Suen ire. =| Yoga, Alexander Braker trae Robe bert Gamble, Wm Citlespie, D.B. Gri minutes of | Cart ¢|vaoant lot in Geo. | utr eve | from Vitor Prof. G. Almond, M.0. € THE WELL-KNOWN Eye Specialist of Toronto, will be at the Grand Central Hotel, Milverton Wednesday, Oct. 27th Glasses Scientifically Fitted HESSON. Making wider and bohinmapute but- sist them both success in their new bodes. ou enterprising photographer, Mr. tahene ‘has completed his stud- fs cad is now able to take all kinds of photos and guarantees satisfaction. Gi SATISFACTION GUARANTEED |": tn me ar DI Friday afi tternoon uate! all kinds of ports, (Prle e given to the suc- oe ae. MONKTON. Ss our bua ven men are in- vesting ‘heavily ‘in the Silver Mount- mine and are looking foc grand restilts in the near future. Mys. Alex. Chalmers left Monday for Miss Ross when in the Village this qweek. TAI storés wand business places ‘will Menkto om Thackeely: ‘Which will be ob: », Mr...amd, Mrs. Rev. Langford at- tended the Epworth League confer- anes at Bt. Afarys this week, Mr. mgford being one of the speakers * io eae sold: his hand- hae Mn Wintn Rauey, of Mitchell. Mrs. Huggins and Mrs. ee spent, Sunday vi M rt Moekjay, nies ae tweek friends in ‘tihe West. Mr. ‘J. (Woolacott thas completed the installation of fa wetv (Pease furnace ns Tom a "Visit to be (Presbyterian shure pest Monee Srill bo in charge of Re rimgton. The choir Ri Te Grabain, Of Aronson ob aupied the pulpit esbyter- ja cpnieh ast Bancaein the absence SIM Ritategin Will bad aliecke a the “special qneetings being held Ss ingford. 3 Eng! Galt, is visiting a {oamme mn “iia 1th ‘of react Gtk d | nvee ie J. {Woolaodtt has Purchased the tho rear of his hard- ware store from Mr. A. Bau M . A. Barnhardt is Dutting an a sis ‘week to Connect Mr. a toy senltanve ithe a A. Terry, of Stratford, alled ds ‘in tha Village last Friday, ‘oo (Presby terion: ohuteh wilh hold their anniversary services on Sth of November. On ‘the following ev- ping a supper and concert will iven. Bia eau Fergusson, Mrs R. Murray, Banen and’ inseting cof ‘the W. FMS" in Mitchell las GLENALLAN. Charlie Ward a his, home from G has returnad to hurst where he n and daughter. Eundy, iapeut Friday - visiting friends hear Hollin. Mrs. George Jackson has returned C. where she spent with her daighter, Mrs, some tim Bik A MeCormick who also returned with her. iton, Ernest Henning, Ji ferson,, Benjamin Houston, Hawke, George orne, Hastings, Joshua Hurst, James Haw: lm, WVilli ere Balt Bhilip Helm, James Base David (Jacobs, tli ston, Jobn Ke Keange elt Nicholas lauch, "William Lantz, Cloy, Jobm Miller, John bert’ Maddess, John Mun id Munro, William M) Meadows, Herbert McLenna: Neumeister, Miahael Dadar, Wittam a eters, John seat jing, Nicholas ; John J. Mayber: Stomach troubles would mor eae disappear if the tee of treat- ause, rather than the effect, Sold by the Public Drug Store PEFFERS., \ Miss (inna ‘Freeborn visited friends at Fernbank ‘last week. ‘umi-ersary services will at Nerth Mornington church Su t nday. Miss (Katie Holmes is re¢overing from the injuries she received raoucitiy mt. % Petrie and Maude Bar- agent t Bunday with’ Miss Mima be held next Barrett. ‘Rev. Mr. aoe of Listowel, will work oni. 5.8, Haegva@hxay Gar = ington, on Sunday, Tonks aes Mornin; rot. ie, ee Mr. and Mrs. Sree eee oe as Obm. sot (Wednesday r. W. Quite a number from here took in the Elmira show. Mrs. Dr. MeKinnon’s father who has ee seriously ill for some time passed © sin r many friends in this her se of bereavement. Mr. ‘and Mrs. W. R. Lundy, of Tor- i onto, are spending their vacation with the Biot parents, Mr. and Mrs. kman. Aieatber from there attended ae eg Es ees. on the 41 * | Jams A Ranhie- “atingtbam left last week ‘or Hine prtisee he has secured postin in raders bank. We wish him success. Sean attended the Teach- ° Bush has returned hom after epending a few wocks with ber sister, Mrs. Alex, Wag: BRUNNER. Mrs. John Auexander and daughter, bs fied Wo Ohtoass or ‘Thursday last ater visiting for ime at ‘the home of Mrs. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. (W. N. Peters visited 8u at the home of Mr. and exe: . A pain preséription is ee ‘box of He Shop's Pink Pink Pain ‘Ask you tor or Drugs ae a ‘this tana nle ts 0k complete, Head pains, wi pains, pains where get eee relief from a Pi ee Be Sold py Public Drug Stor w. D, Ug SALE REGISTER. con. 9, ‘Welle ale: " vane section for enned) : BORE 86 29th—Horse Cows, as eattle40 head : fast Hat Lot 1 Thursday, Nov. 4th—! ee sta’ e—North Half Lat 7, Lg I gers, when stio. arrigee announced | ty be| yield to this highly effective Ki of our promufent young mer of son, now of Gohil intends to join phine “and happiness on his wedding jay d Mrs. David McCloy. of Mili- pam are spending a weck on the ‘dear old fara’ eles ae wing old ac- Seatensen ta Mr. James Donnelly Sve has been working fer r McMemons, Of Dorking. tor the: past season has Bo whined ‘with Mr, ‘Ades. Messer for Sk tow of ur attended the ecbking. “Gemenstration fat Millbank st fr. Sloe . Querin aa family have .d to Grosshill, Mr. Querin hay- ing soid ‘his farm to Mr. John Cook. WELLESLEY. s.d ast chi ve ha very sati ion 2 ere vert eam: meat ‘of ‘the members e Women's (netletbe wae toate’ ouhons day night im their rooms for the pur- ng the ae ty of rt ‘the eeds to go OW rohasing 0 road sprinkler. use na ave ui the if our (men don’t aga to act it is bigh time the women took bald: of the reins. sos es from vey. Marie Dutt ‘block horn for the sum of $1700. Freeborn has fpuinshased the ee owned 'by enry Alteman tthe aan oe $600 The latter is a anecene wecuplatshy Stey Byate Bi of our citizens attended the Court of Appeal at St. Clements Wednesday last. The wholesome, harmless, leaves and tender stems of healing mountainous shru’ Dr. Shoop’s tive properties. bronchial coughs quick green Cough medicine. Dr. Shoop assures manta that they can with safety . D. Fergusson attended a | ™ “Sold by the Pub- lic Drug Store. Farm To Rent That Peed ‘of lap denawn as lot 6( con. ‘6, in the Townéhip of Morn- ington, fontaine 100 acres, more ue e ‘premises is situated e and barn 45x68, +. Sahoo] aes ‘on enient to Post Offic For we werricolans app ri . WM. MeGORMAN, eeborn, FOR SALE House and two bui! me ae on pats table bi awaataire md summer k.t- and soft Qwalter. Small Promises may be v.ew- P.O. HERR, Arlington hotel, Stratford. FARM FOR SALE That aes of land known as Lot 15, Con. ‘1, Mo omni esl ose tee a gon shed, rai well a failing spring on the fam is first -class 50x70 with "20 foot pine Easy t For further particulars apaly to WALTER KERR, P ‘OOLE, Auction Sale of Real Estate in Carthage les pret leer ee receiv- ed instructions from utors of late cen Dietrich 2s sell ct ¥, NOVEMBER 4th, 1909 joned eee at 2 That valuable farm cing’ composed 6f the North half of the South half the in taahed. Lai eae and driving sheds, cem: bles. Sites! ee ene ‘inde zane tbe oe tar to, wind up t tate. OCTOBER WEATHER The weather man has given us a gentle reminder of what is coming, It is wise to be prepared. Wool Blankets We have a good stock of these on hand, ranging in price from 2.25 up to $6 per pair Cotton Blankets Only 18 pair left of those 11-4 nice, fleecy Cotton Blankets. Going, while they last, at . $1. Underwear We carry a full range of Penman’s Natural Wool (Pen-Angle) in Men’s and Women’s. ranging in price FON Leas oes aie: Ca eee OO Va eee Cravenette Coats Only 12 Men’s Cravenette Coats left, rag price $8, to clear at.........63 90 Special for Saturday Only 12 Water Glasses for 12 Shoe Laces 2 Lantern Globes.. 100 bushel Large Onions Wanted, we will Pay 60c Per Bushel Bring us Your Produce—We Pay Highest Prices Ww. K. LOTH Marriage Licenses Issued, = Milverton SPECIAL BARGAINS For the Next Ten Days in Brass and Iron Beds Our Undertaking Department Foes Sunege oF Mir, McMane, who has taken a Kook Med in the Arterial Methoi ‘ithe f Embalm- _ fog) ‘which is the most Terns process. Orders in this line will i recelve. our prompt attention at all tim oe Torrance & McMane Successors to i ©. R. HONDERICH & SON Milverton, Ont. { . £ [al COMING! |& | Prof. Dorenwend OF TORONTO the well-known Hair Goods Ar- y ist, will visit MILVERTON at QUEENS HOTEL Tuesday, Oct. 26 During this visit he will be showing the latest Parisian and New York styles. You are particularly invited to call, inspect — and try on any of these creenene ae TRANSFORMATIONS w Canada and the United Smt : ave free demonstratio Remember, One Day Only The DORENWEND CO. 103-105 YONGE STREET