Milverton Sun, 21 Oct 1909, p. 5

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| OA Thursday, October 21, 1909 THE MILVERTON SUN ranges. blue in colt aa only needs an occasional rul to keep it fh and bright, at BrAcKENING, and service of every ‘‘Monarch a bond with each of these ranges which absolutely protects the buyer. “Monarch Peninsular” -—The Steel Range Which Never Needs Blackening. e finest It has a high polish—is dark with a dry cloth NEVER NEEDS Our new booklet is oe pages of stove facts end you with illustrations. copy to guide you in eins ae We are also makers of the “HECLA” Furnace Clare Bros. & Co., Limited, - Preston, Ont. a free right range. 86 Coney Deurell Th first ‘fone met All the members were present excep! Miskyery ne ML tebell, who was ab sent shrongh in ae eres gRathaermel, of Milver ton, seprasented Martie instead ° Mr. ©. pflug who resig: proper | committees. Mr, 8. B. tha county engineer ta hi Sena ee no drains a eth eohek be put on the side of pe ee tha i umder “ine High Aki y under the juri ‘diction S pounty council While th ates ‘that the counity as ye tha cost, ‘oma “doed not confer —_upo: OS une es ‘the r' ese str don: ¥ eubject to (the oy at of ne county equpcil or Go tha approval off, the eSunty engineer, if he has been thorized _ Hrsumatae ROTHAERMEL @ SON, - Milverton ed whether the patent leather in | eu: INVICTUS Shoes will crack. In it’s Rarrasitle to guarantee any patent leather from cracking. eply to this we say that T “andr represent Canada’s Oldest for yor STONE @ WELLINGTON TORONTO, atest neers: in Mil- 1e adjoining ; ey: s Pay Weekly. Free Outfit. Fonthill Nurseries ‘850 Aer W. Phillpott on wba a dh jz tiem sent by ee tour eerits extra for tubing aml mailing the fenrias: ald ae "the £0 neil o1 s_ inspec! HE demand for Nursery stock is in- i wn large creasing yearly, and if you becom Rt. Hon. one of our salesmen you will realize f| cite there is good money in the business [| or Sir J.P. Whitney. ‘These. picuires lary AWrite at once for particulars. [| aro excellent reproductions and % the latest “nhoto- and travel- ny aft ling s, ‘the t ing ait rot his salary. The goveriment | ® will also pay half ol thas the e sae G21) number, of schools FALL SUITS ee AND OVERCOATS —If you are in doubt as to where to buy your fall or winter suit or overcoat, just call in and see our new and up-to-date samples— they are swell. antee them for fit, style, finish and workmanship. J. Over Atkin’s Feed Store Milverton Aw We guar- “The S M. Fleischhauer “The Rheumatism Thave found a tried and tested cure Darmstadt: which Dr. Shop's hasta ingredient, I suceessfully treated many, curat ‘out help. We sell, and in confiden Rheumatic Remedy THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. ly bass 1 from the system. 1 for a co) Family for Rhone that will stra straighten ‘the pains and pangs 4, Chemist in the City of Tas, ingredient with captor, “without unis is $1 ay full yea gone forever. Dr. Shoop’s Send The = Soul’s akening A Beautiful Picture for the Home Welcome News to Readers of The Sun A most beautiful picture is that issued by The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, entitled joul’s Awakening,” by Jas. Soul’s Awakening” is 19x 24 inches, ready for framing. will be the better py of this beautiful picture, Itcan only be had through The Herald and Weekly Star. HERE IS OUR SPECIAL OF The price of the cay oe and Weekly Star is $1 a y The ge of The Minette Sit You may Sia both papers for a reach, including a copy of the beautiful picture, “The Soul’s Awakening” for $1.75. A copy of the picture can beseen at this office. it at once. To see it is to want your order NOW to Milverton Sun from ‘the ait Trust asked nem wing ‘of the cos' fith were ordered to te fon, with [t am aa in abot 4, have eas laid befor: oe arte Wwith a asi of the yy-laww. amount peared by . It first, brought on beeen itl for two days—1 sweetened water, and m: bl oa at onre. sel N fervilix ine G., Braun, a well-known stock-mai ond farmer near Lethbridge, A’ta. M rable opinion of the h Braun’s favo (Waterloo town count current machinery for $15, santy vouneil of Perth for the at Listowel last week. deauniver ‘of vommunicati ie were read and peterrad to their respective Smith ‘asked if the eouvty is not li- he. buiding, iain tep ale ht to do vounty roads w ithout the con eply- au diby the gerne sanael to aot Thi e for pistes when ac» for ko a sufficient the fc abe 0 of Se cnation “will tasist Stratford 8,000 towards the building of yal view of ob- 4s) terim Wind on the Stomach some fruit that was ‘ached and ‘ ee I Delehed gas ss , and was completely oe ‘he above is a letter written by merit of Nerviline is shared by thous- ands of or is purchas- 7 all the outside aera plant. and 500. THE | BEST REMEDY *| For Women-Lydia E. Pink- | ham’s seen Compound Belleville, se —*I was so weak and worn out fro’ eiennie ieee m that | eonelnied 2 ty] ane E. Pi ‘vegetable ind. I took nt mn 0 and Lamexceeding] are nteful to youfor jourkin kind ee a a oa inly profited yu permission to Ts. Ontario, Canada, Ab an this an} Gale rou Wwish,”’— hf See es (CKETT, Belleville, ;| that there is no other remedy known cure female weak- through t Pinkham’: reVeetabie Compound, made oots and herbs. 5 nty engi ls —i jon, wlooration, dia- bikes tuk Boris vale ee oes actes 4 on: | county | placements, fibroid tumors, inregulati. 5 jul roads must e the approval and au-| ties, periodic pains, ‘kache, and About Patent Leather thority ot (ibe, yay counci. 4 | nervous prostra’ a on Tuesday, Ost, I 2th, oe spate sok ear ee TAO Bs you wants cca anvice write IN VIG TUS Canadian Sovial Club of Burns held | nici forittonrs Pinte ham,Lynn,Mass. its second annual dinner at ‘the, Une | Are. the count s-a| It is freoand always telpiule jon hotel, Newton, ‘The propri finble as township author ities now Mr. C. y ished a spien: sid are for se ains on township ds. = SHOES Mr yea follows; Biftek aux Paris,| ‘The matter twas. di Seanian briefly Is the West Becoming Amer- Coeur~de-boeuf fricassee, Pommes-de- | and re erred to the roads and. bridge icanize terre, choux fleures, Sala rsai rammittee to ‘report upon, i ion —— aa Fromage Canadienne, Gateau appel- ae councillors Watson anki Seni the question which Kate The question is sometimes ask- seinen, Cafe’ au lait, Bonbons, Lig- . Ru ford, of Stratford, was Stone anes tries keriously to an- appointed gaol 6urgeon at a lay of | awer in et sy Man’s Maga were proposed to The King @i90 in the stead of Dr. Dunsmore ‘ by the Chairman, W. C. Adkins, and eresting. experiences; “: ak ago e President, ¥. B ie inspestor ot Nor- Gavelling € rough (Alberta, I met a stax dinner speeches were pector for keen looking lAmerican{ trom Nebras- and | asked him how he liked liv- His me coal fellow to anette man with me.” w often we hear of people who us No cai Ln Be Tate than to rub sh Nervi- Ling hind. thent apply a Nerviline Por- At ies ce the mi gin to ewonted Vigor wud flex! Inflammatory. SyeDLOny and ‘ain disappear. Nervi e- ters can be worn by the most delicate child ed person, They ace in- valuable as thousands have proved. £4) Used along with Nervilim are guaranteed to pétmanently drive out any mustular ache, stiffine Try these remedies and judge for your- gelf. 250. at all dea . ©. Pol- je oe Con Hingston, “ont. Asks for injunction re usiar case before ‘the Sinnhy Dade at Berlin on Sat- re} urday last. A, J. rs, a mere chant of Wellesley, epnllos for an in- y. per ty. war is the hotelkeeper of Welles- and Mr. Saunder’a property adjoins -— his. ‘A Well-Known Westerner Tells of Suf- yen ‘the application camie up, Mr. dering Misery and Pain that he Cur- Ks J. ere Sl sopeaced AD with “Nerviline.” Bride fo the defendant. the request of “A few eee ago \go I eat some green Mr. MeBride | for, the pee injunc- tion w is Honor until 2 be meeting ae he Ganek in ened Is Your ee “Weak 2 Wier ‘the back drage and aches, when Coat aatly, y> ee ‘Twi hie tosleep| feels lame over spine,— at night. peigioer! happened in to} there is imdigestion, dache, see me ond urged me to try Nervilin?.| constant call to make water, beware Well I wouldn't] of sick kidneys. this ; (NERVILINE ition develops weakness and soon STRENGTHENS that any D-| you'll oe un ie to work. Lhe one & AIK paration couid| remedy ¥ rely on ir, Ham- STOMACHS c elp so quick-| jlton’s Pills. eanyeet symptom of dis- ty, T took | ordered kidneys ‘they cure by remoy- bat a teaspoonful of Nerviting in hot| ing the bause. improve imme iately, day by day you will experience mefit from + Hamilton's ee Best for the kidmeys, ster and stom: ach. Sold by all dealers bine biasing he are Bald S iz ‘worn on over 90,000 olasses in all stationd of I this jpartioular Saute hs ventilation is perfect; as light as feather; is securely adjusted to the ;|hoad; can be combed just as yourown hair; they make any man ret years syounger," besides the protection from mala reh, Colds, Neu- Tears acon dl at valde. Pee em been curing ie y This Combination Always Wins | t! he uate “lated on ise ‘Ost. | Newto: Syers:* msec ne Dear Edit As most of your Presbyterian ae hava been in progress since the 11th will begin im. the ‘nor gregations Both inst. and ‘will egntinue for bvo avecks, Five different Presbyte Ontario are engaged or are to engage in a similar series of mee’ ih osject is threefold—1. ad ment to acceptance of Jesus Crist as ths only Saviour from the guilt and power of sin. 2 deepening of the spiritual 3¢ who have already seknolt: Him as Saviour and who ar ecration ‘of he # God and the saving of ou If tihege three results are io ony ie in their lives. with zeal of their’ religious duties. uch with God get thinking and “doing. ooataiinn thes selves. must begin with t be the result of a new eplrl t of Dallas on their par epic has been neglected, must be ca to in the spirit of faith and love, confession of sin, bo ade foliowmam if, in ave wronged him. The fallow ground of the heart must be broke! Dp and these things whith you have been omitting to do such as neglect of bib! study, family worship, attendance, up- ns must be de the matter of ranthey lisdectac pane ; lag? esti eo Some ee. eee crack appointed for county. er was, (Wa we weren’t honesty, swearing, drinking and Eh ida ted apatite sah spon recabant informed tho council | sure ‘hew ‘this King deal would play) whole eel ive eae each pends upon the quality. at the (dt was changed las oe t Mee ge eau ae ered ge3) of and pu ay forever. When @ i thet vith w view to a reorganization | we wero kept eo busy taking Ee ae meeaalty be fo eh alia seers See mT! fon with “inepectomates in the prov-| busbels to the acre, getting 78% for) gin to think feonserning the reat aed fi rae a a se wee, The idea o give each in-| every bushel of it a door, that | fhings of God and desire to sce His Re A bet selectec imp “ie @) epector, the exact amount of work be| we come. to thin King Edward ga t dom established they will do vussian Colt Hide: paper = cans successfully undertake ae wie we pees ee ree toe suggested above and n, but not till e 2 ve ye er settler living eo ., ray The result is ” r is overwork 01 eng * then will the presence of oe vila that di eather Agno an es mgr we Jape say Sees ho fixed umber of sf ae in Alberta ‘how the asian ewe [be felt 3a r'aiare boy Decne. we t will wear long ee iy Ravel B Cuiuey,| eae nare ene the basis of reer enited brs: “PREY ae Te ation. ee arate do” God's” WU 2 a Set a i pes nee was, F Vcve the franchise | eanization will not be more than 100] said without elegance oF esitation.| chowers of blessings WkEe ection At i oe Same ae than any other = i a The verdi ‘as | Schools to an inspector. ‘This county Bs ptt his plow, a ten furrow affair, | meetings about 0 be bell t fe all aha Pacers SY Ch aed tS Gust ched hontai 50 sougeia: ta ths inspectorate, | worked ‘by steal, and leaning uP | presbyterian oe Nee eva ina.hoibea: they. rep: | OD ‘or any! mai m view re fence, told me this, “I was ae De parece W. ZIMMERMANN ey rat eveuiiig: Was rnght to}at tbe ee conditions, when an] down near the bouaary tine last year Gao . 4 . i ene, tspetor is .¢: ta as a|with a bunch, .o ses; whel a fitting. conclusion with the singing ) spare es tea wpoliseisant cameralon an at ane ‘goach” and seer: and advise new anted (policeman 8 ig, all Pe of the English and Canadian National] To nemperieuced teadhers just ot] gone ie eee of on half-breed horse lsh Foun 6 FIENOr Anthems and “For Auld Lang Syne." | 9P ih Normal, ha cannot overtake | thief sort of expected to find him Bar oy ere mee eke the work of inspection and Sal Cana brood eng 6 Oats ana Ep went] 2 Montreal Vitnem 4 breed cane a PT ei E them red| 2melish people, above all _ other Condemned by Phyaidiand | At,the Same time al ernst | Yee un nie Soy ie fel. | things, love a fighter, wha stands up sald, there “wets Me epectors, but law got, ath is Pinch teed ‘pte | fF bis conviuctions—or even for what Umserupulous Cipalare wlted pee epee ts to Total a eit aces ere there Wore about twelve| be says are Ii his sonvietions—argl is 4 th : not gfraid to take consequences, eo aa oer faust on Pat | nest wth aes | Above all ‘others they dislike Bunyan's A Reliable Local Salesman | 22™'s Painless Corn Extractor. 10s a Marys and Stratford) | whereby ation of the pe ism aes Teratina essa an pot a poor, htened, apalogetic, Riivesiiog fates t know whether it was “Conservative Liber- afism or Liberal Conservatism,” but which was in fact, “neither fish nov flesh, por good red herring. where biceps Britain Leads. pronto Sta ane hearing, 'gloany tales ¢ ywhirh public men and journals in mgland are ‘discussing these great yocial problems. Other mations may which thet is now confron Cnet pelorenean “the es See weight ohamr bile i uh eon ee chetii wt Ean Setuniay afternoon nt Eaookod ‘hice completely, out in the 12th round. a Cc. P. R. Time Table West Monkton, going sweats SEs y, m., 11.51 a.m. Goin 3.25 p.m. Milverton, Coe. west, a. 40 14 am., ML 1.29 a.m.; east, 8.22 am., 8.46 p.m Linwood west, S22 i p.m., 11,18 a.m.; east, 2 a. 8.83 pm, 41..81 a.m.; south, m., 3.38 p.m. G. T. R. Time Table GOING SOUTH. Brunner GOING NOR TH. a.m. a.m. p.m. 7.82 in fuel saved Don’t allow a few extra dollars to pre- vent you from taking the perfect-cook- ing, sure-baking, easily-regulated Pan- dora in place of a cheaper stove, In a season or two Pandora will pay the difference in the fuel it will save—and it will keep on saving until it has pad for itse Pandora speclal flue fuel ay Sou aie Wide fire an- other “The steel Oven heats ‘quid ker Thea a Sat ven, thus Savini more fuel. Further economizing f Ww be explained by the McClary Agent. construction makes M¢cClarys “| John Rothaermel & Son, Agent, Milverton JEWELRY | of a character that is sure to please They will please you; n point of ually, but in point of price als Our stock is full of surprisingly things at surprisingly low Prove it for yourself by trying us. P.BASTENDORFF Ryek reaten Cee Milverton “Where the Good Clothes Come From.” eps Suits and Overcoats For Fall 1909 We have received our new and up-to-date stock of Fall Suitings and Overcoatings, and we cordially invite you to come and inspect them whether you buy or not. We also guarantee them for fit, style and-workmanship.: io... ee Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Promptly Done E. Knechtel, - Preece Tailor Milverton, - * Ont EVERYBODY ENJOYS A GUP OF SALA AY Sold only in sealed lead packets. At all grocers. 30c, 40c, 50c and 60c per pound. TEA THE BEST IN UPHOLSTERED PARLOR SUITES It is the day of three-piece suites q and odd pie: showin - * paty. pieces, our showing com- | 3_piece Suite prises all the best prevailing styles. | covered in When you are ready for that new par- Silk to your lor suite, don't forget that at White's Bee you can get the widest choice and the $35.00 < best values to be found, and we de- Others : liver it to your house, +: a From $15 up R. WHITE & CO. Furniture Dealers and Undertakers STR ATFORD 80 Ontario Street

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