Milverton Sun, 2 Dec 1909, p. 2

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; : , WOMEN WHO SUFFER Ur, Williams’ Pink Pills Give Re- gularity and Good Health, Every woman at some time needs @ tonic. At special sine sero) demands are made ‘strength. Where these are aie > he many and. hard work which falls it, weakness will re- sult cane ge blood is fortified to me eine strain. women find in Dr. a lems" Pink Pills the tonic exactly ed to their needs. ‘the Pills readily cure, These Pills ‘gave the girl who enters into imanhood in a_ bloodless condition ‘from years of misery, and afford prompt and permanent relief to the {FOR FAITHFUL SERVIGES DOMESTIC SERVANTS LUCKY LEGATEES. AS Nurses Haye Been Bequeathed For- tunes — Coachmen are Not Forgotten. ae report that M. Chauchard, e French millionaire, who vet many years Fr ‘© other instances of nary fetiice wie figured Becminently: in the wills of grateful wo- | Pati ie "Be tember _last nutie; Mise Rose Holliday, erie nursed, during ‘2 painful illness 0 Brighton gentle- HIS PAINS AND ACHES ALL GONE DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURED CHAS, N. CYR’S RHEUMA- TISM. Statement of a Man who Suffered for a Year From Different Forms of Kidney Disease and Found Speedy Cure, Seer Richmond Station, Que. —(Special).—In these cold Scia- in when Rheumatism, ache and Diseases are working hayoc in eve corner of Canada, thousands M Syr, the well-known barber of this pices had been a r from Rhe iaatienr'and Racthabe ter a y «. [several years, a yea Dee we ee en Garis tenan-foundralter his degtiarthat he oe ae he Mills, N. B., says: “Sometime ago {had left her $110,000, as well as the SS Se eee amy. sstem was in a vory anaemic |Tesidue of his property. Miss Hel- Bee idvey Pils condition as the result of an inter-|liday was a member of the z ja skilled doctor for a time, id mot recover my strength, and gra- Idually I grew so weak that I could 3 3 & previous to my accident I had al- ways been a healthy woman. About ‘this time I received a pamphlet tel- ling me of the strengthening pow- ee the 2 Pills T could scarcely walk up stairs, and could do no work at air. after using six box to find nen a could eee attend to T, hou ook two more Naxos E eS "Pills, la I felt that I-w Dr. Williams’ Pink b11 lwith beneficial results.’” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills ar. sold as to friends by all medicine dealers or will oa |® sent by mail at 50 cents a box or Fix boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Go. , Brockville, ‘Ont. —_——k___ KAISER’S NEW CASTLE. Tt Deserves Rather to be Called a Fortress. The German Emperor Ww pa- Jace in Posen—it desgryes rather to be called a s completion. It was Le signed by une ‘German architect Frans Schwect- He Gare merioncon avons fefe h t legacy of arry out unflinch- - SP ceeuaticing an ind hostile people. The castle is expected to cost from five to seven million dollars before Ic is finished, It confronts in gran- {te grimness the stranger as he \eavay the Posen railway station, is eye being at once attracted by tie central tower, over 220 feet high. §maller towers and bastions relieve the sombre effect of the high ram- The main tower contains the chap- el Hit naihee of apartments design- f throughout with a mosaix exactly like that in the famous Wartburg. Below the chapel is the royal en- trance, a huge arched hall of mar- id The latter are enormous, the grand salon alone Soren 600 square yards and being ornamented with marble pillars The ‘building of the cl en goin, employme: but the mBpataton of the province | ‘will always regard it as a symbol‘ of Prussian Sete ‘ism. BABY'S OWN TABLETS A SMILE IN EVERY DOSE &miling, happy, Henly. a ones are found in every ere Baby’s Own Tablets ae tied An Roan OnS foe regulates te ie mach and bowels and keeps little ones ear or will speedily este health if ‘sickness, comes unexpect- edly. Ask any mother who has used |this medicine for her children and} jshe will tell you aligio. ta nothing sale so safe and sure, Mrs, jquin, St. Mica ceslas, Que., sa} acl Tablets | Pe anostoot the litilevailmente of | childhood, and nos jthem to fail. From my own ex-| (perience I can recommend them to | ty jell mothers.’” Sold by all pistons dealers or by mail at 25° cei box from The Dr. Williams” "Medi: ie Co., Brockville, Ont. g |coachmen and two cooks, and $ known |the Zulus, and the Boers. His searpeae He tw ing wenn tg Meuitt Atvica te tered Nurses’ Boriety, and sho’ efore a of the same y ee cy of $5,000 a year for life from a patient to whom she had given long attendance, says J |London ‘lit-Bits. A ROM TIC EPISODE. edingly romantic wi etiatattee under which ate Ales Wyness, of Warwickshire, left his whole estate, which ran into | six figures, to his nurse, Miss Love. doctor secured r patient, as his | Lave tended her pati- most assiduously, Fie as she was the same age as Wynes the professional connection ee into something else. ed, and Mr. ‘Wyness. ealineg ane Forty thousand acter was the amount bequeathed five kee by an old man— whom s wees sien he had been taken in, in three years previo’ [galls iu the samo yeot Mr |B: eh ees banker, left tal ae 10 siteiey COACHMEN, As a reward ee ste quer ser- viees, Miss } time ago, receiv: ie a eae of $15 000 from Mrs. Nevins, the widow. cial bequests of $5,000 each to ee Duchess of Marlborough left to nee Batlirs $2,500 to her ga: eL an apnuity of $400 40 ber 000 to several other servants. ily $ fo like nurses, however, | to "find special favor ea em- ployers. Five years ago Mr. coachman, Parsons, a $10,000 and all the horses and poul- Ogden Mille, died and left his coachman, Frank Smith, of Buf- falo, $10,000, and $5,000 to his wife. $2,500,000 FOR A CHILD. One of the most amazing bequests cumstances was that of Mr. spb t, of Manchester, who died He left practically the ails of his fortune, amounting to over 82,500,000, the nine-year-old daughter, named Jane Loftus, of a lady who for some reason had been his housekeeper. In 1915 Miss Lof- s will possess something like $3,- 760,000 if she survives. —S SOLDIER’S ROMANTIC CAREER Granted Both Free Pardon and a Pension by War Office. After an absence of forty years John Peck, a native of Nottingham, geceveres that o be arrésied freq his regiment in 1869. 18 ca- Seats however, has beea sc remark- ble that when the facts were re- ated the War Office not only grant- el him a free pardon but a pension as wel Peck tan away from hots. cat the age of twenty and went t He served in the Crimea. After peace was declared he got transferred to out to through the Mutiny. cone led with an officer and de- serted, He had a sk diamond paroonectee. but ever a chan ting oc- eid he alw: rag onbaeed it, and so he served against the Basutos, re- latives had not heard of him for fif- y-three eae! when he ‘recently of age ork in the mines. Pr ee A DUSTY spor: school inspector, noted for his loayneraries happened to notice : tefresttial globe in one, sf iia alan ioeae was very ‘This annoyed him, and, Buttle "his finger on the globe, he cried o “There’s dust here an inch thick is ae i “you've got your finger on Sahara.’’ Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pilis are not a new and untried as for Constipation, tion, Billousness, Rhowmatiem an rer Troubles. To-day s effective, just reliable as ever, and nothing better has yet been devised to tlis m 1903; | n- | gun 7 pee hed a Golonel Nevins, a wealthy Ante . = maitre, m |and so acutely that I came to think ever made to people of humble cir- | w; returned to England recently and |j subsequently” joined the Sang. and | dear hard time as a South | mas a a and ai A Pp: es ar bots andi am pile BAUER aE eee pain.’ Mr. Cy nly one of thousands |whom Dodd’s Kidney Pills have cured of Ee Boiatica ‘and r Dodd’s Kidney Pills s cure “Sk or disordered Kid- And if your Kidneys are well you can’t have Rheumatism, Scia- tica or Backache | aeons | TWO SNAILS PULL A POUND. m I am now S, | They Haul a Toy and Load of Shot. “One day by way of experiment, a says a writer in the Strand, “I har- | s heavy, of lead, | the ila pul led it. so easily that loaded the ae of the carnage ith aia The snails, aonenee were more than anual to the task. Anxious to | test their strength still further I at- nd brass behind the gun carriage, jbnt the ad mov re on once again with the same apparent. ease. ‘Out of cutiasity decided to , |weigh the cannon, gun carriage and shot, and to my great surprise found the total weight to be almost one pound. I yenture to think this very y good load for two snails to } | | | i | i ToRTCIED BY PIL) Coukt Not ‘ould 3 How Zam-Buk B rought Relief. — Glacier of Denbigh, POse ants SUL Wad oo tortured Gr piles that T could not get ease whe- strength, of appetite, and of all de- sire to live! I had suffered so long there was no ease for me, but one day I found out that I was wrong! “T was told that Zam-Buk cured piles, and that this balm was alto- gether different to ordinary oint- ments, scores of which I had proved useless for so bad a case i ale enteele aad 1. tack my €x- perience will be the means of lead- ing other sufferers to try this great herbal Nothing reed he added 0 tine oan ‘powerful testimony save one ion—if you suffer like had he same source as he did? edi Buk is a proved cure for in- flamed areas (as in piles) erysipelas, eczema, ulcers, sores, abscesses, cold cracks, chapped hands, burns, cuts, scalp sores, and all skin in- i _It is the most Stores at 50c. box or post-free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for pric oan h “How do you do, sare?’ said a Frenchman to an English aequaint- ance. “Rather poorly, es you,” answered the other. se said the Freneniuany ank ae for your illness. T cannot help it. A Requisite for the Rancher. — On the cattle ranges of the West, where men oe stock are far from docto: and caries, Dr. Tho- aoorON ie kept on hand by the cntelligent as a ready made medicine, not only for many human ills, but as a horse and cattle edie cine of surpassing merit. A hors gacietaile: ranging wibiand teasers greatly simplified by using this Oil. erica ee NEW BRITISH DESTROYERS, Twenty of ihe Fastest Vessels of Their Class Afloat. The twenty ee British destroy- ers for which contracts were plac- will | been denie be interested in the statement of | * ri: you Cannon, Carriage |: Is and their additional | Glaser did, why not get relief from | Th BLIND MEN’S STRIKES, ee ee Shae Institu- tio plain A Bene pene of a men has just been ‘satisfactorily settled im Paris, after having lasted little Audience and speakers were em- ®\been taught the handicraft in the establishment. The men declared that the insti- tution makes undue profits out of them and hinders them from work- | This statement the management, e have to beg the rects, f: he meeting those men who ¢c ould as ushers and led t ei] mates to their pl alt th other day un h ae chair. the audience. In eh spite of their sightless eyes and their blind h the speakers tiie ved aan abdearee aca panied by anode gestures. = Ss NO SPENDTHRIFT. g the prisoners brought be- ma ate one Moi was a beggar whose ans an unfamiliar t. “E am informed that again been found beggi said you have one t over $10 in Ste proudly your honors: me t, “I may sof turned th | be as indu i ate noaneudihate see TORS W. DIRE 0 TRULY Tt is a well known fact that the men usually selected to act on Di- rectory Boards of Banks, Insurance Companies and other Financial Tn- stitutions are men more or less the public eye men of large ability wide experience. very fact of the’ Ee HE ae ‘breadth of ede soe tl ons’ to acquisit |and their sound conservative dom on matters co: ntly a have resulted in the sebetattial growth of most of our leading In. stitutio: . for which they act as thew sical, be, and to meet some of our leading panan Tnstitutions are a new Officer Directors, _. calle Auditor. The Traders Bank of Canada was the. Di rectors” EOsHeDE the first institution to ado) ‘is new method. Their Di. eee ‘Auditor ta Mr. 7. 1.’ Willis, a man for many years connected with the Bank as a Branch Manager ability sun experience. M 8"5 5 duties as Directors’ Auditor act for the Bank’s busy Di in the way of over- seeing, inWammnting and reporting |! on all mat®ts that come before them in the regular way of busi- done a great deal in facilitating he deliberation of the Board at all times. The progress made by the Traders Bank in the last few years has been yery gratifying indeed, both to their Shareholders and many customers. e Traders Bank has now 100 Branches in Canada, mainly in On- tario and the West, although it is reported that they are shortly to open in Montreal and extend their operations to the Eas! se reas, Teacher—‘‘You notice that boy t boy in the schoo)."? Exaniner “He is now. I notice the foot of te the class is nearest the fi Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands are cov- ered over with warts. Why have these disfigurements on your per- son when a sure remover of all warts, corns, etc., can be found in Holloway’s Corn Cure. WORK! The watchmaker says he is not the only man who should be. ex- pected to make his good works tell. NOT YET, BUT— Twinkle, twinkle, little eae Oft I’ve wondered what yo 3 But with airshivs, there’s. no aauhe That ere long T will find ont ure Common th pedo destroyers. ISSUE NO. 49—09. a employed by | g in the |? mo! rie and who is possessed of exceptional $e LUXURIOUS BURGLAR. Lived in a Cave a and Drank the Finest of Wines. A wild man of the woods, who has lived in the forests and hills on une wiss shore of Lake Constance for the last two years, was arrested Bey near Herisau. S an escaped German convict nee Joseph Saeh: bit luxury. He is a middle-aged man of great strength e lived in a state of nature, inhabiting a cave in-a mountain, but by burglary o tained the best food and dri Bok: cave contained a large qu fine wines, cbampaines. ‘aves urs, [preserved game and. frui |ver table service, a Bae of tin len, o money. All the noods had been stolen, as ae wild man mene to He. polic Mr. Pouliry Producer When year after year finds must * me good reasons for it, BECAUSE: See our Poultry business growing, there Tt ig not luck—ueither is it EST spot cash on delivery. AVS buyers. ie tarqeat distributors In Canade, Styane Heer: your confidential -™ DIST Inlet oF exposed, 1¢ polsorio SPOHN MEDICAL Co, Mn Cagiera i Po ‘ont who will get it for you, DISTRISUTORS—ALL WH “Plak Fae. Epizootiy Shippin sa vena Fever EMPER:;} recure and positive preventive, no matter aces Picuidy wiven ‘on tue tongue? acts en the. Blood das IOUS we “ms fromthe we body. sliver ieee ate ‘Doas and is a and fla Si toyrdur druneisty ec hes A0n Cures." ree D| OLESAI i» Chemists and Bacteriologists, GOSuEN, OND, USiAe se pens can be brought against oe will be tried next week at Heri- led to:his place! on the platiora antl aau a old how to face | ———— AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. Will Break Up a Cold in Twenty- ‘our Hours and Cure Any Cough That is Curable. The following mixture prescribed mended for coughs, is often ee pure, and eight ounees of e compound pure is prepared only in the arora re of the Leach Che- mical cinnati, and put up for ence in half-ounce vials. aes Anxious Mother—‘‘I want an or- ae oo sen er ieee a man ears older than herself.” VeGvuy; Gisdanie eine marry ol men every day, and are not consid- ered insane.” Anxious Mother — (ies: hue tid’atd maa my daugh- ter wants to marry is poo Mothers, Give fhe: Children a Chance. does not cure Spankii etting. ‘There is a con it t 0 chres adults.and aged rine difficulties by and are Heri pannage when awake, wi ith @ loss of by pale ieee eas picking of the cte., youggay depend upon it that the primd removes terminator effectually th relieving the hese pests, at once little sufferers. A FATAL OVERDOSE. “T hope you wen’t encourage our Nellie’s latest admiret,’’ said sim- ple-minded Mrs. Featherston to her un- pun—‘‘you know the old : es him an inch and he’ll Nel! jon’t you FOUY. about my Be ing an an_inch,’’ rema: husband. “I'll do better than that} Vl give him a foot.’’ POULTRY. We call the attention of our read- ers to the advertisement of Gunn, Langlois & Co., Montreal, which appears elsewhere in this paper. U you have any poultry to nicate with them before rushing goods to market. It is a good plan to write to these people if you have eggs, butter, poultry or honey to dispose of at any time, as they are nown to be a very reliable house. PHYSIOLOGICAL. “Bffie,” said Margie, who. was laboriously spelling words from a first pas “how can I Ae which is a ‘d’ and which is a oWhy replied Baie, ebay “the ‘d’ has its tummy on its back.”? Pills for Nervous Troubles. — The stomach is the centre of the nervous system, and when the stomach us- edy for this than Parmelee’s Vege- table Pills. Thousands can attest the virtue of these pills in curing neryous disorders. RCUMSTANCES AND. A CASE ee eolonel of a-certain cavalry regim was a Inartinet in all ex- cept hie own habits. “On one oc- casion the regiment was about to r tenant of the oe had just re- ecived from his father a small Box of books, and asked the colonel if he might not take it along. “Certainly not, sit !’’ roared the chief. ‘‘No, sir! “Tm very sorry, colonel ; it will case eit, sir?’ again roared “Certainly you can, sir! Anything in reason, sir!’? ie, aC of thi a e ause of the trouble is | worms.- Mother Graves’ Worm Ex Soke DRM axis, TONSILIETS moda 2 OF tro tt | it alveady "man! z od. Ig the Uniailing Ny Hongehold Rams dr! 0 for Coughs. Colds, ‘Taroat, Bronchitis, Pneumonia an mains of all kinda, ‘A few ye. and then as shall aide my again,” EDUCATIONAL, he said when arrest harge ae Bookkeeping course in this subject ts un- surpised, Tt gives the. student a ning (worth, many times the cost fen take ft Write for BRITISH. AN RICAN cou ene Yunoras rs a. WATSON, Wrincioan (DARN THE BARBER TRADE—NEW system—constant practice; care! instruction; few p complete course; earn twelve tools free; gradu eighteen ollars weekly; “write Tor eater Jogue,, Moler Barber College: 221, Queen Hasty AGENTS WANTED, Fiebas ahd biota teanaee Aes two ounces of yeerine, a . 5 ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine com-|.- CONVINGG HER. “Say,? phone, only “That's all is for business purposes Fight replied the young man. “I was just trying to serene that young lady that T really mean business.’ Try Murine Eye Remedy ed, Weak, Weary, Water Ee Eye Jand . Stra’ 2 For nul P Moving Doosan’ em is Compound .ced PI crite no Tabu oe Prehibice Murine ‘our Eye Trou th Like tur ry It fn Babs velids, the ¢ neutral, we suspect. e clock is slow, Better go. You are done ‘tor. A Medical Need § Bn Mei a medicine is found that not only acts upon the stomach, but is so composed that certain ingredients of it pass unaltered arr the sto- mach to find Pali in the bowels, then there is ayajlable i purgative and-a clones a great effective- ness. Vesevelles ou and a: ater Hd hat they have beef far tpl they have stablished themselves as no other | pill has di WE'LL PULL THROUGH. Thongh up go the prices, joaring just as high ~ As the prabiab he: Wimifipe Headed for the sky, The record of pbesworid ts e'll live until we die. D. A. KING, GLOBE TROTTER Is walking from Montreal to Van- CATSPAW conver, 2,896 mil RUBBER HE PAB tt No tai : en will he reach Vancouver? 133 pee offered nearest guessers. Contes is Hees Write guess on postal Sud receive prize Address, M ANUFAOPURING COMPANY WANTS i B to well. direct to farmers, eller. farmer wan ia fit. despa oreo eRe but. at sary. Postal to-day bri! partic’ Charles Adams, Sai cay Out ETOCKS. FO, INVESTORS = YOU: RDERS or, sell Stocks aa ok al attention, agree Bott Sts Boron me FARING orerceme by th of the marvels of tho etectrinal a usd Hproughous. the world. - Wete for extelogn eneral = Oo,, of Cay, ae Intd., 463 Yong ISt., VES Balse Thos Without Stile b Free, REV ES Seed Con Lit porontegOnte ACE CARPET DYEING and Cleanitig.. This ts & speci Ity Aith the Gritish American Dyel Cot Send particulars by post and we are aure; sho tay Box Iss, Five dollars per w Ben: 3 aeponi which wll “he re turned to rote ria 669 e ‘Bloor Ww. inarone RAW FURS Consignments Solicited, Write fer Price List. Canadian Hide & Skin Co. 86 FRONT St. EAST. TORONTO, ONT Se a anenaaaSS anal > 90H trap oe bc ‘ure? cia Eanxda® FURS promp Iso largest di Bheepeids,ece Quotations 9 JOHN HALLAM pe Dressed Poultry ANY QUANTITY. ~— Market Prices Guaranteed e REMITTANCES DAILY Ship by Express and Advise J. A. McLean Pr oduce Co. amy 7% T~76 Front St. East. Toronte and ist. Nea pene cO., LTD., . B., Montr ae CHOICE OF EVILS. ‘agistrate—‘You are accused of iene drunk and disorderly. Are you guilty or not guilty?” Prisoner—“‘I’ll plead guilty, sous honor, if you'll send me up for ti are istrate—“Why .do you want to ane sent up for ten days?” Prisoner—‘‘My wife is cleaning house.” Why go south and undertake a long expensive journey to rest your tired nerves or overworked body ? In the Niagara Peninsula is a place provided by nature and art for your special trouble. Nature has ‘pro- vided the saline waters’ of the “St. Catharines Well’? equipped the ‘Welland’ with’ the needed appliances for treatment, rest and comfort. St. Catharines, on the line of the Grand Trunk and. art. has |} ECONOMIZE IN VOU Revere XMAS JEWELERY By Ordering From Us By Mail. SEND FOR ELLIS’ RED BOOK NO. 9 A COMPLETE CATALOG OF DIAMO SILVERWARE, ete., eto. SENT FREE. ON REQUEST. ELLIS BROS.,, q mee, IMPORTERS, Yonge St., Toronto. Railway System, is Canada’s great winter health resort. ‘A booklet with. full” jaformation will be sent by addressing Mana- ger, “The Welland,” St. Cathar- ines, Oné. witty as well as a soft answer s t rotten egg, fallvin the face. ing to ly away the contents ot the missile, he calmly continued — “T have always contended that my opponent's y unsound,’” he was no longer molested® Many inherit weak lungs, and a: disease usually assails the Gekkast point these persons are continually exposed to attacks of cold and pul- The: speedy WEAK LUNGS arcs ay PSYCHINE. aad Bie ae the cough, no {how ange abet oe de ust ile a dies on eas heals the and a protection, rgans so thatthey are not so to Sereupenicny from eXposure or abrup' atmospheric nges. ae 's Syrup is cheap B's coed:

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