> The baby who suffers from gage ECZEMA CURED FRENCH REVOLUTION RELIC. acTHIROUGHL THE BLOOD] = Guillotine Used in Exeew pone knife of ae ppulouine (ee used . ue 4 t 17 By the Aid of Dr, Williams’ Pink|arie Ancoinette has eon diseoy- - Wonderful Tonic Kodicine. ma or salt rheum is a dis- ease af the skin which shows itself relic seems well authenticated, says the London Globe. From a note b; Gustave Ba- bir. ¥ the Illustration it seems that Dubois, director des Halles de Bruxelles, “acquired it by purchase pisc 50'S ¢ ‘WE BEST BEDICUE FOR neces jr 1843 from Mme. Roch, widow of the executor des hautes oeuvres. Up to yes time Mme. Roch declar- ed that ad never pee out 0! he: Srpaeieasions The late M. Deib- ler claimed it, but as ae would not pay the widow refused to accede to his request. He complained to the |i tensely on ee the victim cannot bear the of ae article of elething fae ae The di is Peaaesa by bad blood and must be cured through the blood. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have cured many cases of eczema) Minister of Tstless with the result are the one medicine | that the widow was desired to take that acts wholly on the blood—the| the blade to the ACVOS, But is as the State one to emulate M. sured by these Pills is .|Deibler’s parsimony tl ee: se Amherst, N. who | stuck to 7 ee souvenir eer} sold “T suffered ‘greatly. ce it to M. Cle seuin op encemamn ding ean The humorous side of this relic wore badly cracked. I tried eee must first complete widow |i ni poe eae ee ee did me no keh wecaivedl the d_what s advised to | |mnife his predecessor, M. ey SDE Williams’ Pink Pills and h, who himself had ob- had only used them for a few weeks | tained i Henri Sanson, the when the trouble disappeared and |jast descendant of the dynasty of nds were entirely healed. I|thic name. Now, Henri Sanson was the grandson of the eeeanen of the hapless King and Que He dismissed from hia Bik ft have other sufferers from this trouble t them off ‘What Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills did exeationer, for Mrs. Davidson they have done| ‘res augusta,” h Rote hy oatiere ok only in: cares aha ae torilty of idea _uceseded ef eczema and salt rheum, but ost woul ve failed, eruptions and pimples, ae and to tell the truth me pawned erysipelas, verofaln Ga alicother , adds a Paris ies wi arise from relates th maladies blood. They banish these troubles mmply because ed clear the blood nten seed: cette rencontre parat Ue of all popaunee d leave is rich,| As an instance of morbid hum ved and ing. ills | this is “facile princeps. olehie bee: are sold ee “ar medicine aerate Sat ealeahy auction of suillo- jrect ty pat at 50 cents a box or r $2.50 fen The Dr. tine can only b Piutiame” Meaitive Co., Brockville, mS nt. accessit, THIS WELL-KNOWN ADVOGATE STATES ee eo HINDO CRAFT GANGES. Are of Same Type They were Cen- turies Ago. 4 Notwithstanding the fact that In- So dix has for many years been under the rule of England, the conditions and manner of living have not sre changed in many parts of it. On the Ganges River, in the aoe ae provinces, the tourist will see, if he meSeDS oaches Benares ,» the same type of 8 to this most sacred -of indo ities bun- dreds of years ago. eo are floating palaces or magnificent gal- nm which rajahs journey to|— TAKE DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. And He Found Them to be all They Were Advertised—How and Why Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cure. Montreal, ane Jan. 17 (Special) Kid Pills Seat to m physician, and tr rakiee say they have 1 ef their pious zeal. o be what they were ad- differ hardly an icta from the ves- nels used for the same purpose by rajahs who died centuries past. h gold, silver and Soh ith ts This cuore made by L. J. R. Hubert, the well-known advocate, jbute to D -|shows that they are recognized by reputable a men as a peer- less rem for diseases of the Kidneys id also boa, pte are now Yooked upon as a lard ae cine ne tee best Seas in Canad: And the reason ~ of this is that they a oh what they are adver. tised to do. The: Bh cure diseast Kidneys 25 put them in condition i to clear oll impurities out of the have washed their bodies, and drink | b ht’ it. jewels, these wonderful 0. “ancient vessels lend a festive ‘oitel to the river sceno eir snmp- tuousnesg goes not, prevent the rich- from In contrast to these floating seat by impurities in the blood that the Kidneys would strain out of the blood if they were in good working order. on haven't bors about Dodd’s Kidney Pills. who personifies the river on which he exists See aa ¢HILDHOOD eat MEANS SIGKLY BABIES Mie QUEEN ALEXANDRA’S DAIRY. Royal. Gardens—Plainly Euraihes |e Tea Rooms. One of the most charming ‘ ee ise . seat is the en’s ted at the far eid ny the beaut kitchen garden It is @ fascinating little ples built 7 ‘spl Fustic fashion, with every- ‘ing as cool and bright and ee “Yets always cure indigestion, ai mys the little one mon natural ok Mrs. ees . Daigle, Lower |; —‘‘For severe blets was the only, moved the trouble.’ where at 26¢ a box or by mail from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE LITTLE THINGS. to sweep, a chair to dust, dent of nike New Orleané Times-De- mocrat. Oa one side of the dairy is th little can room and on the the aeinty frequently drinks t ath its quaint its box and yew tr sorts-of quee den. The groundwork a woman’s oo 2} 8h and ague are not easily ehaken 0 Anyway, the Bossip isn’t forever ending you adyi the Beate wa tiful Kitchen te from the grounds. immediately sur- rounding the hall by the high road pr. Morse’s leading from Dersingbam to West Newton. m “kitchen gar- Sake gign Roet=Ptlys den” siete eataide somewhat exactly. meet the need which so ote arises in every family for medicine to open up andirrgulate th Towel ‘efective og system aud purify: Tn_the same way they relie Biliousness, Indigestion, Bick aches, Rhenmatism, and ¢ ments. Tn the tulle, conse ot. the ord Indian Root. Pilis witl Heer sages Ai grace coveresl currant clusters of berries ; Household Ramieds ite co) its lea ant Spats on 8 when we rememb are employed in Se aise ns alo 3 child of the to JUS DOCTOR ADVISED HIM TO is rich and high-class she is not. al- n streets, and i! in the fields and ige me) eater og | STeate! toate the si Wsed them yourself, ask your nelgh- | bending to the ieee with their weight of juicy codlin: In the royal kitchen resigns there is abundance of fruit as well as flowers and sosctahiee. The fa trees are cultivated in what to and flow: 100 en Alexandra is very fond of ice gardens; their extent is quite e| bewildering even to grownups, and are many pies houses—for cucumbers, toma- toes, figs, melons, peaches, nectar- ines and grapes. voted to palms, ferns and all are jn a state of shiclets foe t+ to be Several are Hs men gar- time to go round them.’? As we should imagine, they are a favor- ite resort with the royal children, | Norway. King and Queen of is drawn tight? Have you a cold sore, freat bite, chitblains, or a “raw” place, which at times makes it agony for you to go about your household duties? If co, Zam-Buk will give you relief, and will heal the frost-damaged skin, @Aneint the sore places at night, Zom-Buk's rich healing essences will eink into the wounds, end the smari- ing, and will heal quickly. Mrs. Yellen, of igoeges says: ‘My eng ee eracked that it near water. Wheatl gid vo En Bind emart and burn as if I had soem juite unabl relief from anything a tlio mail T eed when ery abort time healed m, Bam-Buh also sures oh ‘Aro your bands chapped, cracked || creaking in the snow e« sore? Haxe you “cold emacks" |) self: ‘Brrr! But this is a cold which open and bleed when the skin || morning!’ the paper so as to give myself a Brest of fresh air before break- e store was 17, an morning when I went out the ther- mometer was 4 above, an 8 | wheels were creaking loudly. I sup-— pose that if you should average these two tempera ures, 17 and 4, you would come pretty close to the which creaking may not be quite exact, but I guess | it’s cows enough for all practical purpose: “Bny! ow I wake up these days e wagons going by ith: Tinie wheels know Sa when I = eee BRAVE MOTHER’S AGONY. Saw Her Three Children Through Ice in Deep Pond. ‘Three lads named Spence, all bro- go The boy’s mother was the hear their cries and, accompanied by other women, she rushed ti ond EVERY PART PERFECT HE secret of the perfection of h through perfection in the parts. Examine the transmi: itter, for ard type ‘you will find it,—or the receiver, with its construction that bars out all local noises to spoil Fenneinl sain Or ~~ into the generator—the ring: and Spigot switch hook Pp NX —or any part you CES, oa You won't find a ae : ‘ v4 rural telephone than this made anywhere, FREE * Let us tell you the es ‘of this tele- aie Hates ta you one cent (for a tok ienowit~all edetalls of BOOK t- Rretastument itself as we ee of every step necet Bet the SES eeice ‘of a rural teleprone company, ‘Write andesk for Bulletin ‘No, 3i94>-it's Free, HORTHERS ELECTRIC (BED PULEEACTRRIGS €O, BATTED spot. was very Bee and the aise though e coud jumped in to save her as jae into the water. who were working at a Et Lee to the boys’ aid, and them, named Press and Me- able to save the third, whose body INA ‘CALGARY ium oeetac wi Hears Ave, De ae ie trap or heh EDUCATIONAL. RB TRADE—NEW BARN careful THE BARBE! Po I highest prices: Your | fy shipments solicitea. ys y mail and ex: cole Sree: 3 graduates earn to promo, Alte erent Hee Stee ae sutse cates a dts sent free. . Tore JOHN oe TORONTO ACENTS WANTED. W325 RELIABLE PART! do peere: _dniteing for us home; 87 to 810 eagily td, | wool, ete, tarniched 1 fois |Rindrance. For full particulars FORTHE DEAF—in See — se not recovered until the water run off. NEW WOMAN IN CHINA. Is Now Taking er Part in Work of W ie new woman promises to mi bea live figure in the future of China. To-day she is practically a slaye in the hands of her husband or father, lowed to g poor she works does all sorts of dru Rregage: Chineseceteltemett eated | man, and not one woman ie a Se es can read its girls’ feet are to be allowed apna growth and its women ge 3 ct e. a ons 8 P he Hongkong and Shanghai. They teaching everywhere in the sande gartens and primary schools, and medical colleges have been estab- lished to fit them for trained family, school in Mongolia. All the sionary establishements are teaching girls, and the demand fet n educated wi wives pply; _——— — a nurs- me is far An Easy Pill to Take-—Some per- sons have repugnance to this cause of their nauseating taste. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are so most delicate can take them out feeling the penal that fol: lows the ing ef ordinary pills. This is one reason for the popular- | By ity of these selebrates, he ae main 60 cal finality as a tide Eee ibe “A, Profesor, what a ing collection of stuffed bird: 78 of my seven inal charm- is you t A CONVENIENT BRANCH BANK A Branch of the Traders Bank of |. Canada’ has just been established at the Union Btock Yards, Toronto, and will open for business on market ays. Des vers. may. €X- change is Branch fee “Stet Checues vanable own. t their home t 1 for-| ance Tea sunnne a ~ Freddi jie, it’s yj; very wrong uu to quarrel wi! Billy Dots and to horbor such re- vengeful feelings against him Som promise me that when you aoe “Billy to-night you’! give him.’ Freddie—‘Well, I meet: Billy to-night, if his bist eee ther is with him, I'll forgive him; hur if not, LIL nearly wallop the life out of him. e| “You mean to . ae legs with Dr. te (relieved) —Oh, is that all?” Tn REASON IT FELL. as a twentieth century hust- Bie “builder, and under his auspices cottages and houses sprang up like oried one of Be him on “sir,” the builder. one of PY of well built, desire residences h come to grief? the qiekenn has that happen ed?” “Well, sir,” lane the fore- “there was a little mistake. Unfortunately, we took down the new | scaffolding bef ton th Ghine is to be full of; ‘ante shoals, Se wall-paper!”” To Know is to Peveok —If the miners who work in cold water most of the day would caktheis tect Thomas’ Electric would escape muscular Sg cdair cad ee dep thet ashes limbs proof against the ill effects 1d. Those set- ining regions would ¢ | @ supply before star Opportunity is another name for action. n old toper defines water as an A 1) after-though: ot Mesh, eongh and pain in Sor ean serampee but are bad ¢i ‘cough and Sate pesaagen Roldierly-looking Man — “I’ve sah Heh as my life in the auntry.?? re Browed oardual—"o have I the cheat =e ‘grain of opi | What were you in for?’ Four Byes ans Baby's Byes fo Byelids and Gronulati Hus! “Darlin ing, I believe that oe an failing.” Wife Gin aul — “Gracious! Boe often I have warned se eorge, against sete foolish sedan ie Hash and: “J don’t mean in business, dear, mean I’m failing in health.’ Wife The Bowels Must Act Healthy.— In most ailments the first care of the medical man is to see that the bowels are open and fully perform- ing their functions. Parmelee’s Ve- getable Pills d + certain ingredients in them act on the ely ai ey are the very best papiene Seale ie produce healthy ff the bo els. Ini >, there ap no othe: eific so serviceable in keeping the digestive hs in healthful action. ae e a dollar and I shall be ie everlostingly indebted to you,”” said an impecunious man to an acquaint- “J don’t doubt it,”” was the response genuine, “The D Loy shat Sion ede Ti = Hood the test of year Tt cures aches and pains ccoloker than any 7 nator. THE OREAK KING TEMPERATURE This, Mr. Gozzle Puts at About 10 Degrecs. “J don’t know at just what de- 01 ight. “Yesterday morning when I w out for the aneest always go ae d been WORTH KNOW! WING. Simple sons That Any One Can saul times.’”’ Ohri repai T re at Home. ee are more or less ee 1. [Jeot coughs and colds. i that will break up a cold en: le ee of Glycerine, Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. You can get these in aay. goad afua - i <2) genuine Virgin Oil of Pine com- pound DUS: for dispensing. ak. Tro-and two may make te pair | instead of making fou Much of the food for thought re- sults in mental indigestion PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAY! PASO OINTMENT 1s gmarantood to goso of Itching, Blind. Biealine or Probrading Piles in € 20 14 days or money refunded. B00. Professor Oectaring on hygiene) — “Tobacco, gentlemen, makes men vely, short-winded, idiotic, paraly- tic; and I tell this from experi- ence, for I Y have smoked for many years !”” Help nes fil ata strong and r by counteracting piothing ae ee ill-health. One great ca e in children is eorias Remove them with Mo- ther Graves’ Worm Exterminator. It never fails. to grow gh and the world laughs at you—if you laugh at your ewn jokes. Free rs. Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Wrist cdot Wout Eye Trouble and rite all about Your a a ey will advice as.to the Proper Applica. nneue AS tion of pe marine Eye ¢ fa Your | That ts rity seh R eed Sa geet Special 0 er Doewtiat ‘will, tell you for tus slgusiare ot ‘aed the t nee ra Nias Strength. | Yee certo Cures Cold Ta One ‘Das. qiosk, Eves. Doesnt Bioart, Soot selle for ag ee edding is a ~ delightful affair ae you are the masculine end of it. “So you're sone to put down bet- see altogether, eh?” ‘‘Yes, an T shall be delighted when they suc- coed. It is a detestable evil.” ““But ear, they,ean't do it!’’ ‘Oh, yes, they ae TU bet you ten dol- Jars they There is no medicine on the mar- thi ling from the system the irritating sc that colds engender in the r passages. B- leet your cold. Lee of riding Seutals of it by ickle’s Syrup, which is a pauple remedy, easily taken, and once used it will ainars be prized asa sree medici The beggar notice ‘up, “Deaf and ‘Dank ”? and the pass- ing ; pilleneopet stopped in front of “Y'd like to give this man Piles he a e his penne , “but how am TI to yw that he js deaf and ante P Read thé notice, sir,’’ whispered the boggar Renan: end for free camplé to Dept. W. L. Na jHonal Grug & Chemleat Con Toronte “|in first-class order. = the Bo Dominion Knitting Co. Dept. i ess—‘You’re a na ughty May Ontle ie ee 10) it ited In 1h Christel, 9 ice sour | Al Mvuy rel yall Seat ty at”? ristabel—‘‘ didn’t kick her.” Governess—""Ob, th ush, dear, I saw you k jek her sev- stabel—T didn’t. missed prety ti time.’ be easily made. Goods Co. of cacaans Owen Your Overcoats .4 Suits would Joo% better Ayed. if no agent ot and foded te town, write direst bo BM bres, Box = American Dyeing Co- i | VES "alse Them wienout mie as) GAL = ama ne Bound, You cannot be’ happy while you} Bteele,tBriggs Seed “That fellow , Smithers is a cley- r chap. He can write with either = {hand »” “Ts that 501 ‘ow on earth does he manage to do it?” jotan tant atv thand. Guard nitro set ne a eed ocil ct Faller in moneaes 3, re is po one paiskstter tata: | Darid’—ase and Be. Lady” (to -gardener)—“Have~you ied saa dinner, Jobn?? John— é yet, mum! Bi must “eat the pale ‘ouse first. IODINOL Ss new overy ef the age, relics ay O0y tn et apt eit dee build as 4s ep stables, lene “a ar cont view at 91 basty te ye Benutito 12 section, 32 miles ns al m, lane ‘ave- Ber ean ct phen tie Make bout, bid and do it Must_be so! Ylore to corporation nf Tinmil- ton, 26 poten, 00, Hno of elect railway, suitable for peaches, ap ples, eto, Beautiful ion, BDI Nerterk te eta at sence iat Rimcoe, solid pmple barns. thundant water, also tenant ouse and berms. Terme easy. JOHN N. LAKE. iy nae evens 114 King West, EEE fstestcg teal sees! oN i. GASOLINE LAUNCH 23 Fost Long by 6 Feet Seam. Fairbanks-Morse Marine Bouble Gylinder Engine Very strong Hull, built for juli, built for heavy seas. fitted with Conboy Automobile Top wicker chairs. 12 a Seige anelie Boat and largo Complete outfit of tools. etc., all n uss enly a short timo. This Boat is Being Sold al a Sacrifice at Ahove rico - Bex 22, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. HOTEL TRAYMORE _ E OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Aces giseen sos Sta a ‘and ma eee racy riep oveanatan ovasa aw, Sal entity ake Sean ee CHARLES 0, Larisiatlan ee Ciasspeaa COMPANY, G. ENTE, Presidenk |