: : _ THE MILVERTON SUN West Monkton, m., 11. 18 My B25 pm, B88 The Milverton Sun EVERY ‘THURSDAY MORNING ‘The Sun Printing Office Main Street, Milverton, Ont. SUBSCRIPTION RATES rear, $1; six months, three daantiny 25 cents, in aveaoe. vaabeciner fn arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per year, CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES 8p: Year 6 Mos. 3 Mos. Mon ¢ $70 $40 $25 $8 ci 40 22 12: 5 12 joes 3 e Bighi ‘Pet line for first insertion and four cents per line for each subsequent inser- ‘tion will be charged for all transient adver- Advertisements without specific directions Baa Ds Sapertnn asl fotld and chariges sc- 01 PeSnARESE for contract advertisemnts_must S the office by noon Monday. maal or telephone orders willrecelve prompt MALCOLM MacBETH, ‘Publisher and Proprietor Dentistry. — . R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic: nd iaity. O} mara ibe Gorertign: Bante, Minlverton, EDITORIAL : ¢ STAY ON THE FARM ‘Mr. John Campbell. of Woodville. Mr. Lloyd-George’s comment on the inte of the electiom held on Satur- day last was; “We are winning, Eng- vi land is emphatically eee govern- = le ment ae: by Peer ae? bee: Last year on ae to the value of eighteen million dollars was seaears ed by fire in Canada. believed eae much of this terrible Spas could ve been prevented had reasonable Sroecitions been diced oe Fat ste lost idee As that not even breed spaniels that way. Russia still holds the record as the greatest wheat-producing country in ie Business Cards|*" world. Last year it produced thi remarkable ~ harvest of ‘738.000, 000 bushels which constitutes the largest crop ever harvested in any country. If the Asquith government is sus- tained and events point that way at present the credit must be given lar- Medical. ¥. PARKER, M. TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG S70 STORE, MILVERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m., and 2 to 4 o'clock p, m., and 7 to 8 o'clock’ p. m. Legai (ORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, | 0" M iT Solicitors, Ete. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Money to loan, Milver- fhe Ont. Permanent offi ‘anged for. arr be in H. B, MORPHY, J.C, MAKINS W. J. HANLEY MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, Ontario Veterinary. J. 'W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, | Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin: af domestloated snimals. Calls by. tele- 0 OF otherwiné promptly abtersied to, Societies. Re wee in No. 478, ing breth- ren always we “hoe! Dek. een w.M.; W. J. ZORGER, secy. last ‘Tuesday of every month, at 8 o’clock, in their hall over Rothaermel & Son’s hardware store. Visiting ie egs ray ake Te gecy ae Tucker, C. R. . Pugh, Reo-Sec} 7.30 p. m, in their bi Store, Visiting brethren aver reek me, V. Weitzel, N.G., W. K, Loth, F, T, Robb, R. Secy. Notary Public. W. D, WEIR, Baty Public, Auc- tioneer for the Cow erth anc Waterloo, Cangeanter "Deeds, Wills and Mortgages drawn and Affidavits m: lage Clerk. "Office in the Woir block over the Bank of Hamilton, Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. i John Gropp, Proprietor. Best liquors and cigars at the bar. First-class commodation and large stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil verton. First-class accommodation for commercial travellers and hee ee large. somp! 2 ing, Mea rsotetrend ot liguore ate ee Chas. Ritter, Proprietor. 0, 8 Milverton, meets |” gely to Mr, Lloyd-G of the Exchequer who has proved him- self to be one of the best and most aggressive campaigners that ever ap- eared on the hustings. Mr. F. D. Monk, M.P., is strongly opposed to the naval policy of the gov- ernment and also to the partial ap- by the Opposition and and will now proceed to direct issue by appealing to the voters on the sub- ject, jee! Hon. A. G. Mel Kay. leader of the Op- position in the Ontario Legislature. who has just returned from a bata trip through the West denies |} in toto the rumor regarding his re- signing the leadership to accept a position in connection with the Can- adian Northern Railway. It is pected that Mr. McKay will be in his e a usual place when the Legislature opens |i i A demand is being made by the pub- lic. that prisoners in our penitentiar- ‘ir /and public houses of correction be clad av) The demand is a reas- in plain suits. mn: 5 the self-respect of prisoners which decidedly lessens their chances | C40 =)" becoming self-respecting citizens. . H. B, Morphy in a recent issue a the Listowel Standard contribntes| ! interesting article on a political incident ‘that took place in the early days of the townshiv of Wallace and to which the term of “Wallace lambs” owes its origin. To get at the fact of the matter, Mr. Morphy went to con- siderable trouble in interviewing old settlers and his contribution is worthy f being filed among the records of Perth county’s early history. Mr. Lancaster, member for Lincoln. on Monday last in the House of Com- “|mons pressed his motion for the aboli- tion of the Senate to a division but it was defeated by a vote standing 111- 23. The Senate has been a recognized feature of our legislative system since QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The best accommodation for commercial travellers and others. rooms, guors ‘and Cigars at the tables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. THE HOvAL, Hoset, Wellerey, and re-fitte Good new brick barn, Test and warmest stables in the a RTS Gholeeet eee isd Ggatn,. Be BeEDe: Proprietor. pays liquors Rates $1°50 per day. Wa. Wirt, Prop Division Court MILVERTON... . . DIVISION COURT || Meets at 11 o'clock am. Sept. 9th and Nov. 11th, 1909 Tuos,jTRow, F,.W. GuantTurr, Clerk. Bailiff, _ C. P. R. Time Table 1» going phe agi on p.m. ‘Milverton, going oor ‘Ba 40 11.03, Going east, 8.14 a. m., Mill m., 29 a.m.; cast, 8.22 a.m. 8.46 p.m Linwood, west, 8. a0 | pm, rit. 18 ae t east, 8.35 a.m., 8.57 pe Listowel, nort! 2.05 Pp. " Heae, ath, aa0 arm| Welfare of the conntry. THE AMERICAN HOURE: mratiel b i jlish Liberal party. action thwarted bills of importance to the ETT: emp mee “ Miss Mary L. Kennedy who eee ly left the Rockfeller Institute New ¥ offensive ta the sentiments of civilized people. ge The name Liberal and Conservative in Britain have but small analogy to the conditions in Canada. In many re- spects the Canadian fey party shares the characteris ol lish Conservative party and snes ly the Canadian holds views in common with the Eng- But the majority of Canadians of both parties are anx- ious at the present time to see the Asquith government sustained in its fight against the hereditary chamber which has of late b een emboldened by ‘ Success and has tried to usurp the rights of the House of Commons, the veople’s chamber. LIPS AND ) CHINS Large capacity » ‘with regard: to’ taste than in T jaws when accompanied by a re- ceding forehead. imply stupidity and Sriminali lity. shins Sieh eee ney and Narr lenote fickle- t lencies, mination are he jaw down- turns in 5 ES 9 | Is YOUR CORN RN -THOUBLESOMET to Putnam’s Corn Extractor’ Why not cure jiCerradieate it we No pai aa He ranted 1 as "a" ig aoe aba j. try it, paid ‘ge, Chancellor e Eng-|¢ Conservative party | e te lips ‘always denéte greater and most expensive manner. soon neous EMislethieta and Midlands in Can: up the combination which can produce perfect animals seen in The striving after perfection in ani- et life or the vegetable kingdom af- rr a wide fie! ‘or the keenest thought and study, and leads the stu- dent on and o1 alize how much of obser vil nd practicing along the right methods of procedure, _ When to the pleasure of ae a life other important consid- life. yet strong and sturdy with suf- ficient means end their days in peace and comfort. for each one re- tired from all other business and pro- fessions combined. Why then should he man not si ere success is near ow asional well-doe! BURNS oHUREH ANNIVERSARY e ‘Anniveraage services hel Burns church. Milverton, on ie 16th quartette sollte for he fatowing evenkig’s th announced as ready and from that on 5 o at t. of Listowel; Oaten Meyer These SeacliEnt address music by ata of ‘ternoon enjoye' themselves immensely. EATON—DAN: BROOK On Wednesday. D Dee. 29th, a very pretty event took place Lacie te in the pres- con: EB cued Of tow velatived of tha arties, Here till 8.45 the waiters one to = a the | or f Mr. John tt when t] a mn} ready. All. are ee BUTTER 23c PER LB. EVERY LB. MUST WEIGH 16 OUNCES. NEW LAID We are subject toa heavy fine in Toronto, as wellas having all short weight butter confiscated. We ask the co-operation of all to take special pains in seeing that every print weighs 16 ounces. d2c PER DOZ. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK: Oranges 2 dozen for 25c Silk Ribbon 42 inches wide, all shades. Ladies’ and Children’s All Wool Stockings Ladies’ Drawers and Vests 35 and 40c per garment. Ladies’ Drawers and Vests, regular 50c per garment, for (59 66 66 25c Men’s Fleece Lined Drawers and Shirts, reg. 50c Garment Boy’s Fleece Lined Drawers and Shirts, sizes 22 to 32, regular Special. ... 29¢ per garment Special 12:c per yard "166 7 Ibs. Rice for 25 cents 20c pair. 66 19c 39c a: | Ghe People’ s Store ENGELAND @ SON MILVERTON, ONT. = BAD BUSINESS e ae Hamilt a — terprise. municipality will be makin; take if it alccltinel any bonus overtures with thanks. r digestion er a N. but ly. digested: thats aes osteuty toim- rove ae iges! ate ch. Get iene then the ere and a8 rive then echt vitality. ‘enduraues, ‘errozone and health ii je_yours. at all cp ged 8t. John in ‘Teledea anada is geist to pay its Mae Not in money merely. nm, and in Service. in foul. So it is with the Uni m. with Australia and with th Tinka, con: peace r, so arethey all, do. ke common prepa . sober without swage’ but oY: aa that wal serve. to| and public securities. as ARE YOU SLEEPLESS, NERVOUS? Ls o horrors see into one life and }. ee INVESTMENTS A FEATU! A NOTABLE REPORT. yea ost hoteworthy are the increase a iawi in the The net profits for the 12 months nded renee yu aa to $382,232 onstrating that the increase in inve: 50 cts. | ward BANK OF HAMILTON nk of Hamilton Annual State- pro- and the holdings of iandelis yal e |Iotte Islands and satan inge happeni ihe a eat ment holdings did tot interfere with e gener- THE JANUARY R ROD AND GUN, en azine Siahing and hunt with He lia Position. he exper! 21 Business College watford, (Ont. =A is the we ractical oe a in q Ge Weltcrn Ont fario. |Our cout co cre © Sones seaniea” Taian legends, pi ¢ far Queen Char- ould adopts this soar se ave ene 01 ne ae 18 arith which he coks forward to future joys. Of these anticipations no one ee rob him. hat-(n year the reserve fund ill be “consider ably in excess of the ir the system ev ee, trace ot scold--the araie beadache a Take t the ills reti work while you bere and oe tmornin; ah Dr. our Jy away. ton’s Pills in in 2 ae Spore foe pears. |t cold vt ne coker eas passes aqiek [oh mile | at ae thi Catarrhozone. aiieh oures es cold to. the ‘The time to enter Da re McLACHLAN, > Principal HOCKEY SHOES sree. Rarer 1.75 to 2.50 RUBBERS Open for Inspection {FELT Going at Reduced. oe have anne: A cies - Highest Prices Paid " for Hides