Milverton Sun, 20 Jan 1910, p. 5

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THE MILVERTON SUN SHORT soni RETOLD. < MONKTON. Se A minister frequently away from] Miss Olive ree of Ablecne is at S| 4 me. was in the habit of getting pissent visiting Mrs. Samuel Smith. i Mis: THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL STATEMENT Fo |ematt eughice in his ansence. ‘One, | sent aes wi a : i i no time to mi isiti nds in Hami such provision for them. The wife| Mrs, A. Huggins i i ii was very b il nial on|ing her daughter Mrs. A. Terry. ‘ 0 egan to fail er ex-| Stratford. t 180) ‘ Rev. J. D. Fergusson attended the ing up. she» oni 5 e ‘i peceheny bed | tea sasha held in Milverton on Mon- ‘As submitted to the Shareholders at the Annual Meeting held at the Head Office of the Bank, at Hamilton, Monday, January 17th, 1910. 3 mone Oral ia gare f s ¥. Irwin is at present at qe BOARD OF DInFC TORS FOR 1910 7 ipbsenie: tenting the ane of her niother at who is ill. : Mother, we will do that to- 5 : Hon. Wm. Gipson, President. J. Turnsu., V: ae and General eto night: ‘so teid the little girl. etbat the r. Henry Kruggle, of Palmerston. By LydiaE Pinkha m’ S Cyrus A. BircE. C. C. DaLTon. CoL. THE Hon. J. S. HENpRIE, C.V.O. jj sestoe xe ayeate day ae vo ap Monkton. one x. . Gro. RUTHERFORD. W. A. Woop. Mrs. Ed. Bettger returned home on t George Richmond Hayes the noted! Monday aft week's visit with Nenetable Compound fej] |San Francisco ethnologist. said at a | fri i atfor’ LIABILITIES ASSETS Bae dinner ; Mr. John Schade He been suffering Gentine Me ine <1 pare pene a se “The yellow. races are nell in bet-|from an attack of la gri but is| great sufferer ym’ organic troub! =H Sm: Buble Gold and Silver Coin +$, 558,986.56 ter esteem than used to be the cas i Sone anda severe female Notes of the Bank in circulation .. stencooes $ 2,468,185,00 Dominion. Government sO Sree ri west. e visi ery| Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Graham w Depew beating int Sasaretts including interest 325,040,800.90 Loe pre Dominion, G0 PEED ee QT boom tow: Oreg BrRheoneah eteine of their ofS ents = « * secur! ee for Note Circulation 125,000.00 ‘ ?. : Deposits not bearing interest. 5,981,688.64 a sot.ce SS nodes ora Banks Mateeae ina 3 ‘id tom. Miss malleen Scott, of ‘Seaforth. spent Balances due to other Banks in Canada and foie Se anks in or cater carry vereclt abslghty| » few days last week ae r friend the United Stat lat 341,464.54 ates + 206,414.28 straight in these parts, stranger. Go| Miss Cattle Puschelber; Dividend No; 82, payeble ist December, ito $ 62,500.00 em fa | | wrong the least mite. and. by crinus. Friday evening of last week ane eo rnrihenin ungaleiee Lak ee 481,60 Gi een 51,053.27 g| [we'll lynch ye as quick as look at ye.” ai . John White gave a party — 62,981.50 575,184.87 “T smiled. a lagers, “gateoao00.67 rnicipal Be “Would you lynch me’ I asked. “it| | Miss L- ‘Taylor. of Hamilten, was cai or Foreign, or Colonial Public Becucitien fy | |t killed a dog? i the guest of Mrs. H. eed of. other than Canadian 4,334,885.00 3 “Woul 1d we.’ he snorted, ‘Why stra: ne 16th of Elma last w malivas, ‘and other Bonds, Debentures and Se Re Te x we've lynched fellers here for ki Messrs. Robt. and Stneal eee montha’ se of them: Bren: . in’ Chinamen !” vicinity Jas ae Loans et ‘Gall, or Short Call, on iegotiabie : MS we ing ul a co Pie NRE ee “3 F. D. No. 14, Box 39, ie $19,588,721.67 ‘A duck hunter who recently return- | Mr. Alex: Ca Gardiner, i To the Shareholders Notes Discounted and Advances Curren 28,787,447.58 9 le clas Sunday las' ae wold ub aes el Gene Loans to other Banks in Canada, ed. 173, 3 Capital Btocke . “8 a pone Notes: Disoonnted. ete, averdue (estimated io #| | there. On one he i M . Cas and Mi until he ae given L aia j Pukhas 838.71 - Bank Dpcinieen! 1,858, 083.96 75,000.00 Office Sates, 181,220.32 lance of profite carried forward . 403,665.32 Real Estate “other than Bank fortgaues, ¢ etc, 181,029. ——_————._ 5,478,665.32 ther Assets not included under foregoing heads ... 67,441.74 389,832,760.99 $39,882,760.99 morning during a terrible} sent vi ter saw the postman |Fluker and is under the doctor's care. | the Gaited 8 : z mony to the cone wrtue age cham’s a PROFIT AND ey AGCOUNT eat : : an age ‘The Balance at Credit of Profit and Loss Account, 30th November, 1908, $301,097.19 i life. i: Wednesday evenii ai ea.rad Ou a 48 v i v id you mak Pea a Gi “ The profits for the year ended 30th 1909, afte er ded ig charges of management 1 tise aakee the but evening of last great suc- yur well a8 and making provision for bad and doubtful debts, are. Oe ee er ne ne 5, Ls 41 the s cess about forty couples being present. wee pete: received on new F ~“Well you ie ) d the Mr, and Mrs. Al nd rant. of es i it ip I 5 Elma. 0} a sited at the invites all sick *vomen, to write $710,569.60 | ni ee ed lo etter v e latter’s uncle Mr. George pert ‘or advice. Her advice is free, FROM WHICH HAVE BEEN DECLARED FOUR eek DIVIDENDS, IN ALL 10 PER CENT. «eee g xpl ig why. Hi ae of Howick. always ipfit Garriel te: Reserves supaem peaesemalyay coy ney ftonk Se. oboy had rathor pull the oe john Saunders at the time of ieee to tormer resinent authorized by Shareholders i A writing Tuesday is 106 veRy Preoa™, 806,004.98 ay The “medical practitioner” as ev ious condition of health and her recov- PRINTSHOP TRAGEDIES ss enjoys being styled was| ery is despaire gine bat ad ery of. . t f the L. ¥ e Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward ...... $403,665.32 a || sereniles: Sok | ee eRe MGI oie naeseh tbsll Gees shot eile bet garane People in the neighborhoo : Se ee eee ideraiiai © mt Holman on Monday evening. SON, Pres! Pres! 7 nine with ‘the means of livli-|Jan 30 p.m. HON. WM. GIBSON, President. J. TURNBULL, Vice-President and General Manager. ga | | gupply, him with aig pessistes In re-| Mr, Wm. Dodds. ot Glenboro, Man. : in a condition of sanitary ant Mrs, “Win, Bal ‘Wroxeter. en iting their ‘ister Mrs. Palses 1 Tn consequence he sat in his drug- ander Grant's last ridden office and pondered o'er the| Mr. an rs. Pred, “onnenberg on facility with which at - possible for a ded. thei doctor to take hid 4 COMMUNICATION NORTH MORNINGTON BRODHAGEN. The topic at partuer in eh the joys and woes of Enis. inundane To Editor of The Sun A cepste emi Genta tie “hesec| tte Gere: Baueltaen, of Sebring-/ sphere recalled him to him ms 680 of ‘The Consolidated of the church on Frid ile. wi b 0 | How soothing are the ‘words of a j i : one is troubled. aving this week for their home m =e 8 an expert Munici Tgee. 10 is a a aunt, Mr. ani di jowing para-|woman has more influence in the | Er newell returned home.|, “Dor rr lenr. ” she|Friday Harbor, Wash. be graph, The council of ev: ship | world than man < Wedding: bells will be ringing on] cooed i innocent way. “M'm Mr. Jas. Graham recently shipped ey pass a By-l for granting a} Mr. W. +, Waddell has returned|Tuesday next. Particulars later. ing to give a childr ty. and|from Hay Bros,’ elevator here a Side ed Fisa<") Veet roadside farm front and far * home atten sveniing’ week with |" A very-a auiet wedding took place at at jenty of oats to Fonthill and receive ed ‘m | friends in Brantto: rd and Hamilton. the home ney Wesenberg. we r two after it tal pl at they were Ene oats that ever house surroundings in each r. Byron Torrance made a busi-| when his clseat daughter Rachel. was . gulpi his emotion. ame into that loc: ity. SPECIALIST chool se the to for | ness trip to Toronto last week. in mai Mr. Chas. Ab- elaane. dher, to his bs came tate te wire tiara ot as i h{ Mr. Herb. Hastings attended the . oldest son of Mr. Fred. ‘Ahrens. her as the best helpmeet ever annex-| Niagara Falls will on March 2ist pro- os Fhe m pet cheese convention in St. mas on ii i i ed nae mankind. vide the refreshments for a Busts OF LISTOWEL we d, Will the il of _ the | Wednesday and Thursday. present. rt to be given in Knox church : ee raw eounlor:, of Roblin, r. William a te ree LOGAN COUNCIL. i i és = idge. Alta.. and Whol well recommended. by thous- Ms i ilg'nt {Koa Bs | at ee : : Be iene ye ands for bis good work in relieving eye-|sohool sections vieing with cach other | Adam Torrance Bickamew's” stare havin =| ana souncilelgated by, gclame:| congregation vi Pen Weaneatay dentally ‘prevented, what iy anetbes ‘sight strain will be at the for who shall have the t best kept farm| Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hastings and son| place of Mr. Simon,Giel who left on ute on Monday. Ja Toth, cakae The annual statement wi aly gam eng ee surroundings ee ne Bilver coemerns its visiting ve % and signed the required declaration of Mtled. A large attendance of memfers is ., sso4| It will pay every' farmer not on at Mr, James Hastini and Mrs. John Benneweis. Mr. | Offi a filed the | requested; ton Tribune ceased publication and ‘Grand Central Hotel, Milverton eping down of noxious weeds| A number from here attended the | and Mrs. i: ere: Vi Sean carte ¢|“Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. of Guelph. will i ie ear attor Cane N ant anniversary services in the Pres! sby- |i r. Geo. suck s' i ‘irmed a he Methodist church 01 | Ja has for some ti: terian chureh, Milverton on Sunday| Mi i 5 i 27 10 ee! evenin; A ae FI mber of. an} farm|\ Prayer meeting was held at _ the ton, spent Samia Gt the home of Mr. | epointment i -|cramme whieh wil ; fi home of Mr. Wm. Riddell on Wednes-)C. C. Rock. ; e camatealon: 25 cents, Children. Ge todo beh o m | day evening. Mr. Geo. Diegel took some of bi Jaci 180. a n x <_ fancy poultry to Mitchell and receiy- e worst kind- | tak: e of them and point to th SOON BE TEN MILLIONS ed quite a number of priz ving had a failure. 1 can show| With pride. cl fi r 0. jock was a business vis- you hundreds of testimonials from Listo. we be the first to move in this m Between 1801 and 1901 Ontario's bop itor ae oe on Monday oe a ‘ w : 's, Henry Voo io and surrounding country. "4 Lover of Beautiful Surroundings fi rs that hav . ware visiting in Brodhagen the guests] 5 Se ES io’s i i ; PB : ‘ Bowe UNITED STATES RAILROADS Se ine alt willow merle oinebsoane schelberg and 3 Davis. received ae hip | Put on ee ane NO CURE-—NO PAY printing. aw No. 473 means! Other parts of Canada have shown| Mr. and Mrs. will be | Pr? Lesleie’s Weel p i ing | “at home” to their many friends on| 05 4 t PERE I invite all weak-eyed, cross-eyed and 1909 the rallwayd = ithe ee e latter period, ding to the re-| Monday.16th. before leaving “for their ies ne a Sia pis finaly, passed, far-sighted people (young and old) to Inrost equal to the | oon S| Pekan ea a bees role es A org 5.00 was made to the hos- | € come and see me. the country’s entire prop all : si kinds at the time of Lincoln's election, f Pe é Its nings year. Miss Olive _| roll lay | BE. KATZ, RELIABLE! otis ii tes imc] ach auss uve ow cued 0 oT | toa doin, of Ge] te i ete |, Wal alert A fe OPTICIAN| 2s & whol i ate. many friends her Mr. George Martin ee Da rs ad the Bmpire. ea of tional Govern-| ‘The present population of ae i ew from here attended the anni- | Plete deine aed Be aE ee | il- | vers it ne-half mi 8a vi el pee Burns chureh | MILL BANIC {Weems as . MeNaught.‘(M.P.P., last M Si < of 1. i visiting conge Seem eee Js |ecdigtely. A “number of accounts| Mr, W. J. Moody returned to ‘Toron- | steve) Bamber : mail earrier between Crosshil were presented and paid amounting to fist week after spending a vers BRITISH TRADE 18 FOR AN cde Meee wee ana tl sum of $73.25 when the council re” isit_ wi re. EMPIRE Ty land her as the Otte vs |route last Eriday on aenoubt ef the aoe Rain on) Miss 5 | Peside the great powers of the world. | snow blockad Monday the 28th day uary.|is visiting at her uncle’s. Mr. D- B.| New York Journal of Commerce. ish Roosevelt ought i 1910 at the usual ee me place. ft Pertsm aa “Forest entertained ithe OB. Clerk. éa Belle and Thora | Few- Mr. Jai re uth, young people of the vieinity last Mon- he Misses, eee oon cae BRONCHITIS CURED |ccy"with's cance, : in embers of the an, - Se etiite arrest SCIATICA th usiyccuier Scant visiting at the HOME J. Nuhn spe - Tightness — heesing een your |For fifteen years Mr. John Pearson, of of Sa peatiner ee iting MoRae near ton the guest of Mrs. w. ti al pf “ lanaggtoun ‘Taflamiation Sentad ie] Melvern Square, sutfered from Bron- sect 1 bi Saag ween Daas tr irvitati annual meeting of the members in Stratford on HE demand for Nursery stock is tnx fg) arawn out tion Must vost| chitis and throat irritation. Doctors} |. he annual mecting of, the mettren (EXPECTED DEATH ANY DAY) br. Jobnson ‘spent Sunday with creasing yearly, and if you ome and chest with ‘Nerviline, and put on a failed to yelleve but Crasnsiead on Wednesday last when the busine: friends in Woodstock. gue of our sa you will reali Porous Plaster. Relief com: cured quick! transactions for the ensuing year were Dr. Austin McFadden and pues ce for you. W' tone. ei in an hour. ‘The count looked ai Another Case Where Life Was Saved and Singhamton are visiting at : leven the ¢1 The remarkable recovery of Mr. Health ventures 4 “Nerviline” MeFadain’s. Pay Weekly, Free Outfit. eeal-anit strain, dr rege sak fhe Bare : : incipal| The mad dog scare shee at prevailed i ik s ep the: pain. ; Phe: penetra ia elvern High Sc! is co! me time. a: gi| We have all read i and heard of the’ day | TONE @ WELLINGTON |ualities of Nerviline salle it to soak |ivincing evidence o! i ing hagonies of Betatloas Lut only those who | with his parents here be a tracted from its min ery core of the trouble. an curative powers possessed by Catarrh-| Another dog supposed ta have rabies ; hav: y this arena mato : vars where he has be pointed true that Great Britain cannot becom: ozone. after running riot around Carlingford aay. can fully sioeante what it must | manager of the branch in that place. | TORONTO, a ae “Por fifteen years.” writes Mr. Pear-| has "3 is nbt know: m to be eured after years ene member the concert in Ritter’s eh Saree b vendeices vo entdic th and | son, “I constantly suffered from Bron- damage fering. all. r i h. U0-| rest of mpire cannot grow strong m ende: Be 0 a eS ie Ne i ‘oat Irritation. Until} farm of Chas. ‘Wi ii is because he feels it his‘solemn}|der th f the y Tan ‘sdaing to ee strength of the i ts all others..try it, qui s able to keep up|chell. Pelgee ne has shown signs of duty, to tell Gs BS ete oe faith 30 itute xcel saa me $5] United Kinga i being infected. je ictor P. e8 - Nurseries veetoa and the aang ve of the Traders Fonthill Nurseries 850 Acres became so annoying that I ti z to resign.” years in oyal Mai "| iment of the village. “Wor months I doctored es differ- smaz i i ther ‘hai Rev. Oaten will continue his series| it benefited meet the nig! in: Dampness. | of sermons on the modern man e i wai pnes xt . Pe 2 Oo ining Reom M. r : at cold and ex ‘ought on See his subject, being. Modern ’ y the Ss. ar 5 imes | man and his bible. : 4 it i ¥ i ey hat jd rs 3 Mr. Mc! uae student of Knox col yuld end in decline. : ntially I was advised to BRS . |make me powerless to work. 0| lege. Toronto. d the pulpit of esttit for $79. GO and I believe it really ° Mp nearly a complete cripple that I had last it d ife. Its immedi [to cive up my. job. I was in despair. i ‘ as at troubl Boss 2 i ety completely cast down becuse the mon-| siot spent on try’ ea get well was was no evening service anniversary services in Burns church |S Inducements ‘ton. : : feenr ‘Ma, J.B. Vaughan. of Dundas. trav- if In our window this week we have a com- “32> i met Ne 1: ee SES ret of D incre Chin a Bee a Backes «$s, sare and sp ss cure for throa' a is relies Peraee sat fae — “he mates _ Owing to new arrivals in a Set of Diners, ina He pat Hat 4 i ult and. ai 4 “ SIX improve my. blood 1. and.) # ies ae : ans se YEARS eae Wie tablet with | Craokshanks. peti Goods, we are of each meal. I continued]: Mr. ‘Hamilton ‘spent ‘ep ‘pails of Lace Ce 5 S i mer of Cat Te Tt soo! vont Those Headaches this treatment four rth and was with en dais Mis woos: ro i: is the inflamed mucous surfac- : re : eveything put in at 8 stops, Bea ears the nose ere ere ve truehtally say that} This will’ mal ju ‘yoy tag. | and thro: drives om ou have may be caused by an 88 yor y y by room—and we tive scores: of. others. = F fe blood of - on poisons. improper fit in glasses. Let us Examine Your Eyes Satisfaction gxsrantad We can tell you in @ moment if There isn't a more hi Sr the year 1910. however, seem to in- tational treatment in re “that is the cause of the trouble, iti e Hires. | dicate oe ane tide has now turned |$ Gieaning, P; ab b oe “C entation 7 Qannbe He an Soe are required, our skill. | What he says can be relied u For strong te favor of ae ds sie ng ressing: an Sic equal = will fit the proper q Ss bein a ‘ol Eaing: ‘igures. tod Re _Catarshozone is endorsed by physi- a site rélaps accept | Year ‘Submitted arte aefeated pairing N Done ers and thousands it gises, and he ges will be | anything, from your i 907 57 oe months’ treatment moderate. H 3 nts per bottle or five or u 83 sis or X Poion CoD, HL, BASTENDORFF oe: Go Kingeton, Ost ee a Milverton, ee If you have ant i item of hews tell us.| For Your next order of ¥ * 61 53 we'll do the resi try The Sun. =} }

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