H.M.SCHAEFER ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL WILLIAM K. LOTH Issuer OF ‘MARRIAGE LICENSES: STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO MILVERTON, - ONTARIO “at Shines Tot RL” ~ Vol. XVIII—No. 31 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, January 27, 1910 = Dotted Swiss Muslin for Curtains. be. per yard. a ines Ona LOCAL NEWS lot of butchers? cattle to ‘Toronto se onday. Engeland & Son have taken into} tock their Spring Wall Paper. Call | ns and inspect. | Miss Carrie Bitter of Berlin, is spending a few th her frlends | the Misses Har ey Boy’s Double fetes and Double Seat Trousers all sizes, extra special 49e. Engeland & Son, of Waterloo. JPeROcREssiye: yet conservative management has produced a safe depository for the Savings of the Farmer, Merchant and Laborerin Engeland & Son, the Orange Kings. THE METROPOLITAN B N Reserve out Undivided (i Str Pred. Gueithes of Toronto. A K rofits : fae tere. You will Nee af seroma: the table if $1,000,000.00. ==——————_—-$1, 307,809.25. COAL » A Personal Cash Reserve NOW is the foundation of a life of i LATER. J.G.HAMILTON Agent for D.L. & W. STANDARD ANTHRACITE FURNACE AND YNUT Capital Paid up: Total assets of ov-~ thirty million dollars are entr:_sted to the custody > of the Bank of Hamilton. Your Savings Account Solicited. R. J. RANNEY, Agent Milverton Branch you buy Guenther’s b: Curtain: aee Sadi long. eee and e al en uenther’s bread. “it atret- ST. MARYS LIME COARSE SALT $1.00 win start a Savings Bank Account. Interest allowed from date of deposit. No delay in withdrawal. Mr, Austin’ Hasenpflug. in Sacks Soens, is. at present visiting Branches at ; LINWOOD, ELMIRA, GUELPH riends in the villag SPT aR ne Beata, ARE arcane ic Grosch and Mrs. Deis Milverton Branch : C. G. WALKER, Manager - spending a month wi ith friends around Ottawa Mr. Henry Schwindt last week dis- posed of his house on Maple street to of Parry with w. ate airs es A President Chiries M, Hays, of the rand ‘Trunk Railway says that five poogres million aollaee weil a spent y construction in Canada this Sheds at C.P.R. STATION mentee of Waterloo. spent a tay He tv, “ae week with dairyne n, had ne of his most eae horses. Ne Sun day. favorite ber of the Milver- J. Heugli< pastor of ae rat eas: Lutheran church of Logan in a sermon published in the nftchall Advocate denounces in vigor- ance. time of quite a num Kerr. of Burns. hi ter visiting her eon QUALITY ECONOMY o The Farmers Bank of Canada at present visiting. 48 the sealed of is estimated orn $12,000 is Head Office : TORONTO Deposits of $1.00 and upwa rd re- ‘eS pward re Saving S Department ® Siebert ed coer BaP nate current rates. Joint coasente mee be op ate ve to either or the survivor of either party. pec Meare re TEES iscounted and advances mad Oaten will speak on “The Modern Man | "=m 3 milk Farmers Sale Notes ue and cattlemen at ee | and his God.” ene inne Ta M oa biter On Montay the ae aueaie! log : issue parable at par.at any office in Can- mel was, BIL oney Orders rey oe aveored bak (Yukon excepted) and at the principal Sonica mane in the United Sta They fc ae excellent method of remitting small sums of money ith safety ead at sma. ost. friend in town during the past. week. | A number from the village spent « pleasant evening at Hiehomes John Ritter. of Elma. inis| ead at regular price less ye sent. igh ane Pet 1 worth of goods A r V. Cressy. Atwood, Mi ened, the one mGervice in the, Me feet sue on | Sixt Mr. owned. by Reeve oRthat incoming freight « oa the \and instantly. killed. \""Several from here will attend an | do Assembly to be given by the Bache- | ladi elors and Haan of Brussels on ‘enin, jot Vents regular 25e, per Gar- Kee 19e, per gal a BISbop Farthing, in a nares: suggested that to and Millbank Branch: J. R. ERNST, Manager ee ‘a hat and declared this was reel. no matter whether the person is rich Dr. Carman, general s' 1 of rd. a quantity ae Se. per yal MILEBANK. ee Pratt spent Wednesday in Lis~ Aires this Tieanesday) evenin : a ; mg sDuckiraed Som Ca Ae towel. quit h i aa w is the time todo your " Ernst spent Sunday at his spring sewing with a wide range to| R. home in St. Jacobs. Buge. wot Pa Parkhill. spent D.D. a meeting of the Sea ae fliowing let Chapter of the District of age Fi 202| ington in the Orange ‘ial, Mintbank e even! Giga ‘a carload of crag “on Monday. of senor aes it. a lay evening last in| Alex. Abraham installed the officers of Silver Star 10.0. JI: N.G.. W. H en aan V.G.. ing of isth y fe Ww. : eee have been printed announe ban.|¢ing the dates of the supplementary uet was given 4 grand lodge officers mectings of North Perth Farmers’ In is supposed: that the d a piece and = isiting brethren at the Queens hot ich "The ‘the eC veininias all parts of the county was T. Langford. of Regina. on|® of bis pone fo . Th wood, was pent the ee in oes illage ~ s the fir: WE ARE BUSY r. R. Hamilton occupied th Ie Be Traders ‘Bank at Vars. Ontario writes! alteat the. “Methods enue oa Bode as follows; “J am ene closing. see one|day a fter ‘atlas for The Sun as I ca) Miss Hilde, "Mueller returned to her y, after spending a waters ‘We would ask all parties that ow ug ‘money ou accounts to kindly call | wo at once and make some settlement. In} | M order to eT on a successful punisees the “By nee: we must h ave the money tha t= pauaay. inoraing at 1 standing. Kindly take notice and ob Feb, 1st, he. sa connection with the ate Ray. a Toronto. will preach’ i enuzel 1 Rostock. On Tues-| Paper. ‘will Eolas right. lec nee to aviorestate a local pi Le i rs is a village # anele Mr. 600 or 0 population situated about 1’ Ottawa and 100miles ‘s hi Traders t Sunday with his of Berlin, were visitors ce im ‘Mac- | C ted chairman and M. 5 ‘The la! the vila ethis wee! was t Jas regular meetings of the Boa ee ¥ ‘A sad fatality apeieted an Thurs- | an’ i Ellice, near Stratford. | Canad Roy Shore 21| year years of age. and son of Mr. and Mrs. | a: sar’ Win Shore. of the 2nd concession was purse : accidentally shot, and killed w! <i shooting sparrows in arn. does doubtedly run out by that ment. 0 you know you can nye oo ; portunity of hearing one of the best | adian under the sun on Feb. ath in | Several y ‘ook’s Hall, in aid of Christ ilverton. The talent pill consis: oot tl ip Maurice Poure. German Violinist e. r ree tte. Humor St.| hockey team eal | Good winter 5} iuatallation of of annual statement of the Mill-|the 10.0. pastor immi- eived in cash after sehen os a eee reat gration a Be hauling and manufacturing ee paid n “Canadian G J e dis- long as they last. best ever publis! e me before our ee ee un ieee aa Bear the Epworth ed by far the expectati thodist church held milk routes ee 1910 will Ja in the Ci 2 ot tas ot the T tov of his head was almost complete- Ty swiaa off. he Sinai Sask Canada ue already aj received by: th The Sun has still a few more pic- nation received a ru in Antwerp ae cents per pound. jus. aes Come, want a treat. You will ang: and enjoy yourself. bh | Bridal Winecup.” the by the home league to which‘ all did D. Weir's office on Frid: ees ‘oliowing membe The receipts for Henr: au and George. of Ellice | ti ice. Mrs. | all ‘Daritoon: raska. robles traits of|the Benediction. ae leaguers returned ual meeting of the Morn-|homes wishing each other God 5 held| Mr. RYE mission work a) panache phere on 3ist, Mr. Ray | j able ee mat e ne oak timber 58 feet I *Mel.ennan ex Company's yiauetye at s Avatitors red men Hoated it | Gerubacler: M. \ rOs- wee decided to “hold the fair on pective buyer the: . but Les Tha nee and Friday in Septem- man to alin hey roltered The ee At a eine poses suspicious instant he si 1 Board a . Zi pointed Seorotary and W. K. Loth.; is. | Preasure 0: wm, Gillespie. o. D. Mal joaby. V.G.—Bro. Wm. McAuley. aa . 8B, T. Sharpe. : R, Tanner. eae Was ‘was tra’ e Of hen rate mane was teretlest at se bridge spas Sue ver. Sev- | $200. ged into ‘the stream BIRTHS Mie Ellice. on ee St. to. Mr. nd a fntetion of a (Bre Wim. Neilso ie Abr Tohalt ft Distret sty he meeting. -D.G.M. oO res re herp On- red. “The § foene tatie each pene white pine tree a Sch ae veast 100, ing very seriously in. ee followed the Mjecident uality is said te