H.M.SCHAEFER 198UER oF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, a ONTARIO Che a “St Shines For All.” Su. WILLIAM K. LOTH ISSUER OF - MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Vol. XVIII—No. 33 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, February 17, 1910 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher ov: thirty million Account Solicited. Bank of Canale: ) | Mr. N.H. Honderieh was a + business | Ti ROGRESSIVE, yet ervative management has produced a safe : ae visitor in Berlin 1 G , yet consi f 2 > he Czarina is s Hebe J.G.HAMILTON depository for the Savings of the Farmer, Merchant and Laborer in G3 LOGAL NEWS £ J acath bed and. ow able to = : ony members of her family. ish inf Z Agent for T TROPO T ordered salt that. the car a icin: HE M E R Li AN | Mr. Cha’. Ellis. of Stratfor | will _bé here on Monday at the ©. P. Rf = a & WV SCRANED la aoa Jn the village on Friday 1 [Soman Peary of Arto oxpn a 1 es A ead W. D. We: al —it er fear: x. B STANDARD ANTHRACITE Capital Paid up: BANK N K Beenie ene Lusisided be Oiecaae ee ee ation fame has been promoted to Es 5. uk of ‘Loe Admiral in the heer | 2 A weeks, FURNACE $1,000,000.00. $1,307, 309.25, fF Miss Susie Wesase oF iten [eu mar Total assets of E STOVE spent last week ‘with her cousin Mil Seige ae ne aa teamed & A Personal Cash Reserve NOW is the foundation of a life of | | Eva Torrance. ‘ piles Ronxention. gf Carontp inet werk] dollars are entr-sted to the custody a AND NUT peas Mr. Fred. Perry. of Parkhill. abe cultural Soci of the Morning’ on| f the B ¥ '. ia ed br s' g al § } =) a ele sie Eee The Sum in the steac wine Dance 5 stewart, of trattrd | of the Bank of Hamilton. ' 2 mibior ace ~, _ ST. MARYS LIME $7.22 win start a Savings Bank Account. zInterest allowed Si Cee eamcnain seaee see tenet Sntereste of his| Your Sayings from date of deposit. No delay in withdrawal. few “tags during jthe past week, Lay BE COARSE SALT in Sacks Messrs. H. W. Hamilton, of Monk-| d Mrs. J “ 7 A 4 Hand. numb ee peo- Branches at : LINWOOD, ELMIRA, GUELPH Soe Brenett Soph ae [ot teens atone | R. J. RANNEY ‘ont f Mr wand Mrs, Peter Ber Phil | ast Week a aes. A > Agen Sheds at C.P.R. STATION Milverton Branch : Cc. G. WALKER, Manager ; se. ee eo tthe Labor| : 2 eaten ‘eat the Milverton Branch | a ora I ——— | spending a month with friends i in ox -| Period of a ‘ Fe ae 2 #| ta sane a Regina on Fr: slabs ES ec ‘ond . + | last. ee aed on £/ A’ Walton horse buyer ne e shipped from | TRAN . i from Milverton on Tuesday s that port Is or Beranee : +] ses intended for the Vancouver. B.C gote a : aa! «| marke y 5 : QUALITY ECONOMY ; | ‘The question has been asked 2 ; e police officer ta : ¢ op} Th F Fae it a a ad dog supeqes 1 on the stree nary | e armers ‘$ A ting of the: cream patrons of} ie be »| the Buttyerton ©) e and Butter Fac-} Miller. of the 2 ge Ba them. * One Fur Lined Best Beaver, rat lining, regular $60, for........ One Dyed Wombat, regular $35, for ...ccc.. sesseereterseeevecee haele,.-, “Gash and One Price’’ y lasi servi COREE OR 5 arch | r when Elder “Rev. 8. Rl ality i iciated. boa ee i , Sol wr: gen Beraahe bes netatica oli y | fifteen horse power portable ess line | for eae nm | sare which will be utilized for; bone. m 7 y t isthe ay M Sh: Bi Smith + j past thre Berl ie Si tes THE LAST CALL We. will not carry over one single piece of Furs if price will move Note the Cut in Prices: Gents’ Fur and Fur Lined Coats: 42.50 wee 25.00 party to the young ioc for the year 1908 Hall o1 notable siete: suit Fost a be. sc aaale £| facie her parents Mr. i C. Hasenpflug. “present: spending | Atromewvood visiting Mrs. nts comt justification on uu know ch sain bre; ni che cuftins corn and threshing. f the Sun Sifice we predict a ee future. Mr. Joseph Gerber. sr.. resident of Mornington. ed arta Se 1. he s i @. troab- ted tha’ y.make it a pointe to con-| 4 t the Public Drug Store on Monday February 28th. i worth League is to the Millbank Epworth Lea- goods on the ent ates - . J. M. Bleisehh: et wlie pollorine bus of M ohn pt a ae ition. We ar to stay in take pos: see ion. mediately Batvines in ee Methodist church 3 _ One Ladies’ Fur Lined Coat 3 Western Sable Collar, rat lining, good shell, regular $45 for. ...... 0.00.68 32.50 Rat Lining, best shell, regular $65, for. ....cceeccccee One Ladies’ Sable Collar Regular $25, for. One Ladies’ Astrachan Coat boddeddad i 45.00 3: ‘ ore rz Re tee i ms ial. 12.00 . the Deering agent. prented to sharpen all horse clippers| i er's in the better pall around and ee aeee oy are too late. n speaking of the ties fed babies in Walk where Women’s Institut number |. Frat ite on Thursday f tl a to hear of “Doc’s” sontinuca” su thet thembers of the tae vottan tier Wa are to the he pe ree aret tage feweerel Regular $60, for Ladies’ Astrachan Sable Collar Pc. Fur Setts, Stoles, Ties, Muffs, Etc. At prit’s never offered in Milverton before. ate ## Some at Less Than Half Price See ‘Tt will be a long time before you will be able to secure Furs at such low prices. Now is the time to invest in them, even if you do not need them until néxt fall. 55.00 esdooh hbo urd We Expect Kanthes Lot of Spring Goods to | Arrive Next Week. Come i in and see Them. -: Sunday evening céasion to re-| a’ matk on at ‘folly #7 Milverton mak- apernees circumstances. anfortunate Jady is a mu’ Bs tin the aggregate they SN considerable sum, Kindl settle|j without potting us us oy further oat ing ed sa’ heap of stra We need ¢ y and must have years of age tee an oF Mr. Thos. a returned home last is said to have William WWithets: a ea on Mo) day afternoon’ in He states that} ii ee. ab ay spettles a s at the break- im-j ey o ese vith \d. viewed con-} too) dit tions in ee light after ‘his dow sill wher ie ‘appeared petore Potice Meapistzate ver on himself ees, a bull pleaded “not hich hi brain from whic! e The [ti dled with bullets. e ‘anit Tuesday | Cook’s on Saturday 19th venin, pe aes — |2-o’clock p.m. Do not fail to attend “Nied Gini Baa nadiog: ot Toronto. |. Phe omplain ub] is. comparative ot! r ae bs the graduates for-him{| § formerly a| = having own- R. G ment will in eee admit ‘Ganactian ntered prior fe ie faraataa of the is of- f of bot ill Be pon ahi a Hi the calf ite and had raincoat and noth- in | lool ict EeoEE ee ae of privation she uld ice. entertaining. and instruct Danioing helind the protecting win- ing: t | cently. Sud Sulady too eee building was fairly ni Boo : Bite ee and will the ds. Unionist oa 41, ie | Head Office : at igi current rates. Joint payable to either or the survivor her | | Money Orders and at the principal banking poin an ey rast thod of remitting at small c Savings Department Deposits of $1.00 and upward re: dis Farmers’ Sale Notes farmers and cattlemen at lowest nt rate, issued ada of “Millbank Branch: J. R. ERNST, Manager mt TORONTO d and interest paii or added benign may be opened, the money of either par 09 ed and advances made to curr payable at par at any office in Can- ints i small sums of money with catety aud a ge aa Winnipeg dire et the lation of Winnipeg and sub: urbe. eet ret St. Boniface. as 172.- 65. pees ae Hamilton on Sun last coal to a child dress aaa wn wha ran his been reinstated by the government. Your e: and comfort derived spon proper fit- eae Taube t the Pablle som "Store on ‘Noiday February e Bri itish “elections are now com: ae Orkney having returned a Lib- eral. The full Set iy gee is 275. ihe peaker), terial fandoulty of Gordon Burgess, aged peclve and a number of f ates boys of good in Well ippiag Rot, to the blizzai Ch acer arin ne . Balfour. que me the Union in the ees Hou: sd t] of ws bia is is considered the ni tician as in the aE ee ie cou sts a Is-will be y that tage lanchard shipped aa a Hon. Dr, Reaume in care fi neat spec tens seen in Toronte, We o fo the which we live to ‘do everything Bot fail to be both tive. : City Couneil ae imposed a mm | $50 tax em all vendors of c’ eres day without mt is doubtful if it will Tov the 4 on Blower Pot Island last fall and had his license cancelled has | who eyes will appreciate the ease & Sous ar intact there i ist He minis-/dog w 5 ce community in | Winnipeg's postmaster has received definite instructions to close the Win: nipe; oe post offices on ‘Sundays in fa ur aS Windsor man was sentenced to two months oe the Sandwich gaol for refusing to ii where we believe heroio treatment of it his kind would have a beneficial ef- is hope in sight for the man ‘kes’ two the supply is increasing rar and a/drop is looked for in the r fut Toronto ‘or analysis and proneunsed to he af- fected with enue certain other is not likely a hat Berlin will be ‘oad a city leadlock he will assist in the passing town’ 000) {ation ot. wveterivaries who waited fon. I. meas at the Parliament Bultainge ‘the other day. Dr. J. G. nary director-gen- claimed t ae Agricultural Bociety 4s ae ‘or provini oyincial Dubsre: to pate Soe license laws, an of ee exhibitions of ‘pagan dances ant ay anes ist the Postmasters” Association of the county m. There wi among them Kinoar= ie. Winghi 1c, aiantitien: is was stated eau d. thé | pos: th of & Hood nimals tae hesitn ot ims and fo injure the ti meat. Tit =o a fie 16c. a Ib. Te- SE their, icfters “ a ee or in care of the head o: hold. so That prover ra livery could be