Another Modern Miracle Paralysis Permanently Cured the Sufferer Paralysed From Waist to Feet—Enoased in Plaster of Paris for Nine Months—Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Cure After Four Doctors Had Failed—The Cure Vouch:d for by a Well Known Clergyman, Paralysis, no matter how slight, is a tereible affliction, but to be paralyzed from waist to the feet, a-helpless cripple, totally de- pendent. upon what others do for Donald, of Rice Point, P. L. over a year he was a helpl atic te Wis uaralyred: fcom tis waist his feet and for nine months lay in bed encased in plaster of Paris cast. Four of Ate best doctors in Prince Edward Is- land were unable to help him and he seemed doomed for a life of mis- soe fie Hisal wh Watters’ Pink Pills had Mone for ther sufferers from paralysis. He Poured a supply of the Pills and began taking them. Gradually they broke the chains of disease that beund him, and filled his whole cas ia ue new peep es and vigor. Mr. mnald si a far- mer aa in seit an pe a great deal of hard work to di e little a je oe the injury and ecntinued my time weat on, rial ihe pain became more severe found myself unable ts aes Gavin. no matter how light. It was not long before Thad to stop work altogether and consult a doctor. e treated me but his treatment did not help me, and I y grew worse. I had % to take to my bed, and in the hope is that my spine receive strength I wa: plaster | & eng! 8 encased in a Ss of Paris crete This did not help me, and I could feel the paralysis slewly creeping over me till I was totally paralyzed from my waist T lost all control over © treatment also was a fail- \ ure, and for eleven months I lay in — hed unable to move. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills were then advised, and was shown testimonials of others ught a supply and in less than threo months they I M D: and Lean of : t yi many was attended by three or more doc- ors and put in plaster Paris, and everything ima be of bonefit was done for out success. ec you are you, give Dr. a the dealers or by mail a‘ or six made a remarkable change in me. beds was able to get out o! Soon I c once more sand can do mj Dr. Williams’ fo: corroboration of cDonald says, the Rev. Mr. ldmoa: during’ hia‘ of his bod, ent I. can voucl ere Tf you are a) Sad the now taking Williams’ a fair trial. treatment had These Pills actu: ch, fed blood, to every part of hy: Dr... Willia etd by ee boxes for $2.5 r. Williams’ Medicine ville, Ont. ied sateen: McDonald nd y hands ould wall | nine months after I had begun the use of the Pills I was totally cured, able to do light work. Now I am as strong as ever T wa the farm without the ‘least trouble. { think are without an equal, my own case, I know of two other cages of paralysis cured by them. Two young girls who had been crip- ples en and whom I advised to try the Pills. about Pills r etre wh. ‘ Mac PELL He Iness. inable which might ith- ata ip tena ie aint dows and I think he was nearly a year under treatm to use Dr. e begai befor gan _ Williams’ a Pills. I h for the Pink Pills ef- treatment does not help | 4 Pink Pills They lave cured thow- sands after doctors and o dical failed. new. Ti starved nerves and bring health and streng' % fepeianly ally make feed the the body. ms’ Pink NOE EVEN ONE TOOT. A deat but’ pious English lady, visiting a smali country town in Scotland, wen! church armed with an ear-trumpet. The elders had never'seen one, and viewed it / with suspicion acd uneasiness. Af- ter, a short consultation, ene of Bey them went. to the lady, just before the opening o! “ Rais and, wagg'ng his finger at her warning- ly, wh'spozed, ‘One toot and ye’re oot "" asa, FEFFEFHFt+ teeth te tree HAPPY pee FOR BABY The healthy « child is*always. a happy child. All its little fesublen x rny when its food digests prop fr fan childish sient, 4 + Sg =. +> + + + B tor ailments Bowel: Nero uDIee. these rom z; iu or { colds, feverishness, teething + and worms. Baby’s Own Tab- lets promptly cure Alera troubles and keep fete ones Mrs, W. Ma ¢ dHavensdlifle, i ‘ $ have used Baby's Own Tab- x t lets in my home for the past mo Ro t ae Leoubles of Sluldhood, ” and since using joyed the best of health. I can pspommmend sat We eye mee : y medicine dealers or ares mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Me- Z dicine Co., eee Ont. pai chee’ “tena eae TURALLY. ins your hembsad, go ih for Her. she. ansivers, Ast? “He gots out for 3 Pie distress ane smneees in * children is caw her caren Wee Tstermitiator & Ri relief by ‘removing the cause, Give it a trial and be convinced, How tnshy a tender love letter sounds when read: in court. SL img ane, Bld tt hoy. are ideas ‘nataaily baa lusudratioan and sclatioa, ied tha Menthol ol Plaster, which wadachs, nearalgin, - fe 5 | of vi ous increase of witch human sacrifices. ay ti her. K. W tised among the unci ot Benj In WITCHCRAFT EN INDIA. Belief So Strong That Human Sac- vifice is Still Practised. The belief ie st rooted in eoatarbutiat: fare’ In another case sehoral is still dia, and suspected a the black art are not uncommon- ly done to death, says the Allaha- bad Pioneer. c eae eae held that he was a two wo- DetieierBs doncued. cic Guat Sinn suspicion that they hind caused the ath of thres ere by cholera. alse ome Khonds peat gal. Agi F irl apainie aivieie candy oy was enticed into t) Hed as a sacrifi lance would result ki * In a case of slander sacrificed te jungle ere can doubt that any relaxation in a seri ling and not long ul gone into the ‘0 Mis: “1 Wi iihenc bk on behalf of the plain- 8 examining . whose counse “Now, madam,” Mr. Wigg, C., began,‘ please repeat. the “Oh, slanderous statements made by the defendant on se occasion just as you heard them fit for_any reapestable d they are person to “Then hear,” peptic Lis: said the iner, tecinalye “sue Bose you fut mhisper thenr to the Tudg Baby Smiles— When He Takes ISO" Syne ae Tt rar @ raat There eek ates it for Bete alt uestine cf ie throat and A Siaadard Remedy for (i Boe, » WARD TO Pi PLEASE. IT hate the keen and nipping ai hate the wild wind’s. rush; Thats the gaunt and bate; And, oh 1 hate the slush! ie ‘and still every one were at last tri oe atone just a hun- dred yards aw: ee no one hit it. “Attention er sergeant. “nie hse: DISCOVERED. “T went to the weddi that imported Paris gown her folks ee the sronosken the bride was go- Who” ave ar “Nobody had to. A party of recruits were-taken to] They were next two hundred yar ered 's your only chance missed. DEADLY POISON IN COMET SPECTRUM REVEALS FRES- ENCE OF CYANOGEN. What Will the Result Be?—Opinion of Distinguished French Scientist. Although the astronomers at. the Harvard ies ervatory have not yet tographic spectrum of Halley’s ge which is rapidly approaching the earth, a telegram eceived there on Monday ‘from the Yerke’s observatory states at a spectrum of the comet obtained by the director and his assistant show very prominent cyanogen bands. DEADLIEST POISON. Cyanogen is, Renienr the dead- liest poison kno: ‘ain of its potassium is Pec hed to the tongue being sufficient to cause pe stant’ death. In the uncombin state it is bluish gas very uae in its chemical behavior to ie ae and extremely poisonous. characterized by an odor similar e that of almonds. WILL IT SNUFF OUT LIFE? The fact that cyanogen is pre- sent in the comet has been com- municated to Camille Flammarion, the siatpamuned French scientist, and mi fle sank should it pass through the comet’s: Professor Flammar- ior. is of the opinion that the cyano- gen gas would impregnate the at- mosphere and possibly snuff out all life on the planet. SHOWERS oF METEORS. Only once as known, tee the earth passed directly thr tho tail of a comet, oun at that fae no unusual phen: noticed abundant showers of meteors. Most astronomers d H Hammarion, dnasmuch of a comet is almost qnegnaeivatly rerified, and believe a it peu be repelled by the. ma: the} w earth as it is by the light a the sun, MAKING A START. Jackson and Hughes were old = cea medicine nts a box The former, by shrewd- and industry, earned a good Suan: but Hughes was not so for- tunate. One ‘day he seed his successful fiend tl of his prosperity. Well % Soplied Jackson, “UI tell it to you for five dollars. Be saving, of course, and when you do make a bargain with anyone be sure that no‘one hears you, an if you get the worst of it or want to back out ale can. «Now hand me the five doll Hughes ‘thought a then sai “Did anyone hear us make this bargain?’ 2 4 second; and Bene tar ves ceversl cates | (Not. asa,” replied Jackson. of the kind camo before the courts.| “Well, then,’? was the prompt {in the Sonthal Parganahs a woman| answer, “I think I'll begin on was murdered by her mother and] yy.” brother, who believed her to be a Sse witch. Tn Palamaw a man was killed, as WESTERN LANDS. Why not buy a Western Canada Farm that will pay for itself in 4 or 5 years. Choicest new lan andy farms. age Avenue, Winni hed The under dog’ gets lots of sym- pathy—and that’s about al PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DA’ si OFNTACET fy encantood to, cure any loading vc Protendiag vor se. y refunded. After a mari has paid out $6 for mgusic lessons he thinks his daugh- ter is competent to play for com- pany Holloway’s Corn Cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts, root and branch, Who, then would en- dure them with such a cheap and efiectual remedy within reach? The world is full- of tainted money, but few rind the odor. “in Uitte Gata, You 5 anon ill anode grok dangor if tbo allowod to Foach down the throat tp ithe Tugs.” Nip the peril in tho nud with Ailen's Lune Balser, w sure remedy contatad io opiates. ‘Now, Robby, if you-don’t want to-go to Bessie Hunk’s party you must write a note and tell her so; Be thing in this book of etiquette,”” rs. Carhart to her little so Rebby struggled with “the een cr an ated for lias spotter! s aces. Nhe follow: thful bi nec yenn oa a 0 athart Gell pen smith plersies Miss, Be Hunk’s kind invitation for the ate and thanks her extremely for hav- ing BES him the opportunity, of dving with as HE FOUND THEM THE BEST OF ALL WHAT RUFUS HARRIS SAYS @F D'S KIDNEY PILLS. After Trying Five Doctors for His Kidney Disease He Found Relief in the pee Canadian Kidney Remedy. Hurdville, Ont., —‘‘After trying’ five doctors for Kidney Trouble, from which T had suffered for three years, I find that Dodd’s Kidney Pills relieve me best of all. a keep on feeling as I have as gan taking Dodd’s Kidney Pits vad bagel pleased and Tam hoping they will cure So Rufus Harris, well bores in Re lla: “Thad stiff- ness in the joints,’ ho continues, Seramipa in the muscles; buckacke and was heavy and sleepy after s depressed and low ired freely, was often y thirsty, but since taking Dodd’s Kidney Pills I am feeling very good.’ you have any of the symptoms, Mr. Harris telly a it is time for you to ieee hey are the symp- d may boithe forerunners of Hiseasten Dropsy, warning and guard as ring or even ee se self by puting the Kidne der with Dodd’s Kidney Pills. SES BerTS, eae gEeS RUSSIAN nes IN ENGLAND. t a time when the needs ef the British Postofiice in. the way £ poles to support the overhead telegraphs of the United Kingdom But to-day Norway’ 8 tal Hest spines are ers to meet come not only from the meats ais feed the Baltic ports, but from those in the ae Sea hinterland. POISONED BY | ‘STOCKING DYE A case at Kingston shows vividly the danger of neglecting to apply fam-Buk to a cut or a sore. Ti living Aries, while attendir household duties, struck her Fe against a Sharp projection on the furniture., She t no notice of the injury, deeming it triyialy In a ae it not properties of Zam-Buk and ceptional healing. virtues, wound might have had a very seri- ous result,’”” says Mrs, Harrison. ~—— Another thing the automobile lacks is Horie: s sense, MULTIPLICATION, A controversy is a thin, i You start a whole lot more. A Remedy for Bilious Headsche— To those subject to bilious head- melee’s Ae ice oe ded 3 e S are speedy relief. Taken Snoring A irections they will subdue irregu- larities of the stomach and so act cease. ut sometime subject to biliousness a with its attendant evils, e need suffer with these pills at hand. eens thee say that ev- évetittig Sinithi caress eoeacen Nis wife’s back Jones (glancing a Mrs. Smith, is ony deellete) "Wel ace he do: not earn much Feb. 14. (Special) |” °|—Exercise in the Dr. Morse’s indian Root. Pills and juet- the right ‘Biedicine for the chaldrs re. cousti- Pills in the Indian Root ‘They Keep the Children Well ing to see SSSR The cut and ft of the gown itself gave her away the first men fired at a target five hondred yards away, and not one tried dt ds. Ae They the drill ee ENGLISH. n we misuse words to oe Se, saying the contrary t what we mean is pointed out in the temas aneedote. college professor who prided fiimself die Macnee English heard his wife remark :— “T intend to oat Jane to bring a fresh bucket of water. “You do ee mean a bucket o! d the sur attention tp you peter your istake: r A few moments as the Pro- fessor said :— “My dear, that picture would show to better advantage i OK. doubtless mean it above the ace: If I wer tan it over the clock we could not tell the time. I wish you would be more careful with your rhetoric, my dear; your mistakes are curi- d the Professor all at once be- came ee much bee in the book he was read) ee A sentry while on duty was bit? ten by a valuable retriever, ani drove his bayonet into the dog. Its ua sued him in the county court its value, and t] shswed that ta been badly bitten after ak did you not knock the dog with the butt end of your rifle?’ asked the tail? * WORTH KNOWI G. Simple Remedy That Any One Can Prepare Home. Most people are more or less sub- ject to coughs and colds, A simple romedy that will break up a cold quickly and cure any congh that is curable is made good drug store and them in a large bottle. the 1 aur is highly ecommended by the Leach Ch Cincinnati, who prepare Pie genuine Virgin Oil of a neteath no dadpive tic dsyeneiees Don’t boast of your lineage. It’s a dozen to a quart that if your trace it back a few generations you will find some one who ead a horse without the owner’s conse To Men Who Live Inactiy open air i best tonic for the stomach and tem generally ; but there are those who are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy action of the digestive organs and sickness follows. melee’s Vegetable Pills. ropulsestha stomacl and liver cad restore healthy acti to have packet of ie pills Ape {on ‘The optimict cheers, but the pes- simish saves his breath for the pur- pose of letting out a calamity howl e later Free to Our Readers. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Shicage. for 4&pago illustrated” Bye Book Weite all about Your. Bye) Trouble “aad nd il in Babys eyes foc. tcaly Bro Fe - Eyelids and Gragulstioa, lots of people seem to go gee for the purpose of ven flaws in the sermon. “BROMO QUININE” That fs TAXATIVE BROMO, QUININE: Lenk for thselguatucn ot tee ite GROVE.” Veed tho world over ty Cure a Cold In prude is sometimes a who noses ae for soubihine & to get shocked a @.oetd rive. don to take tonspoon- roizad witha glass Of het water talett Pah te acele prorenty ae Hier But 1 300, one “ Painkiller ”—Perry Daughter—‘‘This piano is really my very own, isn’t it, papa?’ Fa- by es, my dear.” “‘And whea rry.L can take it with me, can 1? “Certainly, my child. But den't tell anyone; it might spoil your chances. cheapest medicine now offer: the public. The dose required in any -ailment. is small anda . bottle contains many doses. If ere a enefit it confers it could nat be purchased for many times the price asked for it, bub in- eveased consumption has simplified and cheapened its manufacture. it, my child?” 5 tha uae ay “Pa.” “Whats “Whe fae marties iT won't always do. it, but Vil pros mise not to call any more, anyhow fortifies them against winter ills—builds sturdy, robust youngsters. Simply heat biscuit in oven, pour hot milk over it and salt to taste. Best for every meal. Sold by all grocers, 13c. a carton, two for 2c. Boys and girls thrive on it. Shredded Wheat Rasy | Remedy _~ his very remarkable preparation! 18 Now: Brood 1 “08, Colts, Stallions” ister) mon; \ ANAT EAN “a ar vaelv 6oagl reclp: for family and stock medicines, 1RIM. 7 Distributors Record of Annual Sales, 1,058 Bottles Sold Vy amaatn “ ribut All Wholesale Druggists Spohn Medical Co. i CHEMISTS AND BACTERIOLOGISTS GOSHEN, INDIANA, U. S. A. x ne INVIGORATING TONIC FOR RUN-DOWN PEOPLE < PSYCH ctrand, erect wil make you sreas- WANTED. whole home, w ork, ny. full part ‘airing Co., Modiroal has bocome thin and weak. 1D —Laies for pain and light sewing ont pa Ghaeces pail. Sond National Manufacy FARM FOR PENT. and | is the greatest tonic a vi system coat known. | would ady Rone pla aa Westeru Real Kstate Bxchanze, who are run-down or pracy weak to rt ees ff all blada and teas (or aula: Regt tom hgh ag all_gnod. te AE a, Ne. snug, foncin hay, April. ‘Sask, water, Fail &S1 EDUCATIONAL, — T.,A. SLOCUM (PADN Tie BARBER "ai constant ‘TORONTO siguioen’ dollars Weebly real Jogue. Molen. Barber East, ‘Toronto, peace gil College, pa ‘ques ‘Crows Hi On sale nt the Hobt, Simm . Poronto. her ‘punkin face! ‘How Charge! “Tf we believed in Tae all-this nice, corn would be wasted. 2 Life. j lenal orug & Chat Send f Marlatt’s Hair Promoter dB on Co, Toronto, Cnnads, oF the Mpsto “Retr Promating | E FOR THE DEAP—1N ne™ Othe of tho marvels, of o throughout Ut the world. Wrice sto Cai 00°C and ali kinda waging, LACE CURTAINS FAs Pe, ite tous aborub youre. USTICOR— s scorical nee, for oat coaibing CHENILLE CURTAINS Bkganen . new. BRITISH AMERIDAN DYEING €O., Box168, Montreal PILES 2: the most scientific and RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Price ceipt of price. CA LYVES alse thom without miik ‘oroutotOns. (Padet de, Seed Co,, Ltd.,, Toro Booklet Free, 718 Queen Wost, a and ‘creat cared B economical remet LYLE’S COMMON SENSE FOR PILES $1.00~-6 for $5.00, mailed on ro E CO.. LYLE MEDICIN! 1 ane a —_ FURS. See Also! largest pene in iopee ea 3 you trap of by ae t am Canada's AN ig yh chtargcet omit Whioh will be sent i JOHN HALLAM, TORONTO. naing 0 a8 perma Price soho. Te Walt, Address rnprior, Ganada. ae turned _ UNCLE EZRA SAY “Even a cat anday. to. git threw lite cael: hez got to scratch, It is easier to prevent than it is to eure. is the epkapanion of noglected golds, and once it finds a ledgm: system it is difficult to deal pith ‘Treaiment, with Bickle’s Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup will eradicate the cold and prevent inflammation from setting in. satisfactory as it surprising in its If dotele were compelled to fol- their own advice generate a betier braid. ve me shouted the paon at the bar of the ee eae t comp SVhat was ‘the worst sandwich ously ; “‘this here’s Wiehe! . “GEORGE KEITH & SONG.” 9a8d:; Merci rae id in the world with cult inetenetlone for elect a mut cure. Homeonathio Pharmacy, Maple Syrup order keep right up to the Inflammation of the lungs ent in the It costs little, aud is as 68 Wellington St. Montr ‘7h crime SEM ER GTRII Company, — cal they would e a ham sandwich!’ ‘0 seconds ded co Aes tenis No more .taste than the attendant contemptu- Re ERE $65 ‘ ants, Lael are Lo Seoteh freer i | Regent Bauner Oats, in’ 5 bushel Weiter Leas lov at nal" 26 per mae: Bags free--send ee a ‘satin