THE MILVERTO \ UN Thursday, February 17, 1910 C. P. R. Time Table GUELPH AND GODERICH Wert Monicton Linwood Jot . Linwood Jet... Dork Tinos Jct. Linwood Jct. Dorking . pets ete ‘eis Pan. 4138. One ae fie? G. T. R. Time Table GOING SOUTH a.m. GOING AgEtE. . p.m.1 9 h "33 10.50 6.42 7.39 10.58 6.49 745 11.06 6.56 Peffers 7.50 11,12 7.01 Business Cards : phobi Dentistry. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- entiate of Dental Sur, gery and Member of Royal College of Dente! Surgeons: of Ontario, Hor ate of Toronto Uni- wereltys. Ocown and Bridge work a Spe iaity. Hours 9, m_to5 p. m, above the: ‘Sovereign Beaks Milverton, — Medical. F. PARKER, M.D. ‘TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER ‘& TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILYERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 2 to 4 ‘o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock’ p. m. Legal MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors for the Bank milton. y to loan, Milver mt. Permanent offices have d for. member of the firm will be i ilverton every Thursday, . B, MORPH J. M, CARTHEW J.C, Makins W. J, HANLEY MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Ontario|" -W. BARR, ee aa 5 silver ton, Graduate of Ontar: ais tea s ary Colloge, Tor Torani, Trent lace 2 ue dro} a or otherwise iuh perey a advance, {im arrears will be Tiableto pay $1. The Milverton Sun 18 PupLisnED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING eres The Sun Printing Office Main Street, Milverton, Ont. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Que year, $2 j atx mor montlis, 25 cents, mths, SU cents; three Subscribers 50 per year, CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Mos. 8 Mos. Mon $40 + $25 $8 22 42,5 12 aes 3 ae per line for first insertion and 8 per line for each subsequent inser- Lbe Siatgokite ai wensiont eae. tisements without specific direction neerted ‘until forbid and charged ac- inges for contract advertisemnts must office by noon Monday. TWO CAUSES OF INCREASED PRICES Jkerton Herald and parliament asked to investigate the ques- After it is investigated prices will Saunt lsh Tema’ || attention. MALCOLM MacBETH. Publisher and Proprietor RABIES VERY. VERY, RARE “Tn all my experience I have never known a human muzzling of all dogs in Wes 2 ern Ontario, “Of course Maspreboela in ys gra in, a on- Paeiauly peculiarly agon- tute aden ot recitatle hy- ¥ 0 rar’ I have from y_ the York f Bos / log pits the patient is excitec rabies, and goes to ned hat it i paeiect bears hobia? cause wh, urse. I think.” ‘cou added “that th affect in the Provincial Department. I suppose the P: cial re "s Department will ai the Dominion officials in enforcii but it is going to be very difficult to inspect all the dogs in western Ontar- io and see that they are muzzled. And it is going to be very hard on the farmers, e dogs useful; con- pemeotlx it is going B23 very ‘diffi- It to enfores: the ordi AS Wak tah AS BURGLARS That’s the way er eramnpa come strike without ey Gen nh No. 478, ang ten always weloome, THOS, ‘vs TCHISON. wi J, ZORGER, Seoy, ©. 99, Milverton, meets every sosaud ‘eat isa fe 25e. bottles sold everywhere, THE FEBRUARY ROD AND GUN day of every ase es, ‘and edited me nadian “eed lock, “i, hi bal over! The best side of the Canadian win-| gtanipoint, is greatly to be desired Visitin, ‘rete ai saree. Geo, | tert, the side that appeals to every in-] A three weeks’ free trial and special- Rie, CR. w. Pi ri 'Ree-Boo habitant of our Dominion and count-| ly ates are offered to any Sun- Lunigunnat rs of our visitors — the|day school in Canada, and the publish- ing trips of the north. re-|ors’ special offer to new schools is well “Silver Star) ceives prominence in the February is-| worth a note of inquiry. Annual sub- sue of Rod and Gun’ in Canada pub-| scription rate for individual subsorib: Ineets every Friday night at] lished by W. r. Woodstock. | ers is forty (40c.) a yea 5 ih Pm, in their hall over Pablis Drog|Ont. A Canadian Snow-Shoe Song tore, Visi iting brethren always “wel-[and a Winter Hunt empha the A GREAT TREAT come. anderson, N,G., W. K,| glories of a season iu which all Can- — Loth, F. Boe W, Burgman, R. Secy. | adians rejoice. inate is plenty of) Ralph Connor's new story “The vw ery in thi mber ii in addition to} Poreigner.” has been boneht by the Notary Public. these articles ineludi ing big game-stor-| Family jen nick, an shooting. camp- WEIR, Notary Public, Auc nty of Perth and Mortgages drawn a 8 Village Clerk. Olive in the Woir block ever the Bank of Hamilton, ing. protective work. fishing. ote. an beat possible way and that a large ded by measure of success is achieved is} as his best. is a thrilling story of - Hotels. own by this issue of the Magazine.|the Canadian West. It is said that Ghe People s Store me = i MILVERTON ONT. In addition to winter outings. spring. ie price was the biggest by far ever z EXCHANGE HOTEL, Branner, Ont. | summer and fall expeditions are no id for a serial story. It will be John Gropp, Fost e nite Best liqu planned and the experiences of othefs| great treat to readers of the Family neal ‘and cigars at yet ar. bien -elas# ac-| given in the m plavere: sneer in} Herald and Wy Star : iss vommodation and large stablin, these pages. it is not merely interest-| wh bseribers to that grea’ f= — ik ing but most helpful and of consider- Weekly during the next two weeks) ———— KINGWOOD COMMUNICATIONS, A P, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil] able advantage to all who seck | .tol will be in time for the opening chap- GOLDWIN SMITH ) £ RE YOU PALE, ANAEMICt ‘ocommodation for | know more the wonderful sporting | ter, The eautiful ture “The : : ny advantages of our broad Dominion. | soul's Awakening: ig still offered nto. ‘elegra: Mise Beith Weevborn de et present| ‘To The Bdito bees ‘Ansemia. means, oplosless< blood and others. . Three athe: ods eka combination is the| An Sees, to the Wenerable, “S age | visiting: with -erlends in Ma’ _ Sir—Owing ‘to the dissatisfac-| means langour. blanched Tips.» tad brand of iquors and ign. MINISTERS PRAISE pete dolia’s "worth on the market es tile “Cepnaer ae Meee wigntnenis bere Tee wilt Ghiamess: lektseah the esinalaayt|aalfee souceionnt teteulgetse sie has ilies epee Thhate ie fesery Tensow to Hope that| “Mr, D. almers was in Strat-| ream patrous "have “h unani condition eamot exist if there is plea COC. NES | Mr, i is, sate less | ford last week. mously decided to pa rontesthe Bbtets ty of healthy blood. Ferrozone mi QUEEN'S HOTEL, mivenon, om | Catarrhozone [swans or cocaine wepiomns| ar, Gotdwin gmichs wines i tes fond ae eee Ou stmore Red eae 2 Strat: | ty of healthy blood. Ferrozone ‘The best accommodation for commercial Pace 2 vie bb Drag. He have|of the great Victorians” occupies Miss Pearl Buschart, of Listowel | for the coming. season an ev | that’s why it cures. In concentrated a Weed eae ihe wo large sample} ev, D, K. Smith, of White Head, N.S. been started on their downward course| place in-the heart of the city of his visited with friends here last week, | xaged to draw the cream to Brunner| form Ferrozone contains certain rare tooms, @ choices ines, Li- . D. Ke . . Ne i ilerct e} Mr. ies who has for the | Station. gpe you will pardon me] qualities’ that render it unfailing quors and Clears i:the-bati Good warm was cured of catarrh Te feng ae a reef eaniat ia late ee illustrious past year been engaged with Mr. M.|for asking a space iu your valuable| Anaemia, langour. poor color and loss orge F. Pauli, Proprietor. coe er Tom 0 ald, auedsinir oF Catarrh| Sovereign who gave her name ‘ ar Bamberg. is at present |for the purpose of thanking the num-| of weight. wild up—feel young eit Was w aeusthle Be ss ¢| Pending some time at his home ‘here. erous patrons of In oar for fornish-{and vigorous _Pothing, is better: the The following statemeht’ coming . It heals ff being the home of| Mr. Hammond an daughter ang or the months une. July|Merrozone, At all dealers in 5 x= Ga, hekporeiigtiods ea Rnd from of Nov: tia’s prominent | a, Sey aire pirihgerelcbab anna site| Gob coldwin Pamith i PE of which Tor-|Miss Clara. aryborough, 8) nd August over 7 tons per monthandjes, . in througout on the most imodert ples, [churchmen carries conviction of the hly. In. Bronchitis and justly proud. and, ‘to which few days last week? with their canuy iy Reuteratine o7arce toneawtisn trated = t commercial accommodation, ‘Three | fact re ic Teale sre avert throat trouble no doctor can do better} Toronto will cling peel te ithe friends her aa ek | Reta uamards ny Dee cont. 1 . ‘or ap US ei ibe Catarrhozone. Try it | Citi will wate er! SSphie | who has been work-| fat. . Go bre Shari “enlace hed, ed remedies for Catay buts Se eMbAE Whdlagie She. vores WAIL odes of the recovery ing for Mr. Christ Berg at Lisbon.| know that th ever was anything 2 nd warmest stabl bles in the Province. | *%le to get “alice ondil Ev power i esses; Different froi lends lustre to the POIMGTBE Lhe spask-ton, Mouths dzrived ane | to: reflase da: the quality of the eream Why it pays to buy Prompt attention es te the public, |9%0Re. Before I had nsed “tne Tahal: the old way.—you inhale Catarrho-| of ‘writers 3 of of all Jan last. wee rom here. credit can p Ghoieert iigeoes an P, Berpux, | ¢T half an hour my nostrils became} Fone, Sold in 2c. and $1,00 sizes by See Mr. and Mrs, Strachan and daugh-| not be attached tthe tadieator the a Proprietor it oat poomrery be ee es eo RO Inaid FARMBA AWAS “STUNG” ter trom the Un ited States are visit-|same, While T am willin aes Invictus Shoes easily through them. In one day Ca- ——— at the home of Mr. and Mrs. e Importance of the cheese industr rr] im ly. 7 * = 8 there is ny the import- : TPuk SMERIOAS. HOUSE, Bix Banlis, ee eae end hawking} WORLD'S *aGis00 BOR SAN. FRAN, kis high {etall rice oe as at was rose Str¥han is a sister Shehe laetts susison ey, is ee ooeesees cured a dull pain that was con- Ss demonstrated with a vengeance John K. Hammond lately dis-jrun on proper and legitimate lines. BES pe see. Pp naee jample toons, Beet tinually over yes. I have great From Collier Sslem. N.J.. whe a farmer brought piecd-ot his farm to his sou Tansy increased interest taken in| $ get rcaity cud Spee cINVIGTUS iquors served at the bar | tissue ending: Uaturriio: er in two hogs to = butcher and offered | da lot in this section ut any personal can- Rates $1.60 per day, Wa. Wirt, "Prop | Pleasure: in ‘2D eit meisco inte fo nar the | the sale. A price-was quickly Mr. Hai hased a lot in Relies vi ae aba Iwill pay you in the uone,, T have proved it the les! rem-| chtae of the Panama Cat i : PP uliviae anh attra huliiicg a Male) Yaa 9 ot inee you o} ° dy for Catarrh diseases of the | oven nt Panama Cat 1/ @greed upon. and the farmer agreed joe nest ner nd. when we look at the average price aoe throat, lungs and bronchial tubes.” |e onmthe allie nteratets fo fell eae Ge ee "tae ate ee f Hoth butter: and cheese T don't see] $ , Because youll = whet areas as ‘here is certainly no remedy that is otal bag) te hams al ers. ie bu mn why all of the patrons _ Milverton Division Court | so'well spoken af by the slerty es Oe Oe tee cye rane hates: Gentiva ool Bt ort eer ee eee BE SHORTENED should not be of good cheer, for while] $ and longer wear tarrhozone ai be accounted off ‘a pews th we are not gifted with song and oth- cTUS sat, Feb. 10 nd ns. mn executi as se who fail to observe the fun: : In INVIE you'll. get Pa a th ee reece = toed ot [for by the Tact that it gives verfect bane er ity on Se an wi Bho fuemes hen ee Ee mau was ” daanentat rules os health: especially ets five ae ave = fo piste Se IBKt genuine oak ww tanned ste Tethers 29. | i t. The select-|°O" He tarmer had who neglect: ‘cons w - and a leat 5 It is t remedy that reaches |Superintend the project. — said the butcher, and the 4 vuing away that germ called suspicion. I THOMAS TROW. Clerk " [ion was careful with the idea of repre-| {0 “pay it, had’ sold ‘his hogs at |have sl F stiveness ruil r oh ‘ Bes PENT MR, Belli dt, Sleeepet vate Lh fies Gq-| senting every solid and we a wholesale price and bought the ham as destroys witality. weakens the always believed se ee pe and tarrhozone contains no cocaine nor|interest. ‘The fair. is outlived to be ier at a retail price. which yan pe noe age re emaperative daesing at aay td | shone sand tops of these cn eee aus © cur aia vet let Mark: Aud i€ is in a mea-| “3 $285 more thaw the but care Hamiitore Bilis end ; Take where the patrons are ali aiming at|% ed teather money and. experience snd: healing, and vleases cv-[7 7S the purpose of thé directors to bractcaly made arcassee (he tae [one or two pills before retiring and furnishing a voduct in keeping with] $ can procure tgbedy that uses te 4 consti-|make it an answer ti outside | Snimals to the butcher and then paid | You're well next morning. No gripe reputation and it is encouraging to Every hide that goes into the “Gatatrhozone is a snare pain, no headache and nausea when see a mixed community of cream pi jer | World. which. they believe. 8 to| him $2.85 for certain portions of them.| 0% Pai A nd nai Tine INVICTUS ‘Shoe tutional treatment. Fphsler| wurid: whiel they Bie 2 82 eee + Hamilton's Pils.— the working together on that Se eapenane o gleste-the sir penteges. tone the hen ction and threaded with Sereg Gure “scientifioally. Postively believing it to be productive of ean tee ieee that a with fa ve it, judge of leat saatten Seance for our five cata: i (epee ieee cc aplibge Here's another hog story for this Best laxative known, 25¢. at all seal healthy and wholesome, sentiment, ee re Oe ® einded fn aver gait todsive iipuy. ——— week. Mr. Frank Kamrath recently |e eke ea vant oie other _ No trou Me eapene is spared. ial Shorthand or Tees from “the “ builds up| BEWARE or SUBSTITUTES Seieeres raat in, Alas z abies ee Se ae tak es will now: conclude, ay Valentine. ee Cire woceitate prot ee the ee weighed. 617- Ibs. and. $67. or al training aa Mee Sl Carats canting conimcaste | Greedy dealers endeavor to palm off | This is getting up about the price of as ity offer of $100 ior ches Vout The ens it i horses. But there is anothe ire engine. sertre positions. wets colds escaes one ie ‘Asth: trgstar. sit ue uteam’s" s” only|make money farming other fhe ae rebels to the erent pf abot Brunner, Feb, 141910. fant S a it | i tl ‘h- at is poe clov engine the Enteiggensh wee You shoul co $|ma fo Catarrhozane, Peed eae Imitation AA Oe MA farmer: cent sold 100 bus-| wi nt Bivecea Gitfieaty i sell-| Howard Little the, murderer of ae are treatment. prieg $1.00-, medium sige |I5- The hels of clov ing the engine which will a | people was electrocuted at Kichmont. |S A oasectvesseset Reread ee fee Go eins awaits oe For your Speat-ofder of printtuis/ deat for w.—Chetley Enterprise. ‘Va. on Briday, Pe order-|i in mpossible for e ‘homan. abe to|as I La not do ek acity. ario formerly ip 6 England are now consumed in the mining -| towns in New Ontario. And our far- |} whether for the individual subseriber. iS | no! “The aexcaited oreed up . the wages in Tie cise ana nee he opening up.o sons all go off for themselv hey grow up. The old man is eget able to work the land to it: rs cannot raise enough for their requirements. THE NEW NORTHERN MESSENGER good old frind the ‘Northern eo, peas by John Dougall & Son. ‘Witness Office. Montreal, and arupar enon ae it really looks like a Ww. publicat: Colored Tluateatlond. made possible pasted and cut. a1 this popular same high ch: v Sabbath wh distribution. it santiot fail to While entirely suitable to all clase, ° 7 —eneaaenp amma The Advance Showing of | Dress Goods for Spring ES, the new clothes begin to shine out in the Dress Goods department. Come to-morrow and see what everybody will be talking about a little later. Our range of styles and prices are larger than ever. Over One Hundred Different Styles and Prices to Choose From Lace Curtains pleasing prices. Two patterns are shown in the above illustrations. from 23¢ to $6.50. Call in and sce our big range, always a pleasure to display goods, Curtain Muslin 5c yard. We have taken into stock 20 different and distinct patterns of Lace Curtains at purse Lace Curtains 22 yds. long 23¢ pair Lace Curtains 2! yards long, 34 inches wide, at 39c per pair Prices range Nice Showing of White Waists your mid-winter wardrobe wonderfully. Linens and Muslins lately. See our range for spring. We have put out some attractive Lawns, White Lawn Waists, nicely trimmed, spring style, special 69c A fresh, new white waist will help out Specials for This Week Prunes 5 cents per Ib. Cooking Figs 5c per Ib. Butter 22c Per Lb. Trade ENGELAND ® SON