ei The ay OR, THE LOST PATRIMONY, braudolin ; CHAPTER II.—(Cont’d) sg ‘never shed a tear in my the extremity of bereavement a: sriet, but never wept, or felt ais: sed to wee : s The tender, the childish weakness : at certainly ses yy him now thought—I wished I iter rhe was his proper salt, and was P the shee one—whethe. ty, regnant, scorn: Be ther sti tender, | lo ng, suey in- Hieaatal to see a t | featile nature, was hi uliar pee self. Iidid not like to be husged eonvulsed boy, either never did. and si 6 vsical ‘repulsion about rive the thing ; ee Bs felt the antipathy ken, even when the affections of my soul moved so strongly toward him. T returned his embrace in a hurried manner, and then rele: him, loving him a hundred ‘times bly, ee he had ound they 1 raid hie 3 but then : n Slee mood, he would throw|a cold, he an ardent fectine} ame: eit himself into my arms, or knock me| He me seemingly the happier lewn. Event to him, and stooping|for our reconciliation. I certain id, ly and spéaking low, “Wolfgang, my Pant Wolf- ang, what is this? Can I in any a comfort or assist you?” e very collapse » murmuring, eak as an infant. eomfort me—tove you c I set myself to soothe him me! mpathy and spnsiat, unfailing friendship. At last, I asked. “Ts there anything I can do for yout” “No, nothing! nothing! Only ; my breast, that I may help to bear it?’ now! Not now! I can- I could only try to strengthen and soothe him, by assurances of affection and os teem, until again observing the letter, I said, “E see you have a letter, Wolf- gang. Is 1 from home? ‘Are your family all y eyes tee lew nial, aroun and fell upon the lett He sprang rom me, stung toa maedden sant and seizing it, ture it to atoms, and from the ube exclaim- is_gray eyes with in NE light. eaven, if it were me! if it f oY which I deserved t to, I would seize thas ugh Satan ions stood and bed Kd and m bimsit et ot aT his then, ,# matter o! ees ‘Wolfgang rty! Property !”” echoed, with bitter scorn. ‘Do you suppore that all the money, all the ‘property’ in the world is worth © such tear of blood as the mil- night? No,” he added, with con- saroatite , Coolness, “it is not “p PWeltgangy” I said, — softly, have been unjust to fancy for an in- stant that such a cayse could pro- duce such a terrible” effects but what is it, then, my brother? et ami matter’ of heart and soul, life and immortality, of heave: and hell—leave me! I am distract: ‘ed, delirious—leave me! You see that I am mad!” “Can I not serve you in any manner, Wolfgang?” “No! inno ways but in leaving me ae Some day, perhaps, will tell you something—not now. Toon my in y woltgese and dwening spon his Te have seen him next morning, e possible. Dark, erect, haughty, yeserved, he seemed, even to me, quite inaccessible. us affection for hun was so wish to do a few days, I re-essayed to do so. nm sauntering through it jake tree “gloom. I t now was a favorable opportunity. His hands fore sai nd his ae bent a traction upon a ri hich hi wi eh eeicleritpe a saw not, "on, his lit tle finger. “OF what are re thinking, Wolf- kt ‘started, al, or the tu rdtoines made the pret- io tiest seal_ rin; Kepelled by his freezing reserve, in anger and left him. TI night, as | was in my room alone, he sud- Aeuy. seiicres and throwing his THs me, strained me to Nos, ‘almost distractedly, say- ns pier? with me, Fai rficld! I cowld not sidep with an estrangement be- tween Le Bear with Tam ne allway same. gas ie i be eure I aa not baanes oyielh Ab NS this hand and Love me, if re him good so enarubveta, that, in} aud urned, flashed on me a broad blaze| y of sheet lightning from his gray] <j ‘eyes, and replied with a sneer, “J was thinking whether the cor- 2 For the next week or in the ascendant, perilous to any one’s steem to approach his high- ess. One day, however, when he seemed unusually gloomy, I too id, 80, ‘Wolfgang, it is useless to try to Giiauiee the fact, or conceal it from PM) ene who loves you as goths as T do fc an ng som- the hand friendship, ae brotherly love, draw it out and dress the wound.’ T had better left him alone. He turned on me te peck of haughty in- dignation. id, in a tone of withering scorn 1 was nettled, more especially as {had only my own officious impert- ivence to blame for the affront; but| people will tak any Ives ) Lanswered him angrily. m an occasional reader they teach me, discretion to wit: that ‘where there is much mys- tery there is more guilt.’ Again i sana sheet lightning |, of his gray eyes blazed forth my face, and red RlateWhite as. the fae ie an intensely burning coal. never saw such a diabolical coun- tenance in all my con= he was ill, or sullen, i room. Thus ended my last attempt to win his confidence, but not our friendship, which typhoons of sion seemed to shake oules to strengthening. he summer session was soon over, and we were going home, not maele to return to school, but ie college. ss en we were abou each other, Wait | oe y again bila agaist: ing in exeuse for his emotion, “We part, Fairfield! We shall never meet again, probably, in this world. I aj ot going to re- n here. I am going to college.”’ manner. I was surprised, also, at hus ae na “Going to college? ge me you going Sng ard University,”’ said, Waianae me again. arvar' res en Paes entered the University of Vir a ie eed we ane paar fet What col- =. lo Fe darkened V his ory Je se id | hahaa es “No! Impossible? there ! ; “Cannot?” “Cannot—you understand !’" r pane go own choice o! irre- a| spective of your taste and wishes?’ “My father is oul of Lie the s ness and moderation! say, he prefers that T esis. tis hh Harvar “Well! my guardian will acqui esce in my wishes in that re: spect, 8 you cannot accompany me to Ghasiattes yi sy x ust imest you at Harvar We took a brotherly fave of each other, and to meet, the opening at a tee term, at the University. When I reached home, my guar-| d:an was alarmed at what he called my consumptive looks, attributed it to too much confinement and toot: Tk w severe study, and insisted won my remaining at visiting my me, Louisiana Sisto: or Revees a he change was apparent to those who had seen me in full health @ pon occasion hae objection to be petted, se ‘a ‘d\and ranige, I was easiiy, uaded fo give un “cae cecismolaed mek ot =e I pass over the ineidents of my year of travel, as they have little to do with the subject ot my story, with one exception, to wit: I f visiting the een pene, Uncle in East F had just taken a circumstance that eriously affec! = e Es of my of a man modest Ae ay ee such mederaic patrim: E Sat the old roy cutlentae ne ut ante marriage, for which I could see no ra a ia) ey nae re, and seemed a cerer in an old bi jsingle blessedness than it would Ke. looked in widower even r. The probable loss of the he} ship of his wealth gave me no ort of uneasiness, The mercen: pacities of a youth of Botient ae not usually expanded enough to take the extent, strong agueh te weigh the spout gravity, or shrewd — enc to estimate the value of liens All they want at present is plenty of pocket mon- ey for passing fancies and follie e months of freedom e with invigorated health ardor for study, I red to citer Harvard Univer- L s at the’opening of the wi ter term th reached that place, and ther met again Wolfgang Wallraven, so changed ay no, ae as to be unrecogni his dark an wo! uld have revealed all aptvabheres lividuality itself through rostrations of de- spair? And ould this be the work your ¢ ae long he had been} at the University twelve eS ad- ned there ion between s it,” thought T. is See in ee home it na deg i “There ve ter ge B returned more ad; peer fierce, and dangerous, than befor ‘s hat home! W hat oo Ue = glamour ‘sinh ie would has : es vising than that of ie pera nd manners ; were gone or governed; 1 Pept eras oAllatike® natinee Wy disappeared, or was suppre the almost which, without giving me his conf- dene >, he would cast himself upon ny sympathy for support—fits”o ieee or idiocy, that almost fatally belived his nobler nature, k, ie i EME EY ERE FRR IR ¢ HOME. EO IOC COOKIES. Rocks.—Three eggs, one and one- ae cupfuls of sugar, three cupfuls flour, ene ¢ one pound of Eng- and Vek walncie chonped fine, one tea- soda and cinna- salt, one teaspeon- tin two a hot spoonful eae! = mon, a pi Soh of ful of aiallbs Drop on a pe apart and ba e ia 6, one teaspo: mon, one-half teaspoonfi ret ances and ‘pinch of salt. Stir-sugar, egg, butter, and ee together, then add one cupful raisins and en Bat eupful of Hes chopped fine ne ul of sour milk in hich one aapdeatal of soda has been dissolved, then stir in enough flour to make quite a stiff batter (out teaspoonful of baking powder a the flour), “THE DEAD HAS COME TOLIFE” A “FRUIT-A-TIVES” WURACLE = October 1st, 1908, res for seven long doctors gave ay ae ay friends hourly expected iy street again exclaimed “the dead has cure was a peste ip JeMe Er NWI box—6 for $2.50—or At Cater or from 250. nit-a-tives eee Ottawa. put ‘the hattor ake in a moi lerate v he CSE okies will keep for weeks and seem to improve with Peanut Cook: One-fowt cup- ful of butter, two and one-ha fuls of sugar, one egg bea tablesp: onfuls ot iw milk, one cupful of flour, one- efonrih teaspoon- lev fil salt, one uking powder, of she gether three and baking niter, ad T times powder. the ‘flour, salt, Cr the milk, the nuts chop- naw ina mor red tin a t and Drop on a butt ful in a place. Put ines g nut. meat h bit of dough, é in a This. will make Boil one cupinl cf cup of water un- the up will thread. Remove » back of stove and add two m Pe cut into small pieses. on the whites of two eggs t until stiff, then add two tablespoon. i shredded cocoanut, one enp- english walnuts braken- in ieces, and e-fourth of a toninas of ails Spread salt- with thi e and bake h- Pour fuls of w , ania dcicee Wear Ginger ‘ookies.—One eupful of pful of lard, 5 ablespoonful es ieaebutel of ginger. gar, lard, molasses, and eggs. Pour beiling wv over the ginger andj soda’ until a cup is fill A de to the ingredienty and mix if and let stant stain Roll in sheet$ and hake When cool cut in squares "8 the whites of the eggs for —Three eggs, one pful ie one cupful sour eam, two cupfuls granulated sax, four cupfuls flour, : teaspoonful of soda dissolved in sour cream, first put one spoonful of boiling water inte soda; one scant teaspoonful baking powder, one were utterly and the haughty, one teaspoonful vanilla. Drop by shesrekuant ani bad tieed eupon Tieton is aaeate it. ‘There was an air of regal beau- | je of commanding grace, in his per never since seen ih "hut one other an. ‘The prince had /certainly sahiea the permanent ascendency, and now governed the whole inner con- kingdom, onee so. discordant, ficting and. rebellious. nd yet— yet—there wiereoaraminleame Pe seemed to warn me was a ssigantic str in. repose me day, and under some oie the Rei wittiastit-raphesbreck it with terrible and destroying fury. Ou mutual ‘teen and aie H my t and if Y were is, my mote “matured reason they. but he pewenssat me by the mos! devoted affectioi At the end of the term, I invited, pany me 8 ame ; but he. decline thought, that he might possibly re- tre the course oe a similar-in- tion ton hich en passant T Lagu q ene hve accepted ; but f: not. To be brief, we spent and a half getter. ae col- Tee telore either of us knew any thing personally of the familly oF hel aid. 2 € the other. the end of every term, I rerewed my invitation, which he always declined. At th pectation, T invited him t with me, and, to my surprise and Mdclight he accepted my: aa ‘on, and prepared to as was while we! Zourney that Tt ala ? him m Re gina, would be home for the holi- clays. and that, above all things, was ce S Z S iS g $ 3 ea E} R é her, e “fair one with golden locks.’ (Zo be continued.) —_ rr She was shopping. _ Abe drifted é into the pl ere they sell blan- Kets. ter ro ofl aie ell Oe Ow ss reel gue before her. _ Still, sre list sked for more. Fin- raliy, ath brazen face, she remark- ed as shexrose, ‘Oh, well; Ldon’t really mean to buy. any. Twas ly ee ing fora Sse ae ie "<P yay wa .” said the ABey ther e Univer- f af eo asing | | planket. on your fiend e is ue more ‘shelf. thi eS) amount of sugar as ot cranbe pin' tan Suptih they aoe then run eee a colander ee a flour sift- of the colander, as it oeee so Sich time), add the ae have ‘k-as marma- the whites boil until t pulp, th When! cool add lade. tof four eggs beaten stiff, fold well together, bake aint it sels (trom live to ten minutes), serve cold in bepee glasses sith epee cream arid chopped auts<This an be need with te meat couzge or as a des- seit. Cranberry put one giuart of be Add two cupfuls, of a and one capful of and boil Saue a layer of ban. eed in ay until ber all used. cread over the top the whites of two well beaten eggs, sweetened. Bake slowly until brown. Serve when cold. ‘ Apple ‘Charlotte.Butter_a_pud- Put alternate layers of ples and bread erumbs in sprinkling apples with sear and a Tittle ‘aoa «Layer of crumbs on t add salt, one eh Bg mixture -oyer bread and apples. Place _ table- spoonful of ier in bits on top. nke in moderate oven. Eat with am. .one- ase rovnd nice salaiee prunes, cook ten- d: ten to taste and remove pits: Ee in baking’ di: Ta voles of two eges eu a small lump f butter, one-half enpful of sugar, qitteeupoatts of cornstare! g "peat eats wath whipped cream. This amount, rye eight persons. Orange Sonffle.—Cover one-half Box gelatin with one-half oes of cold water and soak one-I will ne 3 ig in: that.’* aps} Roll a Mrs Put in a) hen 2 of sine and |¢ one: pint of milk. ae at Seether ; fend cook untit thie! 8 tng water over of six eggs nntil creamy. Add t ortnge iulseconepomid sranitalee svgar and stir until dissolved, the: add the yolks. Beat until all is we! mixed and a fla Place a the gelatin over a steaming teaket- tle until gelatin is dissolved. Now ped this to the mixture, turn al! ens pint whipped cream, fill the empty halves of oranges with the 1 mixture, and put in cold plac en Eggless Pumpkin Pie— Would not believe it. until experimented. Made two pies with eggs and two without, suk substi cvacker for €g e esualled the re in. looks and st oil your pumpkin. until oily ne, strain, then add fuls of pumpkin, milk one and one-half cupfuls of sale, ginger and all- you desire to m dark, Roll three soda crack- ture. Your ich. ake with one pie crust first: When 2 uke £0: sal take two large bananas and slice them, lay on pie crust, beat the yolks of two eggs to a-cream, ada two cupfuls of milk, one-half eupful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls af flour, enteg cial piece of but- a pinch of salt, boil till a. good mad: 16k : ever banana, Bae a inasin pus Tat the white or two eggs and sue spread on pie, put in oven to brow: (isis is a good pie, liked by all that have tried it. ter. t coo read FOOD D VAI \LUES. One quart of oysters has the same v ive in the way of nourish- ment as one quart of milk. ‘Dn muliaacia esyerhl-toudicol the same composition at the same meal, as potatoes, rice, and maca- They are a starch’ foods jety enoigsh for tne system. Have a good yas of menu. Do not serve the left o at the next neal, and try to prepare thew ent manner fr ‘rom that in i ehigh they were first se Try and vary tues Sri ea a heavy meal is served use a fights ately digested dessert.. Have inca] well balance Food-can often take the ‘Place of medicine. i very as all il 6 ap & Ae 3g 6 used straining. fied after cooking Be seasonable in eats Do not eat too much food when it is out Tt is never as good nor THINGS WORTH KNOWING. Stains on knife handles may be romoved by rubbing wth a paste of whiting and turpen' Flour for cakes Bie ae should vase Sh through 3 halt used for bread, should always have a little sugar added to it, i6r this helps the quickly. ain! liquid ammonia into a sneer ae .ce the stained part of article i ib well and the stain wi! i afterward ‘eutting the muslin from bone ae ankle has been sprain- di) ed it ‘Senta Uae feed e bathed ate) Sa hentnet igher than ie will not six taney over ie and keep _ rolled wp, with the em- ‘id i Mixing Mustard. ie th hot water, using three parts of heer te one part of belle a little cayenne essence is nee ed and consid ered an improvement. To stone ame seal, pout poit He hee minutes and ders the task stockings reduces ee and saves hol The softening oF the e many @ jagged ivestby. pounds Oh bieaee to ore, ty pounds of potash. rg House then pour ss skins ren- ‘that milk On the Farm A OOH LIVE STOCK NOTES. Be Teelar about all work fm the stable. ‘ave proper ventilation, pidainer curdle in| bt Soi a draft. Don’t keep the ecoking. valk calded and |.stable too warm unless you wish the allowed to become cool before ad-| animals to take cold when tarned ding the eggs it will not curdle. | out. To make glue for use on tin, dis-! Ducks e one ounce of pees alum solv. ma Swo ou iN all is a you have no flour dredger take punch a aie of holes in the lid, aud, use ue asa dredger. avery. purpose of the more rat pint of boiling water. dissolved. of convenient size, This wil a euDtE ‘el ution he shoes must be perfectly ary be- ‘ore SEVE NYEARS OF ECZEMA! ‘hen After they are pu n add pinsskeliae ‘and boil ‘or use. ill a been Spent | #ffection for had in Vain, Two Bottles of D.D.D. red, “Mrs; Horace Martin, vake, Ont., writ ‘My a band had ecz even ° spent He f doles bat could not get cured. ey Ss almost wild with 1ge a i ond th ef at once. e ha in the paper. ttle and it gave my bottle © tw and is entirely bottles of Sharbot the pain S used a sec- well. of the D.D.D. which my husband used have done him pen Ses D.D. For Dy i aboratories, Jordan St., Do you vsuer di: more 5 aoe than. the t bef the go y or f D. anyone what it did for Mee free trial bottle of to the Depantment ription write $500 he ments of -D. W.L., 23 For sale i Fie ees In ures it hanging te remembered that although vil pain ings lcok better way, hung in be the usval with a sloping in from the olors picture Ww oat pone. top to the wall a the bottom, yet. etchings and e. look better hone flat against the often shadows the windows so that the shadows will fall naturally. N= milk production is no rei are the easiest t poultry to raise of all the domesticated bi rds. 1| Turkeys and: pheasan kens d di are tionally hardy and easy to rear. use a cow manufactures but- n the mysterious proves! AON sbe must have fat She can suas, the fat im the te fro fe tine ~atdrelh and sugar of the toot, go to produce heat and energy i the body. Tho first factor in the education of » heifer is kindness. She should ‘ : eA cultivated at all ua eS, oF affec ‘ion, as we call it, in animal: the first and pcadtest pririeiple if maternity and maternity and repro- duction are the very {Ey on which a cow’s : osctiliness ee pecs as res nervous pes hrobs in: unison with the laws: of maternjty_ and i: influenced for good or iil by ae treatment she received as a calf, ry or mother. POULTRY NOTES. It is well to give the birds ther morning feed at night, burying it deep in fresh, dry litter, renewed every two or three days, if the supply will admit, flock of chickens are alarmingly disturbed the gentlest movement of the: day time, while Those who think, TeRebene do not require grit should exaniine the crop contents of a bird just off the a shapes and sizes dup to the Hienuicnept antes gate Sie g hens need lime; more of wt iin hee obtain in sumed. cheap and good. also be used. i Old plaster may Wives look forward to buying new clothes, and husbands to. paying for them ines, exeept that they are 8 IP. Semi-Portable Engine with vaporator Ta Boe 5 are he same as the Stan rt mounted Dare of the engine, where it is me I provecte Fairhanks-Morse Semj-Po-*2hle or onidded Engine Equipped with Evaporator Tank. Designed steel for general Farm Built in § and 8 H.P. Sizes. st ea Bee for Work In id Weather. Horizontal ons) Hels) very ae illustration above of the 8h. self-contained ahs as can ‘n from PR toe Sibalag a Gasoline Engine. ae THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COMPANY, Limite, 1" ST. JONN, N. B. TORONTO, cea _ CALGARY, VANCOUVER Nam AppRtss stand]. ase ee ‘overy earn! HOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEAN FRONT, ATLANTIC CITY, very room commands jvating. . Yelephos | CHARLES 0. MARQUETT. Manager. N.: J. Jeted, making this famouy oR Row fester re ui TRAYMORE noe conPany, E, President. VASELING = Vaseline wamiplicy fice white Vaseline " Borated Ve Mentholated P vaseline. camphorated Vaseline Carbolated d Vaseline Vaseline Oude 9 ott Zinc, Invalual Pare Vaseline Ca the he soe ore doe each i tn tle tel dit Uap bel OUR FREE VASELINE oe : es ble beer ee coughs, colds, sore throat, ercup. seine Bibs mustard plasters: does net blister. aseline hands, cracked ligs and skin. luable remedy for catarrh. us headache; cold in head. i for dckestial gaa voi and |