Milverton Sun, 3 Mar 1910, p. 8

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THE MILVERTON SUN Thursday, March 3, 1910 = een ct AD ees coming, with a- special nose clip that will hold them securely on your nose. ALL OPTICAL GOODS of the best makes are to be had here at attractively low prices. P. H. BASTENDORFF Free Milverton, Ont. Eyes Tesi of Charge Fresh Kodak Supplies You never get any out-of-date films, papers or any supplies at this store. We never have any out-of-date goods to offer you. Our turn-over is so great that our stock has to be renew- ed every week. We do Developing and Printing Promptly te E. A. ROBERTSON EXPERT OPTICIAN Wellington St., Next Royal Hotel STRATFORD, - - will fit better if we make it. Our methods insure the satisfaction of the most fastidious, Our col- lection of fine all wool fabrics offers you a wide field for making your choice, and our models are all absolutely correct and stylish, J. M. FLEISCHHAUER J. Kelterborn’s old stand opp Post Offic Agent Crown Brand Clothing &. KATZ 3 = YESIGH é BCIALIST will be in Milverton if you id & of Listowel, FOP & posi towel aud he will call on you. E. KATZ, Listowel + lot Milverton visited with Mrs. |Kerr over Sunday. MONKTON. Miss Jessie Fullerton has reurned | from Toronto. ses Laura Kerr and L. Ranney Co! f Stratford is at with friends in Colin Kerr shipped = een of Toronto on Mot and Mrs. G. daughter Aileen. of Atwor z Re Goghlin and od, visited at of Stratford at her home acott. Pearl FE Collegiate spent Sunday in town. Frank Te of Listowel. spent Sunday sng i rs sere ntAt moon in Woodstock and other volts concert given e hall was well filled and everyone Dresee dane ‘he feature o: play entitled “The Old 4 tio: ¢ Aes s Re ft gave a numb Hesitation, 3. Jehosopha al ter and hee maiden going forth meet her fathe 4, Living Hichures of T me man Rev. Mr. Fergusson gav and explained Keng pictures as ie were acted, 3 ‘lory solo entitled Hone our Wedding Iso eee was elena ed. ne home of Mr. and h Tin —varinstosk Con, 11. Mo: tie for Svineen Meadows. March 18th — Petes ion. areh 22nd — Parmstock nel Implements. on East half Lot 12, ee 5. Eastern Site Wellesley. for John A Campb THE Soar! OF WOMEN irls an nd women who suffer al d with the ns. and ie vitality of the siease are inter-}’ terfered grea‘ etter meuicine he syste a nd Sheby Tuatnia ir ‘per tec health. Great benefit re is guaranteed for all we ma Dr, Hamilton's Pills. On all Lines of urniture we are prepared to meet Eaton’s Prices Eaton’s SEE OR SE NS Terms Furniture Dealers Torrance @ McMane MILVERTON, ONT. and Undertakers Y | visited during the ir aunt fd certain ‘1 You’ll Have a Right To be Proud f your baking after you commence to use Jewel Flour, Such delicious cake, such light bread and ‘ould be a credit to anybody. One Sack of Jewel Flour will be more than enough to. prove that you never will want to be with- | PFEFFER BROS: LINWOOD. if Elmira. spent fo atheart and Chas. ket journesed vover to Hawkes: yille on Sunday. Meyer has taken the sh Mr. George Ren- Mr. Wm. Rennie, of Peel. spent a day last week Mr. Jaco! epending a weeks. ae his be caving for the West. Sel ness trip to Toronto this week. M ir. W. 0, Bundy left on Monday grand daughters of thei: returned to ir hothe The practice which gome overs have { swinging on the our Badie oe of Kingwood mt a few days this week with her Ae (Mrs. Jan ee Jast ae. snl for with Ja The macriage of Miss. Fanny Spen- ler and Mr, zi was solemnized on Tuewlay of this week. e extend our congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Jutzi. Misses Anderson. of Brunner. week with their A Robert 1 Fleming. iss Margaret M: aauetnr “of Str: at- ford spent the weék-end with friends aS nod 4 efor. ast w eck ret very much ta report the| m serious accident That befell Mr. a v= id Kropf on Monday. a misfortune to Nine from the erly of the barn to the floor. bruising him- self seriou: iss Emily Large was a week-end & at t) i of Dr, and Mrs. Nethercott, of Stratfor: number from attended ie road from Poole to Millbank. Le cede. Miss Lizzie Reibling has returned to Rostock after an extended visit Qiith her brother and friends in the A number of-our young folks took in an “At Home” ‘at the Normal School. Stratford. on Friday. Det B5th. he rain of Saturday night ‘snow. ° et shay are working them into shape again by ‘ploughing aon filling in the pitch- es. Miss Gertie Wingefelder apent Sun- wy, oat her friend Miss Linda Zu- _ SCHOOL REPORT. ¢ The following is the report of U.S.S. No. 9. El fornington for the month of Februar: ir. IV—Total 580, Carrie Roe 476. 7 Edith Sanderson 454, Barbara Roth 454. Grant Roe 38: out it. Order that sack to-day and}. Miss Mollie Sutter. of the era of better baking at your} is starting a music class in town. She house will begin. teache: ay of every weck. Mr. . White. of Strat- 0000000000 ford. called on friends here ee wee’ i ummer made a ‘busi- NEWTON. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Lockie and Mrs. son attended the Johuston— Davidson qeeading at Burns last Wed- peels spent Friday and wich attending the new home near Hesson Mr, R. C, Henry. of Don moved his, tamily.inta Mr, Jim man's house on Des a stree ru egal. has Pree- Willie Mite spending a few her sister, Mrs. Ritter. sugar ce, as prices are of salt has also ar- ri Miss ence er aoren has return- ed to ter . H. A. Hawke's s| after ea ing a PF vene with tichta tn tho! Listowel. Mr. G.T.R. operator at Tistivel: soon Manet cowl ¥ wman left Mr, and Mr: mts their new home in Drumbo on Tues- day. of Stratford. Mr. ‘aul Colombo, of tratfory, spent Friday with Mr. ames MoO. ughy. ‘artha Kirkland spent Mat owel attending the Sunda itute. trachan a Sunday Ethel. Isaac Reid Amoiher one of Mornington’s old pioneers passed away on Friday morn- lip the pereou ‘of John er. sr. he age of: ei he uveral on Sunday atte nde was largely and daugh- ees T. Tanner Peter spent Friday at Mrs. ck Petrie. of Done~ C. Donley on Thurs niheile aeatane toa lise by sluging the morning for Toronto to ten: members of fhe: ed F En- ional Anthem. automobile w. Mr. Bundy intends|@ampment Order No. yton No ERE Rt bringing an automobile home with! were entertained By tne ‘atattord En- HAMPSTEAD. im. campment on Graces Mr Dietrich and Miss M. Lantz) week. Nearly ¢ Women’s Institute held a suc- ran Monday at Elm: bers ‘were present a neue a fine asful comann 4 at the home of Mrs. few young folks | tom Linwood } time. T eMillan, an Tuesday afternoon meee aoyable tyening et they A Anmiey, from round here attend H. Pugh, the} hom a . Jas. Rennie last Friday.|¢d the par Andrew Preston District ‘President mini her official CMe Wiener Miipved. a okttaak Gf Battng on moldy night: visit to this brane! cattle Peamcekte veaticie or Beeitaey aaa trys number from here attended H. . 0. sehen was a visitor in At- HAWKESVILLE. Grahm’s sale om Tucsday on the ued on Feta boundary. ty tthe Ms. John Ottmann eturned to Haw- week visiting friends at (Orangeville, PEFFERS. r. and Mrs, aay ae Kuhryvi lle. ber from here attended a par- E im Freeman's Friday ey- ening last Sate Tones. of Fort William. is home here on a vis’ Mr. Geo. Allen had the eT fo have a rib fractured by horse one day rec ives Zimmermann and Mr, G, Kenney, of Kuhryville, were visitors Lis one aay ane ly. iss Tena Petrie and Reuend: the Wisass. Barton fe Decent were visitors with Mr. Mrs. Chas. Barrett one evening fast week. moved to their new home on the 7th epee: and Bae 3 “Maddess have iapead to Me Maddess’ new resi- ney has received a WARTBURG. had auto a a rain here Saturday settle the snow. The shape at present, bee drawing te Mr. Fred. Harloff purchased a fine team se eee vaca geldings last week binson. o: ae f our citizens attended the big opera in Stratfor Wedding bells will soon be ringing. CARTHAGE. ine thaw is a thing of the past since iss E, mbar. of Fernbank spent the past few days at Mr. A, Johnston's. nes Spearim of St. Marys eae and uth her sister ©: se of ch er an absen-|e 01 IIL Kenney spent Sun- or: Jas. Holmes has atleast oe Gat A f and Mrs, Chas, Robinson have hip- ment of “choice disk from Owen Sota | 224 MILLBANK. Grace Church. March 6th, 11 a.m.— istration of oes and address on Pontius Pilate. ‘ess on the popular hymn “Hock 3” C.-C. Purton. of Mitchell, wel will, spealt in Peee Church at 8 Mis Adeline Bond. .has es to "Toronto accompanied ister Annie who ‘has secured a peaition as d termes . Mulcahy. Geo, Smith, A. Tene ay Fowler Young. with the Gels and conferred the of candida: oe “Cha mamma No. 5. after which th teni:d the banquet given at the tel iss Campbell, of Neemuch, India w it address the Mission Band of Knox e morning servic Sabbath. Mr. J. Spans is visiting at his home in Gue Miss ide PNfucller. of Wellesley, cut last week at the home of Mrs, viuleahy Miss Mabel Gillespie who has been people are at rican laid saide with Ia grippe- Mr. f Virden. Jos. Gibson, Tenewing acquaintances in an around sere Man. id Mrs. D. Pas oe left Saturday to fend a ae weeks with her mother oes W. Brock. of Thamesford. svenning = ie eae in the nellgee a Atwood. was siness Paras in the village Mon: Mr. R. B. Hamilton attended: the ane ‘al of Mr, J. Calder of Linwood. ae eee Be intron intends shipping a 3 to Toronto on Thurs the yriee belt $8.75. The stea meeting which was held in Knox church Feb. 22nd. unfavorable w Rev. Haig. and Mrs. MBs was ell rendered, ‘The NEW ARRIVALS Just a few words to say that 2 cases of New Goods have arrived this Which we will sell as cheap as business will allow. Samples are here, 600 patterns to choose from. Mouldings to match, all papers from 5c to $2 a roll. Come in and spend a few minutes and see the assortment. been offered. week consisting of Prints, Cottons, Cottonades Plain and Fancy Ginghams, New Frillings, Etc. .......5 New Wall Papers Do You Need Anything in the Fur Line P ll here and we will give you the greatest snap you have ever The balance of our Fur stock must be cleared out at any Special Sale of Black Worsted Hose The best thing for the boys. All marked down to cost. Must be cleared o 35c Hose for 22c Choice Japan Tea, reg. Nonsuch 2 ae have a $1,200.00 on our books. Will yous help us out? Se Specials tove Polish, ee iSe bottle for . Ibs. Baking Soda for. February being a very slow I onth, st have $600.00 by the 10th of March. If you owe us, 2 , We We want 1,000 Ibs. Dutch Setts at Highest Prices W. K. LOTH i meibling. “calvin Witlerd” McCloy. absent. E. Lillian Morley, Teacher. HESSON. . Coote accompanied man, Westman. rs. Dhas, onto pn eek, Miss 8. Mittleholtz is meee a eee wee t her home ‘Bat Kennedy lett on Monday tor te, Northwes hn Gatschene is visiting with ries in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cook spent Sunday at St. Clements. A ttle baby girl has come ta stay at vie, home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bebe Miss. Jessie Beiter returned last Thursday \to resume her, duties in St. a a pee an Suter as he belie’ ete ee od than taking ait orrhe tahowine. ees the report of S.S, baled hay to Sebringville last Friday| No. 15, Mornington, for the month of and Batarsay. They had quite a time] Feb: uary. ak ee der of merit, getting Total mark 630, Pass mark 2 Mrs. Henty Hidt returned home last| ‘ge dth--MoDloy. Coste. $44. Milton Friday after” spending a couple of| Coote. 886. Jr. Ath—Violet Coote 125 weeks at her parental home in Dow-| pono: Re c ir, Brd—Jean aman 309. Sr. 1t—Maggie Coote ae. Total 430, Sune ee Voll. al M, I. Blatchford. Teacher, COMMERCIAL fod per cwt. Bran per ton.. Manitoba Baur per cwt. Shorts per ia Corn, per Lard Mise Nellie Andy Martin returned to his ohte fin Morden. Mani itoba. last Phieee 5 - Mr. John Turnbull. of Milverton, Bundaved at Mr. James | G sr. IV—Total 400. Robert Go 352.|Riddell’s, Sr. Il. tal 580. aes lone a ee 470 Allen penile MAKES A SAINT SWEAR Jr. It 200, Sibert Reg 190 amie F John Ror 123, Ri issell Edwards 120, To have his favorite corn pean oee Second Class—Total 280. a Hachel on, Don’t have corns.—cure Roth 228. Tommy Semple 208, with Putnam's Corn Extractor. ‘aie ay oe ay Brydone 201, 4 hours—no pain—eosts a quarter. Potatoes th 6 Ei Utrene Rdwards. good. it Try “Putnam's.” Butt - 88 foMory Bepdone: goad. Eddie 0 J. E, MeMane Teneo ‘Advertise in The Sun, 3 30 the aed iat att nd|on Friday. e George “amounted to over fif- 4 “ 4 th. Easthope Miss Bila Ament. of Berlin. spent dollars will go to the improving of Marriage Licenses Issued, « Milverton f. nm Wednesday ee . ie axatad who sited ‘his st given in the @ same place.| €imita, spent Sunday with the’ for- Ree eL themes tas tie hile jot, pastor of the) mer’s father here of the congregation. rd. perform- ‘homas Kennedy and son left at > Eas in the presence for the West las present visiting her cousin Mrs. D GRAVELRIDGE. immediate relatives of the bride and] Mr. Frank Aubore went (sunley « Blaley, Peaekeeritio: sgl aaa ENERO remony took place at] with friends in Berlin D. W. Eleley attended the fun- R, of Trowbridge. ealled| 4 ae r fter a wedding din-|. Mr, Berlet has returned home sents his uncle Mr. Thomas Quick-|6n TALS TS ay. ft eee eee Rea eS. Beret Wa ae tan enionel kr hehe he happy couple | after spending a few weeks in Toron-| fall of Floradale 1 arday. ts. Bd, Denyer is Sutleing from| The Bead oo jaa lent rete Mrs, Snider and Mrs oe of left on the afternoon train for a short| to. Mr. Alex. McAllister, of Blooming-|ia ree atta ee Jr. IV—Edith Lambert, John White| Neepawa. Man,. who have been spend- nix go. and on their) Mr. Gi id, Litt, of Sebringville. spent} dale. paid a business Visit to our vil-| Mtr Hee baby Bes-| Maggi ey Katie. Zehr. ing the past two months with their return will reside on ne groom's Sunday with friends lage last Wednesday. also atten-|sie of Qaatee Visited ia the Ridge| I1I—Katie Steckly. George Smitges.|sister, Mrs. Robt, Buchanan left for Eastho} he popu-] Mr. Gavin Bar as 8 a pale ded Alt, H.-Ballgra’s sale. last_wee udy. Kuepfer, John Atkin, Jr. II—|their home in the West on Tuesday bride and groom was Vislior te Guelph on iu Miss Vera Ottmann. of Waterloo.| Mics Hettie Lumgford has returned Joseph Steckly, Etta Lambert. Millie | afternoon, evidenced in the many handsome gifts ‘ate Seip visited in Guelph 5) sea 6 home over Sunday: of last week. | from. Beato: ere she spent the|Gernhaelder, Bertha Parkinson. Gor-| Rev. Mr. Fairwell, B,A., of Toronto. Araneta aa recipient a Thursiay ae = . Se ie Rev. Mr. Schuelke, of Heidel- oveek with h ‘er Mrs. BE. ries don 8. II—Joe Zehr. Willie] preached a very instructive sermon r return o1 ednesday fi . O. Bundy was a tg 1s Ts rhea a visit to se some o! On -Friday <evening the spaciods rki Pt. II—Simon Steckly.| to the Epworth League on Sunday af- ing a reception was held at the home| itor in Berlin on ee ay las kesville friends last: Thursda: pone of ae n rs. Wm. Orr was| Archie White. Mike Kuepfer. Ree ternoon, orn the comp ny pres rales wee chan spent Baran in ev. Mr. Ritchie, of Galt, oc- n to the young. people of|Gernhaelder, Rose Ranney. Mrs, Sarah Petrio spent a few days a yable alee visiting frie buy the pulpit fo the Presbyter- the Milvertad Methodist church that | Sii Zehr, Edward Lambert. Pee “"T|tast week with £ in Al ripping the light fantastio toc. ¥ Berlet ‘ett for Toronto} ian phurch Sunday morning, He/|they might enjoy the hospitality of its George Currie. by onthly meting of the greta D. Ke akespeare. vis-|on ressed the young people at the | winer. large crowd was present A. W. Grant, Teacher.|iate Auxiliary of the 10th concession nts Mr. and Mrs. McKay returned home| ‘Methodist ehurch in the evening.| from all quarters of the will be held at the home of Mrs. See oe Arent ga Be ter a Be it with Milverton friends ae ore splendid turn out. and a pleasant evening was spent in es Whitney says that all| Petrie. on Thursday afternoon, Mar. Shag ta eg Na hed a ti I y_ and Eddie Winn. of} games and music. At midnight lunch] of rural Ontaria will be urider Local|eh 3rd or the past year ase eee visit nes i is ‘oetch left on Friday for Berlin. spent Sunday last under the/xyas,served after which all left for|Option in a short time. He is alsogo-|. Mra, Wa’ of Neepawa. Man with bia i ae ee 5 - | Toronto i attend the spring millin- pane ES! home much pleased with Mr. and Mrs.| ing to make 55 per cent. instead of|vho has been spending the winter urg weturned home last wee ory openings. ne Be Neleae Cunningham. of Berlin,| Orr's kindness in affording 60 the standard. r proposed|here with her mothen Mrs, Toul aE NESS oe eee tele tex, aunoeaet ye ae present visiting friends at Haw-|such a delightful evening. change is that where by-lawe lack the|\unflerwent a eritioal operation W. D, WEIR’S SALE REGISTER. | ale las gn eee ‘ei oe e following: fp’the- report of 88.) rea et have the |the Stratford hospital on Wednesday. . -—— ; Way ie Wilkinson who ‘has been 12, Mornington for the month of|'majority of the votes ‘cas be} We wish her a speedy recover ‘Thursday Mar, §—Will sell for John ONE ADVANTAGE it arith pnetimbuila tor the pant week itoraseee From de, 11K uo is based tiled aguidvat the next unio Sr a speedy seovery J. Kerr on Lot 6, Con. 1, Mornington.| This wintry weather. brother mine.| is reported ta be convalscent ection.—Ripley Express. Try The Sun for good Job Work Farmstock, Implements, . and Etfects, Is certain to abi Mr. Norman. Wilkinson spent PoTVAne +. THE RE TRE EE TE TEE ERE SAE SET EP SRS SEP ERP RP ARE NEE SEP NRT RS EP HP REP SEE EP ES AEP NEON ES AFP AEP EP OEP NES SEP NEP NEC NE NES NEO NHS Ne AEP ye Ne tye aye oe HAVE YOU SEEN T. P. & DICK ROE’S SHOES ? THEY HAVE A Brand New Stock HIGH-CLASS, UP-TO-DATE LINE Shoes That Will Dazzle Your Eyes. Shoes That Will Fit Perfect. Shoes That Will Wear ‘°°. Band. Shoes to Suit Everybody. Shoes at RIGHT PRICES for All. A Few FELT SHOES Leit That will he sold at a Reduction Call Around and See for Yourself and be Convinced T. P. & DICK ROE THE SHOEMEN On Mill Street, One Door East of Drug Store P.S.---We also sell PIANOS, ORGANS and all kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS is ahs Ks ake aks ake aks ake aks ake sks ks ake aks aks ahs aks chs ahs checks fe aks he aks checks che aks che aks chs ahs ake chs aks ake aks ake aka chs che aks aks checks chs ahs checks kschsaks chi nee O oa

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