Milverton Sun, 3 Mar 1910, p. 2

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A TERRIBLE SUFFERER FOR THREE YEARS |"“pcen avagea Tine and Agu. But Health Was Completely Restor- Tin espe ably ed fy Dr. i oa gs Pills. is one lon of this trouble found no relief till she began aed ing Williams’ Pink Pills. She says:—‘‘For three years I was a} sufferer from sulted and was treated by Rane of the best doctors in our city, I procured three boxes. and b, e time these were used’ there was enough improvement in give them a noe the new ait t Dr. Pink Pille eeany made iss Mercier to { did to Tt was Williams’ St. Vitus dance an troubles. Sold by all aes i medicine or Aga at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. eens, Medicine Co., Broc ville, ican ss at NO EXCEPTION. Pat was being shown the sights of America. His Yankee guide, after showing him numerous wonders, bronght him to a statute of Wash- ington. “T guess,” he said, ‘‘there’s a Bat and: a lie never passed through Mine Pe said Pat, ‘I expect, like the rest of yé, he spoke through his nose.”’ MOTHERS PEEL SAFE WITH BABY'S OWN TABLETS i, Mothers who have used Baby's Gai Tablais ay. they fool uate when they have this medicine in tie house, as never-failing i Grove, Ont., says:—‘My little boy suffered terribly when teething and from constipation. Nothin: ve him hisa Baby's Own T rought him speedy reli children shoul keep the Tablets in the hom ‘old by medicine dealers or by mat at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Mevinine Co., Brock- ville, On a Naa ee FUTILE - DISSENSION. “So you and your husband are ays quarreling ?”’ said the family “Xe es,”” answered the young wo- ma: “What do you quarrel about ’’ “T forget the subject of the first quarrel. But we have been quar- reling ever since who was to blame ‘or it.’” PILes CURED es 6 ia) 14 DAYS, A SHOOK. One of the first shocks the’ aver- ‘age young mar Rie Reniit gets 2 when she puts own an her husband ficest t kage the hi ference. Sleeplessness.—Sleep is the great restorer and to be deprived oF zt Is vital Joss. Whatever may be cause of it, indigestion, Am derangement or mental worry, try urse of Parmelee’s Veeeratle Pills. By ireputatny the aci the stomach, where the trowble lies, they will restore normal o and healthful sleep will They exert a sedative force upon the nerves and where there is un- rest they bring rest, The man who is willing to bet his bettom a seldom has to dig down very ESePSh seh etared wil arm a vubstitutes, there tt Boia berry Deva eg ane soe A LET UP. if “Do they quarrel all the time?” No, they entertain company now and then.’ Many’a man ‘is proud of his past —because it is past. Shot Th v ors ie ora ANY. Viedotelth 8 tee fests ‘mistakes. “Aucelors ae Dealer. Suingle Gad aud “Jehngou-tiohierdsod, lanai. 99% sides, Germany ha: and see ioe For three years she | 40 and During that time 1 con-| TY id the least’ food until I gave | °° GERMANY’S HARD LESSONS. Occupying the greater Bed of , since ri the object of hostile racing { the Huns; the piracies \by the Northmen; the frequent at- feels by the Magyars, Mongols and two years 1631 d- 1632, perenne ates killed or swept away ie sick In vuritembere over 500,000 lost lives, of the patation perished. sovectnaty and eighteenth centuries brow the frequent raids by the trench: who, it the undreds autif ol ee on the Rhine, irovelle and ting monuments of po century fronstrous adventurer, Napoleon L., b: was torn into pate ani stamped into the dust. man kingdoms and States ae giv- Rudolf Cronan in McClure’s, tho lessons taught by such an un happy, terrible at IS ALL F. i IN TRADE ong in Principle. Never adopt the one re are men in- fef? in trade.”’ The: flecible in principle, forvunalss they were never dishon- ee because they ter-capital. A good not SoRtno aie: A GOOD yD COUGH MIXTURE. Simple Tlome-made Remedy That is Free From Opiates and Harmiul rugs. An effective remedy, usually break up a cold in twenty- four hours, is easily made maix- ing together in a large bottle two prepared only in of the Leach Chemical Oo., Cincin- nati, Ohio ok. MEAN. The meanest thing That comes our way, A-rain stormon = « A winter's ey; A Safe Pill for Sufferers.—There are pills that violently purge and fill the stomach and intestines with ain. purely vegetable, no mineral pur- gative entering into their composi- tion and their effect is soothing and beneficial. m and be con- great curative i thon owe their strength to timely use of this most excellent medicine. —— RULING A SAVAGE TRIBE, King Panishes “Them by Cutting Off Ear, Hand or Foot. The author of ‘Heroes of Mod. ert Crusades,”’ the Rey. Edward Gilliat one time master vs Faatow: School, says in his most interesting book that he had a few years ago spe privilege of meeting the king of the Quiah country, Tetti aeecasiae at Harrow, te king had heen educated at t id English. In his lecture he told a quaint story inoffensive pueentes on the west coast. of Afri “Tn ny contigs said the king no prisons; therefore % ave a culprit is brought to me I must inning of the nineteenth saw the onslaught of that x humiliated ee eed! ade imperial|the skin will take a nd| the worst kind of an itch, We posi- Ger-| tively Fee en by Napoleon a’ presents to his relatives and favorites, who made ing the German cities ring with their Would any nation, says ignore Motto As i Not be ‘be Adopted by Men ‘All is upright and eg e tegrity, arined bythe ernapnes of their associates that, though un- burned out and the earthquake can- that will |” ounces of Glycerine, a halt: -ounce of chop off something,—an ear or two, a hand or a foot,—and he goes home a sadder and a wiser man, before I lett for England a chief came to my hut, bringing a prison- er. “What has he done, friend?’ I asked. “He is a dangerous witch, O king; he can turn himself into an SHER r chief, tel] me your- Vell, You saw him rifles when al big alligator ying on a rock in the river, The witch man was lying asleep in a hammock some fifty O the dangerous crea- king, do not laugh with your eyes like that, for I am speak- not been ls the alligator, how could he have been hurt when 1 ages emen,”’? concluded the ay: seo you are laughing with ; but it is very difficult ven over to Lorena “What did I do? Why, if I had left him free Mies would have killed him as soon as I had gone on my gi | ship, so I Ee his life by chopping s] off his left ear.’ wy ee q COOLED Just a few drops of the famous D. Pr this. Oil of winte ergreen, a mild, sooth- ing liquid, combined with such heal: substances as thymol and gly ats will penetrate to the inner skin, kill the germs, and heal. seems to be just the pound, as thousands of remarkable cures prove. on’t go on suffering from ec zema or any other itching skin dis- ease, when relief is so easily ob- ained. We eae men apologizing for} Just write the D. D. D. Labora- pir in a man |tories, Dept. W. L., 23 Jordan &t., e of bread | Toronto, and they will send you This sample will relieve the itching at once, and prove to shine satistanlion that here at last is the ¥ your torture. Write for a arial bottle to-day. For sale by all druggists. eae, Se MOTHER’S EXPERIENCE. Fond Mother—‘‘Now, look here, jeorge! I want you to break off with that girl. She is very pretty, and all that, but I know her too to risk your life marrying her. 0 about housekeeping secon Greek—not a bi eorge—“Perhaps not; can learn.’ other—‘‘After marriage. a ra- ioe late for that, George. coos — ‘But avon said ey that you did hing aban housekeeping until after you ere marrie M fon Very true, George, and your poor father died of dyspepsia twenty years ago.’ bub she ANOTHER PLAN. He (encouragingly)}—' re of one thing, my angel—you and I will never jquarrel as that couple are doing! She (with eet ana eee we shan’t! If you ever speak t as he did to her, I shall call os police !”’ ‘bial youtawsave We {eidinthol Plaster, | Fer cee | a pA ote, raathind 3 be is better, has my, aged six, who just lon’t Only One “BROMO QUININE”* hat ts LAXATIVE PROMO QUININE. Look. for the siguature ot E,W. GROVE, “Used the ‘world over to Cure Cold in Que D: Some Semele talk so. much that they have no time to listen to ae thing worth while. from 5 Renta rooms to the ota Sense ee fo ions if ahaa it etait ‘Allene bP ‘blesome ataagerees, A HAPPY DISPOSITION. “Tn a little while ee a = quail without feeling SaEee and extravagant.” A VOICE FROM NOVA ur| ease will cure ang form of Kidne: | listened SCOTIA STATES THAT DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURES BRIGHT’S DISEASE, Ellie J. Mirk Suffered from this Terrible Ailment for Four Years, but Dedd’s Kidney Pills Made Her a Well Woman. _ Miscou thor Gloucester Co., §., Feb 28 (Special),—That any remedy that will cure Bright’s Dis- Disease has long been edmitted by the medical profession, and this place furnishes one more undoubte proof that Dodd’s Kidney ele will cure Bright’s Di Bie ele ie Bright’s Disease, and Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills cure “T suffered for over four years from Kidney Disease whith deielcp" ed into Bright’s Disease,”” Miss Mirk states. joints. I lost my appetite and suf- fered from dizziness and shortness of breath. I was weak and lan- guid alt ‘the time. always nervous and could not ie ay thoughts from wander- ing id’s Kidney Pills cured me. To-day I have not one of these dis- ing symptoms.’” Neglected Kidney Complaint de- velops into Bright’s Disease, Heart s Kid- or Diabetes. Dodd’ arlier + symptoms Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Re ee SHORTSIGHTED WOMAN. Do what he would, the landlord could never get the rent from his when asked to pay long rigmarole about hard times, and made many promises, which always remained pea ent at heart with hope deferred, “the called again the other day, and to the same old ee see the lady of the house. trying interview, but the landlord; *}a very good soul, said that rather than such @ accepte W yhen a Barbed returned from ant she told him what had trans- ae indignation knew no petal “Y should think you sense than to ais it!’ he saned: “Take it urse, I took it!’” Feplis his wife, surprisedly. “Why “Why, you daft idiot, we'll have taxes to pay now! ER SHE HAD cee SORE FOR FOUR YEARS! Tow Zam-Buk Healed It. Zaia-Buk for whether recent a can’t equal sores of all kinds, cr of Tong Handing. That is the opinion rs. Wilson, of 110 Wickinson ses Toronto. She says: “About four years ago a sore spot appeared on the right side of my face, just about the angle of ae This spot increased in wy til it became about half an inch a diameter, and very troublesome. us went to a doctor, from whom at different times during fifteen years I had received treatment, but the A sample of Zam-Buk was one ae left at our house, and I used it. “Although the quantity vas 50 small, it seeme: Scollard supply of Zam- id me more and more good, yeast my delight, be- fore I had heen using Zam-Buk three weeks, I saw that it was f- ing to heal the sore. In les onth it was healed! It ise aoe Hees healed for almost a Try Zam-Buk for eczema, nee skin eruptions, face spots, baby’s med places, _ piles, all skin in- juries and diseases. 50c all drug- gists and stores, or post free from Zam-Buk Co. ronto, for price. eee A FLORADORA STUNT. He wooed a maid named Flora t-| When hed lost a girl named Dora; After Dora he woed And wound a with veddins Nora. If your puted moan and are restless dur‘ng sleep, coupled, when wake, w ae picking of the nose, that effectua' removes at once ee the erminator these pests, little sufferers. SPN SNIPPETS OF SENSE: Tf you would flatter a woman, is own business—unless you are getting paid for minding etain @ man’s friendship, don’t try. to show him that he isn’t ee as smart as he thinks he is. The trouble in the world is near- ly all due to the fact that one- tale {of the people are men and 11 x half womens with a loss of appetite, pale | see _| warts, corns, etc., can L A DOSE OF 1909 was the most prosperous year in tke history of the National Life Assurance Co, OF CANADA, large gaias being made in pert IN FORCE, PaEMiUx an INTERE! AND SURELUS. A Special Agent is Required in this District. Apply to The Nat tional Ute. Assurance Co, Hoad ome? Ss Baas ce Toronto _ GREAT IS THE LAW. . “And no son,”’ said the bank manager, “‘on this, the thres- hold of your business ate I desire to impress one thought on you Honesty, ace pad, ‘always is the policy that i sti father,” ad the young ma) v And, by the Like appended the OT we urge you to hings you can do in way and still = honest.’ NEW aes BANK CHES. A Ta. ae . Traders ree sali hes opened: insata tario, about the 21st instant. This will make 106 Branches of the Traders Bank in Canada. HER COME-BACK « eve in ng what I think,’ said the young man in the flabby trousers. “Pye often wondered why you dcn’t talk very much,’’ said the girl with the trick of saying what she thinks. Bickle’s Anti-Consumptive Syrup TOO LATE! Voice ee ‘splashes)—‘“Yes. What d’you want?’ Landlady—-“I forgot to’ tell you TI had it fresh painted inside last night, sir, and it won’t be dry for two or three day: Free to Our Readers. Eve Remedy Co,, Chicago Mari for "nats iMustrated ‘Sve. Book. free: ue ah about nee Trouble ad Eye P: e Your Eyes ‘and in Baby's Eyelids and Granulation, SPEAKING “OF ART. Young Wife—This dish, dearest, is an original composition of my Vusakand Well Leueutd rather, my pet, that you would cook a the old masti A USEFUL INVENTION. One of the latest inventions along tlie lines of pg: ines is a consists of a 2% h.p. air cooled engine which operates the machin- ery of the binder, and relieves the horses of so much wi #8 will doubtless be vs pbisabonttetenera clean os near future. (It is manufactured by the Gilson Manufacturing Co., Wis., and Port Washington, Guelph, Canada.) THE ee OF FOOLISHNESS. Wi a great many foolish things from a to day, but keeping the temperature of a living oom up to 80 and above for the sake of a rub- ber plant, strikes us as about the most foolish of all. A Soothing Oil.—To throw oil upon the troubled waters means to apbaue to se at a oe! ae Sea. with pain means heals bruises, burns, and as a general household medicine is useful in many ailments. It is worth much. tl Landlady (to lodgex)—"'Are you in the sumption, to consumption, be too 2a to fight it in its early stages. Bickle’s Syrup is the wea- pon, use it. a It sometimes ae that by the time a young mau afford to marry he doesn’t want to ALWAYS AT HER HEAD. Who would Ss 1e. lee: For he’s eee in his ceritaehien stand always at the head. | inatruetion; few Dr. Morsé’s Indian Root Pills effectiveness ta curing Sciatica to their the rate. and muscles and c ful diseases. Over hi of esas slusively Root Pills irongtien weal Cure Rheumatism Co ns eee British Americ ETL EE RL taunt CRONYN && SAFE TNVESTNENTS Reforas to standing souee sulains, © 90 oy st, Toronto. our new building, Mile or out eakG olreslar on secrition jank. EDUCATIONAL, EARN THE BARBER Ral stem oonatent Pr ymplete courses tools free; graduates earn twelve to eighteon dollars weekly; write for cata- ie East, Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE. MACHINERY & ACHINERY HB ADQUAREERS. M maac! over 140 3. A. Pieritede ‘Toronto; Montceal,-Vesoouver THE LINDMAN TRUSS will bold an; hernia. Endorsed by foremost m Writs for particulars, B. LINDMAN, (Reg'd). Montreal. ise Them Without AIIIR, ronto,{O) reducibl ical rm CAL Bat re ES hie, Stoole,Wriggs Seed Coy Ltd., T ino of the marvels of the slectrical ag nase threughe world. Write f fe, ag, General “hoeustie Con of Cesadn, fia @ Street, Toronto, OPE FOR THE DEAF—IN ee a Marlatt’s Hair Promoter, rows Hair on any Bald Head On sale at the Robt. Simpson Co., Toronto, Gaitede: ar tn Matlock Hair Promoting , Toronto, Canai HER RELATIVES DIED OF CONSUMPTION Tn the year 1890, 18 8. Gast of Balle ae vee ot take a better PSTCHINE sed compen it to all wl are suffering from Lung Trouble and Gen- exal Debility.”” For sale by all Lipps Se. & $1 rT. AL "SrOCUM LIMITED, TORONTO PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN A Few Shares for Sale of the best I Yompanios in non gary torts’ ouly $1000 downs ey to. Lend at 5}% on approved securities. Apply for particulars to M. J. T, Box 419, London, Ont SEED POTATOES. sod vartonlats ve habla GSE pind \ddross Bex 158, Mentroal. Grown.from pare bred. seed imported gai GOOD WORK. The dear old veteran paused in his reminiscences, and his aidience began to think "he had left of. Vain hope! } “I. recollect,’” he continued Hep ke ee at the pee of a very exciting time. Bullets mene pally ing Fonte i like aged to get within a hundved yards of our position. I was mad with excitement, and wasn’t thinking of anything except just fighting for all I was worth. Uo} sudden turned, and found that Ans Deets had altered a positio: Iw. cut off-—left, o the haiey of the enemy, sir. ‘The veteran paused again; he al- ways does at most exciting part; he finds it amusing “Well, what did you a6 V7 asked an impatient listener. “Do,” said the old: fellow alee ily. “Well, I reckon I did a mile in three minutes. ffothing look: looks more ugly than to a person whose hands are cov- ered over with warts. these disfigurements on yout son when a sure \ remover of all found in Holloway’s Corn Cure. UNCLE TARA SAYS: “People count : their chickens afore they are hatched beeuz Ame i to enje he what they think they’re ? to_hev nd for free sample to Dept. W. L. Na | Drug & Chemical Cou Tordnto. Kills Bone Spavin Rich Valley, Alta, May 20th. 1909 SF have usec it tong (ime an out it, Have killed a Bone rigs re its use.” OLE CARLSON, That telis the whole wees Pye iace of thousands have had the perience in the past it 40 yea: For Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, Splint, Swellings and all Lameness, Kendall's Spayia Cure cures th: Keep a bottle always at hand~ §lor6 for $5. Good for man ate beast. “Ask your deater for free copy of aur book: “A Treatise On The owe” or write us, DR. B. 5. KENDALE CO. Enosbarg Falls, Ve. cea from nd, Scotland and United States. Firat Earlys irst E: Second Bay rly, Medium and Ua © prices, etc. add Ww. °. NILES, - Wellington, Ontario, Grower of Sed Poas, Beans ani Potatoos, ES ee the most scientific and economical rem LYLE’S COMMON SENSE FOR PILEQ Price to 6 for $5.00, mailed on to ceipt of price. Pigs MEDICINE CO, LYLE MEDI TORONTO 718 Quoen West, | APPENDICITIS AML who are afe ced permanontly, fly aiid quickly with this great pathic remedy, with i She neat, post-paid any whore in the world, with fail instructions, for using eo A: a perma oure. Price 3 dohn alt “Homeonathio Pharmacy, rnprlor, Canada, Maple Syrup Maker! Attention! yw can you reasonably expect to maka even a fair quality of syrup using cut-of+ a for booklet on RIMM MANUFACTURING bogey i 68 Wellingten St., Montreal Scien NGINE | Ask for catslog--all sis GILSON MFG. CO... 95 York St, HS GR ly dealers. i giver crerzthlne: ae bouton a ‘cit shows tran aoa iS a3 sath ee remed if wasters D ro lemon or ci fe, a delicions syru anil pt Sa a syrup better then ms ee is os Tecipe book, Crescent Mfr. Co., Se Swenson’s Malleable Stump Puller sa Stumps and Trees, We Pull eine avy other machine made for that pu see You kno’ entero catal die ¥y a8 this may not appear again, gee ADIAR SWENONS, re = Them as We Please. a: manufacture the largest assortment of We souvenient. Ww there can only be one BEST. MED caIADA a

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