Milverton Sun, 3 Mar 1910, p. 3

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yp a Ata: = Six THOUS AND DOLL AR FINE CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS The Magistrate Says Hudson's Bay Com- pany is an Old Offender. ae: geet from Sudbury says: Co., on the main line of the C. P. fined by Magistrate Baik ¢ in Sudbury ‘total of $6,150°. ne costs, or wets iy on Thursday, a| fine atencs, but the Magistrate took the real ads ders were a dared Bay Co., who ac- ee the furs, and as this was not their first offence he imposed the a own Attorney Clary, for the prosecution, explained that years and six months in the peni-! Train was only a figucehent cee tentiary. rms to run consecutively. Nawyer for the defence pleaded for|pelts, valued at about $1, nes This is a fine of $50 and|tke Hudson’s ‘costs for each of the 123 beaver to get the furs. Bay Co. w Y. bout $7,000 for the 123 Lek n Pe ahead as this was Train’s first|the furs will be confiscate: ‘CURE FOR CONSUMPTION DIET OF “‘STRIPPINGS” IS ALL CREAM, NOT MILK, Dr. B. J. Kendall, Geneva, Illinois, Has Tested It With Best Results. most certain method ever Lg for the cure of the ‘‘Great White Plague” is through the diet used as per directions given below which can be taken at home and en comes within oad reach of the poor a de well as tl he medus seria is to force bie body to take on fat, a SEHR: ‘atum Phe felt by the medical p fession but never before aisle os but eet they Peayee taking for half an hour and tl milk had sled rat degrees I have en half a pint make them ve: ie THE GREAT Ape of success with it is in taking it nie dene after milking and not allowing it to cool below bloed heat, taking a full quart morning and |e, evening a, Musing tak: thal very 1 The iioning is a typical case E. suddenly startled to find her cats was forty pounds below normal. She was coughing “9g get out of bed and go around ly the house. She gained qui! ‘ap- Seal tiee epi fifteen years. |idly and as-her weight and strength ‘e direc- | increased ough deereased. has raised the we: increased {the strength and ‘eee ‘of the pa-|! jtient yapidly up to a normal condi- tion, thus enabling nature to assert her sovereign right to be the domin- ating force in the body and the germs een Jess until they would not increase ia weight more. | THE ALL IMPORTANT THING quantities of SHE TOOK NO MEDICINE after the hemorrhage was stopped other digestive to and a simple cough remedy to ease Mis siitingt. Ge’ very lest the cough ; bul tar, lobelia, a, opium, me Te he aaa taper sea), [#3 disturb the stomach aadenter: when @ proper cow uA sak! thet {x2 With digestion were carefully is 5 Shs nd avoided. ‘recite for consum: get best results es Sheaihy cow et be “selected, one that sone fi jrich milk rsey cow is iets ‘able, The milk should always be d, to be sure that phere, isa tester besae tae but obras th |The last quart should be milked into a separate dish which rests in ‘a larger vessel huising warm Iwater, just sufficient to prevent the ‘ strippings from cooling bélow blood |heat. ‘The cow should be thorough- lly Maated to prevent any dirt get: {ting into the milk so the patient | can blow back the froth and drink jat once without Ale 4 as this ‘cools it too mucl HOW MUCH TO DRINK. Begin by. drinking nearly ‘a pint the same at the quantity taken that can be without too muc! discomfort and then rest 2 or 3 ne 5 = s & 2 = Es a = 5 =] 5 2 3 2 5 a ES be sone nies minutes the patient should eat at the table such articles of food as’ are known to aj with the sto- seal At noon eat as | When the strippings are not al- 0 to cool below blood heat and bore nat er have seen a case but could aka. the Hippies without any dis- comfort mentioning when above directions were followed meee although some have declar- me they could not before trying it; It is easy for those on a farm to n {oapry out this method, and on sey eral occasions parties who lived in ae city purchased a suitable cow recovery, in arate instance, they sold the cow ‘oe nearly as much as was paid for er. not remember any case that followed the directions strictly that was not cured, but several persist- ed in declaring they could not take it until so much valuable time was wasted that they lost their lives by ‘Thave found the same diet when akove directions were carried out carefully, equally successful in in- creasing the weight and strength of those run down an from other causes. f vennevins A YOUNG HERO, Five-year-old Boy Carries Brother ‘rom Burning Home. A despatch from London, Ont., 0 Be. morning, when he carried from a burning “house his nine-months- n{old brother before help arrived. The children were alone in the house and it is thought the boy was playing with the fire. When the i house caught, the youngster grab- hed up the baby and carried it out- side as neighbors came hurrying up. PALL RENDERED HIM BLIND. ro Accident. to Brockville an—Landed on His iS iag filling lay e river front, fell from the run- way to the ground, a distance. of He landed heavily on his feet, causing a concussion whic! has rendered him blind and also confused his mind. He is in the hospital in a serious condition, ~ARRAT SHIPBUILDING PLANT: - ‘Arrangements s Are Nearly carly Completed With a British Firm. that ¢ lespatch from’ Ottawa say ie evel the Casadian several of the world-famous Brit. pas' ted that. oy eaauiaseneNs: will hortl; val in capacity anything i mo North yee rica. By way of er en- couraging he. raat: SE such an industry in Canada, thus com- pleting the scheme of Canadian Naval defence, the” Government will, it is understood, shortly bring down a bill increasing the present building oo nd debilitated | }: | HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. Manitoba’s Legislative buildings ie bee stapes ticted, ata enn 2 +e ‘pany has been formed - pila 2 ices at Victoria, B.C., cost four milliens. intario Government may pay é pe passage of Spa ready to ake positions as dom The Manitoba Gavetesat has ee asked to restrict local, option sts to once in three years. “The estimates passed by Ham- ton Board of Control provide for|™ a tax rate of 21 mills, the same as last year. Robert L. Blair, hotelkeeper of Sharbot Lake, has been fined $50 for selling liquor to a railway con- ee on duty, Riot to nak the Ontarien oper tuent for ree to have the sity govern- “mee a tava Be telephones by the Manitoba Government result- ed in a surplus of $372,000: A lot of new lines are to be laid. The New Zealand ny Com- pany, which will run a Montreal to in ieiealian ports next summer, re a C. - R. whe took part labor riots were sentenced a ney. others were fines Mr. T. Connor will sue the Hamilton Hospital Governors the death of his daughter from scarlet soe acontase GS; he says, 3 -| while in the b A bill has ‘been Tatibauces in the Manitoba Legislature te sanction marriages marlcteaa by. stadsrts and other missionaries in the re- mote distriets of the Province. ie Government has rangements eS ae Steamship Company for a mo service from ences: Halifax and St John to Australia and New Zealan The | Montreal Board of Trade has passed a-resolution in favor of rav- €|ing labor organizations includ2d in investigation of |i the law for the monopolies and trusts ‘n es | ade. GREAT 8 BRITAIN. ‘The first division in the ne ish House of Commons feats lin Government. r. Winston Churchill ann sunced in the British House of Cummors that the Government would stand or fall by the veto bill. ‘The address in reply to the speech from the throne iy, adapted in the {British House of out af eal on tides seph Martin, in a letter ithe Times states that he con rea 's Mr. Asquith has repudiated his plettbe ate at the Albert Hall meeting. as with- UNITED STATES. Three boys were shot and probah- ly fatally wounded in strike riots in Philadelphia. e Commercial Cable Company intends starting immediately-to lay a new cable eae the Atlantic. It is stated i Grand Trunk is eee the pos- pats of extending its line to that ee trolleyless car fitted with an ”| Edison storage battery was tested on @ horse car line in New York on Friday. James Leonard, a _ reforme cracksman, was as and killed in New York by an old comrade whom he betrayed. Eight iraineehors of the Milk Trust have been indic ted at New York for conspiring to’ raise the wholesale rice of mil Representative Boutell of Illinois ays there is absolutely no danger of a tariff war Baipect Canada ard the United Stat President Taft, ‘speaking at Ne- j| wark, said the actual cost fer en- gineering and construction of the n! Panama Canal would be $297,000. - The United States naval pro- gramme for the coming year will. it is said, include two battleships ‘of 28,000 oe each and <osting $11,000,000 Six great Spackine companies and rs were indicted Jury on a charge of conspiriag to limit the supply of meat and povl- try. The Chairman 6f the Massachw- setts Democratic State Committce e maximum tariff need not apply to Canada. GENERAL. * Over four hundred men were kil- led or wounded in a battle in Ni- caragua. Sugar cane cutters on strike Guadeloupe have created a ES situation. 4 REE a _ TREE BROKE BOTH LEGS. rare eas Man Badly In- it three and a half per cent. Bas aes “for berest on years, on ti have Been, con 5 Soeiated for the estab- lishment by one or other of thes Faye Bar _a steel’ shipboiling prison vat Mon! ongres shape ta a eee millions. A steal! shipbuilding p! Pacific coast is also vontemplated| wae ee at plant for the Pknee. in the Woods. 3 him, Norm: ayne, ad both cs faired below th an hour and a half jn the woods before he could be re- have medi- mies to his oes and es cost of | Several Arthur is sending a d@eputa-|n jine from | on te years each, and about forty|t w Brit- | th a vote of 285 to 264 in favor of the ne percipitated | Ri HEALTH DOUGHNUTS. A story is told saber ete of an GE brought up child. H was guarded with the utmost care from everything Use could possibly °| position walls that with an antiseptic solution daily. Especially was his food looked after with the greatest care. No-|g thing passed his lips that was not down in the sat poke as most in- noxious—no pr pie, no beans even, but ane ies Banden: the most nutritious, and the most di- gestible of foods. H w apace and seemed to thrive, but one fatal day he was allowed to lone to see his grandnuther. This old lady was of no tragedy irom a stomach-ach she fed her wae vith pie and jam and two or three big firm doughnuts. The surprise was too much for abused ays of anxious Bacoteti e doctor could say . | with eee fost the child uae ak need ake inquire too closely th of this story, but the system as a whole—it can thrive only by exercise. the stomach is guarded against everything not easily diges stible, sererything that ds is of it ae hard work, o take care of the food that will Inevitably get into it sonensy and somehow at some on 0 the perfeetly healthy stomach a seit cooked doughnut is not even a challenge, but to the overcoddled |; as much In this sense the very as is filled with doughnuts: It is not desir- able to advocate any Giazien sys- tem of hardening, but in the physi- e moral worl nize the h all of these should be. ventured.— Youth’s Companion. Jk NEARLY Le TRAGEDY, Train. ig ae on ‘on Brink of Steep ‘y Bluff. A aes aa Kamloops, B. assenger train rounding a curve three miles west: of Spence’s Bridge on Wednesday nee ue 1 o’clock. The en aggage car passed safely, but the eee of the train, about ten cars, left the track, and only the re- taining wall prevented them being into the Thompson ‘iver. There is a steep, rocky bluff ai been appalling and the Pullman passengers slept allriliroual tie wreck. FELL DEAD IN STORE. “Soo” Woman’s Sudden End While on Her Way Home. er, attending lodge meeting. the Oddfellows’ gee at SE THE FRENCH FLOOD LOSS. Over Fourteen Million Dollars in Sapte Departments. atch from Paris says: ne aan reports of the flood damage in 18 out of 86 departments | show a momentary loss of $14,600,- 009. This includes the $10,000,000 damage done in Paris; but here, as. elsewhere. is made of the indirect losses, which aré in- caleu SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. Wool flowers and wings are new. Diagonal linens. are new ani smart. Hats are now made to match uaa eoat. Russian blouse coats inerease in in | popularit Plaiting is seen in many of thet new. skirts e ie ‘sl ‘iped anes are aus ealarly smart. Plain. pent dresses in velvet are popular. Wide leather belts will be worn ae ee dresses.” tt knots of black or white ee om large huts. Man; ‘the ghorns are “Line e soft, heavy, and pliabl Ribbons in silver and gold, so in scoppet are. at hand. aa foo} ‘many of # THE WORLD'S MARKETS im REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and “Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, March 1.—Flour — On- tario wheat 90 per cent. patents, $4.25 to $4.30 in buyers’ sacks on | Lak track, Toronto, and $4.15 to $4.20 outside in_ buyers’ sacks. Manite- ja flour, first patents, $5.20 te $5.- an and strong bakers’, $5 on track, Toronto. Manitoba wheat—No. 1 Northern $1.1214, Bay ports, and No. 2 Nor- thern, $1.104, Bay ports. Ontario wheat—No. 2 mixed red Winter or white, $1.07 to $1.08 is i ‘ley—No. 2, 56¢ outside; No. and feed, 48¢ outside. Oats—No. 2 Ontario white, 39 to 39%e outside, Tor track, to. Cai oats, 43¢ aS oe oN 2, and 42c for No. 3; Bay Penne 2 for shipment, 82 to Bc ous 2, 67 to 68c¢ outside. Buckwheat 82 to 53%e outside Bran—$22 to $22.50 in bags, To- ronto, and shorts $24, in bags, To- to. Sa COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples—81.50 to $3 per barrel, scoordling to quality. s—Car does outside, $1.85 to rie 85, Pal small lots $2.10 to $2.20 per bushel. s, dozen, $2 to $2. 50: FEE 10% to lle per Tb. Baled Hay—No. 1 ue $13.- 50 to $14, and No. 2 at 50 on track, Toronto Baled Straw—-$7. 50 to track, Toronto. es—45 to 47¢ per bag on track for Ontarios. Poultry—Turkeys, dressed, 18 to 19¢ per Ib. ; ducks, 13 te 15c; geese, + $12 to $12.- $8 on 3 to de; chickens, 14 to 1de, and| ny 11 to 120. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter—Pound prints, 21 to 22¢; tubs and large rolls, 19 to 20¢; in- fae te Sle per dozen, and storage, 25¢ per dozen. Cheese—13¢ per lb. for large, and wr {at 18e for twins. HOG PRODUCTS. eae. eae 14% to 14% b. in ots; mess pork, $27; short ety e 50 to $29. ams—Light to medium, 15 to 4e ; 0.5 eae, i to 14%; rolls, wees show 12% to 1bY ie to a 18% to Tard Tiece ee pails, 16¢. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Mar. 1.—Oats—No. Canadian Western, aa to 46¢; No. 3, 44% to 450; Ontario No. 2 white, 43% to 44¢; No. 8 white, 4244 t 430; No. 4 white, 4134 to 42c: Baw ley—No. 2, 3, 403 tubs, 15%c; VED wheat patents, firsts, $5.80; seconds, $5.30; Winter wheat pat. ents, $5.50 to $5.60; Manito blgioas Dae $5.10; straight rol- to $5.25; straight roll- tario middlings, $23.50 to $24; Ma. nitoba bran, $22; Ma: mitohe shorts, $23; pure grain mouillie, $31 to $33; mixed mouillie, $27 to $29. Cheese—Westerns, 12% to 12%c, and easterns, 12 to 12%c. Butter— fresh receipts, 24 to 2 8 A despatch He Sault. Ste. | Strictly nee laid, 3: ‘Se- Marie., Ont, 3 Mrs. Harris, | lected ee storage stock, 28 to 30c, wife of C. B. aris: formerly turn-}and No. 1 candled, 24 to 25¢ per ey in the jail here, on Wednesday | dozen. night entered a store on Siem eae Street while returning home. Al-}| UNITED STATES MARKETS. most eeneiy ae che fall to tie Minneapolis, “Mar, 1—Whe floor and expir two sons 17 ” 91.1934: weleioi iie-var tamediately aiove eee ee a ee 1 $1.11K. Bran—In 100-Ib. sacks, oe 80 to $38. Se oe patents, 63 to 63%c; No. 4 corn, 61 to 61%; No. 3 white; aie, Oats—No. white, 524¢; No. 3 white, 51%¢; No 4 white, 50%c. to malting, 74 to 80e. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. ontreal, Mai ar. 1.—Prime eee Barley—Feed a a8 aoe pee lambs, 6% t © per. od: lots of fat “hots a lo By 1.—The quality to the ae there being far-too e half- apni variety. ‘The: eee Phat ee a ie clined fully 20¢ Beto they Everything of the choice ae 53 to bdo; No. 3, 50 to Sle, |i eas eet bacon, 17% to 18¢5}j ye Miss Mare Sm: store. 50, nn uf ray ‘A despatch from Port Colborne yn e Erie. In 6 has im- mense raft of oak timber for Port}i Colborne, being breught frem the Upper Lakes. ‘The heavy seas caret ed the raft, which was oaly ee ed together by pine. e part was brought safely to chore, but the other ieee as if it had been swallowed up. This proved Pieayyians 16 ce eoatiors oN Rapint se iedreuaecould aad ie imber. has been located near Gull Island. Several farmers going out on the lake to fish found it dollars. It will be staked, located, and as soen as the ice breaks ‘up The e. timb lost was valued at fifty thousand dollars. Prices uae doubled since that time. The many years in the water has not damaged it to any extent. It is said the timber be- longs to the estate of the late Dal- ton McCarthy. n and heifers sold at $5.80 to $6.35, but these were exceptional. The greater number of sales of good butchers’ a made at the $5 to Medium quality but- cher” “old ‘at $4.30 te $4.95. Cows angst s were likewise easier. Sheep, ee the onsen supply, were firm. SS BIG EXPENDITURES. east drilled threugh the solid rock, Estimates of the British Columbia| Which forms the bottom of Lake Goveramcat ae. by men working on a scow. . When gas in sufficient ¢ ae wa at despatch from Victoria, B. C.,| found, it was piped eae eS nd an ys: Estimates fe the year, connecte with pij lin high ak ght down in the British Co-| supply St. Guiesieer Taateads Cas Legislature on Thrusday, | Hamil other Bi show that the Government intend | believed that eventually these pipe to expend over seven million an} lines will be extended ‘o- three Taharters this year, as com- pare under the head of roads, bridges and wharves, representinz tovo million eight hundred thousand is year, instead of one million Re handeaaed eighty thousand d sales are estimated to ve one, million and a halt instead of $750,000 as last yea ok MEDAL FOR W: RUCK 1 HERO. Conductor Reynolds Receives Im- bi perial Recognition. A despatch from Ottawa says: Earl Grey received on Friday morn- ing the following cable from Lord Crewe: “London, Feb. 25. “His Majesty has been pleased to confer the Albert Medal of the first class on Thomas Reynolds. (Sgd.) ‘“CREWE.” is in accordance with the re- commendation forwarded his jesty lasb week by the Secretary of ate, asking that the heroism of Conduetor Reynolds in rescuing the anish River hi evoic service in saving life ee DRAGGED 50 ‘T BY HAIR. Shaft of Runaway Seats Coif. ure of a A despatch from ae says: ith had a miraculous escape on Thursday from being iilled in a runaway eecideute was overt horse attached to a cutter. The point of one of the shafts pen clia ed her hair, phic was a don: snow caped without a scratch, went her way quite unconcerned, after ar- ranging her toilet in a near-by The driver of the horse was n Ottawa Street Railway condue- tor, visiting in Brockville SULEIE AT GALT. H. B. Foers Shoots Set a His Room at Iroquois Hot A -pesnieh has Galt says: H. out ars of age, and hogs, owing to| © GAS NEAR SELKIRK, ONT. Big Strike by Drillers Under Lake Erie About a Mile Out. A despatch from Selkirk Natural gas has been paylia auaaeeek ronto and perhaps further, because there seems to be no th gas. around these parts. bl KING HOLDS FIRST COURT. Ma-| ti taken on a crossing by aly -| of establishing steel pee M Dresses and Jewels More Elaborate Than Usual. A despatch froin London sayst The King and Queen held their first court of the year on Friday. was largely a diplomatic and offi- cial function, being attended by ambassadors, members of the Cab- The Queen wore half-mourning an magnificent diamonds. ea Ba SEE a CZARINA’S DOCTOR SUICIDES. Made Mistake in Diagnosing Her Majesty’s Ilness, A St. Petersburg despat atch says? the doctor committed suicide cause he had made a serious mis- take in diagnosing the malady from which the Czarina is suffering and in preventing other physicians be- ing called i: The. Czarina’s con- dition Petes gonee ss and the Ozar reproached D: otkin, who . be- aon 80 Aisinented be mind that he took a dose of pois viata TRAIN STRUCK AUTO. A Woman Killed at Niagara Falls, New York. A despatch from Niagara Falls, Y., says: Mrs. Benjamin Flag- ler, widow of General Flagler, was instantly killed, Mrs. George i was fatally injured and “he tral express train at a crossing near here struck the automobile in which they were riding. The e chauf- feur, ‘William MeFell, was_nnin- jured. ‘All were Niagara Falls pecple. ~——— SIEEL WORKS AT ESQUIMALT. Reported That Mackenzie & Mann are Securing Property. A despate’ tch from Victoria, B. O., ete Tt a reported ak Macken- ie & are acquiring a site At Haduiualh harbor a iron pro- perties.on the island, with the eee this connection Bu Stak of Bullen Bros. i PaaS of the i yy Company, Esqui- the Govern wthe fon shinbui ing oF his con- cern can Co’ + for building war- ships for thee ‘Cabaiind navy. eh Tis WANTON CRE a? Fire on n Party of urty of Young Students ee oon a tains i pAreeete eahars ‘A despatch from New York says: Harrison Higbee and Leslie Lord, two young Yale graduates, and so- cially prominent in North Jersey, see were wantonly shot down and pro- ne Accompanying Higbee’ and Lord were Gale Young, of New ee and his cousin, Roger wark, both» Princeton ea ek: Scon after the train Net Jersey City, the negro, who was accom 5 banied by another man Be his raco {aad * punta foe Speneey | the fory college: men of ae reaiarks about the woman. as about to reply but Higbee Hela jet. the four young me! of Ne-|and leaped for the Ae 1 that.

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