Milverton Sun, 3 Mar 1910, p. 4

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4 : THE MILVERTON SUN . WANT GOVERNMENT TO AUTHOR- he Milverton Sun IZE TEACHING OF FRENCH IN 18 PUBLISHED ONTARIO SCHOOLS EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Z ‘onto Telegrai z oe 1 Hopes oe ate 7 a maar + - session of the Legislature, with little C. P. R. Time Table The Sun Printing Office Acviation from the Whitney program, Main Street, & Milverton, Ont. | may be dissipated any day, Just what Thursday, March 3, 1910 ~ i BUTTER 22c per Ib. (Every Print Must Weight 16 oz.) GUELPH AND GODERICH the Government is going to do toward E GGS 28 t Pp D Be Going Bast. amending the Separate School Jaw Cents Per ozen : x ae oben i 25 B. SUBSCRIPTION RATES as promised last session has not yet ay: ‘ 338 Ki been hinted. “Some ure of re- 8.22 a.m, 3.46 p.m,| | One year, $1; six months, 00 cents; threc | lief” was the promise last session. But ivan in arrears will be lable to pay $1.50 per year, que session is young yet. and Hon. r, Pyne, the Minister of Education. @ CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES i in the gripof his enemy, rheuma- ace ¥ ; on|tism. and is out of the House at pre- . Fr 40 ~ %$s|yent. T. W. McGarry. K.C., of South o Cage 12 “5 | Renfrew. on the Government side. : Inch... ee 2 dD. Ra be the op De ‘e ten tpt aes une stip tle pelt and|said their last word about their am~ four cents per line for each subsequent inser- | & i i tion will charged for all transient adver- poaoante in. the iiiterest. of Roman soreness setts diratou| aueracin tater. ower mas tu Made in England Made in France Made in Germany Linwood Jet. Millbank Milverton : 40 p. West Monkton 8 AT au m, 8.54 pm, LINWOOD AND LISTOWEL Listowel Ho 5 Et g Es & FA 2 ° & ° RK m. = “ill be inserted until forbid and charged ac-) Mfr, McGarry has in his desk mate, G. Howard Ferguson. K.C.. of Grenville. ‘ ce : : iS Dum.| , Ghaskesorconteact advertitomats mort| etaunch ally. “Mrs Ferguson _ is Made in Belgium Made in Switzerland “35 ma. chairman of t! ase in committee a Mailor telephone orders will receiveprompt | {and both he and Mr. McGarry are penton. eading « ters of the Goyern- G.T.R. Time Table Marcoracaacrern., | Hating ssupvorters vot the Is the record on the NEW GOODS that are rolling in upon us for the opening * |. Besides the campaign for further GOING SOUTH lesan i all of Sera schools of the Spring Season. It means that no matter where the Best makers are, we pm. Batt, c TAMION there is another aggressive movemen Branner . : ‘a 37 13 ONTINUAIION SCHOOLS, «110 weaken the uationalising mission reach them in the interest of our customers. : Milverton | 13i 451 (Canadian Tea of the Public school. Bi-lingual 3 Ba 30 13) 53 | The salvation of Fanta ton 16 reper edly the ae hen etn 5 . 32) Ont, wi cation Department as a convenience a worse NORTH ontario wi he the, Consolidated aud| $11 acy seatlous: where it wos Tep- The year 1909 was a record year with us. We must make 1910 still larger. tam, pum,| Only, moans of bringing edueation to| "esented that French-Canadian pupils) Mp -p have batter ceekeoand CRSA Gl ce premnnmaye ere would be greatly assisted till they o do so we have larger, better stocks and prices within the reach of all. 139 1058 6:49] Can something not be done where|&t @ working knowledge of the lan- an 11,06 6.56| You teach? Are you ima small village mises of their country. are now de- 7.50 11,12 7.01| here a little energy might arouse|™anded as a rights = the people to their educational needst) fy Ter Te vements which ould you like ta teach the head of a| Who has figured sy A Continuation “School? Others have| had for their aim the abolition of the Dress Goods. usiness Card} succeciea, ny should you tail Publis school in Glengarry and ad- ‘x School wns’ estab-| ioining counties in favor o p- Sushb axtabin one mes D lished a year ago in the village of | @tate School. is one of the leaders of iE xhibition of attractive Spring Tess cea a ae Tic, Plsshgtton composed of the Plesher- a Rag ate te Seay Alaa ae Goods—most complete display we have ever shown. : R , Dentist, Lie-|ton ‘Public School section and three|' eases con 2 entiate of Dental Snrgery and Mémbox| adjoining ‘rural school sections, for | Atangements for financing it were The place is bright with their beauty, but an early visit of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of| which ‘a duly qualified teacher was|made at the recent French-Canadian is necessary to see this remarkable display in its com- is Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni-|appointed. The attendance increased | coustess at Fe ee aatictal let fobealeeed fhe b : : rorsity./ Crown and Bridge work aSpee.| rapidly and soon a second teacher was Belcourt was chosen as the offteia pletemess, for already some of the best patterns are go- ally. Hours, Ba. mito p ‘Oltice | eenuited. head. At this congress the campaign i iabove the Sovereign Bank, Milverton, | The County Council at it for Pi-lingual, schools. in‘ Ouitario: was Z 5 : ig ney nna at ei 1 organ ed 0 eee There are many exclusive novelties. Besides the Medical. prominent “rstensyers of the school 2 Sra i eed ar Ontario novelties there are many old favorites, but they have, 3 : ¥. PARKER, M.D. P, L, TYE, atv. | onstituted it a county school and) si they claim, or Mr. J. Av Doyon. taken on new beauties of design and new colorings. yy ‘ormed a district comprising nearly ree f that : DRS: PARKER & TYE the whole of the township of Artemes- the “none rets -Ababiotn Glab imac tie h th trol the political situation in a for its support and appointed High| sp° gu of 108, constituencies. 1 : New Cotton Dress Goods iereat vice a Tie TNR aor Gate, 30 out of 106 constituencies in the : : be: seaeanee ‘Valuation ae thane phere te ea eae teen in amazing variety—at small prices—In the section de- Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a: m.,and 2 to 4| istrict is over $1,000,000. and the | We ttca te the Minister of Hdue dtoC : . w’clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p. Board of Trustees an Awe basabierte pheaeatae to the Minister o! wea voted to Cotton Dress Goods, counters are piled high, inael ee Nee Bh A pace qhiat school where the majority of _Shelves are full to overflowing with dainty cotton fabrics, MORPHY & CARTHEW) Barvinters, |°°80°! capable of mecting all the re | tHe Pupils are of French origin be : in singularily attractive de- Bolicitors, Ito, Solicitors for the Bank |Murments of bigher education. | "Tat in a. school “where 25 per cent. . signs. All the loom and print Gat Formanct fet have ern oly: to-furnial the| ot tne Dinile ere Frenche ¥rench een achievements of 1909 are re- , Ont. composition, Ee arran; ir Am ata firm will literature” ma: presented in’ this remarkable Wverion every maracay. collection. Prices are from ‘4. B, MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, of these Achools %. y d nes biclingual inspeo 124% to 20¢ per yard, J.C, MAKINS W. J. HAWLEY the attendance warrants it, and thus| ;, Tat, the Dumber cake nga train MAKINS & HANLEY |‘ cen the sti te os Tn apa pting}| oe eenooles pes sneegeR Ee © way to carn a li : Barristers & Solicitors 1¢-ts earnestly to be honed that the oust both: Tanetianen she, Mithorizet B H A hao ‘ as teaching languages. oy Ss in . stratford, i= =o = +) Ontario | minded won wie tens eed ee IAN oh guise scein ThA ae Newest Corset : v Pp: s Clothes _ ready certain of being able - : ; Minka cinta : aanient of this school will be re-/ ¥, iy childzan & Rdwet Oather Models z The Engeland standard in clothes has come to be . Ostet Awe most abundant suc-| ji, education they now ask that -t Hund d th hi W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, Fos 2nd that this pioneer movement) French language be put on an equal- well underctood throughout Milverton, To no. branch aaerin Grad se ate Veterin:| on “object losnon ot roe et¥e 88] ity with English in the schools. COMPLETE SPRING STOCK | of lhis business have we given more study. Of no pro- sey Colles, Toren. 'reats: If aieaaee fohows by mais Pode tear econ OTe eer the leading duct of the store are we more proud, ; roughout the i a pen E i phatie oF iotherwiso promptly attended to, Pare rural districts of the}, au ardent aavoed +h All of the latest styles are The new Suits and odd trousers for Spring of 1910 mS Societies. was to provide for and 4p eneour-| It Ba called on its friends in Provi i for legislation MILVERTON LODGE, N amendet q*velovmc as this. that the|<igng this line, ‘Bxvecting some ac- area i raset oN 478, vontituation School Act wasj tion in this di DE ani yatsed at the last session of the Leg- represented--the leading and || are ready now. They reach an even higher standard of smartest lines from the larg- || excellence than last season. est markers. Our leader in Boy’s Odd Trousers, Boy’s lined eu ser disaasy Reva Ss representative in the press gall double knee and double seat trousers in three 49 moon every month in their RONG ** “So far na sign has been given toward The first attention to the different paterns, Special all sizes, per pair.... : hall ix Ractaayh Fe Visiting brett JOHNSTON—DAVIDSON doing anything further to keep, the fit of the costume must be ren always welcome. THos, HuTcHs9;,, French a people apart in this Prov- Zz W.M.; W. J. ZORGER, Se “"'\ ‘The marriage of Mr. William John-| inoe. : the corset. A perfect fit ting corset allows <he lines Men's Natty Neckwear of a gown to drape with grace. We keep in touch with the latest, smartest dash, oO. , No, 99, Milverton, meets Da’ . second daughte fr. Sees wer, coe nd last ene of every . in nen Y pours mates a Bagaierves Faratouiioe oe a he farmers are all smiling om ac- 1 Rothae & Son count of the high pric 0 M hi a continually buying the vewest in shapes, patterns and isitil chased a a’ we show ou the Yiaitioabeathese aivayeweleme. i: rf = bn Brydone has pursh Cea does wee 2 Straight Skirt | colors. We Know the Style—So do You. Let ay ae ca ~ The | sq be would not be without one ith L Back. us show you Neckwear just opened out to-day. Black Te, wpilvor Sia |Soremony was performed by: the Rev. lings wil ong 5 Seiten ee ak f ne 5 4 oie" No. Po ritest sia - sas Camera, penton Ee Neen oe Messrs. James and John Brydone and white stripes are the most favored for spring ani beens »|ington church, ride who was f tile shipped to i it i meets every Friday night at| attired in a gown of white mull, trim-| Save, Bad 3 catload of tite snipe te give a smart clear-cut appearance, Panel stripes in all 7,30 p. m, in thee Half over Public Drag] mod with valeneiennes taee. and Insc fine tile. eee “sg ” BR d Waist colors are worn by the best dressed chaps. Fifty cents Store, Visiting brethren always wel-| tion. with tulle veil and orange blos-|"W, ace sorry to state that Mr. Stev- Ladies tar ran aists | \ it buy you a corking tie W, H, Sanderson, N,G., W. K,|}soms and carried a boquet of white| on Roe had the misfortune to sprain ae setts oth: F, Secy., W. Burgman, R. Secy. | carnations and smilax was given] hiy ankle last week. We hope for a feel a Sty BURNS. away by her father, ‘The youns | speedy seoovery, i It ee ao eed £0 ary id wouple were unattended and stood in} “tye Epworth League are pate a know you have bought a Star 2 ° IR, Notary Pablo Ave |Sqh"eh eter of chevsentDenmns | pox” sonal on Piday, Mareh Atha t| B® yyaie 8 Want a Perfect Fitting Collar mete for ine Gounty of Perth and fa ite ree eS | tie home of Mr, Lee Long. Good . Telescope rman wes, HS ARE Se oS jpokea fore tedies come aud Siac wtplest ire “coutively WEAR THE LAURENTINE ed by Miss Grieve. of Millbank.| - i = rile Village Clerk, Office in the Woir block | rriends were present from Britton,| pig ins Js the order Aptos dependable. Every waist is It fits closely at the top—you know what that means, ‘over the Bank of Hamilton, — Milverton Millbank. Newton, Gode-|" Miss David called on friends here well made and handsomely fin- 4 ep wich. Vancouver. and Burns. — The} recently. hed fi ae reliable; mist : bride received a number of handsome|' “fr, Kd, Bundseho i busy drawing ished from goo } a ee Sa Brunner, Ont. | fecm in which she was held by ai| [0% from Mr. Wins Hong bush _ pits blending of good ', Wear The Fitwell Hat E First: a eres LEGAL HOLIDAYS 8 P After receiving congratulations and large stabling, partaking of .a sumptuous wed Correct Spring Hats For Men Are Ready ‘so good are these hats that we back every one of them ‘with a rather unique guarantee—a new hat for any that Remiaslajion suet fit and satisfactory wear have imparted that “something” which has made them popular, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil : Jai poe vérton, “First-class accommodation for| leave for their future home near Lis-| ‘bo. i working on a a farcy, olsen ey commercial seeeelets and ieee ‘Three | tawel, ery second Sunday or must this be Examine the styles we show, x fails to give satisfactory wear. So good are these hats 1 *| "Mr, aud (Mrs. Johnston will be “At|atranged between parties. Bow an ra hianieot lguors aa pela Home” to their friends after April] _Ans-—The RU a okt a you will find ae al brand that men tell us again and again that they cannot find ‘a Rien torent ptt enim Satie sit new. There is a ee the same quality outside this store at the price, And ci eaRe wea Y : n QUEEN'S HOTEL, atilverton, Ont.| YOU PEEL BLUE SAR SDIGO | a Rn I a Ape eens Sines you will find all the new spring styles Rats The odation for commercial So gem ai JI as other 1 oe teoveline and 0 others, Two lay pony SA ad Seer Sea ea ane cencilsiettacpine or attract and please you. There ese Cheareuh tke tn cone Gain ig eein te PATS aie a pa ea is a profusion of styles, too, }; Carefully Chosen Patterns in stables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. |'VOrst. ies . cengh Gr rats eked Tangy hea Mbivate agreement. between which will make se’ection easy. ? . . j Its a food. tonic—supplies. nutriment| the workman and his employer: bor | : UL i THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, and Building materialgives weal or-| Which bis days and hours of la OUR LEADER—100 eae in alitet ie oe ast Lhe. ‘ pays special attention to Commercial | gans exhausted nerves. the| Will be specified or limited F ‘The best) he: Choicest designs, not an. indifferent J trade, Splendid sample rooms, Best| strength they require. With Ferro- Waists, nicely trimmed s wines and liquors served at the bar t . digest . Bet Eaten $1.60 por day, “War, Witn, Prop|fattere Vitae onters “rage Sprained ed Wrist igh pattern in our showing. Nothing here but active sell aun ele sine Fale ce soath ore I ers. -We know our values are not matched, can you bi rt h o vision Cou dominates. vim: atrength and ‘health and Ankle Laces and Embroderies afford not to Jook us over. Milverton Division Court es and restores so quickly and perman h TWO CURTAIN SPECIALS Scdts -at-11 oles “ eet ewrabscto emily as ini N You'll try it to- Alter Being. Lad Up Wit, Gen pe For size, variety and beauty of eee t eS no | ae ‘ 5 epee en Soe Days, uals our spring show- i i April Ao June 25. Oct. 27. fernnee. eae nh te Lace and Embroidery stock ua ed A 2 ng Bee 25¢ per pair : eee per pair 5 THOMAS TROW. Cler COMING OF LOAF BREAD N E RV IN E ing. Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries fro! fe 2 ‘3 Tag cr . W, GUENTHER, Dallitt is perhaps ate recalling that half inch to the wide flouncing embroideries. i Be 1 ties of baking loaves came to Eu- - MONEY [rove quite late in history. Plat cak-|: One of cit eet te aorut . Grocer y Specia Ss es were baked oven in earlir times.| accidents that can befall one ad | ae but as late ad the beginning of the|ankle or wrist sprain. “If I had only Our Wall Pa er At 5, 51 and G Per Cent, | nineteenth century loaf bread was Knowil of: ‘Nereilinetebellets could c u P 2 1 pound tins of Engeland Baking Powder for. 2 * {comparatively unknown in many varts| have saVel ager an enormous amount department is doing nicely—Thank you, many of our || 2 1 pound packages of ae he Raisins. eacan SE Ae of the cont In 1812, for ingfan-|of pain. and many /agoniaiog nights P: s ‘ ist ee f Choice Cooking Figs, b.. D. B. BURRITT — a . oe a sleeplesmess:" Srhus writes BrP patrons remarked we were ‘“‘lucky” in the sel lection of so 2 joice a af igs Pet # See oe : Joa value of £1 in Gothen-|Quinn, a young farmer living near inges, Sweet and Seedless, per doz Box 524. STRATFORD |bure the baker stipulated for payment flrockville. “I” tumbled, from a hay desirable a stock. We are glad to have pleased our = eae al , Pi peter ee Kite tet a ou a cuvaneey ae rnerer oases thes at ike Hare ee ass plained ax patrons. We have a large variety to chose from ae oe Resse geass WeTses eo as oul never te m in| rig! ankle an le! wrist, n ae =| the ity. if they” wore Tet on ear ahisitawallod: rapid candosiiaed: exeraciat- Prices range from 3c to 4oc per roll. Our leader 3 Pink Salmon, per cai SaNraak @ | hands.—London Ci i 2 lbs Icing Sugar.. <0 56 3 special design, per ro Business. College Me cont eye Search over the whole globe and SGA Lee eon ties Hage | youl al tinal. thetqust-at Netviline- Asgue oe learn the nature of our aching tooth it relieves at once. ee a in 1 read Fill the cavity with batting dipped in| strains. sraiben._ ave ings. museular > Leg lor ncanodemela Nerviline and rub the gums with Ner-|ipains and sore back. I have proved departments, We hare the leading, $|Viline also, If the face is swollen and|it a sure eure in aoe Regal "eaining school in rou sore. bathe with Nerviline and then} Think what it might some day mean peer ree ia corte inasiee. bind on a hot flannel. This can’t fail] to you to have right in your home. Hintvates te: positions.” "Stadente are ‘because Nerviline killd the pain out-}ready for am accident or emergent entering eae! should en- right. Just as good for eras, neu-| bickness. .a bottle or two Nervi=; - t] line. Get it to-day. 25c.. or five for - Principal rviline cures the aches of the wi ae fe 00 all dealers a “The = eateerhosane CO00000909 fray ‘Try it, ; ‘Kingston, Ont, ; She People’s Store ne a MILVERTON. ONT.

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