Milverton Sun, 17 Mar 1910, p. 8

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THE MILVERTON SUN Thursday, March 17, 1910 A Little Lighter han any other meas will be the lost baked irohn Jewel flour, And sls , too. But tasty it is never allowed to get stale. A Sack of Jewel Flour means a saving as well as_ better baking. For it yields more loaves aad sack haa any other brand. PFEFFER BROS: Fresh Kodak Supplies You never get any out-of-date films, papers or aay supplies We never have any out-of-date goods to offer at this store. you. Our turn-over is so great that our stock has to be renew- ed every week. We do Developing and Printing Promptly t E. A. ROBERTSON EXPERT OPTICIAN Wellington St., Next Royal Hotel STRATFORD, - - ONT. MANITO: SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached \LOW SETTLERS’ RATES Settlers and Families without Live Stock should use Settlers with Live Stock and Evfects Special ' Trains || Regular Trains Jeave Toronto 10,10 pam, daily 10.10 p.m, Tuesd: dust WINNIPEG LAN MARCH and APRIL | | ThroughTourist Cars COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS in which Berths are Free Apply to nearest Agent for copy of "Settlers? Guide,” “Western oa ‘ourist Cars,” or writ R, L. Thompson, DJ PA. O.P.R., Toronto. WW. ‘H. SANDERSON, Agt. Milverton. WANTED yo yairaasttantys for Milvsr mid is the time to sell Nur- sery Bis ok, y liberally and pier Pomployment. Our ‘eady sellers ‘uit and “Ommamental Stock. ‘Seed Potatoes, Ete. Write for terms se wadtingts 4 : STONE. & WELLINGTON ‘The Fonthill Nursuries Established 1837 Toronto. - - Ont. mar3-3m RUPTURE CURED At your home without bed of time or operation. have discovered and pr ulion the right kind of assistance that aids na- ture to cure Rupture to stay cured, consult me be- fore you waste any more nine or money elsewhere. arantee/ satisfaction, ri in coupon. PiQe kerri heat tine ae en NESTE ccc ax -wtecea tenner eee Addtess:.; ::..tsbieisccen oe Time Rup.. On what side Rup ........ J. S. SMITH 25 Caledonia St., - Stratford (DEPT. Lb) NEWR’ George Peebles lett 1a é a8 si ended. ‘the party at M vriday evenirg "and report ih load of the Atwood ce uers drove to Donegal last Friday ev- ening to a mecting in the sitveraats of fate Aies ianary cause, which was ad- r For ra ge tions and that ny mis 7 1 be stimu aha “aan n> ee roi dese y Hanna was one of the number who left Atwood last @ WOVEN FENCING D left last Waals y for British Columbia wher: infends ay ee ae * aols for self. wish hin Ty pars nd A car of Peerless ares Fenot ing will ee BS in all No. 9 afew days. Made Powel Call and examine the No. 9 Coil Siine nee $2.50 P. high ¢ 1 ee English wire. ( 8 wires 47 inches high for 29c rod SELLING 2 Al 28c ‘ PRICES | “ 40. * “9G “ zg i“ 6 Ome Aree 0 Gates 54 Hee ‘high, 15 feet long, $4.50 SOLD BY We r the West. A few HARDWARE Sisooaty forts Yo ASS A Ww, EF. FINKBEINE Sate OE erlendy ald uclanbors uxthe * ‘i MERCHANT Wat hex home and presented Miss yna with a beautiful ring. Last on aa eyenin oe mem- Pe PRT = bers of. the Dones assemb- BURNS. DORKING. led-at the home wehanayt sake and presented: Mr, Edwin Buchanan. Some Ati Etieiw Ae bere : who is about to leave for the West nsily engaged making maple |,,™ Me vi Lavery Jett on Saturday with an sdiiress and ible. Although Paty Bikey: spend stow dagen Besling taken by su: prise, Edwin responded in|” Messrs, Hugh and Winle J. Waaselt vation id Mera Ob hares Matthews, of | 0 a manuer suitable ta Lae cate Pe e a t pressing his regret in se t is their intention to rare ee ast ae atin Oe 8 BOTH mnie w he has been President f A Mary Connolly lett. on Tues- Edwin was ane: tay "at yee He ean a for a Wurse worker and will be & ep 0 his’ mauy Splenda who itis are r Ab, Co mol tea at present vis- AEE Pollo ge: inn ° Boi in society and sports. eir | Ne : ; the Great West. friends wish them ‘every. suc- Mr. and Mr atthew McLaughlin short time ago. nent of cinity this vici c "| th us, you every success ids pray abun naan bles: i Norman Ach Danbrook. HAWKESVILLE 1 of Clearwater o has pisited triende in Haw- last i Bricker, for to his home at at present vis- rv Mrs. Nelyon Cun- oingham at Be; Master Roy Winn. of Berlin. spent iis ma Lackner entertnined: a Nasiber of her friends last Wriday evening M orley and Norman Proud- t ‘Tuesday for Kinsale Sa Seat an. acob Messinger paid a business to. Hanover for a few days last eet Mr. iti of ~Weidenhammer Iberta—paid i mira, and Misa Clara Loroh ova. were visit Eaig-at Dr. mmer’s la Antony Guitara ‘and family have left for Watsor Jas Following is the a ae which was} i Danbrook. the pres: tee ir. Norman Acheson. Dear Edwin: He is with fe celine of py Ne pts rate “choos our loc: is Isaac Reid is Goiterng slowly a cure stra n ny nston, of Hie Jobr anak at afternoon at ™ atly ington Be Ret well ne ead akee te Duggan, of have installed ee pur —— ‘ al agent, pats spe °) Blan Baird purchased gine team 8. ft Attridge’s sale last | 5 ente rtained a fe Monday evening. the Dominion felted ie @et there on account of t r disagreeable weather ne tae cont- ne ant Be: tion of the road Pintlceranriee fessrs, Gxinpbel & Tabbert. — of | ys On Thos. ticks anv eet ames eryone Wednesday it ent im and on Monday. after Ridgew of their friends last being, the tenth we veddin: t h The evening daneing and ¢ enjoyed themselves to the full- Y = sy anil ue “we i oon ¢ sma’ hour: i-spent a most enjoy- after es in & salt, tt ‘Miss Coote roturmed last band crniabed. ‘ie music for} visiting nts elatives 1 Tee ee joyed pueieh Mr, Fred, Starr attended the Fair at ° Norman Allingham returned on spending a mont! Mr. Will Meadows’ on Tuesday was tainly w were “tended ae every- thing sold for We are sir that his serious illn ARE YOUR ; JOINTS LAME? Haven't you ak spot. lace whete cold and. jtlammation always settles? Whether it is im the neck. side. joints ee ume the Gad jim- ple—a goo v! Nerviline and en apply Nerviline ,Porous Plaster. Be u get few genuine, substitutes t do the wor! NOTICE ae Bardenstein and|} © can't T week. He eepeath to make his home there. Mr. Soloman Suitter has moved to hing oe w nh. os ami iy last week. paid visit to Mr Guelph lett meet 3, Coppersmith are now-lovated at Mr Wm, Broughton’s G.T.R.-station and are prepared to buy old Apr. 5, 19 HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP RATES CANADIAN, PACIFIC maiuway, GOING DATES June 14, 28 May 3,.17,31 July 12, 26 UGH SPECIAL TRAINS ‘ORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST ough First lind Second Clase’ Conchcs, Thr olonist and Tou jo neal P. Bee ret S. ympson, ist Sleeper R. Agent or write ASK FOR HOMESEEKERS’ AMPLY | Mr. J. Jacob L. Waele chpiaet of his to s. fine dwelling Erb. and meht t oe: Sn Christian Lantz near aban He will take possession si Mr. ©. 8. Erb will move on to the property he rece: purchased from Mr. Jacob Wagler before long. h A. Kennel who ene business in Morton’: ved his family with take he at Wagner's residem Mrs. B. {Wa ane intends to move to a farm in Wilmot purchased by them o atid son Pome of were Visiti relatives way to Toronto have secured employment ina knleting factor: Promotion examinations are being held “this wppie fa in our public school. ROSTOCK. Mr. Dave Knechtel left “Tuesday from Milverton for North Dakota to together with his John Thare and a few other ee ee leaving for the West this wee Mrs. Bijene spent Sunday Sie with her friend Mrs; Henry Di iss. Bert tha Schlotzhauer left last Saturday for Stratford where she h taken a position with the Duncan Fer- Schan ee val meetings are being con- ducted this sere by Rev. Mr. by Rev. Litt. of led Sebringyille. The meetings are well ae Gaul ie amar with the friends the iinet Several of our msn! je attend- ed a box eet at “Milverton Jast Fri- day evel ARE YOU AD DYSPEPTIC? ~ Nine Deans aa : fem eee from dyspepsia and don’ Half of dyspe . The cause lies in failure of the stomach and kidneys are clog- ger able to do their work: Nothing puts vigor into rgans Simple ure—better try Dr, Hamilton’ 's Pill ler Lost on Monday»March 7th. on Mil- of NEWTON. Mrs. McDonald. of Kincardine. and Mrs, Peffers, of Freeborn. spent Wed- nesday at Mr. 8. Lone: W. Henry spent Sun- . and Mrs. J. Mayberry T. J. Brimstin and Master Weir are spending a week with Mrs. W. Strachan at Ethel, y. of Briiton, is vis- ley. ayber: fear with Mrs. 1. Loeg rdday from Stratford. Emma Miller who has been er sister Mrs. W. J, Zoeger Tetunned to her home in AWitchell on Monday. Miss Martha Kirkland left Wed- nesday for Pt. Rowan where she will sp aot a montlt with her friend Mrs. bes Li fee ate . Waller. a few we wate with her sister, Mrs. Cc. bee! ee of Toronto. is spending . H. ouise Zocker is visiting hex tohell, in ee on. busin Tuesday atternobn. Mr, D. W, Campbell spent a days ‘this week in Chesley. The Misses McDermott. of Milver- ton, 2) Sill bare their, Spring Millinery Opening on Match 24th and following ey cordially Invite sll to ors r. Jose} a Mtoe for big money has replaced aa by a well matched span of draft ma bought from Allis. of ae Mr. a has prover rood jude of horse flesh sa keeps noth- ing but the best HESSON. Mr. John Gatehene who has been visiting at Waterloo for the Past few eeks has returned to his hon orn of ‘Birattord, is al n Wa e : Helm made a saan trip ast V Albert ‘ose’ Ament left on Monday h’s hospital. whe ration. This is the third operation We wish ae a speedy recov re alk H : spent Sunday at M who has been employ- a in’ the: Elmira Tacntiniee ie st returned to his home see da A few Sane friends bass the home o! pe ool sey ois Mon- A farmer at Prescott “ast week sold For Sale Brick Blacksmith Sho! House, Good oS and Li Business. For particulars ap) MRS, PETER HELM, ee cae FARM FOR SALE Containing 50 acres of . well fenced and drained. On New Brick Lots. pas. ulars apply to JACOB R SGHWEIT- ZER, abireesths Ont. Farmers Attention Have on, hand a a “Car of Feed Corn al- ine 0} and Timothy ri Recommended and gold by all reliable dealers including J.Rotharmel & Son “the finish” “that endures’ : porglaze gives woodwork a surface glass-hard, mirror-bright, beautiful, lasting. Fine for floors, because M L Floorglaze can’t be marred by boot- M FLOOR- heels, castors, nor GLAZE chair - legs. MG comes in tins of just the ize you it. Seven- Floorglaze stays teen colors in solid . amels. even other glossy ; you can colors in Lacs that ad- wash it with soap and water as you'd {, wash a window; it doesn’t fade; it stays new and bright longer than anything else you get. on M L Floorglaze —do it yourself—it dries hard over- night. Renovate with ML Floorglaze, © and home has for the finish that endures. Easy to put Imperial Varnish @ Color Co. Ltd., Toronto Cold Weather! We offeranother chance to buy Furs at almost your own price. Look at the prices. : 1 Men's Black Horse Coat, regular $32 now....$19.50 1 Men’s 1 Men’s Rocky Mountain Goat Coat, regular $18.00 noW.... Soha (aia ero Russian Dog Coat, regular $22 now...$16.50 1 Sable Ruff, regular se (oR) Fes AY, Se $15.00 1 German Mink Stole, regular $18 for. 1 German Mink Muff, regular $8 for........ 1 German Mink Muff, regular $10 for............+ $6.50 Boys’ and Men’s Overcoats at cost and below. 2 pieces new Linoleum, block patterns. 15 gals. new Maple Sprup very choice 25¢ per ek Bring your jars. ro dozen Black Worsted Hose, reg 35¢ for 22c, be Shoes. and up-to-date. See our prices. complete, Sunday and Everyday The latest and choicest brand new Everyone of them just from the makers, Come along and inspect our stock. No trouble to show goods Even if you don’t wish to buy be ae nae my of: lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. GEO. LOCHHE. Clerk ot P Btma, Atwood. March 14th, 1910. m17-3i COMMERCIAL 81 08 $1 93 | Fall wheat. Haale dean per ewt.. Shorts per ton. rhe ofe afe ofe fe she she ae ake oe ake ae ht 42 SRP ARE EP SAE EP AP EEE EE EP EP SES Sp? ST SP ET THE SHO T. P. & DICK ROE EMEN On Mill Street, One Door East of Drug Store be oe x a = P.S.---We also sell PIANOS, ORGANS and all kinds be of FARM IMPLEMENTS sf ee ee kk ee oe ate, as ais als as alls alts af af afc af ably rewarded by r C. McLellan or Saving at Bun office. Corn, per bus 65 Cobbling done neatly and promptly Lard........ pe , | Potatoes per bag.. 5 50 00 1 rot 1 a $0 3 41 41 copper. Tul e jeeds “Rennies’ xxx” and Steele Briggs : sou 4, Bagel eee ere il w. i i. SANDERSON, Agt. Milverton. ae Gelebrated Brands of Red Clov. sure you get a pair of these hose, they are cer- a Speciality. m: : - — RD. sera ~ =.) NEWTON. tainly a snap. estertertertestentectertentetentente te ate neste stents ofentente ste st el ie = ek . GEESE FEATHERS He dt ei nildi lot: Main = SPRING IS | serocts” House isa comfortable brick 500 pounds of Geese Feathers e Me preteen eee Dap eu mubatenr wanted by March 20th, special or- + $j Chen. Hard and soft water. Small der received, we do not want any ee #% | stable on lot. Premises may be view- after that date. We pay 45c per at Pe anioty hs ae = # | For further partioulars apply pound. Sal #@| Herr, 18 Si nt ee 'Berttost. or George potas Mil $ = bo For the warble of the Meadow Lark = valine Town Property We want 1,000 Ibs. Dutch Setts at Highest Prices + raat s = & And the Crow is ringing in the air 2 For Sale bo ae a tine: e os . | Fine brick welling, 9 room! ot And it is time for you to be thinking of y | air furnace. In splendid state of re- . mw) = *$ | pair. hard and soft ater Large 2 = getting your new a [stable Raman yse Marriage Licenses issued, - Milverton ra - Yor farther Dartionlars apply to MRS. > URSE. MILVERTON. [SPRING SHOES ||: : cS | ES Tenders For Drain ee 4 i ? gi? is 2B | Sealed Tenders (marked fender for Our stock of Men’s Women’s Boy's | § ania) will be ecole . . . Y |signed up till two o'clock ras a 4 Girls and Childrens Shoes Bl orday Aprit 2nd The Most Popular Paper In Ontario s fea Toronto sia Star prouncey of ver, "the ‘circulation of the “Toronto D Star” tn ae more rapidly than that of any othe BE repenee in Canada, ¢ ese things ‘20 pe sede happen, . thet must In this case tiered ire aye The ‘Toronto Daily Sas m patbliaies Market Reports 12 to 18 hours earlier than. the morning papers. It is a Newer et an “‘Organ’ aoe or any other kind. Not only the Woman’s Page, but the whole paper, is attractive to women. It reports athletic events more fully thay Canadian Daily. Its apeeial. acne such as the eh Khan’, are most en ig Cor fceetentis aeoale like the ‘‘Torontd better ae any other newspaper. $1.50 A Yea This paper and the ‘‘Toronto Daily Star’’ tog! - one year—$2.2¥. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given ee to above subsoription pric

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