iil? ZoTeaay Ls SET without ceasing.—I. make for spies Ifdre of the individual Sad spurning of the ee and ine most f the race. Thes tten, the man toucl hes, the | of i dey ivjne comn yiligation o! f a ts of nful re| The and gua Dow al Lae is whe ie ti hi aaeat ay. anything af ti , ears iget to: 1 a 8 alent ae A Phey hedge in all human i ero! The: mands til he, hristian is a con rantee bears| ask go pawobald AT oT Eminently 4 he quickening pulse 3, jnythe, heart o) ip), eicteTh they ass ee When Heirs ping t] iment e|defiant proclamation of the vanity ‘omises and of its utter help- in our heap of, 5 finest hat may we pra, ie answers that it eee right to Sponsored everything | o by a eee ceasing. If we only knew our dan- ine at paleeoe: ntl, oO ‘assumption ied one of its prime causes was to be found in ithe con- wh ee in the incessant, encounter he not: en. cKery hen pen is oe a our ining in jitating g si ‘ h . pleading | as music in. the le devil or the flesh, Lvov) our souls with the perils |: cur every thought and word and dee R é is remember the in- a ds Neve hae up. tact ve f W. INGS OF PRA ST message withow se God eho made at F fy; ie aentrtanite will (pinceed to: a lagrous area in order to carefully and exten oh ‘As we pray we are prostrate be- t|fore omnipotence and boundless ittee of Euro HE OHI BE. eT bacan ats tO 2 Matte’ tort pbhe gnedic: at Bone I <fR si 4 he grain was,in, #) damaged ; eondi-! ‘The Z roy and) fishermen: have: abandoned fewer than threedttaiden Court Leith. During ue ee made use Elgin PLedging- tae. During the past quarter 186 of meat were destroyed in Elgi being unfit for mit rel An enterpgising Dundee nehoow Teel poo = A scheme is to be formulated jfo: n of the sch$o! orayshire. has been. closed which has house in 14,272 lodgers Corporatio’ owing to influenza, fegted., in éry ies ae fail e catches of herring were upbeltown recently thes lwere watight re SRG oe adopting the Public Libraries’ eee us a when we learn to If it is| phase of te dread aa aa ark re. 1 qi Pheeaine tie to t. ‘The question cannot be raised agai for a years " slower Tne Viewing its mt ree seul tes: in thi nol fen choke as ae Naar EV. iph is in bit one as us in- sit are more eer ra Ml men Saka ae eae LY PREVA ‘AL our eid) Yes, i ae treo ia His heavén, bu' Fs? ‘ore e is on His earth as me because sentinel, bars, our way sioompa thi extensively in Lombardy = other fe orthern a in the F Roamans = metaaniny 5 : «. [Egypt, where in SS) LESSON: RNATIONAL MAR, 20. S04 Dre Sandwith Tound ws! mn gether with all Jews, would nder-| per cent. of the inhabitants to be : Pry der; found: it ‘ By3 ree) au among the Zulus and dle A! of ie akerds r ns nora r ete offered st pe Pane eiluaies ine Hy ed 3,30 fow idays ag rict sectusi he whereas of, sold a. painting. for h dealers are willing orth ‘of ee for: m.the prices lydebank Distress have Shai the unemployed $14,065 for doing work which 9 fox. $9,710. eis: 1,000. ing sn the Dee, D Has” 0} d under fa: Aas oes a Ue is wes ox ality, an f deste : - Skinner General Tnspet tio Forgiven and Tealed, South Arica, Hath thon b: asin cottisin ren exporters risk, “Tosing Le Contin aalit: 9 1-13. 1. Ente epee: bea inate 18 metimes odqusi a¢5 the, him to at his fr J, minis 8. rep, is bh, pon ees i of both the uncomr Matt. ance aah 8 at sr ahaa *LLahggtomeett ee of his guilt and made him) Jo we . : ie able «to remit Golden Text, 9. 6. red into a to the request of the peo 8 He had gone thi- etirement, but events had im once more into the sick owd, and be turned b: mn a he story of ihe sence 5. 18-20. brought to him — From pe va eget in the first Gi Si ricco ayon tal coveres 0, Jesu a a as vi aoa nes “ate ny’ thing tke init venue supported by a opartableériine, bsnt- |e ig Ipainy) wis 1 Per Mae nat his own, insti sd Ps ve J Erfendd Jesus. uate eeu ales: si while ay rved several dhs during ret aes inert right 7 pects - awe =) ange who, sans nig into oe his entire Pentsio thet ae isesen ich | body in in the act of palette up his) ly of a ween character andy ae fly bed, and then guilt oil. A dence press at QUE ia ee Lita cSUEL Fao pea lus house, was a complete vindic: Hees end their days in lunatic a5 vill The changes discovered after death have abl ahi {0a record as declaring his equality with God. _ been of, such a a e 4 e) nigetises Biseas aa aN RcEa and Ted ae of Bucctewch lias keith with a ho -| promised a donation towards ly erection of the building. Lord Provost M’Innes Shaw Glasgow suggests the amalgai ion of the three infirmaries in i of administratio! pbaltcoats Town Council have fen nto men Hficanee, ie given such esti ue degeneration, more seen he bra pe, ba|ally of ath, atl iy ria A d to remove a large quantit; sahe which had accumulated, at We: der all ‘to the ladjes’@ @ iaherenbsihy bas tod did commit to speci ordained men. the “bull 4 aeinte power (John 20. Ld a FE: doarth, hotel We on +4 nus af T Boor Ball: Says Rarth Magae: aldaT omit 3 Fhe Sad eS a vk rock Spee thy ‘ney were: plactig: ea pere on aie ie escweer oa Ou hav. ee ‘beh visited ani as Loran Jeaxn. : tail, of iHalley: abut: ‘fa 9" vai : ne. 1 . mins 7 ed: ae cy ‘portman feo ths i nop apart: ofsrth “ho one-wae surprised. d dd ted tinre r nd comodo? Hae i Brae S off thet Tessin, g) fy he ay gout fea or Meaumed » cy ages aibany paar yi exten pide a as a staple article pe jt Ne bb ee se va : eof the pee Gospels: as: upwis the wn of Alphaeus. & oar ra komt cb hb. alates who put. up for een in Lang eh Eh yestine and. -Fifestite He AT rather ian shan consisted b, onte (pas tebe Heel he RP Bae tows me—His’ immediate re-|ing, sown late, harvested before Suny mere Ichy! the AB eagst site a sit Ci Be srl bakeae Us? Sal ae meat in the house oom From 7 ec Y ety hd ar st ne! ieee 3) to act as judges in the ne Taw Paton was Matthew's house, and ‘ ultdtude’” ublican The af ‘a great|and apt. to be sf tur before the week had e _expit i TELL Baie gnekal and By By. sin ae Sufail’ Fins may seem abaurate ak of fion eRe Aylin i is well. Noes its flight sek ies rercakte: pucks: warciwde thal Tdhnghis pon ‘on to show how the nami along eskherefore y which accapted for ‘re; flinistet igh Resp AE WRleHatio Called « “The Lo Bevends Hat mae nie ee ¥uh, xse ae oy es oud aaa to es retin it bebe Soph chammessing wt Fp tig halecdateye h orld, is vets Saas itis re ee : ain group of s mewhat frecuemtly, jan Ohiewe yy Bihy Ai Shar ee eae facts a Fr ea Te type mos the Jew, thew vj nad hy i he § ma sins was Jot to. hy ice unicable power i work for th ar “tants of aan “ to 05, that traverse : them, nake Sanel coon e ay think of cate as toner always i ing i ble | 5 Ope of the signs, Bi wala ‘right ions. of tont-tods A Ps of the migration of fish: | ; brougtit by land-trom one piece of water fie it pa) eT h. ideas: get re! ob eh oh BE anibod Fw ee, who s Me 5 ohaiees? 2 re humsolt s Pic. ~; agititst® Fests ehh re of this character, isphemously was to tbiatle vis extione seid hat ithe, t} 251 wi that kne fi ws speak 498 ae here ‘could ease 110} iahaatatn panes: thie abana io” RoR Meay Hanae see an nyone copld sa mi Paps ont repay ts. . isles tench het holitoe Rian Rest oubiebl met our} put no hums Py and reverence, but] e: ne at fe wants worship aoe oe inté ine HOTASVIIM , 20nd Lia Sawa their hy rts, ‘a hal nT fs saw Bit eat fee mare ae eee iy : e in Ra Mies stand open to the pub md the Phariseed had tol” nied ieee anneananeanens ain ear uh, 0} ja eX, i eel a Pe ‘Sinpire gage oh st reosifeelelat, 8 im na set purpose. t ang z : ot 4 STG Os Arr Siggestion Ts aN to nyriads of little fishes that were ing for one directi werd ing slowly on. alee, sls of them moving by using the T) raw 1 feet and again presi: on. the famous BO) e mizes his mission as the physiciar (and yi ae Ff aye gee who oe made a fortune by sending; tom a parts ot tar bo TNGENTOUS*SWINDEE: s been issued for! ag viss wine merchant niuted shimsedfc. exch ‘giyes th pminstirpibee) shubs h Switzerland, and a ih cite thot i a wa = ace He shade which the hati oe se A ra a Het nd od ream! fit witch! ty ne a ne fea Mane that was so pee in the utter: God ies zee 4 ae ate 0 09° rat aot anortKate ewe =e AANAM2ZaNAAH fase an A HO ‘KNOW P. reta—‘‘Belle tells me a 8 ii clan “How well do rou ta hoa aes -Browns 6 ssi: € iv fee na Ss excisobnt ce 6 Stblact erties t feet obras: 06 je Same bi x almost z’ ane Bah ow te pe ‘ it nan ewe a + ad Benoit bisa aes ce, 3 Jegioning wasHonion aa 3 y