Milverton Sun, 24 Mar 1910, p. 4

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THE MILVERTON SUN Thursday, March 24, 1910 fenennow Cc. P, R. Time Table GUELPH AND GODERICH he kgektgo ‘West. Monkton 11.17 a.m. 8.54 p. LINWOOD AND hopabens aor pee Eisanet 2.00" vi i 3. age 2 a. 3.2! Tralee .. Listowel C. T. R. Time Table GOING perpiee % 32 9.26 9.20 9.14 GOING NORTH a.m. 7.32 7.39 7A5 750 11.12 Business Cards}; Sf: ¥ x months, 50 monte, a6 cents, in advance, + in arrea’ aes Ho f@ the Sovereign Bank, Milverton, Medical. F. PARKER, M.D. ATYB, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE PUBLIC DR DRUG 8T0 STORE, MILVERTON Houre—10 to 12 o'clock a. m., and fade o'clock p, m., and 7 to 8 o'ciock p, The Milverton Sun 38 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Sun ‘Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont. SUBSCRIPTION RATES cents; thi Subscribers will be liable to pay $1.50 per year, One year, $1; st ‘CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Bight cents per line for first insertion and four cents per line for each, subsequent inser- will be charged for ail transient adver- P.m.| Advertisements without specific directions ill be inserted until forbid and eharged ac-| 00 m. ages for contract advertisemnte must | essary 0 ‘ heli the afice by hoon akuaday a attention. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor THE MARCH ROD AND GUN Snow Trails, a story of a profes- ack woods, is leadii she March issue of Rod d Gun in Camada published by J. Tay! Woodstock, Ont.. and one that no sportsman should bee Stories Mr. Auer’s narative f interest an o- | out. or in tl ADVOCATES RURAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM. Editor The Sun. ‘hen nearly all gel gi ORE RITE SUERTE BUTTER 23c per Ib. (Every Print Must Weight 16 oz.) Only a Few Days Until Easter Not! nits a 1 communi' closer t town, and with rural tele- phone systems all around us, surely there should be no futhe lay it formulating plans to bring about this ” hy object. Immediate ste uld be taken if from no other standpoint than Me One meed not travel far ‘to find that rural tae lephones have become part eel of every progressive com- Already the nucleus for a good 8 sys understood: with to a tain this rate a good mber of subscribers would be nec- start. but this need be town pe the farmers in nity. If most of co! munity in which v d Milver- ton Rey not be Tong without rural thet ‘health and pleasure to be obtain- efitted from following the author's ice and example. The time may come when-winter visitors will only rank second in numbers to those en- out in of a Chase ii Mr. . Bullock Websters The experiences gained by fir for two summers in the Met: Legal MORPHY & CARTHEW, beet titi een Ete. Solicitors for the on. Money to loan, oy ‘Ont. pecrsnent offices have been for. mber of the firm will arra. be in Milverton ee Thursda ay. . M, CARTHEW, J.C, MAKins W. J, HANLEY MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, - - - Ontario Veterinary. tele: phone or otherwise promptly a RAE ee RIT A ia — Societies, coher LODGE, No. 478, A.F, ey a cnasy “evening on or before full moor i ei hall ix Ranney’s Block, Visiting breth- ren always welcome, THOS, HUTCHISON. M.; W. J, ZORGER, Secy. No, 99, Milverton, meets every bpd ane ast “Tuesday of every jonth, at 8 o'clock, in their hall over thacrmel & Si hardware store. Visiting brethren always welcome, Geo. oe, C. R., 8, H, Pugh, Ree-Secy. . F., “Silver Star Mi 7.30 p. Store, Visiting by come. é Loth, Fy Seo Notary Public. WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- onter foe the Gounty of Perth and Wasiiee, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and es draw vits Vinge Slorle. " Ofice in the Woir block over the Bank of Hamilton, Hotets. EXCHANGh HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. corhmodation and large stabling. Mil GRAND. CENTRAL HOTEL, untin| cock, shotoing. fishing. Protective work, mountaineeri indre a Very full measure and largely account ing for the wide spread influence the magazine has gained nga ely spo) men on both sides of the border. cre tuete cae By LUMBAGO , Manual labor or even light exercise imbr The means agon a powerful rem- edy can penetrate deep enough to (2a The surest relief comes fr rubbing iline, It sinks into removes inflsmmation Yom the muscles. and acts as ing will so quickly cure as ese dea ae sell Polson's DAVIDEON JOHNSTON: ety “Wedding took place 1 the preseitee 0 ¥- es. The bride leatilig 68 the avn of € tthe teem ‘ta which the young couple held. CURE FOR SIfK WOMEN When pains gather round the hips nd lodge in the ‘small of the back— rt tonk: very ¢ | tarrhozone, telephe PROGRESS. _ DIRECTORS’ “MEETING A meeting of the Directors of the Elma Farmers’ Mutual Fire abe | S claim was cc} meeting adj 19th day of a to meet at the us- ual time ai J. R. HAMMOND, SEC'Y. Is YOUR THROAT HUSKY? ig the first step towards Co- éough ae ‘ilps a por of ling bals: ré nm and restore the throa tissues. a "IL not ve colds or coug! ‘oat! Trouble and Catarrh will Sipe with the of Ca- At all dealers 250. and $1.00, Get it to-day. INDUCTED AT LOCHALSH t week’s Goderich Signal Suicea an_ excellent likeness 8. B con- iS ce Rev. new: pastar in “The As AS ‘Presbyterian congre- ratulated on hav- ‘actically thane of de! comes ed t oesity will pets upon the congrega- MONEY NO OBJECT "| When People are seeking health or relief from any disease the price never counts QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. to stoop or bend Mea lepte ees ‘The best accommodation for commercial | gible, when dizzy spells and bearing}: yj; jg a fact tha’ than a wn pains are evet present—that's million is spent every year by people “Guors an [the time ta use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. | cking a satistactory eure for Ca regularities disappear, vital : piablgsc Gaotne Be Paall, Beapetewrs-< [ies ured: bal ble is forgotten. teers AE ee aa — et ig sick sven M8-| Probably the best and sata elite THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, improves in Joo eases in| proeaMty pete HAY Ws Catartho- pays ial attention to Commercial | spirit by using Dr. "iamilton's Pills. | zone which treats the local avin tots trade, Splendid sample rooms, ' Best ney ctive the ne conditions iad tobhet | very effectually by means of medica~ wines: and liquors served at the bar|of health and ivgor. No medicine so | tq supplied through a conven- Rates $1.50 per day. Wat. Wirt, Prop helpful sate Hamilton's Pills. 25. 115, pica‘retuer inhalers The poisons at all deal tl are driven off by Ferro- Division Court ic Milverton Division Court ‘Meets at 11 o'clock a.m, on Feb, 10 ae une 9, Aug. 25, Oct. 27. 'HOMAS TROW,. Olerk F. W. GUENTHER, Bailiff / MONEY f 5, 5S: and 6 Per gent NELSON SHIELDS FOR LOCAL SCHOOLS. We are authorized to soa set Rt. Hon. Lord Strathcona’s Ni Shield been offered by Rev. altred Hall. schools in has of Toronto. to each of t! the Per ions. ye v pense of Sorenks engraving and i t] hi: ae B. guises CENTRAL :! bea Sonne or_ re the leading, 2 D.A. McLACHLAN, - Principat aeee RATFORD |! : 3 eet ale Where for their Datrloti iS wd eansal Bilas im the Universities, Colleges they are already Olptivate colleges and schools are eli- gible to receive sh Nelson Shield. and should apply fe m+ RUINED HIS FEET ised a ten cent “Corit gms a ld have eat his co! ess Corn quarter he co with Putas aia Extrac: the a tor. ‘he Ontario Legislature was pro- by rogued on Saturday last. we shields ; digestion. and ‘ich and pure. so that it will nage all parts of the nae This com! local eal constitu- tional treatment i catar! jisea: er returned. I can recommend Ca- tarrbogone as a grand remedy for Ca-~ ‘tarrh. Thous: sien like the above if necessar: equired to Drove the a is 8 fi cae Be ‘00. Small Complete “out it costs . Smal size 500. druggists. or NO. Polson & Co.. ‘ingston: Ont. atids of strong J letters could S : The Right Hat for Every Man $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 How many times you hear a man say, the hardest thing I have to buy ; none of them seem to look well on me.” in the style of hat. THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN ON THURSDAY EVENING, AND CLOSED ON FRIDAY ‘ or vicinity. The Largest Range of 50c Dress Goods ; i See our assortment of higher priced dress goods, distinct styles to choose from at........ too different and ic to $2 a yard. ever displayed in Milverton Of course such a feeling is natural if one changes from a stiff hat to a soft hat as so many men do at this time of the year, or even if one makes a radical change But here there are so many shapes to choose from that every man can get the right hat, and get it quickly and quietly, The Men’s Hat Department is very convenient and has every facility. when z try them on, “a hat is are have ever shown. individual Suits for the Young Men at $10.00, 12.50 and $15.00 The strongest and most attractive lines that we Moderate in price, the tastes of young are fully anticipated in these garments—not alone are these suits perfectly tailored, but the styles and distinctive. New Greens in all the leading shades. stripes and neat, small checks. button style coats, long cut, form fitting. All Sizes at $10.00 to $15.00 Greys and Wide and narrow Three, two -and one Guard Against April Showers and buy our Spring Opener, Steel Rod Umbrella at 89c Lace Curtains fange fromy, ci ss¢. cess, 30 different and distinct de- signs to choose from. Prices vse 25e up to $6 per pair Ladies’ Waists Our display ones of 200 waists Pepe rice 9c to $7 rac \ MILVERTON, HENGELAND @ SON Ghe People’s Store Many Notably Successful Men Owe Their First Start in Business to a Small Savings Account The habit of Taylueamde regu- larly a small amount from the weekly wage, is one of the most valuable habits a man or woman can acquire. The amount is not missed, the sum rapidly increases, interest ac- ~cumiulates steadily ; and soon you have enough to starta small busi- ness of your own. Tue Bank or HammTon wel- comes and encourages the ac- count of the small depositor. All formality has been. dispen- sed with, Inquire for the Mosca at any one of the Bank’s hundred branches. Beyond your own sig- nature for future indentification when withdrawing money, routine is eliminated. . RANNEY, Milverton Branch - Manager ‘ Head Office, HAMILTON Capital Paid-up - - $2,500,000 eve and Undivided ‘Profits - 2,900,000 ~ over 35,000,000 Total A:

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