Thursday, March 24, 1910 THE MILVERTON SUN MANY CALL IT “The Best Editorial Page In Canada” ‘The Toronto Daily Star publishes every day six columns of* editorials and editorial features—and there’s not a dry line in the six columns. John Lewis, author of «The Life of John Brown’? (Morang’s Series) has few equals in Canada, is by many considered to be ssa Seiad ns Sokiaie Smith as a master of English. TT ‘kk, known as “Mack”? when he was editor pm ter is known throughout Canada as a been, clever and witty writer. His cables and letters on the British elections from England, where he was sent by the Star, have attracted wide matty ‘0 things to be specially noted about all the Star’s editorials are frst ¢ that.they are always fair—no bitterness or biased partizanship the subjects in which you na lighter vein are *Chroni ‘tad detightflly humorout-pathetic studies from real life, partcalatly rural ‘s Corner” of clever poetry i o —an “A ay of Everything”—that you can AT Suerte a Flesant ten minutes. A regular reading of the Star’s Editorial page will keep a man informed on every topic of live interest to Canadians. Why not subscribe now ? $1.50 A Year This paper and the “‘Toronto Daily Star’’ together for one year, $2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. added to above subscription prices. Toronto Daily Star WOVEN PEERLES FENCING A car of Peerless a Fexotng au arrive here in afew days. Mai No. 9 high @ rade, well aeanizel: Baglal ish Ww! 8 wires 47 inches high for 29c rod SELLING SS. Seat se PRICES Z * 4g * ‘e “ zg ‘“ “ Call and examine the See No. 9 Coil Spring a $2.50 Per Cw! 0 Gates 54 incl! ‘high, 15 feet long, $4.50 w. Fr. FINKBEINER, “Nencuanr Clothin 7 THAT FITS THAT KEEPS ITS SHAPE THAT WEARS TRY E.KNECHTEL MILVERTON’S 3 OLD 3 RELIABLE 3 TAILOR , Farmers, Take Notice : General News 3 The celebrated ae eee compris- es a_ tract o! 000 iS repaieuatltater a “ter the Protestant cee nie a He Montreal. ha arted in is fight w th iplne- ably a Pe a2 4 & & cording to "government patene rr 1,250.- fi ire The loss will iS about terloo was gutt: t on ecieay last. and Tae D. "Rockefeller: received $4,500. ae amendment to the Liquor Licen- e closed and The ‘North "perth Board of License. . consisting of ona e P. Seibert. Paschal Pigeon and Jam ibert was again man. friends of Mr. Lloyd-George. i Excheq- physical collapse owing to strenuous polssionl bs that he has led during the pas T. Race. yaks n Commis- Mrgyter EE en Japan will take a prominent MMFor the eleven months of fiscal year pared with Of these 86.488 or United the previous year. were from the 8 Geo. E. Foster ‘who is suffer- ing from nervous breakdown has been ordered south by his medical advisers as soon as he is well enough to travel It is to be hoped that Mr. J ‘an im 1908 will not be com- general opinion that the judges ar dela ying too long in completeing this anges in Ontario’s game laws go n the udep eat of a bill ge Min- Stops n. a8 - Public Works. vy. See liets wlust secure Sreviesiel licenses to close season for capercail- Mink will be protected the same as muskrats. taken from the water Cobalt. Cochrane and ats, the trip inclu ea . ‘a Finke mile run throug! clay belt on the pariobal Trans continental Railwvas. J maker. of Philadelphia. ed a accent effort will “start and keep it moving. There are three ways to F foe there are e no others Dro} eth. ec: the Sovaiahio of Elm: They have as 2000 farmer’s telephones in Pert county alone. The Bell Co. has to date been averse to constructing far- mer’s lines owing to the excessive cost and upkeep. but they Buy your seeds now for next spring’s seeding, before the prices go up. Red Clover ; fue $1 0 Si. Standard ' OIL CAKE MEAL is fecdlig 2.00 = eed or 1.! 80 per ew, it in 5 cmt. lots BUCKWHEAT, good chicken t bushel ‘Also a peasy of Seed Grain for sale at any ti Call in and inspect my stock before purchasing Lisephacts CEMENT Always on Hand. I. D. ATKIN, scrcun Milverton Big Spring Business FOR US ALL The few: spring-like days we've had gave us a hint of the big business we'll have to handle when Spring doés come. You will want some Parner and ot neigh- perhaps. We're ready for you.” Our big stock is in better shape than it’s ever been in—well bought and closely priced. Our establishment can fit youout complete—put the Furniture, Carpets cant lot right in the ,house—guarantee them and- save money, We've done it for hundreds of others ! How about you? % GEE We Deliver Goods Anywhere in Ontario R. WHITE & CO. eset ee STRATFORD : urge all ‘my friends |Patarrhozone Company. Ontario. es #t subscribers in eg wil, nave their Saiiats reduced al Distress a the Stomach Bundceds of ee sus Bottles of Tviline used evel it for Cur- ing sete Biarchoes and =. Stomach Disorder: Deadly cramps—the 0 be mistaken. symptoms are Suddenly and ¢ patient exper- y in the stomach as t the countenance and cause Binet ‘ory alu for help. ‘hen it is that ‘won- Ue deal power of Newriline itself felt—it our, cram oe ae ie a frightful’ attack. << eon DS. ach would ‘it me e ob < ent or two handed me half a spoonful of Nerviline in some sweet- ened water. “It seemed a if an angel had charm- edt awa: Tn ten seconds was pe i Nereiline has onderful his locality. and is consider ee at tar cramps, diarrhoea, flatn e. ta use Neerines LEY M. LEGAR Millamebure? home is safe or can afford _ to rhe mamifold advantages of hav- ing Rerviliie ‘on hand a case of — demt ergent sick 25 bottle. five for $1, All dealers o The Kingston. BEST REMEDY ForWomen-—Lydia E. Pink- c |ham’s Vegetable Compound Belleville, Ont.—“I was so weak om & Jemale ‘Gua Pink. ‘our medicine for .kness, and Lamexceodingly gra toful to youfor letters, as I certainly profit ‘hem, I give you permission ee publish this any time you _wish,.”— M ALBERT Nigeeer: ‘Belleville, nae, ‘Canada. that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will eure female weak- through the Change of Life as Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetal ° Co jompound, |, made from native roots and been curin, ulceration, placements, Abroid tumors, irregulart- ic pains, backache, and want special advice write fonittoalrs. Pinkham, Lymn Mase tis free and always helpful. OUR NEW TRADE ARRANGEMENT WITH GERMANY m the To promi aie “A trienaly agre is a most important ‘ng mercially and polit Mr, W. R. Brock Pat to the Si f this sort are i better than ten Dreadnoughts. heralded by this treaty. not war. Rev. ae Bo ttae Archbishop of Cates yess a ealieonitie at. ie clergy” as - oes aptly sums im ‘up. was his view and deep learning raise a protest. some surprise. “Well, does he eat his victims them ee got the j raw. or cook Needless to say the man day, about the removal of the German} Yet the r OUR RAPID GROWTH fontreal Witness and allow us to sen free ee full of hints our just send us a postcard id you a worth-having ures of census of 1901 were 5,371.- about the hundred uses 315. so. that. if the 8,000,000 mark is own home cou! oa find for reached im aes inckoade oF. a A ore than merely the supreme floor- fois. e Timnitable pore her surplus people. our population in} 1920 will be nearer 20,000,000, or even 80,000,000 than 15,000,000. If this ex- pectation is justified what a startling if not appaling, prospect have we be- fore vs what vast vs RABIES. WHAT IT IS. DETECTION. | @ Sibilities! The very suggestion o! CAUSE, CURE. 3 E. KATZ such figures as these emphasize the] 1 os tine gaiy the real z 5 mecessity of our census bei) en m estimating fairly real eee TY orcas urced quinquennially|®ortance of rabies the subject could| $ YESIGH instead of decennially. | be dismissed with few words. How- would be far better and more cheaply|eVer. as both governments have taken SP me if done more continuously the, ‘matter ‘up. a fow sidelights will ROIALIST: men trained to it. The department] be interesting and instructive at this! ¥ of Listowel, will be in Tesponsible for the census would do| time. Many fable physicians have|® fegular, and, if your enon well to inaugurate a five years’ enum-| maintained that hydrophobia is pure-|$ piasses, have them tested by him, eration. as in France. keeping its staff| ly an imaginative disease, the result] 4 Drop a post card to him at Lis- in good nd employing its spare|0f fear au al-education. Be they) © towel and he will cali on you, time in connection with statistics re-| Tight or fact stands out 4 garding the many complex conditions Ke! 2 ae exist. although it is an ex- LISS TAN of life and work which it is valuable.| tmemely rare ~ cases of | @ A if mot essential, far us to know. Such} hydrophobia in man nearly all are| $ E. KATZ, Listowel i mlargement would, more-| caused by imagination and the deaths in good one to give up the Seater and exaggerating ‘de jur¢ hod of enumeration, and FNUESa NSS mania or al a the honest” ‘de facto’ sy: TRY NEWSPAPERS Hamilton Spectator rs of Canada COU: form in the aggregate re el ous Soblie service t any ot! clast men in abe” life. A gen- erous poet says kind words for the country newspapers ag to its influen- ce in the sree in which it is (published Trade hardly deems the busy day be- 1 un "Till his keen eye along the sheet has run Tbe blooming daughter throws her needle by And rae He schoolmate’s marriage While the ater’ “mother puts her glasses on And gives a tear to some old crony y gone. The preacher too. his Sunday theme lays down, : To know what last new folly fills the country, newspaper, these W1 -|and then expect the editor to boom the town and its business without any help from them. The Perth Cour opened at Stratford on Monday before Mr. Justice Riddell. The docket quite a lengthy ne than twelve uate non-jury cases. Ther no criminal cases. ae. how WANTED ae representative for Milver- tala is soe time to sell Nur- sery Stocl We pay “iiberally — Fisk ral oe list tof ready, sellers it and ae ental Bock Seed Potatoe: Write for terms ae Sind STONE & WELLINGTON The Fonthill Nursuries Established 1837 Toronto. - = - mar3-3m. Ont. t e'|lockjaw. or to fear, epileps : si nty Spring Assizes T. | ord Sere Fictiglaze & ImpeRIAL VARNISH & Coxor Co., Limitep TORONTO at glaze will look better aad dase far 10 apply. Dries hard overnight! eect Ie ena OAs. Sine aes Bours sani to beso clean and eustlone with Wt prions. oT soul en Neeniokek Pisce jonger than paint or varnish. a Sa os aerate aA ral os mes in tins, A eallon coats Easy to ‘Ask your dealer or write us, Recommended and cold by all reliable dealers including J, Rothearmel & Son t of such are attributed to be y. acute hysteria and nervous col- frequently have attacks emble rabies. They often es is a virus or ay ee pois oat tent oarit dl = ons usual affection for his master. For a moment ie lessness. ete. have been noted. and the of a kindly nature. attempts should be accepted of iilated, the look TFrost Canadian purposes, fence wire in Canada. 10 wires, 49 in. “ 50 a6 _ cause where imported the wire. past. stock is new and bright. painted ones. Headquarters for all expected to make good, serviceable fence. Any fencing you order from me will prove just as I represent it to you. Fence} Not How Cheap, but How Good made from wire drawn and galvanized expressly for The Frost Wire Fence Company Limited, of Hamilton are the only exclusive makers of In buying direct from the makers of the wire, 1 can give you better material in your fence and save you money besides. interest you in the cheaper grades. For example : I can also high, price 32c rod “ ity 3 Cc “ec 9 0. 8s “ 47 “« “a rit 27c “ 7 “ 45 “ “ “cs 24ic “ 9 uF 36 “ Hog Fence “* 28c “ Top and bottom wires are No. 9. intermediates No. 11, stays No. 11, 16 to the rod. No. 11 wire is not.commonly used for fencing be- duty on it is 20%. The Frost Company avoid duty by making their own wire. No, 11 hard makes as strong a fence as No, 9 soft Some strong claims are made for English wire, but the time for using soft wire in woven fencing is Besides such low priced material could not be All my I can also supply you with Galvanized Gates at prices as good or better than others are asking for GEO. J. COXON kinds of Fence Wire and Galvanized Gates. ir Inst tute in New York ‘vould bevthe safest pourse. EATING pees is FLESH Many Atrioan ¢ tribes count siiaice the AY apts and Job the “Australian cerning close te treated with indifferent respect. nnon. Ww! claims his daughter died as a result of infection he contracted soarlct fev: UNSCIENTIFIC ELECTION aetnaos From rican gentleman visiting a a vehicle you to the poll. ae it waiting a good hour, and then vote Hi bite. aqaitiandh of lig] st the ath ht srbich falls thick x00. LOW ROUND TRIP RATES the voi ee nical with the sym- GOING DATES rabis Cah irritan 7 ES 23 such. aa arsenic. will produce similar|| Apr 519 June 14,28 Aug. 9, conditions. May 3, 17,31 July 12,26 Sept. 6, 20 brain, and is very suggestive Ta The au is likely to come when call- now. changed greatly. ee iis ith fury and then f W. SANDERSON, Agt. Milverton. HOMESEERERS’ es WESTERN CANADA (OUGH SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Bich oie 2.00 p.m. above days Through Fist and. Second Clam Coached, Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. Apply. to nearest G-P.R. Agent oF write R. L. Thompson, D.P.A., To PAMPHLET ASK FOR W. H. SANDERSON. Agt. Milverton. Are"not caught wearing ready- made clothing, because you cannot get the wanted cut and style that goes with a suit made to order. If you would be correctly and stylishly dressed let us make your suit, Suits to order $12 and up. J. M. FLEISCHHAUER Ch. morrenvere Si ba stand: Post ‘ Agent}.Crown acand: ‘Clothing ny HOMES For Settlers Se Re IN \CANADIAN NC MANITOBA RAILWAY SASKATCHEWAN : ALBERTA How Made and How Reached (LOW SETTLERS’ RATES Settlers and Families. alae 92 ie eae Regular’ Trains 04 i Tess ie paces jaring MARCH and APRIL | | Throughrouret Gas COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS in which Berths are Free Apply tc 4 Ae apace mses R. L, Thompson, OPA a G.P.R., Toronto. About Patent Leather Invictus : Shoes Sooeeoes ‘he question is sometimes aske: ‘whether the patent leather fin int VICTUS Shoes-will crack, ‘o this we Say that it’s itapoe alter juarantee any patent leather from cracks icking. Mat ‘Some Ain leathers crack more readily than others—depends upon the aati The Patent leather used in ,IN- VICTUS Shoes is manufactured Cote ides imported Russian ¢ result is a patent Neste thes ie softer, finer, more and one that will wear io ue without ale than any other patent leather sold, a 4 ° tee tetey W. ZIMMERMANN ROC Bik akc es oe 8 a: