Milverton Sun, 24 Mar 1910, p. 7

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BUSINESS ARISTOCRATS : aa Zome-#ngiish Firms Have Been in Ex- istence for Three and Four Generations, WE BLUEST COMMERCIAL BLOOD RUNS. ‘The commercial life of England pos- gesseS an ey of which man; ed can roken descent is of usiness houses wn firm of publishers, Green. & (o., for bstanc ter's n layed by, (Witiiam’s elder bro! m- : 77; and, Inst the present head, management of hat, in the most blue-blooded manner, every head but one has heen ‘christened ‘Thomas.. ‘The office this firm ‘occupies the eit aid'at Ite nih nearly ine, hundred | years ago—will ourse—and from the outset me cabstially used its sign of ‘Fkpens OF THE HAMMER. As good Is: the, record “0 be ey ateracls, the Ee orse , auc- rs. Foun in 7 Richerd se of 65 igeee wih last year. ders) nown as "Old Tatt’—it scon Ree AFe ol inang, people nitve whe eee Bs pang ee ‘ot fl Bae Mg | have, prior to. this ieee witnessed Pea evrnd took. his. place, and "wes | harvesting In November in Clackman- as “Young D' inl 1859, and continued fo rule until 1810. 1 lepers Edmund, succeeded, at death in 1898 te scn—also Ed- muundtolowed, se still conducts the business. Six successive Tattersalls Hose thus wielded the hammer in the Saree Afisge ‘of whom were Richards Edmunds. iness has n tn London, ut’ one hundred and fifly years the family of Fry in Bristol the great pA bus Four s sucesaalve. i —al Jo: direct eaeinks conducted it throughout that period fm about 1760 ihave tit 1880; and that son from that date up Ps ‘the present. THE LONG LINE OF “THE TIMES.” Times" is one of tho greatest It was started a ik to his gon ohn Walter, who yee ueathed nother John Waller, in 1847, "This gentleman was chet Stat 04, when, his son. Mr. Uinue Waiter, sticceeded him, and is atin Ah eit at Painting House is. thal xn Murray, the spiro fs vine ° Guar oy foun Mitra ict talented “tamtly. ~ of men, fanicus in llerature who itive there niet ances The Coutts family have ene at. the ud ‘of the: best-1 kos payele bank in England fot -and a half. Kk ng ago, when tie husband, Mr. Burdett Coutts, inherlied hi Another At bani ‘family is. pp of Coxes, beets chal X foul 5, and five nade PortttAne of “ine tal Ins since then, the pi Uther. Arthas Cox A’ PERENNIAL ‘TRIO. fe thmilyrecord‘of"the tends f the Barclay, Pearkins d Barclay vought wery, maroc saben an mn and hat day there has al- arclay, a Perkins, and a nthe management, ing its frst, ee ntury, and hes always. be longed lesnder was ‘ eeded 19 18tL 1 by hl so. Wil- Mam Henry Smith, the Saal statesman somimions, ge con- , an has since passed @ Major's: son Witiam Fhinckwood. THE COLLINS QUARTETTE Four generatio: Collinses have Jooked aller the ntinirs of i pablaia house of that name, an usly, they ‘lliams, tike the Black. ne William. Collins founded it 's son, the talented Sir \ lism Canin, nd. left it in son Sytien €ailins, who died i 5 iiam A, maich- | woul oh Adee ea <a com! ppledion: since the | veh: he: fami have sialon ils iad ‘There havi f Horace Marshall wholesale newss since Wil- tan “Marshall found: is , A. J. and Horace, {outer ng. him Me. Li m, “Marshall, is*the heat NOTES OF INTEREST | ros: only 864 availed themselves of the containing 12 botiles of whiskey. f number. of alydenia matriculat- is 1826, an ly have held the | ci resent head being Ww. Be. cn e been three | reli FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND HID WATCH IN A BISCUIT FROM HER, , BANKS AND BRAES, 2 Lowlaads of Aul Scotia. Port Glasgow’s latest acqvisition. is a ladies’ firo brigade. Education in Dundee costs an average of $12.68 per pupil per annum. Rouds in "West Fite have been dam- aged by floods <te, ef ‘of $7,500. Dundee Caarity Crash Society satis another year with a deficit of ithe employes of the ‘traieston Gas er iath have contributed $509 to local ch The. “retiring members of the Dundee Harbo have been returned up- oppose Out | an electorate of 2,641 in Mont- franchise, ‘The new iron Lridge for the Caledon ian Ben) eet for the Caledonian Re H @ Forth at Stirling :s <3 wpalkirk ‘Town Council. have eanction- 1 the opening of a night shelter for homeless way farers. Dunfermline Co-Ope! Socie has raised the price of ihe sere ioat from 12 cents to 12% cents. Dundee Charles MeGregor, cart- has. got 20 days for stealing 9 case ing at Glasgov Univ in orhe. bin Yermline Chamber of Com- merce was recently treated to a ver: gloomy view of the damask trade i the ore future. o the failure of the herring fishing in Loch Fyne for the past few years many fishermen are in straiten- 1 circumstance: 5. Christi Arbroath builder, has died from shock caused by explo- sion. at Gas Werks, knocking him down whil was passin, Mr. res Barrie, who was Lord Provost of Dundee from 1902 to 1905 was presented with his portrait in re Berane Na public services. There are five batlalions of High- land Light Tes Volunteers in Glasgow, and of these two only are J the distinclion of wearing permite: the kilt. for the new tech- ‘Competes spline nical s led in con- mt to be ere i eerie the Nicholson Institute, Stronoway, have been received. from five architects, One of the oleae schoolmasters in | 4 “of and is retiring from M ie tens ice the . per: = fein “sitlan, eaten pL rackets sel Public sch Ours James Artie snuat ie madeover to Ayr pital fe a eee fo form 0G of railway débentur fi find to he-oiliod the “lane saci Gontescent Fund,” in memory ‘of his her. iMeimar aad id arcane mnumletpar -meeling. where ied, But for 1 n_ abolished As they. were. beller managed ‘then, the custom is: to be Sank oe, LONDON THE GREAT. Estimated’ That Its ee Will Be 6, in To what extent can cancer ey n . “muddle” and subjected to no intebli- dent supervision? The question ss by the detimale put forward ‘by water board that the pe Sie 8,000,000 by 1960, "The estim cord with the advance of Eenoons DOD fation during the nineteenth ce me years ago Mr, Welton, a well- known lalistician, showed, hah the in- = sam be reached even before 1960. of this size would cover all. Middlesex si a Kent, Essex. = ire, rom ond Southend h green flelds would have like a dream. For-the past fifly. years E fliers nea best a well mare tendene eyo the well-lo-do in nigrate rem the; cenlta) “aint to the, cuter fringe, where the country is at nd London papers bear testimony 10 the continuance of this movement, which Yet grows the more its, atmosphere must be contamina reets weuld help. to give air passage, thou it is to be feared that thei The London = rye affie \¢ cor to vite miles of avenucs 140 feet wide through ee London would cost quite £30,- mete fact is cerlain, that the Lon- 16. vere als don of 16. novel mea’ cles passing Me sibuien ham Court Road rose Trot $892 to 11,972 during the five busiest Kanes at the day. ye forded through the growing u: eroplanes, it r probanie that ie the widest roads would be insufficient to pro- vide elas ies oe host of vehicles, ea at A young officer, riding through 4@ Seoich vilege one day in full malloria on a splendid horse, ws much aaonee by a lad eS ue oe rok elon aks pe ae Ee ‘Did yor Bena ore a ved?" Sen ~ said the boy, What Is Going On In the Highlands oy iy Went Hungry fo Keep Promise ta “a mt the: part of | an ig | custo 960. or Fee it} 100,000. AN INCIDENT OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. al Ae palauig pice yiee sbIs hy: an ot Saw Its Unutt¢rable| Wealthy Manufacturer of Philadelphia Friend — Gave Watch ee to ~ faken before a magistrate Misery — Impressed by the Finds Him After a Long Interest to Irish- md im) ined, ‘ to Sister. The en Meine iceGny toh RighIN Children, Separation, = . i Q h_received |Y¢ars has been ee by Anna G4-} Last week one of the best and most} Like a {al “Arabian | A new Hibernian Hall has been ope Ep gf ae age Oe wing mH, {2tiel, ‘who has died at Bolzen, in "Aus (gif of all our te}, | Nigits” is the story of the unexpected | “1 at Cornan, Ardboe, Stattenat: fa. ie Si rie, ninety-three,.-afler servini seiceele finding a few days ago of the twin Yro-) Prices of herrings aN | ae since her*thirteenth year three genera-|yyut quiet clean ther of Felix Hanlon, a wealthy mo-| Deviegal range from $4.30 to 5.00. pel avenue, tana ne of wah oe ca w hitechapel, rocco uta niladelphia, a Be aneer an dent e ie plague of rabbit Scent ard. He made no secret of the object} who had been a for ae _ a oP. Donne! Us ae eam ler ident with whch be and Jelt were dt axstroying the pastoral indi ef his mission when he said his brief | more than: foi 8 eéiland Row, Dublin, di y r velly connecte Australie, 16,152 miled of public. = furewell to. some friends at the Athe-|_ Y‘ persistent search throug! ‘s ih, Sota cas a atiadarine was at the battle of Day's Gap, |! ae Tences:heve.-been niaeum Clb, “Haina svork ena new this country and falled lo, dis: See Lea aeraetaia ie ke aiter a lot of us ha m. cap- frected ata f,000,000. Queens- Bes recall an old in uth "he x lose the ret that leaked out in i pe serpive aa aise, ured, ny friend Jelf, fond alone spends: $700,000. 0 year in piai “men 1 way, through the cen ‘of | hibition at Du ea ene Ladly wounded, sitting against a tree.’ Eaten ey ee ad fences to keep Sai how zane: for ood. oH il they un inquiry by a Shee priest in Ireland, une ee Ske eneents said Mr, Smith. “The blood was run- | Cut “bun awe to their o ment, an WANTED P! been-the worst c i. nin, trom, ‘a ghastly hole in his neck.” | J? Gld London Bridge the houses | ant the pULNS fm teste the intnity ENED Oe cin D., an-stot:” he said to me, |Sbove the structure produced a goodly | cr small tl that make for human | The brother, Terene eee neatly Soyeiry ‘ond 1 on believe thet Twill ever get [revenue for the City authorities. The | regensration and happine writen to. the reotar of the. Catholic | matr ae a sere a er mest ieee, inde modern conditions 1s) 4 journalist happent to sland|Chureh to Greenore, County Louth pital, died recently in ah rd. a {tried to comfort him a 1 could & source of profit, the arches ur) ainong his auditors, und by promising | Where he was christened in 1836, ask-| About £00, sheep, par shah and told him to brace up, that I ferent Spee pam a ad his desire for anonymity, he| itig the correct dato of lis pirth:in.or-| 0: oF SBA ROR cere Connous Hleved he would live to se hie people Hou Corporation sum of $2.79 per persuaded the novelist, as he der that he amight, obtetn fae arma et AN oT again. He said he felt eff, to agree to send him a pension. granted by’ the Government. to . sg Nhe Het gem EE Reg ‘New York, when you see a man|tefore he Mnally left the shims, telling | eserving yelerans of the uneniniouslyelee'ed president a “te cae sd fashioned silver wateh from Sa a DRangeaph: button in his| nim the thing that impressed him the| The letter, which. bore the postnark ei ou ic League Brancl cit his pockel, he sald to me Com hort. You gney De Opel. sure 1ORGlsiosk duritg Falasst0y among. the; stb Macon, Ga... was turned over for an} "ON ot ine Power Loo ce cee ie wale met you ever | Me's ether engaged or uae to tho] merged, ‘The days blipped quickly | answer ‘ol Felix Hanlon ‘ \ meet “hee ns Power Loom, Mani et Aug He Sie on biaes spate tov any lady whose portrait : " =| away, but true to: his pledge, the nove- ho lives in Ireland, He cormmunicat | facturers’ Association in Belfast has ‘ ‘ead of wearing an nt-ring | jist, wrote: with the result ogee t juce the present output by NT, Smith tells an interesting story of how he jealously 4 f Et he penned it a short time Rome, Ga. women gave the federa’ iB) the be searched,” said ees Thay. got to ma one of tbe wamen end: a hard com dig about five ices square, The crust was han: jak culenpye Metter eOteatt a -ecuunre ise re tauat Puaaunvedneonatel ty side the dodger. Then I replaced the crust and when a guard came to search n « 1 innocently keld a corm pags in hand. my They did not take man back in Indiana who would pr @ keepsake sent her from the brotl whom she probably would never see he a eae At Annapolis, Md., 1 took the watch from the corn dodger and a short time later ‘ee we pone at indishealss T delivered. the “waten to delfs che tyex gad ecgeeig mut as Heartbroken over te loss of hee bra! “Nhue 1 irae surprise, William Jelf turned up a few wreaks later al cn Morton alive and we he effe his family when Net Bae imagined, for they monibed 3 dead.” he n_ I returned home’ on. a thirt furlough I gave the watch to my ; telling her to keep it till I re- awe ‘Aller the war that jaay became: toy wife and still is to-day? In his letter Jelf~ said jie Bald ee watch for years after the w aily traded At to an Indianapolis ryewel Jer for a <a FINGER PRINT METHOD. Kentifyin y Means Finger make vce Sure Result What is the best method for wen fying criminals? : lefed el It was co: that the methods in vogue were not conclusive, and Tash ee “the Min: nis assistance es, who nom- port on the subje Prof. Dastre, the es of the com- mission, has eet comm‘ssion paid grea’ _the made against anthropometry, it is only applicable to qdults; completely formed. ‘hropometric measurements are in- sufficient in as seep gL FOURS TED and young Ih is found. that: the study “of finger prénts ¢ertain results. that the impression of the thumb. or the index finger on wax or on black- ened paper ngeet varied with age. Two imprints could not befaund alike. could be aaalty classified in four. funda- mental groups, Jt twas stated that 24 hours Berfilion was ane lo left rat resent condition bf=eclenco is finger print. method 0 inals nae the deed for constituting’ on international sys- ates ae AS GOOD AS SILVER. Two English tourists were once tray- clling throngh France. ‘They have a had—in the Za number of © pay a franc each fer, hese candi “Ana all that was the usual charge. Bet ma -waur eS comes a the man who ertises” while he waits, many fs time, but hever.a waur rider.’ 8 (worse) hors' ane Ti-Bits of Pee About °Most Eve iS so g eilerey its eS high will sway strong wind withou i | DY we were pardoned and left mts French hotels in aj cepling it ‘There-is She ‘ nite come in re a GENERAL INFORMATION. aa fe Chester England, the man who mel it has become the fashion among cer- lain classes of men to wear “love but- tons.” At Cowden, Kent, England, a ta pigeon. regularly accompanies one of ins abe. stibien lo school, a als- tance of @ md a half, It remains iy fae aha ‘who the lessons proseed, and is never in the least a moerled bE the noise.. The pigeo the head master’s. desk while ae ae monium ing played. Italy belongs the ation having equiped wilh electricity first long-distance main-line rallwi i vernment, which w iss Railways, has jn etrify all their lines. Water powers are now being sought, as Switzerland Possesses no coulflelds s “the most unui! method of deliver ing mails dou} that employ ache fhe islands of te Pima Then they cant: uso! ae) 2 ty Libby Prison’ to sfarve. All through | Toma #roup in the Pacific. ie ihe in thal prison I guard-| Cunt of many reefs landing is ex- n dodger. Many a time ely rus few lel- Thad to mide it ‘pom my comrades who | fers to be to| were crazed w There were | Mrge sky-rockels, which are fired and times whe fed “to eat it myself, Teach the. shore: in: safely. { ou @ badly, bit i thought of the wo: | 7 Peace aa e vr imprisonmen ples are forbidden to eat candy or pea- in the street, or to aes in door- ways of stores 01 see of any, church oF publi Pare will be. punished it thee ‘hildren break the ordinance What is said to he the largest rental fal anywhei the world for bu oe Hudson Tunnel York. terminus river. They for each fe tal of $24 fal of $2, Na pen, e tunnel under the year wi ay. 860,000 0 making an annual or for ten years the to- Purley raiieapes: p He y tich-Halian gentleman who -liv dtr aa sere an Pans, and has just died, leaylig: wi. ¢fegtnal but: gare tet will, eaths $600 He beq fo be divided among ails hatbenesswho “ever Sievers tl at a haindresser's: where he went regu: larly. | Every. waiter’ who. served hin in the see in which Tei ie eustomed to oo gets a legacy. fer is tie dente ol te eee Tegular cus- the servants of the clubs to eae ne belonged, On he dee area pian lh named Moehle, of Belleville, Illinois, a tomb- stone was erected to his memory in he’ very appropriate form of a mode) ath, bs that cord- rate was ely topped with a large: horseshoe, and ina base of solid granite, ‘The odd tombstone is one of the ere of the cemetery. SENTENCE SERMO! Faith is never for Strong prefdiees. mind, No one ever gained fotce Fy pulling on tris ced. indieale a weak mn micasure any creed by its fea in’ charac Your esti va oe “others is often a ver- diet on yourself. He who vaoes what he can, can soon de what he would, Some mistake coveting sin's profits for zeal sou sin. ower of foes without depends on the tes within. a things are those that serve life ‘mn a ies So in ee vice we plant lies the our own As You men from. glistening a net my ealvailon, he venomcus sein seam cover ils eal by. calling it car eof worshi me o an end does ils value os 4 help. worst hypocrites is he w o prosecute ie nile Neri a u he Gmnntpetent Seat take care of himself. —* aoa tes ae sales waiters different colors produc a illes eben Bf dow ped, too?” Le He es a and “L “pei ‘ter ‘any Tho said, A MEAT TEA. then gazes intently on what is leffon “How the scissors te iter. His theory is that: his ‘Oh, ‘a franc, I suppose,” Sickest: eel aver. and the barber's ou somehow: been blerid- “All rigl 1, then, = mn the*floor close beside the ay with his sense of sight. Red being He didn't sdy anything more at the} chair, iavtag up eieieotly ‘all the. time| his favorite color, the red foods give ame, but next morning, when. they|'st the occupant who was having his] him the keenest pleasufe. Therefore. were gelling ready to start, Jack saw|}eir cut. @ always saves these for the last. him’ take the ca ut o! le- | “Nice 5 said ae customer. .| making his dessert either of raw beef. sticks and put th t t.| “He is, sir,” cae e barber. chopped fine, beets, tomatocs or ‘When he got downstairs he pulled them} “He Seems of watching | berries when in ees cut of his pocket and handed one to} you cut hair. —--* each of the porters who were standing |” “yt ain't ae sir.” avidattied the bar-| As @ rule the girl | who Is able to about the hall, “Here is a franc for| per smiling. “Sometimes I make a mis-| Weep on the Baal SP onion im- you,” he said. yu Car in Bein she was cut out Jor, ait emot‘on- SAW WHITECHAPEL LIFE NOVELIST SPENT SEVEN DAYS IN 1 Noted Writer | Bitter Cry of Outcast ronson ring out ONE OF ITS LODGINGS, course, CRY OF OUTCAST LONDON. m. glad that =I you seen so much, I have suffered so much, my heart has been so deeply wrung, that sometimes I have fell I id not prislaly held By ages in until. my > have even aia Mine “Albert Hall or to hire a ae a end theatre fist to teleniy: public pow Intolerably de it all is still in the nis big se “nat, even fever there were a time to let the across. the ving west nce again, 2 MUNU “But yo now, go not re sally x r of ike our rule niBslat et ve abe in wave: hetene ean atgenant sepa mall “houces aerated in Palen, and menaced by ruin, or have mal with people half naked, drun- Ken. ees What do you mind about z and archways, like er ingen feat fences Be smell, dirt a siege ging their of- nd life upoi Ni ile and concrete to stir the nerves of the jaded. You would ba I ssiaes lel this unutterable misery be ¢ in a Ane by nae stall pe it—for I think, it ee sta’ fnian perhaps, nce; oe ae PL “Well, the most, then tle, hel I met svberever 1 Seat sonore foula SS. CHILDREN. that impressed me thing mi ee the children, the lit- the real ty ihe lives are olleeens rug edie as if not in atonement’ for, anai and sins, and I imply you it 9 bring bight you cal y days, when disease and deat ‘afoot, F-beg you to do it, for 1 shud: er now as 1 think of what I have seen ct their pitiful lot. in some of the noi- some mies to which T eS penstraled. the deeper, mplexi- Whee ose 1 shall novel, and in. some have promised to do Ate vith ie ™, anil ae J next y STRUGGLE ON A TRAIN. ves oe » Sailor Repeatedly san ie Train. Passengers by the Mai cheste' ess had in vescltinig experi- ence one night recently. Whi was travelling at an hour through Newton-le-Willows a young, negro sail- er opened the door of one of the com: poe and. walked along ihe foot. rd, le returned safely, and ger named who other occupant of the compartment, altem O eat He but Gray managed fo pull the commun catioi When the train aia stopped the guard found Gray in an exhauste and the negro tying tesloree Hi. ait of the open doo Alter separating the men the guard locked the n compartment. by the ti Next the guard. enlisted: the eae of three other passengers negro’ ynder control. but after the train find proceeded a iiltle further on ils being: star’ a ee con) oon the carris lage seat and sit upon given info the custody: of the: potice. EATS WITH HIS EYES. New Sense tia MeKeever, = oy a of a man who eais wilh his yess Charles. E. Le me calls 2 ng 8 conte but Seni to Bolle that foods of BROTHER LOST 43 YEARS MOURNED AS DEAD .BY DIS TWIN Ei sery pon the Hi the | § ‘as | fined himself ta advocatine the murder os Man Who ‘ i ROTHER. usband’s. lost said was running oul that presented it every possible clue and abroad and that promised any, reward, all to no end. Now the Tost has been found and there will be Joy among wv LOST BROTHER UNLUCKY. When Terence left Ireland to mal his Taeuis in this ‘ace of him me i his brother He entered ca in ope and etllea On philedelpnie the morocco panes, an The brother, howeve living until when he came” north and entered ane mh a business ‘n the buying and selling of mules. Business was nol Ae a the ae: assay rent into a “Central Railroad as a mail clerk, ‘and there he has been ever since, When | ‘he brother in this city receiv- oi BB Inquiry Chee Agnelli tees taped Terenas Hanon ae vii pies came, ae that ae me, invitation was sent e to come to this city. The latter, enn to fast himself to the cold winds of the —he ts that Felix Hanlon come to Macon, —— JEW BAITER A LUNATIC. Count Puckler Commits Lese yOE and Is Put in an Asylum. last it seems probable that a. ter- mination has been ‘ous activity of Con the notorious rmany. He w el to indulge ae in his favorite fe has been, pastime—Jew baiting. a judged a dangerous Tunatic and the «other _afterns ‘was arre Ir fonable hotel in under: police essort to Dalldort ria “Bub it Js: not his. fulniinalions-ngainst {60 «_ Jew: which have, Ted. to. is ps jpression. for something which more heinous offens. guilly of Jese an Ateiee Ne has abused the sacred person of the Kaiser. Ani ne eens or insane—can, Be ed to do that with impunity, Count Pucker for many years heen the most implacable foe of the Semitic race in ciianve as lier hundreds: of speeches ageinst them written scores of wot antuanth them. He organ of armed retainers on-his own ersecute them. en Lé & ea Now: SEs = ale of human mercy. thal. anyone who nferred a public be- performed an act SSHIeR Wt a His chi nefit and Fe applauded ambition was. to many. that. species of mess: in Russia as pogroms. Spocess aU yank, his wealth and: oratorical: gifls of ne mean order, he ee, Ausseel in sliv- gg -up-much,; -illsfect i Jews among certain See diary harangues. Ween tequitted on s non ‘campos: mentl immunity from nunishmen! this con- ferred. wnan him he continued his ogi tation, ‘Thereafter. as Yong as he con: of the Jews, the further steps against him. eo fo sas tat tne inesrcet Cannt- Puecider's paeiyy ty, x tw or Ihren mistee ae rinbete neenfine ui ie Ca in aya He aes ‘but it ad Se mae —-+> REORGANIZE CHINESE ARMY. Reorganization of which began thre ing steady ree ready completely organized, ernulcts obs nan dlvlaion ed_on_ th eee arm years ago. The Beit ae It try” battalions. tens and eix engineer batislions, there any the north: lestial ee or the ramen nelgh- the noi FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NEWS BY under German Ae jaw is Ape ates as a farja IL FROM IRELANDS: SHORES. lappenings in the Emerald Isle of The ested, cost of 119 new cote tages to by the local govern= ment. board in ME aitanlad district, Co. Meunier: 2 $157,980. @ being made to have the (uberoulosis exhibition : pay. a Visio enlist. pub):c. sentiment ague. were received for anual instructor by of ai Mane d County t ent publia meeting in Giitord lo cee Jamp in 1 square, in memory ot the late Hugh Duae MeMaste: Dr. Malseed, of the xi aterside Coun- ty Derry, oad been arene a the medical oMeership rend ed by the reslanat‘on ‘of Dr. Fire in e ary ying ae atin Guards jans’ imerick, destroyed clothing wor 0 and did other dam= age to the same pane ‘A sum of $8,500 in wold sovereigns bi half sovereigns wa: ina sh bo tea Jn ye wal ‘of a pub- tie! bisa in ‘Glent unty Cavan. Drs G. B. MeCaul, son rat Dr. McCaul, J. P., Derry, has heen appointed to the imp tant position of assistant master of the Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, is was con Tas of University of Ire : He on Robert Ag- B. A., aomative of Ryans, Newry, He Down. The Belturbet Hurling Club, recently started in connection with the Irish Na- tional Foresters, ea avers 50 members appointed in the County Wicklow, or asia business and Teaged by her to the post master. general. _ Nuss Mureny has vesigned her place Me We f the Do District nd chs been presen’ed, ie wie services, ne alive tee Sie candlestick, FOR § POL ‘D ) PEt 5 Mandalay Monkey Has to Go to Jail in London. London, England, new ternor: for ils, aut n for refractory. ¢ anes in fact, Bee > evel has Jorgoles a al pets. A pri- HOES, monkey’ y kind has dent disgus! week term ening tron, bar Me tt a vi oaman's ors’ eon. is a new epert ment of the MGtROe spital, an eerie al ready famous in ils way in for wilful- a iitive treatment wilh justice of tho ment or othe eut rilenaH as to the nd 3 all luxuries are they reine to rue_the them there, ‘although the Ma y monkey is the anly four-feoted. individual who has, to gate, mundane co" itera the prison the ma XP {the Animals’ Hospita ct san soften Ihe temper of the mhost sulle and “sulk animals by. & few. days “ar soliiaey caninemet Es. nis. go. inthe as out release brings Here e convict monkey. hows ap. pears to be withstanding the sotening effect. of confinement to a di AES not. ridges ppatully flor his fle ale Tetup. liber le sits all day long scr: ing he feed in gloomy i a ale His chief failing seems & n= firmed hatred ot women. for he resent with é ae the approach of petticoats to th Toward men he ts a differ- eeisereatiehe amtable and ten dly. The ofr mals opers race. Ww ‘ hive a Blackston courts to erase and rewrle them. law: vers bi argue and 4 em. and ani ron erimingls we thei If Mrog weeks is ta becom ee term far. “vomanshaling, Man- dalay monkeys will Jearn thelr dislike of the fair Ne Le nie ways than ing expenst! Rut if monkeys 4 i Tend in jail. i€ jo ato: Saclety ied ons 2 longer hurry to” Park Ghieo, at afternoon tea im. Croucher and Willow. chy picked him up and carried him ta the pump, as. ke and fake a little piece off a custo- eat. perhood of Pekin, and form the north- ern an S AY ee to work the pump-

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