Milverton Sun, 7 Apr 1910, p. 8

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THE MILVERTON SUN : Thursday, April 7, 1910 1 ELLICE COUNCIL. TORONTO: ee SEL. HORSE SH é = he couneil met at the Tp. hall on = < the 28th ult.. pursuant to adjourn- e - Canadian snd Military Horse va ment. the members ‘were all present Gee. will be held ie Armouries, 5j i chair. The mnin- Toronto, on April 20th, Sith, 38th, 2 s of the previous meeting were 29th and 80th. Special efforts are be- nd eee ing made by the committee to give ing’ i the prices go up. rio the best horse show ever held in Tor- Buy your seeds now for next spring’s seeding, before prices go up. Ima. respecting amount eae & sates Nearly. $7000 is being offered in p ae i a number of events, ex- | Red Clover Sanit $1 o * fed sot re for the Military. have been Weise showing for one andar jushe} added. week only some very spec- eh- Sin y YSp ; Us eiee ans Ses “areal ad” tot OIL CAKE MEAL for! feeding 2 00 tee eee LOO per ewt, in 5 owt. lot Rota seid aeconded ba Ite inee a the show by all the railroads in Ontar ial values, purchased for BUCK WHEAT, good chicken fe Ie per pastel . : cash, which have to be dis- Alsi uanty of bpd tiea te ers jmatter, “Gartieds tstuk he: sitet close on Thursday; April cose OE aa . Call in and inspect my stock before Parehasing Ligew hats. ae tr, Tohit Seott laid» complaint aie Hoo penze Tints See aeS posed of quickly. , . . 34 CEMENT Always on Han Bast Black ‘Pisek drafp, in regard to and Mansuer, We ee Starke? Wel- 3 dozen Ladies’ Lawn Waists, travellers 9 jooding and da 8 land. <The lington St,. East. Toronto. eat seats Sprolne s samples, re; 1 and 1,25, while they last..,.:,. I. D. ATKIN, scrctinr Milverton & | rire tod tents voi vival ples, reg. § 5; y las a - lands ‘complained about and report: te For’ Sale 10 dozen Ladies’ Summer Hose, traveller's sam- neil ab next mee i ae eae ne coun | appropriated the sum pes ples, i S brown, black, white and en reg. 25 5 of $1,750 fon the repair and improve- Brick Blackamith Shop New Brick and 40c per pair at, % ° Be COUNOEE paRE DL th roads eae ieee House. Good Stable, and Lots. Good ss sa The ee seipat | eilieg. during the year 1910. By- bae-Wur<partivalaues only cts 4 pecial meeting of the Municipal} No, 553 a by-law t to at thorize he MRS, PETER aire Millbaute, yaa 300 yards Cotton Serge in black, green 15 700 f : = and brown, reg. 18c, while it lasts per vas rn Kn . No. 8. > soul aad you will find what For Sale or To Rent. oresting 8 School house i oe you t. ‘They yar ee 3 dozen Men's Negligee Shirts, reg $1 85 ion was - on motion of Mr. Ehgotz. seconded by carefully Selected, and are the Acooaupee stove vith dwellingsulag and. 1,25, Saturday each........2 0.0... sees e ee Mr. sotTuocdment of a) { mint is good stable and sheds all in good repair in q The following persons Wele Bovaink: hs prices are as low ag stich’ ||, Good farming district near tailway dozen Men‘ s Age Striped Shirts, reB. ed pathmasters. viz;—Gavin Clutton. high-class Jewelry can be sold station, Apply to Box 170, Milverton. 8 Ss id 1 e Wm, Shore Joseph Tuer, Michael for. Seize The Opportunity. ~ }|m30-4t. 5c Saturdayjonly.. { Klein. Alex. Klein, W. R. Coulton. J. 2 ; Conway. Dan Durst, Henry Herold. W. BeOS NOTICE 5 dozen Men’s Ties in stripes, all siadee G. Kruspe. ‘Soae Wie Jas. Mc. very new at e 3 © aN | ean, Joh Ae Sehellenberker. Chis. | py H BASTENDOREF ee ARCANE AN Ce SR POR FRG }. | Probel. W. Ische. Chas. Dietzer. Joh ‘ B. Coposramith. af Bardemtelagad hi Mulholland. Geo. Court. Michael Ban- JEWELER and OPTICIAN J. Coppersmith are now located at Mr. ‘ ee a the only hats non. Pat, Lennon. y es = Wm. Bronghton’s G.T.R. station and that the color is fast e have the chea o ae John Phillips. Chas. E. Moore. And. |] ® Byes Tested FREE of Charge || ‘prepared to buy ‘old "iron, rats ieee P up tow as now read a thini : copper. vubbers anda kindera? tae: da saahe Gen ginaaling ts) Uae ieteae as eMRRL Kos im Meca: Shanfield will make headquar- A BAG OF FLOU Reev GRAVELRIDGE. ‘ters at Monkto mind WALL PAPER—This is Wall Paper time, R ae hgotz. . Hen- tis hee and now is the time to give us your, order. Remem- pe ead I m. Nichol. Bar| Westman. returned to ‘ones ; Bice For Sale ber we do not stock this paper, so give us two days in ae ee BO sae, Boa ress regen nd das ane oe at eee Meith frievan ie spending advance to order. See our range, Over 600 patterns : flour when ik wre, iti anni DR ae . Gateke and children. of Car-| | The undersigned i now offers for sale to choose from. Border same price as the paper, Se ing le: rs m Moffa the d ir. Ja last general s a smal sS Best Flour Milled Drain Impravement™ and for ae Roser. Joe thage. visited: at country village at a rate on the dol- Moulding to match all papers. Township busitiess. Lpureoes 1 Clerk. John BATU ch. Fred Schu Mr. and Mrs. Jack Langford arrived {lar after a successful term of 36 years t Geo, Loebhead. Cle Rehberg. Wm. Klein, Jas. Keelan a Misha. val, Ind Sati turday | in this store which is situated in one GROCERY SPECIALS can ss I here ee aes rnc aa a nicipal couell of the Tow Bei Seay oe Henry Bibs | - fondat Ste font the a e ent agtioultural districts in. 7 never have any complaint a ‘ municina unck, Wm. eniry | former's narenta Mn, and Mrs, Joba |Ontario, This isa splendid chance to mb ene Boek . ah beeause our flour is uniformly good. | ship of Elma. met in the cy a Buddenhagen, Henry ‘Young. Fred, former’ eres 0. aay oie With « matee ee 2 3-Ib. tins Pork and Beans in Chili Sauce for.234.25¢ ¢ Perea eine longs prablte ‘wit ng ”-O0s | Hall, “Aewvoot. on ee aaa oh ae vs es Mrs, James Hanna and children |some business ability. ‘The Post Of- 3 cans Salmon for,...... & Py trade. 1910. Members all present. Minutes | 7 mere aster holidays with friends | fice goes with the store and will pay A D. oi 3 eise Be he rent, Also a fine solid ‘ick 4 tins Palace Grapes for . 5 R. Bahn. Peter Repper. of Stratford. | house on a corner lot with lawn: gar- 3 tins Lombard Plums for.. Pfef er ros. Jobn Hartman, George Paulin. sob spent a day at Mr, Wm, Orr's recent-|den. orchard and stable will be sold SSH SeP RBI fae Sool. a ss ery cheap as the proprietor intends : RIEL va My Poumskeeuere - -Pfrimmer, Pat. ily. of Trowbridge. and move to Vamcouver as soon as his 3 tins Pineapple for, x4 Finnegan Vn ‘impson, John ‘ott. y. visited friends here | interests ae are settled Apply Fred. oe Jo aie Chas. G . LARGE. POOLE. ONT: . BRITTON nith, R. Hanna. H. |" Messrs. George Jacobs and I. West- Saas ve eee were in Str atford on pave Everybody is busy. Seeding has Mr. ae Mi r commenged with the ground in ood Fe ee oe ect to aid eas : Healt Sane tcepetes at the vhoine ee raiaiind fs s shape.—School started Monday after. beets .E a i .—|rying out the important wor Wm. Har 3. Ma PPachincon oot Cian . . Mectand Mees Woe biscke eararted Tea sate anit seconded by |i" Cumwar. C,allitgm Mans, Otte or fer drete "Me ai Marriage Licenses Issued, - Milverton. he ter spending a w with y Mr. Smit ym. Stewart, Theo. Parker. ntario Liquor License the 1 formes Telatives near Dundali.— ue _ Scott that By-law No. 610 appoin: John Graul. J Bll MeCloy spent Bester wii ANG PAGUDE BICER SCAG Pthe Boundkeeners “for 1010 as now read a | 10". He: Ba ‘fen Schmidt. a friend ss “Mauvood, of Stra one District « e North Decth see SERRE Tt third Ete, Ontie eecnidod hy By-law No. S54. 0 by-law to. ire The following is the seport of U - . by Mr. Coates. : ria of § E Mornington, for the month aa F that the enilestor’s sure: | Date Te, Sm iment of ‘the. roads |p NO 12M Notice is norcby given tat oe) Farmers Attention ‘i ; f eee ree seithin the township of Ellice. uring Sis Tvedeanla Kerr ae 1 Boni of Tisense: Comusioners Ge ae i i. ee es {| th 1910. was introduce: “°)Kenneth Langford, Lillian Hartu the License Distric erth To Ci " i : yne sud: Young and bass Werle Koch, Sydney, Kerr, Sr. 111—| will meet af the City Hal. Stratford. eis a ful I panes. Sievers Sad ncaites Hind of $9,000: the |. Bylaw Nov 084, appointing | Job) Arthur Hartung, Edmund Denyer. fon the 23rd day of April, 1910. at the Desde “Rennes seeeuniiarens Biggs : f were then openee tn Im. | Roger. engineer of che Gordon Gropp. Jr. 1i—Mary Lannin | hour of 1,80 o'clock p.m, ay ate Pur-|Tion” Gelebrated Brands of Red ‘Clo construction of the Hanne drain Jon, | Ellice. to examine draina, ‘nd |Etieda Doerr. Eddie Jacobs. Rosa Har-| pose of considering applications for | 2° Speciality. Hod CURED ment, Moved ky Mr. ietfon: | titioned for by Henry, Schrenck and tung. Bana Rayoralt, Bilton West- Liquor License for the License year seconded, by Mr. Coates. that the ‘fhe | other ratepayers. draining ies James an, | 8910-11, R. D, ROSS,” - + NEWTON, : der of Connelly: & Nicholson for fhe | North Bast Municipal Drain of the Sesond-—yimial nA pgAll Bersons ia will govern Atyour home without EB truction o! a raf hi jogan, was read 1 Ola ¥ As of emiselves, accord oe provement at 27 cents per cubic yard | fownehin of Hosen. Mea passed. A Winton, Koch Uli Coal Georde C KEMP. Inspector, COMMERCIAL loss of time or operation. y eb accepted. After due Sy pea num! accounts were passed and | oy. apling. Wil Dated at Littowel this 4th day of byaarah I have discovered and » it aa tay pelt that NOT paid whereupon the council adjourn-| cin “Reibiing Witlerd McCloy. Ab, | April, 1910, ‘A7-2i | Fall wheat. $1 03 $1 03 fected th ht kind eae amen. be er ee raat eases of joa to. meet again at the Tp. ball cH | Westman, Mabel Koch, Calvin West- 48 48 per ecter the Oe te in rges.| sisting in defrayins “; é’ y: day 0! “"*{man, Number on roll 30, average. a fe) assistance that aids na- c d passed | parties who had attended the Pasteur | omy: ATS asiness, sete oe ¢ Ge ia ie ye porate ued | batleas et Now York for treatment Rea Justus Kreuter, Clerk | °nSanee ture to cure {Rupture to Mrs: ‘Kargee started for the West on | "Moved by Bre Smith, seconded SSNS ¢ s Distch Beh wud thet. tol: « sore esta [Mr, ceatt that by-law: No. 502, eh OF PEFFERS. Brat ; stay cured;-consult me\be. 3 sudden bereavemen d sd soon | the Township o 2 3 ie gs as | ae Pee ee sow, per “owt. 3 00] & fore you waste any more 4 i ig di 1; tted. Clay-| Johnston Drain” by-law be. provision- ent a few b i orts Der . Ron rere Ouly onild gua thouah ont? ally adopted and that the Clerk be in- iting friends here has gone che idieta puma he fie. salient Ontarieli Li Act uae or money elsewhere. Seca ture mole aechelt yekrw’ old. was! attucted he” partig amend Sand sume, is, dues 8 ERE | meeting at Newton on Monday~Our| _ Ontario Liquor License Ac guarantee satisfaction. $y vith sw winning | served to the assess =) teaphavemrelvedbaskcans Mans eee BAe aie 0 iy wk ator alee ane ae Coed ot Be vinion bs hota at fe he ee ie i Distri es ils Fill in coupon. children to come unto me and forbid | the Agriculturel, Hall; Atwood, on * |schools.—Mr. and Mrs, Henry Sebnei- | 44cense District of North Pert! A them not” saw, fit to rene him ehh ener May 2nd, 10 at.2 ae i lock p. der, of Elmira. spent Sunday at Mr. Be wn. If sympathy at such a time and a or determining the appesls, if any #50; lauch’s.—Miss Elsie Coote.| Ni 5 5 SAH a leas, front: theirs old frletids |to the suit Once at Havinioe iE Sinwonds wpenh Bunty ae ee 5 hereby given cunt Peay Name........ and neighbors at Britton means any-| On atloe nate Wasi Chateae wscodded er. home iihres = little baby boy came }iey. in the Co.. of Waterloo. has made thing to Mr. and Mrs. Karges they |by Mr, Dickson. a number of accounts daughter in Alliston. sain ‘Ollie “ion. |? 9.the homie of Mr, and Mrs. B.C |anpiieation for povisssion’ to tones Address. ss oe ng may rest assured that they have it in| were passed and graces Als by |? ngaged ith se frat: a Knoblauch on Ma = fer the Tavern License, known as the i >» large measure. Moved by Mr. Soott. seconded ett for the. summer rt as day | Mrse Walter Gohl reer Poole the Township of Morn- Time Rup.... “4 Beep ttiee Sorat Mr. Aiea ie this council adjourn | and Mrs. Keriney visited ove Th Mr. Joe Cassels on: ‘Sunday. —Mr. (ee ington. from Louis Wicke to himself. ihe atet : BURNS. to mect again on Monday, May 2nd-| with friends at. Kuhryville—The #aW } yo Atex. Mosser pent © fev The said Bbplipation: wil be consid. On what side R: 1910, Yor general, towuship business.” | Vers running overtime expecting to with friends near: Waterloo, ing |ored ats _meeting of the Board of Li wee MARKETS tne eases Mr, Wm. Hill and bride, of Strat- ___Geo, Lochhead. Clerk. | finish the stock of logs in about is the order of the day in this locality. | conse Con Fall Whea' 1 08 a short honey- i The following is the the City Hall i in tte ‘oly ta tf Bariey..... 48 with ‘relatives in Burns, and ‘CROSSHILL. y March test examinations on the 23rd day of iGo entcont. eas... 78 J. S. SMITH hi t .—Mrs. Beattie. of au choo! james in orde hi Ii ‘ ‘, LL A ih f Mrs.| School has re-~ opened atter the Bas- Sr. 4th—Total 650. pass 390, Milton | >°st, ee Wil boven pias. ee 88 Caledonia St., - Stratford Tah; ea aes del Bie Raae eee ee eS 2 iets bE MONA Ate airs Oe it the Te ee eos te pag tee te SOS Anorinely: tte 25 (DEPT. 1) hue n To who is leavin ‘or |teacher.—Mr, and Mrs. P. 1g-| ced by pane EMP! tassest f High River, Alberta. on Friday spent |ham spent Sunday in Waterloo.—Miss | rood weather, ae orice cae Robert Fiiciuaee . Dated at Listowel: this th nes otf | BBE 20 OF 8 visiting with friends here | Lindsay our former teacher was re- 480. Jean Reaman 096, Pron to] April. 1910, "ATi arewell to good old newing acquaintances around Cross- Jr. 2nd—Total 720 ie —M. Gray, was |ill,—Miss B. Coote. of Glenallan. was jad at Listowel a few days Test week | Coote 477, ‘Plist Class, Suale Voll a s ae. ia many friends last jm visitor in Crosshill one day ast} the guest of her friend Miss Fisher. sent. M. L, Blatehford, Teacher, 5 * Weaneaday evening. nA very Pleasant |week.—Mr. Ed. Petch, of Berlin, spent | Messrs. Jas, cand. Alf, Holmes. of — Xs 8 spent by all present and /Suuday in Crosshill.—Sunday School iptrabined, valtad’ ftp over Sun- MILLBANK. ? veryone went home with the idea |will be re-opened in Boyd chureb. | Me, 5 that Allan is an ideal entertainer.— |Crosshill. next Sunday after being Rs Ee Miss Jessie Grieve. of Spokane, ee < poh Pith Mr. Will, Glenn had a successful bee | closed during the winter months. A HAWKESVILLE, ee is visiting at Mx. D.B:] Ontario LiquorSLicense Act ast Friday hewing timber for his | good staff of officers and teachers Giles, vy Barn.—Mr, Isaac Reid who has |have been sopatited oe aN Mrs. Bee Lac! ead has Meee ee Mr. J. W. Brock returned to : vaemaas . been seriously ill for the last couple |td in Sabbath School work are invited [Toronto after spending ater| homie Lee ae last Weel: after | [a istri onthi ‘onday morn-|to come and help make the school a | holidays at home,—Master Hardy Bul- tsoendiinm astew qeciea Lene, License District of North Perth ing. “Mr, Reld’s trouble was a serious | uccess, fer and Master Roy: Winn returned | “Mrs, Matfatt and childten of the| SS seme ne arid slight hopes of his recovery woe to the Berlin Collegiate after West spent a few days at Mr. W. B.| Notice is ereby given that, the were entertained lately, Mush sym-|, 1 nave a snap of 100 acres of Has /Baniceheliderp-- Mee Che) Weldon” | Freeborn. persons whose name appear. in the WE CARRY THE LATEST MODELS ‘ a path: d_to Mrs, Reid and) for somebody on easy terms. See me|hammer and baby returned after) Mr, and Mrs, _ Ritter spent Thurs- eee laches are now applying Tautiyowii-thita eed vervevement; quick, W, D. Weir, Milverton. spending a week at Waterloo.— Mr. {day in’ Stratfor for License under’ the Act feo’ tne : ROS oat (Walter Leaper moved his well 4rill-| iiss Olive Grieve left Tuesday for | license year 1910-11, : ing outfit to Elora where he will be- Guelph where she intends taking a] ‘T. H. Rolls, of the Town of Listowel TO MATCH ‘ gin oS —Mr. Isaac Martin, | threa month's course at the MeDon. | Co. of Perth, has made application by |$. son of Ez ald Institute. petition as provided for by sec. 1 ee r. Pitz-Gibbon. chief inspector of | clause 1 he Ontario Liquor Li- e the Farmers bank was in the village }cense Act. for a tavern license for th: a arria es: few days last week inspecting the ns anes pe as the e nd Central = | local branch and found everything | Hotel in tho town of Listowel. Co. of ss . satisfactor Perth. and the said petition is now Th N Pp A 6 of y i M Patteraon, br Auburn, Jon file at my oftice, e New arisian, merican or tan é : Fae ‘Wednesday in the villa g Mhere were 40. tay vern Woenées and - ee ‘A meeting of the Mor rnington As[8 shop Hoenses issued int rth d St | f E t H t re sociation football league will be | Riding of ¢ of Perth, for the adian yies oT caster ha Pe hold in Ritter's Hall on Priday even- | current THotnne: gear 1000-10, E ing April 8th. for the purpose of re-| There are 40 tavern Hoemiae Ad 5 : me.Jorgauizing for the coming season, | shon licenses applied for for the lit or bonne 2 g Pthad o trat al conse year 1910-11. ie NEWTON. R. EMP. Inspector, 5 inti banldings are pot up on’ the Dated at Listowel this 40 day of . git, and Mrs, D. W. Campbell spent | Avril. 1910. . Tee unday in Hawkesville.—Miss Clara ‘ And TRALEE. Riddell has. returned to Berlin after And if your SHOES do not match your A visiting frien ere.—Miss Flossie a ato All Fool's day passed off very auiet-| Donley spent Sunday with her cous. head gear, the good effect of that spring hat Pri 4s ie oun burg an a Hass ae to fa Mrs. Ff trie. Sa Mrs. 1 rices. eel any the worse of it.—Seeding is|Gies and Miss Adams spent Tuesday Su fh eee the order of the day also house clean- lin Stratford.—Mr. Geo. Campbell has M. il Cc is lost. You may not notice it yourself, but : ing and gardening.—Mr. au rs. | returned to Flint, Mich.. after spend- tr: Fi , ean to James Mackey are in Stratford at-|ing the holidays with his parents here al ontract those with whom you come in contact}: will. Suit tending the funeral of their uncle—|i—We regret to report. the death o fe ‘ ui Mrs. Hammond is recovering from|Mr. Isaac Reid which took place on| Sealed Tenders addressed to _ the Therefore we advise you to call around and her recent illness.—We ate very sor-| Monday the 4th inst.. after a linger- |Postmaster General, will be neecived S Everyone ry to report that Mr, P. Linseman is Jing illness. Mr. Reid leaves to mourn {at Ottawa until noon! on Ieidee the we will fit you up with the undergoing an operation for appen-| him a wife and’ three small children |20th May. 1910, for the conveyance of icitis.—Mr, and Mrs. @ Smith | who have the sympathy of om-"| His Majesty's Mails, on n- spent the holidays in Tralee. unity in their sad bereavement.— | tracts for four years, a An six + 6 Mrs, John Munroe and Miss Belle Me-| times per week each way, Petween Ri ht Goods t Ri ht Pi CARTHAGE. Douald are visiting friends in Kear-|Dorking and Millbank and Newton Fs at hig rices ney, N.J.—Mrs. Waller has returned |and Tralee from the Postmaster Gen. he farmers in our vicinity are|to Toronto after spending a few |eral’s pleasure, 2 Sess igaged in seeding. — Mrs.|weeks with her sister. Mrs. Printed notices containing further : Johu Turnbull and family called on iss Li ‘|intormation as to conditions of peer . | a few of her frien last week b-| posed contracts may be seen and é = before leaving for her new home in ‘i blank forms of tender may be obtain- i See : Alborta.—Miss Nellie Spearin resum- |p : z|ed at the Post Offices on the routes a s IG oe : rance Q Cc ane ed. her duty as teacher on Monday af-| ham’ bull for a handsome sum from|and at the office of the Post Office ate é or fer Rolidaying at her home in St. | Mtr - Geotee Johnston; of -Newtont Inspector at London: ae : ary’s.—A ae er of the young peo- TRE Office Depart ‘ment ‘ail Ser- . Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Ble of our bur attended the party cis of Galine Posts’ for wale. lee irene Ores wa Sist March, *10, z THE SHOEMEN stig : r. Allan Gray's last week, All re- ia 10 feet long. Geo. Coxson. at 'A7-3t G, ©, ANDER! ; ; : a ts faving had a very enjoyable ti Es 904

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