H.M.SCHAEFER issuer oF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL \ MILVERTON, - ONTARIO ae Shines Bar "AIL Sun. WILLIAM K. LOTH MILVERTON, - ISSUER ©} MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ONTARIO Vol. XVIII—No. 39 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, April 7, 1910 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher ROGRESSIVE, yet conservative management has produced a safe depository for the Savings of the Farmer, Merchant and Laborer in J.G. HAMILTON acto THE METROPOLITAN D, L. & W, SCRANTON BANK “ STANDARD ANTHRACITE Capital Paid up: Reserve Ae Unciaee ee $1,000,000.00. $1, 307; ‘309, 25. , sme COAL Be an 2 A Personal Cash Reserve NOW is the foundation of a ° AND YXUT eee will start a Savings Bank Account. Interest allowed No delay in withdrawal. 5 ST. MARYS LIME $1.02 “a from date of deposit. P COARSE SALT in Sacks LINWOOD, ELMIRA, GUELPH C. G. WALKER, Manager Branches at: Sheds at -C.P.R> STATION Milverton Branch : LOCAL NEWS SLOTOH FOLOTO Bees 24ec., eggs 19¢.. Engeland & oaee ie Eee of Dress Goods. Enge- ‘of pattcs wanted for which Self Opener Umbrellas Suerte & Si 1 , Spencer eae a few days ‘ton last. wee! efer A paying 24e, re hal H. M, Scha butter and eggs. Mr. Eddie Giana. sae Berlin. spending a few days at those. photos you ve taken at Holle- were going to ha Fs we * | freund’s, _ The football boys are holdin teed te of PEEPS VOC SAT ID Yor SAWN OMA TipT VO BEN OT Taal BRT BPX) . . ad she ha oe ka oh sks a os hs da hs ia ABs As Sk SB is rs ! SetHetess : BLOUSE SALE HIS WEEK we are putting on sale a lot of traveller's samples of Blouses—-about 75 different styles and pat- terns. We bought them at a great reduction and are now offering them at about half price. i has there been such a range shown in Milverton and _at such ; low prices. Don’t miss the chance, come early before they ~ picked over. Prices range from AO® to °5 Were worth from 75¢ up to $7.50 at regular prices. ® 5.29 We have hada great sale since we started these Clothing bar- gains. Come and see them before they are all gone. ae ee ees teeteteetseeeese Don’t Forget our Sale of Men’s Suits, Regular up to $10 for ooo Another New Lot of Men’s Shirts to Arrive this week at Low Prices. WALL PAPER Have you boughtjyour Wall Paper? If not, call and see us, we are giving great bargains to clear. A lot of paper: regular soc per roll, on sale at 25° Others at less than Half Price. be ae in as hn i i i i i ni i i i i i i i i i i ie a i i ae Per double roll. Special Friday and Saturday 10c 3 Dozen Oranges for 25 cents -H. M. SCHAEF ER: herbed siete We also guarantee every cal 5 1 Ib. can of Baking Powder, Farge size, ONY iiccsccccsescvecsree Beh ie i i i an in a a i i a a ee ee See eeeese 22d 2 PLDI P® 2A IID IP SAADA SIS ISS IAS ISISILSI SIA AA SAAA SAAS SAS RAB + SCHAEFER’ S BIG:® nner. = Stary ree id Fle ast + tle ee she Od James Coutts. Never before ei a grin 8 Ee BE eS ne a8 3 > geees - mz Beles date evening on the ep Viti Elliott. ‘of Gorrie. is vis- iting” with his pavante Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter and family nt Sunday with Mr: idge, Geo. Berkner has been confin- a to the honse for the last few days ee the grippe. Ty Trousers, well lined, eat. 49¢. yh Rev, Mr. s a of * eft on Monday. ie re she will in qatave peatde. re an Mrs. Fred. G. Preuter mov. ens last week where Bosker has~ bought a harness busi- Bs we understand. sie entered a sotiar for $5000 gee ‘oronto for added hearly $150 ‘worth of new type to oe already extensive equipment, All 0) ‘ders for ork will receive snort atten- Miss Bessie Culver, who has been You Monveclates the photos you are which were taken 15 years ago ju: the same as you will in the fudure appreciate those taken at Holle- freund’s now. Pauli, Sam; Henry, afternoon for Calg: they will work at their trades, wish them success. Mr. and Mrs, Jack R. Langford sr siding here in ‘the future. Jacl of Mr. Jno. Langford. sennealicte ing’s programme. chestra furnished the ee in first- class st ‘s je. Mr, midt again busy ow ning. Schmidt ae Bs will be ensured of the of . Schneuker Bros. have bosns Sets Saxe door to the Bank of Ham. flton with a full stock of hardware of all kinds and are now prepare t fill orders for ‘builders and contract- on wil and anuonn- eive prompt agree the tosh See their oe next © fbr oi5, 000 stock of pa Furs Wa lls cash in means’ a slash- ing reduction let go and go ii K you want any genuine bargains, Doors along your butter ly_be new ottice ene indo ubtedly be a great con retail prices, of cow the wholesale. They have taken sellers from which a large portion of our sugar comes. ‘he European dealers, it is reported, are paying the have to pay. ii The Ex ecutive of the YNorth Perth Bo ze ice: . ‘eC! he Biratford, Chas. Ervfogel — Se May: S. Dingman, *Suatfort, a J. Col wel a Stratford : Dr. Moore. eee ie "hichinont an nd Se Bell. Elm: Smith. Ellice; arheris rd. Birattord: R. Henry. lige: 26. West: man, Stratford: D: . Mo: moa Be Was aie aterial and ces bei and Groceriow "aust be turned into| Thi less than foux jumps during t! ae last pba an, Butter 24c.. eggs 19c,, Engeland & Son. W. K. Loth is paying. 24e. for but- ter. 10c, for Dutch setts. “Picture Post Print 0c. per jon, | for 3 ve others, T'leas: Kes ee dai great sacrifice rgan for ve sold cheap. C: Sale—t t ae to P. HH rpeala: 'y Coutts of (ase aan is Beanies a few days at the me of her parents Mr. and aon Jas. Coutts, i echtel shack waiting to see you and will show ae some of th: finest pieces you ever laid eyes on. 3 home of J. Parker. Queen St.. s ‘he merchant that talks ready-mades comparing w ide suits in fit. about up. will convince you, E. Kne Messrs. Behmiae & Dahms have op- ned up their butcher Busess in the ald Burton tailor shop on Street. already have deli he road and will; no doubt. air share of public aaaton= t the see At . ie kaa held in Toronto las‘ he new public ‘ool _ primer nee in tos severe con- citar on the part of the teach- ers. Premier Whitney replied ~ that th k was quite Os ea and would not be withdraw: epi ny rate the oldest inhabitant not remem ee vhen we had eat weather 7 tates are growing tired of the high tariff. last. wee' urged that th imit at which pupils school be r; out the aeerieae idea’ E. Le Sueur, of Sarnii parents have that wi hen . boy or gi ha: e thay have culture at Ottawa to the effect that must not be removed pout Ae: province where the ‘here is.a pes aE eo n Ontario un- der CEN aoofer. aa dogs are P Beeding” the fields of the new Prov- comodatton sill: the the permanent buildin; az of a8 Foaut have raompleted 8. Hamilton men see the e-nesessity of s0 doing, and at the Jas: eeting of the council Ald Morris a notice of the Sasesomend rolls either pub- equitable assessment would be the re- ult. 4 Last Friday every bar in Walker- a ‘was open. and celebrations and joicings went A edie on over the anes ver a'trag~ big Walkerton the stream of Paced nets Mae - present rate t ing but oee beards Ren behind guide the waship. fact the neighboring canigessioits are ore like the etioneer's’ Voice ran& over farmer, bound a hee In addi age interested Conse! ‘vative: invited i attend ae convention, ateith, el- 1 eeting of the Seer a Fl cational fp aoe held a Head Office: = at highest current ratés. Joint Farmers’ Sale Notes Morey Orders and at the principal ban at small cost. The Farmers Bank of Canada Savings Department { accounts may payable to either or the survivor of either part rent ‘issued pay: Sue at par at any office ii da of a chartered bank: ( tng points in the United States. an caroalle nf imefhiod oF foinit ting email ok eat eabueeeneuanteer ead Millbank Branch: J. R. ERNST, Manager - TORONTO Deposits of $1.00 and upward re- eived and interest paid or added be opened, the money iy nted and advances made to tasers and cattlemen. at lowest in Cari ‘Yukon excopted) ‘They. for: + MISS ADA GREY = TEACHER OF PIANO BS of the Toronto Conservatory ofMusic. Pupils p: ared for Conserva- 2 ; Will be in Milverton, Every Wednesday Afternoon at R. J. Ranney’s Residence. eebestetedee es MILVERTON SCHOOL REPORT. Di . V—Mina Harter. Edythe Hen- A Tinurene Bar: ee Mae lio. Sam i. Beryl Oaten, Clara I pores Coulter, Li ian ee ision F aes Be 38 ae mann. Ses m. H. ae ee Teachér. Sr. III—Alvina Grosch. Alvin We: zel, Willot es Willard Knec- htel. Ruby Gros Jr. —Cc = Gehl der. Charlie arr. Grant Weitzel. Sada Hopf. Second Class—Blanche Thompson. lossie _Knechtel. Jack Grosch. Wel- lington Thompson. Roy Coulter. Edna See Eva t. Kutie Sch. Gordon baa George Grimm. acing Schae Edwin Roese. Alfie Beckner, Phacccee Pepple: Willie Coutts. Edith Alexander, Lizzie Sch- uber. No. on roll 46, average 41. Annie E. Bright. Division IIT First Reader. A Class—Irvie Boeck- ner. Winnie Barker. Beatrice mire. Lottie Gowing, Gertie Pauli. Alvin MeLellan. Ida Stewart, i Zimmermann. Bessie anney, Kelterborn. Hilda Schneuker. Teacher, Milton Olive enior Primer B Cla‘ Tete . Elda Cossey. Cliffor Aaron Gropp. Walter Miller. frid Zimmermann, Lloyd Schmidt. Ru- ‘in. Dorothy Ranney. Pear! HIGH GRADE MILLINERY Three points are demonstrated here—style, quality, price. Where can you buy millinery to the best advantage ? That is what most buyers are trying to discover and it pays to investigate. If you have not looked over our line you have missed some of the good things in millinery. We al- ways have novelties and we erally have the good things when they are hardest to get. This is one of the peculiar sea- sons when flowers, braids, chif- fons, laces, malines, ribbons and silks will all be used and we spec- ialize these lines. We have a select line of untrim- med Roll Sailor, Quo Vadis Toque in old gold and black and many other up-to-date shapes. Wheat is shown inimany shades but very little fruit is feature Much one is used and flowers in abund: We are getting in a number of cheap, up-to-date hats for both ladies and children. Our stock is entirely new: We send you all a hearty invitation to conie and inspect our goods. IDA ontngt nor Primer D Class— Margaret Behae! Ros on ean 52. average 4 i. serine “Teacher. Millinery MI LVERTON SEGUNDO! L. Milv ES Bree 4. 1910, q iliyatena Sataesentes his pm. in office of the Clerk. Reeve Roth- three months salary of ae cost = 1-2 day lab- Se Gropt Pies labor 1.50. A Se eaation Waited on the council ‘skiag that more street lights be in- stalled and showed that 16 lights were insufficient for the purpose of lighting the street It was decided ° e e Clerk 0 Hamilton by obtain pi levellers and also steel ved by F. ay 6 Ay cuernbiae ‘that the council the Reeve to obtain the the County Council to open a street less by 8. Whaley: seconded by the tender of Sao re treasurer to borrow ae sum of thre seivtate five peaased dollars to meet ourrent expenses. Council then adjourned. ‘W. D. Weir. Clerk. why some e reason towns grow Openings A Grand Success NEVER before did we f sell so. many hats on opening days. Attractive Millinery at Attractive Prices. The throng of customers who visited our openings paid many compliments to our artistic showing of up- to-date goods and styles. One of the leading tables this season is the table with Hats and Prices to suit everyone, Be sure and see it before buying your hat. No trouble to show goods. ia ee Mrs. K. Sproule MILVERTON, ONT.