£TOCKS. RONYN £¢:: ors Toronto Stock Exoha: Safe investments Wict/os,0s, royal Rotor as to stauding to any be fing, 90 Bay St., Toronto. me Edw maik ie artes incorporate and artioulars, P, $. Hairs é “Toronto, ,_ Ont. A GOOD MEDICINE FOR THE SPRING Do Not Dose With Purgatives—A Tonic is All You Need. ick ms not Sere Th w most people feel in the Sone Rasily tired, appetite fickle, sometimes Not eanctly quite well. Bare for ite 30 mi ip one hour. Write” today, 0. Ada rps, Norrie Company hay: perienced young men why fortieth ite ms GENERAL gents Sibert anteacts to good 7 cu lente Cnabiivental 1 Ait any, ‘Toronto, Corr dence confidential headaches and a feeling of depres- | Pimples or eruptions upon you, and ih iniv more se dose yourself m Pritts ny people do, in the hope that yoa can put your blood right. Aan gallop through the system| and weaken tead of giving! scrip. FRICAN rants bought, and sold. 3 Dickiavons Room ANTED — SOUTH AFRICAN WAR ante, Highest price pald.. Fox & cott St, Toro: strength. Any doctor will tell you! this is true.’ What you need in the spring is a tonic that will make new D: ryes. Dr. the ae rely. aetiea MACHINERY M AGHINERY | HEADQUAREERS. Tron and wood ing om contractors gptalogue over W. PETRIE, Liariteds i. PS raarenta amicidiedl Gy anceer js year | white r was attending schoo and eee: eae n that a thought ee uld have give up going to sc! abe EDUCATIONAL. affected with dizzy sain ae BE o alt r EARN THE BARBER TRADE—NEW 4 system—constant practice: careful inatractio: Seu pabearnpints.. conten: tools ra twelve eighteen dollars weekly; Ww for cata: k Moler Barber College, 221 Queen Toronto. . Williat ae were halt ee is an felt. my sireietle returning. the bine Ue kaal deed ther allt the dizzy spells were completely gone, VOR SALE on aa bee lota and farm lands BUILDING H pay: asy and I was again enjoying good health.” Sold by or} all cota oa denise nts ‘m on ments. Will by _ weetern property. by math ‘at 50° c a or six M. Mathew Root 1 1-275 Youge Stre« r $2. 50. vat AS Spr Wil- ~ANGONAS,_ WINTIE Tans’ ‘Seats icine Co., Brockville, irow- Ont a and : aoa, “Box (i ae ice-Prey Internationa neona Club, 3 * 5 Brantford, Onta NOT A aed eg will marry dark A™ ERTISE R, 28, (Xeotohman) who bas | gent] eman,”” said Pia AeEEG tel- wary practical experi | Fe ie ‘ade, and bee! tha called examining the lines in the fair han i “That doesn’t help me,” despair- ingly replied the lovely ronde who to consult her. All three of them eral ae ane en.’ Relief for Suffering Everywhere. —He life is made miserable to ‘ a e one ‘donlae yearly. ‘and. reosive | DV. the itaciis that comes from in: ried free: Cate oR and has not tried Parme- sontinne bas Year afveciexplration ef your present paver. Address, Journal Agency Magog, Q. lee’s Vegetable Pills does not know his lable foe can vith, These pale, will 18 others fail. They the result of long a patient mie and are-confidently put forward as a sure corrector of disorders of the | digestiv. ae from which so many suffer A TRUE AMERICAN. I loy rose, the violet,’”’ oe, he ee ie inkling eye. ‘‘I lov the blush of early morn and the tinted twilight I love the poetry of life—its charms ue won't deny—but there’s nothing vO 50 —= puch k's good big hunt oF we iD “It” is blamed for most of our failures. Mary-—“Did she make a good an haters Bronchitis by MINED’ ell that. “In fact,” the only draw- Bay of M. OAMPRELL. back is the man.”’ jome persons are more suscep- lible to colds than uthers, contract- ing derangements of vays liave at ba a bottle of Bickle” 's Anti-Con sumptive Syrup, the present day sovereign reredy Tr coughs, ca- tarrh ~and puneustion the You cannot afford ta be without a needy like Bickle’s, for it is the Too many people's idea of a friend is some one they can impose upon. ‘Put up tn $1 Yard Rolle. ‘The famous “ ZL Menthol re cure crs on. peuenti, actatic spinone yard ral ris & Lawrence ( The bride ix given away at the al- ae and occasionally the groom is Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. There's no hope for haven’t sense enough to invent ex- cuses, Helloway: s Cor Cure is a “see fir for the removal of cori warts. have never Head of its failing to remove even the worst ind. Ti a man's aequaintances don’t row Uist be ik in love it’s: a-sigu men who} for and | §¥¢ Pa J wad camel ot Pacts Neuralgia by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Springhill, 8. Lala oe red of Chronic Bheamatisns & out MIWARD'S “LANIMENT, Albert GEO, TINGLEY. hen a young coup'e are engaged peo) wate don’t pay any attention to their foolish ac a it you faker Allos's ia troublesome A man + knows vitae many re- latives a woman has until after he marries her. Minard’s Lisimont fet Sale Everywhers. ho has a Pa Free to Our Readers. ok Matis Eye Remedy Co. Chicago, Mustrated | Write alt" Stout chet GP thoy wl rin mote tc yea and in Eyelids and Srapalation. One of the surprising things in this old world is the case with which some sinners make inoney. thet-he isn lonth After Month « vold sticks, and tear holes in your ‘arrose. Are you aware reat ron a stubbora and long Eapriected cold is cured with Allen's nog Balaar Try this To Si Dye JOHNNIE’S BET. ure Race “Macama,”? said little John, I just made a bet. Way Clothes |] yo, “oaghty bay, Tohbnag ; What made o it” ‘she asl DY-O-LA ds are made z joberts my oe acatine ee pattons that you'd give me @ penny bi some apples y You don’t want me to lose my cap, a you? Ho got the penny, Sone te, ot Samer Me Dye for ALL- No chance of a t alors so cents and dookiet Fras. The ne Sehnison-lcherdeon “W1Bjeanon songioy quowpury 6,pseUI , or there eae ak | s idle a tion a want of use Pur- | i joathes | y n Babys Byes am Boal AGAINST STRIKE LOSSES. Germany Has System of Insurance for Employers. Insurance against poe losses is an institution of re date in Germ: ‘he sunerous stakes which have taken place in Ge many have caused industrial oe ployers to use all means for self- protection and When the funds of e exhausted, t 1 suffers depre |page of work | av times prosperity, ; | When orders are most numerous, he |” { of greatest es all his custom to F be jidged t published. au of statistic: forty-cight rteen strike- indennnity tee piations foe Hinse e papier er: ance is from occasion to occ: under which paid is several companies. anted. The paces nity ance is granted in case of strike d generally in lockouts. But this is subject to fixed Retr sy the | most important of which is that the stc ppage of work has fio heen pro duced by the fault of the employer) *| himself. o> associations to begin after a fixed interval, in most se months, but many v: year. 1! ter the lapse of this period relief shall be granted from the first day of the breaking out of, the strike or only ai ae a ou juncture or period. companies uBR ne Keane aetceeee emnity upon further ee for in- stance, the n the strikers. The whole jaatitation’ howeve tion of the employer agains the attacl labor is evidenced by the diminished number o! atrikea,- with their unhappy consequences. Sen gp eek, FHFFEFEFFH FHF Ste Hote STURDY CHILDREN. In every home where Baby’s { Own Tablets are used you will Mrs. stock, Ont., say: used Baby’s + since ey baby t old a fave rouse them of > f reat | ‘banat ior the ailments ¢ of childhood, especially for + troihaeh and bowel and when teething.” + Co., Brockville, Ont. The obligations of the companies} their members| well-! ee an unqualified statement that he| PHY! © ny wes cured of Diabetes by Dodd | he We are going to set an old Kidney Pills. pare on fire to-night, and I am not) vee Mr. Wattenyort sa. eee son if we don’t have some when asked regarding his cure,| T lost my wateh, and of |‘Dodd’s Kidney Pills einer near ; $0) I shall bring home} = | Diabetes. I took thirty-seven box- | 50° kes and a toad, and I shall bring home a Hume Rete AE wt b f ~|betes because y ae | rj A South Ameri ++ 4+ FHttt+ t+ t+ “So Jones is dead, eh? Well, he was.a hustler ; he never let the Lie grow under ing over his hea A General worite every place Dist inti edad De Tho- mnas’ Eclecti ite Oil has not failed to estably reputation, showing sh se the aedliog qualities which it val apart here Tt is ssesses are wee they become known. shows that it is a favorite bare sed. What is*one ian’s"hobby may be another man’s nightmare. | Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. BASE CANARD. Kind Lady—‘‘Why don’t you brace up, poor man? Think what uu owe oeiety.” FT don't owe saci What do yer doin’—playin’ ve belie whist?’ been haps if he iad tt would t be: a . don ISSUE NO. 15-10, STATEMENT OF A TRAVELLER IS SURE DODD’ KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS DIABETES Geo. H. Watterworth, of Rodney, Feels Like a Boy Again After Suife: of Kidney Diseases. Rodiey, Ont April 4 (Special). —Mr. Watterworth, “a ng From the Most Deadly g travelling sales Epa el ea en es in all but ee day I am restored to good hea was alo Zee with Rheu- eadache, my sleep vRS soKes and unrefreshing and I was always tired and nervous. Bit. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured me nd now I feel just like I did when ¥ s Kidney seals eure’ Dia- it a Ki y di were caused by sien failing to strain a fies out of the blood, and Jodd’s Kiney Pills cured them by curing the sick Kidn pi aaa Same SED RAVAGES OF ABSINTHE, Major Henri Robert, in the course oi an address in Paris on alcohol- ally on the abuse of e in moving terms of 1 by the Pelee |and of the pl generacy obse the most contaminated | race districts the recruiting counsels! had 2 refute as many as 50 per cent oung men called to serve with ie color: CEES Pale, sickly children should use suffering in children an abe! uld be AN IND expelled from the} the ye REAL FUN. A fond mother sent her small boy, into vhs country, end} after # week of anxiety, aeoctved the following reassuring “T got here alt right, and I for- got to write before ni beat tipped over, man got me out, and I was so full of water that I didn’t know nothing for Ui tl over, an have some money for mending my have got to to the doctor get ’em in my trun! ——_—_t__—_ CORRECTED. Some of his boys were taking but little interest in the ae and the teacher grew desperate. iam ome he “suddenly demanded, e you listening ?”” SEALED LEAD PACKETS ONLY The native purity and garden freshness of UR. TOWN BY ORGANIZING A # BRASS | BAND “THE 8 WINNIPEG” ; Ris: MANITOBA, : Panis « & SONS CO.,| T! NTO LIMITED. |ONTARIO <Theh perhaps You ean, tel me AAPLEINE :2 sites a ae ere Nelson was killed?” or lage at pre rap better : “Trafalgar Square!’ “was the re: oe ee omer eq bale and “Indeed !” lly eja ——— ed the teacher, when he had recov- ‘Write for our Revised Price List ered his br “Then I suppose quoting special prices for 2 aah was killed at Waterloo Skunk, Fisher, Lynx, Muskrat, Red Fox, Station “No, ee responded William, “That was Napoleon ! ae ye CURED IN ONE MONTH. who Kidney or Bladder seroubie, ‘could go to Davisville, Ont. and yo, Mra, A. Simpson, they did—take Gin’ Pills had_ Kidney or ime: 3 Bladder trouble. ri + intense pain. I doctored continually but nothing |gave me permanent relief until I was | persuaded to try Gin Pills.” Within = couple of days T received great relief a r taking one box was mpletely cure MRS. A. SIMPSON. Write National Drug & Chemical Co. c “tor free. sample Dept. W.L.), Toronto, 6) cents a box—6 boxes jealer: for $2.50 at wll He—‘“Darling, am I the first man you were ever engaged to!’ She (iadignantly)—“‘Sir, do you think live for twenty-six there were other men about without saying a chance ‘till you came alon STs, STRUCTIBLE SNAKE. Lizard Met Its Match. Snakes m the pampas of South tie reptile as a flail Bee tls ‘life is jutioted out. large liz: pampas, the tamous cee caller: te with. its awertil n his ‘‘Natur- is this story: at ene a Plata,” tl friend o in| to his saddle, and the remainder of the forty-foot ae was allowed to trail on the grou: e ider noted large iguana ie: apparently asleep, and al- grout he rode within a few inches, t did not stir. ne no sooner had ae rider passed than the trailing lasso attracted ee lizard’s atten- tion. Tt dashed after the slowly movin; it @ succession of 1 in vai Wes with uplifted Heed, pete a ter it with astonishm had such a won acre te ane its oat befor ok You are nearly | always right — rom your own point o! 3 Equally good to eieot Chills ud bromk At ail druggists. Leader of Lynching Party (in Far West)—“‘You got or thing to say before we tings £2 like to have you trim the end o° the where it’s frayed. It tickles ek.” x Purely Fegetable Pill. — The haye a most healthful effect. upon oe beqnobions of the digestive or- The peptic an oe who ine’ in concen- uy has yet bey of- ring GERMANS TO RAISE es Statistical tables are used t lustrate the importance 6f fied production in Ger > Which was formerly only a side issue of agri- a # the high prices it is pointed out that m | indian Root Pitte Baa —— {he direct and incvitable reautt Peapulae or ‘constipated how on slogged-ap_kidenye: and. 6 Th food and ather matter which is allowed to accu ulate poisons ‘the blood aod. the whole aval aUeracget dia Boot Pilin act aigectly on the bow. tle. regulating kin, opening u; A up Foe! pure Biood ‘and ‘Good Wealth Or. Morse's FURS : References «Dominion Bank or y Commercial Agency. m bl a A. Thi r aoe B LINDMAN, (Regd), and highest market prices for kinds of r: aad tanee Our policy —"s or shipment retur Tr C. PIERCE & CO., Limited 699 ST. PAUL ST., MONTREAL T US te is ie to ast at painting. It is —— ihe aC taist See ee: va PAINT NOW! me grein ow coin Phe of all paints are AMSAY’S stand for stro ran tl aigabillty and uty your home, and the pric: able. Drop a cai booklet ‘W" free. CAL es from ‘of hom I: 3% d_and us. for It is the handsom- booklet ever issued on house paint- should have it. RAMSAY & SON co., Establishod 1842, int Makers, - VES * riggs Seed Cow Lid. ‘ToresiofOuk, e Montreal. hed 00k) Write for Montreal. RIVERSIDE ALBERTA'S FINEST STOCK FARM OPE FOR THE DEAF—in acoUSTiCOR— ot the marvela of the electrleal are. world. “Write for is aout Co, of Canada, Tonge Sireet, 5 nd acres for pale at 9 a other farm lands in Alberte wher, Cures Sprung Tendon, Collar and Saddle Galls anitoba Avo., Winn = “Detaver ith. 1909, “I have ured your Spar ‘Twadon wich rood resulta ail I cat Fecoteaend ft Yor Coliag and Sadao Gall." Jul. Malet, Kendall's Fei thls ‘and stockmen. Tn the past 40 gears, Kop Spar Cure bas arly eared f dollars fur WE ae. reed tab ea ybaoluitaly cure Spor shin seven and lameness a oF furan the balr white, eas DR. B. J.KENDALL C0., Enosbarg Falls, oe Save the Baby——Use -- PISOS THE BEST WEDIINE TOR Gostseis Should be given at once wheo litwe ‘one coughs. It heals the ae benefits of good hearing. Send tor tree APPENDICITIS eo Cured without operation: All who are aft We J. McNAMARA, Ricted with this, disease ‘and -wiah tobe Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada, cured permanently, safely and quickly with this LS) Homeopathic remedy, which will be sent post-paid anywhere CHENILLE CURTAINS the world with fall” instructions for nd ell kinds of hove han [ antng'to"an ito effect’ a permanent oa rice reas LACE CURTAINS a nee dohn T. Walt, Homeopathic Pharmacy, Aa ile erg to us about rite DRITISH AMERIOAN DYEING c0., 1 Bort, Montreal Is Your Hearing Good ? = ‘The HEAR-O-PHONE will givo you the Mt curlons trinatly, natalia). facts nboat sculpt oy ‘and Freaks, perience of a. wuccesatal, anthor Booklet, giving particulars and ‘names |mnd practitioner. Full of advice mocem: of. satisfied users, Also to every m: woman. Contains Speclal Offer for a Month's Home Trial. |more vital faots than your dontor would ive yon for ton dollars. in eections, THE .BBAND ELECTRO. OZONE LIMITED, 105", Tony and 40 ilivatretions: “Price, We, Spadina Avenue, Toronto. LL. MI Book Co., 129 E.28St., New York ON THE OCEAN FRONT, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ire-proot addition {i late of Atlantic foot square, A magnifi city bees " fn ov haraber Fr Rr CHARLES 0. MARQUETTE, (HOTEL TRAYMORE room commands an ocoan view, bath attached with sea and fresh tester oe are aot aged FY room. TRAYMORE able ay eae NY, un Bi ite pat ot Rn ttot RRL Ohi a5 x just boing comploted, making this fa1 ty Liotels, A bigs the tatert iby 600, Wel ‘D..S. WHITE, President icate throat and. protects the lungs fiche taleatlen™ Buscintend alec very ; All Drugelsts, 25 conte. WEAK LUNGS RESTORED BY PSYCHINE. “ PSYCHINE” Hes ete shen of seople ta buoyant health end ition! Ttiss tonic and flesh fuller con- pers ae properties as a blood ania It will atrengthea lunge, force out’ the xy the cough, no disease cor a for a Free Sale “Fo Sy orgy Der 5 «on Dr. T.A.S UM | most SeOnpy: is needed an deving the the cities feeds or ellen and As the acreage in Germany nnot be increased to any ies the yelgs oe aoe must be increas- ailable foot of lata ee ev ae bd mae TORONTO Geatlemen,—I wish t . Daimler h. cine some 1,200 miles. The car remarkal ly pet: sa consumption was 16 a great deal of driving ns tri i f wear, abd T really delighted. with the Canadian Appreciation to express my aopreoiation of the which you have. delivered Be! @ the car to Canada I made a three ae trial of it, cov- had the slightest ananble of any kind, and I think it quite lives up to the many ¢! elaims you make for it. ness of =ROUIS and power of acceleration on hills 1 fink it will prove (Signed) CO. A. BOONE, of Toronto, Canada. The Balmlor. Motor Co., (1904) Limited, Langham Hotel, London. fore tie: ran perfectly, and I never The silence, smooth- is really wee to the gallon, includ- he tyres spor: — ay eli car. “The Most Successful Car of the Yeari909” ENGLAND.