HIN PAIN FOR YEARS ['s:. trax!" 2°] DEEP-SEATED COUGH! += Te iestiia. thay casos ne ohalicr , x ; ; g Camphor Ice |. > Ti ACRE: “FRUIT-A-TIVES" BRINGS RELIEF | yiionT recall the fearful words, the| CURED IN 5 Hours, 2 a : thunder words—‘Pride goeth before New Mome-Made Syrup. On th Farm : a fall, and a haughty temper be- (Cut this out.) 3 } \ 9 fore destruction?’ I suddenly felt Pious Vostou Bees: a strong grasp upon my shoulder, and the husky, inaudible words. Progress in medical compounds FOR CHAPPED SKIN AND LIPS, es, and now stated , COLD SORES, WINDBURN. Ei 8 3 § $ 2 3 a = sake, hush! fa and Walleren rushed out of the room. bya a OWE : fd Vaseline Venedee 1) (eee < any deep-seated cough or cold on| THE COW AND HER CALF. s rated, - OR, THE LOST PATRIMO! ae Pe ee oy eo dtey {the lungs can be ‘actually cured in| Tn justice to the cow, she should| Se caphorat, 9 ynie’s Sais ot in, Regina, laying her fair hand affec. |fve hours by the clock. Opium and|be allowed to go dry at least two| ff fe Yeveline Bak tionately on my shoulder, and sink- ing softly into a chair by my side. Bhaslooked notalr’- vor braed -0 Tae yet—so charmingly em- ssed morphine have ‘icon eee to in Rout before the date when she is) | CHNESRONON MEO. 00. (Consid Bu calve again. It is unnatur- eto 2 saat anrepecnatiotey require her to contribute to the Ss ty she ff i now it is learned that tbe ore be treated to rid it ation and congestion. CHAPTER VI. (Cont'd) int: Sea — bis with it to the The Susraib term was to be our barrass is giving suppenence a2 last at the University. Dn hioeg abe. bantibued:) lie ative cough syrup does the work| utero nea three- cauaviete eae a ‘goles Bt this term: Watt man EATON so quickly and thoroughly as to be}year old. SBbeh a course must of ny plied himself to study with unpar- retin Ont., Sept. 27, . —S almost magical. What heretofore | necessity prove a eae: drain upon rc lit alleled in vi ted 12 ali yy nOo,| “I suffered for years from adeches of ig se has taken weeks to cure can be ac-|her own Vita! upon that: d industry. It was predicted 101 “beiigats Ube Seenmilopht| Gees tr ke Bocce ane cotaultel GIVE IT A THOUGHT. complished in hours. Get this for- of the ealt tea Seated i We might have between us,| doctors and took every remedy obtain- | How iis it costs if we-give it o|mula filled or mix it at home and} certainly cannot do as good work |in pocket money, jewelery: and per. able witout asi rents then \ Some always keep it on hand: One-half| at the pail the following sear as she sonal appointments, s five only | To make happy some heart-each|ounce fluid wild cherry bark, one| would had she pe {siren a-reas- ix thousand dollars—that all ounce compound essence cardiol | onable period of r by At first, I was too completely! 1 took several boxes altogether, and | Just one kind word or a tender}aad three ounces syrup white pine|fecding, before ice andthe: warn of he ble by the news—not of our| nowIam ee eee all my dread- ate compound. Shake the bottle and) theory that there is : economy and of his companions, This eminent | Seat loss, but of our attorney’s| ful SRP EES deans EATON, As we go on our daily. way. take twenty drops every half hour| safety in keeping ¢ S83 had astonished even thoxe|8teat villainy—to feel the real) eRe ee eae ee, 26c- Perehance! a look will suffice to|for four hours. ‘Then take one-half |to calve soon, on sho dicted great things tor him, | St@xpness of our misfortune. Accelerates ithe Laie, to one teaspoonful three or four |should be relegated to the rubbish: nad rT “thank, darphised: Walleave a I turned in despair and looked at! Ottawa. The Re from a neighbor’s face,|times a day until the system is|heap. Observation teaches that the himself, and—with honor of wie dis. | Wal allraven. How would he receive And the press of a hand in sympa-jpurified and tones up. Give chil-|cow that has eee dry for a few tinguished, and the sympathy of] the news of his friends’ calamity?}ments of truth, courage, generos- dren less according to age. e nths on grass cr generous stall- { the warm-hearted among his asso-| When tng first turned my eyes full ity, petty ude A ete a tear efface. filling will usually cure a whole/ feeding, almost Tavenaely does ciates—combined to warm his stiff, | P00 him, t tains him, as it were, neyer seen her ‘forti- 5 family, as the dose is small, much better work in her next milk- iiss Gade cena te cold, reserved nature. *|by. surprise, he looked positively'| tude” tested yet. It is that which} One walks in siomight, another t ing period than she had formerly Sg as Veith eebgp ants eae T seen hint so nearly! fame with joy! I had never seen{I dread!’ 003 ; ; jone, after being milked nearly up tna ‘hen eibraely allow it to happy, He inivited’ me to go with | Say exhibition of triumph like ¢ that : “Yu shave never, geen her forti:| Ai y in the shade BARBERISM IN HINA. him to Hickory Hall, where he said|i® him before! What did he moge os je tested!’ not even in this sud-| One tread , pathetthat is taitand OS agen is heme opti prem Bore Thad tiie to. ask, his-ob-/den and-sovere reverse of fortune?” moot; x GPS |Lack of Antiseptic Measures Otten Martin-S ae Paint ‘i |. T declined, |8t¥eperousness was reined in, ae BS only her courage is tested! Anoth ray. for aid. Result in Blindness 10005 Pure, Preserves y opporenalty a eatures forced into an expres-|here. She met, but has not yet It costs so eet Iw ee why Ib i = sie custom for a Chinaman ps ping rg ee which [| Siun of gravity. borne, the evils of this misfortune!| We give it a pete thought ? the barber every week to oll, lead and eClvi ‘initted todo, hdbrnbe ise tae Mehiaa further intormed sas Chat Courage only meets calamity brave-| 4 smile—kind ly; it takes fortitude to endure it bce =| hive: a ganaral overhaiiaes aise © Jong my resolution would have held | ®t? had availed hersel the Medical Record. First, the fam deers ’ * } is ita it from split 4 3 cut; for his eminent. success, the | PC rtunity afforded by y | strongly sad patiently. Courage} And what magic may be wrought!|head and fac shaved second, | Bon end frost, tering boat nd lon j dares misfortune- “fort fisitie ants she rally Sccaronitene Sind cee amie ins it; cour ares —« Ne inceigeioe tie ccm ear while, thore than doen werihof insurance SOoureie is acute fortitude, an ue a er and lower by milking her, that calf is being ogpioat en teveued) t fortitude is chronic courage!’ you)“ WHY BE SO THIN Mesa ren [robbed of part Spe hndeat te palin inthemsn erecta y|mean, medically speaking !”’ eee Se Sa age mibed ene: all cranulations being |¥ou eived had the mother broete of Fond. Oxtle of, Zine pare “Budge! Thinness is Embarrassing, Unheal- ns ae. Z Et ieee ani | been given fe sau course may fa mathe and thie pare an evant that decided for ee Perl self “Certainly! I beg your pardon, thy and Not Natural—Formula| cyiion is mado with a duck’s hair| Wel! account for th ‘A belidinc sotaes tia tals STO: all eternity, the fate my | Self, aod left us to seek needful Fairfield, for cutting short, both] Now Used Which Adds From One Aas & salt Rae of calves being born with Tite n more paced foe of mletng he | jarred ‘sister, and tains repos your sermon on pride and Your! > Three Pounds a Weck. is the Tea: why y you will] Vilality than one classed eps weak gece ceed ane TT life with sorrow. had not} pe oon as she had gone, Wolf-|ethical and metaphysical essay on Pe as Sete lid abortion. Such’ a practice rasta eee ete org pie atte 1 1 heard from Regina for a month, |€4ng, who had, with difficulty, re-| courage os Re teade. because the! Everyone ought to have some |'They take a eae a tend to shorten the period of use- ir gete wel gaat irec You where and wax beginning to feel very un- strained his excitement all this! former é latter es-| avira Hes on the: b bani caisucbere (yee fulness af fot-ther Kite Oe the sow our I grew anxious for the day| time, impetuously threw -himself sentially Tnphilosophical, and both! of the body, both for the sake of| Finally the patient's back is|herself, and also to weaken the when I should wet ont on my reine down beside me, and, Caspune. me} would have run to, I know not what ney, to mect he: jas if I had been his sweetheart, ex- Henge Now, then, let us return j claimed, vehemently —— i of health and self-este massaged, and after paying a fee of |Constitution of her progeny. If the Mos: thintnapile escensitiv® to|three cents and no tips, he leaves | object be to make a strong record 1 ; eling criticisms! the shop, feeling clean outside, but of yearly performance at the pail, the end of the term, wane a ee ae rere, ses h are: constantly being. hurl aniet cotisule-Min somutarcohy- hit mal surely | be he etter poly t8 myself had taken up our abode ‘ ay breeding the cow again for temporarily at a hotel, where wve| sourees-“comm and met | Half m Me Sips aeke Aer colts through ae au ce Mout gy ses ote “ator calving, were mutually engaged in prepara-| father’s sic is mine when I de-|qo not understan oe nd it trou- ilies & thin, fhony lamination, which ie « form of mili-| As as will naturally give more milk tions for our respective journeys, man t is yours when you want Plegsms for het fut wh tin calf. ths er con- horse, “but horses don: t know it—}tary inspection, -the dothe diag- w e L was turning over in my| repeat most sehen: ile thin people are both pitied! noses the case and treats it, unleta mind the question of inviting or not| “Thank you, thank you, Ve ly, that r adore that oH ee : beg Hea JEWELS OF AN EMPRESS. inviting Wolfgang to Willow Hill. you Tam. tot overwhelmed by|""ivou are an enthutast ne oes TE ought mot to be, age of pregnanc es It was the third day of our so-| this misfortune, oa Woltgang,| «1 worship that pride that lnte Pace wounded so esha: man , rt German Papers Make Capital Out journ there, that Wallraven and though I am in danger of being so spirit, which is ipods hse woman agcitantedu teat ueel ot 3 milk in 200 day lays of Display. myself were sitting together in a) by, your whole- hearted goodness.”’| nor arrogance, ie ape WAIOE| only. forthe sfigines hak tor te ake twa years in su lib- ein 1 Ronit de parlor that we occ: ne? jointly, | | “And you - will” Jet. me serve tic, unconscious assertion of her |p rgnt wot panei - orally during the time Ea a wea ay tes ist agen sin an Br when, without any premonition | You own inestitable worth! of her own! sod vigorous carriage which accom. |done, he receives the usual ills for}and will bring stronger and more) ; bar ae diate paerer, iecedaur wae gently|, ‘‘Not to the fanatical extent, or} essential, unlienable worth! of her aay well-nourih ed Body thoudeVacatee=by the dé robust calves. The theory that a tontiicen te thrown open by a waiter, who an-|i the manner that you propose, |own essential, unlienable royalty || 3) hath Leuithn peoed and| ‘These pills-may. Bee -{eow is more liable to’ milk fever Empress ew) Court fost ities to nounced “Miss Fairfield; and, te my [iuy dear Wallraven! You are ex-| the triune royalty of Ganiegadaut sail feck aber Mike ee ira Una TOA cai to bar | eben, wall fool hatte aaltanee ota _ what fee are ple: extreme _astoniahme BY toy 4 bes by this news even more than beauty, goodness, and genius!” | nerves get enough Hawiabiieuk oul Coadextel case tae intestinal trou-| that she must, for safety, be ial torm the: ye er eat Regin: tage tained. Ta ly dear, generous fellow,} “Oh! you are mai aN the eS, ies. The spotted rhinoceros horns|sterved for a time, has lost ‘mueh| Te LSP at EL, but fa ean nd: Proud ai ever advanc.| be aot. As you perceive; neither] «Honor to aioe nero sis hig “praseniaeione ids naturo | come from routhern jaar in| of its foros inca" stookmen have Hon spomast Pilea. ed into the room my sister nor myse riven mad} que!’ - learned to follow natur : f by this ‘nisfortune. I shall exe-|° “Yes! but that is a = eat ee, a i SeameenenE fie eect PEO alge partisliy milking chet vee iaet Ue ae ae aos CHAPTER VII. cuto now, a plan that T-havé often |havghty! . He who blood and nerve elements which = when ground to the first few days after calving, just hes ber Haare and aah ale oe pi? : thought of, even in my reas of i ite words, said also, “The ithe shal d mixed with Chinese | as the calf would do if left with her. Regina! my dearest sister! I dependence, ae in -|be exalted, and the pro’ a erekeenldod tonic, |The losses from this malady have| tiara, am n tlhe’ and astounded to see?" @ line of life for which T fhave brought low’—‘He aoe ne ew vane tasven Sen ah Woune y all classes of Chi.|been very largely reduced since | ™° nds you en come you? How come | ae DIS had a very strong inelina. imac shall be abased’ and The) Ty ‘a half pint bottle, obtain| nese in northern China, ‘The reaijio| dairymen have adopted this sen- oy. But here! Before you reply, | tion. facek shall inherit the carth.—| three ounces of essence of pepsin, |is held by a firm in Shinghat that|siblespeactice. - And thousand ie Cele tis easy-chair, ‘and—give mo| (And what is that? fenide poet: _ betdress tall, and_s |i ras “ounces “ayrup ok ch gberbs| has become very wealthyeny the bale nnet! Place your fect. upon}, “The C! hristian REA Cae haughty domaper Wefors \destrhe- lint sn add. dhs ounce dompotind ee of this tone! aney : thir totata ol! You look weary! immediately curtail every unneces-| tion.’ You doubtless will give me sence cardiol, shake~and let stand i pump in arresting the iene You. Fede all night! Who cuoorted| (tt) exper {more contempt for what. you willl). ¢ hours: then add one ounce es eee while formerly few cows recovered, yout Nay, do not answer the sev rest ecor Ge notiidae waakuens: thane tredit fon tincture cadomece ‘compound: (nét| A: POWHRFUL WEAPON: {on were killed by dosing lo so exhausted! Have ray personal effects that ean Pos-| the fear of God; but I confess that| os damom). Shake well and take{ + pee Re See a.| With medicines when the cows were) P con 4 ethe Empress a water, first, or—a cup of coffee | sbly be dispensed with into cas ese things trouble me for my dear oe ess otal bolore moals nud ane re “ote any Bon paralyaed and incapable of swallow- amy : | th WwW olfgang, my dear fellow !—but no!) and CRG a a course of theolo-/ ost, sister! It seems to me that her Bie a st iyete Geeta that none of her evore discipline has hae be- all after meals. Also drink plenty of vi ld. Tt looked as if it would be] m6. the drugs’ passing “into the) oy ir stones is 4 en death mite something like this tiragat: "Fairfield you seautaD my ad-| gun! I do hope veka st lea meals and when re effective iar against any- peeess ane Soares auton OMe aneicne ate anes is not the of ‘ciaaolad ions of astonishment, miration! — Hay ou, set, no|® Seria! vhs Nonsense ! tiring. Weigh yourself before be- fing short of an elephant, and its ant eae prope juy, love, and solicitude that T re. {Painful regrets for the past ~~ n0| Dou't preach Hotei the | Pee Oy age es oe oe Sr E Is fi ceived my sister, ph Sette’. th es gnawing anxiety for the ranks +2 hal order: Sethe Eeaintnbd Wolf- of aa ae eee the sue- DIPLOMACY, and ‘dosonds f wom Topuging ‘chai "| “None for myself,” nereeti cih ja Siniey: EG FAVORITE DISHES. |cessful hunter, of its power. | are aes Empress. The E so hate OER ty Geil “You asonish me!” Ging) ater etnng: ee ae mE i kick Uke anything? Fanny, your father “lias beet|1y: is worth loss. tiipe Wind at aan freshments, ee fo But : He Wants Fresh Vegetables Every walking around out there for two! middle-class ladies. is ia wth nb some > fift “oWell? 7 ee fine ene erateer eo nee gelables E it kicks some,"” said hours. Is he opposed va ae being} “At the conelusion of nel beer eaintines aot vient Nature i d, fol. ree another Ha shudder ance iene y th or, ‘but that’s thejin here with you?” asked the young} toctivity the o je re- lowed by a waiter bri f-|_ “Well?” ‘For another’ cs whom | his old got d walked to| ,, According to a agin in one. of . Why, once I shot ata we or. S i ibege in a eae ate eats Mae calpains ix es ‘wo Baivfeld? Have-yon. been falling (the comin cod wane the most cour ferlin Jour-|grizely that was charging me. |, ‘Tee bec,” wiggled the maiden, ully guarded day-an take Miss Fairfeld’s wraps a in love? though that could sarcely iu file, he Kaiser is bore fond of ve- him, and on he came. If it course not. This is the ni adie roa S it pete ls getables. had notsbeén thatthe gua” kicked T ve ae you would propose and : ti f wed ceive her orders, I d W. S happen, without my knowledge, as i ld! t : I ei STEEN fie na onic er ee ee tee ee Ce Oars nee saren Rey Maen GiNar hor with-wcoun(euntice beene| yet; in is a reported to reload, T shouldn't have been here] or ioses; EiGuG calisave sbi aloes ing with happiness, his left ar “No, [ ats not fallen in love. saresdingly encircling her shoul-| Of co wrse you know that; and you de is right hand clasping hers, | shculd i Nee ty that T speak of look upon with high respect, ev i to tell the Ss vung CONSUMER. Oe tion,’ remar! he FACT AND FANCY, rked promotes Bome have fresh WHEN HE HAD FINISHED. © and she-no longer pale and weary, | By sist 1 seriously. is, shopped meat and onions fried king, Every belle should try to give a hy, a : ‘ A wel arr relates |Ghrange. ideas”? : bit Bushing with rida and p ‘Your sister!” he exelaiined, in| "9c seopped nyanlite [ies vin ach, a oe rete she flowing TLL arent Se OR ecially re-| Pune tone t sure, as lant eyes were | what T thought a a very natural sur- awe carried ti Mate oe SER bondk ie. orca i 0. whom do you “esp y Four pounde “ot pia make one vailed beneath hie ardent He| prise. “Your Yes! something ‘of that pe Ad ui fae oon | ole a ae t 8 we ere aid each ee “Certainly Ae was made ill once by some baked me time ago he had under he said, with an tayo Yone es infallible, not even the rew off a va ne baked ‘A ie der] Among you, the ultimate o Fesumed composure, Regina arose] ‘And why, pr ke : uses which an august English mination a youth who re- regarded with sympathy; ven a with Spank stately self-}_ “Is it so tance that & sei ee ingot remorve trang me ced in ne EMG SES Senna ane Here he is considered very lucky.” | ini ses mosquitoes live in the “ast hi rat-aieied by. the| fee! es for the futur ie ant Pies, cheer ed EERE SS TED He: ne ee Serer aretic re} chambermaid, retired from the| gina after this serious reverse th the Toible of my Dee ‘ualer esceuns HIS STATUS. eae ig antind. (stall ah aad room to refresh herself. by a change UNO; not—a' edly | dear Regina, and hat rst not “Well, my little man,’’ enquired} to husband her resources. Of des, saying to me, on passint,|not! Ta F=miy Ubughts| only ereenérons ut He ier peacetully disposed | ® visitor “pleasantly. “who are | “The Australien death sate is the at I might countermand the wait | fly to pake,-per-| speak of her fault in ie ete | ae you? lowest in the world. € Be i ‘ e 0 ) ef of refreshments, ‘and, if we had| haps, mrt in refereuce to my. 3 ae ar ; pena a % na mee inoffensive kind of person? GP mn the babys rather! was hagas not already breakfasted, she wi phase of mind, and from my own} | - re orele wu ae ETNOVE sPAED the ingenuous: re} z GE We GP Mask ep L Pad Gg penne et ase one Cee aaa Cece eae RTO tat Tus wrens ty of toast and butter, eepared in| “And tiet you hove no demise to [109 Ine -uNo why: ver--“‘I wonder why Brownaad- we ad -Obb- “aaa Bho ete ua Rn dekh achalds REBIE CHETIGEAE WARE ee tke, Bags fashion, “His beloved [follow in tho steps of your illu] J. say piniv oocurring at sea aed eee Esai ase nee Breakfast for three was served in thought my shouts meh Sau bavede one ait aes. pancakes, with SUS Daa eat oe Bast a SNE Bee heres dere asses YO oats: ting a fortune ?? ovr parlor, and in half an hour Re-| c nal and round y Gb dot. avknpwlodue-that sear prio | uct wand sugar over vers Ex ponee : eS Baily agures out ta hn avaeeanes ina entered, every vestige of fa-| your interest, my brother.” Go on tha keeps that high; pure chara and does little ‘tal % she} Abont_ one jin four of the deaths faction that rich people are entit- tigue and discomposure fled from} I pray you! ‘tel me all your “caus: ter so spotless from even vonven- wit Sik neal, Bh aftera hearty wit lin the. ye nh Navy are duo to|led to more ease than poor’ peo- hee countenance and bearing, and|es for anxiety tional little meannesses he enjoys ‘half’ an hour of} ain't got eee a = drewning. ple.” de va % @ plain, but rich,! ‘Regina, dian I could yory well] «Yes, T do! but T'see also that! ge familiar talk and a strong} “Then you thin son would. bi - é India muslin,| support my sister in a small way ;| ‘pride’ “makes Regina sternly un. |clgar. abl locking beautiful and Bracious as/or. at a, moderate outlay, I cowld| compromising, terribly intoleran ti ‘te Seb lieh, beak a head of a new | of the little racial ant © ventional THIS MAY sive YOU MONEY. | th yr ee at jemi ; st ans OU Siro “f might have when you are done with the wea | of f 1t0 3 Te sate of my words. dy hin a de pendence upon pefaleds nneepect sonia as 80 soon to return home,” 1! mo, ov te ot othe Thi hanes sient, dropped into in’ yiew tre te rightly conjectured that she bad a{iolty pride troubles me the more, nd glared Juridly from un- tations ve “bi somewhat een e explanation to} that 1. has no sori of sympathy] gar, ine Shade ie his long — black: (is yeoman eS A ery often the oar and poor producti tion this particular time, when Bee ae 1 Gasoline Engines B31 de 6 AUP. pon! pip HE GET IT? a NeN Mr. Janus, I don’t see how k besid hh h i a A fut vy. tal 3 me a SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR GENERAL make; besides’ which, the rate with it—cannot understand it ful-! Joche: iE had wilfull 2F pease = a you can afford) to was in attendance, and we could} ly, and, as far as I do, utterly coh and sation oaths 3 Fe ood ae os ans s what iy in 36 ich expensive cigars,” re- FARM WORK ave no confidential conversation demn it. Human pride is folly 9 Tom ¢ done with surprise Dame aoe iT ae dealer ee on naked a merchant severely to ane} They are so simple that the average faci io the presence of a servant. insanity. ¢ Saviour the me note ues motion of Wall- that ‘someth CaN No fe eros = clerks. es a hand ¢ pei ane are practically Voot enous Hien! was over, how- | world——"” eee and fate, or something, im- Wak Eat he eases You're right, sir,” responded, Proof and Prost Proo Send to-day for ever, and when the waiter had re-| “Come, Ferdinan d, my reverend a goon. “What is nei- eaiee Bienes Zee hile be ed s. “I -can’t; I ought to have: catalogue G.E.-102, V >, COn showing full moved the breakfast service, set|friend! don’t anticipate the srivi- pe (ras sonable nor Chris- geen eens sure ta bigger salary : : ine BE engines for ee Pe nsaas (ere money saved for y RMS- eee wrarthe 8 -Kavcvets: t reas Hina 2am ah order, and retired, Re: |lege of the vestments! For myself,|tian, her high-toned sense of hon-|an 2® the name on the packet. CHE cua 3 et) ds morbid, 6v oe : \ SENSE OF ECONOMY. chair, placed her feet upon the| Fairfield. It is indissolubly “en-| oc pion, no matter how well, bow therein lies von safe, Haotitonl maniched Wallrayen and|twined with tho mest exalled vir-| logically defended. fade = myself to er side, and, in a calm ae which could rot exist with | anc . Soe Ba Tt would ang | “Why does a dog chase hi | : mae Becca ne ate te ake both The CANADIAN raikpanks COMPANY, Limitea, MOWTREAL } i al-fends meet rie Wonder. ely at is fee ere acquaintance speak of be ing am ‘oronte, St. John, N.8., Winniveg, Calgary, Vancouver ner gira Ue that oupaneseus {Vou thant ike 9 lorect™ eule i He eae s ae i alanis her forever from a} i, VE ng ye e ‘i ESE ing Ge ‘eat Power entrusted to Ts peak the-truth. Her ‘lofty |fritnd; and in one she loved ae pride’ She") oth SoEy ake e torches for use in cases; skaeains the highest senti vane it would kill or madden vety markable about considering the fof a nse fog have heen supplied to | kind of men most women marty.” | the police-stations of Pat |