LINWwoopb, and Mrs. Ruler spent Monday in ‘Merlin Mr. A, Lantz visited his brother over Sunday, r. Jos, Farrell paid Elmira a vis- it_on Monday. Mr. Leander gel spent Thurs- We All Ghe Latest Styles ited friends in lays h made a business ira on Wednesda: i and Carrie " Suitter at present spending a few days ai in Newton, McKay and M. Goetz And at Messrs. John were in attendance at court at Berlin on Monday. Mrs. Nixon and pene uiee left for Boeken on Thurs where they will vialt for The y last did much towards “patti ne thie aad ia mhane for the finish of the seeding: Mr. eberwein. Mrs. Poomer. and Prices to Suit Everyone Querembach returned to Sah in Ber! ‘hin in on Saturday last after spending ‘a couple of with Miss Lola Spahr. 1 Wel- Torrance @ McMane Furniture Dealers and Undertakers sonable and fashionable Jewel- ery. The range of choice is wide enough and you will find wha’ you wi carefully selec Seize The Opportunity. P H. BASTENDORFF JEWELER and OPTICIAN tar Eyes Tested FREE of Charge Business For Sale HAWKESVI' LLE. e called the sioner fa Henry Frey. returned home ae euiie Gr the et that 0 NEWTON. Ross Binet a car load of xis ea Basu, Mrs. W, d: ter’s si new Metho dist church a ected Setar she leaves for Wasi ingto quick on Sunday morning and preach MONKTON. Chalmers = 2s Stratford on sWednewtay on busi and. Mrs, Ja: Eapeakine and eden spent Sunday visiting wood, nye and Mrs. Chas. Murr spent Sun. yin Logan ihe guests of the lat- sister. ev. Mr. ngford Lead, ak rersary sermons in St. Tho ‘and grandchildren r to Moncrieff on Thursday yapieee m are busy ‘at work ment wall for the sheds. ‘of Woodstocl. came Tae Se rown, Mrs, p on Friday to visit her sister, oes Schmidt and Witt. of Mil- Joe Mo orrison and family who ae resided in this part for a good Sanne of years are leav- rsday for Friday Harbor. suecess in ~~ Mr, Moin of St. Thomas. oceu- ibe pulpit in the Methodist ene of ais Ses 10 dozen Ladies’ Summer Hose, travelle 's sam- ples, in brown, black, white and cag reg, 25 35 and 4oc per pair at..... . 2 Pair for 30 15 3 dozen Men’s Negligee Shirts, reg $1 ‘ and 3,25, Saturday-each jc, 8"; heige same 85. é reg. * 69 5 dozen Men’s Ties in stripes, all Sac. VOrycHeWy ala cus ciasenas 50 BARRINGTON HATS are te ue hats that the color is fast. We have the cheap hats ates sc iccromsnee rina $1 up “WALL ‘PAPER_This is Wall Paper time, and now is the time to give us your order, Remem: | ber we do not stock this paper, sa give us two days in dozen Ladies’ Lawn Waists, travellers samples, reg. $1 and 1,25, while they last. 300 yards Cotton Serge in black, green and brown, reg. 18c, while it lasts per yd......, 2 dozen Men's Fancy Striped Shirts, 85c Saturdayfonly.......... advance to order. See our range. Over 600 patterns to choose from. Border same price as the paper. Moulding to match all papers. GROCERY SPECIALS itions: - Weill, waiake ie is spending a few yet Phat gave eith friends in Waterloo and| the congratulations supper W 6 Ibs. of Prunes for.. very sad death occurred on Sat- | Ber |ved in acious z r00 2 3-1b. tins Pork and ‘Beans it in 1 Chili Bettie een 3 cans Salmon for........ woman departed this lite after a 3 tins Lombard Plums for. 3 tins Pumpkin for 3 tins Pineapple for... W. K. Marriage Licenses ear as ee visiting her eh- our hotel keepers was in a pe a oer Ison Cunningham fae sev- * le Je undersigned m now sities tu ss) mood and would not put up anything at a rate on the dol- Lackner was visiting at Waterloo on Saturday. Mr. and (Mrs. Herb. Smith. o! Joo, spent Sunday with Dr. ammer. Wat understand since the a =| the hi san tre peo ie 3 Mis ttman, of pace ae ~ | spent Sunday a her hom Mess: Ed. Roy Winn, spent Sunday with thelr patents Waterloo. ers. Sauce for, nd Mrs. Rutherford. of Strat- ng |ford. called on Mrs. Albert Riddle on Baturday. Miss Jessie Neilson has accepted . {N the om of clerk in Mr. H. Gus- as a busi-| gave birth t Mae i aoe lin, ere. Mr. Tom Soe a was a‘ visit- | OF to ee a happy interests here are settled Apply to and prosperous wedded life. A, LARGE. POOLE, ONT. a Hendereon and Master Roy Dpaier ‘Spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. | tuck. sr.. of Dy | Miss Maggie Birkland oer gone rc Milverton to cler! + Guel For Sale or To Rent. for several weeks has returned to her |. eset is also . he “tbe Rev, Me er father and mother. a visit to aes Longest Mr, Alex. Anderson and his Nellie and son Willie 1 License District’ of North Perth huraday a ti te MORNINGTON COUNCIL. in the Canadian Northwest for some} 4 Sraully Genta it the Morning ime. : Mc Mr, Fred Spies left last, week, for a : oe ce ef bea cCanagian A aa! the amemiiers were present. "The away for eee ut tw t Ruler received the sad yuntry. state with eretis air Deniff.-of Hanover. Mr, Jacob Messinger o learn that f Be st y to Box 170, Milverton. Issued, - Milverton ast. station, Mackenzie and |m30-st. tford. spent Sund ay | il; Pid the atten sister Mrs, M. ast COMMERCIAL $1 03 $1 03 48 Ontario Liquor License Act le. the bereaved husband and family. » Kirkland received on ee e | Fall w the Basta per bushel. ne Notice is hereby given that irkland in their sad Farmers, Take Notice Buy your seeds now for next spring’s seeding, before the prices go up. Government Red Clover Standard _ $1 O Bache OIL CAKE MEAL rat eile 2: 00 pais Pte or ry me per owt, ia 5 ewt. lots BUCKWHEAT, goo: od chicken per bushel Also a quantit Call in and inspect sh stock atone barchasng Aiea MENT Always on Han I. D. ATKIN, acto Milverton Boas fbereavement. i Parc ene: nsidering applications for Plgudr License for the License year 910-11. All persons interested will govern themselves. accordingly. Manitoba flour, per cwt. t J. H. Kei enney i is Ree a tele- hate installed in his Miss Susie Sand Annic Shorts per Corn. per bus rd. P. i plat EM. Dated at Listowel this 4th ay April. 1910. ‘allow. Potatoes per bag. Hogs liveweight. ‘ay per ton Butter Eggs ... STRATFORD MARKETS Fall Wheat, Batiez tne Saturday ‘afternoon the mains of the late the same. y James Atk oeeecinent ie N 1-4 ear e changed trom | Milverton, erst — 's over e followin orders were issued ;— r Bale Campbell. of Burns, and Ima. $20.00 by essie Grieve. of Spokane. Wash. ited at Mr. O, B, Barrett's on Sun- t Mr. John Free- ay. mmermann and sister. of ark of visited at Mr, J, H, Ken: beloved friend who was highly respected by all who knew m, Ontario Liquor License Act BURNS. Mr. Frank pail and ial spent H ber Sunday with friends at Petter dow ith. 1.00, : on Suda et Foun pone of ebersaihha> large crowd attended the saeetiaeee vat sailing on ‘friends in this vicinity on Mon Becding: voneratlvas are in it paying days will in Kay; of Stratford, eon. Oats. Nort! ee License District of North Perth No tice is hereby, “given that Peter ; sa Get Your Route Bills at The Sun Office urned to dae — — ce A Gentle Reminder To All Who Buy Shoes That we have a treat for tender feet. That we are in the Boot and Shoe Business, and carry nothing but the best grades of ator body and sole—the best that can be bought. We want your business. “Money talks,” but our ‘Prices Holler.” Give us a chance to please you, It isn’t vay price. you “GET” for the price that counts.” We save you money ! It costs some folks a lot of money to ‘find that out. You have tried the rest—now try us. We are working in dead earnest to win business, What we have done for other we can do for you, Therefore if you have not called on us, we would be pleased to have you do so. Also bring your friends, as we are prepared to Boot all comers and at Rock Bottom Prices, We make a specialty of Children’s School Shoes—they will be pleased to get our Shoes and so will you. Bring them along - and — and have them fitted. i Shoes half-soled at een prices: <4 * : © Dollars and cents count. Save money othe yoils can. That s the way to start a bank account, And if you deal with us, we will help you. No trouble whatever to show goods. Tf our, prices do not fempt you, we will not force ‘you to = All we ask is to come in and see us and be friendly. — We take eggs as cool on sees and allow you the hight market prices, CARTHAGE. nan BANE @ car- pe nee this week mber from here attended the cons om mission: e | the City Hall in the City of Stratford. new cement floor in the cheese fac- on the 28rd, day of April, 3910, at the hour of ee o'clock p. All persons fntereated will govern themselves according! P. Iifpector. EM Dated ae Listowel this 4th tay, of April. il, 1910, of Sault Pens fegete tine ‘g last week Me- with M Laughlin. Peaae ave their sister Mrs. st OF Following is the nore of 88. No. 7 Mornington. for the f March. Those marked with ES ane cateaent ex- SEER oe" r. IV—Max. 150. John Harvey 73. That we Sell All Kinds of Farm Implements again occupying the pulpit he rey a filled ed many, years affo. SO ET ~ Ontario! Liquor. I License Act RENNIE—HAMMOND . Hazel Johnston 3. va Askin, 85, Earl Mayberry 58. pas Gordon very ptaanaat event Per place —Max. 150. Maggie Askin 78. Ed- i the home of Mr. and Mrs, John alison Mayberry 66. James Askin 45. Santen ‘Mprantatar Bide Farm. - ee x, 150, Emma Erler 140 u i The Deering Binders’ (The Deering Co. have a new binder out this year—it's a world beater) Mow- ers, Rakes, Tedders, Side Delivery, Loaders and Gasoline Engines, etc. Chatham and Petrolia Wagons Buggies, Cutters, etc, Fleury and Wilkinson Plows. Cream Separators and Sewing Machines. Organs and Pianos, We do not go on the road can- vassing. _ But if you need anything in these lines, call around to our wareroom and see what we can do for you. We will save you the extras what the canvasser must ‘charge you to make up his expenses as travelling and driving the roads run into money, Therefore, save money when you are young and when you can, and as time rolls on you may find it a great blessing. License District of North Perth Notice is aah: ee Elead that the rt in th : It's what is poe Atwood. spent ond was to pas h, and the said petition is now - on file at my office. ys have organized a ere ‘The foot- ball tearm aaaewcla like to make ar- rangements for games in the . W. K.. Leighton, of obt. Leig dM Wel lesley hate Mr, ik. were ‘visitors in Cross- avern ies ae a) ‘mn licenses and 3 “ licenses mala for for the li- esha year 1910-11, EMP. Inspector, = Dated a Listowel this - day of | “April. 1 AT-2i Rennie and Miss Mary April 5th an residence on the groom’s farm. north mond has sold the " ROSTOCK. boa Mrs, Chas. Blyth fu brent Ana her ftiend Miss Lizzie Retblin Mrs. ry Ser ster are Spending’a few days with friends in London. Mrs, M. Stock who “is at present living Na Lee oatepts is recovering Miss eo A BAG OF FLOUR will bhiee up into good bread. cake or time pie. It's a crime not | to use “Bood BF alah oe van arg on {flour when ; ne e ie ‘os! master Gen- ay acter Best Flour Milled d notices ioe further information as to conditions of p: / Dosed contrac ey ‘te ~ blank forms Ma cane ins 2a ot sf th aa Bi Ottiee TE al eo! 2 ‘ inspector at London. jtrade, "Pos it Office Departm be had here the year round. We mene hhave any complaint about flour. © flour is Satan mly good. low profits win us our la ith, t a io ee report but tae rk of the ales made 5 re