Milverton Sun, 14 Apr 1910, p. 1

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$e ettt44444 S22 22322222293 2222222 P PRs p ppp esses 2sh422442422424224222224222 H.M.SCHAEFER issuer oF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, ONTARIO “Ht Shines Bor All.” WILLIAM K. LOTH IssuER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, ONTARIO Vol. XVITI—No. 40 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, April 14, 1910 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher J.G.HAMILTON Agent for D, L. & W, SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRACITE FURNACE COAL PROGRESSIVE, yet conservative management has produced a safe depository for the Savings of the Farmer, Merchant and Laborer in THE METROPOLITAN Reserve pnd Undivided BANK ae Capital Paid up: $1,000,000.00. $1, 307) 309.25. A Personal Cash Reserve NOW is the foundation of a life of LATER. STOVE AND NUT ST. MARYS LIME COARSE SALT in Sacks Sheds at C.P.R. STATION 8 $1.22 win start a Savings Bank Account. Interest allowed from date of deposit. No delay in withdrawal. Branches at: LINWOOD, ELMIRA, GUELPH Milverton Branch : Cc. G. WALKER, Manager ; PSIG SPRL TCI OR dochectestectrotectectectectectectechestestectestectectestectect f REE Fe and Rev. Me siretecte steotectestectecte ste ote she ste eke ote ake eke ake ake tht Ske ake SE SET EE SE Eee you. bh Ipite Sir gis Organ for Sale—Good as new. wi |omenange, pulpit: on Suley air in-|¢ MISS ADA GREY Ks be sold cheap. Apply to P. H. Basten-! pings, Some good catches of suckers TEACHER OF PIANO * ‘ : Se bs * Ise OpGnik Cab Gaunthcea tn Batic Ber oe ree TS are | ofthe Toronto Conservatory of Music. 5 day bight from now on throughout) grown up before having them photo- ue nrepater for Conserea- the oh r Deyo seen TEM. Ballbateors graphed. Take them to Hollefreund’s 7 ecmaang 5 efer’s as- Ks cortment “ot Wall Bapers Best af [Studio on any Tue i Will be in Milverton, me Medusstay TG. R, Honderioh. we reeret to Adkgranda:a6:8 4; hankioek adh * eee oper tearocen continen tn the noua deter) stirrer Ses oe ce a ‘ Miss Tite Kalbtleiseh is spending Seon ak at be ‘ eo oe a few days with hex sister Mrs, ‘Wi tach the a. Betws ld at nto law- rs eg poccning oe onths in Central (so as In ul S week or two with her danghter. Mrs Si antrustet 3 * ‘ outer im enon ees Prison for pan “money entre gles x Announcement ane! +» McLellan. 3 itrat- te Gee ee ee) (rd ie pponding eee anys with her : oo ir. W. J. Spencer wishes to ae ng pe were in town for announce: e lic that ste mot pete et fas ate ane! days this week and pick- he will on Monday. April 18th Gi open niture aud is prenating es- ee’ Kucchtel about |# stand o'Purniture ana Ondes , . " - ry ere be You'll like them for more reasons than we can tablishment pr OS a) f you is taking busin Her an- + ate Gece eee Mitver. | Waiting to see you and will show vou nouncement will be given af- «name here, but particularly because they are good ton will be occupied on Sunday. Apri some of Shee ties aie VU VES fe ere he opemine - - , 17th and Sunday. April 24th by monde tor renting of _ the | Pt#re+ + looks and quality. CeO Be Soaiile ai the toolpgeon AGriode 4 Ss Mr. Jacob Godfrey who. has n | tural Society silt be received up to MILLBANK. ie Of course, if you don’t care what kind you wear, trecery for some cintt pat eit ines (Saturday, April 28rd. Wm. Dgng. Pealdents in. | Re W. Cameron. of North Morn- he bi dindry ‘feady.tolwear euit anywhere week to take a similar position ot! My, Chas. Herr who has been tak-| ington. wl preach in the Mi you can buy an or mary ready: Listow ; 5 Foe ag igs wees i n ie Methodist * Flor oi fide wilorel Theda of Me Menrysentel who WE “pus gf utrucion in gine] heh bere nerd Sabbath ot S48 ba ssfe and pay as much for it as we ask for our fine ta rave Nan nee aoeeemeins tor sca returned to Milverton on Monday and is visiting friends here. ee ‘ i ‘ever were released last week. On|},.5 resumed his work at Guentl T. Brimstone who has ‘bi suits. If you don’t care what you pay, you can give day morning next a memorial ser-} pirory. riiteteedees Caeee a een : ; u vice will be held in the Evangelical Galette Soee aa a ee . a merchant tailor a great deal more money for a suit STE A aie Ta ote cere nies econ of Mr and. Mee, i. W. aa 2 bay oiese : * nine died ere eo Ps ‘Toronto Jt nenther, we a Blad Ae Bay, shows ae Males nae and son of Biri ‘ ‘i « . 1 y some improvement. as been con- re spend if ne that may not fit so well as ours. If you wish to wea! eek et with an ee Lae a aoe Haohel ie spending a week with Mrs, ae ( would have put many a less rob st due to an attack of inflammatory Beit spent Sunday at hi + good cloth t a moderate p: —you can be sure man out of business, Ho was running {rheumatism and for a time small hop- ious Bt. Jacobs. Na ee ‘ : ‘ 3 hie ieee # SHreGt 8 f ae cg th es were held out for his recovery. s: pete last week a meeting of satisfaction by getting one of our guaranteed suits, ee aes 2 Milverton Choral Society the Mornington League Football saithaecil Davoment. Besides sustaining a num) orosent practising “David the Shev-| Association was weld. in Ritter's all i i i tailors. herd was 1 ly organized | Friday, April 8th. for the. pu: designed by artists and made by skille and face he ns unfortunate enough | ,3¢ wriday night with Mis: Barbara reorganizing for the ulna okee pie 5 Grosch as secretary, The society num | Owing to the Poole and Burns repre- The seams are sewed with silk, the goods are When the special committee on race | freee te enter Aechinn| SAGE Bat one a ne traok gambling was sitting. evidence is i de : lish posers fo| Sill Be assisted by twenty-five child-| meeting was called for Friday. April sponged and shrunk before cutting, patterns are stylis! oer brennan qearemily potenae ce mente elses Wot » x z 2 ril 15th at Cook's hall at 8 p.m. ing is thé report of Millbank and you can depend on the wearing quality of the cloth. Co eo has| At Tn Chicago a steer costs at most say Samite woul ten che eeet : i: Fudge Batter eo taeincs vee) fifty dollars. Served on the platter irked with 2 we! eit ncaa ae ge Snider: een t restaurant rates it is worth two|sent for one or more a $ Be ome Peattyicee thet bet thousand dollars. besides tt tne: eo aa a y tallow. oils, drugs. leat! ushes, —Tot: . ‘pass mark PRICES $5 510 $15 20 ret ‘Rally in the Metho. | fertilizer, combs. buttons *and soup Marion Rutherford 601, Mary Mulea: ape issionary Rally in the Metho-| known only to the packer as ‘vel-/hy 498. Willie Henderson 490, Grace Hat Sue e i One Cie a mee. Was @) vot.” The ‘Optimist’ wants to know! Martin 489, ennan 467, custom tailors attain. they are made right. Our suits havea style and shapliness that few They hold their shape because Another Shipment of Men's and Boy’s Have Arrived. All the Latest Blocks Hats UNDERSKIRTS “REGAL” TAFFETTA From $2.00 up to $5.00 Sale of New Waists at a Big Reduction _ Now comes’the biggest waist sale that this store has ever planned, We have been very for-' tunate in securing a nice lot cf beautiful, fine White Lawn Waists, nicely timmed with inser- tion, also Embroidered Linen Tailored Waists These being sample waists, we are selling them at a big and a number of beautiful Net Waists. reduction. 55 cents to $5.00 Regular $1 to $7. Buy a suppiy now—enough to last Prices ranging from Come quick, before they get picked over, well into the season, as this will be the last chance BEE I ST buckle and other Fancy Belts. SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY H. M. SCHAEFER pinteintenedetrdeindeteneidednin iter COLLAR CORDS-— Another lot of Collar Cords have just arrived in all. colors. Can ‘be sold in box lots or by the frill. NEW COLLARS AND BELTS—We have anice range of stock and “Dutch Collars,” latest styles; also a lot of plain black Elastic Belts with large Prices range from 25 to 50c Each.- English Prints. regular toc for......74¢ 3 boxes Corn Starch for . 25¢ Large Box Baking Powder for.......10¢ [that the town is full o! che man’ EA Ra a ae ae See ee ee ee Bs = & Ss RaS255 g Bees ae LOCAL NEWS OFO4O4 FOTOTO . P. & Dick Roes’ ad. on page 8 us 24c. per Ib, Engeland nea one of Guenther’s Ice Crea Briel W. K.. Lot! ter ant 200, Tor Dr. Lederman va a business visit- or in Brute last eae i eying 24e, for butter and 200. Millinery Apprentice Wanted. Ap- ply to erst I, MeDerm Mr. Satndereds of Dating: was cy suaday’ ‘visitor in town, e owe others - ease E. Kne Clean ee Mor “sale is A aes 24c. for but- A trout studio will ie sure to please gratifying success. i severa QF ae wi those present. Refreshments Aniatig nerrad after due “promeans A very stringent act regulating bakeries and the manufacture of bread the Ontario has been eae | by, i seals was set rea cil had to sett- ‘m. Me- in driver for the now is. will a municipality have — ts keep a road open or eld respon- sible-—Kincardine Reporter. not in mournful numbers fo. Gee ae booming early. in boom- of the Toronto -house ‘staff 23 hi Physielans at London. The ented to on Cullen is the itt ae “|the head. He has, however, anita Te- Read T. P,& Dick Roes* ad. on Dens Sigh te tae eed Bo Try Seal Skin Chewing Tobaceo at | t fa rT ‘to span T. P. & Dick i Reo sada. Sedimca| Mr, jfor iu: town this We 2 ! choicest or “and best_m always on hand at Geo. Roe’s ee M falcolm MacBeth is at pre- a suffering from an attack of quin- Guriain Muslin Se. per_yard, White Cotton 5c. per yard. Engeland & jon, Misses Carrie and Louise Suitter. of fee visited the Misses Hartmier this we Mr. Wm. Livingston. of Okotoks. Alta.. is at present visiting his par- ents in ale on. Schaefer. of Preston. is gat the residence of Ly Macbeth. joys are now practic- see Farmers Bank of Canada Head Office : Savings Department t highest current rates. SUN to either or the survivor of Money Orders and at the principal bankin, an excellent metho at small cost. ada of a points i Millbank Branch : Joint accounts may ted Farmers’ Sale Notes tema and Te NS ing d of remitting small sums of money sal ee a TORONTO Deposits of $1.00 and upward re- ceived and interest paid or added |, the money ane abe and advances made to cattlemen at lowest nee me a any office in Can- chartered bank (Yon excepted) in the United Stat The; J. R. ERNST, Manager ing at Exhibition Park. The field is in ae class condition. e Rev. Mr. Cameron. of Ne Mr. orth Oaten will gal M and then ae ree small shildren are left as or- ey was apparently perfect- hor and sane, Editor Ha of the Wingham s from California as fol He eq Tr Bee He Queen's By T | to other the tera mlapee team his con- m to the ae foun: was unconse! pieces ppatusely from a w‘ speech ae his injuries, d@ Excursion—Goderich to} iti 0. to pl Hot their value. and they had ce further reduce the: e taxation of of as board of trustees. rd i Sotites for one year by ie ex-house bution ely. Vancouver for se% ia years aie has availed itselt of the privilege. and who has made to medical iiteracare during tl re~ seca year. Before He eae it. Cullen wilt receive a replica in alr Gh keep. Dr, Cullen is a broth- Hesse Se = te Son Beatty and isknown Hin. Miiveriais on Ze per ~The value., council has just passed a by-l e sy entirely. reen, formerly Fel gor of exempt improvements from taxation the Wellesley Maple Leaf. ently so that in future Vancouver will raise | sold his interest in a gold cla’ are an oe municipal — by the oper- ation of single 3 Tor keeping a cockpit. Charles Jr, TV—Laura ‘MoFaddin, Melville Wernon, of Toronto, has been fined|/Dunbar, Norman Hoffmeyer. Cecil $40 and_costs or 60 days’ imprison-|Tanner.x George sGrittith, ” Henry en. hen his place was raided 14 | Reinwald. roosters, of which five were dea di. Sr. orgie ome Henderson, Eva Ru- mi Cee ford x. ae Martin Gordon. BE ae e m serious in- | scho izing a football Th si school staff wate in Stratford . | verton. Schmitt—At Haileybury Record. ie of Township realizing as his e° $2500. r Rutherford + 451, Thos. Mason tio, de Mason 350. HIGH. ‘GRADE MILLINERY e points are! demonstrated buyers are trying to discover and it pays to investigate. If you have not looked over oui they are hardest to get. This is one of the peculiar sea~ silks will all be Used and we spec- ialize these lines. We have a select line of untrim- pee pe: Napplene hats, the Bon To: view, Havana, Miss’ Gibbs, Large Roll Sailor, Quo Vadis Toque in old gold and bie and many other up-to-date shape: Wheat is shown in/many shades | but very little fruit is featured. Much foliage is us in abundance. ch ladies and children, Ousstock is entirely new. We send you all a hearty {avitation to come and intent our goods. IDA NcDERMOTT Walter ¢ g = Fewings. Mabel Nuhn ritath * Harvey AL Smith, Principal. ment faze 2 ual. Frank Tanner, Jean Sui Jr. Second—Ella Coghlin, Hector MacLennan, Salome urette Brownlee. Lewit unbar, Jessie is m Pomnier. Franklin hur Ruby. ie Maudie Crawford, ighie Jack. _ E, McCloy. Teacher. HAMPSTEAD. eeting is to be held it the ol sone iy ae Aine a of organ- Ha‘ Re “gabbath School is recommence on of May. M Rupple is at present on the n and Miss Munro of the aring the Normal School Oratorical Stewart-is at present vii ing members of) her family in Mil Seeding operations are about com- eted=the earliest for many years. BIRTHS. Linwood. on Saturday. - April 9th. 1010, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Schmitt. a Lin on Thursday. tote and Mrs, ©. Wile DEATHS. if fm: ay ee ee ra Wednes- 25 years. 4 mont 4 months. and 13 days. Carroll Green. mining editor of a and sop of Millinery Openings A Grand Success T NEVER before did we sell so many hats on opening days. Attractive cust who visited our eee paid many compliments to our artistic showing of up- to-date goods and styles, One of the leading tables this season is the table with Hats and Prices to suit everyone. Be sure and see it before buying your hat. Ne trouble to show goods. he ot Mrs. K. Sproule MILVERTON, ONT.

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