THE MILVERTON SUN Thursday, April MACKENZIE AND BLAKE a The Milverton Sun} neers, : s meres r EVERY THURSDAY MORNING sien ‘he elder’ Ghumberat rote Butter 94 Every Print must E. 920 Per “C.P.R. Time Table The Sun Printing Office ii oath, "chaastenite yh ae Per Ib Cc ggs Cc “ 5 pie ee eee and helpless invalid and has to be as- weigh 16 ounces: Doz GUELPH AND GODERICH Main Street. - Milverton, Ont. | sisted in making his signature. Going East. (West Monkton Milverton ,. SUBSCRIPTION RATES zie assisted from his bed at two of the Pe ths, 60 cents; three }l9ek one morning to cast his vote in mm, | montis, a6 conte” Incadtaee, “Suiwedbes | support of the Jesuits’ Estrtes ne t. 9 e Ee) comemmene aoc! | Men’s Suits Outer Garments Going West. gir ‘ L seh 04 a.m $8 pim.| cowtnact aovenmisine raves |etslon. his old trlend and financial 3 rn * a Mr, T. ©, Irving. of ‘adstreets, 0 p. Space M ei - ae eo Si ea Not Freakish but Manly Clothing met him at the depot and while driv- West Monkton r. Irving ing up to his house. thought to take a “rise” out of the LINWOOD AND LISTOWEL thought ta. $5 : : : i Sa ; Goin “We didn't send you to Ottawa to Men of good judgement are tired of the little fussy attachments, ‘Tralee sote for doha A> said teyine.- So prominent in clothing for the past eighteen months, : Dorking “Well. Master Irving.” replied Mac- ea ' L ee alc 3 4 Linwood Jet: m:| advertsementa without epcite directions | Nenle. “This was one of the fev ood taste has taken a more sober view of style this spring an ; a Tot. 10. ok ies CeCA ee ers od compulons hen prin ol aki favors plainer lines of tailoring. ot, by aM hy %, » . + + . Dorking -OL a.m, 8.39 Putt)” Changes for contract gavertiemats must| |The reference to those olden days Our new stock of Men’s Clothes is in keeping with the best sea batt ae ie Be oe ee Micke dein tn ten 3 ideas of the time. It embodies grace and beauty of line, rather than 5 Tabl attention. also helpless and hopeless. “He suggestions which border on the conspicuous. : MALCOLM MacBETH. a an it is : G, T. R. Time Table Pubilsher and Proprietor |{an. an eloquent specker. anda man of hen men want Men's Clothing they naturally appear some- Z remarkable intellectual powers. He GoIne sourHt sig bares was elected for many years as a where around our front door, : ‘ Bronner 1.87 4.57] $* olan pe nea er a reg When a man tries on a Engeland Suit, the style” and hang of oa was electe 01 . pf 20 128 445 3 : preferred to sit asa member of that the garments, the comfortable feeling, the assurance of masterly Z 914 117 4:32 EDITORIAL Sete eee pee metre eae craftmanship, and the fine quality and neat patterns cloths,§ logically GOING NORTH - ** | news to many to know that he is in convince a man that he has found the home of men’s high class, .m. am. p.m. 0%* | Toronto. He was not a popular lead- moderately priced clothing, 5 10.50 642) According to a statemerit made by |e" and he made one or two grievous E a, : 9 10.58 6.49 : - errors, but he was personally an hon- Take us at our word. We don’t give two pins whether you buy : 11,06 6.56| Mt. Amelius Jarvis. president of the | st high-minded man whe devoted mae a eee * ; ¥ 11.12 7,01] Sovereign bank, in court at Toronto | his great powers of mind and body to OUR clot! ing or not, provi ing you see it i ore whet make your sel- Pe week, that institution may open |the service Nears etped ea ar ection this season, We Baud that to see is to believe and accept our ts doors again. The Sovereign bank a brand th t ti fo) it, , rea d: and the people of Canada rand the next time you buy a new suit, Business Cards |turing its trict career aid more ton abauit eoiopieds Tue ee tae the ms : y y < the public in the way of bringing the| of the people” is wearing out the bal- Greys are particularly good this season. In greys, our present Dentistry. financial nabobs to their senses than | ance of hig life in weary solitude. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic-|°"¥ other institution of the kind ever stock holds almost every imaginable shade from very light to very DR. R. other inst : entiate of Dental Surgery and Member | ‘id in a lifetime. dark tones ; in neat, natty, modest pattern cloths and styles. “The Eye Opener” occurs at several stages along the price line, Prices range. .. $10, 12.50 and $15 Hats for Men 2 35x, Bee Pe Smee Hats of Every Shape, Hats of Every Color, Hats to become every Man’s face— That’s the “Size Up” of Our Hat Stock. Son may have occasion to be brought) There is always demand for the me ; : c inta court, either as plaintiff or de-| “better goods” and from every view- Fitting hats to Men’s heads—correctly—is not so easy a task as men sometimes suppose, Of course anyone point in bright and aggressive news- : papen production to-day “The Toron- can go into a hat box, pull out the size hat you wear—if it fits—all'’s well. to B ‘on: Herloan. Milver-|come without the fecling that unless|to Star Weekly” will be the best yet ut—to “size you up” go toa certain hat box and get a certain style—one that will become you and fit you manent offices have been |his purse was long he was a loser. and|in Canada. ANOTHER STAR f Py ‘ ‘Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni-| At a meeting of the Ontario Bar Yetsity., Crown and Bridge work aSpec-| Association held at Toronto last week ity. Hours 9a, m, to5 p.m, Olfice| gry, j above the Bank of Hamilton, Milvectae fom Mr, Sustice Garrow dropped a|9 ur Medical. form that should receive the atten- Fs FP. PARKER, M.D. P.L. TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE : sowed because of the expense of ordinary | undey OFFICE + PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILYERTON litigation, frequently out of all pro- Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 2 to 4| portion to the amount involved. Even o'clock p. m., and,7.to8 o'ciock p. m. : the most harmless and peaceable por- this rule in putting “The Toronto Star Weekly” in thé eld. Penritters,|fendant, and he ough to be able to for, A member of the firm will /for the time being was weatile wish: r, Joseph '. Clark will be the ed- correctly, requires the skill of the experienced hat man. This is the hat service you are offered when you purchase % Bs pha every sa ae in the shadow of ruin. The motto on| iT a4 dhe me ete abant Hin. you hat in Engeland’s store. This hat service though—would not be possible unless we had the hats: we have. i the door of the Temple of Justice | tors and ‘associates that will be a J.C, Makins W. J. HANEY | should not be Dante's: “All hope aban-| Warrant for the quality of see) sae MAKINS & HANLEY |‘. ye who enten here.” His sug- tex “whether it be on the ait ot i Si Gestion that procedure might be great That is why you can always find just the hat you want and ought to have at this store. The Right Kind of fot ties, business. amusements Ber ees Bolsters simplified by dispensing with the |suesessesses 0 Failures on wit Stratford, - - - Ontario|writ of summons and commeniong ac. “The Toronto Star Weekly” wi — 'Weterinarys | tions with the statement of claim, al-| tain serial fiction, short stories, Clothes for Sturdy Boys Veterinary. = comics. and a score more features in Freon aes, Veterinary Surgeon, | ation for discovery. No doubt any|a 16-page. excellently and freely. il- eee . Fi Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin. | move in this divectiog will meet with |lustrated in fine half-tone reproduc- Neat in appearance, of serviceable materials, ary College, Toronto, Treatsall diseases | pittor hostility from the legal frater. | tims: and printed on a superior pap- good workmanship in every part. These boy’s of domestloated animals. Calls by tele-| nity whe bell “*-|er—a na mean competitor to the best. clothes are the kind parents like to buy Phone or otherwise promptly attended to, | Mit who believe that laws should be] filustrated Budlish ed Amecionn pace : E 7 50 formed in their interests rather than | lications. and boys like to wear. From 2.25 to fe Societies, in that of the public, " aes HAVE YOU A HORSE MILVERTON LODGE, No. 478,1MEDICAL SCIENCE ~ ADVANCING pean L Cc t 1 fe AM GaRD es FAST. If you. want to keep him im shape. ace urtains eeatwmnemerimrrss |<: | TAs ie in ¥ Be | ach Canctly doctors presoribed stom- | “‘Nerviline”—it is noted for curing — 3] ii ide— alt te Rannoyieip Bron re eret: |aohtrentment for Onterr® ek Moet | cee swellings and stiffness and Our Leader—3% yds. long, 60 in. wide mo sivar ee ee al ISON: |chitis.. They seldom cured and Ca,| sore muscles. For internal use in note the width—and call in and see the quality. w.M.; W. J. ZORGER, Secy. firth has become a national disease, | curing cramps and colic, Nerviline is Never in the history of Lace Curtains 9 e ® Wo-day the advanced physician fig) . In every és , 0. ¥., No, 99, Milverton, meets|Catarr’ by medicated air, He fills | training! stable you'll find Nerviline, have you seen such values, Special every second and last Tuesday of every} the lungs. nose and throat with the | because it keeps horses in trim and month, at 8 o'clock, in their hall over|nntiseptic we D i er’ oO por of Catarrhozone, | reduces the veterinary bill. Farmers zs elaine teathten staynent 100, | tarangtem i® certain. Easy for Ca- | stockmen and all horse owners should Our 39c Leader—2% yards long, 36 in. siting brethren always welcome, Geo. | tarrhozone to cu, contains the {buy Nerviline and prove how inval- i s Roe, 0. R,, 8, H. Pugh, Rec-Secy. essences of pure ping balsams, reaoh-| uable it is. Good for man or beset, brs a regular 50 to Goc value at per pr. 5 od es all the germs and destroys the | 250. for bottle at all dealers. O. F., ‘Silver Star | disease. Every case of Catarrh, Bron- att 1. 0. i a by . re ects iday night at| by: Catarrhozone. I gi:00 sie ; Cc per pair we have an extra spec- 7.30 p.m. in their hall over Public Drug|¢# Sold everywhere. Get it to-day, u tw] Bl od fai ‘ ange, Visiting brethren always wel: r x (1) j tal—Call in and see our range. come, W, H. Sanderson, N,G., W. K, Prices range from.,.............23¢ to $6.50 per pr. Loth, F. Scoy,, W. Burgman, K. Seey.' | MAY WAKE Tiny UNITED starus #3) Means g Notary Public. St. Paul Dispatch ‘his Canadian tariff situation W. D. WEIR, Notary Public, Auc-|™eans the loss of a lot of businew fer tioneer for the Gounty of Perth and peeatnary and manufacturers on thi loo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and | Side of ne. unless our gover lortgages drawn and wits made, | Ment backs down, and will no doubt Village Clerk Office in the Woir block | Stimulate the transfer of manufactur- ‘over the Bank of Hamilton, ing capital ta the other side of i | line where it can’ enjoy the market APRENG without the burden of a desoriminat- ; barr: ay 4 : ied at 9 cs SS APT APR a eR Rae eee aan u ts di ar= EXCHANGH HOTEL, Branner, Ont. itt matters ia Wee ae ee at m Gropp, Proprietor. Best liquors | grow: ng Canadi madian market. But it be a good thing in the long run. may help to wake up the country oti is ie a pro- ton. Fi jon that we can sell to| J ~ efe.. others. Three|¢verybody and buy off nobody. That Targe somplo rooms. Good stabling. |is the stupid notion that President i Best brands brands of liquors and cigars, | McKinley condemned in his last pub- mr ete A ae Chas. Ritter, Proprietor, means pure blood. Try it and you QUEEN'S HOTEL, wiverton, om, |SUCCeSSfully Rescued | v courince mmercial ‘The best accommodation for coi ave: Boils. sores, pimples.. skin diseases. lers and others, I «Mao Bo. Onn he ilicigaara? in eros ie Mr. Harry Gibson, of Kingston, was Lae ugh skin indicate impure. thin | gore and Cigars at the bar warm} forced from an enemy that had . driving ou stables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. ee tes Miia Fae: earn i aaccer sities that produce is lass of diseases as those treated at Hot Springs. Mr, Gi . THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin |up in Kingston Bee of er ouett | for the same 8 Pays, special attention to Commercial| a school teacher. Hr ween eye ade, lendid sample rooms, Best training in Queen’s University. where eines anc, MGuote .eerved at ‘the Dar lho took a churn ie ere Hater $1.00 per day. » Wat, Wrrt, Prop| cine that ‘well tetity fe, fe taine ost any subject, Division Court The enemy that for 25 years relent- : - {col Pursued Mr, Gibson is a men-| THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. Milverton Division Court demmams Gates eee it is the It is Not Greater Income That You Need, so Much as the Habit of Saving Get a bottle at our store; we recom- mend it ‘because we know what is in it—and every NYAL remedy is good. Price $.100. Meets at 11 o'clock a.m. on Feb, 10 |, Mr. Gibson ‘says;—“For ug. a years 1 Was never free from Catarrh of th oe 7 ee et June 9. A) Boe Ot BT | iced and theeet. te Bothered: nie wine "a x THOMAS TROW. Clerk | Keir dae mee peer : er and 6 rand kept @ P..W. GUENTHER, Baitiet | Dually coughing and hawking that 1 a ° found it a Great impediment to the proper perf of my duties at x. fehool. I used every aval : ‘in| ure. tn onl lable means of ol ~ tole ze bottle of medicine preseribed by Som WANTED doctors but never got more” than WESTERN i : How much of your income — The best way to commence is | have you left oyer, at the end of to opena Savings Account. the year ? Open one to-day—at the near- j Old age is approaching for all est branch of the Bank or Ham- of us—are you making provision ILTON. : i frcl known Specialist in the States. but i Re foe te? : = Spenc = i i tod Tepresentative for Milver- of mot “wth ; it ee Cc AN AD A f at Interest credited — at highest : : ced to look’ elsewhere for re- F ‘4 js Se see nt ae Meee Ss Hef, which I tirst received from Ga: LOW ROUND TRIP RATES | It is not difficult to accumulate current rates — on deposits of ¥ liberally and of . We fer I consider Cat, i steady employment. Our list re for Gavacshe ce a en that st ig a aa money, once you commence. $1.00 and upwards, Specialities embraces a rare |loathsome disease completely gut "et || Apr. 5,19 June 14,26 Ang, 9, 23 t choice list of ready seers $/my system. and today toy 1 || Hoy 3, 12,31 daly 12, 26 t. 6, 20 2 SSS in both Fruit and Ornamental af if I never. knew what the “word |)” Hiesuae taped ee on ILTON a : 3 ~ Ete. jatarrh implied.” y : Head Office, HAM Gaal lan en enigd§ ig gee ace | Bee areca online R. J. RANNEY, - Manager d TO ie <—— man like Mr, Gibson carries convic. cee See Milverton Branch ee : STONE & WELLINGTON geome dors fet with it that Catarch-|| ofioueh First and Second Clase Coaches, | y Pape idee, reek oes <3 “The Fonthill Nursuries ozone does all that is claimed for it. Apply io CEST Agent ont viriee: | otal A: S 85,000,000 . te Nie Aa a cure for Catarrh and Bronchit- |] n “Photons est GPR Agen | Tatel Acsate: oxcinitcey* < over: 88,000, is it postively has no equal A P Toronto. - ~ Ont. 3 mai drugeiats. price $1.00; small size 50 ASK FOR HOMESEEKERS’ PAMPHLET ent 0) 0. Kingston. Ont. W. H. SANDERSON, Agt. Milverton.