Thursday, April 14, 1910 i THE MILVERTON SUN : 5 ooy DOrKING, > WELLESLEY. lth and Mra, ©, Koehler attended late for last week. e funeral of their niece Mrs, Too The man of “Platteville, on Saturday. : Li i 5 Billy Jendt has commenced his at seri illness. At presen is suf- prenticeship as tinsmith with Mr. H. fering ici Zettel. peratio leemed neces- Seeding is about completed. The y. It is to be hoped Weather has been exceedingly fine Toe that it will prove successful and that “ ‘ais-Sm that purpose. he will soon ree Messrs. Edwin Koehler and Clar- La . Lavery. was call- ence Schaub contemplate going West. side of her sister Mrs. | e@q. It is rumored that Mr. J. Spabr and Alex. Smith, i i family will move to Goderich and es- aralysis which fatal for on thither ag. ece as at on Messrs. Wm, Hamilton and Wm.| Cured by Lydia E Lydia EB. Pinks | «i Village bu Clarke. of Millbank. were visitors DRAIN TILE! When buying Drain Tile, the best is a hcapest. Write for prices p MITH Blake de HALLOW LAKE, ON: ham’s Vegetable Compound cee abe time on Monday. ‘ (_almerston. a t x ivour spe s r vays bi a ; Use it to make floors bright and smooth as glass, M1 FLOORGLAZE comes in ganda Srl ME By. Kalotal heer MEEtON, NJ.—I feel that Lydia, | suttere i nized | 4 lass, tine of handy ize, little and eae ae Pinkham’s able Compound hi s | easy to keep clean, (soap and water won't hurt ine One Hinsehberger commenced s 1 | dispositi made many. friends } hi ticeshi Ss cher wil P. at v ui tly he i eee ee sts a [Benda iat won, “2 ueeber SND ate trouble in | er aumise She iaves'armmntn che |g WE have just received a and holds i Messrs. Harvey Schaub, L. Ratz, i loss of a loving wife and kind mothe sht 8 ipment of id Geo, hee n Busi v id Deal as paint or varnish or stain. EArt te Snot tac ne i later appa oer ned Pee 3 Renovate your whole house with M L Floorglaze spective homeas gives epee could not’ sleep. | of this Wace eateaeratner uaa ; mburgite . at small cost—a gallon coats 500 square feet. Sunday Mere with frends. i REO es wag talken suddenly a 7 Mra, Hasenpflug. of Waterloo. whol fl LL whil ting with. fr x : Apply it yourself to-day and it will be dry to- Sesietae Sat pe ant a foes week here, with,” her] f : DE Rae Re eee at : : easier ted Gia TOrrow morning. Get ML Floorglaze now, {icc Imperial Varn’ daughter Mrs. ie haub. refuted. = Di i Teeovered as to be able to be brought ———————_—_ 8 Color Coy, Ltd, Toronto, Ont home on Sunday. ae care whether. home on Friday and is at present on : Mr, and Mra, ose, of a lor dit ad about i ¥ ain way to recovery. Recommended and For Sale by: JOHN ROTHAERMEL & SON|,,™ jit, Bow. items pou; ao |" Last Tuco wine Hire Go. Wray.| ¢ @M4 Would ask you to call Pi al . a Mr. and Mrs. A, Toms, of St. Jac- { vellagathand |was returning to her home from her infand them ieved of all ering.’ — Mrs, {daughter's Mre. Alf. ‘Tenner's he a 3 Gora Jonpy, Box 40, ‘Mariton, NJ. Bamsoidcdeat wore Glee TEE ae before; buying DON’T GO WILD ON HOGS f the death of eee Lochner, of on the roadsid nd becomin| git old, mistake wil will be repeated it| ew = one Bate Taterment| , bia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable C peneiae any elsewhere. ntario farmers-gen | toak place 0 mahi Peiecanns whe i bugey. thu a * ite the’ = ct by rs ipucsen High | well coon here. ful oe rd | tati TS, ¢ S. FOR—==> price of go into breeding mp M. s Henrietta cares spent sa for She ero, a notual cures a dow: ra a sud PRICES RIGHT ’ a Ae as élear]: in_the Twi visiting wit. "| of male diseases wi nd | denly, ol pear: or if i ie te ane , - 4 ‘ sows from a mn ee ee | on file in the Pinkham m —S—e—aeay»w»———wsaoaaooSeo==s a Ld id i ‘by is b ie dene in pees ote PLEA KC ‘OR R ARIIER'S DOG = Mi mW who have se inful. “Sh re- :- at the | been cured y form-of ved a severe Kk < : O In Be Sc uae Sear heme ei te tem ethane (ee ae a W, 2M ; ting: thers cnt Hae certain. to be a/to ae ‘elegram as follow: ee ration, Tae 3 idtumors, |to atténd-to her gen id duties. wal a licpains, backache, hile Mr very ;conaiterabe drop in prices twel- * Allow mé “a IIRtle For a ean Valuable paper to make| indi and nervous prostration. | W Wi mn ad mainder of sent year prives|a plea for the farmer and his dog? As oman owt rl will, in all probability. remain at ajfar ie 0 give Lydi ee Pinkhain’s Veg fairly high lev ith the begin- y pot ing of ne: ye taDenine upon thi THAT FITS increased production now being arran-| will through the streets bo Bed for. a decline may naturally be | public natn ecoong women and Hal 1 s “Pinkham expecte chil eran Her ee. is THAT KEEPS ITS SHAPE t the one who stays| It Js a disgrace that such stray curs pln niware helpful. in hogs all the time, and keeps a are allowed ti Son NO CURE, NO PAY soon Teouperat ate. THAT WEARS 2 pro. nuisance, muel conto Saturday Ni to the supply of Tare a ut. to ti eme Court of Geor alan which would otherwise go toe plaything oc > i 78 eeoren ete ye? “ri el ss hich ectes | clarel Z ¥ a recent deci jon. set a see ; a iss Mary Large spent a fe days r hand, even a very real thing. but t! adherent: toby last week in Listowel. lis TRY wil i Bee jj 1 ; E.KNECH Rete Sure ne enn sf) me Re Potesio of meticio ne | im eal oul it hs a if depende e y | ne 2 18 hi of some atticuity for the Dzsetitioner frend. Miss aoe Gerace ee ie ae Gt tee Triad me, aud case in arose over Mt. tidotte t tahl Jordan for the n (Engel. MILVERTON’S 3 OLD 3 RELIABLE 3 TAILOR. ple sucuiliney Souci ok aece eieale varents Mr. and Mrs, C, Engel Are not caught wearing ready- Jean Keating left on Monday |. made clothing, because you for Braidon. Manitoba sw tien’ | cannot get the wanted cut and style that goes with a suit made to order. If you rdan’s eleven-year-old daughter for tuberculosis of the ki i Prous ‘ d with his friend Mr. TE hs been said | curely iuzzlat Where is the lonely a srt a of faot the ebild head And letewal fora ane oe thea eae Se ‘tion | tvife’s protection? G Te seems that less drastic measures} |The verdict of rane gree in Large is exvested tome | eo hl $f oy, and inte waake wits tylis y ressed let us make R h, ing is si: It is Fue now asm might a he The vend a extended vis it has n. Ri ion is | farm: _ Surely if - oin= | Vancouver aud Southern Catitornin your suit, J. Rothaermel & Son ||‘: so chao, “An oct bs| olin tie owners prone hs | clos with the fea of ome ofthe | famous? gi Goutherh Gallo | Suits t0 order : J hi earning ‘to speak with pre-| ¥0 Preoautis ary.| E 3 Who. pay. store. ig ee her a ai $12 and up. are Merchants - il 4 aio ORES ti correct. | unicis : ; 5 The Misses Austin, Barnett. and Hardware Milverton, Ont aie ints arin Teak i to somente ete tt eect [atteraby ot the Scstioa Nortel [NW FLEISCHHAUER & ivati high| Everyone knows how siecessary it is] common sense feet 7 it | School are suitenth in training this }VUa . and nob arth a dou abonie Hewes # I] weld at th asBtol het croae he lees Kelterborn's old stand ‘it would fous sumptuously under e conditio PUNCTUALITY OF COMET |imers may os well destroy their dots, 8 -COr hich is the ie ee ©, M. PASSMORE, Guel ph. a Be a BE OT a 3 HAVE A GOOD COMPLEXION oe of all you Daeik plenty of on red kind. Have it pure. or Hee se blotches and pininles will render your natural charms unayail- ie Clarke. Bride Caine ell are in S attentines at TX capa school, P Post 0: Agent Snen Brand, “Clothing ‘ ; 0 Of that aie: LITERATURE . Aa it He tive = ora Morle; By Literature consists of all the books| $4 fe i. scientific slang. Dacndo-esthetie Soe they ore not any— where | eat 759, did h iy. | ing. Nothing oan equal Ferrozone. Mietiations, ‘hideous - importations | moi nd human passion- are| i ra a ae BA his Jeither as a former of rich blood or CURED Am ear | te w ertai ri a t b f the asa skin purifier: By driving out Pm Mat: Bow boot ‘ree upon the |i ion of form. My not-|¢ irst body of. the humors, Ferrozone cleanses inside just fs as water does outside. Because of the At your home without ®lorious eee which the genius of] ion of literary student is of one our race has rear Hrs whom through books explores the 5 ‘ 1835, passing with- | OUtishment and building ae the ses} loss of time or operation. strange voyages of man's moral rea- it contains Ferrozone, brin . Ms CAPITAL AND THE LAW ot the tmpulees of thE Ainan heart miles of the ser ea a BY ong £08 high polnb of 4 I have discovered and @ chances and changes that have which shines vim, ambition Seeding Time Capital has payed an unatural part] ov arsiteeee human ideals of virtue and . Freres piri For Bove spirits, perfected the right kind . in its attitude toward law, When i looks. good health. take Perrozone. of assistance that. aids na- Sree. Pp It: ex Bis i all dealer In easily ture to cure Rupture to It you are at all fond of gare oultry AN ILLGOTTEN FoRTUNE The merchant that talks aboot | stay cured, consult me be- th tail pquality or style is | er fOre you waste any more ling to Re his courage | time or money elsewhere.. will convinee | @ E. Knecl guarantee satisfaction, Fill in coupon. oe chance to get Garden Tools of kefélier. his giv the better sort at our prices. 000. according to newspaper ah and now he proposes to or- law. it its. 10) irists, i i ¢ itched the lawmakers and the| te ion, gre ae: you will be glad of the Netting pourts that its officials ean commit|the character-wri oe _ the im- Toronto Satur arda cinke ; mi ts 3.0 Take tor granted we have We do some things for the |] What you want in the line of sake of your good will, ‘he |] Powltry Netting and at prices ent they are not criminals. This is| select: i ied. the : ini : Secle ¢ whole conduct of business here that are easy to pay. a which the bie aa i sta with mie legan ae ee ve ae not bt = ity Soe is mis E. KATZ $ is based on enlarging your good : * ‘ difficult to bee fiviled; aud he-bbat et praney inatraient ter & ayeteis with are all the hie Pe IGH : Name opinion of the store and bring- Width Size of Price cause ther an fu 'Y against it the| atic training et ae imagination and be ba in itself, but YES G 6: mes per yd. public is charged with, making war on| the sympathie of a genial and rs at th : 3 Riddiess os ae eae ing you twice as often . 40 eapital. But gens the war is again-| varied moral acusibility. rubber ‘hy fins: a bad conscience as well SPECIALIST 3 Snag sorts not against capitalist: Ta OEE ase as a bad digestion, tenadp who wonla ae fe waits iii R4 Time Rup 7 Garden tools serve as an in- 60 of Listowel, will be in Milverton @ ‘ troduction here to other stocks. To es friends how Dias sprint A APY oe Ae aous ey y eae $ On what side Rup......... Everybody does not know yet a be ho are loyal to law can accept any-|ing! Winter soon will crease s wint=|y as is th f the world. Drop a’ post card to him at Lis: $ ee Gow hase aRhat Selens + 2 Peet aa ete noth- siete” ie hear a Sovous robin | fn lating. this vast wealth. he| & towel and he will call on you. 1% De Da SIMITH F sell; Come in and look around. lle — : wummer will be scooting. then the iu anal ‘ $ 88 Caledonia St., - Stratford ss ’ fat cae ceil vhedtiae eee wel has ‘robbed Sie : E. KATZ, Li: Listowel a : Doctor $ Condemn Cealtze, jt. there'll be. othe Wwallcto-lo aud’ wresked is Seikine : (DEPT. L> : i ee. days. Time ead rich. OO 8 oy hh 8 ee It ‘is said that the Rockefeller Found Oily Liniments miss some big e1 nt. and hel ation Fund will eventually deal with) ——=——————>—— as —— ‘ 3 ; oO aerme on ae $900.000,000. Well. let it. If it was| ge : ( The Public are Warlied to be i A ‘ = of These St: . he wil «hii E 3 " in’ bai Hardware Merchants - Milverton, Ont. ments Gontaining meng Gir in see are egeene Bub aay tS eating Hae te Mavee tt aive eer Ammonia seems has vani: a ce the 5 in er om eee! Jove and respect of our fell it ei people have ¢ alae to the old- Man ed his beard around him. ” ieee fashioned ddea that a thick, gre: iki le Brave, Wb x oe liniment is the best “stn Doss fresh and . = ; e oron 0 la a ; ; Say not—and they know be, 2. ‘by Treat '3 a frown. Montreal | em og Recently um! p. and they | ene Ve. fi eS i ini = an T is by Unioni: pre f ems BEAUTIFUL SHO WING OF - ; . ag lad proof that ete. like a newspaper is their Rees Nig i pe rnin; ar wi ‘ ritain in naval otion: ‘ hess to pay good money for ae 6 e pe nahin ye qo fi rs delay: and ne ise maN|onsoling % tn from the leading i people buy the ‘Toro: Daily Star’? than 3s aimonia ‘stes tor the ‘moment fb FN oe ae fel ae gre Paty _ don ridi ther oe Piers or Monthly published in the US 1s Wik Hab el = : I aN is ates of tia e Tim ivi a of Ont ; A nase ins : Mason in: Toronto ‘Stare aim mits the. falsity hh i s M by epiha he’ ‘circulation of the “Toronto Daily : i as Se ee t 5 ing oul tar’ creasing more rapidly than that of any oth ey e in. up in s ig pidly of any other: RD SAARI SEAR OED The Indian Runner duck— some-| olassed by that > Aft : mehee doet oa emer in England | stating what has been done is det 2. newspaper iit Canada. $ Best layer of all | the | and projeoted. it says: “Thus. for thi ‘These things mee pe ee happen. ‘hey were sleet route t. in spite of ace: ion in con. There e must The new things in Laces, Nets and Muslins for Curtains are shown here first and in abundance of designs and colorings. . . . ie mi isa fo an “Orgad pellet Ae any sie kin : i Not only the ee 's Page, but the whol per, wrtail th; ge, but the whole paj : pas Pant sa ee Cu in Nets and Cure them with Putnam's Painless tr it x5 is eed to wo! 2 = 4 ’ Curtains put it down on Muslins — 18, 25, witnessed fan tia Wart Retractor, itty Politicians ; : z t reports athletic events more fully than any other our list to do some shop- go that si i aie ST n ee if oes dna Daily. y p- 30,40, 50, 54,60 nae re reatie rit, Beware of substitutes, heir moral influence must be true Tis special Sees, os as the ‘‘Chronicles of the ‘or < 2 ollineyge eon to eaiseine the dis: ees are most entert: Sateienty people ‘ike the eo vetbans Daily Star” wspape! 2 il i <j = +: CENTRAL :: a ; BEE We Deliver Goode Anywhere In Ontario mam fig Dt aa tee B 8 6G I QUESTION FOR HVERY READER better ain any other ni , = otto rach opbbche usine s College ‘and’ suhe' minor Abed nar s Hf You could find a simple veget- R. WHITER CO, ff eke Pee) meron a ft mac $1.50 A Year Seareely an ache o1 jogue tans iegrathe garni ote h and lant se o ‘ Furniture Dealers and Undertakers ee ‘Ceominierclerahorihiand-of IETS ee Et STRAT pain and sick stomach. Dr. H = 0 Ontario Street FORD departments We here the leading, $ This paper and the “‘Toronto Daily Star’ together for eee aining sch tha rou ie one year—$2.20, Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. Gf the profession are proof | $ Ontario. Courses « ried ae . that Nerviline is the liniment for the raduates to positions, Students are a e clean added to above subscription prices. fete olering -K. You should en- § jsed—appetite nit ees ‘slears= Any. good druggist or dealer can =e Get Your Route Bills Printed at The Sun Office supply the large 25e, bottles of Ner-|@ D-A» MCLACHLAN, - Principal $ child is helped te De Hamil viline, = fae Pills. Try a 25¢c.