Milverton Sun, 21 Apr 1910, p. 1

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*y 4H.M. SCHAEFER MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Che cr Shines Hor All” Nerd) WILLIAM K. LOTH issuer oF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 0 MILVERTON, - ONTARIO ae 4 Vol. XVITI—No. 41 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, April 21, 1910 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher i J,G. HAMILTON Agent for D, L. & W, SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRACITE pores COAL AND YNUT p* OGRESSIVE, yet conservative management has produced a safe depository for the Savings of the Farmer, Merchant and Laborer in THE METROPOLITAN Capital Paid up : $1,000,000.00. A Personal Cash Reserve NOW is the foundation of a life of LA’ ST. MARYS LIME COARSE SALT in Sacks Sheds at C.P.R. STATION from date of deposit. Milverton Branch : will start a Savings Bank Account. No delay in withdrawal. BANK Reserve ane sousiidee $1, 307; 809. 20. Interest allowed : LINWOOD, ELMIRA, GUELPH Cc. G WALKER, Manager © gh ne i hate 1 lt lia aad * Where Are You Going to Buy is doing best. f discussion—inyestigation. Regular up to $12,00, t$o534) PEEPS EE TTT TTT TEESE ETE TT TT lower than ever, special Gent's Coat at Ce re grteteetsesetets < io) <= = (oe) Ss = =) Our variety is fascinating, fore so elegant and effective, and prices never so low. We are still clearing some lines at $525 Raincoats For Ladies’ and Gent’s $77.75 Talk this question over carefully. store can reasonably do the best for you. Such talk will bring you here. We court We Are Now Ready For Spring Buyers They are the greatest bargains ever offered in Milverton.—See them, Having received ashipment of beth Ladies’ and Gent’s Raincoats, ia all the latest shades and styles, and at. prices Come and A our Regu $10, it is a-bargain, Also a lot clear regardless of cost. Ce, @e sossak (=) oh i © 17) Determine which Which store Styles were never be- Men’s Shirts Extra Special For Friday and Saturday We will put on sale a lot of Men’s Shirts, regular 60 cents for 3595 These are excellent value and never be- fore have we offere Come early, as they will not last long. All sizes in the lot. such a_ bargain. Ladies’ Spring Coats This week we are putting’ on sale a*lot of Ladies’ Spring clear. at less than ‘cost. get your choice before they get picked over. Come early and Umbrellas We have the best assortment and every one new. : Lace Curtains WE ARE PAYING 20c FOR 7H. M. SCH We did not carry one of them over, so you are sure of sure of getting the latest and newest. PRICES -s AX? TO $3.00 AT ALL PRICES. stock before making your spring purchases. We can save you money. Come and see our S AND 24c FOR BUTTER EFER: = = = + + + = = = => = ca = + + = = = ica oF = Fs = = cae a + = += = += = = = = = arhestestectenteste nterte ste seeenesesettesssciecieiieetessssqassgisisssssaaceeseseessssseeneeeees] 3 e 2357 B 4 e = ; E LOCAL NEWS ¢ = ¢ + F OLOrOE peas eggs 20c. Engeland & Son. per doz, Engeland & Son. a Hotletreund photos are made Salt Opener. Umbrellas. 89c. land & Son. ara d foun Gouge Ap- ply to Miss I. MeDer: Mis Bierce Mites was a visit- or oo uidons oven Sunday. ie Weir spent a few days “i ‘Stratord friends this week, Enge- ees wi Cutie. eset 990, Hollefrennd’s studio are the pleased | one Dn a gnd. Meno Biker paves farted alta eneadine p week Chi anak Rey. Mr. Oaten's subject for Sunday evening a “The iommercial Value of Morals.” Miss Myrtis Hunt. of Detroit. spen 9, fot" lay Jast week with her friend | Miss Ada Coulte Ia it mot about time that the ofti-| cial opening of the new, Carnegie Li- rary was announced? Miss Mary Dobbs, of Gorrie, was a for tion on Victoria Day.’ Better get busy! The best milk is always dipped out of the top of the can. This you eal ae ays obtain at Geo. “Roe’s dairy. n d se Bigalaik & Sen see getting an- other car of No. 1 in bull. Get particulars at the store or by mail, Misses Mabel Wilhelm and Martha Hoffman are at present spending a few weeks visiting frie: rela- tives in Berlin. Miss Bessie Colyer of the Milverton public school staff has been success- inati at to he te BE Monday evening in & The new county r Oranges 10c. per dozen. Son. The rain of Sunday last was able as a starter ero’ fish. the fir: County Councillors in Perth will oe ceive $5 per The auditore of Perth County have had their renumeration raised fro! $60 to $70. Rev, Mr. Paterson, of Toronto. will eupy the pulpii g Pp. her Berar: Mr Ey. $15 per a Appl: ni Apprentice "Wanted — Bright a estataey, April 23rd. Wm. resident in. Rev. F. “Meyer left on Tuesday to at ference ‘at Berlin. service 2 be ‘held. in the church next Sunds Mrs, Gustave Aliverton some age s ago + and Mrs. Sage will reside on te a ter 24c. per Ib, E Engeland & Son are pa: utter and 20c. for eges. . Robb. of At vood, land & Son, ing 24e. for spent plate office is e cost $10,168 neha aeeyntecan 5 is ners for sale Our Orange Benefit—Large Engeland & valu- for the newly sown ops. ne Just received a shipment of fresh Farmers’ Sale Notes Soe ead cattlemen at lowest curren! “Money Orders is3ed payable ‘st catch of the season at Miller’s. r day instead of ¢ retofore. it oo Burns church. Savings Deparinca ae of $1.00 and upward re- at highest ¢ current rates int payable to either or the survivor of een and at the principal banking points in the an excellent method of pia small sums re money, with safety a at small cost. The Farmers Bank of Canada -Head Office: = = TORONTO ; d and interest paid or added gong uae be opened, the money ake advances made to at Bh a any office in Can- as of a chartered bank (Yukon excepted) nited States. They for Millbank Branch; J. R. ERNST, Manager resent visitin ig and Mrs, H. Spencer. aoe is happy the year. ve your photo y ¢6 loek box 135 g ttend the rene pst church con- Miss Lizzie Kra. PUL ae Paley uf ae ine united in marriage — to hn Sage. formerly of this are Winnipeg on Thursday. April Be iges at Newdale. Man. , Bushanan, of Friday Har- Arcs Waarine eae work When he was London Woricl Bokien a Sree last winter. As a result of his iss Aggie Kerr. of Ellice. who | Missionary work Mr. and Mrs. Harry s been apending the last few weeks {Copeland and Mrs, Smith and Mr ground Milverton and Brunner re-|a0d M Morrison and family. at aaoed fate. a Elma, have left for the golden Amer- Anyone in this vicinity who wishes |!¢am V to take in the annual camp to a {In ‘ and’ villages with in June at London shonld see Acting-|the exception. of Milverton individ- Captain Brown, 1t is exp that | tals who place ashes upon the streets 4 fall company will leave Milverton |°t poulevards Gre prosecuted. Lith he village it to be encouraged, of the fact that Mr. on Chief also. carried off the niceanate kus in the heavy horse ederman, of Milverton. who is nthly meeting of the Women’s Institu’ te will be held. 8 the forester’s hall area Apr 30 o'clock. C manager of the Metropolitan bank will give an address on “Banking.” art in a discussion nations in to July jonor and scholarship matricula- tion from June 27 to July 12,and com- 1 ananiiitat from June t et Ages for 1910 ilverton Spring Pair was inadverently ommitted fro 4 g not up to the standard of former years notwithstanding the fact that’ we have so many fine animals in this The show being held on a whey evens ing Jast and the following, officers e inter- etrie; uire ; ‘reasurer. ily be held at prs on Monday next. A canvass is being made in aid seats. . They are very artistically de~ signed showing the flagship. “Victory pigment $5000 for some of these shields to be distributed among the edu ee ES in- stitutions of: Canada. and e awarded yearly to the pupil Going the aa es a ted aaah ae eaeeet at President of the Western Football As- This Baas of the streets matter that a bad road is ott less val John Harvey. A nui of bret! Were present from Monkton uaather | The Leading Millinery Parlors | styles. Ther Turban, the Champignon or Mushroom shape and face ; Bomietiin mes eee at the: side, som metim mes it is at the back. in the garden may b will see for yours ces Move than this and more than about the new things can be leavaod by a Exclusive Designs Created by MISS MacINTOSH the new trimmer ‘ROM the large number of models on exposition in our parlors this spring, itis easy to aettion these facts about the new ‘e are three characteristic shapes for this season—T’ the Tornedp shape, The Parisi sup Brin i is alllowed the great- Somouaies ee turn-up is directly in front, across the sort of real aaee hw grows e found on the new hats. As for plumes, you self how every sort of feather is lavishly eanoge are important factors in the trimming of the new Millinery. e haveroom to tell in paper visit to our showrooms. ‘We are always pleased to show goods, SIC AOE NSEC ara a cats MRS. KATE SPROULE village council would da warning to ‘onthe coast un- 5 par, were srs. Kerr Bros. have had a very n at the spring Pavia ss 0 at ‘i verton, Listow dtand: Tavis: | this noobs: Liss tock with their entire Clydesdale Mil-|""Quite a number from our village ton Chief. Wi els other hers |cooke in the spring fa ‘ 3 Prince of Merrytield. they won first | shan, oe ePrine fain at Atwood on) * 1 ines Announcement and diploma at Wellesle Line | Mine t 3 wood. Milton Chief will be in his | of her sat" SER eee ellenereies J. Spencer wishes to wn barn opposite the Grand Central | Sno 44, announce to the public that hotel stables every Saturday after-|° yfr, noon, *, oper 01 Preuter’ id ‘A ‘good country road is always to ateniina the Dental College earn stand a Furniture and Under~ be desired and is a,sonrce of comfort |°'Mtr. Fleming. trav ings | taking sme Fuller an- and convenie! 0 every traveler.| nam, called his friend Mr. Chal- pyaar 2S) l-be given af- Good roads attract population. as well | mors on Wednesday while in town. e opening, See a po cme NCP an Mer GMMR an {Mr Charles Broughton returned to | dette Poada-Tmprore Fh of property. | nis.home on.Saturday evening after ene ea as ee tie Sunt ins Winter’ tn Weedgtte. ere See e arket, connected by | Michig, ue than an away from the market connected by a | heqq 4 good road. A larger load can be | Som drawn by one horse over a good road |°"y than by two over a bad toads encourage. the preater exchave | "CT of products and one section and anoth Mr. District Deput gins, of La- pan. paid bis first official. visit > to Milverton Lodge. A.F, & A.M. on Mon-| Gotta, day evening. The work of the first |ing qi degree was put on and was very fav. 1 orably commented on by Rt. W. Bro Hodgins who spoke in very appropri- ate terms of the work done by — the officers and made special mention of their the work done by the Secretary Bro. W. J. Zobner. At the elose of | the |“ xtp. ceremonies a banqnet was tendered Bro, Lederman presided as toast mas-| jortoy ter. A number of speeches Were made | ¢5y, e present. ‘Th ramme was! interspersed, with, Br a yual Provineial report of the sericalturnl sovieties. just lequetl. re- fons, laces; malines, ribbons. cords a ng the p: silks will all be used and we spec- year the num! icties entered p home silk y a "s wedding took place in this ialize these lines. pa eget eta seid meget, Tinney when Mr, William wee and ; ; x iss Maggit Swintz on Wednesday. e 7 ae pee flr s ape peered Mesut Show that there } . i) 13th. drove e Mite ell and were ee hapes flat body | quiet! have Miss Ella avatars: repent Sunday is at present | at apes aie in Listo: @ amount | in ee Monday on business. re the ev. an nm is dealing |are the guests of Rev. and Mrs, Lang- tory examination: ie. cement ered are rush- ing tle work on the Meth commodities between | home at Woodstock on Frida: att not far from our town tor of that tow which were highly appreciated by all MONKTON, MISS ADA GREY TEACHER OF PIANO of the Toronto Conservatory ofMusic, % ‘upils prepared for Conserva- 8. C. Harvey. of c feb “10, Elma. was pence, of Embro, Will be in Milverton, Every Wednesday mber of carloads of baled hi i the station thiy | Afternoon at R. J: Ranney’s Residence, autainel from the station this 3 eed Dobbs. of ala is re- Elm: Ralpl * Rol bertson who has igan. cig ant il soon ave them HIGH GRADE MILLINERY hree points are! demonstrated e us ve has been lying of Mr. Peter Lep- a removed to his Mich.. where he h her “a ‘at the sta- family before they left. on buyers are trying to discover and pes trip for Friday Harbor, it pays to investigate. "Banders: of Clinton. has moved If you have not looked over our Beatty have the good things when they are hardest to get. This is one of thi r = ‘or Pas Es aanay on the is one of the peculiar sea. 2 IRE at ae fase Be, he ae $ Ww taken up housekeeping on the Napier hats, the Bon Ton, Re-+ m. We|@ view, Havana, Miss Gibbs, Large Roll Sailor; Quo Vadis Toque in the old gold and sf and many other up-to-date shap Wheat is ee insmany shades ither at any} ® but vei “fruit is featured. Much foliage is is used ‘and flowers c ; He followed histext very| $ im abundance, ‘ nd ee Bile are ve getting in a number of plow: ip-to-date hats 2 Bg Leap ae ine f children < CARD OF THANKS. send you all a hearty invitation to i one nr come and inspect our goods. he would find it mecessary to leave Mr. H Henry eens re moe soe t hurry, The press and to thank the friends and neighbors pulpit go hand in sae mae cia for their many marks of kindness in m vou kraut oir edn Namtatemenes they at |? LDA McDERMOTT magnifying their inter into bigo Gee sa desire to 1k the members The pulpit. the pen. and the grave | the Evangelical church and choi ing tri- | their kindne miuiated craigs ‘incapacitated, - Our stock is ately new. We utting in ae ae while phy-

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