CTOCKS. REALE TAR gaurd RON YN && mbers Toronto Stock Ezchang fe Inves!ments eviaron secur efor as to standing to any bank. “8 surah 90 Bay St., Toronto. our ne NOBALT SILVER “AND PORCUPINE gold for particulars, P. 8. Hairston, 25 Mann- ing Arcade, ‘Toronto, Ont. SCRIP TH agBInAX, WAR S001 Highest price. paid. Fox & ols, free: graduates earn eighteen ‘ionars weekly; write for cate. Torue, Moler Barber Callege, 21 Quees last. Toronto. FOR SALE. 7) OR SALE OR EXCHANGE, BUILDING BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONS In the Spring Most Poople Need a Tonic Medicine. Tf you want new health and new strength in the spring you must build “up your blood with a tonic Following the long in- months nd medicine. dg or winter pore people y tired. ppure ‘and watery. Tt is this state of the blood that causes pimples and un- nace appetite, frequent head- aches anda desire to avoid exer- 10 KEEP ALWAYS YOUNG THEY TOOK HIM our OF ‘HIS BED POPULAR DOCTOR GIVES SOME GOOD ADVICE. Donne: KIDNEY PILLS CURED ee Fr. ‘MoAULIFFE’S AGO. How You May Keep Evergreen and Enjoy Life Up to a Good Old Age. Some people keep young to mid- ale age and long after. til Lachute Man, After Fourteen Years Suffering, finds Health and Strength in an Old Reliable Kid- ney Remedy. ey | Lachute, Que., April 18 tSpeeial) do, their grey hairs become them |—After fourteen years of suffering, so well that rouldn’t like to} which started om fol- snk of them ‘anyhow else Vhere {lowed by dropsiecal yetlings: and do wrinkles and grey pas sone culminated in Lumbago, and con~ rom? “How e avoid-| fined him to his bed, ed?’ Here are Fae euceees to mene, a well-known pepideny e esunanone from many points this place, has entirely recover- n age, or, if the; tion. You can’t cure these troubles y the use S purgatives; you need | , and pone lots and farm lands on easy pay- ments. Will buy western prop none M, Mathews, Room 1 14 7s Youge sireet, ” Pink Pills ype nerve & - MACHINERY te ery dose of this Ry _ HEADQU Seren =|niedicine makes new, rieh blood, i Gus and but ‘machinery ¢ st ey auaye ees nich drives out impurities, sti Ta obs Pcontractors |mulates every organ, and wae a} Send, se catalogs ot | fecling of new he: and ener over = 1400 s. ETRIE, Limited, Toronta. Montreal. Vancouver, |to weak, tired out, ailing men, men and children, If you are MARTE ing out of sorts give this medi YY AED A yew © at's ete. Apply, the Gurney Foundry Co, Limited, Tore he o ms. reat, se | ‘tor my Mat, you. 78 Yo nto RE WITH GO A unaines Ta abe Conary of Mi tate ‘or will’ exchange for houre ma or ymaller tun the Wenern | seized with palpitation of fhe heart | “i Limited, Londom, | ajrd cnr headaches. ied oy TY LOTS If you are going pa A iv will no dikappoinbeyou, a trial, Mr Paul Charbonneau, a ‘young man well known in the town of St. Jerome, is one of the’ host who bear mony to the ae of Dr. Wits Pink Pills. but they ud not eval remedies, me a ot °! to t aa £0, a the use of ei breught me baek ie oe health and strength. since enjoyed | + the best of health an cannot say on muc Hee in praise of this valuable ‘THE BEST ‘wat ron Ques Gas Gives instant “Wien ovo. Ia “cht ohae m ‘Sold yy all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.00 from The Dr. Wil- Medicine Co., Brockville, hk -—-— “WHALING” INDUSTRY of twelve years of age, A. boy w Fish an air of melancholy resigna- i er and hand- ¥ : THE ion, went to his teache Dear Sir. p excuse James for pee being present yesterday. played. truant, but you) cand t whip him for it, as the boy | he played truant with and him fell icked James; an‘ eee ing impudent to me for telling his father. A you-need=not t lick him until next He — a ne ‘will attend regular in future. ‘ ebortss Syria HOW TO MAKE BABY SLEEP The baby that eries half the night t cries ay1n| sO. he chances are the ieanble is due to some upsetting of the stomach or bowels, which would be spedaily = moved if the child were given dove of Bab ce wn es These USEFUL CHARITY. “She is very liberal in her char- itics,’’ said one woman. “Yes,’’ answered the other ; ‘‘lib- eral, but not always practical. por instance, she wanted to send alar clocks to Africa to from the sleeping-sickne lor “The D Pe eoneeanaseraptiot Homme by docto: body for we fr aid Blobbs—‘‘Jones is fie most ‘tn lucky fellow at cards I ever met ehh bs— =“Then R supose he is Ine! ky Blobbs—‘‘1 suppose so. te oy rate, he ope never been mar- consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the phat Liniment in use. adly | jammed (ARD'S LINIMEN'T ‘and it was a well as ever next day. ure very truly. T. G. MeMULLE: ENIGMATIC, ‘Drinking is a disease with you. Dryup. Are you doing aye “Yes, sir; f'm getting treated, Hy. this To, Sure Dye Olotiee You don't have to know what KIND of cloth | Your Goods are made of. SAME Dye for ALL- pe chance of Mistakes. All colors 10 cents ou your Diuggist or Dealer, Sample Card mae “poklet Free. The Johnson-Richardson ya Frist, lately.” 1} W! sleep sound- Be meve cause of and wakefulness, They are a yblete: ing to children and a relief to wor- aed mothers. one font Sickles, Deuglastown, N. “Tf any- thing ails my vitae ones the first a «dose of plets and they are -? Sold by medi- ja box from The jdi¢me Co., rook NO TROUBLE ABOUE THAT. | Pa—“But, young man, do” you jhink yow eat make: my jittle girl jhappy ? D a “Do It Sag, I wish you Seen her when I propos- could 7a ed!’ A ith 1 Depression are wretchedess to all whom they visit. speediest way to as Parmelee’s hich will restore ring who are wise enough to use them. THE UNSEWN WITNESS. ‘The Jecturer was growing vet. ye! Kement jn the course of his or Hi G beMaEDe mate to her ooking his food, attending to the various requirements, conducting se his ge eho ld affairs, and so and aor tet ake the little man in front, “they never perform that ‘last duty!” ne one is that?’ asked the soocee “Wy ‘hy, » explais | “Sew on, and sew \hikited his shirt j fastened with pi in “the little man, n vhich were "| people who look on the bright side | do me good. Then I turned to of things who keep evergreen Jodd’s Kidney Pills, and after DON’T WORK TOO HARD. PANE ORR elt. greatly Heed. 1 took sevéral more boxes Oyerwork ages many people. In-|and found- myself — completely (Sel! in. verse : try to keep up an appearance be-| wife Bybke mel yond your means. The continued | b—My! What an af- ness |strain and worry soon do their \tectio ae a ae work, An inactive, aimless life, on ree Stubb—"Oh, I don’t know. the other hand, rich, heavy; diet, here is only one mail a year up aJi bring wrinkles and grey hairs. | there.’ and) oi his health, and he says ithode heidi on. sure I_owe it en- o “tty you want to keep Sg ys a popular doctor, “don't take | tirely to Dodd's Kidney Pills.”” tines too seriously. A sense of| ‘I was laid up with Pleurisy, bumor is a splendid thing. Making| which affeeted my kidneys,” Mr. McAuliffe continues. reat sent of pain, especially in my as also terribly troubled and fins Baan ficken than atthe reb {ple who take things too much to | back. grow old before their time. | with Arounicnt swellings, on m’t meet trible half y Don’t} ly, a ny attempts to gi The small boy he said that| of my trouble, I found Lee com= b giauibles “wees “fcalivoole- when "t far | pelled to rive up and was confined Bess mg. Take life aati Cultivate | to my bed with Lumbago. I tried a cheerful frame of mind. It is the | many eerie but they failed to dustry’s a fine thing, but a virtue! eured.”’ easily run to seed and become} Dodd’s Kidney Pills always cure fault. No human being was ever lang and-all forms of Kidney Dis- meant to work on and on without] ease. * a rest. Many doctors oe that | en everyone should, w pos-| ae 5 ake a nap in the st { THE WAY O | don’t work too fast. Don’t one Take ‘things quietly and] , Mr. Jorkins was onco invited to TOL mEe ia cotae! % at a eertain house. Immedi- Tittle: trifle Shit Gk he. {ately on being seated at the table, be little daughter of the house said and impatient. gia is s the mean and petty traits of character very often that bring | te the guest abruptly: “Where is yeur vaifed Now Jorkins, who had recently separated from his better half, was o “T'suffered a of et rid |" NOT ORDINARY EGGS, One Cost $10,000—Another Cone tained Wedding Trousseau. A pretty story about an_ Easter eae relates to one in the Museum t Berlin. The story runs that = reat P. e was affianced to a lovely Estee — promised to nd her ift by which shevcould: ak abite: degree measure his love. He sent an iron egg. So angry was she that she threw it upon the when the unlovely |thell opened, disclosing a sil lining. Picking ny ie despised token the Prine covered a secret spring whith 3 on "rio touch- ed revealed a gelden yo ‘This held yet savilier pring, eli re- xenes a erown of rubies. A ae crown was yet ano other analonine eciamond: etna ae from the, romantic eis London scores eee “it comes the costliness, magnificence and y of the Raster egg, 5 dy’s Pictorial, for it iGaued trous ies a South an onaire’s bri The skell was sof chocola and besides tne trouszeau it contained masses venty or thirty years ago eat English lady presented ¢ Pipe with an Easter egg which ie cosy her over £2,000. Its shell was of ivory lined with white satin, the yolk was of gold, and i yolk was a great ruby set with dia- monds. Net so yaluable, yet more ingen- was an easter egg manufac- ious, tured as a gift to an Infanta of Spain. Tts shell was of white mel; within this was engraved a marvellous biré which sang twelve operas. “mechanical rs fr , aaa S REVENUE GROWS. KING Good Management Has ia psctee uehy of Lancaster. i Jett Londo Teg ae ere ies ae most ope! the pe sity ileus. ack d and annoyed at the ques: | lily and surely eating up all \tien, and stammered forth: + ith sound and wholesome in the | gen t know.” ¢ ee And as moral ills react! “Don’t know!” repeated | the child. “Why don’t you know?” physically, premature age comes on mith “all its soa signs. Keep|. Finding that the child persisted | A her interrogations, despite the | cur temper ler ‘contro List of bassion ohten does one in-| Mild reproof of her parents, Jor- calculable harm. It jars the nerves | i toe cided to make a clean the whole constitu-| breast. of the matter, and have it) al people are|over at onc So he said, with r quite prostrate tor days|¢ ee Well, we don’t live to-| We ‘think, as "we ‘can’t agree, “we'd better Jan’t 1 Then, latter a t emp: i ‘Wrinkle Ss are Se miu by fa-} ntortions—mannerisms like agree! shy aon’ | fee pte eyebrows | you fight it ont, the same as father ning ‘when in{and mother do?’ lthought, twisting athe noah up, and) that sort of thing. culti- | | vate the repose: ful fac tt need not] POR east eee CURED HIS BLADDER TROUBLE. f}/be wooden oF expressionless. NOt) oy nerbrt taser of Davie, ars] a bit. of it. ut: tal eth your he owes Gin oes a Sa bt ba: gratitud mouth, not with every muscle of | which he ¢ 2a your face. for years and could | q ? EVERG not pass U mo we ch straining, TO KEEP EVERGREEN. ea a ee A lady writer ox. thus expresses her-} Mr. Bauer se Ri on a so sample of Gin! der ix boxes and began Fegwtaniy: Ar Monte & pletely cured him. try Gin Pills before you buy National Drug & Chemical . pt. W.L.), 'Poromto, for free sample. No scornful sneers, ‘At all dealers, 500. a Lox, 6 for $2.50. or bitter jeers. = Cease to fus: h is the worst— e- | In venting storms a never burst. | Second, all backbiting shun, Which puckers lips and ages one. Re seul Won kak fast, And then they last. a: Even bitter thoughts, indulged | at of u : for young lambs, tock But any He ee Hie pass are good enough for most s. the mouth with eunning skill. Be sweet and merry, always gay, And wrinkles will not come your way. Dep jinard’s Liniment for Sale Everywhere, HOW IT HAPPENS. Mr. Stubb—‘‘Man up in the ex- treme end of Alaska writes to his Ti you want to keep young, don’t p Disease in the Bud.—It is difficult to eradicate a ee ane it oa Pepenne seated, eit is wise to take any Mecca in its initial | sieges and such Be open-hearted. ‘The oldest peo- ple at heart—whatever their years -are those who go about with a Suspicious feeling that every laugh or joke is against every little kindness, however well meant, is pouaten by some secret|/as are sufficient, stop it motive. » people, too, | course. Cold is the Sen often turn ve early in life. complaint of man, and when neg- ee pede to serious semi Dr. a naar Thom eetri re the cere bolder oat tiles Aix wa the utmost confidence that 2 will do wi ee is claimed for isssureé in effects, as eet it will eae demonstrate and can be relied upon to drive a cold out of the system more effectively than ‘any other medicine. Try it and be n that it is what it is be. ¢ et Ww pen you find Nouteelt talking too uch. Minerd's Liniment eee Burns, Ete. The law worl’ mae xm good, but it may prevent oe route a nuisance Se, 2 sold,, Aveld subst ited to the Bone? A wer fu a fete Shak waioee te oe, ny Davia’ tte aud doe CASH AND CREDIT. SEpthery what is meant by bank- a far Pye rupert as sh { ies to be fooled, look out; he is Snare ener ae hon YY De Tene ready to spring a new one yeur money in your hip. pocket, |® and let your creditors take your cont : 1: is only necessary to read the 0 be convinced that Holloway se CbsacOuiee ie gniciey led for the removal of e warts, ete” Ibi as Comal ote eeuneaiabes COULDN'T BE DONE. ter he: caring the evidence in an ie, a& man says y to KS . DODDS” deal of p magistrate, turning to. the husband, remarked: “My good man, I pay cannot do anything in this cas “But she has cut off a = bit of my. ear, sir.” ae ” said the ae bs & wil bind her over to keep the “Yo ou ean’t,’” replied the angry ee “she’s thrown the pie ISSUE NO, 17—10, Ran e did him so mueh good | to | you ti i remedies} in “Perfectly Deusiasihg is the Ge racten cok <Brokio sscanteGons We. thet teva ptes teveea aan ae sumptive Syrup. cia va Ned Before King E fo Mista he Ieersed thst kis | |title under which he is staying’ in| poeEres, was inereased last year by | 5,000, bringing if up to $320,000 Mor the year. result has not heenta tinted reheat o good aca of thaift, but King Edward has the the result, is the Due hy of Lancas- ter is proving one of the most pro- pat able of his estates. The Prince of Wales also finds [himself richer this year than last from the reyenue of his Cornwall duchy, which has been raised from $412,500 to $435,000. ste Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandruif. good man is a quitter {when ihe aaladtle blows. Sunshine after a storm Is the relief uate, pion cough has been driven with do‘brides wear lorig their: satis- “Papa, why veils’? ‘To conceal faction, I presume, my son. Mother Graves’ Worm Extermin- ator has the largest sale of any si- milar preparation sold in Ci always gives satisfaction by re- storing health (0 thé ihitle totes. “Thave been res that I was handome, She hat?’ He—‘‘To-day 1 mean, when were a whandsome?? Red, Wi , Watery Ey. Relieved Seoriae: eye Remely. Murin r Your Lye WH Take. Mur rine... It Sa Your Druggists, | Write P Fee, Murme Lye Henedy Gon Toronts: The average man is nover as big Ses Minard’s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia It's easy to get up in the world. Simply patronize an elevator going Wit e833 bya siving them=-wives to look dae them.’ A Simple afd Cheap Medicine — A icine slice and effective medi- cme is something to be desired. There is no medians so specie. ® a eens of ti dig in « Parmeloe’s Vegetable Pills. They | are simple, ne of the poor man and those wisk to escape doctors’ Be will do well in giving them a tri “Work, ” obse the reflective tramp, “work is oh right, if you n get the sort to ait your indi- vidual instanee; wouldn’t. oheot to ealine out the names of the ports of call on an Atlantic linen Constipation fe mnieneme, within: the camp, Tt will undermine the stror 01 r plexion, sick he: Pk tbe mot sppandicitia: gnici i ne Or gripe. Preserye your health by taking. Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills Tea That is Always Fresh “SALADA” is grown in the finest tea mardebs of the Island of Ceylon, picked every day and reaches -you not later than fifteen weeks after being gather- ed. Its native purity and fine flavour are preserved: in air-tight sealed “SA. LADA” packets, You are guaranteed tea of unvarying good quality. " DALAD A” Ask your grocer for a package to-day. You'll like it. THIS PAINT see about he faa bean tape a la for nearly seventy years vith the sary skill, Itis known ai Re PAINT ‘Ss EAINTS aes santa the I —bu e insue a lovely ainting. De you Be pelos e free A. RAMSAY & SON CO., The Faint Makers, Montreal. yore FORTHE (DEAF AN s AcousTICON Biecaa: unis Ci ue Pes er at al Aco on ie Yonge Street, Toru ete | TNE LIRDMAR TRUSS will ld any roduc pict veg bag Sls gear fr Write tor particulars, Bo LINDMAN, (Rogah Montreal FEATHER DYEING wyling 200 Kid lores cleaned at piace i int paitisi AMERICAN DYEING CO, Hills Bone Spavin Rieh Valley, Alta, May 26th, 1909 #4 2 ee seas your Sead Cure for a and would not be without it. fh) “fave killed Bone Spavio by tteuac.” Mt | OLR CARLSON, © VOU WANT TO KNOW {001_curtons mostly untold) facts about That etl the whole sory. And fF Human Mature’ Read, Dr Foote Soden da for aki as a aad tha “Wonder” book on the ae Neato snbfecta ‘ lor Lo 4, Health, eFlesiee ta tte se Repel Disoase, and Freaue: tie ihe froit of 98 For Spavin, ainabent: Curb, Splint, Sweltings ard dw |more vital facte than your foctor ‘wool all Lameness, igire, ron, for ten dotlare, Tn 3 nections, i Oh ey 140 pages and 4) ilnetrations. Price all's Spavin Cure the LL. HUT Book Ce, 129 £.28St.,New York ure cHires trouble—makes the horse sound and ‘well—and sayes money for the owner Decalise $1 rembves {he cauee! of the ; ne fs Your Hearing Good? "Keep a oie always atmo é OB ROE Sh give you the pout eater fos free cone Ghony beck, fy |ReDehte of good hearing. Bend, for tree your Genter jor aise SOP rs eats i booklet, eile cpepeiie fare and names “a Treatise Ox The of sactaned ba DR. B. J. KENDALL CO, Enosburg Falle, V SSRs ter AMATI iam THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, 534 Spadina Avenu APPENDICITIS LA GRIPPE Oe bats Arrested, and Consumption Cured ieved wiih this dinenve, BE Ce ee neabrer ate ith La Grippe in’ sdigpecha glade ethos allra wae and bore ines ppt pe sca tm permanent cure. thio Pharmacy, Canada. ALLAN LINE| how atl fae wt cud uy Manis ‘he ody open eget 6 Vistorian and te aa eksal ee is woure pre “Virg e fi always pigeon tany with Turbi Beye gery pave on and it e right io Triple crawe-aims mets Long Di Gy PSY criNe” er con far yo rage a, Ste, 831 =] one le. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM TED, TORONTO e luxurious and include Library. ¢ Vibration is reduced to a minimum, PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN fOUR TOWN .BYSORGANIZENG BR ASS ‘BAND BOOST Soe = PS MOTOR CARRIAGES AWARDED DEWAR TROPHY. The Dewar Challenge Trophy is awarded yearly by the ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB for the most meritorious per- formance of the year under the general regulations for certi- fied trials. ¢ New Daimler engias has now been in the, hands of the publ is -neatly 18 sebntha: quite Sioa enough to prove its testimonials. by e: ed a complete set of literature fully explaining this marvel- lous new motor. Send also for our new illustrated booklet, “The Dewar Trophy and BON i was ‘won, a history of the Greatest Engine Test on The Daimler Motor Co., (1904) Limited, COVENTRY, ENGLAND.