Milverton Sun, 5 May 1910, p. 8

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THE MILVERTON SUN Thursday, May 5, 1910~ SHORT STORIES RETOLD. A little girl whose father was ur papa’ — spec he must a a brief pause travelling man.” 2 It was three. otolock-in the morning as usband crept softly wp rs “ae “te you think ‘ath te to be ye ig; the Selghibors might complain. A Methodist blahop’s wife Ssh ede working | women ery tine and . wife voiced opinion of the rest. perhaps. w id “She's all right as\far as she mt what I'd like to ask her is this— what di he do when her old bishop mes on pay night with envel- ope empty and a fighting jag on?’ a California town a mmer orter up to his t housekeeper low. in No, I is satisfied with bis room but he wants the fleas changed.” Highlander fell into a river and after desperate efforts manage: ed to "y x ass verra gude. a I wass_ ferr: er too, whatefer, ce meeting I. once seogicad the race his happened to in the Tear of all. on which MAraie exclaimed co. by "Jabe rs! There he is! See he ari ves pee m all before him! Babess Torevé The newly ele: tat mayor pean out ough the jose dangled ii with “H ves it,” standing out in bold relief above it otchman and his wife were Leith to London by boat a several narrow escapes from founder- “Dm care ing. “O, Bandy.” moaned his wife. na afeared 0 dein? put I dinna nk o° deein’ yet.” « “put when ye do. ye'd Better be dvooned at sea than any- “Ant why. Sandy?” Lo his wife. “Why?” exclaimed ndy.e “Be- cause, os wouldna cost an muckle to bury. The burly farmer strode anxiously into the post-o! ‘Have you got apes letter for Mike Howe?” he asked. The new postmaster looked him up and down. ‘For— who?” he ped. ike Howe.” vapeted at farmer, The postmaster r turned aside. “Tt don’t underst: " he returned stifelyae Pon ” roared the a n Lace pla: 2 { eat "you ou got any fe Gare Rothaermel 60, Maggie Schac- MILVERTON SCHOOL REPORT. ¢ total mumber, & of pupils enroll- ed during the mie onth of eu iy is 144 of whom 20 are beginners in the primary olase. Following is Te- port ;— Division I lass—Mina_ Hartmier. Edythe sth Henry. Laurene Bar: Sr, IY—Test examination, Mae El. ryers 77, mann 62. E -No.ion roll as anbxaee attendance 15 . Sharp, Prineipal. Division If Jr. 1V—Ruby pene BAe Sire rape ing. Winrria Gro Li z rteude Kerr. pte Haggert. —Alvina Grosch. Willot Kel- iepborn, TRuby @ Grosch, Hamilton Hen- ry Alvin Weitzel. Willard Knechtel. Witte Bundscho. Bertha Longmire. Florence Ruth Frunaseho Harold Kerr. Irene Reis. Jean Bundscho, De- nella Pinder Arthur i jae Harry Schaef Linder, No. on roll oe Sige 43. ‘ollver. Teacher, Division IIT Jr. I1f=Grant_ Weitzel. Cora Sch- neider + eet Ruston, Sada Hopf. Charlie + IL Glace Winifred Grosch, Flossie Knechtel. Jack Gresch. Roy “Coulte Doris piston Pearl Miller ton Thompson. Edni nd Schaefer, Blasiche , Thompson: Schmidt. Annie Hoffman. Ls Edwin Annie Seige. Teacher, Division III Birt Reader A fil aegla McLel- cl bor aa Be ae cy "Milte Ida Ste avarts rid Zimmer- a Walter Miller. Schmidt n Gropp. Milton Clayton Ke elterbors. Janet arcalster: Atki “Primer C Class ore Aikens, ae. 1 Fiukbeiner, Ro midt. Clar x ase Forrest Walker, Rais Guten: the Bundscho. hel Taylor. WwW! Re iat John Tacobs, No. on roll 51, average 48. H. Phillips. Teacher. MILVERTON COUNCIL. The village council met in the of- fice of the Clerk on May 2nd. at é ith Reeve othaeriel in nts former meeting were read and confirmed. communication was received from Andrew Carnegie practically refusing application of an & of $500 for Milverton libra ra grant A col vamaieation was yead from hn Roger, county enehidst stat- ing that he and Mr. W. cLean Eas ia! ‘ineer of ys. vitteg e during the fi and asked for an estimate in detail as to the cost of mas work to be ouncil eu that 250 era on the county eate es muel aley. rene ed Zim- additional ‘ights be mon- ths where they are most necessary. a i The request of the School Board for lex. Aikens and George ain and Pacific atter was laid. over. The following accounts were pres- ented and ordered to be ee palivate Light. & Wate tr Co. P3i7 15; $300 tom daisrent expenses was grant—| 4) uenther asked the council to open a |S JUST ARRIVED A special assortment OF? Pirce HIGH-CLASS: SHOES = (THE VERY LATEST) For men, women and children, YOU should see our Tan and Patent Leather Oxfords THEY ARE BEAUTIES and at Popular Prices at T. P. & DICK ROE’S THE SHOEMEN (Eggs Taken as Cash) BRUNNER. Mr. Robert Struthers is at Lita aeting. ae Mh eshte Mrs. T. H. Tan er- Dor! M oe Long and son. of Union- gee Mrs, ie W. N. Peters and son Milverton, spent “Thursday with Ste Robt. Peters. Miss Mary Doe: Newton, is ° spending a couple of weeks with her parents here ss Clara’ Nafziger, of Hampstead. ‘ent Saturday with her sister Mis: Mary aisiges, and Mrs. Jantzi. are visiting at the home Ibrecht. Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas Nafziger and n returned home. afte: week with friends in Mic of 3 wat Le as pass srovbaataily at toe: Toronto Univer: LINWOOD. { Frank Baker 5 spant a few days). in “Toronto last week, ty -Y. ade ae business tip to Guelph on ‘Wednesday. mer shipped: two car- toad ce ak Inst week, = rr visited friends here an Mr. Robert White made a business ttlp to Monkton on Frida Mr. Burgener and Mr, josie duit ed be Wellesley ba ae Bd. Koohler. of Wellesley. Has daar ‘engaged as butchen with Lantz. We are sorry to hear of the demis Mr. John Connley. of Macton, The funeral took place his late dence on Friday to. the RO. ¢ mpathy is extentcd to Oe terecrede oO: Fiat {nd family are” at Y. Fish. spent Saturday ete SORA Sak at his home here. Mr. Herb MeKay is at yee spending bollGnys at fae home, r of the fitness with her cousin b (hich oceur- sympathy is extended to the sorrow- ing relatives. r. Linn left on Saturday for Tor- onto after aueeding a few, months in our neighbor! s Terry on. Friday last Brae forget the concert on the 3th M. Wedding Pella. are ninging around ‘Whose n allenstein. spent ‘Thurs day ‘at her home here. Mr. Mrs. onan: Heinbuch spent gttueday in Tor Mr. . Fis! eo rg a eis trip to ee on pelo: ‘ ae a esent vis- ry Teft for her home in Listowel etter visiting friends here MORNI gueuh COUNCIL. and provisionally adopted. ‘The Court of Revision on ithe assessment for both drains will be held on the 4th t recommendation of’ the engineer in ar ge. Mares be Gon.brodts seeonded by A, Beggs that this council sero to meet again on the firs' ns June at 10 a.m. as a Court o ion on the As f Roll ber ve ed. WADDELD, Clerk, "WELLESLEY. general busine: Ww M, The frequent .r ake it very un- Lega Fi for gardenérs and tillers of hn Spahr and family depart- ior Bie on eared for Linwood e train for Mrs. three weeks with her son Woodstock returned home on Monday I Hyatt. of Sask.. is man Sat urdey in Mitchell. MONKTON. Mrs, Wm. Ellacott spent antntiag in Atwood. Mr, and Mrs, J, I. Struthers spent ‘Be and Mrs. H. W. ~vamilten were in “Miter om Satur rs. John V oalaeatt vas in Mitchell cae we busin ovr. Geo. Bettger was at Milverton on Nonday. 0 on_business, Miss ae pie ts steattont: is visiting rie Messrs. ce & Sicholson sanpnod two carloads ef hogs last we Mrs. ‘s spent aieucday oe Sunday w th friends in Logan. wit of Milverton. guest of his Wall Paper- Ovk SAMPLES of wall paper are the production of the largest manufacturers of the United States and Mrs. Samuel Smith visited her sis- ter Mrs. Wm. Hanna on Saturday nat Canada... SSG ees M rs, Sam Smith and J. Nichol- son left Saturday afternoon for Tor- onto. Mr, David Murray and Master Geo, and bale visited friends in Mitchell on Sunda} Miss Date aaileey eee Saturday i Millbank the exe of her cousin iss ut Coghlin 3 a qaete have started oper- Boies season and are OVER 600 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM ee oruahe full M has. Brena arid children, of C! Minnesota. are at present visiting at co Rot Hebei: eS vis. i ee ae Gill for : a fess ys this Wve Moulding to match all paper, Ghacias ae she nt for We sell Borders same price as wall. Have a look through our samples. Prices ranging POM sey 4c Up to $2.00 per roll . Sweeton. ot a Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Gill for a few hours on Wednesday of last Mr. Samuel Smith. EoubRiRS of El- ma and Mr. Albert Sherbar' were business visitors in Milverton on Sat- st. Tsses Georgina jWertell. of if Mit- -, and "Miss iS w. K. LOTH Marriage Licenses Issued, - Milverton will soo! Mr. ing fate poultey raising of late had Kk Ww. ee his ficst maa 100 ¢ Mn Teongrd Séhade has sold Nis 75- farm to his Valentine Bebb the purchase price being $6,- 500. Tt is hoped hal Me ae Mrs, =) _[BARGAI sugecesful in securing 83 chicks out of Having received an extra consignment of ieinéng? oe and Mrs. A. Terry and telenis im’ the village. up a_ splendi Springs, Mattresses. Dressers, Stands, Etc. A bowling club has been nreeiece wi fol eee officers: John a Neneh, Seoy.. Rev. ; Treas., B. 8. Wilson ; Com: This week, we-are now cffering them: at Bettger. has been leased from Mr, John McNaught for five years and the contract has. been let for put- ting it into shape, It is expected that . “terme |$ Greatly Reduced Pri uly tat e membership fee of the rea educe FICes ub has been placed at $2 per year. Come early and get first choice. os Angeles hotels have refused ae Mumia eae Johnson the ne to champion and important step towarda preser- Fithnatof Ontatic teaser wansenee We fie. Howe!" Gerth, labor $2.00. ity, ing a short time here with friends| PY tbe Hon. Frank Cochrane.) Besid- c vent!” snorted the| “ty 44 te hold. the=Munte! The following is the report of the : 8 prese e forests, the change .Y, Neither have 1. cot a lpat git apetevision on Monday, May | Weekly examinations of the Brunner eRe hee and Geo. Pab-{i2 Policy will affeot the lumber trade orrance ciyviane oily else's cow! Get | 3tstrat I o'ol school. No. ce. for the month of | , Meret: Harry Sen eniainess College [282 Will bring in a substantial in a April. The number’ after’ the il ppeut ‘Saniay ee io ease in timber revenue, All timber “ KINGWOOD. shows at. the pupll took: on Oe Eien Or. Green of the | (es will be increased by fifty cents Furniture Dealers and Undertakers; ee, ie ee Mail and Empire Tate spent Thurs-| Per thousand feet board measure Mrs. J. Zebr left Jast Thursday for » IV—G. Hartman 68. Wm, Eedy} gay here aan it the dues on pine sawlogs up she will spend a si ‘ fir, wad Una. Tops “Hlvetiny of Held. | 20 C8 S50. ber “thousand tet hoard ane Mair ae ee Seageubagen 8c 1. | UTE: wore uests of Mr. and Mrs. Beem increased frome 300 to S00, pet ou! ‘ayloi . Budde D t. pe i Hin of a faker I heard Bila la aeprer era tl coke oe ee ii sures sth urehase the stage |thoUSINA Cub feet, and 25 cents por CARD OF THANKS. : i Jr. Tit-M, Buddenhagen 5 : D jousand feet has been t — ea Bi cs seliitig hatr-erower. | “yt, with a, fain attendee ving | Mochiman 48. N. Gropp. 47, | outfit Sr sa os aie ues on hemlock, Ground rent has] Mrs. Joseph Metfudden and son John DRAIN TILE! is house greatly by putting up a new r. II-B, Hartman 79. L. Kerr 70. ‘the railroad. ee eased from to $5 a mile. | desire to express their gratitude and erie bette Deals as hts, one bottle of this un- itch en, A SP Wofeiser S875. Be ay oS cient Sun ree er tet ai rer the Uthanks to the friends - anes atwaya Bice pest Write for prices Last Week ‘the new flag pole was . i te fri at if vi \- ind gre racion Thylo: ‘nb BA Rei owt change for ten years. The trans-|for their kindness topatl ee sak the chal, MEE he bull . Na (ager 77, W. Taylor 60. ohn’ Ottman and Jacob | {°F bas been increased from one dol- | eenerously aaa to that ze acid W. We SMITH Brisat of yard and the new gar Tiree. =a Nefziger 77. 2, Kerr Ai: Toh awhaaville. made short | at t© five dollara a mile. Owners of | the time of sickness of the husband) ¢ ri SHALLOW LAKE, 8 nection with the school is being is Moehl: . R. Kerr 42, A, Beok-|cotte on Saturday. afternoon. a mber limits must in future pay their | and father and their Subsequent be- cultivated and made tea aly plant-| er 89,-F. “Webi 34. G. Reis 22, wn fire rangers, ing on Friday, * ror et SCHOOL REPORT. inc is do not bal when| Most of the ake mated that were : hair is grown to take | fed in this community during the past MILLBANK. ‘The foll del af “Whe Pn 4 Te- the last dose in the bottle. iaternially, winter have been. maine large port for B.S. for April. Ye Te eG bayer | Uamaeee, Wane last Bott day. M Weir. ir, of Stratford. was | Names are in a8 ate ei ith 7 : iat for! ie buyer] fast week nursery agents were de- j\a misiness eter in ‘the village las’ r. IV—1 anney, Edith Lam- 7 H iyering goods here representing. ths [ye eae é Carter’s Piano & Music House, Stratford uch the pens was the reply.’| firms of Brown Bros,.. Welland, Stone re le Freeborn left on Satur-| Sr. Tecate. Steckly. John “Atkin Wellington, Toronto. and the Pel- day Toc nuics wiare We lew gocented | Jr, III Weta mer . Joseph Ste ic “WE STOCK EVERYTHING KNOWN IN, MUSIG.” i A guant ang kilted Seotsman eat ham Nursery. of Hamilton, @ position a’ .P.R. static p a ly. Bertha Pai Millie Gernhel- o yy made earance in a countr: Mr. W. H. Winkler returned Mon- |dex. Gordon Holm Sati ATE THE village. a png HESSON. — day cbse cauaviling eda wcslaye. in kye TL—-Joseph Dakirs ‘Witte Parkin ISFIED CUSTOMERS AND OUR GROWING BUSINESS INDIO: POPULARITY OF OUR GOOD the locals to charity with selections moe “Delilah Atkin, Pearl Posliff. on. his bagpi A ay haired} yr, and Mrs. Gi Girodat of Formosa. Miss Olive Grieve. of Guelph, apeitt Ur. ote Noah Steck; we 5 man — op the front door of a ae a week with William eee the seeks with her parents is sere White Rose Ram a house and beckoned to the minstrel, father Schroeder. of Drayton, |and Mrs. D. Grieve, jimon isieeu, John ener: ‘Mike “Gie us a wee bit lilt just out here.” sai her Arnold, of Stratford, as-| Rev. J. mi. Mann. of Auburn, occu- | Kuepfe : he an accent which told that |Sisted Father Danizer in the forty| pied the pulpit of Knox church last] Part ee Setman: Zehr, Edward Lam- ae 3 e also was from the Jand of | hours devotion this week. s puma Me Hala: teleitig Mee Mens (Pere qearaiee oi Eva. Posliff. ggis. “My auld mither’s it bli tor Irwin. of ‘k at Aubui r. I—George Currie. ee tal’ Bendeetinn cdpstaore™ Til eraford, cited hs ier aphool ke Mea Oe OrR ddeaday for Park<| Nocie Racnter -Neboles Senmiat, e will offer for the next 30 days, some exceptional ‘atpaing in Pianos, Organs, Phonographs, doctor's wi her tho noo. and says the | hore on ill. Parkinson, Mary Sti Viotine, Guitars, Mandolins, Mouth Organs, Etc. pipes pay eave her § a e.” Up. on Mr. J. G. Galachene had a very suc-| The cheese factory re-opened | BG Average a eee Renate: nn fs tone o jouse marched | gessful sale on Bri ey tor the eoming season. : the braw Hiclander. sing mus- | aio aintie Bebmidt, of Tralee, spent | Newman: is again eheese Saree aad HERE IS A SAMPLE OF OUR BARGAINS ic that might well have been inciden-| sunday at J. G. Ga e has engaged Mr. Smith, of Newark ~ ROsTOCK. the § shé ba haired . ioe Hes te lion Mace se Liar ° sere di Se feld: ff Str: ot A beautiful Pi: cht teed 5 A Bell Pi: t e 8 agey- aire man came i . Mil spent ‘Sunday Mr. Winge: elder. 0! ‘al antiful iano, mahogany case, guarantee rears: el jano, walnu' ood tone slight! dy, Mle ug the “Dead March: | "Crt mon ey a, ugh: | with friends in Stratford. spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. thy S good compas, seis nthe. selon OES By manwractie rie $75.08) Nase ied SO bes ter Jeanie visited friends in Drayton |" ‘The Missionary Rally in the Metho- i Wingeletder, ma e puir apie lady gone?” ques- iawed the pipe: “Na. 1 yelvo saved mither,” “but ye’ye killed the came the repli puir doctor.” * CARMUNNOCK. . Docking and son win! Sm week. ter Mrs. J, Bat! Mrs. jarrise aa ‘is friend sa Geo. Hanley. ud Mtoncriett, it ld. acquain- | Gordon last week on = oe Ci ulatn Gane following is Fa the report of 8. ‘o. 7. Mornington, for the month “of il ig Bars marked w! wx. 150, on Erler’ 116. ‘9x. Maggie Askin 131, —Max, 150, pe Mas Mayberry | m! agmee Askin 55, Eddison ‘Part W—Max. 150. beiscreey Johus- m 104. Vera McNemamin 104. Vio- isertioo bi The ae ith an x miss | We let Bsery is Emma > Erler 90. Ro- |. land dist church Friday e nds rved by Griffith left on Thursday 2 ttsmilton where she has secured a good position. She issed by her many fri NEVER PARE A CORN. It’s a sure way to get blood poison- ing ise Putnam’s Corn Extractor. painless and sure to cure in It’s safe. day. from London eee r se ae greatly 5 ‘Scholtzhauer has See with her is piano is beautifil in tone, in design and will give Ey A Karn Organ, 6 octave with sub bars, prac- you lasting satisfaction. tically as good’ as new, reg. $185, sale price... $65 Mr. M. auaiater; of Stratford. was in the village Jast Saturday even- ening at least to pra Btratford’s tax rate this year will likely be about 27 mills on the dollar. Our whole stock of 30 Pianos and 20 Organs are offered at greatly reduced prices for the next 30 days. It will pay you to come to Stratford to make your selection. We will pay iway fare to all purchas- ers of a Piano, Organ, Phonograph or Sewing Machine from Milverton and vicinity. 5,000 copies of Sheet Music to be sold at less than half price, 2 Copies for 150. Regular price 25, 35 and 40c. Send us 16¢ and we will mail you samples of this music by return mail. This is not old se. worn music, but new and up-to-date. Write to-day. 7 McKENLEY EDITION 10 GENTS PER COPY. - - - - SEND FOR CATALOGUE Violins, Accordions, Concertinas, Mouth Organs, Etc., at about Half Price at Carter’s Piano & Music House, Stratford

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