Milverton Sun, 5 May 1910, p. 1

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H.M.SCHAEFER ISSUER OF =] MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MIVERTON, - ONTARIO = Ce “Ht Shines Bor All” WILLIAM K. LOTH IssUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, MILVERTON, - ONTARIO- oS Mol. XVNI—No. 43 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, May 5, 1910 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher T Butter 26c. Ba ee nd & Son. depository for the Sayings of the ROGRESSIVE, yet conservative management has produced a safe unday Se: Store open o Farmer, Merchant and Laborer in one Capital Paid up : $1,000,000.00. independence LATER. Milverton Branch : Reserve and Padiviged of the top of the can. This y dairy. $1,307,309.25. x6 ‘The best milk is always iafoied os n Wednesday aa ce See, r page’ Ho/quotes some low meat pric- THE METROPOLITAN & vere emer RE coor an a will | Mi you BANK Prats [always obtain at Geo. Roe's dairy. ni. pi $7.22 win start a Savings Bank Account. from date of deposit. No delay in withdrawal. Branches at: LINWOOD, ELMIRA, GUELPH C. G. WALKER, Manager A Personal Cash Reserve NOW. is the foundation of a life of Interest allowed | Wanted a good girl to do_hous: work on a farm. Fine place. Wages | $15 per month. Apply,to lock box 135 Milverton. ce’ are “about eee Jook boxes still unsold at the offic are handy for Hehe during» the e for 6 months 2 Theat re Co. held forth at and Tuesday of moving pictures songs. Standing room was available {on both o LOCAL NEWS, OF OTOH G Engelefd & Sot ou want a styfieh photo call: at ualefreunt gallery i ¥ Apprentice (Wanted: Ap- to Miss I. MoDer P bat is $ yearshould mills on the dollar. Wednesday ang Sat- m, sisters the Misses Trim. Remember the Great “gale. of Spring Suits. Top ats and Rain Coats on 7's, ton Method ist Church have place: strong wie fence around the old cem- eter: Reorults Wanted—For G. Company & By pe On Friday and Saturday we will display the best range of Spring Suits; Top Coats and Raincoats ever shown in Milverton. — And to make Friday and Saturday the largest clothing days we ever had we will give special in- ducements and low prices. — Come in and see them whether you want to buy or not, we want to show you what we have. ahs se Bs sh i Ss ss A i SR === OUR STOCK.OF = Men’s and Boy's Clothing IS COMPLETE SEE IT! Re ee EE Kt On Friday and Saturday we will offer any suit in our store for ,, REGULAR PRICE $20.00 TO $25.00 . 4, beet +. teed. phe Bs AA Sh Ss Sd Si Ss ia SO On Friday and Saturday We will offer youa Suit, regular $7 to $ro, for o.= to Milverton Oni his, jew fi ry store a new wall case to be used for oe a silverware. eut beste d fancy chi . Dr. Milligan ee “old St. And- Trew Pe church. Toronto, has announced his ibbent iba of resigning a pati ae irty-five years. Gebech bh has been appoin- University at the extra Mural Exam- frat a to be held in this district in iF id Spencer, had the apisfottune quence was forced to take a few 8. We are pleased to see Mr. George Berkner is able to be afound again e pov he will soon be as rugged as Forester’s Hall on thareds ay. May 12. at 2.30 p.m. Matters of Hmaportange to the Institute will ene rt should SFindly ys one that has used it. Sold by all eats ers. At ¢ a 23 BS e Metre zi teat Oe nie exe Hent address on “Banking”. The further addresses of this nature to FOTO 2 aot tee 26c, Engéland & Sor rs. John Kelterborn is eee oe days in Toronto. seeond hand Crescent bicycle for Sharp. hn Engeland is at present visiting friends in New Hamburg. iss Gertie eir of Stratford. | The Farmers Bank of Canada Head Office: - TORONTO Savings Department mara AAS of $1.00 and upward events ocdaaat = ehinitnts of liv Bane Regt. For porthes particulars | ; R. Bi iy . A ‘Bestendortt has placed in | g339 f | Sunday. Created by MISS MacINTOSH Ries SER Ee ees utbx = oe is mame the initials L.D.8. est latitud Beiseuimse the tarn-u p is directly in front, across the dente ggnsunie Sudvel one te agate aban Gee oheaS face; sometimes itis at the side, sometimes it is at the back basa. wert by fause they did not at-|berlain's Cough Remedy to children. urbans were never so:pretty as they are this eéason, draped softly Je: matter when fhey it contains no opium or other nar- with a notable absence of stiffness and ungraciousness. This Is a saa most wonderful flower season. Eyery sort of r ibe re: se anes grows 1 Women’s Insti sonics ‘As a wick, eure for in the garden may mn the new hats. ‘or nes, you | tute are urgently pores to attend joughs and colds to ehilages will see for ponte mele how eee sort of feather is repeaae ection ed, a special meeting to ¢ | are susceptible. it ia unsurpassed. Bol Laces are im: nt mena in ee sane s the eee Millinery: 8 e last yaa of the Women’s M We wili offer you a Suit, regular $10 to $12, for 7,0 B19 ga THESE ARE THE BIGGEST REDUCTIONS WE EVER MADE A lot of BOY'S SUITS on Sale for Remember these prices are good for Friday and Saturday only. 2= ees eae ee eee ee eee a eee ese et este tee Ree peeounrel interest. to the proceed- ings he Quarterly Official Board of the stiipectan cirenit met on’ Monday af- appointed Recording Steward. D. J. Nicklin was appointed delegate to to represent finances were found to be in excellent The Missionary Funds show Pott play a return game in Fern- bank on Friday might. weather per- release. The remains were interred inthe Mill- he was a member. on Friday uw afternoon the funeral being an ex- MeF adden a esteem. ever willing a ea a helping hand to when the following y dates ue arran: May [K> Come in and see THE NEW COLLEGE SUITS for Boys—Something New PtGGitdeeeeegeeeeetee Geta see e ee aaaaae eee ee EST aaa TE TEESE TT TEESE TEESE TTT TTT TEESE TET TE PERRET TTT H. M. SCHAEFER efesenteterentefertentesfertentefentnteferterteeentesteentntee tnt ntnt fe otenfefentnffene wishes them luck. * ton opens the season on Monday nex lat Brussels, ‘The team this year is sfe| in good shape and as far as the line-up will be as {ollows;—Goal she |B. Winkbeiner; Backs, Hoffman and he Guenther: Haif Backs, Tanner, (Cap: tain), Rei Beir; Centre. Pres- tH| ton; Left’ Wing. Smith, Spencer: afe | Right ig. Spencer. McGuire. The ee should giye a good account of se emselves on Monday and The Sun -| plain how it got there. Thomas was at highest ourrent rates. Joint accounts ma; cs ba opened, the money payable to either or the survivor of either pa discountes on and advances made to Farmers Sale Notes farmers and cattlemen at lowest tested paya cbip ake ae aigy bios ae Ua Money Orders 435% chartered bank. (Faken Sale and at the principal aetans a in the Unite an See method of remitting small sums of on ria mee aud at small Nien Barbara Beihn. of Listowel. is yaiiibe her sister Mrs. W. D. Wei Miss Baith Dail Trowbridge, ment, a few days 1st week with fends Gite Mr. George Gapanier has placed an- other new PS salesman” in his 's Boyle od Coutts both made stock from, the C.P, “Millbank Branch: J. R. ERNST, Manager ‘Finkbeiner and Geo, § ge Tanner attended a foothalt aoe : ' we a 4 ; 3 ‘ ‘ ing in Abe on Saturday. The sment of the village has completed and stands at ms increase of $18.775 over ear. Neglect having your ehitdren ie pisDhet, ae wilf be sorry in af- ery sy Hollefreund for the set oreme fenders: ¥ he reeieved by the Mil- | The Leading Millinery Parlors | Exclusive Designs visiting at. Mr, Israel Wilhelm" ‘son ‘Tammie Stevens received a severe the new trimmer FP 20% the large number of models on exposition in our patlors this spring, it is éasy to deduce these factssabout*the new styles. There are three characteristic shapes for frig season e Turban, the Champignon or phar yt sb Brim, the lash shape. Yhe dd the Turne in Dentistry and is now entitled — to rned-np Brim is'alllowed the great- by all dealers. The public school staff are at pres- busily engaged in drilling the More than this. ae more tl tell in the paper about the new things can be Neaseii ba a at to our r showrborn ‘We are always pleased to show goods. chili for the Em ay exercis The ¢ ‘ises. her permit- held on the lawn. Ad- is dresses will be delivered by Mr. Jas. Torrance. M.P.P.. and others. All residents of ‘the village are orale MRS. KATE SPROULE ni e barkentine Mary E. Winkle- eorge Guenther was a Sun- rd, ian missionaries Rev. Horatio Hop- | day visitor in Bran * 3 kins and Rev, Hector Laurie McPher- Sir rid Laurier may Ba th | MISS ADA GREY son. and a number of 5. Yukon during the comin mer | Rite ¥ | were eaten by cannibals. hen ho is’ making bts joursey aera es CHER OF PIANO @he word. “hello” is fast becoming | the continent $ oftie Toronto conservatory ofatusle obsolete in telephone usage. Iu all) ‘The Supr etme Court of the: United + Pupils prepared foe,Co ies now, when answering the tel- Ppeseies Kye sh ig pee decree of the z -y exathinations, ephone call. it is the fashion to give esse ousting : he name of the person DuaWesIne at |the Standsat Oil "Goma from doing z Will be in Milverton, Every Wednesday once instead of saying ‘hello’ It is|business in that Stal © Afternoon at R. J. Ranney’s Residence, very evident how much time this sav-|__ Mr. G. B. ‘Reeve. former. viceepres- | to the PY calling, fhe party ans-|ident and genera] manager of the) he company furnishing | Grand ed unk died at Lamirada, Cal.. e: wering and t the service. on Sun Mr, Reeve waa A-terribla holocaust took place at cet contented with the G.7.R, Mrs, Marshall of N Cornwall on Thursday morning of last of New, Hamburg h of rheumatism, ora twinge platy Sunday a her “parents Mr and 3 fed y the ee of Lor e adget was finally pass inst jexactly one yond att fori ited Tot ¢ inmates perished in the flames, There were many narrow and: thrilling es- duetion were not wanting. - wee! 8 ay Ec 8. Chagit erlain’s sped Was Major namely, Kingsmill and Aubin, in thé Tabletay ae Srey district have been opened ze Me veterans Whose elaim, sreprate have bein eee ed neatly folded across the ty the Ontario line oe eT 5 Ast, ae We fol of a hen oO ae sees igestion, sold oor tt re ‘igestion, Sold by all dealers. arrested as a material witness at the annual election of officers of worrth League took place on i associate GRADE MILLINERY Three points are: demonstrated here—style, quality, price. Where can you buy millinery to the best advantage ? That is ay Ry buyers are trying to. di d it pays to investigate. T newspaper is) accused of leaving out certain i The is 3 offering amounted to $45.00 whereas .¢ ears. oqo it was but $19.00, The meetings will be held on Tuesday ev- one in‘ BRiaS: Mr. Valentine Weitzel wha for the past twelve years “has conducted a pita business in crete es ure dis- nally or times foe gets one w hia ah has be 3: If yowhave not st over our mi if inebys:.-We alc ways have novelties and we gen- erally haye the good things when they are hardest to get. < a 53 3 4g : - 2, 3 turns ont a ie oa line. He is at presen ber of the school poet nae hae This is one of the peculiar sea- sons when flowers, braids, chif- fons, laces, malines, ‘ribbons. and silks will all te used’ and we spec- ialize these lines. We haveta select line of untrim- a med shapes and ‘flat ‘body On Sunday ast Mrs. John Gern- hats. We have also the new helder. of Elma. passed over Napoleon hats, the Boa Ton, Re- the silent winlariy and her remains were laid at rest in Greenwood ceme- tery Milverton ee ueiday afternoon when a very T. thi friends sat ighbors- followed se ‘0 the ve. Mrs. Gernhelder born in Germany in 1838 and came ns view, Havana, "Miss -Gibbs, Large Roll Sailor, Quo Vadis Toque jin old gold and black and many other up-to-date shapes. Wheat is shown in'many shades but very little fruit is featured. Waterloo wo years after- ards she removed to the township of ate = She tesided “until ‘Much foliage is used iand flowers time of her death. and where she with | ¥ in abundance. r and who predeceased he: We are ae in a number of phe Daseaey eee to cee * a cheap, up-to-date hats for both i ion was with a amity, ‘of five children, name: idles and children, « Jacob of Morning- Our stock is entirely new. We send you alla hearty invitation to come and inspect our goods. En ierenes BEE, - er. feds gran choreh by the pastor Rev. 4.1 TDA McDERMOTT present from Auburn. Waterloo and Tavist ‘3

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