4 THE MILVERTON SUN Thursday, May 5, 1910 Th Mil erton Sun GAME DAWS THE BLESSED SCHOOLMA‘AMS stores a5 < : e V 2 : A copy of the Ontario Game and| -Any person with hal? an eye can see 7 s 18 PupLisn ED Fisheries Laws has just been receiv-|a big-difference in the manners of ¢ GeneralNews ¢ Do you feel worn out ? Feel as though . i fics id the following | school children—especially the - boys- 3 e ? (Ik tae fe hs Sag oa ee cation information will be of interes! girls were: alw ell-mannered + eats e Slose season for, muakrats is] —since the little schoolma’am ouste be These are symptoms of sluggish ' rom the ist of May to the ist ~ of| th ert her-and packed him off to you could hardly go? ae j blood: that is not’ cir- «a - eS g ; _ The Sun Printing Office ‘December following. nor shall any the wood: senior Moblin of Manitoba, has de- right. eided to go to the country in July. im erat be shot during the month| The instinctive grace and unfailing pee 0 July. Are you pale and anemic? This is sapiel yanshisoa tas properly abr dtriat x =? milverion, Ohta Apa on eorasee ar Lotion: politeness of the French-Canadian Peed te i a averton ei eee nourishing the cella or bs dy. 5 Mg Maat for ehataridoak Hen tice (eodth ese te g mirtale rican oa Reve Mr, MeGilliveay. of Winguen e you pimples or boils? They are the result of the blood failing im the following words:""No ‘person {traits but muchas ewig te. the fect will ceotny MeCtlliveay. of Kingston t0.doi}ts duty of cartying Away waste anieee Raa pins inintia nates shall. on the Lord’s Day, hunt. take,| that they got their early education next Sunday morning ‘i ir you have any of the above complaints do not suffer. Trya bottle of k R xy 5 eats, in Rdvaues, “Subseribers | SUN or other engine for that purpose.’ | Good Sisters One ev. H. P, Westgate handed in In arrears wil be tlable to pay $1.90 peryear, The killing or taking of any game| I remember the time when one his Serene tion last. week as incum- ee s Blood Purifier 8 bent for St. Alban’s church, Atwood. a nature is| couldn't pass a rural school’ at’ noon A , Atwood. sega coninAay aavernsivenncres _.-[Piguincn® St votes of any nature fa} Sodldn't pass a rural sched! at ioon sit a wi huge Henin Bh (We tnow whet itil do, Weave een the rena) auy kind of-game between half. su|Palled or pelted with rocks and ye akes effect in June. e before sunrise. That is past and.gone. and:I + trace s choked to death about mid- take ac foot ot less reat- insectivorous and other Hite it airectly to the coming F of the little 5 s 5 Mrs. Ruf fen’ hour after, eamset and ‘half an hour |ed at by a pack of young savages Silv COWATE || pM, Rees, Weedmark, of smith’s lll ight excepting wks. crows, blackbirds. ; Sc} ma’am. butit is the nearest specie. we know of, for en! awks, ; a Bight cents per line for first insertion and| Pnelish spatrows and the game Sle js ev erywhere,” She has:quietly. Wwe HAVE a very fine . A dollar buys a large bottle. fi wil be ch DE rea Fo eep Oe fi i unobtrusively, but, inexorably and for sortment of Sliver are e charged for all tra: tisem and Cut Glass on hand atpres- ent; all of the most unique and beautiful designs, so that if you re rm S ACh ORE tonae are likely to want anything of : is own prem Ghanges for contract advertinemnts mut|fses the bird known as the robin.| And why mot, 1'@ like te Jonowt this kind pai lon Poet ea ater cor 20° Monday: without being liable to any pemalty} In a class-room or a sehool yard use, oF, may be, for a birthday under the ‘Act, The eggs. nests and | presided over by a lady. vilgarity, or wedding present for friends, attention. young of all birds except hawks, | coarseness. and indecency are“impos- we are sure a visit to our-store d wom. MALCOLM MacBBTH. crows. blackbirds and English spar-|sible. The little girls have a ready would interest you. s 35 Years of age. A family of Hi - ways known as a shif Sh is rdw an P sirls I ee ee tiv i FaBUsBeR and Bro ytlet tt ee a slag protected: the penalty | eympathisen ent teledd-tn the cone: nie ech eildren he? eldest a girl of 18 for, violation being a fine of not less!ma’am. and the boys are mate to be- We do first-class re- A one than: $1.00 nor more n $20. which ) have like gentleman. and are carly Ginwof alr Rade vaaymerohant a this town informs us 4 goes to the soa ae made to respect and to defer'to any- pairing of all kinds, B-oeatee aoe ee ora Paying 7 to 4 ‘The close season for, bass and mask-|thing that weans a petticoat. ‘To PH eherear a 4 ees, for butter EDITORIAL inonge is from 15th of April to the] push a little girl into a ditch. to PH. BASTENDORFF to $500 por Ants dressed hogs $4.50 The PUBLIC DRUG STORE, Milverton Ec at < firivertisements without specific directions! during the fruit season only. for 8 ka'ged ae gah until forbid and charged ac- ps +, . fill the ntsles of sthool inspector and FOtOTO Sth of June. speckled trout from the |Shove her off a swing. to fot her mB ant 6 eae, and — in quarter 3 ith 8 of September to the 30th of May. | copybook. to give her “sass. is not JEWELER and OPTICIAN Chesley gets are ue foie +. #¢ | Plekerel from the 15th of Avril to eee SO oes Oe S@ Byes Tested FREE of Charge [Batter 28 to Bie. pork $18 per eon We have still on hand about forty of the choic- 5th of May. n. a s f Pa ear wt. With the advance that crops have it small or large-mouthed black | that it doesn’t do to. get into . her poe ee 912, ‘The sa est stall-fed cattle that we ever had’ These will be bas the limit of a day’s-catch ‘oh black books. thing a farmer has t. ; i is lowed. ‘and none less ‘then tex {nches|~ Hence the old order changeth, The ; i of moisture that is now im the soft the | [0 me a measuring from the point | Little Schoolma'am is ou her sane areata. aounkS eRe enor wor | Bes pee ompate our prices with other place: 4 advent of warm weather should make | of the nose to the centre of the tail, | he od is in, His ‘heaven. ONTARIO FARMERS vere then sold for $100 are oi Yield equal to that of the test |may be retained but shall immediately | and all is right with the world! a B00 tea ‘years, returned to the water alive and un THE nee Ontariolfarmers who have gone in.|1U¢t8 has more than di Boiling Beef......8c¢ Per Lb eee injured, S = |aVerage during the last 5 , Only four maskinonge-may be tak- i@ experimentally hawe :prev- | { aa Roasts... 10c « One can hardly pick up a daily Sirloin S ak 126 a“ Roast Pork.....15¢ ° en in one day and none under twen-|LORD HUGH CROIL'S” PERORATION ae : , ‘ Bhat 3 at Bt nown sie ago | Catharines. has given “judgment a newspaper these days but he is eon-| ty-four inches ma Tere a Bee fronted with the account of — someeateh of piokerel_ is twel¥ oui pismentase sou eT Al ee As patel ; " idee ook | BO! tet oe ee xather peculiar case. About mee of soca of Lord’ Hugh Geshe ee Part |B 72500 years B er fresh murder somata dim some part ‘weight Greece and Rome nearly 2.50 Samus pas, of Drayton, Wel- | igi RBut lowed “fon Gt deen (Vere mecclatious, wk Words, which | he State of Kansas there |uimeton County. «shoe mer- We also keep on hand Veal, Sausage and Fish, and $ Ete: en ‘Pounds, Duta rea ai it been halting ‘Row cai me uitbrok Were in 1891 80.000 acres grown while fai ire is ‘ausines and seeing all kinds of first-class Canned Goods. 7 * ‘ty may be taken. }enly smoo: No one could dowht | last year arly a million acres x chased the Tm of p eae r ppt k Se : rt Cr i = “beven if carpe te Pounds in weight.| thet the born orator was speaking | alfalia were unider erop, resulta ompton. ‘The thing turned ori ; ¥ , Sr ag SeePerON Teh: minimum length being six iaging: | He was mot trys cee ope | untold finenclat benefit tis eae nnssecesstal and Clemens committed > Ifyou desire our rig to call at your door fe nally inclined. Fa Seopa prea eres cone ie series HE Bt e : elas EY Peer o nea be ah let us know. ¢] Ss w ‘d is tone, his gestur- ere we ie different variet: almed that as Johidd more (rer Pe a ie a ea rg he had desoribed th ; , ae aa thacktuccey in her xeport erat Bi Plain-Deater peroration is pyorth piving fa ah Bevuvian and German but for ‘Ontar. {25 one of the finest farms in the fruit Highest cash prices paid for Hides, too Calf x Hon. W. J. Hanna on the fecble- 4s: {T looked upon our Con-|io:the American varicty. is best suit. pelt ath orcharas ia good condition Skins wanted within the next three weeks, minded in Ontario states that there aia with something more then ed. nd the soil of ae best, a aa Po — re in this province from 500 to 1000 BNE with ‘whieh man of | Altite. alike Hoeny thee CHK Tecnu init Bt eta 3 d tas a ine: a Weable-titich’l wottsps Rat sista wa y | food taste Tooks. unon an ancient aud enriches the fell nather then i impor sae cee said som would i there are possibly born to them now thes S f wet a || trees and grapevines were Draetialy Main Street ; every year about 100 children most of | te and order. which Englishmen | ing down and bringing to e|porthless amd the land not fit R M | LLER i whom will probably be: feeble-minded Feet te ee ara “the Bout zi y Milverton, Ont. Mia Wier Wad HR eo heate knee ot nn Let us, then, go in- =| uses food. It has been grown con-| the Bi aa of Haul has lorie ies £ inuously on a farm i h aud ea AB, is i; Ten so afflicted have no. facilities to r iee of this vee for y|otice is chiefly intended to make the | ami TTTITT TTT NTFTTVETTeT TTT ‘y Secure an education or training of any | th . continuing its rty Years and stil feat more sanitary. id a cf kind while they have as much Yight “stor ae ae ela a Bro e adi | ully |4eW thints gathered from = ime. Jon sandy. heavy. clay los arly | S0Utces to assist in making the town and os need of it than other. child- nate figures will sor ratlety soil properly drained: more beautiful? The council has done he state must care ‘for the ir-|ly institution it, our names ‘he'} 8 ful experiments with it haye | uch along this responsible or pay me penalty. and so we shall condneted d Nk t @ e@ High Shin r a ee ee cess in a more dustless A w ‘ down cal yearnings ee ne 1 the eminence of its glory our both wit! a . clea Ss i On Saturday ae iui 250 prem- i ‘ ams and secure. safe patrons te Spring sowing has giv-|%d_ watercour es and trims lower D R E Ss Ss ses in Ontario formerly under license | live etme.” No one in jen best results. If sown with a nur-|bramched trees. it_ will be doing its went “dry.” On Jan. 3rd seventy- It has softened into inglorious | the House of Commons was unaffeet- ‘ate of one | Share fairly well. But ipdividual cit- ven municipalities te the province aH iged_orehest ‘ough © at a by his, word ae Se sn ey fave ee ivi me : tartied’ Ioeal option ‘cutting ate nag ke” cant eared in gram-| applause from erals as well e march of civio improvement. Not Never overlook the f: h ig off 203 |6 hand organ, and other faook, | Unionists. all desired ean be Mode tn one ae Poe : ne Tact that you are always on Heenses, In a number of other plac-| nuical monatron dbut a little advance each view to other people, and that it depends 8 esaionial cmnusic has se the THE NEW BREAD Act ke bil es Sy a Soa in in agreat measure on your Sloekes There are go “One and All” ge: 4 es iutanie bende it nthe United |{ Provisions Agr aes Bread ‘Act work new an snes Sian Be wonder- how you ar J , : d hardly a doz at are} passed at the recent s of the ta transformatio: be made dar- - esized up, 7 Meqnses. Of the licenses cut off by hnaeiered tolerabl Ontario ore egislature, and which com- z this Sprivg.— tehell Advocate, ; doeal option U1 are in rursl munioi-| 4» She Pe like the noise tito operation on July ists anes fo start cutt AN! IBISAMAN'S WILd: Every man that wears one of our palities. 81 in villages and 61 jn ie poe soho as a ee 7 TRE e MORSE EITE rept sag provided in sub-sec- | § ie in eet = towns. Indeed about three-fourths of |THE BOY scouT ae IS CON- ion 2 ne person. shall make itsal te t ew is off the grass and tBe| In the name of ’God! I. Timothy Suits knows that he is well dressed : i Ontario is now. under local op. r offer ea ane bread except in tedice should fotlow immediately and | Doolan. - Barrsiownderry. in” th és tion and the villages, tov até: icing nee ishing 24 ounces or 48 o re kept at work ‘until late in’ the | county of Clare, farmer, being sick ee Se ea a ally News is pleased to know | es avoirdu afternoon and the erep left in wind-| and weak in my legs. but of somes We have a very fine range of spring suitings. The greys Spy ag al er ead PRE “Small ‘rena way he made for|T0Ws. “This process should be repeat=head und warm Heart=glory to Gods being Particularly predominant, in light, medium and the idea of fitting out |®#e_a ee eight not ex-|¢d the following day and the hay put} make the first and last will and os dark shades. Make your selection OW: and Bee @ smart oY scouts with offensive ceeding 12 0 id upois. in coils and left for several days. It}and new testament. First, I give new suit oe spring wear. bel gehen, ‘ine of 33. will be imposed in the | Should not be eut Joa close to the] st to God. when it plazes him ey Naan Bidens was act of any person who makes for|Sround as the plawt may be injur-|take it. Shure mo thank to me fort fe Pp si aA ainated ate or or sells bread in contravention of {ed thereby. eby, gan't help it then and ate! to be E K Cc E Ee as not facta The “sceompanyin eee provide} is bone aUbar tard ‘ary “hay. five.|derry chapel. where all y kith and : “4 ¢ t ere en tine of $25 against any Deron who Should not be allowed to remain too| kin that have gone rats me, and % : ‘ pits thot belt | maps any” Adilterane out | lang I hove oor cece leaves are | those that live after belonging to me. Milverton’s Old Reliable Tailor his opponent by settee My glone i ee eteriousmatesiie ate be y be used | liable to become dry and break offfare buried. Peace to their ashes and Toronto lawyer at, $100 OMe a sally weapons | in the manufacture of bre and they contain most’ valuable nut-| ma: rest lightly over their waa Rate act makes it impera ative uyon {tients, Seed is produced best from |bones, Bury near my godfather, Fel. ® r) zona | of good clei. rilnge and towns to appoi t inspeet- either sat or second cuttings and hi oO see y. betwixt and betwee: the 4 Th vin} -{tverages five bushels aer im and my father and mother, Bonn ed ll 1 |otowe carat ora Bey" ONO wo re, Stalk inocpraelglogthe “00 abe 6 retaing a itis Better In tig ce er'= re side of the chapel yard. I lave this » Mone; ah Mi b ai e youngsters 4 Tplfalta hay contains about 50 per| hit of ground containing te: ey % Rie oat at abralutely preniettede: —Cal- THE GIRL THAT IS PALE cent smote digestible protein than hay [Fale old Trish aeres—to my eldest son, Teor vii. fen, Ae mty. dol- =: ‘om red clove makes a|Tim. after the death of his mother ii . fifteen or ne ol ~ |. She is in danger. her pystem is run pie Gare ahasiveend ive bi ; 1 5) im. My daugh- rua other would be too, ana}. 17 PREVENTS 5 SOR THROAT ie sf ae she ks pee ahinast, i ae js cancion “horned oF howe ter Mary. aiid her husband. Pat One: Ez nen keto ley fecer artnet Gir eae etree eras - Rothaermel & Son eee imple. way to kill a das and |oause it bear Fertozone neoils it e- dency to bloat if allowed to eat too|me second boy. might have, fot the bad pores |e ‘Netviline rub it in freely. AY; | whieh rapid growth end weeds gee | much espectally when the grass is | pick of all the poultry mut he's gone, Hardware Merchants - Milvert a ay an 9 Aki B, . fine Bybee 2 exh usted. ‘The old-time vigor, Live I bequeath to all mankind the fresh ‘ verton, Ont. ve application of about twelve loads} air of heaven. all the birds of the afr of barn yard manure per acre every |they can shoot. I lave thent the sun. st 2 four years has @ moon and the stats. I lave _ to id deus energized. strengthened ee ui tory. Fertilize os- { Patrick Rafferty a pint of potheen ; aa dade whik teh, AP ne | phate have gi . | I can’t Siniah and may God be mer- BA Pert elie oo OR When a field 2h, alfalfa. is bloArhed ciful 1 to his 6 conversant with the “ova coldit ioe ains. aches, b) * ral ja. Bela. | 208 e us i is are the surface so rig mer wee ao fitted with roots rich in fertile ele. 5 at dor hands it |i tratinggand te ae ere are ‘many traders tentitia | ate Sk ae tothe awyer who in| safe an aT eles with the cattle business wh, it is, fo, be hoped that every farmer f f five does not study for Be Nerv Mae. ‘Large. ‘bottle: strong in the assertion that Mette in tario. who has suitable well at but goes into court relying on his Se.. the plaayars same. price, Be-} will be remarka sree d el aealued ach put ina field of this ware of substi(yt a sPonw ee GUrINg the:| most desirable oron wits we Re weve 4h -—— carry ane cenr ee es - helr pra “es |Remeniber the best Catarrh Medicine OY ae ee Al retin eMC CARD OF THANKS i ¥ FIGHTING CHARLIE # gener cant aaa nhs a ik FE ile this id 7 *eures ‘quickly and perma- y wall oe ent to let a| Lord Charles Beresford. who is Yow Jis verified largely by. the size of the} ,, the family of the late Mrs, pel suently when all ‘others fail. rt at ‘the =, sway with the pro- X member of the: House of Common ipts coming to market and by the Gerhelder, : ees the sr etter we had all |is having a very ‘uncomfortable time, re of Stoc! _from various res kk ai: wel ‘The remedy doesn’t exis seek and nd ‘the worry. Daring the campaign his lordship | parts of the couiitry, it does not Nec, | Who 60 kindly assisted them cure Catarrh as quickly as Catarrho- . ° de much of the German invasion | cssarily follow that there will be a| ond sympathy durin zone. It relieves the most stubborn d Tim e ‘Ob PAUL'S PROPHECY Fur. |*04te. and was extremely reckless in |famine in beef. ‘There id likely to bu] their mother a cases in a short time. and drives the eeagin ‘ his statements regard: dmir- | shortage enough, however, to give the | they sustained bed thre 7 her death. disease so. thoroughly from the sys- "| Podting ia’ finds Bis apecchet cou" eneral market’ a rubntantin’ boost : er eae arr = Poul 5 * es w. a will not make living DEATHS. ruggists bol i i Toronto Weekly Sun pt by Kc d s reme- ll fond of gar- Ryton he Bone “war wa about to fein gi ming exes ad with [say shennet “the sepyiy of cat aay, aay [en aeTaSe casa | |p tf you ao at all fond ot gar tti Begin the late President Kruger des) raw Charles to be placed in a posi-| st osaing © Year. Wwiey | Cetubelder—In Elma, on Sunday, May ; seagate labo aba dening you will be gla e ing , se8) in em ir) b Stroag prospects that ist. Elizabeth Wagner, relict of the and every prog Pools of . flared that the forces called into be-|| tion where people can talk back t the she, od reason. chance to get Garden A Ing’ by Chaumberiatn might win. bat ie] i SAIS EE a ate ter nA alee Corthessti omar ac ater evtage | late John Gernhelder. aged 71 years sorites ft for tho same good rensom, cies ae eee Te ; : peta : a 0 ; ; ss ‘Would be at a cost that would stagger}to own up to the truth.—Hamlltou Rea eerie cunteead- cons orcas: | wouse tre attueut thats tinte favor with lpr Take tor granted we have : : i =e has been fulfilled. he | “'™°* wo Horse’ s Les ‘Swelled nesday. Avril 27th. Joseph McFad- everybody. It eures by the inhalation si esos i ts we what you want in the ine of : UES eet E {iar cost 20.000 British lives: it has! 4 WONDERP fi ° den. aged 75 y ol a yan ain tatecot uit a Poultry Netting and at prices Eitcsed almost unbeatable buvdend at UL COLD CURE pee Tote at he sake of your goo: chawarsveaey to pay ibe British taxpayer: the present tur-| Just think of i ep OAS wee ie Sore aoe Lam whole conduct of business lane - the British i Oallbfehs ie as ote mimutes.— that’s what aires White ~‘aciekiy Gu Cured by.Nervitlig = ige of catarrh is based on enlarging your good : * a annual and bit- | yo, “Cat: hal 2 em. a ing- Getlytousnt TcHioaN I the’ direct Rese fa te ts ce TK goer e had a long experience in SN oosn’t matter how deep-seated opinion of the store and bring effect of it. and it was one of the | the cold—sniff}- pene Aug Sore treating “teas ase may be. Catarrh- ing you twice as often. chief causes of the existing rivalry in |is cured—syr cured—head: he | that I know of no liniment for strains ‘a naval military arnaments—a r\ te that. if not checked. will result either| healing appear at ONC”. Tis the |around the st ill you have .used Garden tools serve as an in- niver: bank. ie, pine essence and powerful |writes Mr. Jos! Tt has cured other cas- troduction here to other stocks. Ta something xe As ioe ic sre" eptios in Cacarthozone that eu-|his home. Grofts Hill. Tye bedy doea tot np aeget fuptey oF Seas thas ‘graben ale it to act so quickly. In disease hance. erent ae y ¥ fot been dat W + fot se. irritable _throat.]| NERVILINE Law, a prominent citi- how many different things Aeagedy which ene evade . ” |bronchitis. coughs and catarrh it’s a S. says; “I sell. Come irrand look around. sat is a truly bitter ieey” ug that|marvel. Safe even for children. 25c.| TRUSTY come upon the ee people for | and 1.00 sizes at all dealers LINIMENT stiff. sore and_ swollen, : be Gestzuetion of lit ables, applied Nerviline and thik ae as VEGETABT, ST Ria oO CEN Let aes in shape to work iy Ae ne eneian on the tortoise || | Caterrhozone "yas the fir oo = ; a Gone Louisville Courier-Journal ter, I tised Nervilin represents the man who does n testi nicare De eee J R othaerme!l & Son co Lost’ we forget. a quict,cunostenta-|" "We have need’ Nerviline on otir aidan Cicer th o8 sie nleas are ee eS cha nsbeartt business as it was done in the days of the tallow candle or at st Le “a ‘Are you cee the'elec-” “a fiton's Pi andrake and }reticent. secretive lion-hunter — cou- Paes bene i: Pant: They “lean the ‘stomach. templates approaching these mhored M cao : . c ve t Ads a . tone the kidneys abe Morever ping unnoticed through the er ss as an all-round eure for aches and Braids et ‘an ae cig gems “oustipation. As a general ton-| the pier. to seek the solace of solitude - eee tem ileanser nothing ‘ie a go | and indulge in vious. vatriotie. med- ieient as Dr. Hi : : i rae ities azaie = acest - blicity-shunning i Gontaln:nieveuiry aud:{tous, self-oftacing, vu “x oe feat y pills are harsh, |shrinkingly moda unknown. + signed) DBICH EH Use Hardware Merchants - Milverton, Ont. rive ; 01 treat - Suaran| at leat oo 8 olson 8 Go. Hinge Get Your Route Bills Printed at The Sun Office