THE MILVERTON SUN "A MAN WITH A FUTURE Thursday, May 5, 1910 RMP. Gome of the Trials of Territorial Po- | monta GAMBLED AWAY HIS WIFE. How a Painter’s Gipsy Love Became s 1 Farm’ saic of tl glands joer F, inkbeiner’s Hardware to get in touch with us. say that our stock is complete, high-grade in material and priced at a saving on every article, It will pay you gualieys per 100 1} in eee per 100 f tion are attracted by Low Prices. inch Iron Piping, ch fron Piping, galvanized, best ehlvanised, best arb $10 JAMES DOUGLAS DISCUSSES HON. of the flaming figures are past the and Stutters But Talks God—Even the Oldest In the House Listen Attentively. m more keenly interested in per pee Mr. Churchill sites usual suggested a game of ci would play with pleasure,” “fhe artist a Russian Princess. | Prince Chertkott used to ee play @ with, the Peautital” oles: bill dresses his ar ” He the | stakes to be Olga.” ate both 1 OUSE.CLEANING TIME—Use| | quaith, yor 100 fot galvanized, best S19] Bl Ba ae wea a 6 one OT Pac bing Sherwin-Williams eaancty Up” 3inch tron Piping, galvanized, best * $16 ie black ea ae ae tea aitlat always lost. Specialties, auallty, Tere ae estes reas ear ae Ghereon had bu ines, licemen In Engian The observant cis alien: in penn ieee fellows, specially picked for duty mm. the ~ i Bone district nd the "Rerritorial his Jot is, no happier than the rest of his ki The writer baa a lively recollection battalion that a ber in previoys {7 vould se ue, a a “Red | the oountry.” ted seeding on April 6 this © very farliest I cam remem- 1 16. = e famous Russian pent andeoter yar will hav ae SA WINSTON GHEROHIEE: hae See ot occasionally a, “stalking in reat es | that wag ‘considered exceptionally models for his pictures, aay the Wide | of an alert ars Ygrim-lookin mon-com. + ‘Ye have fully a third of our : : rid Magazine for April. One day ining uniform end sear let. cap, sown’ shad it not been for th He Is a Nervous Young Man With brace of br’ ‘ nove ras Cantante m. | PAs Ww eat have been half through 2 4 ing: on, Thalia ult 8¥ this time. From reports which Wonderful Fingers That Writhe tt lett ave come to hand, the early seedin m to be general throughout NOTICE! e Court of Revision on Paes As. hip am more heartily interested in Mr.| toy) inj aetamont Rall for waship, 9 x é a on, for the year 1910 wi Churehill than in-mens OG" | who. wae new a small) over th ar arms, in |held at Newton at 10-a.m, on Monda: . cians, writes James Douglas, the | daughter. The 0 who knew the Camp. or quarters, c‘is called |the Sth day of June 1910, All appeals London journalist. There are many ry of his friend’s marriage, aske mn, by regi ion, to provide an | must the hands of the Clerk of clever men in the House of Commons, | 2 if he were not tired of her. adequate police force, to keep him in |the Municipality within the time = with | #zst the painter laughed at the ques- | paths of virtue and ri yusne! specified by the Statutes in that re- E hit th il patent oh but not one of them stings you tion; then he: “No. and finally, |? Tt says much for ee tesrier” ‘hat (Bard: it the nail on the head, when we AEN buying goods of any daca the romantic excitement of pheenie tien it was repeated many times, he | such duty is nearly always sinecure, WM. WADDELL. ous ambiti It is an age of ability, | received it in silence. One winter jut occasionally a “job” falls in ithe Olerk of Mornington. rtkoff came in, SPs, Burns. May 2nd_ 1910, Municipality of Milverton COURT OF REVISION ~ to think that sh mieht ‘exchange the | and tus perspiring civilian 3 Vae Cleaner to Rent by the Da esclite aus, Se i, orous Sc it seemed, ae says after the 30th day of April. The er was energetic and, pen sai rous two-step with a large and in- sment Toll is open at all ti um Y Bee aot pobte | chthat eel Salonsiag to, a [iors afiee bos or teecin: é Wi i 9 Ghertkott compe encamped some three miles WD, WEIR, Olette : ripest fam not wheel round t0| rose and Ol i Dated at Milverton. this 2nd day of invoke the cheers of his legions with| “It is for you to. choose,” he said ing: my police Wadden my Gamo Lagan Gpip cece eae meat i more splendid assurance, Even @ got-up_and went for her cloak. rae ie Mus oslled on. ane to: partie jv eeeeeeees matey ee e did not launch a more piercing | Th i Pe th vt pa Bi apa soyly ere Was & eo me did not launch a more pit hen she spoke meee te. d_coyly. t CANADIAN DEAFNESS OF WHITE CATS. : glance of challenge at th lender of} You tired of me,” she. Gente an partner's eye ne did Business For Sale fet i. e Opposition. Nor Disraeli less | “I go with him, but only on condition | not like, the lo a vicious hor: =P: God | ol fo An Affliction Which Prevents Their burdened with superfluous modesty | that he marries me to-day. And T But, as the representative of military a : Being Good Mouse Catchers. SB ©) OF exaggeral dimdence. His peuoeth | take. the child into my new life as rg a rder I was aie oy ’ ae The undersigned Rede AAtaSaeeae aT Sins eee aie epiom® is, naulve, - id him in his capture, but Great Lakes Fah cer ree eg ste fo tho, git of efontancous Supe Gof vent to a priest and told | 19 take the largo and inebrinted Ter iss pe ahs Sine Sen 4 ys ae torial into my own. charge, and of hearing is proverbial, but it is CURED and ni: jom e ry : lar after a suecesstal term of 86 years N ‘ . iptverty that becas., qnalitying: hot proc nll h Beal patronize bald veterans without amef- do not recognize gipsy mar | mareh REY Haag SS uid. |in this stor h is si in one avigation By a ee cate are abe mi, and accept slversbared homage | rages,” was the deczion.. abo can | | E tookea round or pein, andy ours [oa Coe pee etn aie Eaa Rete: tee eid “thoagh. the idea At your home without ¢ | without a mie. He groups famous | be your wife at once if you wish. Aah ugh, where there had been | Ontario. splendid chance to By. ug! 1 ¢ men 4 so Olga became Aas Chert- | @ dozen khaki-clad Soe a min- | any one with a h | ow Open ¥ pose vcurd at first sight, 1\% loss of time or operation. $| Wer inured eae man as well | Ute before, there was not a sign of one | Som, SCR eer eat 5 8 a a i - Regular sailings as follows am inclined to believe that the color}% ] have discovered and | is always greater than hi ‘as a handsome one, in a few | now tobe fice goes with the store apd will pa: 8 wf} of the gat is associated with its sense fete hi he kind $|¥e a oe ay. Vesa fashion: re caste dave Ded been somel Fine seit Ene crate 4 DERE gc cmaasariad Pere perfected the right kin acolyte, and circles where many are tet - ne to, my kn oe house on a corner lot with lawn. gar- nee i ‘aaa of assistance that aids na- | even contrives with a mee. A few years Tater | the fistic ar eT ‘oar den, orchard and stable will be sold or long haired cats from Se france. ‘from one post to | at the f half an hour I had skull- ox i Abroad, but not one white one in the|% ture to cure Rupture to Se npr Puavant POS verde Boas ea ae ee eiabrarscouse forty -yarde’ (prea a, this: propristacdate i y a cae Capes ae aS le ta hene the | stay. cured, consult me be- $ | survival of the fittest, an: of Vilna, then of the Cau-| & Vo nhgnnnee rea and immar. | interests ae are settled Apply to hates iS, Fiitanives and sseased Shite. cata: that: could hear, « fore you waste any more ¢ Adee aay fae ee ead serene yobine y own piquet happened A, LARGE, POOLE, ONT, ey havi n the ption,|% time or money elsewhere. ¢ say et dhe urged. her husband |-dlong just then, and able to nd that applies as much to the'short | y B4 ful, and that she urged h . consign my priso care. i aces May 3h 2 pat of the fireside as to the arls- As guarantee satisfaction. ¢ many cruel acts, until at leet { night, on returning to camp, Snegisetion or aes cratic long hair of the shows. ill in coupon 4 it n, hated but fala, | after seeing the “houses” closed, 1 egis' ration : Moreover, I have observed that the Be fe ae ins | found the guard-tent in a state of ef . Through Train, to Winnipeg and West white eats dullest of hearing are those | $A ge some old woman, with sqUeH | sigge with another inebrinted Spe: |. Notion ia es BY rom E ite f} wil eyes. cee “ men, ound on his hands 2 St iF tes wwithicov alba eves which -I nid knees, trying 40 fight his way:out;) (be. Vatel 5 W. HL saslaenia Local Agent have had could hear quite well, those |$ Name...,.ccrveeversesrsenees ORAS OP merece tie breilingy and tho guard out- | eats 00 oecttring in the Townshin 7: | Having. et ccante eans were quick to aur in | Under, the brailing, one Micavors with | S{ornington must be registered with- : a Address days and won a bad reputa- | {ontpogs and mallet handles. in 30 In eases where a death a on this account, oe ie, os T demanded to know whether. the | %cUTs both the registration and the pine Ren historian explains, fata tal qua irels| Be; | prisoner ha searshed according doctor's certificate of cause of death a me in the count ey hat | {> regulation, and deprived of his must be presented to the district reg~ . drastic ee were necessary. A : z i istrar. b ‘a burial permit can On what side Rup ‘ Was prol gated ordering aout | halt belt, The corporal said he | j.cied, i ales to wear on all occasions & . Care should be taken to answer ev~ 1 head-dress shaped like an inverted Sry Gheatlan poekecuss S. SMITH |: rpol._ Tt was impossible to ox sards and forms should not be ; a rowned with this fragile gear, Correct ‘and envelopes ; 88 Caledonia St., - Stratford 3! 5: nnd the penalties for removing it w can be procured from postmasters aud ep 3 ate 5 The first offence entailed fifty ioetors. If more convenient burial Es < « cae s on the soles of the feet, an: vermits may be pro ured from W, Ds bos right Ted | +¢: a cond meant decapitation. | This Welr, Bsa. Clerk NS i isp cree had the most presenting the neo es CAMPING IN ARCTIC REGIONS. | °voTy, sibilant» and T am sure he could | the nature of the Aes change paers but uid pao aners Bsr ‘ not say “Shil ”’ His lisp is Dar ‘as if by magic, an warded to the dist Fi regi 5 of his neurotic temperament. It the Land of the Morning WILLIAM WADDEL an bass Peary’s Ingeniously Contrived Tent ott iawn as, the Winston. lisp, ike ee Pilea ren Canvas and Its Various Fittings. | the adstone « Human Blocks a Paling : BR Burns, May 2nd. 1910" m5-8t 4 a hy mac’e Grst night in a canvas | C7 ond the The block and pulley, or “tackle,” | = Mie 4 xore oP 716, spon the | deaf eat from behind without, giving] tent in the Arctic is likely to be rath | jy ante aeenceer s ee pe REE Notice! tablet sof your memory that ours t warning, thi: ute wakeful,”” says a ler Peary, py poe he see ot quite unlike his Mi Se z is the best tailor ae y thetilver, | the extreme sensitivencss of the cat's | in Hampshire's Magazine. |The ict | it nee a a ee Saat Sy most in| Ha} asd bid ta hs tl hee | Pore eo ton to get y,ur clothes leet, recording the slightest tremor of | ma! mysterious noises, the dogs | into fame. (opi ae ag ieee | beginning, of 2 erento a 4a found. mI ing ibe, vie asked: ton high, he went\| wy, 1 Ge oe ‘0 sata he ‘ground ‘ai teitain extent | bark and fight outside the tent wher: ortan: se tal 32 | his wa: We are appointing sales agents now tate gots every alley wil ing the place of hearing. It is they are tethered, and as three Eski- ‘thee nervous 1 passe of the man is| the eye. 1 urn your Me to the A fortnight deh Aiptacoshteal teehee? unrepresented county for the work over-time . ai : 3 2 | visible no’ in his neurotic hair, of your you u is bloc ~ I season of 1910, Over 65 per Jeent eae Weeearpetbey lene wie lee country people | mos and one white man usually, oc- | Tn his neurotic lisp, and in his neuro- tnd pulley, which is ns Pifeet | eF coming strongly upon him, he went | the year's Business. a done during dhe Pi t white cats do n ak ce small tent and the oil stove A i Pp {| again to Wardour street, prey ers in clothes, and every bargain | hunters, good mouse or rat catchers, | is. left burning all night, the air, nol. fig haeninaes Tt page Je Ee eae ee erected on a ship te hoist sail: | pay the dealer his price. DS ptenire soos men ea citeen wenden GIVE wholesale is whispered to us | even if they do hear. m inclined witheta nding the cold, is “ever tv for the r ale a 3 i lds afew davs later Mestings: | @etciee ves services, ron Aye Tong before our rival gets out | to think that there is a foundation | pure ia ie Ge Je OL Zr Vly tor the Spoaruns aE MEE He ee fhe block, easily and [ward went to dine with Lord Hough- seolusive aersitory and supply selling esult—our prices ‘way | for this idea, and I would go further foginvalianting: te the epitits of thelr'| “war thoenerrode bands of oor a | eee ias supplied to all of her mach- meager enolate’ el he. Maat Seer to the vanishing point for | and say that dark colored cats make | ancestors in the middle of th night. | Chai Fe as ot oe de at | inery, automatic or, mechanical lubri- | j n the dining-room. | Sein, OVER 600 ARES. UNDER CULTI- pleased customers, Make a note of | the be sua pees Fe, Caeatiae ‘be pets yee ew man's nerves | oratory that. ta fumbling, Ot of is cating inventions ay ever fail to i ite mee titentions Lord 10N ny ee bey the dita mouth as 1 look down on the dramatie| work unless we are ill, and, then S00) “Very g shana ae er t Where Slavery Exists. are specially made. Sasering ot te Suke te. are von danger of a hotbox is to be consid:) 1 hands i important that you ‘showld. Send! J. M. FLEISCHHAU R Joseph Burtt, of England, who has they. are ot Mightweight canvas and | taclés.. ‘They Ord naclrcainae poe fa Milnes of od sta and’ size, We S| the floor of thet tacles. coil round each other riod—an ane Brade agosle a 7 a Kotterborn’s old aid ated, visited ee sla’ " r + of West AE wii loor of ent is sewed directly | in an int ed passion. They flicker Javanese Musi Tndeéd "al y in good sonitton sp Hua ngestce® | pte Sa nuh ph ot hg | ane ao to paren | oes nat ME il is Agent Grown Brand Clothing| “The world should unite and si to adm and that opening | are ia cat eahanlek Pliniivet ales plage seas i te - Tae oy ee igesclesdeit 4 e encha lence. ne layed upon a 7 r ‘urther partiou- Pre a a ouliieelion and everywhere fae 9 Es eke et pa thes flagreot ee violinist, | whi WP was about three feet Tired of Selling Books. a4 bs ? Pas. 8 and Prin-| tent absolutely mnowproof. An ordin, Pee saute et “numa strings SL Re RE OO a Seotland ‘has given birth to, ¢ i w ing | Westminster. they. caress an ‘@ bundle of tu wonderful artists, but none who leap- a hes ‘lose in mean men-| Jengths, which covered ‘the sm mall boy a 0 fame so quickly as Mr. John ey dipole ad strate | wi bey heh oes acWhirter, the Royal Academician. f Apprenticed early to a bookseller and sdéride. It may) log hewn out with two strings stretch- iaseate at | ed across it served as a drum. A zith- | CG er, he ran awa: mmenc- OXI ORDS |= es a 5 Boe is | aceon ning aod ens | Sion iat bisa sats ot wt th Sat iy from as. the fingers | of two completed their outdoor band, the Reiaral regina °C aes Some.| a con; = vr a lyre, i 1 x other | Lowers at hotne.-and: abroad -were ‘so- Koch. ple of deerskins ile i one o In the Estate of “Hoy och, Duce: a sold for MA eas ae en gi ze “ 52 have nobtused Bee tabs saa i dns bs he et music ee by. Seas of svoeleet ty as by Rui skin. the Tinto: Grncea,” : o 8, 8 cuptured in tribal femls and village inate kitchen Pee ., | oa NNeEs: ‘is the neurotic flesh. Life gene Nat ema pitied kee Fae the Township aia ox theConn- mls btm saprel Oy | furay fest wonder fox | AC elanets hou atot| yghtaas"hac cog lao svn nH: | 5 a a ae " the di aining two dou lesbatnersdtl waves | oglons i Damascus has strong claims to be of the birch tree. Mr. | Onin ae 6 abe cane Theycare with four-inch bottoms of five-galion | light, but behind th : eutral| considered the oldest city in the | MacWhirter is an ardent yachtsman. ast. the vextate are hereby Yeyed to the com, fastene together | Goal ol tins Aited with covers n | light, but bebind the bloodless pateh-| orig Te erakion vege lairedto send in by post Reha 0 ; en : i E 3 Me shackles to prevent them eed thay: Bre taraedsbaiioni side | pasalanen he steady radiance of im-| hat it was before the days of the Relics of the Waratah? otherwise deliver to W- Be api a long marel i energy, like fire bl hundred of mies; nine days va which ‘Up over ench stove and the hinged | der. is luminous sivengutr dines Patriarch. Abraham, an is md of ver-| A quantity of, wreckage hag. lately q is over a . Approximately 50 a: 1 len box is close in the tired face. is more th: are set in the Syrian desert, an as on washed ore in the neigh! entcot the alaves die on the arch On reaching camp, Mhethor: tant | wilreudcintallest: ai tavatobent imag, | Maral. and: sected ssspelasions Monoel Bay? 6. “siguitieant ‘ob- 3 \ re ee own Anat Pee een ose ae SE | tea ee eats an eee Seane bea ord rae wal jet bine Ao Eo een a nobile feat es. is a Col = _ 2 : “ What He Really Said. turned up and keeps the heat of the | gration, of personality, the soul in founded by Uz, the son of Aram and | sent to the builders of the albay : ‘@ from melting the wall of igloo | ti tual. thund “| grandson of She is first men: | liner Waratah with a view f athare “The: Jollet Ab onan , ig) on, &.aptritta thunderstorm, a ‘ g the tent; the hinged front ataabiig: thee! -| foued in Scripture in Genesis xv, 2,|fcation. Tho Waratah Jeft Durban si : : bank iva yoo ake. oe menereeicaas of the box is tured and forms i electric. he Parhiementary in connection with Abraham, whose tor Cape Town on July 28,last, with | want comfort thi bia re two ‘ing pots are uisters, peers and jo! lists, | Steward was a .nal ive of that pla nearly 200 persons on board, and was | cla you P ort this ate iat He aye Scott! What—| filled with pounded ice and put on ei a Bedeadors: lawyers seen the next day in a violent storm. |ecutors shall then have notice, and all — summer, try a-pair of our Raat ie that he aay any fh | ovgs Men tte Joe melts one pok | and oldiers, rigidly watch the bril- Not So Tactless as That. Since then she has not been heard of, | others will be excluded from the sald. Tan or Patent Leather ff| 80. ™mony words, but that is what he used. a ee ae ha dra ee ie ester) 0 aay ree pated thought sh ee 14 ae ed eee eed ee es distention. G K meant, of cow Hikers 1 oil meat y a prank of iro) d my eye fix-| and I thought she would ni eae a ‘och. eae ale Be eS there is any ed upon the gold stud that fastens the you ra eae -D, Weir. Executor’, Oxfords. All prices. SS ireute See here! What did the mach man Yijas a quart cup of tea | back of the thetorician’s collar to his| pose you never gave her the slightest , Dated: at avert. this 20th day of flow shy? sre asked me 10 iu-| M4, hunting nite, which serves | shirt. Tt seam clan's collar to his| Bint that you 1 wanted her to 0. An_ interes i ‘April : “dbtan lie ohéok, and. when I-told him eat arposes, joes not carry a| dramatic scene into unity. The las' She—Indeed I did not. If I had | Johnstone, iy is of age, Thadn’t the ghost of an idea what he ork, and one teaspoon is considered e I saw Gladstone was on that] she’ and now living in a religions institu- ls | MANN ES EE Sg ty oon a ee faleful night, when ‘he, threw down =n sles fon a at Sydney, NSW: He wat COMMERCIAL . had i ‘imsel ig gauntlet for the last ‘time to the leighborly. gape Roi in orthum- — had much experience, getting: checks sticks in his Knife and fishes ov: @ L aera oss a date Ie ing | berlentd, the British warship that took as ig So you don’t like that erowing e, piece of meat in my ory was the bliek | rooster?’ Nanleca te St. Helena. He remained - The theory of field work is that | silk bows on his evenin go ctctateie” haven" niiyitsingeeainae Cane too, he eens Or Remaate Oe ee ere shall be two meals a day, one | this afteruoon T go away brooding over| rooster pereonally. But every time he the. fallen, emperor's attendants, an en ggllarstud ne sihe nape ve he reminds ime that, I don’t like |p°,4 is Napoleon's: writy ~ SEED CS RB? ep e belongs fo.” ; oO R ‘a The Gallery God. 2 Tom| lave 5 c Seto Ea tan, inlenninably long, perform | o Verstegan gives the fol following origin A Candy Bowel Laxative, Ene oe Come now and buy your Seed Corn before the best varieties are sold out. "ate 2 in she oes Mera 0, ets girls: Gi be, iS dane: ae Petharbut’ rocart »| Tumbod, danced; hereof we yet cal 5 Flint Gorn 1.70 bushel, Dent Gorn i. BOT | tor ar nto rive ioe in fhe oie Pet] To's ty ur names oe inl was discovered sitting in a con also of 3 B Ce ll formation on the arkieet, the eitet a Fe ee ene ade tts neither ‘taoye | SANE usiness | 0) ege OIL CAKE MEAL is feeding 2 00 9 ee ae te 1.90 recat in 5 cwi. lots ree nor. ue ie then a aver sad BUCKWHEAT, good chicken feed. a bi voice in the gallery exclaimed; “I fe oe pS PEA foaldiiy ot Seok CARL ie pee nae? hope we are not keeping you up, sir!” on rags craig e ‘ besik le sale AE Any time; eee eT AE Commercial Shorthand or Gall in and inspect my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Took Him at His Word. Telegraphy : CEMENT Always on Hand. |=What caused the coolness be- meter ct rece Staea usciams i : trgen you and ‘Balte=) eta he 550.00 and $100.00 me he was unworthy eieely cea oat Wall: . weet smile, al ir free catalogue. Ne Mish Phat that. » | ally. fool. . ean wapt dam Bebo = Principal believed him, ‘The man w asn’t dea! fabs Hew — d ~